My guest is Eddie Stone, Founder and CEO of Touchstone Essentials. I’ve been using and recommending Touchstone Essentials’ zeolite detox products and wholefood supplements since the company began in February 2012. Eddie created Touchstone Essentials with the vision that only real farm-fresh food offers real improvement in body, mind and personal well-being. We’ll talk about why zeolite is the best choice for removing toxic chemicals of all kinds from your body, how to choose effective zeolite products, industrial supplements vs wholefood supplements, and how you can get your zeolite and supplements FREE (I do!)
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- The Amazing Benefits of Doing Daily Detox With Liquid Zeolite
- How to Choose and Use Liquid Zeolite to Remove Toxic Chemicals From Your Body
The Best, Easiest, Most Affordable Way to Detox
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Eddie Stone
Date of Broadcast: September 02, 2013
DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. Even though there’s toxic chemicals all around them, we don’t have to be sick, we don’t have to have them in our house, we don’t have to have them in our lives and how to accomplish that is what this show is all about.
It’s Tuesday, April 23rd 2013 and I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. Today, we’re going to talk about how to remove toxic chemicals from our body and replace them with good nutrition. Both of these things are essential to health, ridding our bodies of toxic chemicals and have sufficient, not just sufficient nutrition, but enough nutrition for health and to repair our bodies from toxic exposure.
My guest today is Eddie Stone. He’s the founder and CEO of Touchstone Essentials. But first, before we talk to Eddie, I had in my email this morning an email that was a newsletter and it was about letting go. I thought that that was very apropos subject for today’s show because there’s so many things that we do need to let go of in our world, in our lives and yet, letting go is a very difficult thing. I know I’ve had to let go of things in my life and there’s a sense of loss about that and a sense of unknown and what will things be like if we let go.
But we need to let go of toxic chemicals in our bodies, we need to let go of all these toxic products that are in our homes. I remember years and years ago, when I first working on removing toxic chemicals from my home, I knew that there were things that were toxic, but I didn’t want to give them up. I didn’t want to give up my perfume, for example. It was one by one, I had to say to myself, “Do I want to be poisoned by this or am I willing to let go and open the way for more health and more happiness?”
And the very last product that I wouldn’t give up was my red lipstick. It had taken me so long to find that shade of red and even though I knew it was toxic, I knew it had lead in it, I knew it was 100% petroleum that I was putting on my lips (crude oil) and that I was eating it as I was speaking and eating food.
I still didn’t want to give it up because I was so attached to the idea that I had to wear this red lipstick in order to be beautiful. And I gave it up, I let go. I’ll just tell you that every time I have let go of something that was harmful to me, something much more wonderful came in right away. There’s a whole wonderful world of products that we can chose from that are healthy and toxic-free and we don’t have to live with toxics in our homes.
So I want to introduce our guest now. Eddie, are you there?
EDDIE STONE: Yes, Debra. I’m here.
DEBRA: Hi! It’s so nice to have you on the show.
EDDIE STONE: What a pleasure it is to be able to speak with you and your audience today.
DEBRA: Thank you. I just would like to start by saying when I was writing my book, Toxic-free before your company was even founded and before we even met, I was working with my doctor as I was writing it and what I figured out was that in order to be healthy, the solution that I had to write about in this book was that people needed to remove toxic chemicals from their bodies and then they needed to have nutrition.
They needed to have really good nutrition because not only do we need a certain amount of nutrition just to make our bodies run, but we also need a tremendous amount of nutrition to repair the damage that has been caused by toxic chemicals.
And so it was quite a delight for me last year in February of 2012 to find out about Touchstone Essentials and meet you and find out that you had exactly the same idea.
So I’d like to know how did you come up with that idea and what was it that got you interested in health and producing supplements and zeolites in the first place?
EDDIE STONE: Well, that’s a big subject. What I’d like to do is maybe just tackle it just a little bit of a piece at a time because for me, it’s really a 20-year evolution in thinking.
Perhaps it’s somewhat like your description of the amount of time it took you to slowly sort of get everything out of the house. Then you had the lipstick. It was sort of the last piece to go. Perhaps that’s really my story as well and maybe many of your listeners are sort of thinking the same thing. I think all of us, we come to this information that we find enlightening, but yet we have these entrenched habits and things we think we can’t live without. It’s really difficult.
