ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Wendy-Myers-1My guest today is Wendy Myers, CHHC, NC, FDN, founder and head writer of Wendy has been on the show before talking about the many tests she offers, but today we’re going to talk about results. We talk a lot about exposures to toxics, but are toxics really in our bodies? We’ll take a look at what Wendy sees in her tests and also the test results from the Centers for Disease Control report Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, Updated Tables, September 2012. Wendy is a certified holistic health and nutrition coach in Los Angeles CA. She is also certified in Hair Mineral Analysis for the purpose of designing Mineral Power programs for clients to correct their metabolism and body chemistry. She is currently seeking her masters in clinical nutrition at Bridgeport University in Connecticut. Wendy hosts the weekly Live to 110 Video Podcast and the Modern Paleo Cooking show on her Live to 110 Youtube Channel.

Toxic Free Body: CDC Says Toxic Chemicals are in Our Bodies



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Toxics in Your Body? Tests Can Tell You the Truth

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Wendy Myers

Date of Broadcast: October 06, 2015

DEBRA: Hello, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free.

It’s Tuesday, October 6th 2015. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida.

I’m happy to report that the weather is cooling down in Clearwater, Florida. I was actually able to open my windows the other day over the weekend and I could actually tolerate the temperature. It’s getting down to mid-70s in the mornings here and we are all relieved in Florida that fall and winter is on its way and things are cooling off.

Anyway, another thing I’m excited about today is that I just launched a new blog this morning. Actually, you’re the first to hear about it. I haven’t even sent out my newsletter yet that’s going out after the show. The name of the blog is called Shop with Debra. You can just go to actually. I tested it and the URL works. I hope it’s going to work for you,

The point of this blog is because I have lots of recommendations that I give on the show and on my website of places to buy products. But the reality is most of us are walking around wanting to buy products in our local stores (I do that too) and I actually find toxic-free products everywhere that you don’t have to go to a special online place to get something that’s toxic-free. It’s wonderful to do that and there are a lot of toxic-free products that are only available online. It’s more difficult to find them in local stores, but I do find them.

I was talking about this in my newsletter last week and I said, “Would you all be interested in knowing how I shop and how I make decisions?” and I got so many emails saying, “Please, please, please do this. We want to look over your shoulder. We want to know what you’re buying. We want to know how you’re making these decisions, how are you finding these products in local stores.”

And so I launched that blog today. I think it has six or seven posts on it already. And what I’m doing is really paying attention to when I go out shopping, I’m bringing my camera now so that I can take pictures. And if I’m looking online, whatever I’m finding, I’m putting things that I buy or things that I buy.

I’m sorry. I’m getting some little notes here on Skype, so I’ve been getting distracted. But I think everything is okay.

So as I’m window shopping, whether it’s online or looking in local stores, if I’m buying things or something I want to buy or something I think you might want to buy, this is all about shopping. This new blog is all about shopping. I’m very excited because I get to take pictures and make videos and just give you information on the spot.

So we’re going to find a lot of toxic-free products. And if you have questions about what it is I’m saying on the blog and what I’m recommending, please ask them. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s going to be really great.

So let’s get on the subject of today. Today we’re going to talk about toxic chemicals in your body. Now, I’ve been doing a lot of research for more than 30 years and I’m familiar with a lot of tests that have been done and studies that have been done. And so I know that you can actually measure toxic chemicals and heavy metals and all those things in your body from different kinds of tests. It shows that our bodies have these chemicals.

All these chemicals we’re talking about on this show that are in products are also in your body. And so today, we’re just focusing on what’s in your body. This is the reason why you need to be doing all these things to reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals. As the toxic chemicals build up in your body, that’s when illness starts occurring.

We know from cigarettes, for example, you can some cigarettes for years and years. And then 30 years later, you get cancer. So being exposed to all these chemicals in daily life, if you say, “I’m not getting sick,” that doesn’t mean that the chemicals aren’t there and they aren’t creating a long-term situation where you will get sick. A lot of people are getting illnesses at early, early age and it’s because of these toxic chemicals in your body.

