My guest today is Wendy Myers, CHHC, NC, founder and head writer of We’ll be talking about special tests that Wendy offers that go above and beyond what you can get from a medical doctor. Things like organic acids and neurotranmitters, and how these relate to your health and detox. Wendy is a certified holistichealth and nutrition coach in Los Angeles, Ca, She is also certified in Hair Mineral Analysis for the purpose of designing Mineral Power programs for clients to correct their metabolism and body chemistry. She is currently seeking her masters in clinical nutrition at Bridgeport University in Connecticut. Wendy hosts the weekly Live to 110 Video Podcast and the Modern Paleo Cooking show on her Live to 110 Youtube Channel.
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- Toxics in Your Body? Tests Can Tell You the Truth
- Choosing and Using Home Saunas to Remove Toxic Chemicals From Your Body
- Deep Detox With Minerals
- Health and Nutrition Coach on Diet and Detox
Tests You Won’t Find at Your Doctor’s Office
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Wendy Myers, CHHC, NC
Date of Broadcast: July 08, 2015
DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free. It is Wednesday, July 8, 2015. I’m here in beautiful Clearwater, Florida.
Today, we’re going to be talking about tests that can you can have done on your body that you’re not going to find in your doctor’s office.
I go to a medical doctor. I go to alternative doctors. I go to practitioners that know about health but aren’t even doctors. The experience that I’ve had in the doctor’s office is that there are so many tests even that they could order through a lab that would tell you things like how much vitamin D is in your body, for example or testing other things like how well your kidneys are functioning and various kinds of things.
But they don’t order those things even though they are there and they’re available to the doctor to order. They don’t order them. Several months ago, I got a list of tests from Pamela Seefeld, who is on every other Wednesday. She’s a pharmacist. And we’re talking about how you can not be taking pharmaceuticals but instead, be taking natural remedies.
And so I asked her what are the tests that I should be taking, and she gave me a list, things that the doctor should be ordering. It was much longer than what my doctor was ordering, and I took it in, and I said, “We do order these.” And he said, “Sure.” And that was the last time he did it, only just because I asked him that one time.
So then I asked the receptionist about ordering and she said, “Well, the doctor can only order the tests that go with your diagnosis. He can’t order anything else and have it be covered by the insurance.” And I don’t have insurance but that’s another issue.
But the thing is that regular medical doctors are not necessarily ordering the tests that could be telling you things about your body that you might want to know.
So my guest today is Wendy Myers. She has a bunch of letters after her name which we’ll ask her about when she comes on. She’s the founder and head writer of And she is very trained in a lot of things that most people aren’t trained in. She has just started offering a lot of tests. And we’re going to talk about some of the different tests that she has available to you now, things that she can interpret that you’re not going to find in a lot of other places.
Hi, Wendy.
WENDY MYERS: Hi, and how are you?
DEBRA: I’m good. How are you?
WENDY MYERS: I’m doing fantastic.
DEBRA: Well, I have a bunch of letters after your name. CHHC, NC, and you now have FDN. What are all these things?
WENDY MYERS: The first one is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, this certification I got from this nutrition school I went to. The Nutritional Consultant I got when I got certified in hair mineral analysis. That’s my first love. I love hair mineral analysis. It’s such an amazing tool which I’ve done with you a handful of times.
And the next one is FDN, Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist. And I added that because I really felt that I needed to—I wanted to do all kinds of testing with my clients, testing that’s not typically done in a medical doctor’s office and testing which is needed.
I think that’s why a lot of people are going outside of their medical doctor and seeking the consults, the natural health professionals that are doing a functional diagnostic testing to get to the root cause of their illness, as opposed to covering it up with medications because that’s a doctor, they’re trained to do, and that’s what the insurance company would pay for.
So that’s what I do. I do functional diagnostic medicine to help unroot the cause of illness and to correct it naturally, to completely resolve the health issue at hand.
DEBRA: Why did you become a health coach?
