My guest is Jackie McLaughlin. As an independent distributor for Young Living Essential Oils and natural health enthusiast, Jackie’s passion is helping others find more natural ways to create and sustain better health, without the harmful ingredients often found in commonly used products. Jackie has been assisting others in switching to a chemical-free lifestyle since 2002. She is currently taking a 300-hour curriculum to become a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, and has been teaching classes about how to create a more chemical-free environment at home, as well as the workplace. We’ll be talking about the difference between beneficial essential oil and toxic “fragrance” and how to use essential oils around the house.
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Using Essential Oils for Household Cleaning and Personal Care
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Jackie McLaughlin
Date of Broadcast: May 20, 2013
DEBRA: Hi. This is Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world even though there are many toxic chemicals around us and consumer products in the environment. It seems like every place we look, things are toxic.
There are actually many, many, many toxic-free products and things and many, many people who are working on making the world a safer place to live.
I have been doing this radio show now for – I think this is week four. I look back at the archives of people that have been guests on the show. And I look forward at the huge list of people that I have waiting to book.
I just look at this and I think there are so many people doing so much to make the world less toxic. How can we not eventually do it?
There are so many resources available to you on my website. You just go to and look across the top of the page. There are all kinds of links in the different parts my site. Also go to my guest website. Just look around and look at how much is being on the world. It’s really very, very, very encouraging.
Today we’re going to talk about Essential Oils and how they’re different from toxic fragrance and how they can be beneficial to your health.
First I want to tell you about something that happened over the weekend. A lot of what we’re talking about on this show is change. I’m asking you to change things. I know even in my own life it’s difficult to make changes especially if we think we need to hold on to things. I’ve talked about this before and I know I’ll talk about it again.
But I want to tell you something that happened over the weekend. It just encouraged me that it’s okay to make change. And that is my telephone broke.
Now of course, being an author, a consultant and a radio talk show host, having a telephone is essential. One of the things that I need on my phone is a timer, a call timer so that when I’m doing consultations, I don’t have to set a separate clock. It just times it.
A few years ago, the last time I needed a new phone, there was only one phone that I could find that had a timer. It took me a long time to find it. I have to make a choice between having a call timer and caller ID and then speaker from a different work. But I needed my call timer.
This time, the phone broke. I’m like, “Oh, no. No. No. Now I had to go through all this again.” And then I just looked online. In about five minutes, I got a new phone that not only had a caller timer and caller ID and speaker phone and any other feature that I could possibly get.
But it was only $20. I ordered it. I have it delivered overnight and I just love this phone. It is the best phone that I’ve ever had.
So here I went from a crisis of having to make a change, to be willing to make a change and saying, “Well, let’s go out there and see what there is” and finding that I was delighted that I was forced to make a change.
This is where we are with toxics. Well, not me anymore. I know a lot of you listening and people out in the world have things that are harming their health and their ability to think and spiritual awareness and harming the environment or harming their children. In order to handle that, there needs to be a change.
I just want you to have this example of “I made a change and it turned out for the better. You can do that too.”
Our guest today is Jackie McLaughlin. She is an independent distributor for Young Living Essential Oils. As a natural health enthusiast, she has a passion for helping others from more natural ways to create and sustain better health without harmful ingredients often found in commonly used products.
Now I’ve been looking for products for many years that don’t have toxic chemicals in them. Jackie has been very interested in the specific alternative of using essential oils that have beneficial effects.
She’s currently taking a 300 hour curriculum to become a certified clinical aroma therapist. So we’re going to learn all about natural fragrances and how they can help us today.
Thanks for being on the show, Jackie.
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Thanks, Debra. It’s really a pleasure to be here. It’s a very beautiful day here in western North Carolina. I look forward to our little chat today.
DEBRA: Me too. I love western North Carolina. It’s such a beautiful place. Please tell us how you got interested in learning about toxic chemicals and safer alternatives.
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Okay. Like most people, I was just rocking along in the world like everybody else does, not thinking too much about the products that I was using and the effects that they might have on me.
