My guest today is Pamela Seefeld, R.Ph, a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. In celebration of Earth Day we’ll be talking about how popular pharmaceuticals pollute the environment and natural medicinals you can take instead that biodegrade. Pamela has more than 25 years experience choosing and sellling top quality medicinal supplements, so she’s seen it all. Pamela is a 1990 graduate of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, where she studied Pharmacognosy (the study of medicines derived from plants and other natural sources). She has worked as an integrative pharmacist teaching physicians, pharmacists and the general public about the proper use of botanicals. She is also a grant reviewer for NIH in Washington D.C. and the owner of Botanical Resource and Botanical Resource Med Spa in Clearwater, Florida.
Audio Player
- Vaccines: Harmful or Necessary?
- Evaluating A Study and Testing a Test
- Seven Deadly Drugs
- The Hidden Dangers Affecting Your Heart and How You Can Protect It Naturally
- What We Can Do About Cancer
- The Power of pH
- How to Protect Your Health From Toxic Mercury Dental Fillings
- Pharmacology 101: How to Use What Pharmacists Know to Take Supplements to Best Advantage
- Are You Heading For Kidney Failure? Natural Remedies Can Help
- How to Keep Your Blood Vessels Open and Flowing With Supplements
- How Inactivity Leads to Illness and Drug Use—And How Exercise Can Get You Off Drugs and into Health
- Hidden Toxic Dangers in Common Dietary Supplements
- See More Clearly with Natural Remedies
- Hidden Mental Health Dangers in Common Drugs
- Different Types of Detox
- Getting Off Prescription Drugs with Natural Remedies
- How Natural Remedies Could Have Saved A Life
- Natural Alternatives to Sleeping Pills
- Natural Back Pain Treatment Options That Work
- How Toxics Age Your Body & What You Can Do to Stay Young
- You CAN Lose Weight—Even if You’ve Had Difficulty Losing Weight Before
- Calcium—Is There Really a Deficiency in America?
- It’s Cold and Flu Season—How to Support Your Immune System and Why You Shouldn’t Get a Toxic Flu Shot
- How Eating Fruits and Vegetables Help Your Cells Create Health
- Toxic Psychiatry and How to Have Mental Health Without Drugs
- Why You Should Take Fish Oil and How To Choose the Right One for You
- Medicinal Plants Can Replace Toxic Drugs
How to Protect the Environment from Pharmaceutical Pollution by Using Natural Medicinals
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Pamela Seefled, R.Ph
Date of Broadcast: April 22, 2015
DEBRA: Hi, I am Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Fee Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free. It is Wednesday, April 22nd 2015, it is Earth day, so happy Earth Day. But it’s also the second anniversary of this show Toxic Free Talk Radio.
I’ve been doing this for two years. I counted it up and it’s 295 shows that I’ve done. Now there are the live shows and then there are also shows that are broadcast sometimes. Well, at least, twice a week. It’s a replay, usually it’s twice a week, not any more than that. But it’s 295 unique individual live shows in the last two years. I’m pretty proud of that and they’re pretty wonderful. If you go to, you can listen to all of them. They’re all right there and there will be more.
And I have this show booked up usually about three weeks in advance. I just have a steady stream of people either contacting me to be on the show or people that I’m finding just in my normal, everyday work activities. It’s really one of the highlights of my daily life, to come and be here with you on this show. I’m glad that it’s going so well and I’m glad people are listening and I’m glad that people are coming and being guests. It’s just wonderful activity for me.
So today my guest, since it’s Earth Day, we’re going to be talking about an environmental subject. Actually, all week has been environmental subjects. Some are replays. We had a new show yesterday about building soil in your garden and around the world actually, what you can do to restore soils around the world. And today we’re going to be addressing the subject of pharmaceutical pollution in the environment and how, when we take drugs, whether over-the-counter or prescription drugs, what happens to those drugs after they’re no longer in our bodies and how they go into the environment and what kind of harm that they cause.
