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Question from sunshine

I wondered if anyone else purchased this washer only to discover it makes your clothing smelly? This machine has cost us lots in replacement clothing, & re-washing at the laundromat. We can’t be the only ones that have discovered how bad it smells.

The rubber parts stink just as bad as they did a year ago when we bought it. How do you offgas internal rubber parts in a washing machine? We purchased the machine because we wanted to hang dry and this machine apparently was the best at taking the water out during the spin.

I could initially smell the rubber seal in the store, but since the washing machines I’ve used at the laundromat have rubber seals too I just thought the smell would offgas.

In the case of this machine it’s not the plastic that is the problem, but smelly rubber internal parts aside from the seal around the door that smell as bad as they did a year ago when the machine was purchased – mostly because you are washing hot water through them, onto your clothing.

In this machine, unlike in other front loaders, apparently the hot water is forced through the rubber when washing in order that the water does not sit in the seal and mold. Well, if you have smelled your hot tires in the sun, you will have an idea of what this washing machine smells like when you use hot water in it. It is a searing rubber smell that makes your eyes water, and hurts the throat, not just when you open the front door, but also the soap compartment.

This washing machine within a few weeks already had that “mildew smell”, even after leaving the door open (which was difficult since the rubber smelled so bad during every wash).

Debra’s Answer

Readers? Has anyone else had this experience?

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