ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Max GoldbergToday my guest is Max Goldberg, who blogs about organic food and drink at Living Maxwell. We’ll be talking about what he’s learned about organic and natural products from his extensive research in this area. Called an “organic sensation” by The New York Times and named as “one of the nation’s leading organic food experts” by Shape Magazine, Max Goldberg is the founder of Living Maxwell, one of the most widely read organic food blogs in the country, and Pressed Organic Juice Directory, the world’s first pressed organic juice directory. An organic food activist, partner of the Just Label It! campaign, and speaker at industry trade shows, Max runs the Organic Food Industry Group on LinkedIn, where his weekly curated email is read by thousands of organic food CEOs, founders, and executives from all over the world.Max received his BA from Brown University and his MBA from the Columbia University Graduate School of Business, and he is the author of the upcoming memoir CLEAR: Life After a Decade of Antidepressants and Other Escape Mechanisms. Max has been featured in The New York Times, Fox News Channel, CNN, Forbes, Shape Magazine, Self Magazine, The Huffington Post, Veria Living, and numerous other publications. |


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The World of Organic Foods & Beverages

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Max Goldberg

Date of Broadcast: February 27, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world by living toxic free. And we need to do that because there are so many toxic chemicals in everything, in the tap water that comes out of our tap, and just walking down the street, being sprayed by pesticides, car exhaust, all over the place and all kinds of consumer products.

It is a toxic world, but we don’t have to be affected by it. We can remove toxic chemicals from our homes, from our offices. We can choose things that don’t have toxic chemicals in the foods that we eat, in the water we drink, in everything. We can live a toxic free life, we can remove toxic chemicals from our bodies. And that’s what this show is about. It’s how you can be toxic free.

Today is Thursday, February 27, 2014, and I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. And today we’re going to be talking about Organic Food and Drinks with somebody who really knows about organic food and drink. My guest is Max Goldberg who blogs about organic food and drinks at Living Maxwell. He has been called an organic sensation by the New York Times and names as one of the nation’s leading organic food experts by Shape Magazine. And he has a very interesting story.

Hi, Max. Thanks for being here.

MAX GOLDBERG: Well, thanks for having me. It’s a pleasure.

DEBRA: So first of all, I want you to tell everybody your story about where you’ve come from and how far you’ve come and the things that you’ve changed in your life that led you to deciding that organic foods are so important.

MAX GOLDBERG: After college, I went to work on Wall Street as an investment banker. I got my MBA and worked in technology and software for a while. And then in the late 90s and the beginning of 2000, in the early 2000, I had dramatic health changes. I quit drinking in 1999. I quit smoking cigarettes in 2000. And the biggest changes in 2001, I had been on Prozac, an antidepressant, for close to 11 years, and went off that antidepressant in 2001, nearly 11 years. And it was right around that time that I found organic food. And that is one of the reasons I went off of Prozac, was because I found organic food and I realized that I had been putting food with all these chemicals into my body all this time. I said, “I don’t want this in my body anymore.”

And so I got into organic food and then I realized that it didn’t make any sense. I was running around trying to find food that didn’t have chemicals in it. I was popping a chemical each morning. So eventually, I went off of Prozac in December of 2001, and I have been eating close to 100% organic food since that time.

So in the summer of 2001, I find organic food, I go off antidepressant, and going off antidepressants was a very, very traumatic. It took me three and a half years to recover. I was suicidal. And eventually, three and a half years later, I turned a corner and I was able to really start building my life again.

And I’ve actually got a memoir, a book about my time before, during and after the Prozac, which will be out later this year, detailing all of that.

So in 2001, I pretty much started eating all organic food and maybe about four years ago, I started writing about the industry. So I always really interested in organic and passionate about it at that time in the early 2000s. But my mental state was such that the thought of starting a business was just a little bit overwhelming. I was just having trouble surviving.

DEBRA: I understand.

MAX GOLDBERG: So about four years ago, I started writing about organic food and that started. And the blogs grown, and it’s done well, and it’s really allowed me to work in an industry that I love and really share the message about the importance of organic food.

DEBRA: Well, tell us why is organic food so important to you? What’s the basic message for you that you want people to know?