Now before I introduce my guest who was going to tell us what we can do to reduce the amount of pharmaceutical pollution that we put into the environment, I want to just give you a little background about how much this really is a problem.
I’m looking at a document called Pharmaceuticals in Wastewater Streams: Disposal Practices and Policy Options in Santa Barbara which was done by Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at the University of California, Santa Barbara. This is a whole study that they did on this subject actually in 2007, but this is all still going on now.
What they said is – I’m going to read some of it and paraphrase some of it. If you want to know about this subject, this is a really good document to look at. They said, “Recent advances in analytic technology have lead researchers to discover trace amounts of pharmaceuticals in wastewater effluents,” that’s the water that comes out the other end of the wastewater, “…the wastewater effluents, rivers, lakes, and groundwater. They are finding pharmaceuticals in rivers, lakes, and groundwater.”
“Pharmaceuticals have also been detected in soil samples and fishes. Based upon this wealth of published occurrence data, it seems probable that most, if not all, urban wastewater is contaminated with pharmaceutical compounds differing only in the type and abundance of the substances present.”
And then I go on to talk about how this is a problem to the aquatic environment because pharmaceutical compounds are specifically designed to affect biological organisms. They said that if environmental concentrations are below acutely toxic levels – and what that means if something is ‘acutely toxic’, it’s something that’s going to cause harm right now today like you drink gasoline and it would kill you.
They say, “While environmental concentrations are below acutely toxic levels, the main concerns are the chronic,” that’s long term, “…or synergistic effects.” Synergistic effect is how things combine together and then what happens when you combine them. So I’ll tell you this sentence again.
“While environmental concentrations are below acutely toxic levels, the main concerns are the chronic that’s long term or synergistic effects of the cocktail of pharmaceuticals humans have created in the water. And occurring disruption is the most widespread and documented effect that pharmaceuticals have on aquatic organisms.”
And they talk about the feminization of male fish in waters treated with wastewater effluents and the development of antibiotic resistance and there’s a whole list of things here of how the aquatic environment is affected.
But they also affect us humans because the water that is coming out of our tap is coming from the environment, those environmental waters that are being contaminated, and so we get those pharmaceuticals, we get drugs, prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs in our tap water.
Now, you can remove those by using a water filter, but there’s no water filter on all the aquatic life. There’s no water filter that can protect the environment from these drugs. So while we can protect ourselves, we can’t protect the environment. The thing needs to be done is to not put them there in the first place.
So this report says, that “pharmaceuticals reach the environment be it two pathways, excretion from humans and disposal into the wastewater treatment system, which is not equipped,” the wastewater treatment systems are not equipped, “to remove pharmaceuticals.”
Now this particular study focuses on the disposal pf pharmaceuticals and what to do. But what we’re going to be talking about today is what we can do instead of taking drugs, so that these drugs don’t go into the environment and they don’t go into our water system.
And my guest, of course, is Pamela Seefeld who is a registered pharmacist and I have her on every other Wednesday because she knows so much about the subject. And so today, we’re going to be talking about some drugs and some natural things that we can do so that when they go into the environment after our bodies have excreted them, they don’t cause harm. Hi, Pamela.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Hey, it’s great to be here. Congratulations on your show, this is wonderful. What a great anniversary.
DEBRA: Thank you, that was a really long introduction, but I had to explain why we’re doing this.
PAMELA SEEFELD: No, I think it was very, very timely and very good.
I stumbled on a list of what they’re seeing most often in the water. As far as what you’re talking about, the contamination, antibiotics and anti-depressants are at the top – and anticonvulsants and estrogen, beta blockers (from blood pressure, and cholesterol lowering medication). Those are the top six they see. But of course, the benzodiazepines like Xanax and Ativan, those are the particularly ones that are problematic.
