ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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damian-pikeMy guest today is Damian Pike, Founder and CEO of Zabada Clean Inc, an online retailer of fiber and microfiber cleaning products which eliminate the need for toxics. We’ll be talking about their “simple, water-powered cleaning alternative that’s quicker than home chemical warfare and safe enough for kids to use.” Not only are these products toxic free, they clean better than chemical cleaners—they even kill 99% of bacteria. This Australian company launched their product in the US market in February 2014. Prior to founding Zabada, Damian was co CEO of ENJO Australia Pty Ltd an Australian based direct sales organization for over 10 years. Damian began his career in corporate and international banking, working in Australia, the UK and Asia. He then went on to study acting at the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) and worked professionally as an actor for a number of years both in Sydney Australia and Los Angeles. | watch the 2-minute performance video



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Super Cleaning without Chemicals

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Damian Pike

Date of Broadcast: May 26, 2015

DEBRA: Hi. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free.

It is Tuesday, May 26, 2015. I’m here in beautiful Clearwater, Florida where the sun is shining and we’re having wonderful, gorgeous thunderstorms every afternoon now, which means it is summer here in Clearwater. We spend all summer getting rained upon, but we love it because it lowers the temperature. That’s the whole point of raining here at least.

Anyway, today we’re going to be talking about cleaning our houses and not just cleaning our houses, but cleaning them easily without toxic chemicals. The first thing I just want to say about this product before I introduce my guest is that I was sent a sample of the product and I took it into my kitchen.

My kitchen is actually very clean usually by the standards non-toxic methods, but I had had a spill on my stove – you know something boils over and then it gets stuck to the stove. I had gone in there with my little scrubber and the scouring powder and stuff and I couldn’t get all these things off the stove. There are just pieces of it just left there.

So I took this mitt and I put water on it like the instruction said. I just gently rubbed it and these pieces of things I couldn’t get off my stove just came right off really. They just came right off. I was doing nothing, but touching it. It was pretty amazing to me. I just cleaned the whole top of my stove really easily. And I can see that this technology really works pretty amazingly.

So today we’re going to talk to Damian Pike. He’s the Founder and CEO of Zabada Clean. And they sell fiber and microfiber cleaning products which eliminate the needs for toxic chemicals.

You could buy these once. I’m saying that cautiously because maybe you need to find them and get them in 20 years or something. And we’ll ask him that. And you don’t have to go to the store. You’ll never run out of cleaning products. Well, not never, but for a long time, you won’t run out of cleaning products because you always have them right there.

So Damian is joining us from Australia. Hi, Damian.

DAMIAN PIKE: Hi Debra Lynn. How are you?

DEBRA: I’m fine. How are you?

DAMIAN PIKE: I’m terrific. Thank you.

DEBRA: Good. I think you’re in a whole different weather zone down in Australia.

DAMIAN PIKE: We are. We’re completely different weather zone here. We’re just coming into winter and you’re just coming into summer.

DEBRA: That’s right.

DAMIAN PIKE: Listening to your introduction here that you’re in Florida and you’re having thunderstorms and rain, all that water is exactly what we’re going to talk about today. That is in fact nature’s super solvent and that’s really all you need to effectively clean your house.

DEBRA: Good! But before we talk about that, tell us how you started this business. How did you find out about it or get the idea? What motivated you to do it?

DAMIAN PIKE: Okay. I came across these products 15 years ago. And like you, I was pretty amazed when I first heard about these products. You could just bring them home and using nothing but water, they would clean your house and get rid of all these toxic chemicals.

And my wife was pregnant at the time with twins. Of course, that’s a real life-changing event, so we’re in the process of reviewing everything we do. Then I gave them a go. And like you, I was absolutely amazed at what they do. And that really was the catalyst for the start of my journey with Zabada.

DEBRA: So these products already existed and then you decided to sell them?

DAMIAN PIKE: These products were brought into Australia 20 years ago by a business partner. Her son has actually suffered from asthma and she was a concerned bleach queen. Every Saturday, when she cleans their home with bleach, her son would promptly have an asthma attack.

