Today my guest is Dawn Roberts, author of Warnings of Disease: Your Body Uses Symptoms to Communicate. We’ll be talking about why you should pay attention to your symptoms as indicators something is wrong with your body that needs healing, rather than making them go away with drugs or even natural remedies. While struggling with over 100 symptoms, 35 diagnosed diseases, and weight gain, Dawn had questions regarding her failing health, yet no medical doctor could provide an answer. Suffering with neurological problems, doctors suspected that Dawn had either MS, Parkinson’s, or Lou Gehrig’s disease. But the reality was that doctors were doing nothing to help, neither were the 23 medications that they prescribed. In fact, Dawn got sicker with each passing day until she said, “Enough, is enough!” This began her crusade to find the cause of disease and to eliminate it from her life. Dawn turned to a Chiropractor/Homeopath for help. With his assistance, and a total change in her lifestyle and eating habits, Dawn was totally healed. Chronic disorders, even heart disease, simply vanished. At the persuasion of her Chiropractor to write a book, Dawn embarked on a 15-year scientific journey to do research. She then took a hiatus from her work as a Forensic Document Examiner to write Warnings of Disease. Through this work, Dawn hopes to use her personal experience to help others. Her mission is to help people, who are sick, diseased and overweight,
realize that junk food and toxic chemicals are perpetuating their problems. Dawn has been happily married for 32 years, and is the proud mother of two sons and a new daughter-in-law. She lives alongside a tranquil and serene river bordered by a Florida State Forest with her high tech husband, pre-Chiropractic son, 2 rambunctious dogs, a brood of chickens, and some crazy guinea hens.
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“How Your Body Tells You it has Toxic Overload”
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
GUEST: Dawn Roberts
DATE OF BROADCAST: December 4, 2013
DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world; and I’m clearing my throat today; it’s wintertime and it’s cold and I have a little cough but we are going to get through the show. Today we are going to be talking about symptoms.
My guest today is Dawn Roberts; she is the author of “Warnings of Disease: Your Body Uses Symptoms to Communicate”, and your body really does use symptoms to communicate.
I had Dawn on as a guest a couple of months ago and we had some technical problems that day with sound and there are big gaps in the sound on that recording so I wanted to have her on again because this is such an important issue; it’s such an important subject and it’s such an important thing for each of us to be aware of because…. You may have heard that old phrase; ‘a stitch in time saves nine’ and for many years I wondered what that meant until finally one day I recognised that they are saying that a stitch in time, it’s not about taking a stitch in time, you know, like the clock ticking, it’s about taking a stitch soon enough.
A stitch in time saves nine, means that if you have a rip in your fabric and you take that one stitch to repair it then you save having to take nine stitches and that just holds true with anything in our world; that if you have anything that needs some repair, if you take that repair right away then you’ll have less damage and it will be easier to fix and that’s what goes on with our bodies. If we can recognise our symptoms and recognise that symptoms are our bodies saying, wait, there is something wrong, do something different! Help! help! help! and we see the small symptoms and don’t wait for the big symptoms, then there is so much we can do to help our bodies and right now a lot of people are having a lot of symptoms because our bodies are screaming at us because of toxic chemical exposure and then if we can listen to those symptoms and not take drugs in order to make our symptoms stop, because this is what we are taught to do in our culture; is not to listen to our symptoms but to take a drug.
If you have a headache, take a drug; if you have stomach ache, take a drug; don’t look for the cause and what we need to be doing is looking for the cause and not taking drugs or even natural remedies to make the symptoms stop. What we need to do is look at what is causing the symptom and handle the problem. In some cases it’s gonna be toxic chemical exposure, in some cases it’s gonna be the foods we eat and in some cases, it might even be an illness or a malfunction in our bodies; but we need to see our symptoms, acknowledge our symptoms and see what’s causing them and that’s what our show is about today; it’s listening to our bodies; watching our symptoms.
My guest is Dawn Roberts, author of, “Warnings of Disease: Your Body Uses Symptoms to Communicate.”
Hi Dawn, thanks for being here with me.
DAWN ROBERTS: Hi Debra thank you for having me back. I really appreciate it and when you came on you said you had a cough and you’ve had some drainage and all and my response to that would be, you probably had a little too much Thanksgiving.
