Today my guest is Kim Spencer, Co-Founder and Vice President of Public Relations at The Thinking Moms’ Revolution. We’ll be talking about how mercury in vaccines and other toxic chemicals can contribute to autism and what she did to reverse his autism. Kim is a graduate of The University of Georgia and worked in Television, Telecommunications and Public Relations before her first child was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2 1/2. After researching his condition, she discovered his autism symptoms stemmed from autoimmune issues exacerbated by his childhood vaccines. Through treatment for vaccine injury, mercury toxicity and PANDAS, his condition has dramatically improved and he is fully included in 8th grade. Since his diagnosis, Kim has been an advocate and activist in the autism community. She has spoken at the CDC, appeared in many media stories, worked as a patient coordinator and autism advocate at her son’s pediatrician’s office. The Thinking Moms’ Revolution began when a group of twenty-three moms (and one awesome dad) from around the world got together online to figure out how to help their children with developmental disabilities. Suspecting that some of the main causes might be overused medicines, vaccinations, environmental toxins, and processed foods, they began a mission to help reverse the effects. And now they are a thriving organization offering much-needed information to parents.
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Toxic Chemicals and Autistic Children
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Kim Spencer
Date of Broadcast: February 26, 2015
DEBRA: Hi. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free.
It’s Thursday, February 26, 2015. We have a topic today that we haven’t talked about before on this show, which is toxic chemicals and how they affect autistic children or maybe cause autism. Anyway, there is a connection between these two.
This is something that I’ve been hearing about for many years. But I haven’t really done the research about connecting them and have all the data to be able to talk to you about it or write about it.
Today, my guest is the Co-Founder and Vice President of Public Relations for an organization called Thinking Moms’ Revolution. This is a group of people who got together because their children were autistic and they wanted to figure out what was causing it and what they could do to improve their children.
So she’s going to talk to us today about her experience helping her son improve from being autistic by, among other things, removing toxic chemicals from his life. Her name is Kim Spencer.
Hi, Kim.
KIM SPENCER: Debra, how are you?
DEBRA: I’m good. How are you?
KIM SPENCER: I’m great. Thank you for having me.
DEBRA: Thank you for being here. Let’s just start with your story. What happened? How did you find out that your son was autistic? And tell us about the beginning of Thinking Moms’ Revolution.
KIM SPENCER: Well, my son is now 14. He is now in eighth grade class.
When he was born (first child, first grandchild), he had a pretty normal toddlerhood, but there were some things that just increasingly got concerning – not concerning enough because we just didn’t know what we were seeing until he was about two and a half. He was not putting words together. He had a lot of tantrums and some diarrhea. He filled diapers 14 times a day, just some odd things that just were not right.
No one pointed it out to me until we saw a friend at the pool. She saw one of his tantrums where he could wiggle himself out of my arms. He basically sent me to the chiropractor in no time at two years old. She said at two years, a child should put two words together. At three, he should put three words together. She had been a speech therapist in a former life before she was a mommy.
At that point, I thought that’s just a basic rule. At this point, I now know my 18 month old daughter has spoken a paragraph. So that was a very, very conservative way to look for children with issues.
So I went by my pediatrician’s suggestion to ask another professional speech therapist, one that was working. And within 15 minutes, she said that my son had PDD, which is pervasive developmental disorder,
It didn’t take me long before I got the computer (because I had no idea what she was talking about) to look that up and realize that it’s just another name for autism. At that point, that was just terrifying to me. All I knew was the movie Rain Man. That was all I knew.
Over time, I just really started delving in to what was out there on the computer to see what people were doing about this and what was going on here and what this was all about.
DEBRA: Let me interrupt you for a minute. So could you just explain to us what exactly autism is? I think that a lot of people have heard the word, but don’t really know what it is physically.
KIM SPENCER: Yeah. Technically and what the mainstream medical world would say, it’s a check list of behaviors. If you have certain number, say 6 out of 12 of these behaviors, you can qualify for a diagnosis of autism.It would be communication issues, speech issues, those kinds of things, behavioral and just not connecting with the world.
Over my years of experience with my own son and grandson, it’s really more of a medical diagnosis from what we are finding and what is helping our children. Behavioral therapists and therapies can go so far. But when medical issues are addressed, our children get miles and miles better.
