It’s my hundredth show, so I’m going to celebrate with a special topic: how to make money selling toxic-free products and services. We’ll explore all kinds of businesses to get involved in and three specific business models:
- affiliate programs (
- local businesses (
- multi-level marketing (
Make it your business to help others live toxic-free. I’ve got three guests who are doing it and making good income. One of my suggestions is an excellent product that is widely needed, and you can get in for zero money down. Tune in and explore the possibilities.
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Show #100 – How to Earn Money Selling Toxic-Free Products & Services
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Igor Milevskiy, Linda Taylor & Barbara Gitomer
Date of Broadcast: September 06, 2013
DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world because, yes, it is a toxic world, but we can be free of the harmful effects of all those toxic chemicals out there by controlling the amount of toxic chemicals that we have in our homes, reduce it drastically—and that is totally possible. And we can also remove toxic chemicals from our bodies that are causing all kinds of illnesses.
In fact, the toxic chemicals that we may already have in our bodies can cause any illness and symptom in every body system.
So, this is one of the reasons why we need to be paying attention to this. You can do all kinds of things to heal your body. And if there’s still toxic chemicals in your body, then you’ll still get sick. And I want you to be well, and happy, and healthy, and productive, and have the life that you want to have without being sick.
Today is my 100th show. And I’m so pleased with this. I’m so pleased that I’ve had all these wonderful guests on. I’m so pleased that all of you have been continuing to listen and actually increasing in numbers. And 100 shows, that’s a lot of shows, Monday through Friday, every day.
So we’re having a special subject today. And we’re having three guests. What we’re going to talk about is how you can make money selling toxic-free products. And by you participating in the commerce of toxic-free products, that gets more people using them, but you also end up making money, so that you can buy—sometimes toxic-free products cost a little more. Often they don’t; they even cost less.
But I want you to be happy, healthy and prosperous, and be able to pay for whatever it is that you need to pay for in your life.
And one way you can do that—we’ve been in a down economy, and if you’re looking for some extra money, or if you need a job, you can create your own job, your own work, your own income by selling toxic-free products.
I’m going to talk today about three different ways that you can do that, three modes of commerce. And the first one we’re going to talk about is affiliate programs.
Now, what an affiliate program is where you promote a product on your website, if you have one. But you don’t need a website to be an affiliate. They want you to have a website, but that’s not the only way that you can promote. If you find a product that you’d like to sell, you can sell it, and then place the orders through your website. But that doesn’t mean you can’t tell your friends and your family, or go to a farmers market or whatever it is. It’s just that the affiliate program gives you a percentage of the sale that you’ve made on behalf of the company.
And my first guest is Igor. And I have forgotten his last name, and I don’t have it written down here. What is your last name, Igor?
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Milevskiy, but that’s okay.
DEBRA: I always call him Igor.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: That’s good enough.
DEBRA: Can you back up from your microphone or your telephone a little bit because you’re getting a lot of static.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Sure. Is that better?
DEBRA: That’s a lot better.
Now, Igor is the founder of Pure Effect Advanced Filtration. And he sells a water filter, which if you’ve been listening to this show, you hear the ad on this show every day. It’s the water filter that I use personally in my own home. I’ve been using it since January, and I’m extremely happy with it.
A lot of my listeners and readers have purchased these filters, and I’ve gotten a lot of e-mails back from people telling me how happy they are with them.
And so you can become an affiliate of Pure Effect Advanced Filtration.
Igor, why don’t you tell us about your filters, a little bit about the filters, and tell us about your program?
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Sure! I just want to say, by the way, congratulations on the 100th show. You’ve done a great job. And I’m happy to hear that you’re growing strong. Thank you for having me on.
Basically, our affiliate program is meant to really help people take off without any investment. The product we have is very unique. And it’s very necessary in these polluted times where water quality is getting worse and there are more chemicals in the environment. We have one of the most advanced water filters, that I’m aware of, on the market currently.
The reason for that is because we have a radiation removal technology, which helps with nuclear issues, when you have leaking power plants. We have fluoride removal technology, which is all natural. It’s not aluminum-based; other companies use aluminum. It also addresses other chemicals and contaminants.