MAX GOLDBERG: Well, first of all, there are several reasons. One, it’s for your personal health. You’re putting food into your body that does not engage toxic pesticides and chemicals, the genetically modified organisms not allowed in organic. And nutritionally, it’s superior foods. Studies have come out that show higher level of antioxidants, higher level of Omega-3’s in organics. You’re putting a superior food into your body.

And the other thing that I want to point out and really stress is that organic is also an environmental issue as well. I don’t think people realize the extent of how chemicals are used in this country.

There was a story in the New York Times how in Central Valley in California, the farming communities, the water is so polluted and so toxic from all these pesticides that are sprayed that they have to drink bottled water. They’re not allowed to drink tap water.

DEBRA: Yes. My grandparents actually lived in the Central Valley. And I used to go there a lot because I lived in California. And yes, that is the way it is. When I was a child, sometimes I think about my childhood and it scares me, the kinds of things that I used to be exposed to. And I used to live in the San Francisco Bay area, and my grandparents lived in Fresno, which is in the middle of all that agriculture in the Central Valley. And we would be driving down Interstate 5. At that time, I think they hadn’t built Interstate 5 yet. But we would be driving down this freeway and it was agriculture on both sides. It was just fields, miles and miles and miles of fields. And as a child, one of the games we would play was what is growing in that field. And it was actually really fun. And we say, “Oh, there’s lettuce. There’s cotton.”

The other part of it, it was kind of charming, was that these bi-planes would fly over and spray clouds of pesticides right out of the plane, right on the freeway, where we were driving right by. It was open pesticide spraying over the fields with the bi-planes.

And we would just be driving through it and thinking, “Oh, look. There’s a bi-plane.”

And now, I look and I’m going, “Oh, my god. I’m driving down the freeway and I’m being sprayed by pesticides.”

And this was every time we would drive to my grandmother’s this would happen.

And so this was happening to me. You couldn’t imagine the people who are living in those communities.

MAX GOLDBERG: No, I really can’t. And I was told the other day that similarly, when they spray out there that a lot of these people, they can’t leave their home and things like that.

Interestingly enough, I was at a book party last night here in New York City, is where I live, for a guy who wrote a book. It’s called Natural Profits and it’s about a guy who wrote a book about the organic food industry, and really the rise and the entrepreneurs and the visionaries who made it happen whether it’s Gary Hirshberg at Stonyfield or John Mackey at Wholefoods. And what he said was there was a 60-minute report, I think it was in 1989 or ’87, in the late ’80s. And they did a report on alar, which was the chemical sprayed on apples.

DEBRA: I remember that.

MAX GOLDBERG: Do you remember that?

DEBRA: I remember that setting. Yes, go ahead.

MAX GOLDBERG: So they did the 60-minute story on that and apparently, that was one of the real tipping points where people, they started throwing out their applesauce and they stopped eating apples. And that was really a point in time when the organic movement was started and taken much, much more seriously.

DEBRA: Yes. Well, there are many, many pesticides. I’m happy to have you tell us more about the toxic chemicals in agriculture that are not in organic foods.

MAX GOLDBERG: Well, I think the biggest thing that people should know about is one that’s going on right now, which is, in Washington, they’re getting very close to approving a genetically-engineered corn and genetically-engineered soy crop by Dow Chemical, both of which are resistant to 2 4-D.

Now, what is 2 4-D? So just let me back up just so people understand, why about the GE crops. Basically, these companies engineer these seeds or these crops in a laboratory to make them resistant to certain chemicals. So when this genetically-engineered soy, when they’re planting the soy, they make the soy resistant to a specific chemical so the chemical can be sprayed on the soy crop and it won’t kill the crop but it will kill everything around it, whether it’s pests or fungicides or whatever it may be. Or weeds or whatever it may be.

So it’s killing everything around the crop but not the crop itself.

DEBRA: I need to interrupt you because we need to go to break but we’ll hear more about this when we come back.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Max Golberg, who blogs about organic food and drink at And we’ll be back after this.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Max Goldberg who blogs about organic food and drink at

Before the break, we were talking about GMOs, so continue with that please.

MAX GOLDBERG: Okay, so I gave just the basic explanation about how GMOs work, how basically they designed these crops so it kills everything around the crops when they spray the chemicals on the crop. It kills everything around the crop but they don’t kill the crop itself.

