Daliya Robson is my guest on this show. She became “a chemical injury statistic” while working as a realtor, viewing and showing toxic new homes or homes with new carpets, paints, and cabinets. After becoming extremely disabled in 1993 with multiple chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and a broken thyroid, Daliya started a website called The Nontoxic Hot Line to warn people of the dangers of all chemicals. Nirvana Safe Haven became the name of this website after she began providing healing healthy solutions for a nontoxic environment. After 20 years Daliya is still providing solutions for surviving in a toxic world. www.nontoxic.com
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Wall-to-Wall Carpets: The Good, the Bad, and What To Do If You Have Them In Your Home
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Daliya Robson
Date of Broadcast: April 30, 2013
DEBRA: Hi I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. There are lots of toxic chemicals out there, but we don’t have to be sick.
It’s Tuesday April 30th 2013 and I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. Today, we’re going to talk about wall-to-wall carpeting, what is toxic about it, what you can do if you have wall-to-wall carpet in your house and how to choose a safe carpet.
My guest is, Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven who has more than 20 years experience dealing with carpets and all kind of toxic things. And she’ll be here in just a few minutes with me, but first, I want to give you a thought for today.
A friend of mine has, at the bottom of every email she sends out this quote from Buckminister Fuller, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.” And this is actually something that I live by. In my work, I’m not trying to in my work make companies not do something. What I’m trying to do is support the building of a new model.
I’m trying to put out information so that people can make wise decisions. And then, help you build a new model right in your own home. And by each of us building the new model of a toxic-free home, toxic-free work places, that’s how it’s going to happen. Not by telling other people that they need to stop.
I know that there are people working on regulations and on changing retailers (what they’re doing), all that needs to be done, but I think it’s most effective to do it from the view point of how can we create something new, rather than saying that we have to stop doing something. Because when we say, “Stop doing this and stop doing that,” all we have is a stop. And when we create something new, we have something new.
So, I’d like to now welcome, Daliya to Toxic Free Talk Radio. Daliya are you there?
DALIYA ROBSON: I’m here! I’m very excited to share.
DEBRA: Thank you!
DALIYA ROBSON: And thank you for your work.
DEBRA: You’re very welcome!
I haven’t introduced you in any way except to say that you’re with Nirvana Safe Haven. I want to let you tell your own story about what happened to you and how you came to do what you’re doing today.
DALIYA ROBSON: Okay. Well, the dramatic happening was when I was a realtor about 20 years ago. The actual beginning of my environmental illness was the age of three when my father became a farmer and the DDT was in the bedroom and I was licking the peas and tomatoes to remove the DDT. But while I was growing up, I had symptoms that I never had a diagnosis and I never went to a doctor. I just had pains, fibromyalgia, I had sniffles and just generally sensitive to smells like campfires and things like that.
But In 1990, I became a realtor and that’s when I got really ill from new carpets, new paint, and particle board in the houses. You would open up a home to view it, to show a client and you literally keeled over from the toxic fume.
DALIYA ROBSON: I still didn’t have a diagnosis, but eventually I got to an environmental doctor and he said, “You’ve been poisoned. You have environmental illness, you have chronic fatigue, you have fibromyalgia, you have a broken thyroid. Start detoxing.”
So that was 20 years ago and of course, I stopped being a realtor because I couldn’t even leave my home, I was so ill. So that’s the story.
DEBRA: Before we talk about carpets, would you tell us what you did to start detoxing?
DALIYA ROBSON: Oh, It started off with antioxidants of every description. And then I couldn’t digest my food anyway so we had to do things like L-glutamine, and probiotics, and Zeolite and one thing after the other and everything helps a bit. It took years.
I then had a set back and started again, but basically, food had to be completely organic and chemical-free. It had to be rotated. It had to be blended so I could digest.
One doctor told me that he cured people with a bottle of probiotics a day, so I tried a third of a bottle. And I went out with my husband, I said, “People have stopped using perfumes. My fliers are working.” He said, “Your stuff is helping you be less reactive.” In other words, the probiotics was one of the major things once the leaky gut was over. And that needed L-glutamine and B6. And that’s it! Eventually, I got less and less vulnerable, but I still have to be careful.
DEBRA: Yes, and I just also want to make a point (and I’m sure you’ll agree with me about this) that people can become very ill from toxic chemical exposure. But once they recover (and it’s possible to recover to greater or lesser degree) what a lot of people want is the ability to living their toxic life.
