My guest today is Pamela Seefeld, R.Ph, a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. We’ll be talking about what causes eye problems and natural treatments, how to prevent eye problems naturally, and why many standard eye treatments fail. Pamela is a 1990 graduate of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, where she studied Pharmacognosy (the study of medicines derived from plants and other natural sources). She has worked as an integrative pharmacist teaching physicians, pharmacists and the general public about the proper use of botanicals. She is also a grant reviewer for NIH in Washington D.C. and the owner of Botanical Resource and Botanical Resource Med Spa in Clearwater, Florida.
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- How to Protect the Environment from Pharmaceutical Pollution by Using Natural Medicinals
- Hidden Toxic Dangers in Common Dietary Supplements
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- Different Types of Detox
- Getting Off Prescription Drugs with Natural Remedies
- How Natural Remedies Could Have Saved A Life
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- How Toxics Age Your Body & What You Can Do to Stay Young
- You CAN Lose Weight—Even if You’ve Had Difficulty Losing Weight Before
- Calcium—Is There Really a Deficiency in America?
- It’s Cold and Flu Season—How to Support Your Immune System and Why You Shouldn’t Get a Toxic Flu Shot
- How Eating Fruits and Vegetables Help Your Cells Create Health
- Toxic Psychiatry and How to Have Mental Health Without Drugs
- Why You Should Take Fish Oil and How To Choose the Right One for You
- Medicinal Plants Can Replace Toxic Drugs
See More Clearly with Natural Remedies
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Pamela Seefeld, R.Ph
Date of Broadcast: March 25, 2015
DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free.
It’s Wednesday, March 25th, 2015.It’s nice and warm here in Florida, a lovely spring day. And we’re going to be talking about how we can see more clearly by taking care of our eyes naturally. There are a lot of things that can go wrong with our eyes and a lot of eye treatments.
But today, we’re going to find out what we can do naturally.
My guest is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and natural substances instead of prescription drugs.
She studied a field called pharmacognosy, which literally means plants with intelligence. It’s the study of medicines derived from plants and other natural sources. So she brings her training as a pharmacist in dealing with how the body works and dosage and how to take medicines and combines that with her knowledge of plants and other natural substances.
So she has a very interesting viewpoint and is very effective and very well-regarded here in Clearwater, Florida where we both live. So I have her on every other Wednesday because there is so much to talk about on the subject.
She regularly gets people off of prescription drugs and she just has a lot of knowledge. Hi, Pamela.
PAMELA SEEFELD: It’s great to be here.
DEBRA: Thank you. So tell us what causes eye problems.
PAMELA SEEFELD: When we think of the eye, we think of a very unique area of the body. And why we say that is because certain areas of the body are very sequestered from the activity of our immune system. And so when you’re trying to get antibiotics or medications or you’re trying to even have the nutrients from your food or the antioxidants that you’re taking in the form of supplements get to a particular, the eyes are one area that you have to just realize that the penetration into those area from supplements and from medications is highly limited just because of the construction of the eye, the structure of the eye and how the capillaries bring the medications and supplements into the eye.
It’s important. We’re going to talk a little bit about the structure of the eye and how the sequestration of the eye from the rest of the body and the way self-defenses move will prevent something from getting there and how we want to try and supplement more appropriately so that these supplements get into a higher concentration into the eye.
DEBRA: Let me ask you a question. This may sound like a silly question, but I don’t know a lot about the physiology of the eye. Now, it seems that there’s an eyeball in a socket and that they are two different things.
DEBRA: And so is the eyeball just sitting there completely independent or is it attached with capillaries or what’s the relationship there? Do the eyeballs fall out?
PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s funny. It’s not like that, but you’re right. I will give you an example. Say someone has an eye infection and we treat that with eye drops. And the reason why we do that and we don’t treat somebody with oral medications is because when you take something orally, if for some reason the eye wants to protect itself against invasion from species, bacteria, viruses from our body, so it actually has this way that it’s sequestered.
The blood vessels, the capillaries, each red blood cell goes in single file when they go through there. The immune system does not have high activity in the eye and the reason why that’s the case is because it’s protecting the eye against invasion from other species that might be in our blood if we’re septic and coming to the eye. That’s just the physiology of the eye.
So the socket and the blood vessel obviously are attached to our body and it’s there. But for some reason, the areas of the body that don’t have high concentrations of medication when you take them orally would be the eyes.
