ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Maria-jindraMy guest today is Maria Jindra, co-founder of Vita Salva Glass Works. She and her husband began the company in 2010. when they discovered the unique violet biophotonic glass manufactured in Europe. There are many beneficial qualities of the biophotonic glass, including long term preservation of organic products. The science of biophotonic glass includes actual enhancement of the biolife force of the organic product that is stored in the glass. The violet glass is elegant, sturdy, and reusable. The couple started their company after retiring from 35 years of cattle ranching and farming on the high plains of Colorado. Maria is an activist against Geoengineering and GMOs.


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Maria June 8 2015


The Unique Properties of Violet Biophotonic Glass

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Maria Jindra

Date of Broadcast: June 23, 2015

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free. It is Tuesday, June 23, 2015. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida, where we’re having a beautiful summer day. We’re having heat. It’s so hot. It’s unseasonably hot.

It’s not usually this hot. It’s 95° in the day time. Actually, in my backyard, I’m looking at the thermometer, I can see it from my desk, it’s 89°. But in other places where there aren’t so many trees, you can imagine if it’s 89° here under my oak trees, it’s hot out there where there are no trees. Hot, hot, hot. And it’s 85° at night. We all sleep with an air conditioning but—

I wanted to tell you, I have this beautiful plant, this beautiful flower sitting on my desk. I have these two bushes that I put in my front yard called sweet almond bushes. And they have these beautiful, white [fronz] of little, tiny flowers and they smell like sweet almonds. And there was one that was just growing right over the pathway that you have to push it back in order to walk to the front door, so I cut it off with all its flowers and brought it inside. It’s just been sitting here for four or five days giving me this lovely aroma of sweet almonds. And so that’s what I’m smelling today as I’m talking to you.

And I had a great week last week. I took the whole entire week off because it was my birthday. I had a lot of rest and relaxation and did a little work. And now, I’m back all refreshed and rejuvenated and revived.

So today, we’re going to talk about something we’ve never talked about before, which is violet biophotonic glass. And what this glass does it actually helps keep food and herbs and water and any organic thing that you put in it fresher and last longer.

So we’re going to talk to the co-founder of Vita Salva Glass Works. Her name is Maria Jindra. Hi, Maria.

MARIA JINDRA: Good morning, Debra.

DEBRA: Good morning.

MARIA JINDRA: It’s wonderful to be here. Thank you so much for inviting me and thank you for everything you do for all of us and the planet. Thank you.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. Thank you for being here. I have one of Maria – she sent me one of her beautiful violet bottles. I just love it! I filled it with water and I put in on my desk. And in the morning, the sun shines on it to activate it. And we’re going to talk about all this. But then I drank the water and it feels different. It feels totally different.

So before we get into all those details, tell us how you came to be doing this.

MARIA JINDRA: Well, my husband and I had been cattle ranchers and farmers. I’ve been an x-ray tech and we finally retired from all of that after 30 years. We decided we needed to do something different and keep ourselves busy. And Jeff said, “You know, I’ve always wanted to learn how to sand etch on glass.” I said, “Well, that sounds like fun but I think it needs to be some really unique glass.”

So Jeff looked around and taught himself sand etching and I looked for glass. And synchronistically, I came across MIRON violet biophotonic glass. I thought, “Wow! That is beautiful glass.” And then I started reading more about the properties of biophotonic glass and was fascinated by what I found.

Bio means life and photon means light. I learned that all living cells emit light. And the research had shown that the quality of bio energy of food stored in violet glass is significantly higher than any of their counterparts kept in classical containers such as glass or plastic. This special-engineered glass demonstrated that an optimal protection of bio-information can be obtained in long-term storage.

And so I thought, “Wow! So we can be creative. We can sell this to people who want to keep organic substances and high end cosmetics and something that’s going to preserve the qualities of the product they’re putting in there.”

So I was excited. So was Jeff.

DEBRA: I’m excited too. So do you actually make this glass or do you buy the bottles made some place else?

MARIA JINDRA: Okay, well, MIRON glass was founded about 20 years ago. It was conceived in Switzerland. And they originally constructed this glass for a very superior spirulina product in Cyprus. And so that’s how it got started.