DEBRA: (Laughter)
Well actually I didn’t have any Thanksgiving. I actually I think that I was in a building that was mouldy a couple weeks ago and I think that that’s what’s going on. It’s a reaction to mould; it doesn’t seem to be a cold because I’m not having symptoms, like flu symptoms or anything like that, I’m just having that my sinuses started burning. I was only in this building for half an hour and my sinuses started burning and then I started having drainage and then I started having a cough and all these things and so I think this is entirely environmental and I think I just need to let it run out.
DAWN ROBERTS: Exactly, I know, I’ve been through that many times myself and I write about it in my book too.
DEBRA: So, let’s start by having you tell us your story. I know you have a very dramatic story of having many symptoms and diseases and taking many drugs and yet when you stopped taking the drugs and started listening to your body and seeing what was going on you found out some surprising things and were able to rid yourself of all your symptoms; so go ahead and tell us your story.
DAWN ROBERTS: Yes, thanks. Back in 1996 my body literally fell apart, like so many people’s bodies are doing today. I was diagnosed with thirty five (35) different diseases. I had heart disease, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, I had a lot of chronic diseases; sinusitis, endometriosis, I had kidney stones, gall stones, fibrocystic breast disease, I had multiple chemical sensitivities, I had acid reflux, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, ulcerative colitis, I had vertigo, I had tinnitus, peripheral neuropathy, mitral valve prolapse, I had ocular migraine and so on and so on, restless legs syndrome. The last thing was, the doctors said well you have symptoms of M S Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s Disease, so their next plan of attack was to send me to Shands Teaching Hospital in Gainesville, Florida, to figure out exactly which one I had.
All in all, I had over a hundred documented symptoms. I was taking twenty three (23) different powerful drugs, including heavy duty heart drugs and the doctors were really doing nothing to help me other than to just describe what my symptoms were by giving me a diagnosis and then they would write me a prescription and if that didn’t work then they started advocating surgery. The last thing they wanted to do was replace my heart valves and finally I got so frustrated with the whole situation and I was so sick and not getting better; I had two young children to raise; I started doing my own research.
I turned away from the medical community. I turned to a Homeopathic Physician and also a Chiropractor and I was just led down the path to healing myself through all of my research and what I did was, I went through my house, I cleared out every chemical that was in my house that had a warning sign or danger notice. I went into my refrigerator and my freezers and my pantry and every product that had a chemical in it that I did not know what it was; in other words, any food that was not a whole food, I got rid of it and I said, ok, now let’s start from the beginning and I also did take some supplements that were not in the gelatin cap because those in themselves are chemicals.
I took hard pressed supplements and as a detox I ate a lot of beef, organic beef and spinach to detox my body and within two (2) to three (3) months diseases and symptoms started disappearing so fast; sixty (60) pounds dropped off of me. I didn’t know what was happening. Within six (6) months just about every disease and symptom that I had was gone and by eleven (11) months I was a totally new person and I have been completely healthy since 1997.
DEBRA: This is a very dramatic example of the difference it makes when we stop eating processed foods and when we remove toxic chemicals from our homes. I had a very similar experience where I don’t even remember all the symptoms that I had now but I remember at the time I said, these symptoms just are bizarre, they don’t seem like any illness that I can identify because I had everything from headaches and insomnia and exhaustion and depression; like, what illness is that; you know?
DAWN ROBERTS: Exactly, I had all those too. I was diagnosed with them.
DEBRA: Yes and so it wasn’t until I found out, actually by accident; it was just my mother actually at the time was dying of cancer and my father took her to a doctor for intravenous Vitamin C treatments and he happened to be a doctor called a Clinical Ecologist; it’s now called Environmental Medicine and he was testing people and authors for exposure to various chemicals and my father looked at this; he looked at the way the doctor could turn the symptoms on and off then… I see it’s time to take a break, so I will continue my story later after the break. You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and we are talking with my guest Dawn Roberts about how our symptoms can tell us what’s going on with our bodies. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: Before the break I was talking about how I found out that toxic chemicals were causing my symptoms because my father had taken my mother to a doctor and my mother was dying of cancer and he had taken her to a doctor who would give her intravenous Vitamin C treatments and while they were there, while he was waiting for her appointment he noticed that the doctor was doing something called Provocation Neutralization Testing where they would give a small amount of a food or cat dander or toxic chemicals to the patient and it would turn on symptoms and then they would give another dose and it would turn off the symptoms and he looked at this and he said, this is what’s going on with my daughter because he could see that my symptoms would just turn on and turn off and my symptoms were actually being turned on by very specific chemical exposures and once I got that idea that a symptom could get turned on and off by an environmental exposure, whether it was a chemical or food or something else, then I started watching for this and I even started keeping a journal and what I found was that when I would spray my perfume on I’d get a headache.
