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Question from loribeth

I read your article about organic vs non organic clothing. You mentioned not to buy non organic batting. Your article was posted on Healthy Child and Boba’s sites. My question is, should I stay away from a baby carrier that does not have the organic batting within it? I don’t know how much batting there is in the carrier to know if it is enough that would be harmful to my baby and myself. I am looking at the Boba carrier. I am not sure when you say not to purchase this material if you meant only large items i.e. a mattress. Thank you!

Debra’s Answer

There are many styles for Boba Baby Carrier, so I’m not sure which one you are considering.

But in general, obviously larger amounts of cotton batting would give a greater exposure to whatever pesticides are on it, so you would get more exposure from a mattress than a baby carrier.

Also, there is nothing about the materials used in a baby carrier that I am aware of that would block any pesticides that are on the non-organic cotton batting.

If it were me, I would get a baby carrier that did not have non-organic cotton batting.

That said, if there is some compelling reason why you need to get this one, the amount of pesticides your baby would be exposed to would be small (a smal amount a few hours a day versus a large amount 8+ hours a day for a mattress).

Still, when it comes to babies, any and every exposure to toxics you can eliminate is worth doing.

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