A gentleman by the name of Yves Klausur researched about 14 years on getting all the right ingredients to make this particular glass. Since it was conceived in Switzerland, it’s now moved over to the Netherlands, but they make the actual glass in Germany and Czechoslovakia. So it comes from Europe and it’s amazing.

DEBRA: So you buy the pieces already made?

MARIA JINDRA: That is correct.

DEBRA: And then you send them. So you’re not making glass yourself.


DEBRA: That’s totally fine. I just wondered if you are making it like a glass blower.

MARIA JINDRA: No. That would be even more work. No. And their technology, it’s patented. I guess the Egyptians used to store their goods in gold and violet glass. So with that and other scientists, researchers in the field, especially the science of biophotonics, they found that storing things in violet glass that allows certain types of light and spectral ranges through is the best preservation method you can use.

DEBRA: So do you know anything about what goes into the glass?

MARIA JINDRA: No because it’s proprietary.

DEBRA: It’s fascinating to me that – and I got a lot of e-mails from a lot of people about different subjects and questions that they have. And I think that there is an impression that colored glass may have toxic color things in it. And so, it’s interesting to me to find that here’s a colored glass that actually has beneficial properties.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly! Like some glass may contain trace amounts of lead. I know that in the ancient times, they might have had some toxic materials, but I know that the amount of research that they’ve done at MIRON and the scientists that have worked on this, I think that’s the last thing they’d want to do is have any toxic chemicals.

DEBRA: Well, I would think so because they are so conscious of the life enhancing properties. And I think that generally in – I’ve done a lot of research on glass, and generally, there are no toxic substances in a glass. But there are sometimes with lead crystal. They put lead in that, but those are very clearly labeled ‘lead crystal’ because it’s a selling point. And with California’s Proposition 65, it’s required by law that it does have warning labels on them that say that this glass contains lead.

So I think when people are using just ordinary glass or glass like yours that isn’t labeled, then they necessarily have toxic things in it.

The only other thing that I’ve heard about toxic things in terms of glass is when you buy those glasses that have pictures painted on the side. It’s obviously a painted on design and not an etched design or part of the glass. But those often have lead in them.

MARIA JINDRA: Very good idea. Very good. I know this glass is very thick, Debra.

DEBRA: Yes, it is.

MARIA JINDRA: So when we sand etch, it could be purchased painted or not. But we do paint it. And it is beautiful. But it’s a very thick glass. You’ve probably noted that with your bottle.

DEBRA: I did. It’s very heavy actually. And so when you paint yours, is there anything special about your paint?

MARIA JINDRA: It’s not so much special. It’s just that when it is in contact with the bottle, the dark violet glass with bright colors, it’s just striking. But if the glass is so thick, and we don’t etch super deep, we barely etch the top of it, but the glass is very, very thick.

DEBRA: Yes, I can see that in mine. I’ll just say that the bottle that they sent to me is etched and painted. And there’s absolutely no odor to this paint. No problem with it. And unless there are some particles in it that I can’t perceive, but I don’t see a problem with it at all.

MARIA JINDRA: And if people are concerned, they would just say, “Don’t etch it. I just want the bottle naked.”

DEBRA: Yes, a naked bottle, I like that. We need to go to break. We’ll be right back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Maria Jindra. She’s co-founder of Vita Salva Glass Works. We’re talking about violet glass and its unique properties. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Maria Jindra. She’s the co-founder of Vita Salva Glass Works. It must have been a passing toxic chemical from the outside (of course, not in my house).

Last week, I had my 60th birthday. And I’ve been doing this since I was 24 and I was 60 last week. So you have to forgive me for occasional senior moments. That’s just how it goes.

Anyway, Maria, on your website – and let me give your website. Your website is And on your website, you have this great page that talks about the biophotonic science. And tell us about the tests that were done that you have on that page.

MARIA JINDRA: About the chives and the tomatoes?


MARIA JINDRA: Well, they stored a little cherry tomato, one in a clear glass and one in the violet glass for seven months. And they exposed it occasionally to direct sunlight. But most of the time, it was sitting where ambient light came into the room. They noted that after seven months, the cherry tomato in the clear glass was moldy and the cherry tomato stored in the biophotonic glass did not have mold on it and was not greatly dehydrated.