In my late twenties, I had exposure to nutritional products. I had been a little bit of an amateur athlete while I was in college and tried to pay attention to think a little bit. But as I got out of school away from that athletic environment into the work world, you know how it is, the work week. You wind up being Saturday and sometimes, as well as Sunday, you get away from some of your more healthy habits or you don’t make things like eating right and sleeping right and exercise a priority.
So I found myself headed down a wrong path. And unfortunately, it’s the path that if you look around that many people are on.
So I had this accidental introduction back to nutrition. And what I really saw was that I needed supplements because I just wasn’t going to have the discipline or the access to eat exactly right. They were a way for me to bridge the habit and the gaps between where I was with my daily nutritional intake and where I wanted to be. And it’s a simple idea, right? That’s really true for most people, don’t you think?
DEBRA: Yeah, I do think that it’s true for most people. And especially too, because the food that we’re eating today isn’t giving us – even if we could eat that much food, it isn’t giving us the amount of nutrition that we need. So I absolutely think that everybody need supplements.
EDDIE STONE: I do too. And I think even if we don’t intuitively realize that our body seems to have these cravings for things even if we can’t fully recognize them or realize what they are. And so that stated a journey for me that evolved over time to the point where I saw it not just on local scale or in my personal life, my family’s life, I saw that globally, not just that it’s a big industry, but it’s desperately needed if you look at some of the statistics out there.
But here’s the challenge. In the U.S., there’s probably $25 billion roughly, give or take a billion spent on health and nutrition products and yet most of them, if you look deeply into them are sourced from foreign lands where ingredients are unregulated. Many of the ingredients in the supplements sold today, even the very most expensive one are created chemical isolates, created from petroleum byproducts or GMO corn or whatever it is.
And so there is this real – I don’t want to call it corruption, but there’s this dichotomy between what people think they’re consuming versus what they’re consuming on this path toward health and enlightenment.
And for me, when I became aware of that, it was almost this cathartic moment where I felt like I had to throw myself against the gears of the machine and sort of stop the madness.
DEBRA: I understand that.
EDDIE STONE: So that’s how I arrived here.
Debbie: Well, I’m very glad that you did arrive here. So what was that you made you decide that you needed to – and we only just have less than a minute until the break, but what was it that made you decide that you just needed to break away and start your own company?
EDDIE STONE: Plain and simple, Debra, I could not find products like I felt we needed either on the Internet or food direct sales or at retail. I’ve got kids, I’ve got a wife, I’ve got family. And lacking a good solid source of pure, wholesome products, I felt compelled to do something.
DEBRA: Well, I’m glad you did and I totally understand that because I talk to other people who are making exceptional products in other fields as exceptional as yours. And that was what really did it for them too. And I know for myself that I’m doing this work because I got to a point where I was very sick and I needed to do something to get well and there just wasn’t any help out there. There were no books or anything.
So after our break, we’ll come back and we’ll start talking about these exceptional products that Eddie has made.
EDDIE STONE: Thank you.
DEBRA: Okay, let’s talk about products. These products are fabulous. I take them every day. I don’t mind saying that. There’s a lot of companies that are making a lot of – especially dietary supplement product. I look at them and I just haven’t been able to recommend them. But these, I recommend wholeheartedly and I take them everyday.
The first thing, I want everybody to understand that Touchstone Essentials has put together a collection of different supplements. They’re designed to work together in order to detox your body, remove toxic chemicals and then give you the kind of nutrition that your body needs in a form that is exceptionally compatible for your body to be able to absorb them and give you the nutrition that you need.
First, I want to talk about the detox part because that’s actually how I found out about these products. And what is used for detox in this collection of product is a substance called zeolite. My experience with zeolite was that I had spent 30 years thinking that if I just removed the toxic chemicals from my home, then my body would naturally restore its own health because it wasn’t being bombarded by toxic chemicals. And that was true. I went from being disabled to being functional.
But I still had a lot of things going on with my body that were not right and I still didn’t have that much energy and I wasn’t functioning as well as I wanted to. And then my nutritionist gave me some liquid zeolite. And within a few days, I felt so good, it was unbelievable. It was like, “Oh, my God! Why didn’t I take this before? Why didn’t I do something to help my body remove the toxic chemicals?”