DALIYA ROBSON: I don’t think you can.
DEBRA: You can’t. You can’t and…
DALIYA ROBSON: I don’t think so. No.
DEBRA: No. And so for me, the goal is not to go back to living a toxic life, but to create a new non-toxic life that one enjoys more than the toxic life because the toxic life is making everybody sick. It’s not something that anybody can tolerate.
The people are getting sick in all kinds of different ways from these toxic chemicals and even if they aren’t showing symptoms as traumatic as yours, after years, they’ll end up with cancer and heart disease, and it shows that this diabetes and impotence and every illness. It’s not just something like yours, which is called multiple chemical sensitivities, but all the illnesses now, all the symptoms are now associated with toxic chemical exposure.
So the goal here is not to get well so that you can live a “normal toxic life”. The point is to do the things that create a healthy life and enjoy doing them. Don’t you think?
DALIYA ROBSON: I think so.
Here’s the situation. After 20 years of being very, very careful, with occasional cheating which made me sick, I would decide, “Let’s see if the bread really does makes me sick.” So I would eat a loaf of bread and some stinky cheese and say, “Okay, I’ll do it on Friday. Let’s see how long it is before I’m ill.” So for four days I was depressed and sniffing and asthmatic. And then it passed. So I thought, “Okay, I’m not going to do that very often.”
Then I would have a processed meal and then have every joint hurting so I have a quick fix. I’ll take the Zeolite that you offer or I’ll take charcoal tablets and it goes away. But I know I can’t cheat often. And also…
DEBRA: But when we cheat often, we’re just sick all the crime.
DALIYA ROBSON: Well, let’s presume I decide I want milk in my coffee, which I shouldn’t have either of them, I’m more sniffy and I can smell the neighbor’s Downy up to 20 feet instead of previously, 7 feet.
So originally when I was sick, I would open the window and smell Downy 50 feet away. Now I open the door and I smell it 7 feet away and I say, “Oh God!”, butI can make it to the car, whereas previously, I’d practically have a seizure when I open the window.
So by getting well, what happens is that you’re resting your body and your immune system all the time, so occasional exposure won’t set you back completely.
DEBRA: Yeah. I agree.
DALIYA ROBSON: For example, I go to the fitness center with the carbon fabric on my seat and my clothes can get contaminated with Downy of other people because if I wash my clothes in my machine, there’s a smell of Downy. So, I have to protect my machine and protect me. So this is after 20 years.
Now 20 years ago, I couldn’t go to the fitness center. People spray (or whether it’s a detergent), it would bother me tremendously. Now I go at off-peak hours and I move away, but I can tolerate somebody’s odor from 4 feet away whereas previously, I couldn’t open the door of the fitness center.
DEBRA: Okay. Well, we need to go to commercial break now, but we’ll be back with Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven after this break. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio.
DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and we’re here with Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven.
Daliya started a website 20 years ago called, The Non-toxic Hotline to warn people of the dangers of all chemicals after she became extremely disable from toxic chemical exposure in 1993. Then she began providing healing healthy solutions for a non-toxic environment.
Her website is full of all kinds of things that help control toxic chemicals in your home. And she has extensive knowledge about how to remove toxic chemicals. So, if you want to get the toxic chemicals out of your home and need to do things like remove the odor of carpets or remove perfumes or any of those things, Daliya has all these products that will do these things, and in some cases, products that I’ve never seen in any place of.
So everything she’s going to say to us today comes from a great amount of experience. And I’m very pleased that you’re on the show with me Daliya. Thank you for coming.
DALIYA ROBSON: Oh, I want to share. I’m 78 years of old and it’s 20 years of research. I don’t want to pass away without sharing what I know.
DEBRA: I understand.
DALIYA ROBSON: So, anybody who needs to call me, you don’t have to buy my stuff. If you want someone else to earn the money, I’ll give you a list of competitors. But call me if you need any advice.
And I’m referring not only to carpets and the things like vinyl curtains or the covers, the vinyl in the car or particle board in the closet or toxic insulation or moldy odors in the basement or any odor or even something from the clothes space. We’ve got solutions to it.
DEBRA: I would call Daliya about all these things because you really know more than anybody that I know of about odor, how to get rid of it.
DALIYA ROBSON: I mean, I had to survive. I had to go to Australia to see my mother and I said, “I don’t need a mask two inches by two. I need mask material 40 by 80 to cover me completely while those crazy people spray the airplanes with pesticide.