Another place is the sinuses, the sinus cavities. That’s why when people have chronic sinusitis and they’re on antibiotics, they never get rid of it. The reason why it doesn’t get rid of it is because the penetration into the sinus cavities just really isn’t that good with the blood vessels.
It doesn’t get the high enough concentration to kill.
And the same thing with the eye, that’s why we choose eye drops. And in the severe cases, when someone has an eye infection, we have to actually make concentrated eye drops with antibiotics [inaudible 00:05:41] in the hospital. And many times, the doctors have to inject them directly into the eye. So it’s important.
The reason why we want to lay the groundwork of the talk today is to understand that – some people say, “I’m taking my supplements to the eyes.” I want to talk about how to get it into the eyes and how to prevent capillary bad leakage and macular degeneration and things like that. And the reason why this is happening is because of the physiology of the eye itself. I think it’s important to lay the groundwork for people to understand that drugs taken in a pill do not get into the eye.
DEBRA: Well now, I am taking a supplement that’s designed to improve your eyesight, so I guess it’s not getting into my eye, but would it be supporting my body in some other way?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. It is getting into the eye if the concentrations are high enough. That’s really what’s to be said. A lot of it too is your baseline circulation. That’s why we’re going to really focus on the blood vessel.
DEBRA: Okay.
PAMELA SEEFELD: The health of the blood vessels determines a great deal of the penetration into the eye. Also, the supplements that work on the eye, many of them are fat-soluble. So if you’re taking the supplement and you’re having a pear for breakfast and you’re not having some almond or a little bit of olive oil in your food or something to that degree to help get the peak higher in the blood stream, you might not be absorbing a great deal on the medication or the supplement that you are taking.
DEBRA: Okay, good. So continue with the eye physiology.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay. So I’m going to focus a lot on the capillary bed, the blood vessels themselves in the eyes because a lot of these problems that people have with their eyes are related directly to capillary permeability.
Capillary permeability is talking about the junctions of the cells. When you talk about a capillary, the cells there and blood vessels in general, the blood vessels are not contiguous. You have cells all packed next to each other and it forms a vessel. We’re all made of cells, all different cells. And these cells, sometimes they can be mildly irritated to some degree and this can happen from inflammation, it can happen from a lot of different things, environmental causes, pollution. What happens is the cells start to move apart slightly, ever so slightly and then fluids are allowed to go out into the area.
So what’s happening in those cases is that the blood vessels will break. And so, people are having lots of redness or irritation, maybe allergies, things like that where you have lots of redness in the eye. The reason when redness is there is because of histaminic release, but also because the blood vessels’ permeability is then affected.
The easiest way to affect gap capillary permeability in the eyes and also to the whole body is using bioflavonoids. The three bioflavonoids we use in my natural products pharmacy are rutin, quercetin and hesperidin.
Rutin was originally found in onions, but it’s so ubiquitous. It’s in two-thirds of all plants. Hesperidin was originally found in the pith around grapefruit. And rutin was originally found in buckwheat. We know that these are all very strong vascular stabilizers and you can eat buckwheat rose and get the vascular stabilizing permeability from a food if that’s how you want to take it. I eat those quite a bit and they’re very, very good.
DEBRA: I liked that too.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah. They’re excellent. And then also quercetin, I think, is probably even the most effective. Quercetin comes in tablets, but they have it also in liquid. I use liquids for a lot of people.
To give you some examples, if somebody has quercetin and they are using it in their detox bottle or they’re using it in their water every day and very often, what are some of the things that you would see difference in? Eye clarity, lack of redness. If you have allergies, histaminic release would diminish because it has anti-histaminic property. And at the same time too, you’re going to see that the puffiness underneath your eyes, that swelling that you get at the beginning and the end of the day, the darkness under your eyes, that’s capillary bed permeability.
That’s what causes the discoloration.
PAMELA SEEFELD: You can treat with taking quercetin orally.
DEBRA: How do you spell that?
DEBRA: Perfect.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Quercetin. And I can tell you too, we’re talking about eye health, but just a side line, I am treating one of my clients right now that had very, very bad prostatitis, which is inflammation of the prostate. He called me and he couldn’t whole day sit. He’s an executive and he’s got to be at his desk all day and it’s just very, very just uncomfortable for him. And the quercetin, I told him, “You need to put this in your water all day long because quercetin will affect the blood vessels and the prostate too.”