So that proves the science of biophotonics that the light coming through the glass, it only allows violet light in the visible light spectrum like in a rainbow. It allows in a small amount of UVA and far infrared light. And these three forms of light that come through not only preserve the bio energy of what you have stored in there, but it actually stimulate – if I can use that word.

DEBRA: Yes, you can use that word. So something can actually be enhanced by putting it in the violet jars.

MARIA JINDRA: Yes. Now, they have Kirlian photography done with spirulina stored in the violet glass versus the clear glass. And the results are amazing. It had about twice the bio energy. And on the Kirlian photography – are you familiar with that, Debra?

DEBRA: Yes, yes.

MARIA JINDRA: What you’re looking at is a coronal discharge. And this couple in Russia fell into this when they were working with their equipment. They discovered it by accident. But some people would consider a coronal discharge an aura.

So the bio energy or the bio life of the product is enhanced. You’ll notice that with chives on the website. The chives remain green. The smell is still potent when stored in this glass.

So these light radiations coming through really do work. The field in biophotonics is amazing when you start reading it.

I read this little book called Biophotons: Source of Light for Energy and Wellbeing written by two ladies in Europe, Yvonne Sangen and Karin Tazelaar. And I’m telling you, there’s a lot more to know about the science of biophotonics than you can imagine.

DEBRA: There is! I’ve heard a lot of different books that talk about different things in the realm of things that we can’t see but are actually there such as we have all kinds of energy fields in our bodies and around our bodies that we can’t see but when you look at them through the proper instruments, you can see that they’re there.

And so things aren’t always—light you can’t see, except you can see the light but you can’t see the wave of the light. And things like that. And that energetic part is what makes that organic material, the things that we can see, alive.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly. Exactly.

DEBRA: And so when we have a plant or anything that’s alive, a cell, anything that’s alive, that doesn’t have that energy when that energy starts being depleted for various reasons, then it becomes less life-enhancing.

And so for example, when we eat something, say a plant, say a tomato right out of the garden, it’s got all that life energy in it. If you were to take a Kirlian photograph of a tomato right off the vine, it would just be beaming, for a lack of better word. And as that tomato is away from its life source plant, then it starts getting dimmer and dimmer and dimmer.

And so by the time you get a tomato that’s in the supermarket, that’s been sitting in storage, picked green and then cast to be red, there’s practically no life in it at all. And our bodies need to have that life force as well as the physical matter of the food.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly. And a lot of the light coming in to the tomato, that’s what gives it the energy, the biophotons.

DEBRA: That’s right. That’s right. And so most of the food that we eat, when we think of—the food that we’re eating, most of it has very little life energy in it because it’s been sitting around for so long or it’s canned or processed or whatever. All those things make it lose the life energy.

And also with our water, it’s the same thing. And we just need to have that life energy in order for us to be healthy. When I researched about things that are toxic, they’re looking at how—where are the physical—how can I explain this? What are the things that we can see in terms of toxicness? But I have not seen very much studies which talk about symptoms of not having life force. Do you understand what I’m saying? You understand what I’m saying. I hope the listeners too.

MARIA JINDRA: I kind of do. I do. In this book I was reading, it talks about people that are ill or have disease. If you, say for example, did a Kirlian photography on them, they would have maybe more light coming out on one side of their body because they are not coherent. Inversely, people that are very well, believe it or not, their cells do not emit a lot of light. So when the cells are emitting a lot of light, that’s a warning signal that they are not coherent because of their—if they’re well, it keeps the light inside of them because everything is functioning.

DEBRA: We need to go to break. But we’ll be right back and we can talk about this some more. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Maria Jindra, and she’s the founder of Vita Salva Glass Works. And that’s We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Maria Jindra. She’s co-founder of Vita Salva Glass Works, and their website is

Maria, on the same page as the experiments about the tomatoes and the chives on your website, it talks about how sunlight helps plants grow, but what happens after they’re continued to be exposed to the sun after reaching maturity? Can you talk about that?

MARIA JINDRA: Absolutely. Of course, we all know that plants need photosynthesis to grow, and light, that’s what’s gives them their energy. But the minute they’re harvested, it’s just like a human being, they die. Light degradation begins to do just the opposite of what it did when they were growing.

