ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Tina-ChristieMy guest today is Naturopathic Doctor Tina Christie BSc, ND. She lives and practices in Ontario, Canada, and is producing a summit in May called “Lifestyle is the New Medicine.” I will be speaking about how the toxic free living as a lifestyle and how it can improve your health. We’ll be talking about lifestyle as medicine, what a naturopathic doctor uses for treatment, and how she incorporates toxics reduction and detox in her practice. Helping others through naturopathic medicine is Dr. Christie’s great passion. She was accepted immediately out of her undergraduate program at the University of Toronto (Bachelor of Science, Biology/Chemistry) into the naturopathic program at CCNM and graduated in 2001 at the top of her class.


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Toxic Free Lifestyle as the New Medicine

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Dr. Tina Christie

Date of Broadcast: April 28, 2015

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free.

It is Tuesday, April 28, 2015. You can probably hear I have a little stuffy nose. Well, there’s just stuff going around here, allergies, people coughing and sneezing. It’s raining today. But even though I have a little stuffy nose and a little sinus stuff going on, I’m still feeling good in here in doing my radio show and living my life. And even though stuff’s going on in my body, I still have the strength, the stamina and interest to be able to continue life and not just lie in bed.

I think that’s one of the benefits, one of the results of living without toxic chemicals because – sorry, I just got a little distraction there. That’s one of the benefits of living without toxic chemicals because your body gets strong, your immune system gets strong, all your body systems get strong because they’re not being destroyed and/or made weaker by toxic chemical exposures.

So today we’re going to be talking about actually living toxic free as a lifestyle. And we’re not going to talk about it exactly today. I’m going to be talking about it at a summit that’s coming up in May. I don’t have the dates right in front of me. I think it starts May 7th, but that’s a wild guess. And I’m going to be speaking on May 10th about a toxic-free lifestyle, what is a toxic free lifestyle?

We’re going to touch a little bit on that today. But what we’re going to talk about more is the whole idea of lifestyles as the new medicine. And when my guest contacted me and asked me if I would speak about lifestyle as the new medicine, how perfect, because that really is what I’ve been talking about for more than 30 years, is to look at how you’re breathing and how that affects your health.

And just like you take a medicine because you want to relieve symptoms or make your body healthier if you’re sick or whatever, you can do that with the choices that you make in your life, with the foods you eat, with the things that you have in your home, with the things that you’re exposed to. Everything has either a negative effect, a non-effect (it’s just neutral) or it has a beneficial effect. And choosing those beneficial things to create our lifestyles with I think is the perfect thing.

So my guest today is Naturopathic Doctor Tina Christie. Hi, Tina.


DEBRA: How are you doing?

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: I’m great, thank you. How are you? You have a little sniffle.

DEBRA: Good. I have a little sniffle. So as a naturopathic doctor, what would you tell me to do?

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: Well, if you’re feeling good, if your appetite is good, your energy is good, it should go pretty fast. Stay away from sugar completely.

DEBRA: I stay away from sugar all the time.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: That should boost your immune system by up to 50% for up to five hours. No sweeteners, no sugars, lots of water, lots of sleep.

DEBRA: I think what’s going on here actually is that my body is detoxing because on Saturday, I started taking a new homeopathic remedy for kidneys. It’s a kidney detox homeopathic remedy. And ever since that time, I had a headache and my nose is running. And all of those things I recognized as detox symptoms. So that might be what’s going on.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: It sounds like it could be. Are you drinking lots of water to help?

DEBRA: Lots of water, lots of water.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: The other thing that can help if you’re feeling good energy-wise, nothing too intense, but to get some exercise even if it’s just a nice walk. When you move, you drive more blood to your liver. And so you get more detox effects that way as well.

DEBRA: I didn’t know that. Well, thank you. I’m actually about to go sit in a car for six hours. I have to drive across the state of Florida sideways all the way to the other coast, pick up something and drive back. But tomorrow, I can go for a walk. That’s a really good idea.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: So much for that advice today.

DEBRA: So how did you get to be a naturopathic doctor?

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: Well, I always wanted to go into medicine. I was one of those little kids that said – I remember my grandmother saying to me when I was five, “Are you going to marry a doctor when you grow up?” And I said, I’m half-Italian so I said, “Nana,” which is Italian for grandmother, “Nana, I’m going to be a doctor. I’m not going to marry a doctor.”