So I invited Wendy Myers to come on the show today to be the guest, to discuss this with me. She’s been on before. What she does is that she is a – well, she does a lot of things. One of the things that she does is that she offers a lot of tests that could show what’s in your body. But she also offers very specific tailor-made detoxes that will remove exactly the toxic substances that she finds on the test.

So it’s not a hit-and-miss kind of thing. It’s a very well thought out, well documented and researched detox program that is very specific.

So she’s going to talk about what she’s finding in the tests. They’re not blood tests that she does. We’re going to talk about what she’s finding in the tests that she does. We’re going to talk about what the Centers for Disease Control is finding in the tests that they do.

I found another study just right before the show online. We’re going to talk about that study. We’re going to talk about can you get tested and all these kinds of things that have to do with you finding out what’s actually in your body and what you can do. That’s what we’re going to talk about today. Hi, Wendy.

WENDY MYERS: Hi, how are you doing?

DEBRA: I’m doing fine. That was a very long introduction. So I should give you the formal introduction. This is Wendy Myers, CHHC, NC, FDN, founder and head writer of You can go to her website and find out all about everything that she is doing.

So Wendy, how are you doing today?

WENDY MYERS: I’m doing fantastic! I just got out of my infrared sauna.


WENDY MYERS: I’m doing great!

DEBRA: You know, I decided. I wrote the other day that I think I need to really get serious about getting a sauna. I go to a gym and I can sit in the sauna in the gym, but I think I really want for my own. I wrote a piece for my Toxic Free Body blog and it was about RoundUp. I finally just got disgusted with the fact that you can – how do you pronounce that word, glyphosate?

WENDY MYERS: Yeah, glyphosate.

DEBRA: Is that how you pronounce it?


DEBRA: Glyphosate has now been tested and found in organic grains. If it’s in organic grains, how can we assume that it’s not in organic everything else? It’s just a matter of it hasn’t been tested.

So I was trying to figure out how to get glyphosate out of my body because it’s getting harder and harder to avoid it or know where to avoid it. And what I came up with was that I needed to sit down in a sauna and that was the way to detox it.

WENDY MYERS: Yeah, the infrared sauna (there are near and far infrared saunas), these are going to be the keys to disease prevention and longevity especially as more and more chemicals are unleashed into the environment with no testing whatsoever. The people that are regularly using a sauna on a frequent basis, two to a couple of times a week, those are the people that are going to enjoy health and longevity.

DEBRA: I agree with that. There are so many different ways that one can detox and I think that they all do what they do. But I think that if people really want to do it, it comes down to a sauna.

WENDY MYERS: Oh, yes. I absolutely agree. My detox program is called Mineral Power. I have all my clients use an infrared sauna for about five days a week for two to three years initially. And that’s really what it takes to get all these garbage, the 500 that the CDC has established we have on average in our bodies. And heavy metals, you’ve got to do a sauna to sweat all these garbage out. That bypasses your liver.

Our liver is so overloaded today. The sauna bypass that really by just sweating everything out through your skin. So you really want to just burden off your detox organs.

DEBRA: Oh! Well, here we are to the first break already. So we’re going to go to break. And then, we’ll come back. Let’s talk about body burden when we come back, so that everybody knows what that is.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Wendy Myers. She’s the founder and head writer at When we come back, we’ll talk about what’s going on in your body and why you need to detox.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Wendy Myers. She’s the founder and head writer of We’re talking today about what are the toxic things about our bodies and what we can do to remove them. But mostly, we’re focusing on what are these things and are they actually there.

I think that for a lot of people, it’s hard to make that connection between, “Yes, there are toxic chemicals out there, but are they in my body?” and Wendy and I want to say yes. They are in your body. We absolutely know they are in your body. There’s actually a word for this.

It’s called ‘body burden’. And I think that word came from the CDC. I’m not sure. But it’s very commonly used.

And so what happens is our bodies have a detox system that are made up of organs liver, kidneys, sweat and all these different parts. And when our body’s detox systems are insufficient to remove the amount of toxic chemicals that you’re exposed to, then the toxicants that come into your body will not be excreted. But instead, they’re stored in your body and they’re stored in fat, semen, breast milk, muscles, bones, brain, liver and other organs.