Sure enough, not even a day, Larry calls me and says, “I’m feeling better.” Just keep taking your water and we’re trying to get the inflammation down. But this person has been on multiple courses of cipro and he wasn’t getting better. So it’s very, very important, quercetin. It’s excellent.
DEBRA: Thank you so much. We’re going to go to break. And when we come back, we’re going to talk more with natural pharmacist,
Pamela Seefeld. She’s a regular pharmacist also, but she loves to work in a natural pharmacy even more.
So when we come back, we’ll talk more about eye health, treatments, prevention and how you can treat your eye problems naturally. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who dispenses medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. Pamela, continue telling us about what causes eye problems.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay, so the things we’re talking about that are causing eye problems, we talked a little bit about the groundwork about the sequestration properties of the eye, how things really don’t get into high concentration.
When you are looking at what you are eating, your food, obviously the nutrients in your food, the supplements you take, the fat-soluble components of your supplement are what affect the eye health most significantly. So it is important to make sure that the meal that you’re taking these with has some fat.
When you look at the eyes themselves and you are trying to think about what supplements you want to take and how you want to affect them most significantly, thinking about the capillary bed is the basis of your program. It’s very important.
And the capillary bed (we’re talking about the permeability of the capillary bed) will determine whether you see redness in the eyes, whether you have puffiness underneath your eyes because of capillary bed permeability.
And like I was saying previously, they’re ubiquitous to the body. They’re all through the body. So the capillaries, if they’re affected in the eyes and if you’re having eye problems, they also might be affecting the prostate, they might be breaking blood vessels, you bruise very easily.
These are outward signs that the inside health of the capillaries is not as good as we want. So it’s important to look at it.
So if you’re bruising really significantly more recently than you had in the past and your platelets are normal (it’s not something the doctor can check, so it’s not because of that), then there might be permeability issues with the capillaries. So let’s focus on the capillaries, but also the supplements.
Buckwheat, we were talking about that rutin was originally found in buckwheat. It’s important to realize too – now I don’t want to forget to mention the carotenoids. We think about carrots and these orange vegetables. They are very significant, carotenoids and vitamin A. They have great effects on the eye health. And this is something that is pretty simple to do because if you eat a carrot every day, you’re getting quite a bit just from that and that tastes delicious in our salad. I always have carrots.
DEBRA: And I love rainbow carrots. Have you had rainbow carrots?
PAMELA SEEFELD: No, no. Tell me about them.
DEBRA: Oh, you can get them at our local natural food store. They’re called rainbow carrots and they’re in all different colors. They’re yellow, they’re purple, they’re white.
PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s great.
DEBRA: They’re orange. I just love them.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, you do. That’s a great idea. I have to go get some today. That’s an excellent idea.
DEBRA: Yeah.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Having varieties of these colors (I always say you want to have lots of colors in your salad), the variety of all these things contained lots of different phytonutrients that all have significant effects on the eye. So that’s really important to think.
And also too, I want to mention a little bit sunlight. It’s crazy, people don’t think about too much sunlight, wearing your sunglasses when you go out. Sunlight, the reason why light affects your eyes is your eyes basically are lipid. They’re fats. If you think about what it is, water and fat makes up most tissue. When you look at light and expose anything that’s lipid-base to light, it has oxidative properties. So these free radicals that can be formed not just from the eye, the dilation of the eye itself, but you want to think about the eye itself being exposed to the light, there definitely are some reactions. So that’s why it’s very important to have fat-soluble antioxidants in your diet.
So either a supplement, vitamin E is a great antioxidant too and not necessarily just for eye health, but generally to protect against free radicals (an unpaired electron that starts doing damage). We want to make sure that when we provide these healthy vitamins in our body and also in the food, when we have free radicals and we have antioxidants – and antioxidants give extra electrons and it squelches and stops that process.
It’s a pretty simple thing to do because you have to eat every day, so you might as well be eating some of these things that protect against these problems.
Think about it. When your eyes get affected, it really affects your quality of life significantly. So, this isn’t something you want to mess around with.
I’ll tell you too, talking about eye health, one of my clients that have had some problems with macular degeneration and some eye problems – and this is actually a younger lady. And she’s only in her late 40s, but she had some kind of other regressive eye disease.