But I grew up with a lot of health problems. I had a lot of infections, lots of antibiotics, tired all the time. My mom was always taking me to the doctor.

And then when I was 17, I started having a lot of stomach pain, higher up kind of stomach pain. And I got diagnosed with something called gastritis. It’s not an ulcer, but it’s an irritation of the stomach lining where an ulcer is a more of a hole. I was only 17 and I had prescription medication for bad menstrual pain, which I took occasionally. And that can cause it.

And so I thought, “Wait a second! I took one pill. And now I have this problem. And now, I’ve got another pill, and I’m 17 years old, where is this taking me?” And in a big, emotional moment, I said, “That’s it. I am not going to medical school. I am finding something different.” It was one of those huge, emotional reactions, but it really was a turning point for me.

And from there, as silly as it sounds, I went to the public library where I lived and took out a whole bunch of books on everything that I could find that had to do with natural healing. And that’s how it started.

DEBRA: Wow! I hear the story over and over and it’s always a different illness or a different symptom. But usually people become interested in natural healing because of something extraordinary that’s going on with their body and wanting to heal that. And so right there, at the beginning, you had this idea of lifestyle as the new medicine. But you didn’t say, “I’m going to take a pill. I don’t want to take a pill.” You said, “Let’s find out what to do.”

So tell us more about the summit and this idea of lifestyles as the new medicine.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: Well, the summit is 22 speakers, all talking about different aspects of the way we live. The idea is that I see so many patients that are living in a way that they’re not eating healthy food or they’re stressed out and unhappy all the time or we want to lose weight, but watch four hours of TV a day. Their lifestyle is just beating their body down and beating their health down. And then they go looking for a solution.

If they come to me and they’re in that mindset of, “Let me just find a solution to compensate for everything I’m doing,” they’re probably coming to me for a supplement or that there’s a food they can eat. You read studies, “Oh, eat blueberries. They’re so good for you and they cure all these things.” But that’s not the way it works. It’s not the way it works.

One of the examples I like to give patients is to say, “What’s the one thing you could do to make your relationship really strong?” One thing. And just do that.

Well, there is nothing. It’s a constellation of things. And lifestyle is the same way. We’re living longer than ever today. Most people are going to live to the late 70s or early 80s. I think men, the average lifespan is 78, and for women, 83. But the difference is how are we going to live.

I saw my grandmother lived to one month before her 99th birthday. And for about 20 years before that, she sat on the couch. She was tired. She had arthritis, horrible arthritis in her knees. She did crochet a lot for the last couple of years. She had such bad arthritis in her hands and she couldn’t even do that. She took naps and she watched TV.

DEBRA: To me, that’s not the way to live. I’m older than I used to be and I’m looking at how many years do I have left, but how many good years do I have left? How many more years do I have to complete the work that I want to do in terms of toxics and all the things?

I want to go see the Aurora Borealis live. And how many more years do I have while I can still do that?

And so I’m really revving up my health care in terms of what I’m doing myself to make my body healthy and exercising more and really maybe giving more emphasis to doing things that I wasn’t quite doing as well as I could be doing to take care of my body because all of a sudden, you get to an age and it’s like, “Well, okay. Everything is going to start falling apart unless I do something.”

We need to take a break. But when we come back, we will talk more with my guest, naturopathic doctor, Tina Christine. And I’m at her upcoming summit called Lifestyle as the New Medicine. And we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is naturopathic doctor, Dr. Tina Christie. And she is hosting a summit called Lifestyle as the New Medicine, which is coming out in May. I’m going to be speaking on Sunday, May 10th, about Toxic Free Lifestyle as the New Medicine. And you can go to and scroll down the page and you’ll see a place where you can sign up. I’ll just tell you to go to, you’ll see the place to go there. I’ve got a big picture there of me and Tina. And you can just click right on there and you can sign up to hear me speak about toxic free lifestyles as the new medicine.

So Tina, I know that toxics play a part in your treatment. As a naturopathic doctor, what kind of things are you seeing in your practice that are the results of toxic chemical exposure?

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: I see a lot. One of the big things that toxins do is slow down thyroid. They either slow down thyroid function itself or they slow down how well your body makes active thyroid hormones. I see people being tired and sluggish. I often see people who want to lose weight and while that’s fine, they want to lose weight because they feel gross in their body, is often the word they use. I find that fat is a build-up of toxic chemicals. Because when I detox people, they don’t lose a lot of weight. They maybe lose a couple of pounds of fat and they say, “Oh, I feel great. I still want to lose some weight but I don’t feel gross anymore.”