Well, the reason that I didn’t do something before was because there are very few options. Zeolite isn’t the only one, but zeolite is certainly the easiest thing you can do, the most effective and the most affordable.
So Eddie, I want us to spend this segment talking about zeolite and we’ll spend the segment talking about the supplements because I really want to give you time to tell us everything we should know about zeolite.
EDDIE STONE: That’s fantastic. I was just in there thinking about what you were saying and there are a lot of choices. But for me, zeolite, its natural minerals, it’s the most elegant and frankly, nature’s genius because it’s natural property. It has a natural property of a negative charge. And so when you ingest it, when it’s milled down to a small enough size and it’s properly cleaned, so it’s bioavailable, when you do those things and it goes into your body, it just has this natural affinity for those positively charged heavy metals, volatile organic particulates that are bad for us.
And so what it does is it supports our approach, which is to pay attention to cellular health. There’s a lot of ways you can look at the body and this is going to take a complex process to make it simple. We look at the cells and we say to ourselves, “What can we do to keep them clean, to clean them out, then put the good stuff back in?” And so the zeolite serves that purpose.
We offer it in two very distinct ways because the body needs it in that manner. We mine our zeolite domestically. We do do a lot of testing and we do publish this on our website. We think the third-party validation is very important, so we’ve got this on the website.
We check its properties before and then we check it after going through essentially what is a cleansing process because the little tunnels and channels and chambers that you find naturally in this little mineral, they get dirty over time. So we clean it, make it bioavialable to the body and then we mill it.
And then the milling process that we utilized, it tries at every level to minimize the fracturing of the zeolite because you want to keep its cage intact especially because that’s where that negative charge is maintained.
It has really three ways that it works. One is it has these angstrom-sized channels and tunnels that have that negative charge that has got particulates in it. But also, when you mill it small enough, that charge that it has at its core can leak to the surface in something called [inaudible 00:18:40]. And so now, not only is it useful in taking things inside of itself, but also in attracting to its surface. Of course, if we can get enough of that in the body, there’s also a sandwich effect that has three ways that it can support the body.
And here’s the best thing for me, Debra. It’s an inert mineral that doesn’t remain in the body. So if a person has this normal renal function, it’s going to process out of the body in about a 4-6 hour period of time. And so it’s going to support a daily habit of cleansing and detoxing.
What we’ve seen very quickly is people respond with their energy levels and overall health. And so it’s in something that’s been very important for us for us to support that initial piece of our foundation of cellular health by cleansing and detoxing at the cellular level.
DEBRA: I think this thing that you just said about how the zeolite picks up the toxic chemicals and then removes them from the body, I mean, the zeolite particle itself along with the toxic chemicals that it has attracted, the whole thing leaves your body in 4-6 hours. This is so important from my viewpoint because when you use the word ‘detox’, it can mean a lot of different things.
A lot of times, people will say, “Well, I’m doing a detox” or, “I’m taking a product” and what that product is doing is supporting the function of the liver or supporting the function of the kidneys, so that they can do their job better. And those are fine things to do.
But if your kidneys or liver are really damaged or even partially damaged – and for most people, they have damaged livers and kidneys because those are the organs that process the toxic chemicals – if you have damage to them, why wait until they regenerate when you can take zeolite and it just bypasses all of that and goes into your bloodstream, goes into your cells and takes those chemicals away and in 4-6 hours, the whole thing is out of your body? It’s the fastest way that I know of in order to accomplish that.
And it’s so easy because all you need to do is just put some drops in water and drink it or spray a spray just right in your mouth four little squirts and you’ve taken it. You do it three or four times throughout the day, your body is having this continuous, gentle detox.
So once again – wow! These commercial breaks come up so fast. We’ll go to our commercial breaks and then we’ll come back and we’ll talk about what Touchstone has to offer in the way of nutritious supplements.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’re here with my guest, Eddie Stone, founder and CEO of Touchstone Essentials.
And before we go back to having Eddie and I talk, I want to give you the number where you can call it if you have any questions for us, 877-342-6673. That’s 877-342-6673.You can also go to my website, The number is there as well as in the future, there will be archived shows and information about who’s coming up as the guest and lots of other information.