Actually, when I was looking at the information about wastewater treatment, apparently, conventional waste treatment does not destroy the medications. These medications are also resistant to photodegradation, meaning that they persist in the streams, like you were saying, and in the rivers. So, they don’t degrade in the presence of light. Where some things will breakdown, they don’t because they’re artificial compounds and they’re not recognized in nature.
DEBRA: That’s a really important point. But before we talk about the drugs, it just occurred to me, would you explain to us what happens when you take a drug and it goes through your body. Why is it even coming out the other end? Isn’t our bodies absorbing them and using them?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct, right. So there are different types of metabolism routes when we swallow pill. It goes into the stomach, and there, you have those acids. It gets broken down and then it gets absorbed into the bloodstream. It goes to the receptors or the place of location where it’s supposed to take place. And after that particular period of time, it can go to the liver. Some drugs are actually eliminated unchanged meaning they don’t have any kind of metabolism. They are eliminated unchanged almost totally and they go out to the urine or the feces.
Other drugs go to the liver and they’re changed into, what’s called metabolized. What the metabolized are is especially when something is fat soluble like [inaudible 00:10:30] anticonvulsant, an anti-anxiety medicine, an antidepressants, they have to be eliminated with metabolism.
DEBRA: We have to interrupt you because we have to go to break and then when we come back, we’ll hear more about this.
You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. We’ll talk with her more when we come back about pharmaceuticals and how they affect the environment.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who dispenses medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. And Pamela, we’ve failed to – hmmm, the music is still playing. Can you hear me, Pamela?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah, absolutely.
DEBRA: Okay, good. It’s not you. I thought I’m not being heard.
PAMELA SEEFELD: No, no, no, no, no, no. It’s good.
DEBRA: Okay, good. So I just want to take a minute before we continue to talk about our pharmaceuticals, I just want to take a minute and really introduce Pamela because I didn’t do that at the beginning of the show. And as I said, I have her on every Wednesday because she knows so much about drugs and natural remedies and how things work in the body. I’ve never heard anybody explain things the way she explains them to her clients and to us on the show about how things work in the body. It’s just so fascinating to me.
So, she has a botanical pharmacy here in Colorado, Florida called Botanical Resource and she has a little med spa as well there. So you can get massages and facials and all those kinds of things. And her website is And she is very happy to talk to anyone at no charge about how you can stop taking your prescription drugs, so those.
Pamela, you want to tell us about that and give your phone number.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, so I’ve been doing this for quite a long time, probably 25 years. Basically, what we do here is we have natural products. We have homeopathic supplements that are medical grade. And if you have any questions about the prescriptions you’re on or if you want to transition off of those prescriptions into natural products or homeopathic medicine or if you are at the verge of needing to get on a prescription medication, I’ll be most honored and grateful to help you and your family address those issues especially even mental health, which I do quite a bit of it as well.
And you can contact me at my pharmacy here in Clearwater, 727-442-4955. I would be very grateful to help you with any medical concern you may have.
DEBRA: Thank you so much. She does a really good job. All the doctors around her know her. She’s very well-known and respected for the work that she does. I’ve just seen people just get off their drugs.
This is a show about toxics. But drugs, prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs, they are synthetic substances made from petroleum, the same substances that is used to make toxic chemicals and they have toxic side effects. And so I do consider that drugs need to be something that we remove from our lives in order to be toxic free.
All right, before the break, I had asked about what happens when a drug goes into your body, why is there something left that gets excreted and then goes to the environment?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct! So we have these different pathways. And let me explain, a liver contains enzymes, which you collectively call the cytochrome P450. Why is this important is because they have them all cataloged. They know exactly which enzyme metabolize which medication. And sometimes, actually, these enzymes, if you have one medication that you take in that inhibits the enzyme and another one that’s a substrate of it or it gets metabolized by it, you can actually change the way things are metabolized and that’s where the drug interactions come in where a lot of people end up very, very sick.