And so it’s just because we’re being exposed to too many chemicals more than our bodies can handle that we then end up with what’s called ‘body burden’. The total amount of these chemicals that are being stored in your body at any given point in time is called the ‘body burden’.

Do you want to talk about the CDC tests, Wendy?


DEBRA: Okay, I’ll let you talk. I have so much to say about this. Okay, you talk.

WENDY MYERS: Yes. Well, there is a study done in 2012 by the Centers for Disease Control, the CDC. They do a report about every five years. This one is called The 4th National Reort on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals.

What this study found is that, on average, we have about 500 chemicals in our body. That’s really profound. It’s not really a big stretch of the imagination given that we have (estimates vary) between 80,000 to 100,000 chemicals in our environment. So granted, you’re probably going to have some of these in your body no matter where you are in the planet.

Even Inuit mothers in the arctic have 70 chemicals in their breast milk. And these are people that live in a very, very remote part of the world with no industry. These chemicals will travel in clouds and through weather patterns and they’re absorbed into the ocean and then into the fish. They’re just everywhere.

It’s kind of like this silent killer because people aren’t aware of it, they come with these very vague symptoms initially like fatigue and brain fog and just general malaise, depression, things like that. People go to their doctor and they just get a medication, “Here’s a pill. Here’s your prescription” and people just get sicker and sicker and sicker until they develop a diagnosis or disease or a cancer.

So that’s what you and I are trying to do. We’re trying to inform people about these very real dangers to our health.

DEBRA: Yes, exactly. I actually read that whole report when it came out and I picked up a few chemicals that everybody has in their bodies, everybody. A hundred percent of people tested by the CDC had these chemicals. And this is not the whole, entire list, but it’s just a handful. I just want to mention these because I think that our listeners will recognize some of these chemicals.

So the first one that I picked was PCBs, which is polychlorinated biphenols. Those used to be in the news a lot. I haven’t heard it so much recently, but it used to be mentioned a lot. They’re on things like carbonless copy paper, they’re in flourescent light bulbs, they’re in inks, paints, pesticides, plastics. They haven’t been manufactured or widely used since 1977.

But still, as of the last CDC test, 100% of people tested still had them in their bodies. One of the reasons why it’s of concerned and why it’s no longer being manufactured is because of its persistence.

Now, Wendy, why don’t you tell us about persistent chemicals and why those are worse for body burden?

WENDY MYERS: Yes! Well, the problem with these PCBs, they just don’t break down. They are some of these plastics. These plastics can persist for decades in our environment. They’re going to landfills and then they get into water and they just never degrade, so they can just lodge in your body and persist for many, many years.

And so, it’s good to stop manufacturing them or using them in manufacturing. However, they are persistent in our body burden and our environment because they never break down. Now, some companies are trying to use products where the plastics break down quicker and they’re not so persistent in our environment. But there are so many chemicals – I don’t really know how much this is going to help. But that’s a step in the right direction.

DEBRA: Yeah. We need to keep in mind that things like PCBs are persisting in the environment. And so everything that comes in the environment like the food we eat and the water we drink can potentially have PCBs in them. And so it’s not like something you’re going to find on the label. It’s something that we’re being exposed to from the surrounding environment. As those products like food, fish, water comes into our homes, then they would contain those. And of course, they don’t have warning labels on them.

I know we’re coming up in a few seconds on the next break, so I’m not going to go on to the next item on the list here. Oh, well, I’ll just say it really fast because it’s a really easy one. We all have styrine in our bodies and this is from styrofoam coffee cups and takeout food containers. They’re just so ubiquitous and we don’t even think about them.

All these chemicals, the PCBs, styrine and the other ones I’m going to mention, they all cause cancer and other illnesses. And so, we need to be concerned about styrine and when you start thinking about styrine in our bodies and PCBs in our bodies and the mixture of that.

Anyway, we’ll be back after the break and talk about this some more. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Wendy Myers, founder and head writer at We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And today, we’re talking with my guest, Wendy Myers. She’s the founder and head writer of Wendy has so much experience with detox and she also is testing people.