So it was the toxin build-up. Just fatigue, sluggishness, for a lot of people, it causes skin problems as well. Eczema, psoriasis as well, but especially eczema and acne. Often your body is pushing a lot of toxins through your skin.

I find that it can affect mood as well. When your body is so burdened down by toxins, you’re really not running at your peak. And it’s the stress on your body, and that can pull your mood down. And it can also add or promote weight gain, just going back to the weight piece for a second. But I also see joint pains. Often, toxins, when they’re not really being pushed through our skin tissues, people can have body aches, joint pains, they can settle in our joints. And they can also disrupt our digestive system and cause digestive upset, bowel problems, poor digestion.

So it really runs the gamut and that’s actually one of the reasons why I wanted to have you on the summit because if you’re overloaded with toxins, no matter what you’re doing, it’s going to pull you back down.

DEBRA: See, listeners. Listen to her say that because I say that every day. If you’re overloaded with toxins then you can be doing any number of treatments in order to try to feel more healthy, but the toxins are still pulling you down. You just can’t get well without addressing those.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: And that there exactly, Debra, is the thought process behind lifestyle being the new medicine. That it’s not the treatments you do. Yes, you may need treatment, but that’s not the crux of it. It’s how are you living, first of all.

DEBRA: And it’s so interesting to me. If you’re trying to empty a bathtub but you have the faucet on, you can’t ever empty the bathtub because it keeps filling you up and filling you up. And it’s the same way with lifestyle because if you’re having a lifestyle that’s a faucet just pouring water into the bathtub all the time, then when you’re trying to get well, which would be to empty the bathtub, then you just can’t because there’s all these stresses on your body of all the negative things that you’re doing in your lifestyle. And if you fix the lifestyle, then you actually don’t need so much treatment.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: It’s true. It’s absolutely true. And I see that, I’ll change someone’s diet, I’ll do some detox, I’ll get them sleeping better, and half of their probems or 75% of their problems sometimes, depending on what they’re coming in with, go away.

DEBRA: Yes because so much of it is just what we’re eating and what we’re exposed to in our home.

So what kind of things do you do for detox for your patients?

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: Well, first of all, the foundational stuff. So I get the chemicals out of people’s lifestyle. I get the chemicals out. I try as much as possible to have people switch to organics because there’s a lot of chemicals coming in.

Sometimes I do these tests and they show that organic food or regular produce, you test the outside of the produce and say, “Oh, it doesn’t look like there’s a lot of chemicals on there.” But these plants have had chemicals sprayed on them from the time they were sprout. It’s not just going to sit on the surface. It’s going to be absorbed into the inside of the plant.

So you can’t just test the outside and see what’s there.

DEBRA: That’s right. But also, they’ve done studies which show that if you stop eating regular food and switch to organic food, that it takes as little as three days for the pesticides to no longer be in your body. That there are some pesticides, it’s a whole group of, toxic chemicals on some of them last for a long time, but other ones, they flush right through your body.

So if you continuously are eating pesticides, you’re going to continuously have pesticides in your body. If you stop eating them, in three days, you’re going to have a lot less pesticides in your body. That’s all it takes.


DEBRA: I was really amazed when I read that. Because the changes can happen so quick. The changes can happen so quick.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: They can. It’s fantastic.

So I get the foundation going first. If there’s food sensitivity or food intolerance, I take those out. If people aren’t sleeping, you produce so much extra stress hormone when you don’t sleep. And that is a toxin in and of itself. The more toxins your body has to eliminate, the slower everything goes.

So it’s not the very first step I do with people in terms of doing a detox because I want to make sure, again, we’re turning off the bathtub tap before we try to empty the bathtub.

DEBRA: And let’s just stop right there because we need to go to break. And you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is naturopathic doctor, Dr. Tina Christine. And she’s doing Lifestyle is the New Medicine Summit, where I’m going to be speaking on May 10th, and we’re talking about lifestyle and toxic chemicals, and what she does as a naturopathic doctor.

And we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Dr. Tina Christie. She’s a naturopathic doctor and she is putting on a summit called Lifestyle is the New Medicine, which is coming up in May. I’m going to be speaking on May 10th about creating a toxic free lifestyle. And it’s a very good interview. At the summit, they pre-record it. The interviews are then played during the summit time. And it’s a really great interview. I was really pleased with how it turned out.