That’s why it’s important, if you have any questions, you’re taking multiple medicines, I will be glad to go and make sure that’s not a drug interaction if you’re not responding correctly or if you need to get off of them.
So what’s happening with these enzymes is that they’re very active. They’re upregulated for different people depending on their age and also just their genetics. But when the drug leaves in the metabolism, you take a fat-soluble drug (which something that goes to the central nervous system into the brain like all these psychiatric drugs), then this is the propensity of the drugs that we’re seeing – the antibiotics, of course, but the antidepressants. There are a lot of antidepressants in the water and the anti-anxiety drugs like Xanax and Ativan.
So these things go into the metabolism, they go to the liver. A lot of these live the Benzos, which is the Ativan and Xanax, they can eliminate pretty much unchanged. So you’re getting a lot of drug itself (not metabolites, but drug) into the feces and into the urine that is going into the wastewater systems. And that’s the reason why they can’t seem to get these things up because they really don’t have effective means to remove these medications out the water supply.
Of course, once these things are discharges, they go into the streams, they’re affecting aquatic life. But also, they’re affecting people because now they are testing it and it’s rampant in the water everywhere.
So what does this mean for people?
DEBRA: Yes, what does this mean for people?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Well, it’s a possible risk of cancer. That’s what I think.
DEBRA: Well, what about – I know that I said earlier in the show that the amounts that they’re testing are below the acute toxic levels, but they are in the degree that they can have a chronic effect. So what if we’re drinking in our tap water every day in addition to the chloramines and the fluorides, and all that stuff this, as I’ve said, a cocktail of unknown pharmaceuticals, how is that affecting our body?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay, that’s a very good question. Let me explain. I like to use the analogy of homeopathic medicine. I use a lot of homeopathy. And what is homeopathy? Small amounts of an agent that you’re using to treat somebody, that’s what it is.
So we’ve done it a hundreds of times. Well, what’s the difference between that and the stuff you get in the water? None. It’s the same thing. They’re getting drugged and you’re getting drugged because we know that these work on small, small amounts.
DEBRA: That’s right, but what people are getting are antibiotics and antidepressants and all of these things. They’re going into our bodies whether we want them or not. I just think that that’s such an important point because you have to get a doctor’s prescription to get these or you can just drink them out of your tap water.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct, and really, there’s no consent.
DEBRA: There’s no consent and there’s no control over dose, is the thing. No control over those.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct! These substances, when you have substances that work like estrogens in the body or work like drugs in the body, the have a term. The terminology is called xenobiotics. It’s something that you don’t expect to be taking into your bloodstream, into your body, but you are taking them in and is changing the way your hormones act. And also, it’s changing the way the dynamics of the genes fire off.
I wanted people to think about it. Maybe there’s someone who’s skeptical who says, “Oh, it’s just in the waters. No big deal,” but the fact that I want you to think about it is it’s a homeopathic medication, a medication you didn’t want to take that you now have to take because you earned the regular water supply. This is where the problems are.
There can be organ damage from prolong exposure. Some people do not tolerate medicine. If they’re getting these in the small amount and they’re getting it in a chronic level – acute means you have to go to the hospital, you’re very sick, you need medicine. Chronic is different.
DEBRA: It’s a long time building up, but it doesn’t have to take that long before it builds up.
We need to get a break and when we come back, we’re going to talk about some specific drugs that we’re putting into the environment that are harming the environment and what we can do instead so that we’re not taking and excreting those drugs out into the environment and into the other people’s tap water.
I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who, instead of drugs, likes to give natural medicinals. So we’re going to talk about what now are some natural things that you take instead of prescription and over-the-counter drugs? We’re going to focus especially on these top drugs that are the once being found in the environment. So take it away, Pamela.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay. Well, first of all too, I want to mention, if you want to pull the chemicals out and pull these drugs out, I’m a big fan of using Body Anew, which is a detox product that pulls out nickel, cadmium, lead, mercury, pesticides, and it removes chemicals out of the fat. You have to realize all these things here are fat-soluble. That’s why they’re able to come back into the body and cause these issues because if they’re water soluble, they wouldn’t keep coming back in. So that’s important for people to know.
