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Question from DE

Its very confuning on the issue of washing your produce the correct way, some say you should wash it whole and others say you should cut it up first. Can you please explain each one of the steps you should take after you buy produce. Which things should i use to clean them with? Also how much should i use? Thanks

Debra’s Answer

It’s actually different for different types of produce.

I only use filtered water to rinse my produce, I don’t “wash” it with any substances to remove pesticides, because I buy organic.

To rinse lettuce, for example, you need to pull the individual leaves apart because dirt gets lodged between the leaves near the root. Carrots you need to scrub the skins or remove them. Leeks you need to cut up because they have a lot of sand in them, then soak in a bowl of water. Any good cookbook will give instructions for washing produce.

I think it’s best to wash produce when you first bring it home, so it is handy and ready when you want to eat it. Especially lettuce, as you don’t want wet lettuce for salad. You can put clean vegetables in the crisper of your refrigerator, wrapped in a cotton towel.

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