I had a lot of problems with allergies. I found out that I actually had a thyroid condition and autoimmune thyroid condition that I don’t know.
They never know what brings things on, but a lot of the products that have chemicals in them are endocrine disruptors. And thyroid is an endocrine gland. So that’s where my interest got peaked if you will.
At the time when I was living in Texas, I still am in Texas, as a certified massage therapist. So I was working with clients with health and they’re feeling good and making their body pains go away. One of my friends told me, “Now we’re going to use essential oils. In your body work, you really should use Young Living because they really are the best.”
I said okay. So I got some and I had no idea what I had. They stayed on the shelves and I didn’t do much with them.
One day, the universe tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Hey. You need to look at this stuff.” So I started experimenting with it and reading about it and learning about it. I started incorporating the oils into my session and like I said, I believe the changes that were happening for people. So that really got my attention.
DEBRA: What kind of changes? Tell us about this.
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Well, where I had worked with people and helped them with chronic pains, we could get things moving and get relief, but it used to come back.
I learned to do Raindrops Therapy, which is using specific oils predominantly on the spine. And unbelievable things were happening for people there. Their chronic disease was literally going away and they had no more pain. They were totally functional. They were able to get back to their daily lifestyle and do all the things that they love to do.
It’s a very powerful oil application that can just boost the immune system. I would use those oils when the flue was going around. Instead of taking medications, I would use essential oils that are anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal. And I was able to keep my health when everybody around me was sick.
As far as my allergies, I used to have to take allergy shots. I used to take medications for allergies. When I discovered Young Living Lavender Oil, all that stopped.
Lavender oil is actually natural anti-histamine. And as I started to have allergy symptoms, I just start using my lavender either rub it under my nose. If my eyes are itching, I’ll put a little bit in my hand and my put hand over my eyes and just let the fumes go in and it will stop itching.
I can even put it in a capsule and take it because Young Living oils are therapeutic grade, which is a little different – actually quite a lot different than the perfume-grade oils that you typically see in the health food stores or on the market.
DEBRA: What’s the difference between a perfume-grade and a therapeutic grade? It’s processed probably in a different way. I actually don’t know very much about essential oils because from my background, one of the things that I was very allergic to in the past was perfume.
So I was around people. I still am. In the early days, there was a general assumption that if you had reactions to a fragrance, it didn’t matter if it was synthetic or natural. This is before anybody talked about aroma therapy.
I just tried to stay away from everything. I remember the day when I went into a store in San Francisco where you could put your own scent in your shampoo. We’ll talk more about this after the break.
DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I’m here with Jackie McLaughlin.
She is a distributor for Young Living Essential Oils. She has lots and lots of experience in the natural health field as a massage therapist and different things.
We were talking before the break about – let me give you her website which is My website is where you can read her bio on the link that’s right there.
Before the break, we were talking about many years ago before we knew anything about aroma therapy. I was first being sensitive to toxic chemicals.
The whole point was to avoid anything that has fragrance. There wasn’t a distinction between artificial fragrances made out of toxic chemicals and natural essential oils, which could have benefits.
I was about to say that I remember the first day that I walked into a store in San Francisco where they had various products like shampoo and lotion and things like that where you could scent them with any scent that you wanted. They were all essential oils.
I thought, “Hallelujah.” I went from feeling like I could never have a fragrance again and that I just needed to shut down my entire sense of smell to feeling like “Here were some natural fragrances that I could try.”
What I found was that I could use vanilla as a fragrance. I could use mint as a fragrance. And vanilla mint shampoo was my favorite for a long time. Those two scents just smell wonderful together. Then I added lavender and different things.
And then we started hearing about aroma therapy. I thought, “Well, there could be some benefits.”
So tell us the difference between an artificial fragrance and a perfume essential oil that you might buy at the natural food store versus therapeutic essential oil such as you have with Young Living.
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Yes, it is. The artificial fragrance is first of all mostly synthetic. That’s the reason so many people have sensitivities to them. They come from petrochemical products and things like that.