WENDY MYERS: Well, I was having my pregnancy and I started studying nutrition and health, and cleaning up my environment, prepping for the baby and whatnot, and I just thought, “Why haven’t I studied this before?” I was so interested in this. And then I became very, very passionate about it. And then my father was diagnosed with cancer and really it was devastating, and he passed away within six months of his diagnosis. And I was angry about it. I didn’t understand why his cancer treatments made him so sick. I felt like he could have lived a few more years had he not undergone this treatment, radiation and chemo and whatnot. And I just started studying—I had all these questions. Why is everyone so sick? Why is everyone having cancer? Why was my father on 10 medications? And that contributed to his demise.
So I just started studying. And I started my blog,, and I just wanted to share everything I was learning. And I just discovered about the underlying root cause of disease are mineral and nutrient deficiencies, and heavy metal and chemical toxicity.
When you blow it down and you look at all the disease labels, the majority of them are due to these two factors. So that’s my main message that I’m trying to get out to the world is that people need to do a foundational work that they’re not getting with their physicians. They need to mineralize their body with targeted nutrient therapy, like the sniper approach as opposed to the shotgun approach, of just taking a multivitamin. And they need to detox their body of heavy metals and chemicals.
You really don’t have any hopes of being healthy long term if you don’t address these two pressing health issues.
DEBRA: I completely agree with you. And I’ll just tell our listening audience that I figured out exactly the same thing before I even met you. So when we met, it was like, “Oh, here’s some agreement.”
We’re approaching it in slightly different ways, I would say, they were complementary, in that you know so much more than I do about how the body works and nutrition and all these tests, and you have all these certifications to do your nutritionist work. And I know more about where the toxic chemicals are and how they affect your body and what you can use instead. So I think that Wendy and I go together really well.
WENDY MYERS: Yes, we do. We’re like peas and carrots.
DEBRA: So let’s start talking about your tests. So what is the most important test that you think—now, before you answer this question, I’m on her page and it’s a huge page. Let me see how many tests are done on this page. There are 22 tests, I think, of all different kinds. And we obviously can’t talk about all 22 tests, in just this hour that we have together. So let’s start with which test do you think is the most important?
WENDY MYERS: Well, my favorite test is the hair mineral analysis. It gives me a picture of your body’s chemistry. But after that, an organic acid test is very, very important. That’s what gives me a tremendous amount of information about the acid that’s the ones gut bugs are producing.
DEBRA: Before we go on, tell us what the organic acids are because when I—I’m sure that most people listening have no clue what it is. I’m not even sure I know what it is.
WENDY MYERS: Basically, the gut bug too, what it is. It’s the waste products that your gut bugs are producing. And so by looking at these acids, we can tell what bacteria or families of bacteria you have in your gut. But it also tests other things in it as well. It tests your neurotransmitter metabolites. So we can see if there is an imbalance in your neurotransmitters. It tests amino acid absorption, so we can see if there’s possibly some reduced intestinal absorption, maybe some leaky gut, if you’re not absorbing proteins. It tests all your B vitamins. You can see if those are low. It’s just got so many different markers that it’s such a tremendous amount of information.
For instance, your ammonia levels, if those are high, we know you’ve got some liver problems going on. We’re going to work on that liver health. It will give an indication of your phosphoric acid and perhaps you’ve got some bone density issues, if that’s low. It gives a lot of information and it really helped me to work on someone’s gut issues. If they have bacterial infections or yeast infections, or it can show me potentially, you might have mold issues going on.
DEBRA: I need to interrupt you for a second just because we need to go to break and we’ll finish talking about this when we come back.
You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Wendy Myers with many letters after her name. She’s at We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Wendy Myers. She’s the founder and head writer of And we’re talking today about a new set of tests that Wendy offers. If you want to go exactly to the page, you can go to, find today’s show, and there’s a link to the page that has the functional medical test. That’s the name of the page, functional medical test.
Wendy, if they go to your website, how can they easily find that page?
WENDY MYERS: You can go to, and then on the left hand menu, you go to functional medical test, and it will all be right there.
DEBRA: So we were talking about the organic acids test.
WENDY MYERS: Well, I was saying before that when I discovered what type of gut infections people have, almost every person I test has some sort of gut infection. I automatically assume that everyone has parasites. It’s kind of a given especially sushi lovers. Each square inch of sushi has 10,000 parasite eggs.
DEBRA: I knew there was something I didn’t like about sushi.
WENDY MYERS: It’s pretty gross when you think about it but it sure is tasty. I like it.