So Dow chemical is trying to get approval from the government and it appears very likely it’s going to happen within the next month or two since they’ve already received a preliminary approval. The genetically-engineered soy and corn that is resistant to 2 4-D, so that’s the chemical they’re going to be spraying on this.

Now, what is 2 4-D? 2 4-D was the primary ingredient in Agent Orange. That was the herbicide warfare program that killed 400,000 people in Vietnam and left 500,000 people with birth defects. That was the primary ingredient in Agent Orange. And this is what they’re going to be spraying on our crops.

DEBRA: That’s just insane. Not only is it insane that they’re spraying something that toxic on our crops, but it’s insane to think that any kind of plant or animal or organism of any kind grow in an environment where the point is to kill everything around it. There’s just something wrong with that logic.

MAX GOLDBERG: Well, I don’t disagree with you at all. People just don’t really know what is going on out there. And it’s funny with the 2 4-D, the Vietnam Veterans Association wrote a letter to President Obama asking him not to approve it. And of course, they’re going to approve it. It just shows the incredible power that the Ag-Biotech Industry has in this country. And what people need to know is that the same companies that make these seeds, that make these genetically-engineered crops, are the same companies that sell them the chemicals. It’s the same company. It’s not two different companies. It’s the same company.

So they worked hand in hand. And according to the Food and Water Watch, the Ag-Biotech Industry, which is these chemicals companies and the seed companies, spends $572-million on campaign contributions and lobbying from 1999 to 2010. And that is why we have food policy that allows it. There are 64 countries around the world that require GMOs to be labeled so you know what you’re eating but the US does not. And why don’t we have GMO labeling? It’s because the Ag-Biotech Industry has purchased food policy in this country.

DEBRA: I’m just sitting here silently shaking my head. I don’t know what to say to this because it’s so illogical. My basic philosophy is that we should be considering, as the very first thing, what supports life, what supports the environment, what supports our bodies. If we don’t have an environment, if it is a healthy environment in which to grow food and produce all the things, all the materials that go into making the things that we need in order to survive as individuals, then we don’t have those things to survive. We don’t have food that gives us the nutrition that we need so that our bodies are healthy.

And so we need to have a great environment that is thriving. And we need to have bodies that are thriving in order to be happy, healthy and productive. And it just seems like that there is a whole structure that does not think that way. But then there’s another whole, emerging group of people, an ever-increasing group of people like you and I who are thinking quite differently than that.

MAX GOLDBERG: Well, more and more people are slowly waking up to this. And you just look at the growth of the organic food industry. It’s growing for a reason because people realize that the food that they’re putting into their bodies needs to be of a certain quality and it can’t contain toxic chemicals, it can’t contain GMOs, an as much all these food companies would like us to believe that are completely safe, consumers don’t believe it

The studies they provide are totally biased. And the government just listens to whatever these big corporations say because they’re so beholden to the campaign contribution and the lobbying. As a result,. The health of consumers gets compromised.

There’s a reason why the US has 41%, and this is from the president’s cancer panel report. 41% of Americans are going to get cancer, 21% of Americans are going to die from cancer, and there’s a reason. And at the end of the day, what it really shows you is that every single person has to take complete responsibility for their health because if you’re going to rely on what the government is telling us, it’s safe to eat, you’re going to end up as a statistic.

DEBRA: I complete agree. And when I was researching my last book that I wrote a few years ago, Toxic Free, I found a study where they had tested the urine of children who had eaten foods with pesticides and then after a period of them eating organic food, they tested their urine again and they found that within days, it only took a few days of eating organic food, that they no longer had the pesticide in their bodies. It was no longer coming out through the urine.

And so that was just such a dramatic thing to me because pesticides are one of those things that are persistent. There are probably some pesticides that are persistent in your body, but other pesticides aren’t persistent. And things like BPA, BPA is not a pesticide, it’s not in your food. It’s in packaging. So it could end up in your food, like if you eat canned foods. But BPA will go through your body in several days. It’s not persistent. All you have to do is stop eating canned foods and a lot of BPA will leave your body.