So Eddie, let’s talk about the supplements. The first thing I want to say about supplements is that many years ago, I got the idea that when people started talking about, “You should eat more vegetables,” I thought that’s a good idea. It wasn’t that I was not eating vegetables at all like a lot of people, but I was not eating enough that I thought. I was eating a lot of cooked vegetables, hardly any raw vegetables. I went to the grocery store (this was before we had very many natural food store). I went to the grocery store and the quality of the produce was just so poor that I didn’t want to eat it.
And nowadays, the quality of produce is a lot better, but it’s expensive if you want to get organic. You need to learn how to make something that tastes good from it. And so I think it really is unrealistic for a lot of people to really get the nutrition that they need.
And one of the things that I like about Touchstone Essential supplements is that I know that I can get all those greens in my body, I can get all the phytonutrients that I need. And then, whether I eat the right foods or not – and I do try to eat the right foods, but whether I eat them or not, I’m still getting my nutrition. So thank you for these supplements.
EDDIE STONE: Oh, we’re happy to provide them. And you bring up an important issue there about food in our diet. We’re confined with what’s available. If we’re trying to eat fresh raw with what’s regionally available from different parts of the country and then seasonal, it’s never easy to eat the right way.
DEBRA: It isn’t. And particularly, when a lot of our produce is shipped in from other places – I used to live in California. A lot of produce here on the East Coast comes from California instead of being grown locally – as that produce travels across the country, it loses nutrients, it roses vitality. And then if it’s coming from hot houses in Chile and Brazil, by the time it gets to us, it’s just kind of dead leaves.
So tell us about Touchstone Essential supplements, what you do to make them and why they’re so special?
EDDIE STONE: Well, there’s a number of things that make them different. But fundamentally, when we think about supplements, very often, you see a label and you see vitamin C as ascorbic acid or vitamin E or vitamin D, whatever it happens to be. All of those labels – I mean, I’m really talking about everything you see out there. They’re listening fractionated nutrients. They’ve taken one component of what we find in food and there’s very little to support that that’s actually what we need.
I mean, here’s this big industry I talked about earlier, all these money being spent, but yet you’d really be hard-pressed to find a lot of strong evidence using supplements where we improve the person’s health outcome or addresses disease.
Now, we do hear that getting inadequate amount of citrus fruit or vitamin C or grains or things like that can be detrimental to our health. But we start looking at it and say, “Well, what if I then get it from a supplement.” There’s not a lot of good support there. And here I am in this industry, so it concerns me.
And so the first thing we do is we start with whole fruits and vegetables because we know the isolates don’t work. They just don’t accomplish the same thing. You can’t take vitamin C as ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is just the outer ring of the vitamin C molecule. There’s seven other things that are missing. You can’t just use that and think somehow the body is going to magically convert that into the same thing, a whole compound vitamin C.
And then, of course, that doesn’t even take into account the other hundreds of phytonutrients that are found in a natural food source vitamin C.
So we start with whole fruits and vegetables. We’re very careful to make sure that we’re getting our crops where they should regionally be grown. We’re not using farmhouses. And then we make sure that the soil where our things are grown is healthy soil. We’re making sure that our farmers have organic and sustainable practices, all of these things that we know grow a very rich fruit or vegetable.
And then we’re very careful on transportation. As often as we can, we actually try to process our fruits and vegetables field-side and never with a high heat. We don’t allow our fruits and vegetables to ever be a degree above 106° because we know at approximately 116°, the delicate phytonutrients and native enzymes to that fruit or vegetable begin to be denature and lose value.
And so we do all of this. When we’re done processing – and for us, processing means just simply removing the water and the cellulose material, so what remains is the powder – that that powder before it’s encapsulated is as potent as possible compared to that fresh fruit or vegetable.
And we actually use high-speed liquid chromatography to check our fruits and vegetables before and then check them after. And what we find is their antioxidant qualities and other nutritional components have no statistical deviation, which is exactly what we’re looking for so the value remains. When you’re consuming this stuff, you want all of it, right?
DEBRA: Right!
EDDIE STONE: And so that’s where we start and from there, we build our formulae thinking strategically about the right combination of fruits and vegetables to have that anti-oxidant product. And you spoke about essentials, right? Thirty-three fresh fruits and vegetables, 28 different sources. The grains products, Super Grains or Wellspring, which is for joint pains, stiffness and inflammation. So that process helps us put our recipes together.