DALIYA ROBSON: So that’s how I came up with the carbon blankets and the carbon fabrics for protection, for self-protection, and mattress in cars and things.
I want to talk to you about carpet fumes.
DEBRA: Let’s talk about carpet fumes. I want you to talk about that. Can you tell us what’s toxic about carpets?
DALIYA ROBSON: Here’s the problem. Because of being chemically injured, I can hardly remember that there are about 30 chemicals, it’s on my website, and every year of course, they have other chemicals, newer ones. But the worst things are the Scotch guard, the fire retardant, and the pesticides to stop insects. And they do use recycled hazardous waste and re-do carpets with Styrene and SB backing and formaldehyde and vinyl acetate and a whole list of things.
I actually never remembered it. I have a list here I can read you, but that’s boring. You can get that list. The most important thing is what it does to you like itchiness, hair-loss, moodiness, flu-like symptoms, asthma, allergies, joint pains, tummy ache, memory loss, poor concentration, even seizures and twitching, and everything to do with the breathing, the skin, the eyes, and the brain.
And so, regular carpeting is dangerous, but they do make a very, very, very, cheap nylon carpet called…
DEBRA: Wait, wait! Hold on, hold on. We’ll talk about the solutions later. Let’s just talk about the dangers at the moment.
I’d like to say that, when I became very chemically sensitive like Daliya—we both have a similar story in that regard—the first thing I have to remove, I lived in a condo with my father, and the only room that I had any control over was my bedroom. The first thing that I removed is the carpet because it’s all over the floor. It’s giving off all these toxic fumes and until you remove a carpet or handled in some way—like Daliya is going to tell us about.
When I was going through this, I didn’t have Daliya on the other end of the phone—so what I did was I ripped off my carpet. That was the number one thing in order to remove toxic chemical s because you could do all kinds of little things to remove toxic chemicals. What you’ve got is a big source of toxic exposure in that wall-to-wall carpet, so I removed it.
And all I had underneath was a cement floor with paint speckles all over it, but it was worth it because I could actually breathe better. And I wasn’t really having breathing problems, but I didn’t understand. It was like I thought that I was doing okay except for I had headaches and I was depressed and all these things. But once I started removing the toxic chemicals, the symptoms that I knew that I had started going away
And over the years as I’ve done consulting for people, and they’ll have me come to their home and say, “Well, I don’t feel good. What do I need to do to take out of my home?” I always tell them, they have to do something about the carpet. Either remove it, or do one of the things to make it safer.
And I have even gotten down on my hands and knees and ripped carpets out of the houses of my clients to help them do that. And I remember this one woman, we just ripped it all out, put it all out on the front porch and went back in the house and she said, “Oh, my God! I feel completely different.”
So, I just want you all to understand the importance of wall-to-wall carpet as the major source of toxic exposure. Do you want to add anything to that?
DALIYA ROBSON: No. It’s true. But let’s say somebody just moved into a house for a year and they don’t have the permission to remove the carpet. If it’s the landlord, you can ask them to take it up and keep it for the next person, but they may not agree.
So then we have a shampoo and the sealants and Lock Out to seal everything. Now it’s called—the company that makes it is AFMSafecoat .com They have dealers everywhere, even Canada and Hawaii. AFMSafecoat.com. If you forget this, call me. I sell it too, but if you happen to have a local store right next to you, you’ll save the shipping.
So they have a carpet shampoo and something called Carpet Guard and Lock Out that blocks the fume. Now, if you have about…
DEBRA: We need to take our commercial break, but we’ll talk more about this when we come back because I’ve used that product too.
You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.
DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and we’re here with Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven.
Today, we’re talking about wall-to-wall carpets, what’s toxic about them, what you can do if you got one on the floor and we’ll also be talking about how to choose a safe carpet and other flooring.
So Daliya, we were talking about using the AFM products. I actually used them many years ago. These products have been around a long time. A lot of people have used them. I needed to rent an office and the only one I could find that I could afford and that’s nearby had a carpet, and I couldn’t be in there because of the carpet.
And so, before we moved anything in, I shampooed the rug and I used the AFM Carpet Guard and it made the difference between not being able to be in the room and being able to sit in that office all day long everyday and work. It really dramatically reduces the fumes and it works.
DALIYA ROBSON: It does work.
DEBRA: It does! And it’s not toxic enough and I was able to apply it myself.
