ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Pamela SeefeldMy guest today is Pamela Seefeld, R.Ph, a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. We’ll be talking about your kidneys and how to keep them healthy in our toxic world. Your kidneys filter all your blood so they are constantly exposed to toxic chemicals that have made their way into your body. More than 31 million people in the United States alone are on dialysis because their kidneys don’t function. Learn what you can do naturally to protect your kidneys. Doctors have no drugs to help kidneys, but nature can protect and restore them. Pamela has more than 25 years experience choosing and selling top quality medicinal supplements, so she’s seen it all. Pamela is a 1990 graduate of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, where she studied Pharmacognosy (the study of medicines derived from plants and other natural sources). She has worked as an integrative pharmacist teaching physicians, pharmacists and the general public about the proper use of botanicals. She is also a grant reviewer for NIH in Washington D.C. and the owner of Botanical Resource and Botanical Resource Med Spa in Clearwater, Florida.



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Are You Heading For Kidney Failure? Natural Remedies Can Help

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Pamela Seefeld, R.Ph

Date of Broadcast: June 03, 2015

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free. It’s Wednesday, June 3rd 2015 and it’s, again, a beautiful day in Clearwater, Florida. It’s our sunny summer. And let’s see, I have a thermometer on my window. It’s 84° here. We’re having summer.

Today, we’re going to be talking about kidneys, our wonderful, valuable kidneys that do so much for us to detox and how we can end up with kidney failure.

My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s on every other Wednesday. So she will be on again two weeks from now and every two weeks after that. And you can also, I should say, go to and you can listen to her past shows because what we’re doing is we’re talking about different parts of the body, different illnesses that people have, different drugs that people take and how those things can be taken care of with natural remedies. So if you’re just tuning in and hearing her for the first time, you can go to and listen to all her past shows.

So today, we’re talking about kidneys. I especially wanted to talk about kidneys because the way kidneys work is all the blood in your body passes through your kidneys and so all the toxic chemicals that may be in your body, the heavy metals and all those things, in addition to all the body waste that are floating around in your body all passes through the kidneys. Those toxic chemicals can damage the kidneys. And when your kidneys stop functioning, then your kidneys aren’t taking those toxic chemicals out of your body. And also, when your kidneys stop functioning, you end up on dialysis.

Pamela, I’m getting to you. I just want to say this because I just got this email yesterday with an ad for something and it said that the average annual cost of monthly dialysis treatments is $44,000!

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, I would believe that. In fact, in 2009, Medicare here in this country (and then of course, today, it’s even more, but that’s the last statistic), just on kidney failure alone, they spent $33.8 billion.

Debra: I looked at that and I thought, “I can’t have kidney failure.” That number really woke me up.

PAMELA SEEFELD: It’s a tremendous cost and it’s a tremendous disability to the patient as well.

Debra: Yes, because you have to go in – let’s see, it also said something about you have to go in for four hours three times a week or something like that.

So explain to us. If somebody is on dialysis, what’s going on with their kidneys or what’s not going on with their kidneys?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay, good. This is just kind of a lead-in to talk a little bit about what’s going on with people and kidney failure. What typically will happen is you have some common things that put you at risk for kidney failure. The most prevalent is diabetes. Diabetes can put you at risk because of the sugar going to the kidneys. Secondly is high blood pressure that’s not treated. So maybe somebody is in hypertension and they’re not taking something for it.

There’s something called glomerulonephritis, which is the inflammation of the glomeruli or the cells in the kidney themselves. And sometimes, people can have a hereditary disease. That’s the next thing. And then, also, there’s something called interstitial nephritis and pyelonephritis. That’s when people get urinary tract infection and the area keeps getting inflamed and infected. And sometimes, people have inflammation of the blood vessels.

So those are the ways that these can take place. But I can tell you from personal experience seeing people’s blood work that a lot of people are in pre-kidney failure and they’re not aware of it. And actually, nine out of ten people who have stage III chronic kidney disease, moderately decreased kidney function do not know it at all. This is what’s really bad because if they don’t know it, they can’t do anything about it. Dialysis really is the end means of everything. And definitely, you want to avoid that.

Debra: So you were telling me what happens when people go to the doctor and what doesn’t happen about kidney. Tell our listeners about that.

