ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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lori-puskarToday my guest is Lori Puskar DC, Client Advocate and Chief Technical Officer and on the Board of Directors of Ulan Nutritional Systems, Inc. (UNS) located in Clearwater, Florida. UNS is a training facility which teaches the nutritional technique known as Nutrition Response Testing®. Developed by Dr. Freddie Ulan, Nutrition Response Testing is a non invasive system of analysis which detects and handles the true cause of health problems without the use of drugs and surgery. The program includes testing for heavy metals and toxic chemicals and treating body imbalances caused by them. Dr Lori is the top Nutrition Response Testing health care practitioner in the country. She has delivered seminars and training on this technique to 1000’s of health care practitioners from every state for the past 10 years. She has directly and indirectly helped tens thousands of people improve their health with health situations ranging from fatigue to infertility. Dr Lori is a 1994 graduate of New York Chiropractic College and a nutritionist since 1996. Find a certified NRT clinician at


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Advanced Nutrition Testing That Can Help You Detox

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Lori Puskar DC

Date of Broadcast: July 07, 2015

DEBRA: Hi I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free.

It’s Tuesday, July 7, 2015. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. There’s no thunderstorm today, so bright shiny day and I hope we’re going to have a great show today.

My guest today is Lori Puskar. She’s a chiropractic doctor. She’s a client advocate and Chief Technical Officer and on the Board of Directors of Ulan Nutrition Systems located here in Clearwater, Florida and what they do with Nutrition Systems is – I’m going to let her explain. Hi, Lori!


DEBRA: The reason why I invited Lori to be on the show and to talk about the system is because I’ve been to three different practitioners who do this. I should say that I’ve done this over a period of years, this system.

I started maybe 10 or 12 years ago and had a lot of success. But in that particular office, there was some stuff going on and they weren’t very organized which is no reflection of the system itself. It was just the office, it was having a problem and they were also very far away. I was traveling like an hour’s drive to go get this and I decided I needed something closer to home.

Then I went to another practitioner of the system, again had a lot of success. I stayed with her for a couple of years and then decided to work with someone else because I wanted work with that particular person who was not doing the system.

I decided after 5 years of not doing it that I needed to go back to the system. I keep going back to it because every time I do, I get good results.


DEBRA: This is what we’re going to talk about today. It’s called Nutrition Response Testing. But first, Lori would you tell us about how the system was developed and how you became involved in it?

LORI PUSKAR: Sure, it was actually a personal means to an end for its developer Dr. Freddie Ulan who is also chiropractic-trained and graduated in the 1950s.

Unfortunately in the early 1990s, Dr. Ulan ran into a little bit of health situation of his own. That again was trying a very conservative method in cleaning up his diet and doing the best he could as most of us who are into health and nutrition, you know and understand how to apply the basics.

Unfortunately, the basics just weren’t doing the trick or turning his health around to the magnitude he needed it to. He basically started on his quest of finding who actually knew how to genuinely heal a body. His studies and research took him in and outside the United States in order to find the truth because there are many, many claims that are made.

They are saying of different techniques and products, systems of all kinds in the healthcare industry and he basically was his own guinea pig trying to find the ones that actually worked, that actually got the success and had the claims that they were promoting or preaching, etc.

DEBRA: Uh huh.

LORI PUSKAR: Out of that, he found that no one really had the “system”. Everybody had a little bit, but no one really had it in its entirety. And he would speak – we’re talking about medical greats here and…

DEBRA: Right.

LORI PUSKAR: He was like, “Why don’t you teach the whole system?” One for one everybody’s like, “No, we like the piece we’re teaching and that’s where we are going to stick to teaching.” And he saw what was missing is the really step-by- step process of the brilliance of everybody’s research and we’re going back all the way back to hundreds and thousands of years, all the way back to traditional Chinese medicine and beyond.

DEBRA: uh huh.

LORI PUSKAR: So it was not anyone in particular. It was all the brilliance of all the different healthcare models. So, what Dr. Ulan did is basically, since no one was actually teaching in a very systematic form is he took all the brilliance from all of the areas.