So the organic acids test does not show parasites but it will show yeast and bacteria. And then based on that, I can give people all natural biocidal. They work just as well as prescription antibiotics. You have to take them for longer though. I’ll give people a course for about six to eight weeks and start with the parasite, then do bacteria, then do yeast. That’s six to eight weeks for each of those protocols. And then we’ll re-test in about six months and see if we were able to clear everything up.
DEBRA: That’s good. I just want to mention that I’ve had some test with Wendy, and she found some things and gave me some things. And when we had the next test, there was an improvement.
WENDY MYERS: You had a lot of improvement.
DEBRA: Yes, I’m really happy about that.
So what about oxalates? First, what’s an oxalate?
WENDY MYERS: I forgot to mention that.
DEBRA: There are no organic acids tests.
WENDY MYERS: The main reason you want to do the organic acids test, in my mind, is to find out if you have oxalates. And the Great Plains Laboratory is the only lab that does the organic acids test, that shows oxalates. Genova does not—many of my clients coming to me that the organic acids test with their doctor, using Genova, but you are missing a key component of the test, a key indicator of oxalates, which are major impediments to your health.
Oxalates are these little crystals that form in your body, one, through dietary intake. High oxalate foods include cacao, collagen, [inaudible 00:17:07] or using lots of collagen. I’m not a big fan of that because it’s very high in oxalates. A lot of greens like spinach and Swiss chard, the green smoothie fanatics out there, extremely high in oxalates. So you need to be very careful about that.
That’s just one aspect of oxalate intake. The next is if you had gut infections or long term gut infections, those produce oxalates as well.
DEBRA: I actually looked at the oxalate diet, and I was on it for a while because it was high oxalate—I had high oxalates in my body. But I was going on a kale kick, and you read things and you say, “Oh, I should be eating more greens, more kale, more this, more that.” But you don’t often find out the other side of it. And so if your body doesn’t deal with oxalates, well, then they’re going to build up and you need to watch out for that.
And so there’s all these balancing things that we need to watch out for.
WENDY MYERS: It’s a big problem. I find oxalates in 9 out of 10 people that I test. It continues to amaze me how many people have issues with oxalates. And when you have these, they cause so many problems in the body.
Number one, an inability to detox. The oxalates, these crystals will bind in mercury and lead and can make people very, very toxic, if these metals would be lodged in these crystals, and then lodged in your body, and you can’t detox them. It interferes in your entire body’s ability to detox, your ability the methylate, which means creating your own transmitters, and just so many different processes in your body are involved in methylation. It really gums up your whole body’s metabolism.
Not to mention causing really tight, achy muscles. People out there, their neck is always hurting, or you’re getting massages and just nothing helps it. They’re taking [inaudible 00:19:16]. Perhaps they’re taking pain medication or you have fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue. These can be caused by oxalates.
And so I think it’s very important, especially for anyone who has long term GI issues or known gut infections or parasitic infections. Get tested for oxalates and address it because it’s a fairly simple regimen to remove the oxalates from your body. And what I do with a client is I address the oxalates and once those have been broken down to a significant degree in the body by taking a handful of supplements and doing the low oxalate diet, after that, then I see what’s still left over that we need to address. But it really solves a lot of problems and removes a lot of health symptoms in the body that are bothering clients.
DEBRA: And it’s so not wildly known.
WENDY MYERS: No, it’s not. I don’t know why, but it’s not.
DEBRA: But it’s so important, and especially if you want to detox. And if you’re having problems detoxing, this could be something to look into.
We’re actually needing to go to break in about 40 seconds, so when we come back, let’s talk about neurotransmitters. I think you mentioned that the organic acids test tells about the neurotransmitters, right?
WENDY MYERS: It always shows the neurotransmitter metabolites. So it will only give an indication of an imbalance of them. But I like to do a direct test for neurotransmitters, which is a urine test. That’s a little bit different than your organic acids, but at least it gives an indication of some issues that require further investigation.
DEBRA: Okay, we’ll talk about that when we come back from the break.