It really is so easy to improve bodies in this way. It’s just to say, “I’m not going to eat pesticides on food. I’m going to eat organic food.” It’s there. It’s available to almost everybody in America. Anybody can go and buy organic food in almost every city in America. And in a few days, you’re not going to have so much pesticides in your body. That’s just a fact.

We need to go to break. So I’m not going to let you say anything as I don’t want you start.

This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Max Goldberg and he blogs about organic food and drink at Living Maxwell. He’s been called an organic sensation by the New York Times. And when we come back, we will find out what Max eats. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Max Goldberg who blogs about organic food and drink at Max, you have on your website four points that describe your eating habits. And I think that they’re really good ones. So would you tell us what those are?

MAX GOLDBERG: I’m sorry. Could you repeat that? I couldn’t hear you.

DEBRA: Can you hear me now?

MAX GOLDBERG: Yes, I can hear you better now.

DEBRA: Okay, you have four points on your blog where you talk about insights into your eating habits. So tell us what are those four points that guide what you choose to eat?

MAX GOLDBERG: Okay, well, I’m eating close to 100% organic.

DEBRA: And how do you do that?

MAX GOLDBERG: Well, I live in New York City so there’s plenty of organic restaurants here. So that’s some huge help. But everyone can do that for breakfast. I’ll get some [inaudible 00:27:41] points so we can [inaudible 00:27:43]. I eat close to 100% organic, so when I got out to restaurants, I’m eating organic. And when I travel in the US, I figure out where I’m going to eat, and then I book my travel around that, where I’m going to stay and things like that.

So I think about food very differently. I think about where I’m going to eat way in advance. I don’t just go on a trip and then figure it out. I figure it out in advance before I even take my trip. Traveling internationally is a slightly different story than the US. So it’s not 100% but it’s very, very close to 100%.

So I also eat cooked and raw food. I probably do one to two raw food meals a day. I’m not a or vegetarian. I do eat grass-fed red meat and I do eat sardines. The other thing, I always travel, as I mentioned, when I fly, I’m always taking food with me to the airport and for food when I’m on the plane. And I always think about, “When I get off the plane, where am I going to eat?” So in the back of my mind, I know exactly where I’m going to be eating. I have it all organized. And if I’m staying with a friend, do they have a blender? Do they have a juicer? Where’s the closest organic supermarket to where I’ll be staying? I really am buying these things in advance.

DEBRA: That’s so intelligent.


DEBRA: That’s so intelligent.

MAX GOLDBERG: Well, if you want to eat this way and if you really want to be serious about eating organic, you have to. And friends of mine who eat similarly, it’s the exact same thing with them. We plan. We plan a day or days in advance.

It’s funny because the big organic food tradeshow is next week in Anaheim, California. And I gave a lot of thought as to where I’m going to stay based on where I can get my food. And I think for people who are starting to embrace this lifestyle, these are the things that you need to do. And it’s no different than anything else in life. It’s saving for retirement or whatever it may be. You need to plan. And it’s no different from how you eat on a daily basis.

And the last thing is I drink as much organic green juice as possible. Green juice is the chlorophylls of magnesium and I actually started because I’m such a big pressed organic juice fan. I started something called which is the world’s first pressed organic juice directory. So when you travel, you know where you can get pressed organic juice wherever you are.

DEBRA: That’s so good to have that kind of information from city to city. So I’m assuming that you also carry snacks around with you when you’re going around during the day. So if you’re out and are hungry or it’s time for you to eat, then you have something to eat and you don’t have to find organic food some place. Is that right?

MAX GOLDBERG: I would say that’s more when I’m traveling. Just because in New York, there’s just such easy access for it.

DEBRA: And where I live there is not easy access to organic foods. So you must have an idea of what did you eat for breakfast this morning. On a typical day, what do you eat?

MAX GOLDBERG: I’ll either do something like a nut milk smoothie where I’ll either use Brazil nuts or I’ll soak hemp seeds overnight. And then I will make nut milk out of those. I have a video on my website on how to make nut milk. Basically, you put hemp seeds and water into a blender, you blend it and you stain it and you get hemp seed milk. And you can put that back into the blender with bananas or raw cacao powder and mocha, things like that, and you can create a super food smoothie for breakfast.

Or I’ll do things like GSC pudding. Sometimes I’ll do a raw oatmeal. So those are typical breakfast.