Now, here’s a few other ideas. Let’s say you were only there for a short time and it’s a big place and you can’t afford it and it’s a year old, you can get something like Zeolite and put it over the carpet for 3 days and vacuum it. Now, this is only going to help about 15% to 20%. You want to do that 10 times, some people do. The thought of hiring a machine and spraying something frightens them, so they do Zeolite.
If you’re really in a bad situation like a hotel room, you can use baking soda. That lasts for about three days.
DEBRA: I’ve done that too. Yeah.
DALIYA ROBSON: You could cover the carpet out with baking soda and ask the hotel for some sheets to cover up the carpet. If you’re going to stay a long time in the hotel, I have carbon fabric that works better. So, you just cover everything out with carbon fabric. That’s a temporary thing, but while it’s on the ground, it’s absorbing the fumes. You can’t go shampooing and sealing up hotel rooms for two weeks.
DEBRA: No, you couldn’t. But if you had, let’s say a rental apartment – I stayed in a rental apartment for three months
DALIYA ROBSON: Three months is worth it.
DEBRA: Yeah. If somebody didn’t want to or couldn’t afford or couldn’t actually physically remove the carpet, could they just put down your carbon fabric on top of the carpet and walk on it and…
DALIYA ROBSON: They could. It’s not very comfortable. They can sit over it and stay there for three months. It depends how old the carpet is. If it’s a year old, Zeolite might be enough. If it’s very new and they have no option, the carbon is a good idea. But then, cover the carbon with some old sheet or something so you’ll remember not to trip up on it. And that could be good. You can use carbon to fix the other things afterwards. And also…
DEBRA: I’d like to clarify, before we go on, I would just like to clarify that you’ve been talking about applying Zeolite to the carpet. I want to make sure, people who are not familiar with Zeolite knows that this is a natural mineral. And it comes in a powdered form that can be used to absorb odors.
DALIYA ROBSON: The fluid that used there is used to detox the body.
DEBRA: Right. And I want to make sure people understand the difference, so that they don’t think we’re talking about buying liquid Zeolite to detox their carpet.
DEBRA: What you want is powdered Zeolite that is used to absorb odor.
DALIYA ROBSON: …or sand. It’s even less dusty, sand, like beach sand.
DEBRA: So you just put beach sand down and that will absorb it too?
DALIYA ROBSON: Yes, not completely, but good enough to make it tolerable if you’re in the hotel for a week or two.
DEBRA: Oh, good! These are all great suggestions. Go on.
DALIYA ROBSON: …and even baking soda will last for three days. You don’t want to kick baking soda up. Please put it down and put an old sheet if you’re in a hotel and tell them that when you leave they got to clean the carpet. That’s it.
DEBRA: Okay.
DALIYA ROBSON: If you buy carpets though, if you’re going to buy a chemical-free carpet, get the doctor to put in your medical file that absolutely no chemicals, toxins, or allergens in your house. And if the doctor doesn’t want to do it, tell them that you don’t want poisons in your house so, “Would you please put in my medical file that there should be absolutely no chemicals, toxins, allergens, in my home in food, air, water, carpet, beds, clothing, and start deducting most of this as a health expense.” And if anyone wants to know more details, they can call me.
The pure wool carpet that we have and also native carpet – there’s Earthweave and there’s Nature’s carpet from Canada. They are the only pure wool untreated carpet. Now, even Nature’s has got a dark green version, that’s the only one that’s really pure. The others are iffy, but they’re better than the regular one. And they cost double than what a regular carpet costs. It’s $5 a foot at least.
DEBRA: What about carpet pad?
DALIYA ROBSON: Well, we have the pure wool carpet pad from both companies, Nature’s Carpet and Earthweave. And it’s still only $1 a foot, $9 a square yard. So let’s say something cost you $7 a square foot and you deduct at least half of it as a health expense. Now, you don’t write pure wool carpet, you put non-toxic carpet. Because pure wool carpet in the store can be $75 or $85 a square yard.
So, you just say chemical-free, non-toxic carpet in your medical file. So if you’re ever audited, all your doctors are saying that you must not have chemicals, allergens, toxins in your house, your air, your water, your food, your clothes, your bed, to stop running up medical bills to the IRS.
There’s only one catch, you have to spend 7 ½% of your income. So, if you’re in a 300,000 bracket, you’re not going to reach $21,000 unless your house is chemical free, in which case, this information will do.
You would deduct the difference between a plastic particle board house and a non-toxic house. So that would work for people who are in the really high bracket if they’re rebuilding a new house.