So in order to capture their bio energy, you want to quickly store them, may it be a freezer or if you’re going to bottle it, it should be in violet glass because the visible light spectrum like the colors in a rainbow. That is helpful when the plant is growing but injurious when it has been harvested because it starts to break it down again. Just like if you pick a tomato and you put it on a ledge outside, it’s going to start to shrink and decompose. So you got to get it out of the visible light.

So visible light helps initially during the growth process but after harvest, you want to keep visible light, the reds, the blues, the greens, the yellows, off of your produce or your product so that you can try to maintain the bio life that it used when it was growing.

DEBRA: So there’s a sentence here. It says that MIRON violet glass works like a natural filter that only lets the sunlight that protects and improves the quality of premium and sensitive substances through. Well, that was interesting to me that some of the spectrum would make it decay and other parts of the spectrum would improve it.

MARIA JINDRA: Right. And they’ve done decades of research on this. One of the researchers was Fritz Albert Popp. He did a lot of research with this and tried different colors and found that violet light which most mimics the human nervous system protect it, it shielded it, but the reds, the blues, the greens, the yellows, the oranges was more damaging to it.

He also found that light we cannot see with the human eye, the far infrared and the very narrowband of UVA actually helps protect it as well.

So there’s been a lot of research on this. It’s true research.

DEBRA: It’s fascinating. It’s so fascinating to me. I think that nature is incredibly interesting to me. When I read books about the things like the energy fields of the body and light and all of these things, it’s so beyond what we normally talk about in our culture which is very physical-oriented. But then there are these other levels and there is so much of life, so much of what makes it alive is happening on those other levels and need to be nourished just like taking vitamins.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly. They say, you should wear sunglasses all the time because you need some of those biophotons from the sun coming in. Same on your skin. You can use sunscreen but it is somewhat toxic, correct?

DEBRA: Well, I actually don’t use sunglasses at all. And I don’t wear sunscreen at all. I feel like I need to go out and I do go out. I have several wide-brimmed hats. My great aunt, who was very beautiful, she was a model when she was young, she always—she lives in Santa Barbara, California. It was very sunny. She always wore wide-brimmed hats. She did not go out without it. And it was so frequently she wore it that it’s—when I see a picture of her in my mind, what I see is her in her wide-brimmed hat.

And that’s what people did before sunscreen. We had parasols and wide-brimmed hats. Nobody used sunscreen. Nobody wore sunglasses.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly. I try to get at least 30 minutes of direct sunlight a day. And like you, I do not use suntan lotion but I don’t stay out in the sun all day either.

DEBRA: Well, I think that that’s the key, is that people—I remember when I was younger and I lived in California, it was a big deal to go out in the sun and get this tan. We were all waiting for the first day. We could go lie out in the sun. And everybody would burn and we’d all wear sunscreen. This tan was a big deal. And I am no longer interested in how tan I get or don’t get. I’m a little tan now. I go out in mid-afternoon and I go for a little walk for 15 minutes. And so I get sun on my arms and on my face. And I get all those benefits of the sun.

But it’s not about getting the darkest tan I can get. It’s about getting the nutrients from the sun.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly, especially the D3. Especially the gals our age. And I’m going to be 60 this year too. And happy belated birthday.

DEBRA: Thank you. I have to say, I don’t feel 60. I just don’t feel 60. And I don’t look 60. People, when I tell them I’m 60, they go, “No, you don’t look 60 at all.” They tell me that I look like I’m 47 or something like that.

But I just don’t feel it. It’s just a number that relates to the age of my body.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly. And I feel the same way. I feel like I’m about 26 years old on the inside, don’t you?

DEBRA: Yes, I do. I’m just so interested in things and I want to go out and do things. And I don’t feel like an old lady.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly. Well, that’s because you’re toxic free.

DEBRA: That’s it. I think it has a lot to do with it. And especially—I’ll just throw in a little plug for being toxic free, is that a lot of skin care products have toxic chemicals in it that give you wrinkles. And I don’t use any of them and I don’t have wrinkles.

MARIA JINDRA: Wow. Lucky you. I live here in Colorado at a higher altitude so my 30 minutes a day in the direct sun, it’s been working on. But like you, I’m wearing a wide-brimmed hat now. We don’t want any more wrinkles.