DEBRA: And then what do you have for lunch?

MAX GOLDBERG: Lunch, I’ll either a salad and soup or I’ll do beans, I’ll do lentils, quinoa. Dinner is pretty similar too. I’ll do the same thing. Or I’ve actually found this really good brand of pasta called Tolerance, which is certified organic non-GMO pasta made from nothing more than organic red lentils.

DEBRA: I’ve never heard of that one.

MAX GOLDBERG: It’s an amazing product. I did a big giveaway on my website and people just flipped out over. And I found them at the big organic food tradeshow last year. And it’s an amazing product. So all it is, is pasta made from certified organic red lentils. And they have one for black beans as well. It’s certified organic black bean pasta. So I’ll do that. And I’ll juice every single day pretty much without fail.

DEBRA: Well, it sounds like you have a very healthy diet. I can see that a lot of things like the seeds and lentils and things like that those are kind of staple products that anybody could get. You can even order them online, and you can fill your pantry with those kinds of things. And then a lot of that is organic.

I know for me, it’s hard for me to get organic produce here where I live. My nearest Wholefoods is about an hour’s drive for me and pretty expensive. But I have a small, local, natural food store. But they don’t always have a lot of variety.

And so if I were to eat 100% organic, it would be more limited than I’d like it to be. And so I think that a lot of people that don’t have the access that you have that there’s always that question between, “Am I just going to eat organic and have it be very limited and maybe have it cost more, or am I’m going to not eat organic and have more variety and be more in my budget?”

So what would you say to somebody like that?

MAX GOLDBERG: What I would do is, if I couldn’t have access to this, I would really load up on things like these organic green powders. So you’re getting the benefits of the green juices in powder form. And that’s something I always travel with.

DEBRA: We need to go to break. We’ll be right back. And you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Max Goldberg and he blogs about organic food and drink at We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Max Goldberg who blogs about organic food and drink at And do check out his blog. I actually subscribed to his newsletter which you can do so just right at the upper right hand corner of the right hand column on his blog. And he writes a lot of different things. Some of his blogposts are very simple things that anybody can do who are just getting started out. The top post right now is Five Essential Ways to Avoid Genetically Modified Food.

But he also writes about what are the toxic problems, again, talking about GMOs. He wrote a post called Consuming Genetically Modified Soy is a Very Very Risky Proposition. So you can get information on the dangers of non-organic food and information on what’s there out in the world that’s organic, whether it’s food or drink or even cleaning products, personal care products made from organic, it’s all there at

And you’ve done a great job putting this together. I’m very happy to recommend it on this show.

So you have, Max, a post here that you said the must share video, the organic industry rolls out its first advertising campaign, and you said that this is so important that it should be shared. So why don’t you tell us about that?

MAX GOLDBERG: It’s something that’s been in the works for a long time. There’s a perception out there for a lot of people that natural is better than organic. And nothing could be further from the truth. So what this video is, is a satire about how companies brainwash all their products. They slap the word natural on everything. So it basically makes fun of an executive who advises these companies about the natural.

And what happens, what are the standards for natural? There are none.

DEBRA: There are none. Yes, I’ve been saying that for 30 years. Yes, there are none.

MAX GOLDBERG: There literally are none and it’s not like there’s some and they’re not enforced. If you go to the USDA’s website, it says there are no standards for the labeling of natural food products if they do not contain meat or eggs.

So they can put absolutely anything in there and just call it natural.

DEBRA: Wait. Let’s just also point out that there’s a whole industry called the Natural Foods Industry and the Natural Cosmetics Industry, and there are no regulations for what that word means.

MAX GOLDBERG: It’s a joke. So what’s happened lately is, in the last few years, the lawyers have gotten involved and said, “This is ridiculous.” And they’ve sued a lot of these companies for using the word natural on products that contain GMOs and synthetic substances. And the most notable of them all has been by far the most viewed story on the website since I started a few years ago. It has been about Naked Juice.

Naked Juice just settled a $9-million class action lawsuit. Naked Juice was sued for using the word, natural and non-GMO, when the lawsuit said that they were using substances that weren’t natural and substances that were genetically-modified. So that’s what the lawsuit said and they just got sued. And they settled.

