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Question from libby

Looking for a way to recycle my plastic bags I found out about fused bags. I made a couple and loved it! However, in some blogs they say it’s toxic to made them; in some others they say they are not, as long as a windows is kept open.

I did the first fused bags in my apartment, a big window open, and the a/c on. And I did the second one outdoors. But I live in a very hot and humid place so I rather to make them in my apartment (also, there was no wind so… it was not so ventilated). I also used a 3M respirator, but it looks it is for dust not outgassing.

I am pregnant so I am concerned about my baby’s health. Is the fused bag making truly toxic? Or can I keep making them in my apartment a/c on, windows open and using a respirator?


Debra’s Answer

I had to look up fused bags, as I didn’t know what they were. It’s a process of ironing 6-8 plastic shopping bags together to make a material from which you can then make into something, like a reusable shopping tote.

These bags are made from polyethylene, which is not a toxic plastic.

I’m not overly concerned about toxic fumes coming from fusing bags.

But…why not take them to a recycling bin at the grocery store? Most of the markets here in the Tampa Bay area that I’ve been to have them.


I did some further research on this and found that when polyethylene is heated, it degrades and offgasses hydrogen (95-99%) and methane (1-4%).

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