Essential oils that are not the therapeutic grade like Young Living also are all about fragrance and not necessarily about the chemistry that makes them have a therapeutic benefit.
So you may find oil in a health food store that says 100% pure and it smells just like lavender let’s say. So you buy it and you think you have a product that’s safe to use in your body. You look closely at the label and it will have a warning. They’ll say, “For external use only” or something along those lines.
The reason they have those warnings because they do use some chemicals in their distillation process sometimes. Or maybe you have [tyrosine] in it, which is very bad for you. So they have to put those warnings on.
Young Living is completely different. They don’t use any chemicals, whatsoever in the process on the oil. They don’t add anything to it. Each and every plant has a different requirement for distillation.
Most perfume grade oils just distill long enough to get the fragrance they want and they’re done. With Young Living Oils, every plant has a different requirement to get the full symphony of components of it to create this energy that gives it a therapeutic benefit.
DEBRA: Could you say the difference is somewhat akin that the whole food would have all the nutrients as opposed to just a single nutrient that might be manufactured in a factory? And you talked about whole oils that have all the components that you would find in a plant.
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Correct. Most oil companies don’t go to that trouble. They don’t care about getting the full and to cause any of the components. All they want is the smell.
If you get the smell, that’s nice for your proprio or whatever. But it’s not going to give you necessarily a therapeutic benefit. That’s where Young Living is completely different than the rest of the companies on the market.
When you talk about harmful chemicals in the home, Young Living created an oil blend called Thieves, which was named in honor of the 15th century thieves in Europe that were robbing the dead bodies of the plague. Nobody would touch the bodies because it was so contagious.
They captured the thieves and told them to give up their secret. They spared their lives or whatever. So they told them. “We’re spice traders and we’re using the oils from these plants because they’re anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, et cetera.”
Gary Young, the Founder of Young Living took that information that he got when he was traveling in Europe and studying in the ancient archives there. He took it home and created Thieves Oil, which is an essential oil blend.
It was so successful at killing germs and viruses and bugs and so forth that they create an entire line of products from that one oil. Also in addition to having essential oils, we have personal care products.
There’s a Thieves household cleaner that is so toxic-free, you can drink it. There’s Thieves mouthwash. There’s Thieves toothpaste. There are Thieves anesthetic sprays, Thieves anti-bacterial hand sanitizers. That’s a big one.
The hand sanitizers. I think all of them just about on the market have something called triclosan. Triclosan was originally created as a pesticide and it is a very nasty product that can cause a lot of health problems.
So people go around using these hand sanitizers, carrying them in their purse and they’re using them all day long. They’re harming their health.
DEBRA: We should say that it’s very easy for toxic substances to go in through your skin. I think a lot of people grew up thinking that a poison is something that you need to drink.
Actually if you put any kind of toxic chemical on your skin, it’s actually worse than drinking it because it goes straight through your skin into your blood stream and throughout your body in a second.
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: In a second, that’s absolutely right.
DEBRA: If you put it in your stomach, it could slow down by fats and other things that are in your digestive system. But if you put it on your skin, it goes straight into your body.
So it’s even more important to be careful about what you put on your skin and what you’re breathing and even what you’re putting directly in your body through eating it or drinking it. So that’s a really important thing.
We’re going to need to go to break. But after the break, I will hear more about your products.
DEBRA: I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I’m here with Jackie McLaughlin, a Young Living Essential Oils distributor. Her website is We’ll be back in a few minutes.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’re here today talking with Jackie McLaughlin who is an independent distributor for Young Living Essential Oils.
Her website is You can go to my website, You can see her beautiful picture there and her bio and the link to her website.
Before the break, we were talking about some of the products that are made from the aroma therapy, therapeutic grade oils that she sells. Before we get back to hearing about those, I just want to mention something that I wrote in my book, Home Safe Home some years ago. I was cleaning out some books that belonged to my great aunt. I found the book from 1927 called The Mystery and Lure of Perfume.