DEBRA: Wait, wait, wait. Before you go on, I just want to make a point about this. Fat-soluble toxics, whether they’re drugs or anything else, they accumulate in the fat, correct?
DEBRA: So then, when you do something like lose weight or exercise or do something that’s start melting your fats, then those stored toxics and drugs then melt and go back into your system.
PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s exactly right. And that’s when toxicity can take place. You can even get that with fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. If you’re taking huge, huge amount and they’ve been stored in the fat, you go on a crash diet, you lose a lot of weight, you can end up in liver failure.
So that’s why it’s important to really know the balance of the vitamins you’re taking, if you’re taking any medications.
And I’m a big fan of using Body Anew because we homeopathic detoxification, it goes to the fat and it starts dumping the fat, but it does it in the controlled manner that upregulates these functions in the liver. I was talking about these enzymes the P450 and also something called glucuronidation and conjugation, which changes the composition of the drug to remove it out of the body. These are really hallmarks of just taking these inside of your body regardless of whether you control what you’re consuming or not. That’s really important for people to know.
DEBRA: Yeah. It’s like we’re walking around – the CDC, the Center for Disease Control calls it body burden. And so it’s just like we’re carrying around this storehouse of toxic chemicals and drugs that we’ve taken in the past or drugs that we drink in our tap water. We’re just carrying them around until our fat releases them into our body in some unexpected that we don’t even know when that would be.
PAMELA SEEFELD: I think that’s right. If you think about it too, you know what, older people, why they get so much more cancer, the propensity is higher than younger people, it’s because they stored all of these for such a long period of time.
DEBRA: Yes, yes.
PAMELA SEEFELD: People need to realize that. It’s not like this person is elderly, she lived a long life, she’s 90 years old. Why do you think she’s ending up with these diseases? It’s because burden load in her body, in her fat is pretty high.
DEBRA: Yes. That’s what happens. The toxics accumulate until they get to be too much and then you get sick. Anyway, let’s talk about drugs, but I just wanted to make sure that everybody understood why this is so important. What we’re about to tell you…
PAMELA SEEFELD: These are really, really important points. So I’m just going to talk about antidepressants. We will just talk one drug class at a time. I just want people know that the average woman here in the United States is on five prescriptions and the average man is on four. That’s just average. That’s a lot of prescriptions. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told that, “I’ve had things arranged with the hospital. I’m supposed to go talk to different groups.” Especially the colleges and things around here, their faculty is in so many medications. Their budgets are out of control. I’m trying to tell them there are other things they can do. It’s really a crisis.
So you have a huge amount of percentage of the population in antidepressants. Let me tell you, antidepressants, the serotonin reuptake inhibitors, the antidepressants, they have a response rate of less than 30%. So if there was any other category, let’s say it’s a heart condition, and the drug responded less than 30% of the time, would they even bother to use it?
PAMELA SEEFELD: It makes no sense. But all these people are not on all these antidepressants. They’re accumulating in the water supply. They’re causing all these problems.
Antidepressants, if you look at what’s going on with serotonin in the brain, Omega-3 is specifically eicosapentaenoic acid. If you use a product like OmegaBrite, which is designed by Dr. Andrew Stoll who’s a Harvard psychiatrist, he did double-blind, placebo-controlled trials with Zoloft, the the trial is actually better than Zoloft using that particular fish oil, which is an EPA/DHA of 7.0:1.
So there’s things you can do other than these medications. You really need to look at that and think to yourself, “Can I possibly use something other than something that’s damaging the environment and also, might be even more highly effective?” That’s important. Let’s face it. If you’re taking a supplement or you’re taking a prescription, you want an outcome. You’re taking it for a reason you’re doing this.