I want to tell you a few more from the CDC that they’re finding. And then we’re going to find out what Wendy is finding in the tests that she’s doing in her clients.

So another thing is dichlorobenzene which comes from breathing air fresheners, moth balls and things like toilet deodorizer blocks. Again, we all have these chemicals. These are chemicals we all have.

Then we also have xylene in our bodies from breathing gasoline. Now, you might think, “Well, I’m not breathing gasoline,” but yes, you are.

Are there any gas stations anymore? When I was a kid, when you go to the gas station, you had an attendant pump your gas. And now, we’re all pumping our gas. We’re all breathing xylene which is a very toxic chemical. And paint varnish…

WENDY MYERS: Yeah. And xylenes are also in perfumes.

DEBRA: Yes, they are like cigarettes and smokes. They are actually no longer in permanent marker. They used to be in permanent markers, but they aren’t anymore. All the ones that I could find had switched to alcohol, which is a good thing but still toxic. It’s less toxic than xylene, but still toxic.

And then we all have dioxins in our bodies because dioxin is one of those bioaccumulative fat-soluble chemicals and it climbs up the food chain. And so if you are eating something like animals and fish, it’s got dioxins in it just because it’s the environment. They’re not adding these chemicals. Those are environmental things.

So, those are chemicals that the CDC – that’s just part. How many did they find? I don’t remember how many. It was like several hundred that they tested for. These are the ones, the top ones, the most common ones that came out that are in 100% of people.

So Wendy, tell us about how you test and what you’re finding in your clients.

WENDY MYERS: Well, there’s a new test that came out by Great Plains Lab. It’s called GPL test. It’s a test for chemical toxins for the metabolites of chemicals. And so it tests about 160 chemicals and metabolites.


WENDY MYERS: Yeah, it’s great. It tests for things like pthalate, vinyl chlorides, benzene, [inaudible 00:29:21], xylene, styrene, organophosphates like glyphosate, MTBE and ETBE and dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. It tests for a lot of different things including their metabolites, but the most common thing I’m finding is pthalates. These are probably about a thousand times more than other chemicals in the body. They’re highly prevalent. They’re the most widespread group of chemicals in our environment.

Pthalates are basically used to keep color and scent in products. So any time you have some laundry detergent or shaving lotion or perfume or a color. If your shampoo is pink and bubble gum flavor or smell a scent, those are using phthalates to hold them in those products and keep the scent in your clothes. If you are using detergents or dryer sheets, those are pthalates keeping that scent in your sweater or shirt for weeks afterwards.

They’re most commonly found in shaving lotions, aspirin, cosmetics, detergents, foods, microwavables with plastic covers, pharmaceutical drugs, intravenous products prepared in plastic bags, hair sprays and insecticides, nail polish, nail polish removers, skin care products, adhesives, lacquer, cleaning products, perfumes and varnishes as well.

These pthalates, they’re implicated in reproductive damage, infertility, depressed immune system function and cancer even.

DEBRA: Wow! So out of the people that you’ve tested, are you finding everybody?

WENDY MYERS: Oh, yeah, 100% absolutely.

DEBRA: Yeah, this is why we have to detox. This is exactly why we have to detox. That’s just one chemical that is being found in all of her clients that she’s tested.

So again, I want to let you talk, Wendy. I can do the whole show just by myself.


DEBRA: So tell people what happens when you’re being exposed, you have more than one chemical in your bdoy. After you answer this question, you’ll tell us about some other chemicals. We’re not just walking around with one chemical. We’re walking around with multiple chemicals in our bodies. So what happens in our bodies when that happens?

WENDY MYERS: The problem is we don’t know. There are a handful of studies trying to show the connection between some chemicals and how they potentiate each other or increase the damage that one chemical does when the chemicals combine and react with each other to create a stronger chemical. There had been a couple of studies that do it with food coloring and preservatives, say, like in Mountain Dew.

They’re finding that use of FDNC color yellow, FDNC yellow and maybe some other chemicals and preservatives down in a lot of children, how those can cause ADD and ADHD and things like that.

But the short answer is we just don’t know because there are very few studies like that and there are so may chemicals in the environment that there’s never going to be enough studies that show the more damaging effects when these chemicals combine with each other and potentiate each other.