For example, my son improves incredibly on just taking away certain foods, wheat and berry, out of his diet, he looked at me like he’s never seen me before about three days off of those foods. Later on in his life, we’ve discovered that pathogens were really an issue. His immune system was really just a mess. His body wasn’t handling pathogens like the typical child would.
For example, he would have these incredibly high numbers of strep in his blood, but not have a sore throat or a fever or a rash on his torso. He started biting himself and being aggressive and resistant. That was a sign that he had stress.
Many other children have displayed issues with yeast and with parasites, bacteria and viruses that lie latent in the body and cause a lot of trouble. So what we found is that a medical approach to what they call today as autism is often times a whole lot more successful than a psychological approach.
DEBRA: Yes, I would agree. Not having any experience with it, I would still agree.
So you got this organization started, Thinking Moms’ Revolution. How did that start? How did you get involved with that? Tell us about the history of that, what you’ve done and when it started.
KIM SPENCER: In the beginning of this, I found an underground of mommies and parents fighting this issue because we get very little help from mainstream and politically. We would connect through Yahoo! Groups. As technology advanced, we eventually found Facebook.
It was really easy just to find these other mothers that were networking with each other, sharing stories of what was working for their kids, sharing stories of what kind of testing and doctors there are out there that actually really truly know how to help and comparing some therapies, all those kinds of things – how to feed your kids when you know you can’t give them wheat and berry and oxalates anymore.
So eventually, through a couple of years of just networking on Facebook, a bunch of moms that I knew were all starting with a new practitioner. We all decided to make a little group to compare. That’s about him. We got to be really good friends. We started to really be just as much as of a social group and a group of sisters than we were mommies to these autistic kids. It was just an extra added layer of amazing friendship.
We all actually met in real life, a lot of us – not everyone, but a lot of us met in real life in an autism conference called Autism One that’s held every year in Chicago.
We all got ourselves there. While we were sitting around one night, one of our more industrious mommies decided that we should all write a chapter and put our stories in a book.
We decided on a deadline. Everybody that had their chapter in at the certain date, they were in. Everybody else, for privacy reasons or time reasons or just taking care of their children just bowed out. Twenty-four of us kind of filled up and shipped out from this little situation. We put our stories together in a book. And Skyhorse Publishing published our book last year.
Since then, we immediately discovered pretty quickly (like overnight) a blog and a Facebook page and a non-profit. All these things that we’ve done since then were going to help us get the message out, 0that there’s help and healing and hope for our kids. Even if your pediatrician or your speech therapists don’t know where that is, we can help you find that.
So it’s just gone from there. Our book is going to come out in paperback pretty soon. We’re planning a couple of other books.
We’re raising money for grants for families to use doctors that they might not otherwise be able to afford and buy things that they need for their kids that are very expensive like the monthly supplements or food or whatever it is they need. And we’re going from there. That’s a whirlwind.
DEBRA: That’s really wonderful. I totally understand. I totally understand and I’m very happy that you’re doing this because it’s a difficult thing and it’s strange. If you don’t know what’s happening, it’s so nice to have other people around that do know what’s happening and can be there to help.
We need to go to break, but we’ll be right back and talk more about this. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Today, my guest is Kim Spencer. She’s the Co-Founder and Vice President of Public Relations for the Thinking Moms’ Revolution. That’s We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Kim Spencer, Co-Founder and Vice President of Public Relations at The Thinking Moms’ Revolution. Their website is
So Kim, you’ve indicated already that there are a number of different environmental factors that can contribute to children being autistic. On this show, we’re particularly interested in the toxic chemicals aspect. Can you fill us in about that?
KIM SPENCER: Absolutely. So there’s so much that play here. We could just talk for hours, Debra.
The amount of scientific information that we found over the years of research and for me, the last 10 years is just there, being about how genes and environment are combining to really make a mess of America’s children. We really like to throw it out there. The Thinking Mom’s Revolution just want to make everybody stop in their tracks and think about this, that 54% of American children have a chronic illness. Why is that?
Some people like the claim that we’re looking and paying for the studies that we’re looking for genes and genes have to be at play here. So there’s got to be something that can be found that will just stop and change the world in that department.
So the argument again of that is that – I mean there’s no such thing as a genetic epidemic. What we’re dealing with here is this 54% of American children with chronic illness and 1 in 68, which is a low estimate for children with autism, 1 in 39 boys. It’s estimated to even increase to one in two about 2025 if we continue on this trajectory.
