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Question from JAD

I was told that I was Chemical Sensitive in 1993. I crashed when my husband painted the cedar on our Mi home with oil based stain while I was out for the day in 2008. After a few months I decided I needed to find help. I Googled “How to Cure MCS” and found Debra’s site and found a link to my now Environmental Allergy Specialist. Debra’s site pretty much says the same thing my Dr. has, but he tested me for allergies and found out that I was very allergic to Soy and Glycerin. He told me that if you are fighting allergies your body has a harder time fighting the chemicals. I have switched all my medical needs to his office and it has been slow but I have made great progress.

I volunteer at a FL State Park for 6 months and had announced to the other volunteers the only way I could continue is if they came in chemical free anytime I was around. I was very ill when I asked this of them, it wasn’t over night but most of the volunteers complied and they saw my health improve every time I came back from MI. They started asking questions and then 2 volunteers asked if I would do a talk on the subject non-toxic living.

So I invited all the volunteers, 7 were able to make it. I told them up front that I was not there to sell them anything and was only going to share information. I also told them that as much as I appreciated them all trying to help me that this was for them. I just wanted to share what I had learned from my Dr, Debra and others.

I shared information about Chemical Sensitivity and some of the symptoms that we all suffer from and that other suffer from chemicals and don’t know.

I told them about a young lady that just visited us. She thought she came chemical free. She used Free and Clear on her wash but just once so I had to have her wear my clothes why she was there. She told me about the headaches that she was getting and I suggested she keep using Free and Clear and she avoids other fragrances. I explained to her if she is having problems now that she could get worse. She made the changes I suggest and when I heard from her two weeks later she said her headaches were all but gone!

We talked about cleaning products and told them what I used (Shaklee, 7th Generation….) and gave them information from the EWG site on what to stay away from.

Debra’s Answer

What a great idea! This is something we can all do. May this be the first of many “hands-on” nontoxic education parties! Thanks for sharing, Jackie.

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