DEBRA: Yes. And I’ve read enough things that show that you can combine chemicals together and then they become more dangerous. It’s just a conclusion that I’ve come to. Number one, it’s just not possible to remove 100% of the chemicals from our lives because they’re just so ubiquitous now in the environment. But if we do everything that we can do to number one, reduce our exposures that we know about and have alternatives for and then do everything that we can do to detox, we can make a significant difference in our health and how long we’re going to live and how happy we’re going to be and how good our bodies are going to feel. We can make a difference. It doesn’t have to be 100%.

And so that’s what we’re really talking about here, how can we improve the situation, not how can we eliminate 100% of everything because that’s just not possible.

So we need to go to break again. When we come back, we’ll talk more with my guest, Wendy Myers. She’s the founder and head writer of She does a lot with testing for toxics and also for detoxing. She can design an individual, very specific detox program for you that is very effective and will really get the chemicals out of your body. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Wendy Myers. We’re talking about toxic chemicals in your body, your body burden, what toxic chemicals are in your body and by connection, the importance of detox.

We need to get them out. We’re exposed to more toxic chemicals than our bodies can handle. And that’s what’s causing a lot of our serious illnesses just as the everyday annoying kind of illnesses that are the toxic chemicals. As the years ago by, our bodies get more and more built up and built up with toxic chemicals. We see the effects all around us, the increase almost in our society.

Okay! Wendy, tell us some more of what you’re finding in your test results.

WENDY MYERS: A big one is organophosphate, one of the most used groups of substances throughout the world and are used in pesticides. So, even if you’re eating organic food, about 7% of the produce still has pesticides like if they’re grown in Chile, which a lot of our grapes and things are grown in South America. There’s not very much regulation down there. Those are the fruits [inaudible 00:40:21] during the winter time. Those aren’t grown in the U.S. so much as they are in other countries where it’s warm. So your bananas and things like that can have pesticides on them even if they’re labeled organic.

Same with China, a lot of vegetables, frozen vegetables are grown in China. There’s not a lot of regulation there. There isn’t produce grown here in the U.S.

So, organophosphates are used most commonly in pesticides. They’re inhibitors of [inaudible 00:40:57] enzymes leading to overstimulation of nerve cells. This can cause sweating and salivation, diarrhea, aggressive and depressed behavior. Children exposed to organosphosphates have more than twice the risk of developing autism spectrum disorders.

A study done in San Francisco found that in California agricultural areas, children born of mothers living within 500 meters from the field were organochlorine pesticides were used were six times more likely to develop autism than children whose mothers did not use to live near such fields.

DEBRA: And 500 meters, like a meter is like a yard. And so when we’re talking at 500 miles, it’s a very short distance.

WENDY MYERS: Yeah. And that’s just one chemical. I mean, there’s a reason autism spectrum disorders are now in 1 in 51 children including my own daughter. My own daughter had an autism diagnosis when she was three. She no longer has diagnosis because I detoxed her with my Mineral Power program. Now, she’s normal. However, with so many chemicals in our environment, it’s not surprising to me at all that we have such a large increase very quickly over the last decade in the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder, ADD, ADHD and all the other diagnosis that children are now receiving.

We have to detox. We have to do pre-pregnancy planning. We have to detox our children with zeolites and other things like this. I give my daughter every single day. And when they’re seven years old, they can begin using infrared saunas because it’s affecting our children’s brains and their behavior.

DEBRA: And children can start taking zeolite. Even newborns can take zeolite, pregnant women can take zeolite.

WENDY MYERS: Absolutely!

DEBRA: And zeolites primarily remove heavy metals and some pesticides, but it’s not complete spectrum. A sauna would be more complete. But zeolite really takes out those heavy metals which are just a foundation of dangerousness. If you just even were to only do that, you would improve your health a lot.

And so, if you’re planning on having a family, getting pregnant, you should start detoxing before you concieve. And if you’re already pregnant, it’s safe to take the zeolite. If you have a newborn, it’s safe to start giving them zeolite. They can’t do every detox, but zeolite is safe.

There’s been a lot of use of it in these ways.