She came across them when she went back to Austria and her mother-in-law was using them. And she brought them back with us to Australia. She got rid of the chemicals out of her house and her son’s asthma was [inaudible 00:05:38]. That’s how the business started in Australia 20 years ago and I became involved 15 years ago. So then, in the US, we’ve just started selling them about a year ago now.

DEBRA: In Australia, what is the response to this? Are millions of people using them?

DAMIAN PIKE: Yeah, absolutely. In Australia, it’s the leading brand and we sell a hundred different brands only in Australia. But it’s the leading brand in Australia.

Australians, for their part, they really get it. You can sell it for every mom who understands the importance of cleaning and yet the dangers of toxic cleaning chemicals in the home. It doesn’t take much to put two and two together.

With Zabada, you have a technology that is really 21st century technology. Now, more and more, the science that we get virtually every day is telling us to remove all manner of toxic chemicals from our home. One of the last bad things is toxic cleaning chemicals. We seem to take them for granted. We get rid of BPA out of plastic bottles. We’ll get rid of pesticides and herbicides in our foods. But we seem to completely ignore the fact that we bring very toxic dangerous cleaning chemicals in our homes.

DEBRA: I think part of that is that I know that a lot of people have an assumption that if it’s on the shelf, it’s safe because the government is protecting us. But that’s not true. The government isn’t protecting us from toxic chemicals. And unfortunately, we do have to watch every product that we bring into our house to see if there are toxic chemicals in them.

So it really is something that people don’t often think, as we said, about their cleaning products. I think that most people – myself excluded because I’ve been thinking this way for so long – is that they don’t think that everything can be toxic in our home. But one by one, when you start looking at this, everything has to be examined including cleaning products.

Here in America, we have warning labels on cleaning products. Do you have that in Australia?

DAMIAN PIKE: Yeah, absolutely. And in a way, Debra Lynn, that is the ultimate irony because the products – every one is the same as in the US, but nobody reads the back of the label.

DEBRA: Nobody reads them here either.

DAMIAN PIKE: Yeah, it’s the back of the label and the two-point print where all of those products say they’re harmful and they’re toxic. They can only be used on very fit circumstances, which are you’re going to wear rubber gloves, you have to wear breathing protection or ventilated rooms. And for them to be effective, you’ve got to leave them on the surface for up to 10 minutes for them to work, which nobody does.

Interestingly, the big caution on the back of them of course is a way to the potion hotline and what you have to do when you ingest them, inhaled them, breathe them, get them on your skin, whatever the case may be.

You’re right about the government of course. No, they don’t really legislate. The legislation is obviously very antiquated and a lot of these products are innocent until proven guilty. The challenge is they’re proven guilty time and time again all over the United States and Australia, globally.

And yes, it’s only when something really bad happens that people stand up and go, “Oh, my God! We’ve got to get rid of this stuff.”

So that’s really the educational component now. The other aspect of course is, we said, education. It’s about “Okay! What do we change to?” And now, in the 21st century (and as I say, the science is coming in), this load of chemicals that we’re exposed to everyday is becoming increasingly obvious that it’s a health risk to us.

In the United States, the FDA, as you’re probably aware, has only just recently come out after a 30-year study. And they said, “Okay, [inaudible 00:10:10] out of the cleaning chemicals by 2016 or 2017.” That’s a 30-year study. If government is going to move that slowly, then yes, I don’t think we should wait for the government to determine what chemicals are safe and what are not because we could be waiting for a long time.

DEBRA: I totally agree. That’s part of why I do this show because each of us needs to take responsibility for those own decisions and not wait for the government.

We need to go to break. When we come back, we’ll talk some about the toxic chemicals including products that you will not be exposed to if you use Damian’s products. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You can go to Damian’s website, to find out about what we’re about to talk about. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Damian Pike. He’s the Founder and CEO of Zabada Clean and their website is They sell fiber and microfiber based products that clean your home without chemicals.

So Damian, before we talk about your products, would you tell us about some of the chemicals that you know about, toxic chemicals that people would now not be using if they’re using your products?