PAMELA SEEFELD: So what I see (and this is pretty typical) is that [beeping 00:05:32] nine out of ten people that have stage III kidney disease do not even know it. They’re not told about it. So what happens is you go through your physical, you have your blood work, your routine blood work [beeping 00:05:43] and they do what’s called the CMP, which has the kidney function as part of the panel. If somebody’s serum creatinine is mildly elevated (let’s say it’s 1.2 or something like that), most of the time the doctor doesn’t even mention it. And the reason they don’t mention it is because they don’t have anything for it. When you go to the physician, we’re really looking for medicine, right? There’s no medicine for that.

So what they typically will tell one of my patients is we’re going to send you to the nephrologist (who’s a kidney doctor) and then, when they go to the nephrologist, the nephrologist tells them, “I’ll see you every six months. And then when you go on the dialysis, I’ll see you every month.” I told one of my clients, “Are those the kind of odds you want?” That’s what they offer, dialysis. And unfortunately, in the pharmaceutical realm, there is really nothing that they have that’s efficient for preventing kidney disease.

So I would really urge the listeners that if they’re already having some elevation in their serum creatinine, they can call me. It’s a free consultation. I can tell them some things that they can do because I have had very good luck with some of the homeopathic products reversing the pre-kidney failure.

Debra: Yeah. I think the numbers are staggering. What did you say to me… 3.31 million people in the United States are on dialysis?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah, chronic kidney disease, 31 million. Kidney disease is the 8th leading cause of death in the United States. It’s just something I tell people to take seriously.

All kidding aside, there’s a lot of different things – maybe someone has gastritis, maybe they have IBS, maybe they have diabetes, either chronic or ongoing hypertension. These are all ongoing problems and they can all add up to bigger problems as we can see.

But when someone has pre-kidney disease, their serum creatinine is starting to be mildly elevated, the time to act is now. That’s not one of these things that you want to just sit around saying, “Well, you know, let me think about it.” These things are very insidious and they can creep up on you. These can become extremely debilitating.

There are also some racial ethnic risks. It looks like relative to whites, the risk for African Americans is 3.8 times higher. Native Americans are two times higher and Asian is 1.3 times higher for a person to develop kidney disease. So knowing that almost 40% of all kidney failure cases are related to diabetes, it’s important to be using some homeopathic products that can prevent the sugar from increasing too much to start damaging the kidneys and also, to reverse the pre-kidney failure itself.

These are things that you can really look at. The statistics are really overwhelming.

Debra: And I just want to say again (and I’m probably going to say this twenty times during this show), toxic chemicals in your body that you’re being exposed to every day, if you’re not reducing your toxic chemical exposure, if you’re not reducing your heavy metal exposure, then all these things – the kidney is the filter.

Pamela, tell us how the kidney functions so that everybody gets that this really is a filter. So all these stuff is coming through your body, then you’re just damaging your kidneys. Your kidneys, every time, it’s having to deal with these toxic chemicals. And you can stop the toxic chemicals by not being exposed to them in the first place. So tell us more about how the kidney functions.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Well, the kidney regulates water and electrolytes and it also regulates protein. So when someone is in pre-kidney failure, they might be spilling out a lot of protein into the urine, protein that normally is reabsorbed and stays in the blood.

Also, sodium and potassium, the electrolytes are affected by a person’s kidney function as well. That’s why a person might be – what I like to say is that the electrolytes will get messed up. So many times, when a person is on dialysis, they have to put electrolytes into the dialysate to try and compensate for that.

So it’s not just that the kidney is filtering – and I want to tell people too that the best time that the kidneys are filtering your blood is when you’re sleeping. The reason why is your center of gravity changes and of course, the center of gravity and all the fluids in your body pretty much are going through the kidneys at a higher rate during that time.

That’s part of the reason why when you go to bed at night, you think you have to keep getting up and going to the bathroom. The reason why is because your body is really trying to clean up everything from the day time during that process while you’re sleeping.

So there are very different types of kidney disease and we can probably just break down each one. What I would say is you need to look at your risk factors. And if you don’t know your serum creatinine number, that’s very, very important. Call your doctor and find out when was the last time you had your blood work done and what was the number.

Anything above one, I start to be concerned. Most people are going to be lower than that. And then also, there’s something that we calculate in pharmacy and in medicine called creatinine clearance. That’s kind of basing your age and your weight. That calculation can be done and that’s also another indicator of how your kidneys are functioning.