The affiliates have an opportunity to offer this product to their friends, their contacts, and whoever they’d like without any investment. We already have a preset banners and special links that they can use. It’s as simple as filling out a form, and logging into your backend panel that we give you access to. And you get a special link, and whoever you send this link to, they click on it, they go to our site, they buy a product.
Our system automatically tracks everything, and it pays 15% per filter for the drinking water, and 8% for the whole house systems, which are much larger units.
As you are aware, it’s a good side business. It’s something a person can really make an extra income with because people needs—
DEBRA: It is.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: You’re not selling something people don’t need. It’s something people are excited about when they see this product.
DEBRA: They are. Let me just give a couple of ideas of things that I haven’t actually done, but were ideas that I thought of since I’m an affiliate of yours. One is that, especially in communities where there is fluoride in the water, you can do things like put together a flyer about the dangers of fluoride, and just start educating your community.
You can go out and speak at all the service clubs and the PTA, and all those things, and you can just put together your 18-minute speech, have some flyers to hand out that has your link on it.
And people will want to buy these filters because they’re reasonably priced. The one I have was only $319. This is an unexpected price for the amount of filtration that you get. It’s a very efficient filter for a very low price.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Professional quality unit. It’s not made in China. It’s very high quality. I’m actually thinking the price may be too low, but I’m keeping it that way for now. I think it’s going well, but we’re trying to keep it affordable.
DEBRA: Yes, it is an affordable filter that does the job of what people need because people are drinking polluted water. And when you start educating people around you about this, they’re going to want to buy this filter.
Another thought that I had was to have a business where not only do you sell the filters, but you actually go and sell them, and get paid for installation as well.
Those are two ways that you could really market this product that aren’t even online. And I know that some of my customers have been so happy with their units that they want to tell their friends.
And in fact, my first customer told a friend, and her friend bought it, and she said, “Oh, my god. Tell us what people can do if they are affiliates about the sub-affiliate program.”
IGOR MILEVSKIY: That’s another way to make money. That’s another feature within our affiliate program that if you sign up—if you become an affiliate and you sign up your friend as a sub-affiliate, you’re going to get 5% of their sales into your affiliate program. So they sell something, you’ll also get the trickledown effect which is automatically tracked by that tracking system I mentioned before where you get your own unique link.
So it’s pretty automated, and it’s a pretty advanced system, so I think that if somebody’s interested, we can speak more with them about it, or they could sign up and I can explain more.
DEBRA: I want to tell people that if you want to sign up for the affiliate program, please sign up as an affiliate program under me. You don’t have to buy a certain amount of water filters every month. You don’t have to invest any more. There’s no minimum purchase. You just sign up.
And if you want to sign up as a sub-affiliate under me, so that I get a little commission that helps to pay the cost of putting on this radio show, and having my website and all those things, then they’ll be a place on the application that asks you for, what is it called, the parent I.D. or something like that.
IGOR MILEVSKIY: Referral or parent affiliate, yes.
DEBRA: And my number is Debra, D-E-B-R-A, 8008.
Thank you so much for being with us, Igor. If you want to look into this, you go to, or you can call Igor at 1-888-891-4821. And we’ll be back after this with the next idea on how you can have a business selling toxic-free products.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And in our next segment, we’re going to be talking about how you can have a local business, selling toxic-free products. And my guest for this segment is Linda Taylor. She’s the founder and owner of a business called It’s Our Nature.
Hi, Linda.
DEBRA: Thanks for being with me here.
LINDA TAYLOR: My pleasure. Thank you for having me on your show.
DEBRA: So Linda’s website is, no apostrophe in. It’s just I-T-S Our Nature dot-com. And I want to mention that if you are interested in any of this information, and you missed the URL, or you missed the phone number or whatever, you can always go to, and listen to this show again because every show is archived.
So, the way I met Linda is because Linda, she doesn’t have a brick and mortar business, but what she does is that she goes to fresh markets, she goes to festivals, she goes to the farmers market. She even sets up her business inside existing businesses like my local natural food store.
And so, I see her all over the community. And that’s how she makes her money—selling toxic-free products.