DAMIAN PIKE: When you change to Zabada Clean, you will effectively eliminate 90% of the chemicals from your home, which is a pretty significant achievement.

The reason we only say 90% and not 100% is because you can still use your soaps, detergents or dishwashing and clothes and stuff like that. But when it comes to cleaning, you absolutely eliminate the need for any chemicals in the home. So it’s a pretty revolutionary kind of change.

DEBRA: So here in the United States, cleaning products are governed by the Federal Hazardous Substances Act . That’s how toxic they are. Do you have something like that in Australia?

DAMIAN PIKE: Yes, we do. Yes, we have the PGA as well. It’s similar. Interestingly, Debra Lynn, a lot of what Australia does is based on US regulations. In many ways, a lot of the Australian things, we take that hugely from the United States, so it’s quite similar.

And the same companies, the same multinational companies that produce a lot of these products in United States are obviously global and so the products that we get here are manufactured by the same manufacturers.

DEBRA: Very similar. Okay, tell us about your products. I’ll let you describe you them. I can describe them, but you describe them.

DAMIAN PIKE: Okay. So they are in essence simplicity themselves. It’s really a game-changer. It’s a technology to look forward in that you’re getting rid of all the chemicals and replacing them with fiber.

What we do is a very simple process. It’s just a simple wet-wipe-dry. So you wet the fiber. You wipe down the surface. And then you dry it with the marble cloth, the micro fiber marble cloth afterwards.

Now effectively what’s happening is instead of killing bacteria with chemicals, you are physically, mechanically removing them. It’s that simple. So instead of a chemical clean, you got a physical clean.

Now what happens in the process is all of the dirt, the grime, the grease and the bacteria are picked up and trapped in the fiber network of the product. And then it will not transfer to another surface. It will stay trapped in that fiber network until you throw it in the washer like your clothes. When your clothes get dirty, you just throw them in the washer, clean them and then the fiber is ready to be reused again.

It is quite extraordinary. And the good thing is now that we have more and more of the sciences coming in, we’ve had this tested scientifically by a number of universities and they always come up to top.

We also have a test that we do called the lumen tester because bacteria is a really big deal for people. The challenge is you can’t see it. So people look at the surface and go, “Well, it looks clean. But how do I really know?”

Now what the big companies have done very effectively over multiple decades is really to cautiously educate us in regards to what clean needs to be. That form of indoctrination had us believing that we’ve got to put toxic chemicals all over the house to kill all these bacteria. That’s not actually true.

What they’ve also done to make that work better is create a Pavlovian response if you like by then mixing it with lemon, pine or eucalyptus or whatever. When you smell those things, you get this Pavlovian response of, “Oh, well, that’s what clean smells like.”


DAMIAN PIKE: So I can’t see the dirt, but if it smells like lemon or pine, it must be clean. That’s the real misnomer. That’s the great marvel of the records for the last few decades to convince us that that’s the case.

What we have here now is a 21st century product that completely replaces that chemical and as I said it becomes the mechanical clean. It’s more effective. It’s quicker. It uses less water. It lasts longer. It’s healthier for you and healthier for the environment.

DEBRA: When I was cleaning my stuff this morning not knowing many of the things that you just said, I had noticed for myself that the cloth picked up something off the stove just so easily, as I said before. When I looked at it, I couldn’t see that it was on the cloth. It just looked like it disappeared. And then I put it back on the stove, it didn’t transfer back to the stove like if you were to use a paper towel or regular cloth where you clean and you’re just moving the dirt around because it doesn’t have that pickup quality.

It was pretty amazing that I can just put the cloth over it and it would pick up the dirt and then it was gone. It was gone. And then I go to pick up more dirt and it was gone and I wasn’t just moving around. It’s pretty amazing.

So I understand what you’re saying about picking up the bacteria. It’s almost magnetic. It might not be the right word, but I think that that’s the sense that you have, that it’s just picking it up and holding it. That just makes your cleaning so easy right there.