But I really want to impress upon listeners that there’s a product…

Debra: Wait, wait, wait. Pamela, we have to go to break, so you can talk about this when we come back.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Oh, okay. Sorry.

Debra: It’s okay.


Debra: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who uses natural substances instead of drugs. We’ll be right back.


Debra: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. Her website is You should just call her up if you have any questions because she’s totally happy to talk to you. Pamela, why don’t you give your phone number?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. My telephone number here at my pharmacy is 727-442-4955. That’s 722-442-4955. I would be most grateful and honored if I could help you or your family with any of the things we talked about today or any other issues you might have about your medications or your health.

Debra: Pamela, she’s right here in Clearwater with me and she’s very well-regarded in the Clearwater community. The medical doctor that I go to, I told him that I was taking something that she had given me and he said, “If Pamela tells you to take it, take it.” She’s just very highly regarded.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Hmmm… that’s great. Yeah.

Debra: So creatinine, did I say that right?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. Correct, yes, the creatinine. That’s the magic number. You need to know where your serum creatinine normally lies. A lot of times, people look at the BUN, which is called blood urea and nitrogen. That’s another measurement. But the BUN sometimes doesn’t always correlate as much with the kidney as human creatinine. And that is pharmacy. When we dose medication, when we decide to adjust somebody based on their kidney function for their medications when they come into the hospital, a lot of its calculations are based on the serum creatinine.

So knowing what that number is – and I would really urge your listeners, if your serum creatinine is mildly elevated, anything above 1.0, I’d be glad to have a brief discussion as far as what they can do to get it down and prevent your risk.

But it’s interesting. Another statistic here says, “Dialysis patients have adjusted all-cause mortality rates 6.5 to 7.4 times higher than the general population.” So not only the fact that the debility, the fact that you’re spending hours a week sitting on a chair being dialyzed, you have a much higher chance of dying. And don’t forget too diabetes with it, not just the kidney failure, but just the complications of amputations and eye problems and so forth.

So all these things are all-encompassing and we really want to treat them. I think it’s important to mention that once you know what your serum creatinine numbers – and especially, I would urge anybody that has some pre-diabetes or diabetes, since that’s really a big, integral part of leading into kidney failure, you know what that number is. I have encouraged earlier that perhaps if that number is mildly elevated, I really would like to help you get the number down.

Most people will think of the kidneys as taking cranberry. I want to just focus on some of those things. What cranberry does, when you take it – and I’m not talking the cranberry juice a lot of times. You want to take the concentrated cranberry in a capsule because the juice has a lot of sugar. But when you take cranberry, what it does is it prevents bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall. So somebody that has urinary tract infections with frequency – which of course, also put people at risk for kidney problems. You want to make sure that this isn’t something that happens quite frequently, that you take some preventive mentions. Taking cranberry capsules would be one of them.

The Body Anew, we talked about this before, is the detox product. And your emphasis the prior part of the discussion on the chemicals and what’s it doing to your kidneys, I really would encourage and let people know that what happens with Body Anew is it goes to the liver and in the liver, it up-regulates what’s called glucuronidation and conjugation.

Those terms are how a fat-soluble drug like a pesticide or a chemical is changed into a water-soluble substance via the liver. And as a result of that, it’s able to be filtered into the kidneys and into the urine. So that’s how things leave the body. By up-regulating that process, you’ll probably have a much better outcome and less chance of having any damage.

Debra: It’s important to do that. And we can always just avoid them in the first place. But in today’s world, we really can’t avoid every single chemical or every single thing that’s harmful to us. We can do a lot and everything that we can do to reduce it, I think, everybody should do. I do as much as I can.

But we can do all these things in our homes. We can choose what we’re eating, we can filter our water. We can do all these things, but we’re walking around in the world. And when you’re walking around in the world and there’s all these toxic chemicals and you’re going to be exposed to something. And so the more we can do to reduce that home, the more we can do to detox our bodies, the better off our kidneys will be and every other part of our body.

PAMELA SEEFELD: And it also is important to mention some other things that people won’t probably think of as frequently causing some kidney issues. Dehydration is first and foremost a very important problem. We’re in the warm climate here. If you’re doing a lot of exercise, if you’re doing a lot of yard work and you’re not drinking enough fluids and you notice that your urine is really concentrated, that’s bad. When you have that situation, you’re not putting enough fluid and water through the kidneys to try and filter that out.