What he took for him to restore his health fully and completely because he was quite ill, and he put that in the most workable system in the exact sequence. To the point where to just do it the way obviously you’re saying we teach and what I’m a part of now, you can almost guarantee the exact same result case-to-case person-to-person again as long as you follow the sequence then you do it standardly.

DEBRA: I want to hear the rest of the story but I just want you interject this while I’m thinking of it; one of the things I’ve seen in other practitioners that they give treatments but the treatments are often diagnostic.


DEBRA: So they’ll say, “Take this drug” or “Take this supplement. We’ll see what it does and we’ll see if you get better.” I’m laughing at…


DEBRA: I’m laughing at that because that’s not the way you’re system is. So go ahead with your story and we’ll talk about…

LORI PUSKAR: No, it’s absolutely true.

DEBRA: We’ll talk about that later.

LORI PUSKAR: There’s too much trial and error at a high expense to patients…

DEBRA: Right.

LORI PUSKAR: personally and financially. So yes, that’s where Dr. Ulan’s brilliance came in. It was a very workable and proven system that if you did this and you did this in this sequence depending upon how severe the health situation, you can assume an improvement or a full success three, six, nine months or a year later. Depending on what it took but again the bottom line is following the sequence.

DEBRA: Right.

LORI PUSKAR: That’s what he did and word got out. Everybody was, “Dr. Ulan, what did you do?” and he’s like, “Well, I just created a system.” And they were, ” You have to teach that to others.” And he goes, “That wasn’t really the plan but okay.”

DEBRA: Yeah.

LORI PUSKAR: He definitely wanted to let others what he had done so his goal and purpose wasn’t to be a teacher per se but he had stumbled upon something that he knew his Chiropractic peers and everyone else needed to know. General public, etc. and hence the birth of what you said Nutrition Response Testing which is the actual system analysis that I just talked about that he developed in his personal health story.

DEBRA: So how then did you get involved in it?

LORI PUSKAR: Then what happen is I was traditionally trained as a Chiropractor, I was in Pennsylvania at the time and what I ran into–which is many healthcare practitioners are running into not only chiropractors, it’s everyone in the healthcare model-is that patients aren’t doing well as you hope or expect. Or you don’t get the results you wanted, like you sort of get some results even like you said in the different care.

You kind of got there, you got something, it’s better than nothing but you are still hanging like hmmm. You knew there was something that was missing and so…

DEBRA: Actually, what happened to me why I came back was that it wasn’t that I wasn’t improving. It was that–I’ll just say I just had my birthday a couple of weeks ago…

LORI PUSKAR: Oh great!

DEBRA: …and I just turned 60.


DEBRA: When I tell people that they say, “Oh, no! You’re not sixty. You’re not sixty because I’ve looked like I’m about forty-five.


DEBRA: Also I’ve had ongoing health issues which I’ve had for a long time. Which I continue to improve so it’s not like I’m in spectacular health but I’m extremely functional…


DEBRA: But there were still things that–it’s not like I’m lying in bed or restrictions or anything like that–but I just want to keep optimizing my health and so even though I’m making progress with the other doctor, I just got to the point where I said, “We’re not solving these things. We’re not solving these specific items.” And I thought, “You know what I just need to go back to Nutritional Response Testing.”

LORI PUSKAR: Right and that is the key part of it like you’re saying the goal when the missing part comes in.

DEBRA: Right.

LORI PUSKAR: You could end up chasing symptoms. You can get into the Band-Aid care and even though you are using the natural methods like herbs, vitamins, teas, etc.

DEBRA: Yeah.

LORI PUSKAR: It still just to a certain degree chasing symptoms and not getting at the true cause. So that’s the brilliance of this because we’re talking about restoration. You’re not taking about systematic improvement…

DEBRA: Right, right.

LORI PUSKAR: …which is obviously widely spread in the alternative HealthCare scene to begin with. :

DEBRA: That’s exactly right.