If it wasn’t toxic-free, just from the performance value, I think people should use it just because it makes your cleaning easier. It actually gets it cleaner.

DAMIAN PIKE: Yes. And the interesting thing or the miraculous thing about it is your purpose is actually to stay cleaner for longer. The reason why is because there’s no chemical way to do this on the surface.

Your surface is actually naturally cleaner and then it stays cleaner longer because they don’t attract more stuff and it’s doesn’t get dirty as fast. So it preserves your surfaces, especially when if you’re talking about stainless steel and cook tops and cookware, anywhere where there’s food preparation.

People spend literally tens and thousands of dollars, sometimes hundreds of dollars renovating their homes with all manner of different kinds of surfaces, very exotic surfaces in some instances. And of course, applying chemicals to them just erodes them and damages them and dulls them, scratches them. It does all those kinds of things.

But Zabada actually keeps those surfaces looking new for longer. So the benefit is quite extraordinary. When you say it doesn’t transfer, we do a test when we sell the products to demonstrate it to people.

If you put some butter or grease on a bench (you will know what it’s like to have to remove that), you just wet the glove with cold water, wipe it over the Zabada and you feel the glove just stop as it picks it and then just takes off again. It just picks it up. If you walked around on the bench, it will not transfer to another surface. It’s the ultimate product test that’s quite extraordinary to watch.

DEBRA: We need to go to break, but we’ll come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Damian Pike, founder of Zabada Clean, founder and CEO. It’s at We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Damian Pike. He’s the Founder and CEO of Zabada Clean. He’s all the way in Australia. I hear little clicks and things in the background of the transition, but it’s because he’s all the way from Australia and it’s winter time. It’s coming on winter time now.

So Damian, I want to hear about all the different kinds of products and uses and everything. But before we talk about that, what kind of fiber is this? What’s the fiber made out of?

DAMIAN PIKE: The fibers are constructed depending on the cleaning job. And as you would have noticed from the ones you’ve got, there are different combinations done in different ways and densities depending on the task you have to perform.

The kitchen one is really ideal for removing grease and grime and bacteria. The bathroom one is for soaps scum, calcium buildup, hard border stains and things like that. The dust or the moving one, they’re ideal for trapping dusts. That includes not just the big particles, but [00:27:53] dust that really hits the asthma and allergy sufferers.

And of course the floor products and window products. The floor products are amazing. They’re our award winning product in Australia. It’s one of Australia’s number one floor cleaners. So if you have hardwood floors or tiling or whatever the case may be, we have a floor fiber for each one of those surface types.

So yeah, we make products really very specifically to achieve a particular outcome.

DEBRA: They’re synthetic fibers as opposed to natural fibers.

DAMIAN PIKE: Yes, that’s correct. They’re synthetic. They’re nylon, polyester and polyamide. And they all come in different blends and wipes and densities.

DEBRA: Okay, good. I just noticed no odors to them. And nylon and polyester are safe and synthetic fibers. Something I want to say about synthetic fibers as long as we’re talking about them is that a lot of people get confused about the toxicity of synthetic fibers.

For example, polyester. Somebody just wrote to me the other day and was asking about polyester being toxic. But I actually did quite a lot of research on polyester. And polyester itself has very low toxicity, but what happens is when you buy a polyester shirt for example, they put a finish on it and it’s the finished that’s toxic.


DEBRA: Since you are interested in reducing the toxic chemicals, I’m assuming that your synthetic products are not putting more toxic chemicals into the air themselves. Was that something that you’ve looked at.

DAMIAN PIKE: Oh yeah, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely not. The other aspect to what we’re doing here is about zero waste. I’m so glad you brought that up because what we’re focused on as a company is we’re a zero waste company. That’s really important to us.

And also, we’re really committed to breaking the consumer cycle. One of the biggest problems of course that exist is we’re constantly down the supermarket and we’re purchasing a whole batch more of, in this instance, cleaning products. You know what that aisle look like in a supermarket.

DEBRA: It’s huge.