There’s a product that DesBio makes called Eye Sarcode and you can use this for eye problems. It’s a medical product that they have developed. I had really good results with that with people. It’s really beyond just giving people quercetin and antioxidants and changing their diet. They maybe have some physiological problems there. Maybe their sight is starting to be impaired. This actually is a treatment for the eye.
And if somebody’s really concerned that there are lots of macular degenerations in their family that they are starting to have some trouble with the capillary bed. They’ve tried some bioflavonoids and they’re not really seeing the results. This product might hold some promise to them.
I only just thought about it during the break. We want to mention that there are some things that you can take orally that are homeopathic that actually are developed for eye problems that might be a little jumped up from just taking an eye supplement.
DEBRA: That’s good to hear because certainly homeopathics can change what’s going on in the body and start healing some of those things. So tell us also about what will the genetics play?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Good question! Genetics, of course, our genes are inherited from our parents. The genes that we have turn on and off depending on what we’re exposed to. That’s how the environmental component of the genetic influence play into favor here or against depending on what’s going on.
When you’re exposed to a lot of pollution, a lot of antioxidant – trust me, I used to run outside a lot. But running outside, you’re exposed to a lot of cadmium and lead and nickel and other things that are coming from the tire dust or maybe you’re running on the golf course and there are pesticides. So being outside and doing sports outside isn’t necessarily always the best, but it is definitely mentally and physically very nice and we enjoy it. So it’s not like I’m trying to tell people lto hide out in a bubble someplace because it’s not really a practical situation.
Just think about it. When we get exposed to these things, our body has these different genes and cells and they turn on and off depending on what we’re exposed to. That’s what causes cancer. That’s what causes any kind of problem when these genes are turned on and it’s a gene that we don’t want to have turned on.
Say we have a genetic propensity for macular degeneration. Your mom had it, your dad had it, aunt had it and your grandma had it or, say, a typical type of eye problem. The reason why genes play a role is because you have the genes that have a propensity to react and activate as a result of stimuli, things in the environment, emotions. And now we know that actually a big part of that (maybe not so much in the eye health) is epigenetics.
DEBRA: Well, let’s talk more about this when we come back because this is all very interesting about the genes turning on and off. And I want people to know more about this particularly in response to toxic chemicals and what happens with that.
You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. We’ll be right back to talk more about eye health when we come back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Pamela Seefeld.
One of the things that she does is that she helps people get off of prescription drugs and find natural remedies to help whatever is going on with their body. And she does free consultations. You can call her up from anywhere and talk to her about this and she can help you with that.
She’s very successful at doing that. I know some people here locally and she has helped them very much and she has even helped me, not that I am on a lot of prescription drugs, but she has helped me a lot to choose natural remedies to improve things that are going on with my body.
So Pamela, why don’t you give your phone number? Listeners, really you can call her up. She loves to hear from you.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. Please call me. I would love to talk to you and I would be most honored to help you and your family if you want to get off of prescription, if you’re concerned about the health concern you have, blood pressure, cholesterol, whatever is going on, your eye health. I would be glad to help you and go over what you’re taking and decide to something that might be more effective in the homeopathic realm.
So the number here at my pharmacy is (727) 442-4955. That’s (727) 442-4955.
DEBRA: Great. Okay. Before the break, we were talking about genetics. And could you just start over with this idea that the genes turn on and off depending on what you’re exposed to and how you feel and all of that?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct. So we were talking about the influences on the genes environmentally. The things, that we’re exposed to, have high significance as far as turning on the genes. And also we need to look at something called epigenetics and epigenetics is how our feelings and thoughts and the way we handle stress affect our genes. It has now been proven that if we’re anxious, if we’re angry that it affects our genes and makes them more susceptible to turn on illnesses and problems.
We’re talking about eye health today, but in general, I was talking about other things, especially coronary artery disease and influences on infection. We’re going to get an opportunistic infection. Maybe case in point you have five people in a room with one person has flu, not everybody gets the flu. So it just depends on where immune system is at that point.
And so our genes are affected a lot by how we feel, so it’s very important, stress control and diet and sleep and all these things people keep talking about all the time. It really does affect the way the genes are turned off and on and literally, you can worry yourself sick and they know that this is actually true now and they can see now that the genes actually change and if different genes are turned on and not favorably respond to chronic stress. So it is really important.