And also, high dose folic acids, there are five serotonin receptors in the brain. It binds to four of them. These things are inexpensive and they’re pretty readily available and they’re very effective and the data’s there. It’s a no-brainer. And also, the cardiovascular benefits from taking both of those are superior. So you’re getting all other things as well.
And heart disease is the number one killer of women in the countries. You would be taking some of these things anyway, just maybe different amounts.
I think people need to realize there are options and it’s not all about medication. That’s really the hallmark of this. Antidepressants being rampant in the water supply is really preventable.
DEBRA: Yes, it really is preventable. This whole thing about drugs and the water supply is totally preventable. So tell us about another one.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay. So, let me talk a little bit about anti-anxiety medications and specifically, the class of benzodiazepine. And this is where the Swedish study was done. This was very interesting with benzodiazepine. They found low levels of psychotropic drugs, specifically benzodiazepine, and they found that it changes the way the fish behave, affecting the balance of aquatic life.
And what they did is they found that this fish in Sweden, they were just charging the water like they do here and there’s high amounts of benzodiazepines, which the water dose here as well, the fish were swimming in the water and they weren’t scared of the predators. So they were just there basically waiting because they were chilling out because they were drugged.
This is really, really important. People need to think about this. If it’s affecting the fish, it’s affecting us too. You’re being drugged. And like I said, consent is not being given. You’re consuming these things and you don’t know if the toxicity, but also it’s affecting your mental health. You have a right to know what’s coming into your body. Fish were so equally affected. Go ahead.
DEBRA: I was thinking while you were talking that fluoride is another one. They intentionally put that in the water. It has a whole list of other health effects, but we don’t have any consent about that either. That’s something that we can filter out, but that fluoride is going into the environment as well from the wastewater.
That’s something nobody ever talks about. They talk about the health effects of fluoride, but we’re fluoridating all those fish too.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Well, we are. I think it’s really important that people realize – and there’s a common statement I said at the beginning of our talk here – that photodegradation, a lot of things in nature, if they’re not meant to be in the water, they will degradate in the presence of light. These drugs do not. That’s really important to know. That’s why the waste treatment products, they can’t use light and they can’t use other things to take it out. They have nothing to remove it.
DEBRA: Yeah, it just won’t biodegrade and it doesn’t biodegrade in our bodies and that’s why it makes us sick. Yeah, exactly.
Well, we need to go to break. wHen we come back we’ll talk about more drugs that are accumulating in our water supply and what we can take instead of these drugs, so as to be healthier ourselves and have a healthier environment. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. She’s here to tell us today about what we can do instead of taking prescription and over-the-counter drugs in order to solve whatever our health problems are without putting toxic drugs into the environment where they are accumulating and hurting aquatic life.
So Pamela, tell us more about different types of drugs that we can take instead.
PAMELA SEEFELD: All right, very good. So I’m going to focus on antibiotics for a minute because antibiotic resistance – and I still work in a hospital, so I can tell you that there’s big problem with resistance to antibiotics and having the good options for patients.
When people are on antibiotics – let’s just take an example like a sinus infection. The sinuses are very sequestered cavity and that’s why people that sinusitis, you keep going back and getting courses after courses of antibiotics and it doesn’t get any better.
There are certain infections in the body that just takes a long time to clear up. A lot of times, people have viral infections and they don’t need antibiotics at all. But what I will explain, let’s say you have a minor infection – I’m not talking about someone who has been in a car accident. They might need antibiotics because they have cuts. I’m talking about just routine stuff. You have sinus infection, you may have some bronchitis, you have a little cellulitis, some inflammation on the skin. In place of antibiotics or if you’ve been on antibiotics and they weren’t just responding, I’m a big fan of a plant called Andrographis Paniculata.
DEBRA: Can you spell that? Spell that, spell that.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Let me get the exact spelling here off the internet because I think people really should know about this. They haven’t used this plant before. Here we go, it’s A-N-D-R-O-G-R-A-P-H-I-S and the second word is, P-A-N-I-C-U-L-A-T-A, Andrographis Paniculata.