DEBRA: But people in a low income bracket, they do not have to come up with that much money to have some…
DALIYA ROBSON: Well, no. If they’re low income, they’re not paying tax anyway.
DEBRA: Yeah.
DALIYA ROBSON: Or they’re paying 10%, but it’s still worthwhile because whatever you—if you’re buying organic food, you got $3000 to deduct right there.
DEBRA: Yeah.
DALIYA ROBSON: So, it’s worth keeping you’re receipts and it’s worth getting every doctor that you have to put in to your medical file. Because you never know when you have a flood and you have to replace pure wool, untreated chemical-free, moldly carpet.
DEBRA: That’s true.
Oh, we have to take another break and when we come back, we’ll continue talking about carpets with Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven. And her website is at NonToxic.com.
I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. I’m here with Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven.
We’ve been talking about wall-to-wall toxic carpets and what you can do about it. So, where were we, Daliya? We were talking about various things that you could do to improve the carpet.
DALIYA ROBSON: To make it safe. We talked about the pure wool Earthweave and the Nature’s carpet.
DEBRA: Before we go on, tell us more about those better carpets. What kind of things to look for. If somebody were shopping for a carpet, they don’t want to go for their just regular carpet warehouse.
DALIYA ROBSON: They won’t get in a regular carpet store because if they have untreated chemical-free, dye-free carpet, first of all, they have to explain why they’re carrying all the other toxic stuff. So if you find a place that is selling Earthweave or Nature’s carpet, the dark green version, it will be pure wool, untreated and un-dyed if it is Earthweave. Now, with Nature’s Carpet, they might use a dye but I’m not sure. I don’t think they even use a dye. They just blend different kinds of wool.
There’s pure wool and there’s jute and cotton backing and natural rubber to hold it at the back, very little of it.
DEBRA: Is there any odor to it?
DALIYA ROBSON: If you put it under your nose, you might smell the rubber, but if it’s on the ground, you’re fine. But people can get a sample on the site.
If somebody is so severely reactive and they can’t tolerate a wool pillow, they shouldn’t buy carpet. They should have a hardwood floor and wait till they’re healthier, or a cork floor.
DEBRA: Yeah.
DALIYA ROBSON: Now, if somebody’s already not that vulnerable, but they still want to be careful and they really can’t afford carpets. The cheapest, cheapest carpet is untreated nylon olefin. You make sure that there’s no Scotch Guard, no stain repellent, no fire repellant, no insect repellant.
And if it’s completely untreated, all they have to contend with is a slight rubber or the vinyl or the latex underneath. They can treat that with the product called Mystical before they lay it down, put it out on the sun and then put it down. That’s very cheap.
So if somebody needs to be somewhere for a year or two, they can use the AFM on it. They can just put it down with no padding. And just use the AFM product on it and that will be safe as well.
DEBRA: Where would somebody find an untreated nylon carpet?
DALIYA ROBSON: They have to look. I don’t know. I mean, I read about it.
My neighbor downstairs could hear me walking because I have a cork floor. So, in respect to her, I got some olefin—you know, the thing you walk on paths. It’s 2 ½ feet wide like the slip you use in the hall. I got some of those with horrendous smell, so I use the Mystical, which is a good product on my website. We probably can talk about that one day. I used Mystical on the back, put them out in the sun, then roll the carpet up in the Zeolite in a plastic bag and after few days, it’s fine. But really it would not have worked 20 years ago, but it’s okay now.
So it’s safe. If somebody’s just wanting to be careful, they can’t afford, they should look for something like that, all of it.
DEBRA: There really are different degrees of what’s appropriate for people at different levels of health. And I know that we hear a lot about people who are very chemical sensitive and they have their own needs like, as you just said, they might be too sensitive to be able to tolerate a carpet, whereas someone who’s healthier might want to have a carpet like the Earthweave because it’s not toxic.
DALIYA ROBSON: And they don’t want to get sick.
DEBRA: They don’t want to get sick. That’s exactly right! But I want people to know that they don’t have to be sick in order to do these things
DALIYA ROBSON: That’s true. I keep on forgetting that there are normal people who just don’t want to be sick.
DEBRA: And I think, the best health insurance is prevention. And people’s health costs are sky rocketing and we might as well just not get sick from toxic chemicals in the first place.
So, for somebody who doesn’t want to get sick, something like the Earthweave carpet or the nylon carpet would be fine if you want carpet. But for somebody who’s very sensitive, then you would need, perhaps not have carpet altogether.