So if we can say no way can this just be a purely genetic issue, then of course the environmental trigger has to be there somewhere. But you look around and you think, “Oh, my gosh! What have we done?”
I remember in the early years of trying to get my son better, I swear I could just sit down and just write pages and pages and pages of things that could be concerning to his health and that can be contributing to making his “autism” worse.
So everything from toxic baby bottles to disposable diapers to chemicals in baby mattresses to what was in his formula – thank you very much, but aluminum. I breast fed for eight months, but when I switched server, there it was. What was in my body and my breast milk? Well, moms across America and other groups have discovered that tons of RoundUp is in our breast milk. So then you start talking about the foods and the GMOs and the pesticides and glyphosate, RoundUp and how that could be affecting our children.
And then on top of that, going back to genetic thing, we’re discovering that a lot of our kids, mommies and daddies too, have one genetic mutation, the MTHFR genes. It prohibits a good [inaudible 00:16:57] from being a good detoxer.
All these things are coming from new building materials, emissions from cars, your laundry detergent, your fabric softener, the fire retardant in our beddings and clothes. It’s just all over the place in our house. When all these things go in – and then we’ll add vaccines into that – when all these things go in, how do they get out? And the kids are not detoxing very well.
It becomes a very overwhelming situation, “How do I get my kids to detox better? How do I get the stress out of them? How do I protect them from all this stuff in my home without completely going broke and living in a bubble,” what do you do?
I did work from our pediatrician for about three years. I did a lot of intake on these autism advocates. I did a lot of intake from these families with children with these kinds of issues. I saw a lot of autoimmune diseases and bipolarity actually in the family histories. So that’s a part of it too, just in the family.
Here it comes with the genes again that your family is chronic non-detoxers. How does this play out in the body? Does it show up as autism? Does it show up as lupus? Does it show as bipolar disorder?
DEBRA: I want to ask you about something for a second, hold on. So you’re talking about the children and the families not being good detoxers. Can you give us more information about that, about bodies not detoxing well?
KIM SPENCER: Yes. That’s interesting. After 10 years, I finally started barking at this tree of these genes. There’s a company called You send them a little saliva and they send you back with a whole bunch of raw data. The FDA does not allow them anymore to interpret the results to you yet, but there are some websites out there that will interpret for you.
What’s showing up in so many of our family is this non-detoxing gene. Again, it’s MTHFR. It just is this thing sticking out there that’s just saying, “Okay, if you have a problem with this gene that’s mutated, then you are not going to detox, as well as the next person.”
For example, I’ll use my family as an example. When I worked at the doctor’s office, it just became quite clear that there are so many stories of families like mine. My mother has lupus. Her father had a mysterious disorder, lots of eczema, he had a glass eye, he became an alcoholic, was in pain a lot. Now, we look back on it, it makes sense that he probably had lupus too.
My husband’s mother developed epilepsy at age 30. And over the years from the drugs that she’s taken from that, she has also developed lupus. My husband’s father, his parents would take him to the beach when he was a kid in Florida from Illinois just to put him in the saltwater for the eczema all over his body.
My husband and I, weirdly enough, were the healthiest people in our whole, entire family. So we just didn’t really expect any cases. We just didn’t expect to have a child with any of these issues. It didn’t even cross our minds.
My sister has asthma and eczema. She was in the hospital for a week after the MMR. These things just pop up all over our family. This is just the common things that I’ve heard from the doctor’s office.
If we look into everybody’s genetic history, we could probably find this issue with this one gene having mutated with them too. But as we were saying, how does that play out in each individual’s body?
And in Thinking Moms’, on our blog, we started a blog series about this called Red Flag, what are some things that you need to look at in a family history or in a baby before you keep going on with vaccinating and even your typical everyday products from the grocery store for cleaning and et cetera?
DEBRA: We need to go to break. It’s very interesting, very interesting. We’re going to go to break and we’ll be right back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Kim Spencer from Thinking Moms’ Revolution. That’s We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Kim Spencer from The Thinking Moms’ Revolution. The website is They have so much information on their website. They have a great blog. They actually put conferences too, online conferences. Actually, the way I found out about them is they contacted me to come speak at their upcoming conference.
Kim, do you want to tell us about that? I don’t think it’s on the website yet.
KIM SPENCER: Absolutely! We’re announcing any minute now. So everybody can just keep an eye on our blog.