You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Wendy Myers. She’s the founder and head writer of, and she has a number of nutrition certifications that give information that is very different from other people that you will go to, including a doctor and other natural practitioners. Her website is, and we’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Wendy Myers. She’s the founder and head writer of, and has many nutrition certifications. She knows more about nutrition and especially about detoxing than practically anybody I’ve talked to. She always amazes me with what new things she has to say.
Let’s talk about neurotransmitters. First, tell us what a neurotransmitter is, and what can go wrong with it.
WENDY MYERS: Well, neurotransmitters are substances made in the body. They begin with amino acids, so you have to have proper protein consumption and intestinal absorption of proteins.
And so this is very, very important. A lot of different things can interfere with neurotransmitter production. The main neurotransmitters people have are serotonin, dopamine, other catecholamine, like norepinephrine, epinephrine. And most importantly is gaba. A lot of people are missing gaba and we’re so overstimulated today with stuff like the internet and even just the effects of EMF and wireless internet on our body. And always looking at screens, and we’re getting caffeine all day, and doing all this stuff that we’re so stimulated, we are depleted in gaba.
DEBRA: What is gaba? What does it do for our bodies?
WENDY MYERS: Well, gaba is the break. Gaba is a substance that turns all the stimulating neurotransmitters off. So the adrenaline, the norepinephrine, the epinephrine, gaba shuts that down, so you can relax.
So anyone with anxiety, anyone who can’t go to sleep or they’re constantly waking up, they probably need gaba. And for me, it was life-changing when I started taking gaba. And I recommend it to almost every single of my clients because they all usually some sort of issue with sleeping or falling asleep, et cetera, or anxiety. You do want to do neurotransmitter test first because if you just take gaba, it can make you depressed if you’re depleted in some stimulating neurotransmitters. So there has to be a delicate balancing act where you may need to supplement the amino acids to improve and upregulate the production of stimulating neurotransmitters or gaba can make you feel down or depressed or really tired.
Another really important one that was really life-changing for me was PEA, and PEA is found in chocolate. So for all of you chocoholics out there, like myself, you may just be—
DEBRA: I love chocolate.
WENDY MYERS: Any of you women out there or men that are—you’re going to murder someone if you don’t have your chocolate.
DEBRA: I used to be that way but my body’s calmed down about it. And now, I feel like I have a choice that I can eat chocolate or not eat chocolate, and I’m okay either way, whereas before, I had to have my chocolate.
WENDY MYERS: I was that way for a number of years. I had to have my chocolate. Where’s the chocolate? And I’d have anxiety if I didn’t have it. And I made the correlation that when I ate chocolate, I was really able to focus and work really productively for a few hours following the consumption of chocolate. I thought it was just the sugar. I was doing a sugar high. But what I found out when I tested my neurotransmitters is that I was deficient in PEA, and chocolate contains PEA.
And so now that I’ve supplemented the precursor the PEA, which is phenylalanine, kind of a mouthful, I don’t even think about chocolate. And I lost actually—yes, it called phenylalanine, and it’s just a simple amino acid that I take in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon if I feel I need a little more brain functioning or concentration or focus. And it completely took away all my brain fog, any kind of remaining brain fog I have left over. I can focus for hours. My thinking is still clear. My verbiage, when I speak very, very clear, and it just was really life-changing for me, just taking this one supplement, and following supplementation of the phenylalanine, I lost 20 pounds in about two and a half months because I no longer ate this gigantic chocolate bar. Literally, I ate a massive chocolate bar about 2 to 3 pm every day. I wanted some sugar and I wanted some PEA, and that gave me the focus to finish off the rest of my day.
DEBRA: Let me tell you, as I have a similar story. So I don’t eat chocolate bars because I don’t want the sugar and stuff, and so I figured out how I could make with organic cocoa. I would make what I would call “fudge.” And so what I would do is I would take about a heaping teaspoon of organic cocoa. I would put in coconut sugar and grass-fed cream, and butter made from grass-fed cream. And I would mix it all up, and sometimes I put walnuts in it or some kind of flavoring like orange extract or something. But I had to have this every day after lunch. I just had to have it after lunch as I couldn’t work unless I had this chocolate.