I don’t have carpet myself and I haven’t for 30 years. Some people may have been told this story before. When I moved into my house in California when I was living out of the woods, there was an old avocado green shag carpet on the floor. The house has passed with pest inspection. Like you said, there are no problems with carpenter ants or termites or anything. And I took out that carpet to lay a hardwood floor. There were carpenter ants living under my carpet that the pest inspectors didn’t find.
And so, in addition to the toxic chemicals, I just think that carpets have issues with dust and molds and insects and all kinds of things like that. So, my very best recommendation is to have not carpet at all. But I really appreciate you selling the purest carpet that you can find and all of these fixes for carpets because there are people who do want to have carpet. I especially get women calling me saying, “My husband won’t let me pick up a carpet.”
DALIYA ROBSON: Debra, can I say something?
DEBRA: Sure.
DALIYA ROBSON: The wool carpet that doesn’t have dust mites, doesn’t have molds, doesn’t have odors can last for 50 years.
DEBRA: Wow! I didn’t know that.
DALIYA ROBSON: And it also absorbs odors and it breathes. But I don’t still recommend carpet. If you can live with hardwood floor or cork, you better off because you don’t have to vacuum.
DEBRA: Yeah. I agree.
DALIYA ROBSON: But the wool carpet doesn’t have molds, doesn’t have dust mites, doesn’t have chemicals — in fact, it does absorb chemicals – it will last more than 50 years. The only thing is if you spill food, and you go away for a 6-weeks holiday, you’ll have molds unless you leave the fan on, keep the carpet clean and leave the light on. You should when you leave your house anyway.
DEBRA: Yeah.
DALIYA ROBSON: So that’s the story about wool carpets. I just had to put that down.
DEBRA: I’m glad that you did because they actually are really beautiful. And there are areas of the country where people want to have wool carpets for warmth so I’m very happy to hear that that’s an option.
Here in Florida where I live, people actually lay ceramic tiles through the whole entire house just to keep cool. Carpets are not high in my list, but I know people do call me and say. “Is there a carpet that I can actually use?” so I’m very happy to hear your experience with it.
DALIYA ROBSON: Can I share with people that I’m available until about 2 p.m. Pacific Time if they ever want to ask me anything.
DEBRA: You certainly can. And is there anything else that you’d like to say? We have about three minutes left.
DALIYA ROBSON: Well, I’m at 1-800-968-9355. I’m always here till about 2 p.m. Pacific Time and I’m often here up to eight. And between two and eight, I’m in and out, and in and out, so I don’t like to promise to be here.
It’s just I do come in to get my emails and pick up messages, but I just want to make it clear that I’m here from 9 to 2 Pacific time and maybe from 8 to 10 Pacific time if people want to talk about anything at all. They’re welcome. They’re not obligated and I’ll be grateful to share.
DEBRA: Thank you so much and again, I appreciate all these decades of work that you’ve put in and I’m happy that you are here today so that you could share your knowledge with other.
DALIYA ROBSON: Can I tell you that your book saved my life when I first got sick?
DEBRA: Oh, please tell us about that.
DALIYA ROBSON: I don’t remember that name of it, but it was the first thing I bought and I did…
DEBRA: Non-toxic and Natural?
DALIYA ROBSON: Something like that. The first book, I’ve already given it to hundreds of other people. I sent them to get it. But I went according to every letter of the book, it was my bible and that helped me start getting better.
DEBRA: That is so amazing!
DALIYA ROBSON: So you are 10 years ahead of me so…
DEBRA: Well, I think that we’re still—both of us—ahead of the general population, but I think that they’re catching up because we hear more and more about toxic chemicals in the news now than we ever heard before and I think that people are starting to become aware that there’s a problem. But they’re not so aware that there’s a solution.
And so, that’s why it’s important for us to be speaking about that so that people know that nobody has to be sick from toxic chemical exposure. That was something that I recognized after I went through struggle and struggle and struggling to get well as I know that you did. And once I started getting well I realized, “Wait a minute, if I just had not get these toxic chemicals in the first place, I wouldn’t have gotten sick.” I didn’t want anyone else to have to go through that because it’s so preventable. You don’t have to do it.
DALIYA ROBSON: Thank you, Debra.
DEBRA: Thank you and I’m sure we’ll talk soon.
Daliya’s website again is, NonToxic.com. And my website is, ToxicFreeTalkRadio.com and from that page there’s a menu across the top and you can get to other parts of my website where you can find non-toxic products and kinds of things.
This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.