So Tina, so after you get the basics in about detox, then what do you actually do to help the detox process?

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: For the detox process, I’ve bounced around between different things in the past. There is herbal detox. You can do homeopathic detox. But the one that I’ve settled on the most that I see some of the best effect is a detox that uses, it’s like a protein shake. It’s a powder that contains protein powder as well as a variety of nutrients that support the detox pathways.

Because there are two different pathways. Our detox pathway isn’t actually just one pathway, it’s two pathways that hook up.

DEBRA: Tell us about those.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: So they’re a little tricky. The first pathway and the second pathway don’t necessarily, and a good percentage of people, they don’t go at the same pace. And it’s not uncommon especially for people who are unwell into any degree that the first pathway goes either too fast. The first pathway goes really fast and the second pathway goes normally. Or the first pathway is normal but the second pathway is slow.

DEBRA: So what are these two pathways?


DEBRA: What are the two pathways?

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: They’re called phase 1 and phase 2. And in between them, whether the second one is slow or the first one is too fast, in between, stuff can build up. And the stuff that builds up in between phase 1 and phase 2 are very bad. It’s actually worse than the toxins before your body started detoxing.

It’s a little crazy. And the stuff in between phase 1 and phase 2 causes more damage than the toxins before we started detoxing them. So we still want to detox these toxins. They can’t stick around. But if they get halfway through, if they get through phase 1, and then they sit there because there’s back-up, phase 2. And phase 2 can’t keep up for whatever reason, it’s going to cause more [inaudible 00:29:43] free radicals, it can damage DNA, it’s associated with increased risk of cancer and just overall toxicity.

So the protein powder that I use are the protein shakes, let’s call it, has a variety of nutrients in them. And there are some different companies that make these. And they also have extra nutrients to support phase 2 and to make sure that phase 1 doesn’t go too fast.

DEBRA: So could you describe what phase 1 and phase 2 are?

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: So phase 1 is, it takes the chemicals in your system, or the toxins, and it starts to break them down, but it only goes halfway. Before your body can actually eliminate them through stool and urine, they need to be broken down further.

DEBRA: Then that happens during phase 2.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: Yes, and that happens during phase 2. But there can be a bit of a backlog, almost like traffic on the highway when there’s like a bottleneck. One lane is closed, so you get home 40 minutes late.

DEBRA: I totally understand what you’re talking about. So how would somebody know if that was going on in their body?

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: They wouldn’t. There’s no specific sign that, “Oh, I have a slow phase 2.” Some people may notice but they just don’t seem to process toxins. Say they’ll do a detox that their friend did. And they got really sick right away. The friend felt amazing and they just feel really, really sick. Or they get a detox reaction and instead of lasting for a day or two, they’re two weeks into their detox and they just feel like they’re going downhill. They’re not getting any better. And if anything, they’re getting worse.

I have a slow phase 2, and if I try to detox and I don’t support that phase, this is how I actually got into really this way of doing it, I don’t support that phase 2. Anything that detoxes me, my skin breaks out in about an hour, two hours. And it does not slow down. It’s not one of those temporary healing reactions.

So people may notice that. There’s something going on when they try to detox. It just really doesn’t go well.

DEBRA: I have heard this from people. And I’m sitting here with this headache after I started taking this detox product and I know that’s a symptom of detox. But this makes sense what you’re saying. So what is the product that you like?

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: The one that I like, it’s by a company called Metagenics. And it’s called Ultra Clear Plus. Lately, I also use Ultra Clear Plus PH. They put some extra potassium in there that’s alkalinizing. Because when you alkalinize, it helps your body remove toxins a little bit easier as well.

And there are other companies that make these detox protein powders as well but I got into this one years ago and I know that it works well, and I know what to expect from it. And it’s the one I use for myself also. So I also like to stick with what I know works and what I know is going to give a good, predictable result.

DEBRA: Good. Now, is this a professional product or is it something that people can buy and use themselves?

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: It’s mostly sold just through professionals. Some health food stores have professional-run staff that bring it in. It’s not necessarily the best thing for people to do themselves, in case there’s another factor in the way. Remember how I talked about, to set that foundation for people first. If there’s another factor in the way and people detox, for example, if someone’s not having good bowel movements and they detox.