And also, I want to caution on doing too much protein. Protein, a lot of people, they want to lose weight. Everything’s got protein fortified in it now. I like to eat a lot of protein. I feel better because of the exercise I do. But protein, you need to compensate that with lots of water. So if you’re going to do a high protein diet, you’re going to do an Atkin’s diet, you’re going to eat a lot of meat or whatever kind of protein you want, but if your protein in your diet is 75 to 150 grams a day (you’re doing protein shakes and protein bars and all these kinds of things), you need to be making sure that you’re consuming enough water to clean that out.

The protein being too high can also lead to kidney failure. I’ve seen that before with people doing more of an Atkin’s type diet trying to lose weight and not drinking enough water at the same time. All of a sudden, their serum creatinine go up. Also, too, what you see with people eating too much meat, their calcium levels will go up in their bloodstream and that’s indicative of bone loss because calcium is a buffer and will go out into the bloodstream to try and buffer the elevated acidity. So you could actually end up with very bad frail bones and fractures too.

So those are some things I just want people to know. These are lifestyle things that you’d really want to take a look at. Make sure that you’re hydrated correctly. And if you’re going to eat a high protein diet, you’re drinking enough water to make sure that you can clean all that through your kidneys.

Debra: Yes, that’s very, very important especially in the summer time. Right now, it’s summer time. I know people are going to listen to this in the archives in different times of years. It’s just so important to get enough water, just so important because the water is flushing all those toxic things out of your body through the kidneys.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s exactly right. Water is the most important. And I would say too that when you’re drinking the water, check and see what your baseline is. You can look at your electrolytes and so forth, but a lot of times, people forget too that if they’re drinking a lot of water, they’re sweating. You want to make sure you have maybe some electrolytes in the water too.

Debra: Yes, I agree with that as well. We need to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who has a natural pharmacy with many, many things to help with many different things going on with your body. We’ll be right back.


Debra: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances in her natural pharmacy in Clearwater, Florida. Her website is

Okay! Pamela, so tell us what we can do to protect our kidneys.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay, good. I want to talk a little bit too about hypertension. Say someone doesn’t want to be in medicines and their blood pressure is mildly elevated. We have the systolic and diastolic blood pressure. That’s the second leading cause of kidney failure. We’ll talk a little bit about the second.

What really works well to get the top number down if your top number is high is something called [Inaudible 00:27:31]. It’s a 12-hour release 1500 mg. time-released [inaudible 00:27:31]. If you take it every 12 hours, typically you’ll see that number come down about 20 points. It works on cortisol and the adrenals. And just this particular formulation seems to work the best. I’ve tried several different [inaudible 00:27:43], but this one brings it down the fastest. So if somebody has a higher systolic blood pressure, their top number, that’s what I would recommend.

[Inaudible 00:27:51] Complex is a homeopathic product. It’s a medical product. It will lower the diastolic blood pressure, the bottom number, probably 20 to 30 points probably between five to seven days.

Debra: That’s fast.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. This is really important. So if you know you have some borderline hypertension, you don’t want to take the medicines, you were on the beta blockers maybe before, you don’t want to take them, you’re trying to get off your medicines, whatever situation you might have, you definitely would be wanting to treat the hypertension and try these things first because these have no side effects and they’re natural alternatives to blood pressure medicine.

So treating hypertension is really important because like I said, that’s the second leading cause of the diabetes.

Now, cystitis is where there’s inflammation in the bladder. People that get cystitis, sometimes they see blood in the urine and sometimes they don’t. But they’ll find it painful to void. The people that have cystitis know about this. Interstitial cystitis is actually pretty common.

And what works great to treat cystitis – and of course, cystitis is actually number four as far as causes of kidney problems – is Quercetin. Quercetin works great just to close up those leaky membranes and the inflammation because Quercetin has anti-histaminic properties, it has vascular stabilizing properties and it can work really well in those interstitial spaces in the bladder to prevent some of these things.

Also, there’s a homeopathic product called Hamamelis. Hamamelis is a homeopathic witch hazel and it’s an astringent inside the body, so it can work on blood vessel swelling anywhere in the body.

Any of these are homeopathic, so when you take them, what happens is these products concentrate in the urine when you take them orally. So that’s just typically what happens with even medications. That’s why when we treat urinary tract infections – say someone is very sick and are in the hospital. They have a urinary tract infection and they’re getting IV’s. They can use a much lower dose of medication that we can for, let’s say, a lung infection.