It’s probably the worst case scenario because I am always worried about things that I can’t control. But it is important to realize that this is the case and to really look at how we can make less of this impact on our bodies.
DEBRA: So say you’ve been exposed to toxic chemicals and you turned these genes on, can you turn them off?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct. The things that affect the genes and we were talking about what turns them on and turns them off and stress of course affects that. But what we do know is that the supplements we take, especially the antioxidants and we were talking about that previously, make a huge difference as far as how we’re going to affect the way the genes turn off and on. That’s what’s really important that you take your supplements, your antioxidants.
If you’re worried about the eye health, the effects of quercetin – I’m really a big fan of taking ProDHA. ProDHA is a common focus in fish oil and that works extremely well for stress. And people that are stressed out are going to see much more effects as far as their genes not being accepted too much by stress because of ProDHA. So you want to take fish oil anyways, but that has a DHA, the BPA, the ratio of 4.5:1 and it’s just the right mix of reducing stress for influences of everyday life. And I use a lot of that for my patients. It works really well.
DEBRA: Yes. I take that every day.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah, it’s excellent.
DEBRA: I’ll just say, we did a whole show about fish oil. Actually, I’ll take this opportunity to say that I now have, Pamela and other regular guests, all their shows are on a single page. You can go to and see where it says “Archived shows” in the submenu and pull it down and you’ll see her name and you can just go look at all the shows that she has done.
One of them is about fish oils. I used to never want to eat fish oil or take fish oil. I don’t eat seafood. My body has never wanted fish since I was a child. And yet I can take this and it makes a difference. You don’t even know you’re taking fish oil. So if you are not taking it and not getting the benefits of it, thinking that you’re not going to like the way it tastes, just try it. Just try it.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah, it is true because when you use a medical grade oil, all of the fish protein in the residue is removed. So you’re not taking fish, you’re not burping up fish. It’s not that kind of a product, but that particular ratio is found to be really effective for ADD, ADHD and I use it a lot for adults just because of chronic worrying and just worrying about everyday stresses and so forth.
It really reduces quality of life for everybody if they worry about things. There are things that you worry about that you can control and there are a lot of things that you worry about that you cannot control. It’s important to be able to turn some of that off and improve sleep as well.
And of course, we know that omega-3, EPA and DHA have significant effects for eye health and it really corresponds to what we’re talking about today.
The omega-3s and stuff make up all the membranes of cells and it is important to know that when you do that and the propensity is shifting with taking an omega-3 supplement that you have more of the omega-3s in the cellular membrane and less of the 6s, the actual functionality of the cell membrane is greatly enhanced. That’s where you really see that.
Fish oil turns on over 300 different genes. I’m talking about genetics and the activation of those genes is in an extremely favorable stand versus previously where the person has not taken it. So that’s a simple thing you can take.
The quercetin, the omega-3 and looking at bioflavonoids and saying, “Okay. Can I get them in my salad? Can I get them in a supplement?” I really want to emphasize that if someone has capillary bed permeability and they have eye issues, maybe dizziness and a blurry vision to some degree, redness in their eyes, strain in their eyes when they’re up at the computer. Quercetin has really the vascular stabilizing properties and it also relieves a lot of that puffiness under the eyes and the darkness under the eyes.
From a vanity standpoint, I think most women could appreciate that, it’s just about understanding why it’s dark under their eyes in the first place. It’s not because you didn’t sleep. People constitute that. The reason why you think this is, “Okay, when I get more rest, it gets less puffy,” but really there’s more chance for those vascular beds the time that you’re laying prone more time for that fluid to dissipate. That’s the reason why.
It’s kind of neat! I look at this product and what’s actually happening because when you think about it, you’re like, “Oh, okay. Now that makes sense.” And this is what this show is about.
DEBRA: Yes. Yes, things that make sense. We need t go to break.
DEBRA: When we come back, we’ll talk more about natural eye health with our guest, Pamela Seefeld. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Pamela Seefeld. In addition to her phone number – why don’t you give that again, Pamela? Hello?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. Can you hear me?
DEBRA: Now, I can hear you. So I was just to say in addition to calling Pamela, you can also go to her website, which is But give your phone number again.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. My phone number here at my pharmacy is (727) 442-4955. And please call me. I would be very grateful to discuss any of your health problems and suggest some alternatives that you might provide instead of medication.