So Linda, tell us how you got started in this.
LINDA TAYLOR: Well, In 1995, I left corporate career, and I wanted to blend wellness of the earth with our own wellness. And in 1996, on Earth Day, I began with the concept of guiding nature excursions. I called it moving in the rhythm of nature with women and girls.
DEBRA: I love that.
LINDA TAYLOR: It was focused on women and girls. We did gentle kayak paddles and walks, and full moon Tai chi, experiences on the beach. It was really to connect us with nature. And because I had been in a manufacturing sales perspective in my other career, I did have an eye for quality products, and I was also, in my own personal resolution, getting more and more concerned about the chemicals that were entering into every aspect of our life.
And it just so happened that as I was beginning to explore the idea of organic cotton, and what that even meant. I was approached by a woman who had started a company called Organic Threads, and she was sourcing out chemical-free—that means cotton that is grown without chemicals, and she was also finding colored cotton that’s [faux] fiber cotton that’s grown brown and green. And she was creating socks that were manufactured in the United States.
Well, that caught my interests because we were doing a lot of walking, and obviously, it’s important to have proper support when you are walking in different areas. So I began to distribute these socks. I called it socks that would hug our feet, as we were in nature.
And then from there, because so many were concerned, rightfully so, about the hot summer sun, and the hot sun year round here in Florida, and I didn’t want people not to enjoy nature for that reason, I discovered another product which was palm frond sunhats that were made responsibly with sustainable fiber, and gave us a UPF rating of 50, and did not have any chemical content to do so.
It was natural.
DEBRA: And I should add that Linda’s business is here in Florida where I live, and we desperately need to protect ourselves from the sun.
So this is a very bio-regional and local needed product.
LINDA TAYLOR: Yes, for sure. So I began cross-marketing, the folks that were interested in the guided experiences, and were learning to love nature even more, and care about themselves were very interested in these starting out two products.
And then it just evolved from there to more and more products. In the beginning, they were hard to find because I had a criteria that it would be chemical-free fiber. It also needed to be an eco-dye, a, dye that did not use heavy metals or toxins that would harm us, even if it was put on organic fiber. And then I also became very diligent about looking for fair labor, labor that was not exploited to make the products.
And that’s when another evolution of It’s Our Nature was healthy wear for people who care. And that became almost more of a direction after about eight, nine years of my company, when as you explained, more and more market availabilities were coming about.
That was the growth of the farmers markets and the festivals.
And so because I wanted to operate my business in line with my beliefs and the idea that I had of values, of slow impact, and leaving no trace and that kind of element. So distribute these products through the farmers market was just a wonderful little avenue.
DEBRA: And I see this growing movement in farmers markets, and at least here where we are in Florida. When we go to the farmers markets, there are a lot of people who are selling craft products or moringa trees, or all kinds of things that are suitable to us locally, not just produce that comes out of a field from the farmers.
And so I think that there are a lot of opportunities to reach people. Obviously, you continue to do this as a business, so I’m assuming that you’re making money doing it.
And I just think that there’s a lot of opportunity for a lot of people in their own communities to reach people with toxic-free products where they can actually—you know, we’ve got customers walking by all day long. And they want to stop and talk and learn about the products, and that’s a good way to sell them instead of just having them sit on a shelf somewhere.
Our break is coming up. Thank you so much for joining me today, Linda. And I’m sure I’ll see at a farmers market.
LINDA TAYLOR: I look forward to that. Thank you.
DEBRA: Her website is And we need to take a little break here. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and today, we’re talking about how you can make money selling toxic-free products. We’ll be back. Don’t go away.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and today is my 100th show. I’m just so pleased of all the guests that have been on, and all the listeners that we’ve had. And if you want to listen to any of those past shows, you can go to, where they are all archived. And today’s show will also be archived. If you hear any information you want to hear again because you didn’t get catch it, the URL or the phone number or whatever, please just go to, and you can listen to the show again.