DAMIAN PIKE: It is extraordinary. And then if you walk down – nowadays, if I ever go down, I get a headache by the time I get to the end. You’re just assaulted by the different fragrances and everything else.

But these products, Zabada products will last you two to three years. In this day and age of rampant consumerism, that’s extraordinary. You don’t have to go down cleaning all for two to three years. So breaking that consumer cycle and then you think about all of the landfill that you would have saved when it comes to plastic bottles, paper towels, et cetera, that’s just amazing. And that’s something we’re really super proud of.

And our customers are super proud of the fact that, “Oh, wow! I’ve eliminated that out of my shopping basket.”

DEBRA: Yes. And that continuous cost over that time period. You were talking about the butter earlier and then we had to go to break. But I wanted to say that in addition to the stove, I also cleaned my sink.

My sink actually this morning had some grease in it. And usually what I would do is I would take the sponge and scouring powder in order to cut through the grease. I was using a mitt. I tried just wiping the mitt over the greasy edge of the sink and it came right off. Grease just literally came right off. I was so surprised because usually grease is just like this messy thing and it just came right off.

DAMIAN PIKE: It’s extraordinary, isn’t it?

DEBRA: It is. It was just like a magic thing in comparison to – I haven’t been using toxic chemicals for more than 30 years and I use things like baking soda and vinegar and soap and all of those things. They do the job, but this does the job easier. It really does the job easier.

DAMIAN PIKE: Yes, it does the job easier, simpler, less water, zero waste and then you don’t have to go and replenish. That’s the amazing thing. That is really the amazing part.

The beauty is – we have three children. They’ve grown up without chemicals in the home and of course they’ve got to their chores. They’ve done that since they were super little. And there were no qualms about giving them a chore that you would normally attach to toxic cleaning chemicals that you wouldn’t give a child because of the danger of it. They don’t know another way. And that’s what we’re about.

DEBRA: Isn’t that wonderful?

DAMIAN PIKE: We’re about educating people and creating generational change.

DEBRA: That’s so wonderful to hear you say, “They don’t know another way.” They only know the nontoxic way. They don’t know the toxic way.

I wish that that would be – as you’re saying that, I can just see a whole generation starting out from birth not having toxic chemical exposures like I did in my generation.

DAMIAN PIKE: That’s a relatively recent thing as you would well know. It’s really post World War II. Now all the [fudge?] is coming in and it’s related to ADHD and autism and all manner of stuff, whether it’s true or not. We don’t know because we are these undergoing human experiments in that sense.

But one thing we do know for sure is that it’s better to eliminate those chemicals out of our lives wherever we can. And this is an area where people as you rightly say have taken for granted that these products are safe when the truth is clearly the opposite because the products themselves are toxic and harmful.

DEBRA: Right. It’s right there on the label.

DAMIAN PIKE: It’s right there on the label.

DEBRA: I had this vision that every toxic product should be required by law to put a skull and cross bones on the front of the label so that as you’re walking down the aisle, you see toxic, toxic, toxic, toxic.


DEBRA: That’s what I would like to see.

DAMIAN PIKE: The funny thing is – it’s really interesting. I had just – you guys would be familiar obviously with Uber.


DAMIAN PIKE: You’re not familiar with Uber, the ridesharing company out of San Francisco.

DEBRA: I’m not in San Francisco. I have been in San Francisco, but we don’t have it here in Florida.

DAMIAN PIKE: It just started here in Australia. It’s really interesting. I like what we’re doing and what Uber is doing. If Uber hadn’t gone to the government and said, “Okay, we want to start this ridesharing business.”

And they’d go, “They can’t do that because we’ve got taxis and we got a Taxi Control Board and we got to do blah, blah, blah.”

DEBRA: But I need to interrupt you just because we have to go to break. Hold on just a second. We have to go to break. It’s going to cut us off. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Damian Pike. He’s the Founder and CEO of Zabada Clean. That’s at

Okay Damian, go ahead with what you were saying. Sorry, I was so interested in what you were saying, I didn’t look up the clock.