DEBRA: Good! So when I was up there in Lallie the other day, a few weeks ago, we were tasting all the powders. They tasted so alive. It was really interesting because they really had the flavors in them that of the real foods and it wasn’t just a powder. It wasn’t just a powder. It wasn’t something that came out of the factory. It was like a food that you might have dehydrated in your dehydrator and then ground up. It had flavor like the spice has flavor.
The green tea extract was particularly terrible, we all agreed, which is why it’s good in a capsule. But the pomegranate was delicious. It’s so good to have those.
I know that there’s a lot of supplements nowadays that say that they’re whole foods. But when I read on the label, they have terminology like ascorbic acid that says – that is, I know means that it’s an artificial vitamin C.
So these supplements, all that’s listed on the label is the foods that they come in. That really shows me that it’s coming from food and not from a laboratory.
So when we come back from our break, we’re going to talk about how you can get these wonderful supplements for free actually. I get them every month without having to take any money out of my pocket and you can do that too.
You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio and I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.
DEBRA: I see we have a caller from Pennsylvania. Laura, hello!
LAURA: Hi! How are you, Debra?
DEBRA: How are you today?
LAURA: I’m good.
DEBRA: Good! What’s your question?
LAURA: My question is how best do I explain to someone that they would be getting pretty much all that they need from the entire line? Like if you get the entire line of Touchstone Essential, then would they be getting pretty much anything they get from a multivitamin mineral?
DEBRA: Well, I’m going to let Eddie answer that first and then I’m going to answer it too. So Eddie, go ahead.
EDDIE STONE: Laura, thank you for the question. When I think about this, I really just pay attention to the advice that comes from the medical community.
Most people that would go to their physician, even their pediatrician would give the advice that they need to be eating say five to seven (or maybe five to nine or seven to nine depending on what your doctor’s thoughts are) servings of fresh fruits and vegetables per day. And if you do that, you’re going to get those nutrients that you need for good health or they may refer you to the updated food pyramid, which will show to balance the combination of carbohydrates and fats and proteins for meats and vegetables and good plant fats to get what you need.
You never really hear them talk about advice on taking a supplement because they realize most of those things are fractionated. They don’t remotely resemble what you find in a fresh fruit or vegetable.
So we pay attention to their advice. If someone is using our product, that’s exactly what they’re getting on multiple servings of fresh fruits and vegetables except in this case, we’ve made sure that they are grown in the right region, that they’re grown with organic practices, that they’re not heated, which is probably what you’re going to find when you prepare them in your oven or your stove.
So instead of being confused by these labels out there that show these fractionated supplements that are frankly meaningless, I tell folks to pay attention to the advice of their physician. And if they do, something like our Central Zen becomes an easy decision or someone because that’s the equivalent of 33 80g. servings of fresh fruits and vegetables – and 80g. is what they recommend at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s website.
DEBRA: And you know, you couldn’t eat 33 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day nor probably could you afford it. How much money would that cost? Wasn’t it something like $12 or something? Eddie, you have the numbers? It was sort of the serving of Essentials was like a $1.28 or something?
EDDIE STONE: Yeah, it’s upwards.. it depends on what region of the country you live in. But the minimum we’ve calculated is $14. And in some places, say like New York City, you could spend $25 and still not get the same quality of fresh fruits and vegetables.
LAURA: Great!
DEBRA: Yes. So it’s quality and it’s very good value. What I’d like to add is I have come from a lifetime of having health problems largely due to toxic chemical exposure. And even though I’ve done a lot of things, I still have things that I’m working on to heal, particularly my endocrine system. And so my body actually needs more than what an average person would do.
So I take my Touchstone Essentials products knowing that I’m getting way more than what my daily needs are if I were a healthy person. And then I take very specific whole foods supplements. I take vitamin C that is made out of – oh, I forgot, amla I think it’s called, a gooseberry, Indian gooseberry, something like that because I need more vitamin C for my adrenal glands. But I’m always looking for a whole food supplement because in my whole food vitamin C, I’m getting the full C complex not just that vitamin C.
So before our hour is over – thank you for calling, Laura.
LAURA: Thank you for answering. Great answer.
DEBRA: You’re welcome. Before our hour is over, I want to make sure that we talk about – now, people are probably saying, “Well, how am I going to afford these supplements?” They’re not the price that you’re going to buy at the drugstore, but I actually earn more money than my supplements cost because this is – yes, a network marketing company.