Our next segment, we’re going to talk about MLM, and I know that that’s a bad word for some people. The person that we’re going to be talking to is my upline, Barbara Gitomer. And I have to tell you that I always—I just decided I was not going to be involved in MLM at all many years ago. I didn’t even want to hear about it, but I changed my mind when I came upon a product that I believe in, not just 100% but 1000% and that is Pure Body Liquid Zeolite.
And I just think this is a product that everybody should take in the world, and everybody should take it every day for the rest of their lives is my opinion, and that’s what I’m doing because it removes the toxic chemicals from your body—heavy metals, toxic chemicals, radiation, so that it doesn’t accumulate.
It removes the accumulation, but also, as you continue to take it, it removes the toxic chemicals from your body before they start building up. And in today’s world, it’s just something that we all need.
I had to get over my idea of what MLM was, and I did. And I have to say that not all MLM companies are alike, that some of the things you’ve heard about MLM are probably true about some companies, but not this one.
And so I invited Barbara to come here today to tell us more about the products, but also about the business because if you want to make some money, this is a way to do it. Not that I’m making a million dollars a month, I’m not, because I’m not actually doing the things that you need to do to set up a downline and all these things. I’m just selling the products.
But Barbara is going to tell you how you can make an income that you can live on by selling just top quality toxic-free products.
Hi, Barbara.
BARBARA GITOMER: Hi, Debra. Congratulations on your 100th show.
DEBRA: Thank you. I’m so excited.
BARBARA GITOMER: You should be.
DEBRA: So Barbara, first, why don’t you start off by telling us your story briefly of how you got into MLM, and then we’ll talk about what an multilevel marketing company is, and why Touchstone Essentials is such a fabulous example of that.
BARBARA GITOMER: Okay, I’d love to do that. Thank you. I was right with you. I was certainly not looking at MLMs. It was not on my radar. I did not have any intention of doing anything like that. And many people who are in the industry did at one time have no intention of ever doing it.
My husband and I, years ago, had an entertainment and event planning business in Suburban Philadelphia. We were very successful. It was a very lucrative company. We did really well. Of course, Mark was out a lot—weekends, late nights. He was really on the road a lot. I was working the office.
But it was a fun industry to be in, the event planning industry. And we had the house we wanted, the cars we wanted, the vacations we wanted. We had a son in private college. We had another one in high school. Things were going really well until one night, when Mark was coming home from an event, a drunk driver speeding through a red light crashed into his car, and our lives changed in an instant.
He was diagnosed with what’s called a traumatic brain injury. It was a closed head injury. He looked fine except for this huge lump in the back of his head. But it really affected a lot of things. It affected his memory. It affected a lot of functions. It affected a lot of perceptions, multitasking.
He just wasn’t able to function. We ultimately lost that business.
A lot of people talk about plan B’s. You hear about plan B so much, it gets to be a cliché. But we were really needing a plan B at this point, and we hadn’t ever thought about that because we were doing really well.
But we had a very dear friend who introduced us to some products because she thought they would help Mark in his recovery. Mark had decided he wasn’t going to be go the drug or surgery route. It was going to be all natural.
And this dear friend introduced us to some products that really did help, but the products were distributed through a network marketing company. And then she introduced us to the whole concept of the business, and seriously, I would like to say it really saved our lives. I don’t know what we would have done at that point. We lost our business. We had lots of bills to pay.
We were both in that industry—we were both working the business. It’s not like I had another job outside somewhere where I was bringing an income in.
So being able to find this industry of MLM really was a lifesaver for us.
DEBRA: So now, tell us, and I’m glad that you found it because you’re a great upline for me.
DEBRA: So tell us what are the benefits of an MLM? I know one of the things that really impressed when I heard a presentation was that because it’s a direct distribution, a company can make the products and get them straight to the consumer without having them sit on shelves for months and months and months.
And because the marketing is direct—the marketing is about one person talking to another person, or going to a website, or something like that. And so you can get more information to a person. It’s not like if you go into a store, a product on the shelf, it’s just all you have is the label. But there are all these interesting products that aren’t sold in stores, that are available through
MLM that are life-changing products. So tell us.