DAMIAN PIKE: Oh, no. That’s not a problem. I was just likening Zabada’s and the government’s approach to basically a lot of the industries these days where it’s really important that we actually bypass.

Business or industry has a great opportunity to create change. And that’s by presenting options to the public that weren’t previously there. The government isn’t going to embrace them because government tends to legislate retrospectively.

So that’s what we need to do, to create change, we need to educate the people. We need to present an option that’s better than the status quo, which is better than the option they’ve got at the moment.

And that’s the truth with fiber technology cleaning. It’s a much better option that chemical cleaning. You get rid of chemicals out of your life, out of your home. You’re healthier, you’re happier. You’re happy to clean and you’re doing the right thing for the environment at the same time.

DEBRA: Yes, that has always been my philosophy for the past more than 30 years now that I’ve been doing this work.

I didn’t want to say everything is toxic. I was always saying from the beginning that we have to give people an alternative. That’s how I was able to make the change in my own life from having toxic chemicals in my home that were making me sick.

Then I had to find something else that I couldn’t just say, “I’m going to throw away all the cleaning products.” Then what have you to keep your home clean? Or “I’m going to throw away all of my pesticides or I’m going to throw away all my scented shampoo.”

You have to have something else. You have to have the replacement. And that’s what’s so great about what you’re doing. You’re giving people an option.

DAMIAN PIKE: You’re right. The interesting thing is – I know this is true in the US as it is in Australia. You see lots of magazines articles, loads of magazine articles, particularly women’s magazine articles saying, “Rid your home of chemicals. These are half killing you, your personal care items, blah, blah, blah.”

But in many instances, they don’t provide 21st century alternative as the case for the 19th century, so baking soda, vinegar or things like that, which is for me people are impractical. They can’t go home and mix up their own homemade remedies and things like that. And to me, people are not too keen to say, “Well, I’m going to give up my smart phone and go back to an analog phone.” In the 21st century, it’s just impractical.

But we’re excited because it takes the conversation forward and educates people. “These are 21st century alternatives that require no chemicals, that are quicker, easier and does a better job.” That’s what’s exciting for us.

DEBRA: Okay. So we only have a short period of time left before the end of the show. So I would like you to – when I go to your website, what I see is a whole lot of different products for different parts of the house.

So while I understand the concept of what you’re doing, I’m not quite sure what to buy. So could you explain the different products and where people can start to be using your products?

DAMIAN PIKE: You bet! Well, what I recommend is – funnily enough, over many, many years, I’ve learned that everybody – I mean everybody– has a clean thing. They have one thing in their house that they’re really obsessed about being clean. The rest, not so much.

In my personal instances in the kitchen, I’m really fanatical about the kitchen being clean. For my wife, she can’t leave the house unless the bed are made. So everyone has got their thing.

Basically what I do is focus on what’s your clean thing. If it’s kitchen, then I’d say start with the kitchen because you know what it takes to clean your kitchen. You know how you’re obsessed about it. And therefore, you will really notice the difference when you start cleaning with Zabada.

If it’s the bathroom, then establish the bathroom. If it’s the dust in the living, then start with the dust in the living. If it’s your floor, then start with your floor. If it’s the windows, start with the windows.

As soon as you start with your clean thing, pick a product that matches that, use it for a while and you will be amazed. And then once you know that it does the job on the area that you’re particularly concerned with, you know it’s going to do an amazing job in the rest of your home.

So pretty much that’s what we do, although we had people come on to our site and just buy the entire pack. People who get it really get it. And they’re looking for a 21st century alternative.

For many people, a lot of customers have friends in Australia or relatives in Australia who now go, “Oh my god, Zabada is in Australia. Just get on board and buy. You’ll be doing yourself a huge favor.”

So we get a mixture of people buying one or two products to try or they just buy the entire system and go, “All right, fantastic. I’m going chemical-free tomorrow.”

DEBRA: So I’m looking at your website and I see that over in the left hand side in the menu that you got kitchen care, you’ve got right down on kitchen care – so let’s see, kitchen care, bathroom care, living care, floor care, accessories. And then you can buy these things one by one or in bundles.