In my book Home Safe Home, I quoted a section from it where they found in Paris that the women, who were working in the Flower District and also working with essential oils, distilling the oils for perfume and things, have less illness than other people in the general population.
From observing that in the people who were working with flowers, there was then a study which was done at the Pasteur Institute in Paris and other places. The results of these experiments showed that the substances in the essential oils did kill, just as what Jackie has been talking about – the Institute Pasteur way back the beginning of the 20th century showed that these were anti-bacterial substances.
The oils that they found to be most effective for disinfectants were cinnamon, thyme, French geranium, Indian verbena, lavender, patchouli, angelica, juniper, sandalwood, [cedar]. When I heard…
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: I was just going to say it’s interesting too that according to Dr. Jean Valnet, vaporized oil of lemon can kill meningococcus bacteria in 15 minutes. It can kill typhoid bacilli in one hour, staphylococcus aureus in two hours, pneumococcus bacteria in three hours. And even a 0.2% solution of lemon oil can kill diphtheria bacteria in 20 minutes and inactivates tuberculosis. That’s just lemon oil.
DEBRA: Yes. And the nature is full of all of these things. I went on a nature walk once. I was told that if you touched something and let’s say you got a rash, like stinging nettles or something, the remedy is always within a certain radius of the plant.
DEBRA: Isn’t that interesting? It’s like nature is so wondrous and has put together in such a way to support health.
Instead of learning more about that as a culture, what we’ve chosen to do is embrace this whole artificial synthetic toxic world.
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Now we have all kinds of disease to go with it.
DEBRA: Yes, we do. It’s the product of lifestyle. It’s a product of choice.
DEBRA: And this is one of the reasons why once I got to the point where as a mother and consumer many years ago, I’ve withdrawn and I said, “Wait a minute. I’m consuming all these toxic products. There must be something else.”
I discovered that there was this whole other world. Since then I really had been looking to nature to see how nature guides us and what kinds of gift the nature has for us. It’s not just about being non-toxic. It’s about embracing this whole other idea that there are life-reforming things all around us.
Tell us more about your products.
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Debra, we have a full line of products. We have more essential oils than any other company because we’ve been doing it for so long. Of course ours is a better quality than anybody else’s. But out of that, we’ve created a whole line of other products to help people get away from those toxic products.
Dr. Sandra Steingraber wrote a book called Raising Elijah. She writes in there that well-informed futility refers to a particular kind of learned helplessness.
Basically she’s saying that the more knowledgeable we are about a problem existing, the more we’re filled with paralysis. And we can’t act. It’s almost as if we’ve become immune. She says in this case, the action is too easy. We just need to change our buying habits.
Young Living created this full line of products to help people get away from those toxic chemical-laden products. So we have body lotions and [bath] gels and shampoo and all those personal care products. They’re toxic free with essential oils in them.
And then we have a full line of supplements. We have, as I mentioned earlier, the oral care. We have the toothpaste and the mouthwash and even dental flosses with essential oils on it, with the Thieves oil on it.
There’s a full line of products, deodorants – you name it, anything that you would use in your body or on your body, Young Living has something for everyone so that we can get away from the toxic products just by changing our buying habits.
DEBRA: What would you say to somebody especially who is chemically sensitive? And I’ll just interject here that there are people who cannot tolerate any fragrances or any toxic chemicals because of their particular damage that has occurred to their body.
That’s different from somebody who is basically healthy that they want to be not getting sick from toxic chemicals.
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: First of all, I would say that lots of cleansing would be in order and supporting the liver.
DEBRA: My question was what would you say to them with regard to using aroma therapy products?
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Well if it’s the quality that Young Living has, it should be safe. Now if they’re really toxic, they could have a detoxing reaction, which would be the oils are bringing the toxins out.
Sometimes people that are very toxic can get a rash from using the oil. It doesn’t mean they’re allergic to it. It means it’s pulling – the oils actually digest these petrochemicals and pull them out. If you take a drop of lemon oil…
DEBRA: Tell me more about that. How does that work?