So it’s important to realize that whatever you take is going to concentrate on the urine. And Hamamelis has high effects specifically for that. That’s why it’s important for people to realize that sometimes, you can use less homeopathic medicine if you’re treating kidney bladder than if you’re doing other areas of the body. It’s probably a little fact that many people don’t know.

Debra: I didn’t know any of those little facts.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah. Well, it’s kind of pharmacology 101. It’s like what we do in the hospital, but most people aren’t going to really realize that. So what you would want to do is you can concentrate them by drinking them. And that’s the great part because if you think about it, that’s where all things kind of end up. That’s the end result. So that’s very important for people to realize.

Now, the first leading cause (and we had talked a little bit about diabetes) is diabetes. Using some things that can lower the blood pressure is really important. So, all the time, I recommend people use the Body Anew just to get the chemicals out of their body. But you can add in the pericardium triple warmer to lower your blood sugar if that’s the cause.

And a lot of people perhaps that sees their fasting blood sugar in the 90 to the 110 range, that’s pre-diabetes and you might want to treat that especially if you see that your serum creatinine is starting to become elevated. I really have to impress upon to people. The take-home message today, find out what your serum creatinine is and find out what your fasting blood sugar is. Those numbers mean a lot.

Debra: Yes, yes, very much so. And let me just ask you a question about people getting blood test. I get a blood test every three months, but I think that most people don’t. I don’t even remember the first time I got a blood test, but it seems like I went through most of my childhood not having a blood test at all. Blood tests can tell you so much. Can you just talk about that for a little bit?

PAMELA SEEFELD: So the blood test, why it’s important – and typically, when we’re looking at these things, you can order what’s called a BMP, which is a basic metabolic profile and that will have the kidney function and it’ll have the electrolytes and the fasting glucose. It just has a few things.

When you do your physical or even if you’re doing it every year or every other year, you want probably what’s called the CMP, which is the complete metabolic profile and that has your liver function. It has all these other things that are very important to look at as well.

When people have the blood sugar – most people’s fasting blood sugar should be between 75 and 85. Well, that’s not going to hit the majority of the population, but that’s ideal. So any time where you’re starting to get into the 90’s and into the 100’s, you’re maybe not ready for medicine, but you’re getting there. I would just caution your listeners that if those numbers are already starting to creep up and then the serum creatinine number is starting to go up, you need to treat that.

And what I’d like to emphasize that the treatment for serum creatinine, mild elevation or even if it’s really high, if it’s over two is something called detox II. Detox II was designed specifically for the kidney and I’ve seen very, very good results with it.

There was another product they used to use called Renil that was out of Germany, but I’m not able to get that anymore. They’re only making it in Europe. But the Detox II is having the same result I used to receive with my patients for the Renil. This is a liquid, which is a lot easier to dose because the other one is a tablet, so you had to dissolve it in your mouth.

But what I’d like to emphasize (and this is very important), if somebody has a serum creatinine mild elevation, I have seen personally three patients in the last year that their serum creatinine went down dramatically. And one was really a great success. My point is that he came to me (and he had been a client for a very long time, he still is) and the doctor told him the dialysis, “You’ll get pre-kidney failure. I’ll be seeing you more often.” The kidney doctor was telling him how he’s going to have to go on dialysis someday. He came to me and I said, “I don’t want that.” I agreed 100%. This is not just an option we want to explore.

So he went on a Detox II for 30 days and his serum creatinine went from 1.9 to 1.3. Now, that’s a huge difference. Life is about like, “You know things I don’t know and I know things you don’t know,” but if you would know from a professional standpoint (anybody that’s in the medical field that knows what these numbers mean), for 30 days, to have that number drop that much – and he’s perfectly fine now. It’s a very big deal.

So I have to tell people that if you don’t do anything else, this is something that you really probably need to take with the body in order to clean this up.

Debra: Yes. Yes, there are things that can be done and we don’t have to – you know, I think that earlier in my life – and I don’t think this way anymore. I think a lot of people think this way if they haven’t changed their minds. It’s like you go through life and you just don’t do anything about your health until you have symptoms or you can’t get out of bed or whatever. And then you go to the doctor and it’s already too late sometimes or more difficult.

But if you can get these blood tests, if you know what you’re looking for, if you can catch it early, it’s a lot easier to turn things around.

We need to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. Her website is We’ll be right back.