DEBRA: No. It’s like all these sun products are all, what I call, consumer products. There are so many things that are on the market and a lot of toxic things that are on the market that we don’t even need it all for survival. We don’t even need to be happy. It’s just something that has been made up by industrial consumerism in order for companies to make more money.

MARIA JINDRA: Sure. Absolutely.

DEBRA: So before I ask you another question, we need to go to break. So I’ll just not interrupt you.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Maria Jindra. She’s the co-founder of Vita Salva Glass Works. And when we come back, we’re going to talk about all her beautiful glassware. You can go see it at We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Maria Jindra. She’s co-founder of Vita Salva Glass Works where they sell violet glass and their website is

So Maria, let’s go on a little tour of the different types of glassware you have.

MARIA JINDRA: Okay. Well, the uses for this glass—here are some ideas. You can store essential oils in it, flower essences, sun remedies, massage oils, herbs, royal jelly, olive oils, organic foods, fine cosmetic, wine or for charging and enhancing your drinking water. And I don’t like drinking out of plastic bottles. I do not do that.

DEBRA: I don’t either.

MARIA JINDRA: So you’ll see on the website that we have square oil bottles but I really like to use those especially for the ladies for water bottle, the 500 milliliter square oil bottle. I use that for water. But we’re supposed to be all drinking a liter and a half to two liters a day. So if you’re really a water drinker which we all should be, the one liter water bottle is the best because then you know exactly how much water you’re drinking and it pushes you to drink a little bit more water.

DEBRA: It does. I have a bottle of water sitting on my desk every day. I sit at my desk and work all day long. And I think a lot of people do. And just having that bottle of water there starting out in the morning, I actually do this thing—I don’t even know—I’m looking at your bottle and this bottle. I don’t think it’s a liter. But what I do, the one that I drink all the time has an open top big enough to put ice cubes in it. And so I start out in the morning with being here in Florida, I start out in the morning with filling the bottle with water and other things that I put in it, with ice cubes. And as the ice cubes melt, I just keep adding more ice cubes all day long so there’s always this nice, cold, refreshing nutritive drink sitting on my desk.

And so I get nutrition, I get water, and it’s there all day long.

MARIA JINDRA: Absolutely. Did you try charging up some water in your MIRON glass?

DEBRA: I did. I could feel the difference.

MARIA JINDRA: You can, can’t you?

DEBRA: I can. It’s just—energetically. When you have tap water, the tap water is so dead. And you put it through a water filter, and what water filter does is it removes the toxic substances. But it doesn’t particularly restore the life force of water.

I’ve talked about this before on other shows but the most alive water I ever drank in my life was out of a spring in Mount Shasta, California. There’s this spring that is actually a city park where people go and they fill up their bottles with this exceptional, exceptional water. And when I drank that, it was just—tears came to my eyes because it was like, this was what water should be. And I could tell the difference. It just felt different in my body.

Drinking the water out of the violet glass bottle feels different too. It’s more alive. It’s got that charge in it.

MARIA JINDRA: Yes, it does. Are you familiar with Dr. Masuru Imoto and his work?


MARIA JINDRA: That is fascinating. And there’s a really neat YouTube, it’s only about three minutes long and it’s entitled Water Consciousness and Intent. And if people would view that, they would really understand that intention and our thoughts, words, our actions, it’s all energy.

I did not know that until a couple of years ago. And it came to me in a flash. And I ran in and told my husband. I said, “I just realized that everything is energy.”

DEBRA: Yes, everything is energy. I know it’s not something that most people know.

MARIA JINDRA: Yes. So putting—getting the MIRON glass, putting your own personalized intentions into it or prayer, and when you drink the water after it’s charged for about an hour in the sun, it’s amazing. It’s palpable. You can feel it. I put an intention in once for a lot of love. And I totally forgot that I had put that intention in because I was charging a lot of different bottles. But when I drank from it, tears were flowing from my eyes. I felt so much love and I thought, “Wow. This really does work.”

DEBRA: And it does. It really does.

MARIA JINDRA: And I love Dr. Masuru Imoto. I remember right after the Japanese tsunami, he came on YouTube and he said, “Please, everyone, pray now for the water because water does have memory.”

DEBRA: Yes, it does. That’s been established.

MARIA JINDRA: I want to go to Mount Shasta and do what you did. That sounds neat.