BARBARA GITOMER: There are so many things to talk about with what you’ve just said. So first of all, talking about getting it to a store shelf—when you think about what’s involved in getting it to a store shelf, there are so many middle men. There’s the person who’s designing it, there’s the manufacturer, then there’s shipping to somewhere shipping—there’s just lots and lots of middle men. It’s not, as you said, direct.
Well, when you have to pay all of those middle men, then the profits are going to so many different places, whereas in this industry, when you have direct marketing, then so much of that profit can go to research and development.
I think, generally, not always, but when it’s an MLM, generally, you’re going to have a real quality product because they’re able to put so much money into research and development.
DEBRA: I need to interrupt you for a minute because we need to go to the break. But we’ll be back again with Barbara after the break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and today is my 100th show, and we’re talking about how you can make money selling toxic-free products. Stay right there because we’ll be back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and today is my 100th show. We’re talking about how you can make money selling toxic-free products. And by doing that, you’ll also create a toxic-free life for yourself, and for the world.
In this segment, we’re continuing to talk with Barbara Gitomer, who is my upline at Touchstone Essentials, a multilevel marketing company. And I said that I was not interested in MLM, but I was interested in the product.
And this is a product that you hear me talk about all the time, Pure Body Liquid Zeolite. They also have whole food supplements that I take. If you want more information about this, you can just go to, and you’ll see over in the right-hand column, there’s a little button that says “zeolite” and another one with a broccoli. The zeolite one has a magnet on it. It’s not hard to find these, and just click on that, and that will take you to my website where you can find out more information.
I wanted to make sure that we are actually approaching the end of the show. I want to make sure that we explain how an MLM works, which is different from the other kinds of models that we’ve been talking about earlier in the show.
You do have to make an investment in order to be able to collect your commissions. And you do have to make a minimum purchase each month but in this particular company, the minimum purchase is the purchase that I would make any way, taking the products. There’s nothing—I don’t have to have any inventory, or anything like that. I don’t have to be calling up my friends every day.
None of that sort of thing.
And so what I find is that having the ability to make money through this MLM program, it pays for the supplements and the zeolite that I would want to take anyway. I’m getting my zeolite for free. And anybody can do this.
Anybody can do this. It’s not limited to age, or where you live, or even skill. Anybody can do this.
Barbara, do you want to talk more about the program?
BARBARA GITOMER: I just wanted to say also, just like what you do, some people would think of you as a writer, or a talk show host, but I think of you more as a teacher. And I think about that in MLM. That’s what we’re doing. We’re actually teaching. We’re teaching people about how they can live healthier, more productive lives.
When you talk about bugging your friends, that kind of thing, it’s really all in the attitude. It’s in what you believe in.
So if you are listener to Debra Lynn Dadd, then you probably agree that toxins are really poisons. We’re poisoning our bodies, and there’s something very simple we can do about it, and it’s wonderful to be able to make a living doing it.
So it’s really just teaching people about how they can be healthier, how they can actually control what’s going on in their life.
And what’s good about that word control is you can also control how you’re living, as far as when you’re working, and where you’re working, with whom you’re working, which you can’t do in Corporate America.
You get hired wherever you get a job, and then you just have to convince people of whatever that company is selling. But here, you get to choose what you want to do, and you get to choose what company you want to affiliate with.
So if it’s a company that you truly believe in the products, and truly believe in the founder and the integrity of the company, and if you see that it is attracting people that are like-minded and high quality people, then you can feel comfortable about making that investment. But as you said, with that investment, it’s really money I’d be using anyway. I’m not spending money. I’m not putting money up. I am getting top quality products that I would want to use anyway, and then sharing it with other people.
There are many, many ways to share it. One of the ways is the way you do it, Debra, through your newsletter. You have a following which is really good, but there are so many ways to just talk to people, e-mail people, do internet blasts, just going to health fairs, and meeting people there.
In any walk of life, you can talk about this because it’s a good thing to talk about—staying healthy and being healthy, and how can you improve your life, and how can you control how you’re going to be spending your time rather than someone else telling you, you’ll be here between 8 and 5, Monday through Friday. You can control when you’re going to work, and how much you’re going to work.