DEBRA: That’s a very good point. Another thing I say a lot. Go ahead.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: They’re probably going to feel worse because you’re dumping all these toxins into your colon and then you’re soliciting there and you’re re-absorbing it. I’ve actually seen people feel a lot sicker if they’re not having proper bowel movement. Or heaven forbid, if anyone is a smoker and they decide they want to detox anyways, and I’ve had smokers come to me and say, “Can you detox me? But I don’t want to quit smoking.”

That’s like having five bathtubs in one.

DEBRA: Wow. Talk about messing up the phase 1, phase 2.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE:Yes, no kidding.

DEBRA: Wow. Well, I would say if somebody wants to detox and they smoke, they first thing they should do is stop smoking.

We have to go to break. So we’ll talk more about this one when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is naturopathic doctor, Dr. Tina Christie. And she’s putting on a summit in May called Lifestyle is the New Medicine. And you can go to and sign up. It’s free. It’s free to attend the whole two weeks of 22 lectures by people like me who are talking about their special part of the lifestyle as the new medicine. And you can just go to Toxic Free Talk Radio and sign up for free and you can hear me on May 10th.

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Dr. Tina Christie. She is a naturopathic doctor and she’s putting on a summit in May called Lifestyle is the New Medicine. And I’ll be speaking on Sunday, May 10th, about toxic free lifestyles as the new medicine. But there will be 22 speakers in all who will be talking about different aspects of things that you can do to help your health yourself.

Okay, so before the break, we were talking about doing a detox and you were talking about a product that is only available to professionals. So I have two questions. One is, if somebody wanted to detox at home, and we’ve talked about on the show about different types of detoxes. But if somebody wanted to do something without going to a professional, what would you recommend?

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: Well, first of all, if they want to detox at home, to set that foundation. Go on your website, all the chemicals and products you mention. Just by having less chemicals come in, your liver detoxes, that phase 1, phase 2 that I’m talking about, 24/7. If that stops, you’re in liver failure.

So when you have less toxins coming in, now those processes in your liver have more resources to deal with the toxins that are sitting in your body. So a natural increase in detoxing what you’ve got in your body will happen, again when you turn that bathtub off. So switching out the toxic products, switching over to organics, and then something called dry skin brushing helps your skin draw off more toxins. Exercise drives more blood to your liver. Drinking enough water. There’s a lot of people who don’t drink enough water.

DEBRA: And how much do you think they should drink?

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: It’s an ounce for every two pounds of body weight.

DEBRA: So I don’t know how much that would be. So you basically would take your body weight and multiply it by two, and that’s how many ounces?

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: No, take your body weight and divide it by two. And that’s how many ounces. So for the average, 140, 150 or so pound person, you’d be looking at about two liters a day.

DEBRA: And how much is a liter? I’m asking these questions because I know the listeners, many of them are not going to know what a liter is.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: You know those regular-sized water bottles you buy for 99 cents or something like that at the, and I’m not a fan of plastic bottles, that you buy at the corner store? That’s half a liter. So it would be four of those.

DEBRA: So I just figured out if you divide your weight by two and then you get a number, and then you divide it by eight, that’s the number of cups you need to drink.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: I’ve never actually done that. I always have a one-liter bottle sitting on my desk at the office. So when patients say, “Well, what is that?” I’m like, “Okay, this is a liter. Drink two of these.” That’s a good conversion.

DEBRA: So you’re in Canada though. Don’t you have metric there? So everybody knows what a liter is?

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: What do you guys go in there? Ounces?

DEBRA: Ounces and quarts.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: I’m so sorry. I talk in pounds but I also talk in liters. So I’ve got one foot in each camp because we also do kilograms here for weight. But I don’t do that. So yeah, 140-pound person, let’s say, divided by two, that’s 70, so that would be 70 ounces.

DEBRA: 70 ounces. That’s right. And then if you wanted to know how many cups that is, then you divide it by eight. So that’s about, I’m doing it my mind here, so that’s probably nine cups. It’s four cups to a quarts, so that’s about a half-a-gallon.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: What I’d like to encourage people to do, let’s say you’re going to have 10 cups a day, is not to try to get 10 cups. If you got a fill a cup up to 10 times, most people aren’t going to do that. Unless you’re really diligent. But then I don’t know if that is really sustainable because it’s a lot of thought all day long.