In the last year, we have started doing these online conferences. As much as we love to go to conferences and see each other, it is a real huge strain on families with specials needs for children – financially and to find care for your kids. I mean, the plane tickets are just way too much. So we decided, with the wonder of the Internet, why not put them online?
So we have one coming up that’s called Your Life Detoxified. It is going to be really exciting. We’re so excited. We’re going to have a lot of people from different states and professions talking about how to detox by your home, how to detoxify your body and what different methods there are out there and different things you can try and learn about.
When we go live, with the link to register, we’ll have all our speakers in there. At this point, we’re still juggling that out all around. But just so everybody knows, this is March 27th. It will go on all day. You can watch it live. We give lots of things away and have lots of stories and have all kinds of fun stuff like that if you watch it live.
Also if you sign up at $40, you can watch at any time over the next year on your own time. You can just download it and watch it at your leisure. So that also helps. Instead of being tied to your computer all in one day, you can watch it when you can.
We also have, at this point, conferences on foods where to talk to Stephanie Seneff for example, the MIT researcher who was doing so much about autism and RoundUp and glyphosate. We’ve done energy medicine conference. We’ve done a homeopathy conference. We’re just getting the ball rolling, getting really a good amount of experience under our belts and how to pull this off without a hitch.
It’s been really exciting. We’ve been really excited with the turn-out and with how everything is gone and how easy it is to present all this information to families on the comfort of their homes. So yeah, we’re excited.
DEBRA: I’ll have that information on my website as well. It will especially be on the page for this show at
DEBRA: So let’s talk about what you’ve done, what are your successful actions that you’ve done and how they’ve helped your son and some other stories about children being helped by making these changes.
KIM SPENCER: Was it diet change or just health in general?
DEBRA: Diet changes, but also particularly, what are some things that you…
DEBRA: With detoxing, things you remove from your home, what kinds of detox methods have you used on his body, things like that? How have you changed the whole scene for him?
KIM SPENCER: Absolutely, yeah. Cleaning up the diet is monstrously huge, even bigger than I realized in the beginning when I removed wheat and berry out of Patrick’s diet.
I wasn’t even getting the whole big picture that everything needed to be really clean and pristine and as local and fresh and organic and as often as I could possibly make it. It’s such a big job, just the food aspect of this.
And there are so many different diets and so many different categories of foods that can cause behaviors in autistic children. Not just taking away wheat and berry, but we talk about the sugar. We talk about the oxalates. We talk about salicylates. We talk about so many different categories of foods that can be a problem.
So that’s just all one big thing on its own. And then on top of that, you’re trying to feed the rest of your family and feed yourself. It isn’t easy, but it’s easier than it was 10 years ago to go to a grocery store and find the ingredients you need for stuff like this.
And then on top of that…
DEBRA: Well, tell me what – I’m on a pretty similar diet, but for different reasons. Over the years, I’ve been looking at diet for a long time. I keep eliminating things and eliminating things. Basically what does your son eat?
KIM SPENCER: What are some – I’m sorry.
DEBRA: What are some of the foods that he eats? What is he eating today?
KIM SPENCER: Oh, the foods he can eat. Back in the day, we were milling our own flour from the organic rice, tapioca, beans. We would mill the flour and make our own waffles and hide stuff in it like green powders or mashed up fruits and that kind of thing so that he couldn’t see anything in there.
We do eat meat, but we keep it local and grass-fed and all of that. Even with chicken, you need meat that’s vegetarian-fed. That’s also misleading. Of course, that means they’re eating corn, which could be GMO and could be crap. So we’re watching out for that.
We’re watching out for the sea foods. We live on the coast. So we’re making sure that we know the source from the area.
We also are participating in local farm bag program where they drop off local and organic stuff every week. And then the farmer’s market, we’re getting to know the owners of the health food stores. We’re just really networking within the community.
There are so many people here really trying getting at what you’re getting at and often times, for different reasons like what you’re saying.
I’m sure diet has been important for my health too because of inflammation and different kinds of stress issues and pain. I feel a pain in my wrist, it happens immediately, just the craziest things. So we all need to be paying attention to this stuff.
On top of the food, Patrick was also mercury-poisoned. Three of his vaccines had 25 micrograms of mercury in it. When we did a heavy metal test on him, we discovered that the mercury level was really high. We detoxed him through IV chelation through his pediatrician.