And now, I don’t eat it anymore at all. I haven’t lost 20 pounds but the point is that I must be doing something right in my diet and in the supplements that I’m taking because I’ve gone from craving specific foods to—in the past couple of weeks, it’s been so ripe that—I don’t even want to eat almost. Yesterday, honestly, I made this wonderful salad that was all vegetables. It was lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, avocadoes, and I put wheat-free soy sauce on it and olive oil. And my body loved it so much. I got so much satisfaction out of that that I had it again for dinner.
And that’s all I ate yesterday. And if you were to have said to me eat that a few years ago, I would say no. I want my chocolate. And I felt good all day long.
WENDY MYERS: One of those things where when you are taking the right supplements, especially minerals, and you’re nourishing your body, you don’t need as much food and you don’t have the food craving you used to have. Before I started taking minerals, I always craved salt and vinegar potato chips, and my body just wanted that salt. It just desperately wanted that salt. And as soon as I started taking minerals, I started having calcium and magnesium and zinc and a handful of trace mineral complex, et cetera, it’s amazing to me that I never looked at them again.
DEBRA: That’s very interesting.
WENDY MYERS: It’s just amazing to me. So a lot of women out there I know are struggling with certain cravings and things like that, and biology will always overcome will power. And so you have to listen to your body. Your body is trying to get a nutrient need or minerals or if you’re craving chocolate, maybe PEA, magnesium, copper. There are all kinds of things that your body is craving that you probably need something in that. If you’re craving carbohydrates, your body is trying to make serotonin. You need serotonin.
DEBRA: We need to go to break. So hold on. And we’ll be right back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and today, I’m talking with Wendy Myers, founder and head writer of We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Wendy Myers, founder and head writer of, and holder of many certifications about nutrition that are far beyond what most nutritionists are going to talk to you about.
Wendy, so another test you have is the genetic test. Tell us about that and why should somebody get that done.
WENDY MYERS: Well, I love to do a genetic test on clients because it gives us a lot of information about nutrients people may be needing more of, should avoid. And it gives us a lot of information about—it explains to clients why they have certain health issues. For instance, if someone has a lot of GAD smith, or mutations in those genes, they’re going to have a lot more anxiety, a lot more propensity for drug and alcohol abuse, and it will explain why their family members or a lot of their family members have additions and things of that nature. It also will show someone’s propensity for certain issues, if they need to bio haggard, do a work around for.
Namely, if people have this one smith, they will need to really be worried about their estrogen. People that tend to have estrogen dominance and there are people that really need to worry about their liver health and be worrying about xenoestrogen intake and their environment or detoxing these estrogens because they’re at risk for estrogen-dependent cancers.
These are people that need to really maybe avoid hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills.
There’s a lot of different things that people learn about, about their health, and it can really help them to tailor their health regime or their supplement program, tailor it to their individual genetic needs.
DEBRA: So can there be information in this test that would help people understand how their body detoxes or doesn’t detox?
WENDY MYERS: Yes, exactly. It will tell me if people are having trouble making glutathione or if they have trouble with liver detoxification. It just gives a lot of different markers for detox issues. It also will give me markers for mitochondrial function or energy production, if they’ve got a lot of problems with their mitochondria and perhaps, it explains why they’re so tired all the time.
So again, it really helps me to really target their supplementation or get it more customized for their genetic issues. And that’s really, really important. There’s another pattern called the [inaudible 00:42:03] pattern, where these are people that cannot take flouroquinolone medications like antibiotics, certain antibiotics like Cipro and a handful of other family of antibiotics. And this will make them very, very sick.
I know there’s a lot of listeners out there that have taken Cipro, a round of antibiotics at the hospital with their doctor, and they were just never the same afterwards or it took them years to recover. So it can be very, very important to pinpoint if you have the [inaudible 00:42:36] pattern, but we call them [inaudible 00:42:38] because they need to avoid flouroquinolone medications because it can really kill them or make them extremely ill.
DEBRA: I’m actually really interested in the genetic test because I think that each of our bodies as an individual—we are like snowflakes. There are no two patters that are the same and our fingerprints are all unique. And I think that we probably all have unique genetic patterns that can tell us something about all these things that you’re talking about and where our strengths and weaknesses are. And we don’t know that if all we’re doing is taking drugs.
WENDY MYERS: Yes, exactly.