I take zeolite every day. I would take zeolite every day for the rest of my life because it removes the heavy metals. Radiation is another thing that it removes. It removes these things from your body. And then when they’re all removed, you’re still going to be exposed to new heavy metals. You can’t walk around outside without breathing in heavy metals. Zeolite just absorbs them as soon as they come in your body.

That’s just one thing that everybody can do.

WENDY MYERS: Yeah. I recommend it to every single one of my clients. It’s just so easy. It’s just really easy for compliance. And from sauna, not as much. I don’t get involve a lot of [inaduible 00:44:49] and expense…

DEBRA: I know!

WENDY MYERS: A lot of people, they really need to get their own sauna to be able to use it five days a week. It’s very, very important. But zeolite is a very, very easy way to go.

And same with cilantro, I give a lot of my clients cilantro.

DEBRA: Mm-hmmm… plus, they’re just delicious.

WENDY MYERS: It will behind to heavy metals and other divalent heavy metals like cadmium and things like that, which are very common in our environment.

Another chemical I’m finding in clients is vinyl chloride also known as polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This is in a lot of piping. People, if they have plastic piping in their house, it’s going to be in the water they’re drinking unless they get a proper filter. It’s also going to be in any kind of plastic stuff, plastic material like shower curtains, rubber duckies and things like that.

It’s very, very toxic. Exposure to vinyl chloride may cause potential nervous system depression, nausea, headache, dizziness, liver damage, osteoporosis, enlargement of the spleen and lots of other illnesses. So it’s really, really toxic. It’s used in the synthesis of several commercial chemicals, including the polyvinyl chloride which is also known as PVC.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. So what are you finding in terms of heavy metals?

WENDY MYERS: Oh, gosh! Every single client has aluminum. I do hair mineral analysis, but I also do urine metals testing, [inaudible 00:46:42] testing and fecal metal testing as well. I prefer if clients do all three because I get the complete picture. But every single person is aluminum toxic. Most of my clients are also arsenic toxic.

But aluminum is present in all vaccines pretty much [inaudible 00:47:03] mercury toxicity in vaccines. But now, they have to have some sort of [inaudible 00:47:10] or irritant to the immune system to stimulate it to produce antibodies. So now, they use aluminum which is a well-known neurotoxin. It causes dementia, different forms of it like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. There’s a reason about 50% of people develop dementia eventually and part of it is that aluminum is the most common heavy metal in our environment.

It’s also on underarm deodorant, which we’re slathering on every single day. It’s used as an anti-caking agent in flour and salts. It’s found in cheap cookware. If you go to cheap restaurants, theyr’e using disposable aluminum cookware, not to mention aluminum foil, aluminum cans.

They’re just everywhere. They’ve got it in public municipal water sources because it makes [inaudible 00:48:02] sink to the bottom of the tap water. It’s in your [inaudible 00:48:07] water.

DEBRA: It’s just everywhere.

WENDY MYERS: It’s everywhere. And then, there’s arsenic. Arsenic is found in conventional chickens because it makes chickens grow 50% faster. Farmers are paid by weight for their chicken.

So everywhere on the planet, they feed the chickens arsenic unless they’re pasture or organic. So you want to be warry of regular chickens.

DEBRA: Time-wise, we’re only about a minute a half away from the end of the show. I know you could go on much longer to tak about this, but I’d just like to circle back to this new test that people can get for the chemicals. It’s like over a hundred chemicals that it tests for. How much does it cost?

WENDY MYERS: It cost $395. And then in addition to that, you have to pay the lab fee which is $219. It costs about $600, maybe $550 for the test. It’s not cheap.

DEBRA: It’s not cheap, but it’s a lot less expensive than what it used to cost in the past. I mean, it used to be that people couldn’t get tested at all because it was so prohibitive. They would do these tests as part of studies and then people couldn’t get the test. So that’s really good that they’ve come out with this.

Okay! Well, we’re coming right up to the end of the show. So thank you so much, Wendy. My guest is Wendy Myers. Her website is Go visit her website. Go to my new blog, and find out how I’m shopping and how you can find toxic-free products everywhere.

This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well!


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