Debra: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld, registered pharmacist. Pamela, why don’t you give your phone number again for people who might want to call you to ask about their kidney problems?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. My number here at my pharmacy is 727-442-4955. That’s 727-442-4955. I would be grateful to help you with your kidney problem or any other issues you might have. And I have to emphasize that it’s really not about selling things. Debra knows that I do a lot of things outside of this. This is just more of something of my passion that I really know I can do very well. If your human creatinine is even mildly elevated, I really encourage you to try and get that number down and prevent some of the problems that are associated with kidney disease, which can be very debilitating.

Debra: Yes, and I know Pamela. She and I are friends. And so I know that she’s not doing this to make money. She doesn’t need to do this to make money. She’s doing it as a public service that she’s bringing her knowledge as a pharmacist.

And Pamela, I was just thinking so much as we’ve been talking that we should do the next show on Pharmacology 101 because…


Debra: Yeah. Because I think that people don’t understand about what a pharmacist knows and can do and how you have a different perspective. So let’s do that for the next show.

PAMELA SEEFELD: I think that’s an excellent idea. All these little tidbits are things that I can reveal of how things work in the body, where they go and how to…

Debra: Right. You know these things. You have a different perspective than anyone else I’ve ever talked to about how these substances go in the body, how they work. You were talking about dosing earlier.

Nobody knows anything about dosing, but you know as a pharmacist that things have to be dosed correctly.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah, because once you know the dynamics of the vitamins or the things you’re taking, you can use that to your advantage to see that things are more effective. If you’re going to pay money for something, you’re going to take it, take the time and take it, count it out and take it, you really do want them to work well and you want to take it so they work properly and perhaps some thing that need to be with food, some things don’t, some things, you can concentrate more in a particular area of the body by doing certain select things. It is very important to realize that you have control over some of these.

Debra: Okay. So we’re going to do this for the next show. Now, two weeks from now, we’re doing a replay because it’s my birthday and I’m going on vacation.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Happy birthday!

Debra: It will be four weeks from today.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s great.

Debra: So I’ll tell you, it’s going to be my 60th birthday. Can you imagine that?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Oh, my Lord. That’s wonderful! I think you definitely don’t look it. I’m very happy for you.

Debra: Thank you, thank you. Listeners, she sees me all the time, so she knows what I look like.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah, yeah. She looks great. You don’t look sixty at all. No, you look great.

Debra: No, no. People, sometimes they ask me how old I am and I always say, “How old do you think I am?” The other day, a man said to me that he thought I was 47.

PAMELA SEEFELD: I believe it. Maybe even younger. No, you have great skin and you look very healthy. You don’t have a wrinkle on your face.

Debra: Thank you. Alright! So let’s keep talking about kidneys. Go ahead. 

PAMELA SEEFELD: So what I would like to emphasize in some of the things we were talking about is if you have any of these symptoms, if you’re dehydrated a lot because you work outside and you’re not drinking enough water, if you have diabetes or pre-diabetes and your fasting blood sugar is in the 90 or 100 range, but they haven’t diagnosed you as a diabetic yet, if you’re borderline hypertension that you’re either treating or not treating, that’s something that really needs to be addressed as well.

And I was talking about cystitis. People know when they have cystitis or some kind of inflammation in the bladder. That’s very important to treat.

I was talking about some simple things to use for those particular things. When we look at chronic kidney disease and we think about what’s happening, the fact that nine out of ten people don’t even really know that they have kidney disease yet because the doctors haven’t mentioned it to them (and I told you the reason why. By default, they don’t really have anything for it, so they kind of wait until things get bad), this is one thing –

There are a lot of things in medicine when you go to your physician that he’s really in control of the situation and monitoring these things and trying to make good decisions for you. But when it comes to your kidney, I have to really emphasize that you’re pretty much on your own.

You’re going to have to know what these numbers are. If it’s starting to elevate at all over the course of the year too, it’s time to take action and not wait because these people, the nine out of ten people that don’t realize they have pre-kidney failure, it’s pretty bad once the revelation that comes to light that they have this. This might be something that unfortunately is not being shared with you.

Debra: I want to say I know some people don’t even have doctors. And so if you don’t have a doctor and you’re not going to a doctor on a regular basis and you don’t have a medical professional who can diagnose and run blood test – especially I know people who go to chiropractors or massage therapist or herbalists or what, none of those people can order blood tests.