DEBRA: So why do eye treatments fail?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Eye treatments fail many times because the person that’s treating them, whether an alternative practitioner or a physician, does not take into account the sequestration properties of the eye and the fact that things don’t necessarily go there in high concentration. That’s really important to think about.
Let’s say you’re getting lots of white discharge in your eyes. Maybe when you wake up in the morning and do you have that gunky feeling in your eyes sometimes if you’re sick?
DEBRA: Yeah.
PAMELA SEEFELD: What is that? What that is dead white blood cells. That’s it. So if you think about it. If the white blood cells actually had really good affinity for the eye, which they don’t, it would even be more than that. So when you actually see some and you see whites in the corners of your eyes and it’s white and sticky, that means that there’s even more of a process going on and these cells, these white blood cells will go there and in response to injury, in response to bad allergies, anything that’s calling in the troops to go there and see what’s going on. That’s what these cells are. They’re exploratory and they’re called in for a reason.
So we used to see that type of thing. You have to see and think, “Okay, if my practitioner is just handing me some antioxidants, but not telling me to take it with fat or if my doctor is handing me some eye drops that have steroids in them and telling me that I put this, two drops in the eye three times a day and not really explaining to me that when you use steroids that the eye drops…” – let me tell you about that. A lot of people do this, especially if you’re using it more than six or seven days consecutively in a row, you actually have a higher risk for infection because now, your immune system is not going there at all.
As a consumer, I really would caution taking blind faith in anything to treating your eyes because it’s such an important part of your body.
And any time there’s a question about what it’s giving you for your eyes or question about what you should be doing for your eyes, like I said, my advice is free and I can tell you if I think that they’re using it appropriately whether it’s in the pharmaceutical realm, which I am qualified to do or in alternative realm, which I’m also qualified to do. I think it’s important to realize that many times people make quick judgments as far as their treatment modalities and their thought process. I see in many different professions, either alternative or in regular pharmacy that you need to really think things through.
That’s why I think today’s talk and telling people how the eye is situated, how things don’t penetrate there well, how you need to be proactive about capillary bed permeability if you’re getting dark circles on your eyes. It’s maybe affecting the blood vessels in the eye themselves. All these things are important.
When you see this white discharge, what does it really mean? So my blood cells are going there for a reason. There’s something wrong. And if it’s excessive and continual over a period of time, maybe it is untreated allergy, maybe there’s baseline infection or maybe your makeup is contaminated. It’s important to think through the process of it because really life is like a little discovery, isn’t it?
DEBRA: It is. It is. So could you just tell us some eye problems, some common eye problems that people could treat in a natural way?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay. The macular degeneration probably or eye sensitivity and they’re starting to have some vision issues as a result of it. Maybe the doctor said they had wet or dry macular degeneration. This is probably something that even the eye doctors are starting to [inaudible 00:43:19] eye vitamins as a result of it because they realize they can’t really turn their back on the data now that it’s showing that’s important.
It’s important to embrace the fact that if you have any types of issue or you’re worried about macular degeneration, if you’re starting to have vascular changes in your eye, when you go get your eyes examined, the doctor can look in your eyes and they can start to see if the blood vessels have been affected, that’s what they’re really looking at, the health of the blood vessels.
And I can say this, which I’m very, very proud because I’m 49 and I went to the eye doctor not that long ago and she looked in my eyes and said, “How old are you?” Again, she looks in my chart and she says, “I am so shocked because you don’t have the beginning of any cataracts and no problems with your blood vessels in your eye.” She says, “I never see that in a woman your age.” And I was shocked. This is unsolicited and you know what it is, it’s the antioxidants.
DEBRA: It’s the antioxidants, but I also think it’s because you take homeopathic detox everyday and that you’re in your sauna frequently and you’re detoxing your body just constantly.
PAMELA SEEFELD: You’re right. And you know what it is? Life is not only like, “All or nothing. Okay, I’m going to have a house full of vitamins today and then I’m not going to do anything else.” It’s not about that. It’s all these little things we do every day.
It really was reassuring and confirming that the things that I’m doing are helping and it’s working really well and the fact that she says she never sees it in people in their late 40s makes me think that obviously what I’ve done is I’ve got the right mix of things and maybe I stuck with this through enough for myself as well and I could do that for you and your clients too. That’s important for people to realize. There are things you can take other than just grabbing just a vitamin for eyes off the shelf and using blind faith, knowing that this issue is as far as how to increase the concentration.