Also at the same time, we were treating him for mercury poisoning, we were also spending many hours in the hyperbaric chamber for oxygen flooding in the body, which in our scientific looking it up and everything, the idea behind it was to pull out some metals and then flood the body with oxygen to clean up the mess that was left behind. Even if the metals are gone, there’s still a lot of dysfunction in the body.
As time went on, we realized like we talked about before that Patrick had a huge problem with strep. So again, his immune system and his environment were preventing him from handling pathogens as it should. So we started working on the PANDAS is what it’s called, Pediatric Autoimmune Neurodegenerative Autoimmune Stress. PANDAS is the acronym.
DEBRA: We need to go to break, but you can continue when we get back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Kim Spencer from the Thinking Moms’ Revolution. They’re at There’s lots of information there at the website about natural things that you can do to help your child if they’re autistic.
We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Kim Spencer from the Thinking Moms’ Revolution,
Kim, right before the break, you were talking about PANDAS. Tell us more about what that is.
KIM SPENCER: He has autoimmune issue. And the pathogen that’s in the body, they pick it up at school, they got it in vaccines, they got it from whoever (a recently vaccinated person). It goes into the body. And what we’re finding is that their bodies are not going to handle it like another person.
So as we were talking about before with the strep with my son, we’ve had this problem with clostridia before. Other people have this issue with any kind of virus, parasites, whatever. Pathogens are just wreaking havoc. You don’t really know they are there. Antibiotics aren’t really killing them, but they’re just chasing them back into the body.
And so what happened with my son is just this reoccurrence of incredibly high strep in his blood. We chased it back with antibiotics, and then it would come back. When it would come back, my sweet child would turn into an arm-biting, frame-breaking, hole in the wall maniac who would not sit down and do anything he was asked to do including homework or getting dressed or anything. It was just amazing night and day, Jekyll and Hyde situation.
We finally addressed it with homeopathy. We haven’t had [inaudible 00:40:26] in about five years, which has been great.
But we saw it so much at the pediatrician’s office that I was working at. When this started happening with my son, we keep hearing more and more proof of these kids with autism coming in all of a sudden with the sudden onset of really, really extreme, aggressive and resistant behaviors.
We just started saying, “Okay. Let’s just test them all for strep.” And there it was! The normal range would be within 100 to 200 and these kids would have these numbers of 700, 800, 900 of strep in their blood.
So at that point, I was working for a pediatrician, we were addressing it with antibiotics, but it was amazing how fast the symptoms would subside when the strep was chased back into the body.
It takes a lot of work and a lot of assistance to the immune system. A lot of different things can be tried to try to resolve this issue. It is definitely an autoimmune reaction to a pathogen.
Some doctors now are calling it PANS, Pediatric Autoimmune Neurodegenerative Syndrome. They’ve taken out the word strep because other pathogens really could be doing this just as usually as strep even if strep seems to be the most common at this point.
So anyway, it’s an interesting little side angle again to what’s going on with our kids. You’re looking at your food and you’re looking at your household toxins, you’re looking at these pathogens that could be an issue, you’re talking about your lack of detox ability from your genetic history. I mean, it just goes on and on with the things that we can talk about when it comes to what’s going on with our kids’ health today.
And I feel like I’ve been talking really fast. There’s a lot of this information out there. I’m really fast and being way too overwhelming for anyone who’s new to hearing this. So I apologize. But there’s just so much to it.
I’ve just seen so many…
DEBRA: There’s so much to it.
KIM SPENCER: … with so many kids in different ways.
There’s just no one – I wish there was one protocol. I wish there was one doctor that was getting it right 100% of the time. I wish essential oils would just fix it all, but it’s just not happening that way.
DEBRA: Well, we live in a world where there are so many exposures. I’ve been doing this, writing and researching about toxic chemicals for more than 30 years. I started because I got sick. What I really found was that it all comes down to the toxic chemical exposures that we have. Even though there are then other things that trigger symptoms, if we were just to rip out the toxic chemicals out of society and so we were not exposed to them any longer, a whole bunch of health problems would go away, just everything.
When I wrote my last book, I researched everything anew. And there are so much more information now than there has ever been. You can now associate every single health problem with exposure to toxic chemicals.