But they are not like buying $5 cleaning product. They cost some money and I’m sure that the costs of these are much less overtime than buying that $5 bottle of cleaning product over and over and over again.

DAMIAN PIKE: Absolutely, yeah.

DEBRA: Yeah. You’re going to end up saving money.

DAMIAN PIKE: You do. You’ll save your money and your health more importantly. But yeah, you’d definitely save money.

To be honest with you, we’ve still got products that we had for 12 years. We save two to three years because it’s important for us to be conservative and make sure we can deliver. But those products will keep on keeping on. But that’s up to everybody’s personal circumstance.

We also have on the website there, you’ll see the Reward Section.

DEBRA: I’m clicking on it right now.

DAMIAN PIKE: What we do there is basically we have a really generous rewards program. So if the cost is an issue for you, then buy the product that you’re most interested in. Use it and share it with your friends. Give us a testimonial. That will earn you points to get free products so that you can go about…

DEBRA: Oh, what a great idea.

DAMIAN PIKE: Yeah because what we’re most interested in is converting homes and getting people chemical-free.

So if you want to buy the whole lot, buy the whole lot. If the cost is an issue, then that’s no problem at all. You share it with your friends and help us get the word out and help to educate other people and we’re happy to reimburse you with products.

DEBRA: What a great idea. We only have about four minutes left. So is there anything that you would like to say that you haven’t talked about yet?

DAMIAN PIKE: I think overall from my point of view, I just want to thank you because education is really key. This is what it’s about.

We’ve been doing this for 20 years in Australia and in Europe. And we’re brand new in the United States. We’re excited that US is getting on board and more people in the United States are really, really questioning these products that you’ve grown up with. They stopped and said, “You know what? Actually these are dangerous and toxic and we shouldn’t be using them.”

That’s really what’s exciting to us that obviously we can come to you as we can share this stuff with people like yourself and customers and they get it straight away. That’s what’s exciting.

And just listening to you, I can really tell that you use those products and that you got that amazing result because I know what it’s like. When you first use them, it’s quite extraordinary because you’re so used to doing something else.

DEBRA: It was extraordinary. It really was extraordinary.


DEBRA: It was doing things I wasn’t expecting it to do. Yeah.

DAMIAN PIKE: And you run around and try it on everything. You’re cleaning crazy. You do. It’s quite extraordinary.

That’s what I get excited about. I don’t know. That’s crazy. They’re super excited about cleaning. Isn’t a bit crazy? I know. But we are all going to do it since it’s a chore. Why not do it quicker and faster and better and healthier at the same time?

DEBRA: I totally, totally agree. I just want to tell our listeners that when you go to the site, it’s divided into these different areas, kitchen care, bathroom care, living care, floor care. And when you go to that section, there are videos so you can see in each section how the product outperforms the chemicals.

If you go to and look for today’s show, I put a link to one of the videos. There’s actually on a different page where earlier in the show, we were talking about how it picks up the bacteria and holds on to the bacteria. They actually show in these videos the little machines that are measuring the amount of bacteria and how much is removed by the Zabada cloth and a standard cleaner.

It’s a fascinating site to look at and see what these cloths can do and how they truly do outperform the chemical cleaners. Even if you don’t care about toxic chemicals, which I don’t think is the case if you’re listening to this show, it’s just an amazing thing to look at in terms of the performance.

DAMIAN PIKE: Yeah. Thanks for mentioning that. That machine is called Loom Tester. And that is a food grade hygiene cloth test. It’s amazing because it’s now a handheld device.

We use that because as I said, no one can see what the bacteria can’t use. People take for granted what they see on the ad. When you do that head to head – and we use that with a raw chicken because raw chicken, obviously, in the kitchen can be quite dangerous – when we do that, raw chicken, we do the swab test afterwards and you see the bacteria count and how much more…

DEBRA: I have to interrupt you again, I’m sorry, because we’re at the end of the show. But please listeners, go to the site and see the video. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today has been Damian Pike from Zabada at Be well!


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