LORI PUSKAR: That’s what he discovered and like I said I was really staying natural with the true cause in mind as being a chiropractor myself but wasn’t getting the clinical results that I hoped were expected even within the chiropractic-realm. So I had a suspicion there might be more to the big picture when it comes to how to truly fixing and handling a body. And maybe chiropractic, though a great component possibly was only just one of the many components that I had to take a look at.

Dr. Ulan just happens to be having a seminar teaching Nutritional Response Testing the state of Pennsylvania at the time and I said, “I’m there. I want to see, hear and find out if this is the piece that I’ve been missing.

Of course as a practitioner, it was. I went home and implemented it to the practice. It wasn’t the piece I was missing to all those chiropractic cases. Again, they were all seeing improvement to some degree as a chiropractic patient but I wasn’t getting the miracles nor the complete results of symptomatic relief that turned into a total change in the health of the patient. Nutritional Response Testing allowed me to fix and handle fully and completely any of those cases that I had last. It’s just that I could never get—and the patient as well, we as a team we could never really get them where we really want to get them.

DEBRA: Right. Let me take a break but when we come back, we want to hear all about this because – you really want to stay, because I’ve experienced these wonderful things myself. You’re listening to Toxic-Free Talk radio. My guest today is Lori Puskar and we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic-Free Talk radio. Today, my guest today is Lori Puskar. She’s a chiropractic but more importantly she’s a clinician of Nutrition Response Testing and we’re going to talk about more—she’s going to tell you how this works and the program is. But before we do that, this is a show about toxic chemical and health effects etc. So let’s talk about how toxics fit in to this program. I know that one of the things you test for is toxic chemicals, so tell us about that.

LORI PUSKAR: Sure. The absolute truth is that there are many barriers that a patient and the health of the body is running into. You talk about it in the show and everything in your book talks about is the key component to that is definitely all the toxins. I went through your book and the pytoxin is a poison, it doesn’t matter what the category. But of course, what is understood more by people are the chemicals. I’m seen that you have mentions, metals, etc. But anything that can be considered a toxin is or a poison to the body, definitely need to be ruled out ahead of time because if those barriers are not eliminated ahead of time then the health and restoration and symptomatic improvement and really going through the patient into a true definition as healthy, these barriers must be eliminated first and foremost.

DEBRA: I just want to emphasize is you said first and foremost because I’m always saying, and now you said it in your viewpoint, that you could do all these treatments but if you‘re in still being exposed or if there are still toxins in your body, those other things they’ll work for a certain degree but the toxic chemicals they’ll prevent you from getting well.

LORI PUSKAR: Absolutely true. They are the true barriers and if they show up in the patient’s case then obviously they have to be handled first and foremost. So let’s just say a great example so many people are concern about are heart disease and heart attacks and heart cholesterol. And you could be in the most perfect heart support program. All natural, all organic vitamins, diets, etc. but if there is a true chemical or poisonous barrier in the way to get in that nutrition really into the heart and the heart tissues, like you said, they will never work to the fullest extent until that barrier of the chemical or poison is removed and that’s absolutely true clinically what I’ve observed and physiologically as far as the body function and what you can hope to achieve from a true and medical standpoint.

DEBRA: Can you just –We’ll talk about the exact method when we come back from the next break but can you tell us some examples of the things you have observed when you have treated people for chemicals.

LORI PUSKAR: Sure. First of all, what I’ve noticed is that it’s not an absolute but there are chemicals, metals, poisons are not created equal. There the ones that definitely cause more harm than others. And the ones that are again environmental and that you can get from home. Your drinking water etc. that many of your listeners are familiar with. They’re the most common ones. They are the ones that I usually concentrate on the technique on the Nutrition response Testing because they’re usually the culprit, thank good ness, so it’s not complete mystery.

DEBRA: Which ones do you find the most common and the most effective?

LORI PUSKAR: One of the most common ones are definitely chlorine because it is being used everywhere. It’s being used to whiten all of our grains, breads, rice, etc. it’s in our drinking water. Especially living here in Florida it’s in everyone’s pool unless you have natural style pool. It is a very common used disinfectant across the board and every industry. So chlorine is a very common one.

On the heavy metal side, even though it’s a metal but seeing it toxicity, you’re seeing a lot of mercury poisoning and aluminum poisoning. A lot of women’s products have aluminums so it’s just rampant some of these main chemicals are everywhere. So they are the few of the top ones.

DEBRA: And so what kind of effects do you see in patients when they come in? like what kind of symptoms you commonly see in the results when people test positive for chemicals?

LORI PUSKAR: Interesting, we have talked about – briefly mentioned in the first statement was about the fear behind Nutritional testing and how that ties them to these chemicals and these toxins is that something that came out of these work and one of the monsters is that anything can cause anything first and foremost. So interestingly, to answer your question and I’m going to use that these poisons do everything. I have seen it a little bit of dark circling around the eyes all the way to any blown case of severe auto-immune disease. The answer is I have seen I have seen this cause about everything,

DEBRA: When I was writing my last book Toxic-Free, I did a completely new study as if I have never studied toxic chemicals before. I studied, studied and my conclusion was toxic chemicals have been associated in every single kind of illness there is.

LORI PUSKAR: Absolutely.

DEBRA: It doesn’t matter I mean when I first started 30 years ago, I have studied to this field because I had an immune system dysfunction that was caused by toxic chemicals and people didn’t have associations like they didn’t even know that chemicals cause cancer back then. Now you can go online and you can find studies associated anything that was wrong in your body. You can find study that associates toxic chemicals with it.

LORI PUSKAR: Absolutely true. Part of it say a biochemistry standpoint these chemical mimic or look like natural substances in the body. That’s part of it why they get to be so dangerous and they can end up like you’re saying can go across the board in any system. I don’t have them all memories but there’s a handful of chemical that can look like thyroid hormones like cholesterol or the female hormones. So when the body sees it coming, it’s not really sure if it’s the real thing or not the real thing.

DEBRA: I know.

LORI PUSKAR: Then it confuses the body, that’s how they’re saying, you can have a chemical mimicking the real thing and that body part or organs pulls it in and, “Ooh, this is what I need.” And then after 10 years, made of wrong thing.

DEBRA: Yeah.

LORI PUSKAR: Then you get the symptoms of that organ in distress regardless of what the mechanism that got you into trouble, your symptom pattern can be the same whether it was lead or mercury or arsenic or acetate or pesticides. Once the problem has occurred all you know is that the organ and their system or health situation and symptoms –there is a pattern of what the body does and our job is to go find out what got you into trouble in the first place.

DEBRA: Yes, when we come back from the break Lori will explain all of it because it’s a very interesting system and it works really, really well. You’re listening to Toxic-Free Talk radio. I’m DEBRA: Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Lori Puskar, she’s a doctor of chiropractic and a practitioner of Nutrition Response Testing which we’re going to learn in about a couple of minutes. Stay tuned.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic-Free Talk radio. I’m DEBRA: Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Lori Puskar, she’s a doctor of chiropractic and she practices of Nutrition Response Testing. So tell us about Nutrition Response Testing?

LORI PUSKAR: Okay, great! Of course, it’s fantastic. I’m a tad biased but…

DEBRA: It is fantastic! I want to say just one thing before start talking. One of the reasons, I came back for it now is because I have some long-term things going on that I have tried lots of things for and when I look at the cost of Nutrition Response Testing vs. the cost of going to other doctors, it’s immensely different because I was looking at—I talked to one doctor who said, “Yeah, I can totally tell what’s wrong with your body and it’s $2000 worth of tests for the first appointment.”

When you go to Nutrition Response Testing, the practitioner charges you for an office visit I paid $43.00 and for some supplements whatever happens to be. And the supplements cost $19.00 or $22.00 – it’s not thousands of dollars to do this.

LORI PUSKAR: Right. One thing definitely in this model is freedom in healthcare for everyone and there can’t be any barriers to getting a sick person well regarding the circumstance. So if you’re really going to get the truth about health out to the entire country at a cost they can afford. The average American family throughout the country could have the family on a program – yes, there’s a cost-affordable calculation that need to be looked at, something that is design inherently to the Nutrition Response Testing itself. So, yes you’re absolutely correct on that point.

DEBRA: Yes. So I wanted everybody to know who’s listening to this program about something that I’d like to do. You can just go to, look in today’s – description of today’s show and at the bottom there’s a link. Just click on the link and they’ll find somebody in your area who can do this with you.

LORI PUSKAR: Right, that’s a great thing it is across the country. So I know a lot of listeners and they have friends and family around the country…

DEBRA: Oh, this show is actually around the world!

LORI PUSKAR: Okay, wonderful! I wasn’t exactly sure how far we are talking and that’s fantastic!

DEBRA: We’re going around the world.

LORI PUSKAR: Yey! Alright, let’s talk about freedom of healthcare. Anyone in the world deserves health and at an affordable price. That’s fantastic to anyone who can get the message. Basically, there is hope and it comes in the form of health nutritionists and pharmacists. Excellent! I’m glad I know that.

DEBRA: Okay, so tell us about the program.

LORI PUSKAR: Okay, good! So, Nutrition Response Testing is derived from previous techniques and from – I’m sure everyone knows that it’s from Muscle Testing. It comes out of the world of traditional muscle testing. Another word that many listeners will be familiar with is applied kinesiology. Again, I’m sure you’re saying, “I already tried that and it didn’t work. Like many things in life, you may have tried something like it but I’m telling you, you have never tried Nutrition Response Testing.

DEBRA: That’s Right! The way you do it, it’s different from any muscle testing I’ve ever had.

LORI PUSKAR: Absolutely! Which we’re again part of Dr. Ulan’s discovery that muscle testing was a key part but not the only part to the Nutrition Response Testing accomplishes and workable principles but also workable principles from the other healthcare’s fields.

Again, it’s a non-invasive analysis based from muscle testing procedure. So you’re using your body as your answer key which I fantastic because this brings us back to the whole, “Anything can cause anything.

If I honestly don’t know and moving forward in the beginning of my full analysis, what exactly are we going to find? I only know the most common denominators that most people get themselves trouble with as we’d already talked about chemicals, toxins and poisons being one of the key areas via the muscle testing that individual patient’s body which one. Because argumentatively, what couldn’t be true—let’s say the patient does have acetate, arsenic and pesticide poisoning.

Not only do I need data, I also need to ask the body which one to handle first. The goal would be that we would get the domino effect that if I handle the arsenic that will handle the other two for me. So it’s really putting together a tailor-made, ultra-specific, nutrition program for each individual patient. So even if two had identical patients both experiencing chemical poisoning, my goal would be to isolate which chemicals, each poisons in each order and in the exact nutritional program for that patient particular toxicity itself.

DEBRA: Would you talk a little more regarding doing things in sequence because that such a key part of this – it’s that the body wants to handle certain things first. Can you explain more how that works?

LORI PUSKAR: Absolutely true! There’s a word that the health industry especially in the world alternative medicine is what we want to tap into is the innate intelligence of this body. Though I and the doctor have a priority order and even the patients have a priority order, the actual priority order that matters is the one of this innate intelligence. It is also called Autonomic Nervous system, it’s that part of the body that makes you want to survive or live despite any factors or barriers you throw at it. I want to talk to the guys in charge and that’ who’s in charge and again you have to do it in sequence. So I might think, it’s lead first and the body is like, “Nope I got it on the lead but however I need you to handle the arsenic first.” So it allows you then to get that domino effect.

It’s the exact same principle as opening a combination lock, I might have the numbers but if I don’t have those numbers in the exact order, that lock will never open.

DEBRA: Yeah.

LORI PUSKAR: So you’re innate intelligence, your autonomic nervous system has does that the same keypad and I had to have it in exact order, otherwise it will never open the case for full healing and health.

DEBRA: So I’ve just been having that experience when I went to my practitioner last week, I said, “I was having trouble with my eyes, would you give me something for my eyes” and he said, “No! Your body doesn’t want anything for your eyes. It doesn’t want to handle anything for your eyes right now.”


DEBRA: He wouldn’t give me anything. I walked in to his office with about 50, no not that many, about 35 bottles of supplements. And he says, “Why are you taking all these things?” And it’s because what we were talking about earlier, the diagnostic effects of supplements. That you just take all these things and see if it could handle or not handle the symptoms. My first visit I walked in with these bottles and he gave me two bottles.


DEBRA: Two bottles that nobody else had given me and this is what my body needed. One of them was a homeopathic remedy which nobody ever, ever in my entire 60 years has given me.

LORI PUSKAR: Fantastic!

DEBRA: And it was – I started feeling better right way.

LORI PUSKAR: That’s the whole key.

DEBRA: It was the right one in the right sequence.

LORI PUSKAR: Absolutely, and that’s the key and exactly what that innate intelligence wants to do.

DEBRA: Good and when we come back, we’ll talk more about those. I just think it’s so fascinating. You’re listening to Toxic-Free Talk radio. I’m DEBRA: Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Lori Puskar, she’s a doctor of chiropractic and a practitioner of Nutrition Response Testing which we’ve learning about and we’ll find out more when we come back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic-Free Talk radio. I’m DEBRA: Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Lori Puskar, doctor of chiropractic and a practitioner of Nutrition Response Testing. F you want to more information about Nutrition Response Testing or if you find somebody in your area, just go to, look for today’s show and at the end of the description you can click on right ahead and it will take you to somebody who can do this with you in your area. So, tell us more about then program.

LORI PUSKAR: Sure. So just to recap Nutrition Response Testing is definitely doing things in the exact sequence and then again communication directly with the person in charge which would I love to say the patient’s insides and the nervous system and the computer system in there that’s actually in charge.

So what’s wonderful about Nutrition Response Testing is they give the practitioner the opportunity to communicate to the control center. And what leads to is what I said earlier a tailor-made program for that’s exactly right patient. And that gives the practitioner certainty and confidence that what they’re doing will get the results that they’re expecting because that’s the key. All of that other stuff though it’s beautiful and wonderful but the bottom line: What is the results? How good is it? How fantastic and how good can good be? It’s one thing to be, “Oh yeah, maybe I think I feel a little bit better“ to “Oh my gosh!” that is the difference about the results.

That’s what I love with Dr. Ulan and why I still want to get in this work personally is because his standards and result is like nothing I’ve ever seen. If it’s not perfect and anything less than that is almost unacceptable. We are not detonating perfect in this world but the goal is ever is anything less than that. We totally painted the picture to our practitioners and patients is expect the best. Let’s work together as a team in cooperation with your body to get you there. So never expect less and that’s what I’ve seen Nutrition Response Testing stand true to in every single time and in every case I worked with.

DEBRA: Well, tell us what happens if somebody were to come in for their first appointment. What would it look like?

LORI PUSKAR: The first appointment takes in about an hour an hour and a half. There’s a lot of reading and training in getting a full understanding of what was to occur especially if the theory and the idea of muscle testing is new. And we do a full system of analysis based on Nutrition Response Testing. Also some tools to analyze how well you’re doing to start because one of the things we need to establish is baseline of how much work we have to do.
Not only that Nutrition Response Testing answers valuable but we need to what kind of prognosis can we expect. All of that data is gathered on the first visit. Our first visit is actually a two-part visit and what the practitioner would sit for a good 15 minutes to half-hour to an hour depending on the case to review all those materials, data collected and the analysis done.

And the part two you come you are sat down and go over with you all these again to make sure nothing is missed and layout for you this standard of care and this tailor-made program of what you could expect of what we would need of you in order to fulfill your patient roles and also what you could expect of us as a healthcare facility and from the practitioners. We really do not want to leave any stone unturned prior to you saying, “Yes, let’s get started.” We really don’t make sure and establish that we’re a team and we’re going to work on these for a long term.

Basically, it’s the two of us together and we’re going to do what it takes to get you there. That is really what you’re trying to establish that whole initial consultation procedures and what’s the situation and what is it going to really what it takes to handle that.

DEBRA: We also we want to be really clear, this isn’t an overnight fix. It takes some months and sometimes it’s like – I’ve been going this round for like two months and I’m still taking the same things I started with but in different doses. I’ve been going in every week and I get checked out if there are some changes and if I’m taking what I’ve been given. Now I’m going to start every two weeks. So as you go you don’t have to go every week. As you go the price goes down because you’re not going every week. It’s not that much to begin with. It cost a lot less than insurance I tell you that.

LORI PUSKAR: Exactly. We consider this an insurance. We consider that card in your pocket just-in-case-god-forbid insurance. But if we’re talking about true health, it comes from the diet you eat and the nutritional supplement that you’re on. That’s actually what’s going to restore by the real definition of health in any person.

DEBRA: Here’s a new thing that I’ve never seen any place else. Tell us about scars? Why do you check scars?

LORI PUSKAR: The interesting thing about scars come back to this control panel I was talking about. If you take a look at the body of the computer system and much of that computer if it comes out into the rest of the body. It starts obviously in the brain. But all of your nerves basically make out the communication system that goes from the tip of your toes and your fingertip.

Those nerve ending fibers are actually very close to the surface of the skin so when you get a scar prior, those nerve-ending fibers tend not to heal completely after that injury or trauma you received. So you have to get the entire body’s system communications as perfect as possible so if there’s a scar in the way hindering those fibers, we have to handle that specifically as a barrier.

It’s not because you necessarily need a vitamin K or vitamin c or a vitamin D. It’s the fact that the brain cannot communicate down to say, “Hey, we need it or we don’t need it.” It could be just a communication breakdown as opposed to nutritional deficiency.

DEBRA: That’s what is interesting to me that you know all the barriers are and different ways the body can affected that it can stop communication inside the body. It’s that you know and so many different practices don’t even include these kinds of things.

LORI PUSKAR: the goal is personally as practitioner is that I don’t like mysteries, I don’t like guessing, I don’t like doubt. Part of my goal is I wanted to practice as close to perfect as possible with the certainty and the confidence as much as possible. So that when you said, “Can I get you well?? I can actually truthfully and ethically say, “Yes, I can.” Now, that we’ve agreed to that how are we going about it? And Nutrition Response Testing allows us the path that’s going to take us from Point A to Point B.

DEBRA: So basically, what you’re treating with is nutrition, you give everybody a diet and nutritional supplement. There’s no medicines, there’s no drugs, there’s no anything that we associate with healthcare.

LORI PUSKAR: Yes, that’s correct! It’s really a stays natural solution. There are definitely no use of drugs and surgeries of traditional medical model of any kind. Also you’re looking at dietary supplements and nutritional supplementations.

So the whole point beyond this show is any of those barriers so there’s the environmental recommendation and implementations that would need to occur. So it’s not just a matter of dietary and taking the perfect nutritional program, it’s also handling those in your environment that would be poison and toxic by definition and making sure that they are part of the case. So it’s absolutely inherent and valuable and pertinent getting a sick person well.

DEBRA: Yes, yes we agree on that point. It’s just good to have you on to validate. But I’m educated in this field and read a lot and have my own personal experiences and I talk to people. And toxic chemicals really do come to that if you don’t handle them; they’re going to make you sick. Toxic chemicals will accumulate in your body and they’re going to make you sick and that’s the truth today. I’m so happy that you agree with me with background that you have and clinical experiences you encounter on daily basis. So we have less than a minute, so any final thing you’d like to day?

LORI PUSKAR: Yeah I’d like to thank all the listeners. Basically, what I’d like to tell everyone is that don’t give up there’s definitely hope if you have any health situation or medical reason of any kind for any reason. Just keep searching to the right practitioner. Ideally Nutrition Response Team practitioner to get to the true cause….

DEBRA: Thank you so much! You have come to the end of the show. You’re listening to Toxic Free talk radio, I’, Debra Lynn Dadd.


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