But here’s what you can do. There are places now. Just go online and type in ‘blood test’.


Debra: I was just looking this up the other day because there are places where you can just walk in and you can get a blood test without a doctor’s order. They have a doctor on staff. You can walk in and say, “I want a creatinine test” and it will be $45 or something. I don’t know, I haven’t looked it up to know. But you can order these tests individually. You can order a panel. All these things that a doctor will order for you, you can order yourself now.

And then you can see what your fasting blood sugar is. You can see your creatinine. And whatever else you want to know about your body, you can look on the blood test.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s exactly right. And this is really great information for your listeners because it’s true. A lot of people are using alternative practitioners to MDs and NDOs. And as a result, they’re just not given access to this information. It’s really important.

If you have not done this, I really think having a baseline number is very, very important because once you know where your baseline is, you have a reference.

And if the person’s serum creatinine as I had stated earlier is anything over 1.0, that’s when I start to think, “Okay, it’s starting to come there. It’s starting to get a little bit worse.” Anything over 1.5, you’re starting to get closer to two, I’d seen people that they really hadn’t been to the doctor in a while, the serum creatinine was closer to two and they really had to try and get their mind around that they were starting to have kidney failure and was getting worse. The treatments that they’re offering are none. I mean, the doctor doesn’t have anything for them.

So really using the Detox II and Body Anew. And what I would do is I’ll tell people to do a month’s course and get the number repeated and see where it’s at. It’s going to be down. And hopefully, it’s going to be close to normal and then there can be a decision making time, “Do I need to continue this? Do I need to continue it for a few days a week?” I must emphasize too that I have used this on dogs. Animals will respond to the homeopathy as well. I’ve had two dogs that had some pre-kidney failures and the drops reversed it. And actually, one of them was my dog that I’ve treated before in the past. She had a mild elevation of her serum creatinine and I got it back down.

So it’s important to realize that even your pets might be at risk for these kinds of things as well. This is something that can be easily treated with, some simple drops to put in the water. I really would think if we had nothing else to summarize for the talk today, that you need to know what your baseline number is of your fasting blood sugar, you need to know what your serum creatinine is and you need to know your blood pressure.

And the blood pressure, you can even take these just at a drugstore. They have these little machines someplace. But knowing what your blood pressure is, if your blood pressure is high, this is something that you have to treat.

Debra: And it all comes down to awareness of what’s going on with our bodies. It’s not about focusing on illness. It’s just focusing on monitoring what is going on in your body. You want to know is something normal or is something cause for needing to do something about it. The earlier you can touch these things, if you just know to look at blood sugar, at blood pressure, at creatinine, whatever those basic things are and look at them on a regular basis especially if you’re going to an alternative practitioner who’s not a medical doctor, you’re not going to a check-up, a yearly check-up where they would check these things, then you need to check these things.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Well, this is really important. And I’m assuming there’s probably a portion of the people listening that really never had given second thought to this. And that’s okay.

Debra: I think so.

PAMELA SEEFELD: This is to reveal what’s really going on. Those numbers belong to you. Those numbers are indicative of something going on in your body that you don’t feel any difference. That’s the problem, you can’t tell. You can’t look and say, “I feel like I’m having some pre-kidney failure.” There are no signs and symptoms. All of a sudden, they’re going to come to you with this number, send you to the kidney doctor and that’s about it. And really, I think those are terrible odds.

Debra: I agree, I agree. It’s just like all of a sudden, we’re going to go to the kidney doctor. No, I’d rather know a little beforehand, so that we can do something about it. And that’s basically what we’re talking about today especially since our kidneys are just being bombarded with toxic chemicals all the time. It’s like poor, little kidneys. We need to take care of them. We need to be aware of what’s going on with them.

So Pamela, thank you so much for…

PAMELA SEEFELD: Thank you. I really enjoyed talking. And if anyone has any questions, please give me a call. I really would love to help you.

Debra: Yes, she’s really good. The doctors around here love her. The patients around here love her. She does really good work. She has many things to choose from and she knows what to tell you what doses to take and how they affect your body.

So I want to tell you more about Toxic Free Talk Radio. You can go to and you can listen to all the past shows. There are more than 200 of them. I also have transcripts for many of the shows. You can go listen to past shows that Pamela has been, but I have a wide variety of people talking about different issues about living in a toxic-free way.

So thanks for listening. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. Be well.


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