DEBRA: And how much money you’re going to make. This is one of the things that this is why I’m self-employed, why I’m not working for a corporation is because I decided a long time ago that if I went to a 9 to 5 job, I would only get the amount of money that my employer wanted me to make. And being self-employed, I have multiple streams of income, and I can make more or less money, depending on what I put into it, how many phone calls am I making, how many e-mails am I sending out, all those kinds of things—how many website visitors, how much my communicating on the radio.
All these things are my decision, and it results in more or less money. And I see people in this particular company making a lot of money, and the stats are just going up. Didn’t we just have our best month ever?
BARBARA GITOMER: Yes, we did. Each month, it’s increasing. And that’s because you have people who are talking about this to other people, and then those people are talking about it to other people, and then those people are talking about it to other people.
So it just grows exponentially. And the more you put into it, as you said, the more you put into it, the more you can make.
DEBRA: That’s right. I see really high quality people. There was a conference in April, and when I went to the conference, and this company is only, since February of last year, a year and a half, and I went to the first conference when it first started, and of course, it was just very new then. But this year, oh, my god, there are people who are interested in making money, that are choosing to do this and build their downline, and get the word out, and all this because the products are so good, and then can see that they can really make money doing this, and that the company is going to be there. And it’s high integrity.
Some of the best people that I’ve ever met, I’ve met in this company. And I’m really not trying to push MLM on anyone by saying this. I’m just trying to say that if you want to make money, that you should take another look at this, if you think that MLM is something that is not workable because it really is, and it really depends on the people who are involved, and it depends on the product. It depends on how the system, how the program is set up.
Barbara, can you just talk a little bit about the compensation program or things that you might tell somebody if they’re evaluating an MLM because I know this isn’t the first one that you’ve been in.
BARBARA GITOMER: That’s true. Well, one of the things I just want to point out with what you were saying is that making money is a wonderful thing, but what we love about this is that every time we make money, it’s because we’ve helped somebody. If it was all about the money, then it wouldn’t do it for us. It really has to come from the heart.
DEBRA: I totally agree. I’m not doing it because I was looking for MLM. I’m doing it because I found a product that I think is something that can help everybody with the problem that I’m working to solve.
BARBARA GITOMER: So when you’re looking for an MLM, then you want to look for just that. We don’t resonate with people who just brag about checks. We resonate with people who are passionate about changing people’s lives. That’s one of the things you want to look at.
You want to look at the founder. You want to look at how are they paying.
When it comes to compensation plans, there are all different kinds, but we feel that if you give lots of value to the people that you’re dealing with, then the check is going to take care of itself. So you just have to keep giving value to people.
If you want me to cover a little bit—i mean, basically, you are paid—
DEBRA: Actually, we only have a couple of minutes left now. I just wanted to make sure that people know that there’s just a lot more information. I’ve interviewed the founder and CEO of Touchstone Essentials, Eddie Stone, several times, and you can just go to, and type in “Touchstone Essentials,” and you’ll get all his interviews, and you can hear him, and why he founded the company and what he’s about, and the integrity with which these products are made.
So Barbara, I just want to make sure I got that in. But is there any final thing that you want to say?
BARBARA GITOMER: One of the things that I did not cover when you’re choosing one is you want to be sure that you can be passionate about the product. And you want to be sure that you’re paid based on the movement of that product, and not on the act of signing up.
We’re a product passionate company, and when you feel that product passion, and you talk to other people about it, then they want to share it with others as well. And it’s that constant sharing that’s going to create checks.
DEBRA: Yes, I would agree. I would agree. So thank you so much for being with us, Barbara. And I’m sure I’ll talk to you soon.
BARBARA GITOMER: I’m sure. Thanks for having me also.
DEBRA: You’re welcome. So that was my little summary for today of how you can make money selling toxic-free products. You can go to, or you could just go to, and across the top, there’s a menu, and if you click on “shop,” it will take you to Debra’s List, and there are hundreds of websites that are selling toxic-free products.
And if you want to get some ideas of what kinds of things are available, you might want to open some kind of shop, or go to farmers markets like Linda does, or whatever, just start thinking about how can you put together something so that the way that you make money also does good to help people.
I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio.