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Question from TKC

I was recently in Walmart and wanted to buy some chewable Vitamin C. I stood there for a while reading the ingredient lists and trying to decide which was the most “natural.” Can you buy “natural” vitamins at Walmart or are you better off going to a health food store? And what ingredients are acceptable as additives?

Thanks for any advice!

P.S. Love your newsletter! It has been very helpful to me!

Debra’s Answer

Oh, this is a big question, so I’ll try to give you a quick and easy answer.

What is the most “natural”? That would be 100% whole food organic supplements, as the nutrients would be closest to as they appear in Nature.

“Natural”, however, in the food and vitamin industry, means only “without artificial addditives”. The ingredients themselves still have pesticides.

If you are choosing vitamins at Wal-Mart, look for those that don’t have artificial colors or flavors and derived the vitamin from a natural source. For vitamin C, the label should say it’s from oranges or acerold cherries, or some real food.

What ingredients are acceptable additives? That’s a HUGE question, for there are artificial additives )not acceptable) and natural “additives” (which may be fine). A good book to learn about additives is Ruth Winter’s A Consumer’s Dictionary of Food Additives.

You might want to also look for vitamins at your local natural food store or online.

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