DEBRA: That’s blatantly fraud. I think that there’s an assumption about the word natural. When I started writing about natural products all those years ago, this was like pre, before organic became popular, when we would refer to a natural product as one that didn’t have additives in it. It didn’t have artificial colors or flavors or preservatives. That was a natural product. But there are no regulations about it. But that was the general practice of what it meant. And we weren’t even talking about organic because it was never on the label of anything.

I think there’s an assumption, a cultural assumption that that’s what natural means. And so for a company to market themselves to the natural product market and be sold in a natural food store, there’s that word again, and then have GMOs in it and have substances in it that are known to not be natural, that’s fraudulent to me.

MAX GOLDBERG: Well, they still claim that with Naked Juice that there were no GMOs and the only thing that they agreed to aside from being fined was they both greed to take the words all natural off. But yes, it’s crazy that they’re using the word natural, we know companies in general, when it contains genetically-engineered ingredients because those are not natural. Those are not found in nature.

DEBRA: Those are not natural. They’re not even remotely.

MAX GOLDBERG: [cross-talking 00:44:48] and we grow it in nature because that’s where it’s growing, so it has to be. It’s growing in nature even though it’s engineered in the laboratory.

DEBRA: That’s like people saying it’s organic because it’s made out of organic chemicals.

MAX GOLDBERG: Exactly. It’s insane. That’s why consumers just really need to understand. That’s why I said my share because consumers – too many people they think natural is better than organic, and organic has very clear standards, regulation enforcement.

If a food manufacturer labels their products as organic and they aren’t organic and they have not received the USDA official certification, yet they’re labeling it as organic, they go to jail.

DEBRA: I think this is something that people – I did a whole show about this but I’m going to say it again here because we’re talking about organic. I found out that the whole organic certification program is so well-regulated and it goes through so many layers of checks and balances and that the certification means particular, particular things and there are people who are going out and checking. And I’ve talked to people who have organic certifications and they tell me how stringent it is that really, if you want to get some of the most, most, most toxic free products of any kind on the planet, what you should be looking for is certified organic products because they actually are. There’s a structure. It means something. And it’s not only regulated but certified by certifiers who go out and check exactly what you’re doing even down to the point of that they look at how much you’re producing, like say, how much tomatoes you’re producing. And they’re looking at the materials, the soil additives and things like that that they’re putting in. And they’re checking the amounts to make sure that what you bought, and you have to produce your receipts like what you bought, that makes sense about what it is that you produce.

And that’s how stringent it is. And so people, you really need to understand that this organic really is the primo, number one certification for the most pure product you’re going to be able to buy.

MAX GOLDBERG: Organic is not perfect. There’s a lot of room for improvement but it is absolutely the best we have.

DEBRA: It is the best we have right now. And if every product on the planet were to be aligned with and certifying according to the organic system, we would have such a less toxic place.

MAX GOLDBERG: No doubt about it.

DEBRA: No doubt about it, I agree.

So we only have a few minutes left and I wanted to just ask you if there’s something else that you’d like to say that we haven’t talked about yet?

MAX GOLDBERG: I think the biggest thing is for people just to really get involved and really start asking questions because if we want the food system to change, it’s going to require every one being involved because the major food corporations have a tremendous amount of money and power. And through the money they are able to really dictate food policy.

So if we want change, it’s going to require people to be involved and have their voices heard because if we all get together and demand something different, we can get this. And that means voting politicians out of office if they’re not going to support food policy that’s really beneficial to their constituency.

So that’s the biggest thing. We just need people involved.

DEBRA: I totally agree with you. Well, thank you so much for having been on the show today. And I’m just looking through your website and I’ll just tell people some other things that they can find here. I’m looking at organic Valentine’s Day gift ideas. So if you want to know what’s organic to give your Valentine, this is the kind of place to find it.

I’ve been to New York. I don’t live there but I’ve been to New York and I know that you have so many organic resources there. I live in Clearwater, Florida where we have practically none. And I’m just sitting here thinking, “I had to really push to have there be an organic restaurant.” I just need to make it happen because I think that a lot of people would benefit from it and they’d really like it.

When people get together and they decide that this is what they want, then you can in a place make things happen.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And thank you, Max, for being with me today. And you can go to to find out more about this show. We’ll be back tomorrow.


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