I’ll tell you that there’s another homeopathic product that I like a lot. It’s called Circulation and it increases the concentration into an area of the 90%. So say you really have an eye problem or say you have problems in some place in the body and you want the things you’re taking to go there at a higher concentration. Using circulatory enhancers is an excellent trick. I utilize that frequently with patients all the time because I know that it’s going to really get there and it’s going to deliver it right to the area that I want at a high concentration because homeopathy is a secret medicine. It follows these little unique assignments to go and really deliver things and take care of it at the location you want. And regular medicine just never provides that.
DEBRA: That’s so interesting about these natural things, the way they act so differently. Well, I want to tell you this since you went to the eye doctor. I want to tell you that over the weekend, I went to the gym for the first time in 30 years.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Good for you.
DEBRA: Yeah.
PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s so great.
DEBRA: A friend of mine figured out that what I really needed to do was lose weight, which is true and I haven’t been able to lose weight all these years. It’s not that I don’t try. It’s that there’s something going on with my body. He figured out that I needed to exercise because he had just started going to the gym and he got on a program with a trainer and he said, “You can do this too.” And you know what? He paid for my gym membership and took me down there personally.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Oh, my gosh. How wonderful is that? Good for you.
DEBRA: Yeah. But here’s the story. I went down there and I started lifting weights and stopped, and the trainer is just amazed and he says, “You haven’t been in a gym for 30 years and how old are you?” And he says, “You’re as old as my father.” He was just really impressed at how well I could just walk in and do it.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Oh my gosh, that’s just great.
PAMELA SEEFELD: You don’t realize because you’re actively learning around doing stuff. Your baseline health is probably a lot better than you would think as far as your activity level. But that’s just really great.
You know what? The gym and working out is just a great way because when talking about vascular permeability, it decreases the permeability and the problems associated with blood vessels and it has demargination of white blood cells. When you do exercise, it makes these white blood cells start having high activity in the bloodstream and prevent infection. So it’s doing all kinds of great encompassing things for the body. I’m just so happy for you.
DEBRA: I’m happy for me too. My body felt really good. I felt like they gave me things that I can do, that it wasn’t too stressful and that I could just up how much I was doing. But I did a lot more than I thought that I could. I did more repetitions than I was able to do longer. I really thought that I was out of shape and it wasn’t as bad as I thought.
So I’m very excited about going to the gym now because I understand. I’m going to a specific gym where they really help you. It’s not just about walking in and saying, “Okay, here’s the machine you use.” They’re really helping me and that’s why my friend wanted me to go to that gym with him.
So I’m excited and I know that it will help release toxic chemicals so that they can detox out. And they have a sauna there, so I can go sit on a sauna.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Good for you.
DEBRA: Yeah. I’m so excited.
PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s just so positive. I’m telling you, if you take away my biking every morning, I will be like, “No, this cannot be happening.” Every day, when I’m biking in the morning and having my exercise, I thank God for the ability to be able to exercise and enjoy my time because it’s really a treasure.
DEBRA: Yeah. And it makes your body feel good. We’ve only got about a minute left for the show. Are there any final words you want to say about eye health?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah. I want to mention real quickly that GLA or gamma-Linolenic acid, found in evening primrose oil. It’s also found in borage oil. I don’t use too much borage by itself because there was some evidence a long time ago that it was shown to be linked to seizures by itself, so you don’t want to do that. But some evening primrose has been shown to be very, very safe.
And taking that increases the moisture in your eyes about 25% in about two weeks. So people with dry eyes, GLA is an excellent source to have this moisture and it works for any of the mucus membranes as well. So it works for vaginal dryness, things for menopausal women, hormone relief, things like that. But for your eyes, GLA could be an excellent addendum to your regimen for your vitamins for your eye health and I really encourage people with dry eyes that taking GLA orally will not only increase the moisture in the skin, but in the eye health as well. That’s something that we do have readily available at a health food store.
DEBRA: Good.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Like I said, it works for other areas of the body, especially dry skin because usually dry eyes and dry skin all seem to go hand in hand.
DEBRA: I’m going to interrupt you right there because we’ve only just now got a few seconds. Thank you so much. Again, if you go to Pamela’s website, which is at and her phone number will be there. Give her a call. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. Be well.