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Question from Wanda K


I love reading your Q&As….

I have a question thats been bothering me…

My husband wants to use some kind of weed and feed which I am sure is loaded with chemicals on our lawn. We dont have a large yard, its about 1/2 acre… I explained to him, that its not a good idea because the chemicals seep into the ground and will wind up in our well water and then we drink it. We do have filters in the house but nothing fancy.. Like reverse osmosis or anything like that.

Well imagine my surprise when he told me our neighbors used some company and had their yard chemically treated… I know I cant go around telling my neighbors what to do, but it bugs me.

Does it make sense that we are ‘green’ while our neighbors are not? I am sure we are all tapping from the same underground water source. Any suggestions?

Debra’s Answer

Yes, it makes sense for you to be green even if your neighbors are not. Here’s why: Giant oaks from little acorns grow.

Everything begins with a seed of an idea. And then it’s done in a small way. And then other people look and see and say, “I can do that!” because someone has set an example. And then the whole world is transformed.

Keep being green. And it doesn’t hurt to talk with your neighbors in a friendly way. Often people want to change but don’t know what to do.

Here in Clearwater, Florida, where I live, we have had a group for the last six months focused on getting more backyard local food production going. We share information, visit each other’s gardens, help each other. And now, gardens are really catching on. Lots of people want to grow organic food and are looking to us for information.

So just get started yourself and talk to people you know. You’ll be surprised how interested people will be in green things they can do.

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