I know it’s a bold statement, but it’s true. It’s just true. You really can’t treat any illness or gain health without addressing the toxic chemicals. You just can’t. I wish that everybody would know this. I really applaud your organization for making it known in the realm of autism.
So we have about five minutes left. Now that you’ve given us a whole lot information really fast, why don’t you say something really slow for our listeners what you’d like them to take away from all of this that you’ve said?
I’ve just been scribbling notes here. I do make transcripts. So next week, we’re going to have a transcript. People who are interested can read about this more slowly. But what would you like them to know about toxic chemicals and autism?
KIM SPENCER: You made an excellent point when you’re talking about your own personal history. As I’ve gone through this in the autism community, I do have to say that there has been people like you that knew that they were sick and started looking for answers for themselves and really started seeing that it is in the environment, it’s in your grocery store and it is at the fast food places and there’s something you can do about it that’s really, really a lot of work and a lot of searching and digging for yourself.
But you guys are the ones that don’t have a dog in the fight, as we like to say, that don’t have the kids and have discovered this for yourself, but it’s the same across the board as it is for your health, as it is for my son that you guys are becoming our best and most amazing allies because first of all, you have a platform. Second of all, you’ve seen it in your own bodies, you’ve experienced it with your own health. What we’re doing with our kids is what you’ve done for yourself. You don’t have a dog in the fight that’s keeping you from 24/7 being able to spread the message and say, “I know how this feels. I know what these people are going through.”
For us in the autism mommy and parent community, that’s really amazing that people like you are joining us saying, “Uh-oh, we’ve been seeing this for years.” I mean, this is like the worst case scenario of what we’re talking about here just as if I was that toxic and I brought myself back, but I wasn’t and have autism. I did not stop from connecting to the world.
I mean, it might hurt, couldn’t figure it out and all that kind of stuff, but our kids in this generation is what’s really showing us that you were right and it’s only gotten worse. We need to buckle down and really, really start paying attention to this. It’s only getting worse, Debra. It’s really sad right now.
DEBRA: I totally agree with you. When I was a child, which is a long time ago. When I was a child, nobody even said the word autism. And we didn’t have all these commercials on televisions about kids with cancer. The amount of the condition of our physical health has gone down dramatically in my lifetime. And we, as individuals, need to do more than ever to make ourselves well.
You can’t take a drug for this. You can’t take a pill for it. It does nothing because if toxic chemicals are poisoning you on a continuous basis, 24 hours a day and you don’t do something about it, they’ll just continue to poison you.
KIM SPENCER: Yes. The drugs are the toxins themselves, exactly.
DEBRA: Yes. So it’s so important to be talking about these things. I really see – the thing that’s interesting to me is that it doesn’t matter what the illness is, but the causes are the same across the boards. And the solutions are the same.
KIM SPENCER: Yes. I agree with you 100%. Yeah. I mean a lot of times we don’t even need – like I’ll have friends that call me or acquaintances that approach us at Thinking Moms’ and say, “I need a diagnosis… where should I take my child? I think he has autism. I need this on a piece of paper.”
I just say to myself, “Why? Why do you need it?” You know what’s going on with your child. You see it with your eyes every day. Why do you need a label when you know what you need to do? You need to go home and really look at what you’re feeding, what you’re buying, what you’re putting into that kid’s body and find doctors that know what to do regardless of the title if it’s ADD or autism or this Oppositional Defiant Disorder, a new diagnosis.
It doesn’t matter. Your kid is toxic. You can do something about it without a psychologist writing on a piece of paper what the name of it is.
DEBRA: Yeah, that’s exactly right. That’s exactly right.
Well, we only just have about a minute left. Let’s give your website again, Do you want to just say something about what people can find there?
KIM SPENCER: Absolutely. So you can find our book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. We will be hosting a lounge at Autism One in Chicago on Memorial Day weekend.
We are also around the country, hosting showings of Trace Amounts, which is a documentary about mercury and medicine. We are putting out a survival guide pretty soon and a grandparents’ book, a group of grandparent stories.
We’d love to have everyone join us on our Detoxifying Conference on March 27th. The details of that will be on our website at very soon.
And we have a lot of stuff on Facebook, although we’re thinking about migrating over to a new more private platform called [inaudible 00:49:46].
So look for us in all those places. We’re everywhere. We want to be everywhere and we want to help.
DEBRA: Great. Thank you so much, Kim. Again, it’s I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’ve been listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. Be well!