DEBRA: I’ll tell you what I do. What I do is I have a big, I don’t even know, it’s more than a quart, glass bottle. And in the morning, I fill that up and then I drink that, and then I make sure that I drink two or three of these throughout the day. And I just have it sitting on my desk. So I’m just sipping water all day long. This is part of my lifestyle.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: And that’s perfect. That’s what I usually recommend. Get a big container, let’s say, it’s going to be about half of what you’re going to drink for the day. And then set a time. By lunchtime or whatever, it needs to be empty. And then you fill it up at lunch. And then it needs to be empty by the time you, if you work in an office, by the time you leave the office.

DEBRA: I think that’s a really good plan. It’s not about drinking water randomly. It’s about making sure that your body has enough water. And so once you figure out what that amount is, then if you set up a little program to do that every day, it starts becoming second nature. I don’t even think about it anymore. I just fill my water bottle. But you have to figure out how much water you need in the beginning and then do something so that it just becomes part of your lifestyle.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: Yes. Perfect. It’s all about lifestyle. And once you start drinking, once people start drinking throughout the day, they’ll feel thirsty first thing in the morning and they’ll feel thirsty when they get home at night because once you have more water, your body also craves more water.

And we talked about exercise. Saunas are a great way to detox. I don’t want to tell people to go out and get certain products because people tend not to be the best, the clearest, shall we say, judge of where they’re at and if the detox is the right thing to do. And there are a lot of these things that are sold in health food stores like ‘three-day detox’. It takes three days when you’re using herbs, it takes three days to get your liver working to upregulate or to up those detox pathways. It takes three days. So a three-day detox is going to do nothing for you.

DEBRA: Well, I totally agree because as you mentioned before, detox is a 24-hour process for your body. For me, it’s not about are you going to do a three-day cleanse in the spring, go on a detox diet for a week. We need to be supporting our detox functions.

And so my next question is going to be, when should somebody get a professional involved? Because I think that there are things, I recommend the people to take liquid Zeolite because I know that it just takes toxic chemicals out of your body. It’s not about supporting your liver or anything like that. These zeolite particles just roam around and pick up the chemicals and they come out through your kidneys.

And so I think that there are things that everybody can do. Toxic chemicals can leave through your skin, and through your liver, and through your kidneys, through the lymph system. There are so many things and it seems like that at some point, if you can find somebody who knows something about detox like you, that maybe it’s a good idea to go to a professional to get help with the specific type of detox that your body needs and is ready for.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: Yes. If you really want to get things done right, you should see a professional, and especially if someone doesn’t feel good. If someone is not feeling well, their health isn’t well, I would say, don’t mess around with. In the health food store, people who work in health food stores, they have some education but they’re often reading books. Someone with a good amount of experience that can really help you isn’t working in a health food store.

DEBRA: Good point.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: Because they just not. I went to school for eight years for this. I’m not working in a health food store for a minimum wage or whatever it is. That’s ridiculous. It’s just not going to happen.

And they don’t know you. They don’t know overall what’s happening with you and if there’s anything else to take into consideration. Sometimes people, they feel great and they’re just really healthy and they want to optimize and they tinker around with this, and they tinker around with that. As long as you’re not high risk for anything, that’s probably okay. But if you don’t really want to tinker, you just want to optimize and you want someone to set you on the right path, then find a good practitioner and find someone who is willing to education so that every time you want something, you don’t need to go running back to them because they’re the only ones that know what you’re doing. They’re educating you.

So many of my patients e-mail me. I haven’t seen them in a couple of years. “Oh, I wanted to do that detox again. Can I do exactly what you told me last time?” I will say, “Yes, has anything changed?” They’re like, “No, I’ve been feeling great ever since. I stuck to the plan you told me.” “Well, great. Go ahead. Do it again As long as there’s nothing else has come up.”

Because they understand how to read their body and what’s going on with their body.

DEBRA: Right. That’s absolutely important. So we’re getting to the end of the show. And I want to make sure that I don’t cut you off mid-sentence in about 45 seconds. So is there any final words you’d like to say? Tell us something more about the summit? Really now, we only have about 30 seconds.

DR. TINA CHRISTIE: The summit is across the board, what it looks like to live a healthy lifestyle. Society is not set up for you to live a healthy lifestyle. So it’s something you need to learn apart from looking out into society in general. And we also have a Facebook page. We’ve created a community of people that are also interested in this. So you can get a lot of support around your new lifestyle.

DEBRA: Good. Well, I’ll sign up for your Facebook page. And you can go to And you’ll see the information there where you can sign up for free. And then you’ll be on the mailing list. That’s the end of our time so thank you so much, Dr. Tina Christie. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. Be well.


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