DEBRA: I’ll tell you. This water is so beloved in California that people actually offered to bring me that water from Mount Shasta. They wanted me to have it when I would tell them my story. They would say, “Oh, I could bring you water from Mount Shasta.” And when people would go to Mount Shasta for the weekend or whatever, they would ask if they wanted them to bring water back to me.

If we look back in history, the most sacred thing in the past was the spring with water.

MARIA JINDRA: Exactly. Moving water, vortexes of water, eddies of water, that’s the healthiest water. Not water going through pipes and treatment plants and then fluoridated.

DEBRA: Especially not fluoridated.

MARIA JINDRA: Absolutely.

DEBRA: So tell us about your [product] of different bottles and jars.

MARIA JINDRA: Okay. So we have the cosmetic jars and you can put in lotions, cosmetics. We have bottles for wine. We have bottles for water. We have bottles for oil. I even store my rice in them. And I keep them on the kitchen counter so that some of the ambient light coming through the jar will enhance it. We have a beautiful apothecary set like the old time apothecary jars that the pharmacy sold.

DEBRA: I love those. Those were so beautiful.

MARIA JINDRA: They are. And they got the little glass sliding tea lid. So those make a wonderful canister steep or to store coffee in. If you want to keep your coffee really fresh-tasting, we like to use—what’s that?

DEBRA: Especially people who don’t want any plastic in their containers. These have the round glass lids. So they fit very nicely. But there is no metal and there is no plastic. It’s just all glass.

MARIA JINDRA: That’s right. It’s about as toxic-free as you can get.

DEBRA: It is about as toxic-free as you can get, yes. And it’s not only toxic-free, it’s actually life-enhancing which goes beyond toxic-free. For these products, it’s not just an absence of harmful chemicals. It goes beyond to have beneficial effects.

MARIA JINDRA: That’s right. It’s enhanced, and it’s energized, and it’s well-protected.

DEBRA: It’s so wonderful.

MARIA JINDRA: Absolutely.

DEBRA: So then you have all these little lids and things, droppers and different—

MARIA JINDRA: Right. If someone is interested in storing their essential oils, we have pump sprayers, we have the droppers, we have just pour caps. Now, the caps are not glass. They are plastic with a polyethylene fitting at the top. But that keeps in the freshness of it. And you don’t have to over-tighten these lids either. And you can wash the glass in a dishwasher or with warm soapy water but you don’t want to wash the lids. Just wipe them out with a little alcohol pad or something. We do get a lot of orders for essential oils and our clients love the glass. And they don’t get it etched. They usually have their own sticker that they put on there.

In fact, I’ve been out at other places where I’ve seen people selling their products. I’ve had a skin issue for some years and I picked up some salve that was kept in a MIRON glass. And just knowing that it was kept in a MIRON glass, I was already excited. And the salve really helped my skin issues.

DEBRA: Yes. Actually, the way I found you was one of my readers has taken it upon himself to find the best products, the best toxic-free products he can possibly find. He now has a list, I found out this morning, of 257 websites that he wants to share with me so that I can share them with other people. And yours was one of them but he found it from a company that was using it for their products.

MARIA JINDRA: How wonderful is that?

DEBRA: Yes. And he was very happy with their products too.

MARIA JINDRA: Absolutely. I’m telling you, it works. People have to just try it to believe it.

DEBRA: Yes. I just love it. Well, we only have about a minute left. Any final words?

MARIA JINDRA: Yes, I would strongly urge people to get familiar with biophotonic science with this book that I mentioned because it really will get you excited. And also, to be familiar with Dr. Masuri Imoto and thinking about drinking a lot more water and try their water in this bottle. It really is amazing. It starts getting you thinking about changing your healthy, your life, the way you speak to people, the way you think of people.

And I got to thank you, Debra. By contacting me and inviting me on to your show, you really charged me up.

DEBRA: Thank you.

MARIA JINDRA: I really delved into further study of the science of biophotonics and I am charged up. I really realized now that there’s a lot more that many of us don’t know in the unseen world especially the light spectrum and what it does for us and all life on the planet.

DEBRA: We have to go. There’s the music so we have to go. Thank you so much for being on the show.

MARIA JINDRA: Thank you, Debra.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.


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