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: If I take a drop of lemon oil and put it in a Styrofoam cup, it will eat right through it. So you don’t want to put lemon oil in your water if you’re drinking water out of Styrofoam.
DEBRA: Yeah.
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: So yes, the oils will go in and they will just break up these petrochemicals that are stored in the body.
We actually even have some of the other distributors in Young Living who have experimented with ways to get rid of cellulite and fat because the fat stores toxins to protect your organ. If people have problems with weight, oftentimes it tends to do with the toxins in their body.
DEBRA: I found that too. And I hear my music cue. We need to go to break.
You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’re here with Jackie McLaughlin, talking about the many benefits of essential oils. We’ll be back after this.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I’m here with my guest, Jackie McLaughlin who is an independent distributor for Young Living Essential Oils.
Her website is My website is You can go to my website and find out more about Jackie and click right through their website.
Before the break, we were talking about how therapeutic grade essential oils can actually break the toxic chemicals in your body. I want to hear more about that, Jackie.
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Okay. If they are the therapeutic grade type like Young Living and they don’t have warning labels that say you can’t take them internally, then you can – I like to drink lemon oil in my water and just drink it all day long. It makes the water taste great and it also helps me.
There are many other ways you can use essential oils. If you’re not sure where to put the oil, just put it on the bottom of your feet. As you mentioned earlier, it will go through the skin and through the body within seconds. In minutes, it will be permeated throughout the entire body.
Because it’s natural, these oils just seem to know where to go and what needs addressing. So they just interact with your chemistry, with your body and take care of things naturally. And there are no side effects. That’s the best part.
DEBRA: So how would one know? How many essential oils do you have available?
DEBRA: Hundreds. So if I were to come to you…
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: I’d say the number, 240. That’s a ballpark.
DEBRA: Okay. If I were to come to you and say, “I want an essential oil,” how would we know which one I should have?
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Well, we would talk about what you want it for. There’s a reference book. There are actually a couple of reference books that I recommend when people want to start using essential oils.
One of them is called Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley. And the other one is the Essential Oils Desk Reference 5th Edition. It’s the latest one. Higley’s book is the 12th edition.
You could just look up anything. If you had headaches, you could look up headaches and it would tell you which oils could be good for headaches or that kind of thing.
DEBRA: You would just start trying. Maybe there are three oils or something that could help headaches and you would just try taking whichever one…
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: And there are different ways to use them. You might take them internally or you might use them topically. You might even just diffuse them when you’re at home or office. There are a lot of different ways.
DEBRA: So then they would go in your body by the methods that you said. See I’ve never used this, of all the things. I’ve tried so many things.
I’ve never tried essential oils and I think it’s because going back to what I was talking about.
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: It’s amazing how many times I had that happen everywhere. Somebody will say, “Well, I can’t use essential oils because the smells bother me.”
“Well, they bother me too. I can’t go into a candle store or the Bed, Bath & Beyond place where they have all those lotions and scented products. They give me a headache as soon as I walk in the door. But we’re not talking about the same thing.”
So you just have to help people understand that even though it does have a fragrance, it doesn’t have the chemicals in it that are going to give you the problems. It’s not the perfumes that bother them. It’s the way they made the perfume, the chemicals that’s in it.
DEBRA: Very interesting. Very interesting.
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: But there are a lot of different ways you can use them as I said. It depends on what it is you need.
When people are really serious about wanting to use essential oils to improve their lives, I teach classes. I consult with people over the phone. I talk to them one-on-one. The bottom line is I refer to them to resources that can help them educate themselves and figure out what’s the right plan for them because everybody’s different.
One oil will maybe work for headaches for one person. And a different oil will work for headaches for another person. Maybe your headaches are hormone-related or maybe they’re stress-related. So different oils are going to be helpful depending on why you have that headache.
DEBRA: Tell us specifically – I know a lot of people listening have thyroid problems. That’s very common for people who are sensitive to toxic chemicals.
The thyroid seems to be affected. It’s just one of the endocrine things that can be affected by fluoride. It can be affected by lack of iodine. There are so many things.