I use this almost exclusively. There’s a product from Cardiovascular Research called [inaudible 00:41:02] and that’s a medical version of this. I use this a lot. When someone comes to me and says, “Every time I travel, I get really sick… I’ve been two courses of antibiotics for my sinus infection and it’s just not getting any better,” what this particular plant does (and there’s a lot of clinical data behind it), it prevents cytokines or inflammatory components from feeding into the inflammation of the infection itself.
But what this does is it actually makes your white blood cells boost up and it goes after infections. So instead of taking an antibiotic, which they really are guessing and they don’t know which one’s going for what infection, they’re just like, “Oh, let’s just try this (most of them, they have no cultures), this particular plant is excellent alternative to medication because when you can take it – I usually recommend each capsule is like 500 milligrams. And so maybe two or three times a day, if you actually have an infection, you want to treat it.
But say you’re worried about getting sick, it’s flu season, it’s cold season, you get sick easily during certain times of the year, just take one or two a day just as a preventative, so you don’t get sick. But I use this routinely to treat urinary tract infection, sinus infections, bronchitis, where someone is just like, “I don’t want to be in the antibiotics,” or they’ve been at them and they just weren’t working. So this makes your own immune system go after the infection. That’s really what you want. You want to boost that up in an effective manner. And this is much different than taking vitamin C and taking [inaudible 00:42:20] and a bunch of other immune boosters. This acts like medicine.
I’m going to tell people they should really embrace this product. It works great.
DEBRA: Yes, yes. Well, I think it’s just that most people don’t know about it, but now they do.
PAMELA SEEFELD: The show is here to inform, right?
DEBRA: That’s right, we’re here to inform. I’ll just mention that if you’re having trouble finding this product and wherever you are, Pamela sells all these things that she’s taking about at her botanical pharmacy. You can just call them or you can go to a website, but they do orders over the phone.
So give the phone number again so that if people are interested in this product or anything else that we’re mentioning, she has all the correct brands that she’s been working with for over 25 years. She knows they work, she sees them working in her patients.
You can just give her a call and order tight over the phone. What’s your phone number again?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, the number here of Botanical Resource is 727-442-4955. That’s 727-442-4955. And as Debra had said, the consultation’s free. We do keep a charge [inaudible 00:43:31]. So if you want to have a quick call on the phone, you have an infection that you want to address or any other prescription medications you want to address, I can do it over the telephone. We just mail things out. I’d say 90% of my business is mail out. We do a lot of the work right over the telephone.
DEBRA: Yes, yes. And if this sound like, “Well, how can this work? It’s not a drug,” it never hurts to try. I always say these products don’t cost very much compared to drugs and you can save a lot of money if you find that they work for you and the only way to find out if it works is just try it. If it doesn’t, you only lost very little.
We still have about six minutes for the show so give us another alternative.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay, for medication, if people are taking the betablockers specifically, people are taking medication for hypertension –
Hypertension is a pretty common problem. I use some homeopathics that have cardiac glycosides. And then there are homeopathics that have hawthorne in them. And if we take that protego complexes, what I normally use, if you take that probably once or twice a day, normally it will lower the bottom number of the blood pressure, the diastolic blood pressure. It will lower at about 20 points.
So if people were trying to transition off their prescriptions for their hypertension and they’re looking for alternatives, also, time-released vitamin C, 1500 milligrams of a 12-hour release vitamin C twice a day will lower the top number of the blood pressure, the systolic blood pressure about 20 points as well. So a lot of times, people are like, “I don’t want medications anymore,” just taking those two simple things for about four or five days, you see a nice reduction of the blood pressure and it’s pretty consistent.
So there are really effective things. The data is there that really can bring the blood pressure down without taking the betablockers in all the different medications that they have for that. So that’s another thing that’s very, very effective.