But I want to address that because I’ve had people say to me, “I don’t want to buy these products no matter how good they are because it’s network marketing.” I’ll just be honest and say, “That’s exactly what I said.” I had such a negative view of network marketing for all the reasons that people don’t like it, but I want to say that that hasn’t been my experience with Touchstone Essentials.
I think a lot of people, individual, don’t understand network marketing and I think network marketing companies are not doing a good job, but this one is. The beauty, for me, of network marketing that I’ve come to learn is that – network marketing companies can introduce products that are really special because they’re being sold by people talking to each other. It’s basically just word-of-mouth and selling the products through people talking to each other instead of having them be on a store shop.
And the other thing about it is it’s a way for you to be personally, financially free. It’s a way for you to have your own business with a structure there who’s doing production and manufacturing and marketing and payroll and all those things. And the only thing that you need to do is let people know about the products.
It’s the simplest way to get your own business going. You have freedom of your own time. You can do what you want. You don’t have to even work an eight-hour day. And people in this company I’ve seen, people I know personally have put their jobs are making – one person just made $1100 in the first week. I didn’t do that, but somebody else did. It just depends on how much you want to put into it.
It’s an excellent product that really helps people. So you’re selling something that helps make the world a better place and it improves people’s lives.
So Eddie, what would you like to say?
EDDIE STONE: Well, I know we don’t have a lot of time. And frankly, I’d love to have a couple of hours to talk about this subject because I’ve got strong opinions at it.
But at its simplest level, we chose this vehicle to get our products out to our consumer because the most effective thing we can do is use word-of-mouth. There’s no way we could slap these products up on a store shelf and have their unique quality. This opportunity for really effective products reveals itself to the public. All that noise in the retail space, the speed with which people make decisions with brands and products, it would just get lost.
And so here’s these great products that can do these great things and without a personal story or two, it’s very difficult for the public to see that. So that’s one aspect of it. But for me, the other side of it is we can maintain and control a freshness with our products by going directly to the consumer.
This is what it allows us to do that we couldn’t do otherwise for those that know the retail model. It’s very difficult. It depends upon what types of products you have, but sometimes, orders are placed for those products well over a year in advance. They get on a boat traveling in from a foreign country nine, ten, twelve months before they get to a store shelf.
And I’m talking about consumables as well as things like electronics. So I think it’s just more efficient. It provides us that word-of-mouth. And then the other side of this is we do think that people do need a vehicle to make a difference in their life financially, whether just earning back the products that they use.
We have a tremendous system. That means if you have just three people consuming what you consume, either customers or members, your products are free. And so for someone that see something they want, maybe has trouble accessing them, this gives them a vehicle to address that. But as you mentioned, this gentleman with no prior experience in his first earned $1100. And that’s not everybody’s story, but nor does that have to be everybody’s story for us to demonstrate the success of our company. There’s all kinds of stories here.
And here’s what I appreciate after my exposure to this industry. No matter where you’re starting from, it meets you where you’re at. Whether you have no experience or a lot of experience, it allows you a vehicle to help you gain that full measure of your own potential.
Who amongst us doesn’t want to have a chance to take that cap off, that lid off of what we can do in life? We want our own opportunity. I think we get that here.
DEBRA: Yeah. Well, I think so too. And another thing that I like about it is that these products really are essential to every person on earth. If we want to be alive and healthy and happy, we need to get the toxic chemicals out. We need our nutrition and anybody of any income or not can have access to these products because – well, you have to have a little money to start, but it’s very little money. Anybody could pick this up and say, “I’m going to start this business and get this money and pay for my supplements.” It makes it accessible to any person on earth without any kind of discrimination for what their financial condition is.
So, just to me, it’s the combination of the quality of the products and the opportunity to be able to make as much as you want helping people. Really, it’s a total package for me in a way that I’ve never seen in any other business, which is why I’m sitting here saying this, not because I want to get my commission, but because I really want people to know that there are ways that even in our economic times that we can be making money by doing good.
And so just once again, I’m just so appreciative of everything that you’ve done, Eddie and that you’ve given us all this opportunity to be healthy and happy and wealthy.
EDDIE STONE: Thank you, Debra very much.
DEBRA: You’re welcome. Thanks for coming. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.