DEBRA: More and more I’m understanding the necessity to test whatever the test is, whatever method you use, to find out what’s really going on with your body because I see doctors just handing out prescription drugs. Of course, they do some testing but not as much as what you’re talking about and even natural practitioners whether they’re herbalists or homeopaths or whatever, it’s not that they’re not doing their own method—I’ve been to so many different people and I’ve never had a genetic test. And yet, that’s the basic blueprint of my body. And I didn’t even know that I could get one.
You hear about them on TV. Some character on a TV show needs a paternity test or something. But if you look at a hospital show or a doctor show, they’re not saying, “Well, let’s do a genetic test.” They just don’t do it.
WENDY MYERS: It takes a very special doctor to go outside his medical training, question his medical training and further their training even if they just have a personal interest or whatnot to be able to further their education and really want to provide their patients the very best care. Very few doctors that are cognizant of doing the latest test because it takes a lot of work. It’s a lot of reading and training, et cetera. Many doctors are overwhelmed with their patient load, especially if they work for HMO or whatnot, or at a clinic, a very busy clinic.
But it’s still important to learn about your genetics, your genetic weaknesses and propensities for certain diseases so you can do the work around for these, and the supplements according to your genes. But additionally, there’s a new field called pharmacogenetics where you can get a test done to find out what medications you should take and which ones you should avoid because every pharmaceutical company has to create a blueprint of the pathways that certain medications have to go through to be metabolized.
For a lot of people that have drug side effects or really bad side effects, it’s because they can’t metabolize certain drugs. So when you do this pharmacogenetic test, you can find out the drugs you should avoid or ones you should take. And you have to do this. I mean, I personally will never going to take medications but if you do take medications, which can be life-saving for many, you need to find out the ones you should avoid and the ones that work for your body.
DEBRA: Actually, I’ve never heard of that. That’s very interesting. But wouldn’t that also apply to—well, this test is designed for drugs, but to me, there should be a test like that for taking supplements. I just keep thinking about how so many people will take supplements or drugs or alternative therapies just on a shotgun approach, where you just take it and see what happens. And you’re approaching 180 degrees and absolutely opposite direction of saying, “Here are these tests and then I can give you supplements that are going to be exactly pinpointed for you.”
WENDY MYERS: And that’s important. It’s all about bio-individuality in supplementing according to you bio-individuality and taking medications based on your bio-individuality. And I have an article in my site about pharmacogenetics. It’s right on my homepage at I think it’s an incredibly interesting field that not a lot of people are talking about. You can get the testing with [inaudible 00:47:16] Laboratories. All those links and everything are on my website.
For me, I just think taking multivitamins are so 1990s. Today, it’s all about individual supplementation and medication.
DEBRA: I’m so glad to hear this. Now, we only just have about two minutes left. But I just want to mention that people can change their genetics. They can change their DNA. And so a test could be done before and then you could do things to improve your genetic situation. And a test done afterwards and see what happens.
WENDY MYERS: It’s very, very important.
DEBRA: Well, we only have a minute and a half left.
WENDY MYERS: So what was your question again?
DEBRA: I was talking about the genetic test and how we can change our DNA and that’s a whole show in itself about how we can change our DNA. I should probably do one on that. But we could take the test before and take the test after and see how we’ve changed our DNA.
WENDY MYERS: Actually, genes don’t really change at all. You want to do that test one time, which is great. But you can change your genetics or prevent mutation by detoxing your body and by eating a healthy diet. You have to be cognizant of this because many metals and chemicals cause our genes to mutate, and you can pass this down to your children, the future generation. So I think we’re becoming more and more sick as a population because of so many metals and chemicals in our environment mutating our genes, causing cancer, mutating cells, et cetera. But the gene mutations do get passed down to your children.
So it’s a paramount importance today to be thinking about your health, eating the right diet, avoiding chemicals in your diet, and thinking about a lifelong detoxification strategy which I talk a lot about on my podcast in the Live to 110 Podcast and on my website as well.
DEBRA: And I need to interrupt you again because we’ve only got several seconds now. So I want to say thank you so much. And everybody can go to and Wendy has such interesting articles there and podcasts. You can also go to and find out more about the guest to come and the guest from the past. All of our shows are recorded and you can listen to the archives.
I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.