Let’s just take that as an example of what might be something that people could try for thyroid.
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: For thyroid, believe it or not, clove could be a good oil. Myrtle is another oil.
Young Living has a wonderful blend that they created just for endocrine glands called EndoFlex. That’s probably a favorite for thyroid and adrenals and any kind of endocrine gland.
There are also other blends you could create yourself with lemongrass and myrrh. I’m trying to think. It’s on the top of my head. Peppermint, spearmint, all of those can be helpful to thyroid. It’s depending on whether you get hyperthyroid or hypothyroid.
And then Young Living also has a supplement that they’ve created called Thyromin, which helps the thyroid. It supports it. There are a lot of different possibilities there.
DEBRA: Good. I’m trying to remember. I took a look at your website actually some months ago. I’m trying to remember different things that I saw there.
Young Living, they have their own farms or something. Can you tell us more about where these oils come from?
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: Absolutely. That’s one of the things that make Young Living by far and away superior to other companies because we do have our own farm.
We have farms on four continents. We have farms in Idaho. We have farms in France, Utah and Ecuador. And now we even have one in Salalah, Oman where we’re growing frankincense.
Young Living tries to grow as much as their own plants as they can. And then they do their own distillation with very stringent guidelines and testing. Every batch is tested.
Like I said earlier, every plant is distilled differently because every plant, to get the full symphony of components out of that oil, one may have to be distilled for six hours. And another one may have to be distilled for 23 hours.
Gary Young has found new plants. He has discovered plants and distilled the oils that no one else has ever distilled. They started distilling Idaho’s blue spruce. No one in the world has ever distilled that before. And they’re having incredible results with that in the research that they’re doing.
They check every 15 minutes when they’re distilling the plant, when they first started distilling it to see when they get the full benefits and when it goes past that and starts to destroy them. Nobody else in the world goes to that kind of trouble in their distillations.
Most companies are actually brokers. And they just buy oil from big brokers all over the world and stick their own label on it.
DEBRA: That’s the way it is with vitamins and minerals and all kinds of [inaudible 00:47:14]. In fact, I think this is one important point.
One of the big problems that consumers have is that most products – the people who assemble them – they’re not even manufactured. They’re just assembled. And the people who assemble them don’t know anything about where the material came from. It just arrives in a barrel or a box or something.
One of the things about Young Living and other companies like Touchstone Essentials, which we’ve talked about is they are actually growing the plant material. And they have control over every single step.
You can go to Jackie’s website. And they have a whole process they call Seed to Seal where they plant the seed. They cultivate the plant. They distill it, they test it and they put it in the bottle. They have everything on that.
JACKIE MCLAUGHLIN: The other important thing about that, Debra is the seed itself. Many companies are now using modified seeds or hybrid seeds. Young Living never uses hybrid. They use the real deal.
As a matter of fact, a couple of years ago in France, they had a virus or a fungus or something that literally wiped out all their lavender fields. It destroyed them.
They actually came to convention at Young Living last year and spoke on the stage about their gratitude towards Gary Young because Gary trained in France with the experts over there about distillation and so forth. They are getting their seeds from Young Living to re-establish their crops in France. And Gary is donating the seeds to help them get re-established in France.
DEBRA: Yeah, that’s so wonderful. That’s so wonderful. Well Jackie, it’s been a pleasure to have you. I’ve learned some things about essential oils and aromatherapy that I didn’t know. And I’m glad that I do know it now.
I think the work that you’re doing is great and I do want people to know. I have been saying “Independent distributor, independent distributor.”
I know that some people have less than kind thoughts about independent distributors. But I want people to know that there are businesses in the world where you can be doing something good and something not toxic and helping people live less toxic-free and [inaudible 00:49:55].
So we’ll be back tomorrow with another wonderful guest. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’ve been listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.
According to the Tisserand Institute and the NAHA, a rash on your skin after applying an oil, no matter how pure it is, is an allergic reaction or a dermal sensitivity, NOT a detox reaction or pulling. Essential oils are wonderful, but do your research before using.