DEBRA: Good. Give us another one.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Don’t forget about cholesterol medicines. If you’ve got everybody running around taking statin medication, you can use probably cosanol, which is really good. Red rice yeast works really very good.
And in a lot of people too who are taking this maybe in turn to get the triglycerides down, fish oil brings down your triglycerides 30% every month just taking Omega-3’s. So that’s an excellent alternative.
And don’t forget too, we were talking about the anxiety medications, the benzodiazepines, passion flower is an excellent, excellent, alternative to benzodiazapines because it works on the same receptor, but there’s no tolerance and dependence. They don’t become addicted to it. It has very, very good outcomes. And normally, we use here prescription quality in the label. It’s very strong. I used that to transition people off of the benzodiazapines and quite effectively. So that’s an excellent, excellent alternative too.
I can tell you too about estrogen.
DEBRA: Okay, tell us about estrogen. Yeah, keep going.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Estrogen, if you look at it, you can take wild yam, which works the same way as estrogen in the body. It does the same exact thing. It doesn’t have the side effects of taking an estrogen pill. That’s really important to know that. And also, taking wild yam will also help for the vaginal tissues as well.
So you don’t have to be in estrogen when you go into menopause and perimenopause and postmenopause. You have to realize, this estrogen, going into the water supply, is affecting the males in our culture a lot because they’re drinking this and they’re becoming feminized and their skin. They [inaudible 00:47:03], which is breast tissue. A lot of this can be related to the estrogen in the water. And this is really a dangerous possibility.
So I want to reemphasize that these things store in the fat and you might want to use a detox product to take them out. I can’t say that enough times. Not only that too, when you use something like Body Anew, you end up losing some weight sometimes too because it’s taking it out of the fat and of course the fat is where you’re storing all these things. It’s a depot forming your body. You want to facilitate this going on.
If you do any kind of exercises at all, even if it’s just walking, it even moves things out even quicker. That’s what I like. I drink it when I’m exercising in the morning. I think that that’s the best thing. But even if you didn’t exercise at all, if you drink it over a course of several hours a day, it’s just going to keep pulling all these stuff out of your body. It’s very, very efficient. And the good part about it is you’re not in the bathroom, it’s not that kind of a detox.
DEBRA: Now, I take it every day. Pamela takes it every day. You’re even taking it for 15 years or something like that?
PAMELA SEEFELD: A long time. Yeah, a long time.
DEBRA: I take it every day and it’s just like an everyday support for your body in a slow, but sure way to start getting those toxics out. It’s totally comfortable. I have no discomfort from it at all. Our bodies just have so much more toxic stuff in them than just our normal body systems can handle. Our bodies just can’t handle it. Everybody needs to do something to detox and Body Anew is a good homeopathic way to do that.
Also, Zeolite is a good thing to take. But these different things, these different products actually work on different things. Zeolite is really, really good for heavy metals and Body Anew takes out some other things. And if you just do different things, sauna, all these things, put them all together, we could end up being a lot healthier.
So we’ve only got about a minute left. Any final thing you want to say about this?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah, I just wanted to let people know that these are things you can control. You can’t control what’s in the water you’re drinking unless you can filter and stuff, but you’re exposed to these things periodically through the day and through your life, but it’s important to realize that these things can be carcinogenic, they can cause disruption of the endocrine system and disruption in your body and taking them out of the saunas, with exercise, but really, with Body Anew, trying to get rid of some of these fat-soluble chemicals, not only for today, but I would tell you to look ahead in the future when you’re elderly, you don’t want to have these chemicals hanging around and putting you at risk for these horrible diseases.
DEBRA: Right, thank you so much, Pamela. And again, give your phone number again, so that if people want to get any of these products, they can just call you directly.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, please call me here at Botanical Resource at 727-442-4955.
DEBRA: Thank you. That’s all the time we have. You’ve been listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well!