When I took a shower and there was chlorine coming out of the shower water in the steam I would feel faint and then I’d get out of the shower and I’d stop feeling faint and when I would go to bed at night, instead of sleeping I’d have insomnia and later then I found that there was formaldehyde resin on my permanent pressed bed sheets and formaldehyde causes insomnia and so when I changed the sheets on my bed I had no more insomnia and so this was quite a revelation for me to be able to make these connections between the symptoms I was having and my environmental exposures and that I could turn my symptoms on and off at will by what I was being exposed to and that is just very, very different from the idea of saying, I have a headache I’d better take an aspirin; very dramatic. It was very dramatic and I did a similar thing to what Dawn did; one day just went through my house and I took out everything that was a toxic chemical; anything that I could identify at the time that was a toxic chemical, so we have similar experiences Dawn.
DEBRA: So, one of the things that I like about your book is that you really have it organised around symptoms and exposures and let’s just take.., Chapter Three is about the Nervous System; so could you just tell us more about, like.., what to look for, what kind of symptoms are associated, like if your nervous system is giving you symptoms, what would those symptoms look like and what your experience was? You have quite a lot of information here about identifying neurological symptoms and what to do.
DAWN ROBERTS: Ahmm, neurological symptoms begin in the neurological system. For the symptoms to react that means something that you’re taking in, something that you’re being exposed to is being taken into the body and it’s going directly into the brain.
What I learned as a Forensic Document Examiner and I’m used to doing scientific research, so I started doing a lot of scientific research and what I found was, that the chemicals that we eat, the chemicals that are put on to our skin even as far as the toothpaste that we use that has warning, danger notices to call Poison Control if we swallow more than a pea sized amount, these chemicals that we are ingesting into our body through the foods and the products that we use and like you said, the formaldehyde that you breathe in, they go into your neurological system and they cause a whole host of symptoms and they can be some that we blame on everything but the actual cause of what’s the cause.
DEBRA: Yes, yeah.
DAWN ROBERTS: What we need to know and what I learned was that our body.., an allergic reaction is the exact same thing as an immune response; our immune response, when we are exposed to any allergen which is nothing more than a chemical poison or toxin; then our body sends forth symptoms.
There are five (5) basic symptoms that our body sends forth. They start out in the form of inflammation and what the body does, is, it kind of talks to us; it says that whenever we are injured or whenever we are exposed to some abnormal stimulation caused by these toxic physical chemicals or biologic agents then this is the starting point of diseases; it’s the starting point of symptoms and this is where our body starts talking to us. There are five (5) cardinal signs of inflammation and this is basically the only way our body can communicate with us; it turns red, it gets hot, it swells up, it has pain and it either inhibits or loses function in some way; so any of those five symptoms, if you were to take any disease that you have or any syndrome that you have, you’ll find that your symptoms fall into one of those five categories; so like you said earlier, that’s our body saying, STOP! Stop what you’re doing! it’s wrong, you know, stop! if you don’t stop you’re not going to be able to use me anymore and I’m going to die on you, basically.
DEBRA: Well, I mean, yeah, that is what happens and I see that symptoms really, they escalate. We’re gonna need to take a break just in less than a minute here but when we come back I want to talk about symptoms, that there is actually a hierarchy of symptoms that gets worse and worse and it tells you about different degrees of toxicity and I wrote about these in my book, “Toxic Free” but I also want to mention that in my book ,Toxic Free, one of the things that I learned in doing that research was that every single body system, it’s now known that toxic chemicals affect every single system and so I actually wrote out different systems and the symptoms in each system and how those are affected by toxic chemicals. That’s in the appendix to my book, so that’s something that anybody could go and read; it’s very enlightening. So, we are going to take a break. You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Dawn Roberts; She is the author of “Warnings of Disease: Your Body Uses Systems to Communicate”. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: Before the break I mentioned that in my book, Toxic Free, I had written about some symptoms and a hierarchy of symptoms that you can tell if your body is a little bit toxic or a lot toxic and first, let me tell you, there’s actually a word, which is, I’m not sure if I’m pronouncing this right, but it’s, emotories, which is from the Latin emotus which means to blow your nose and I love that because it’s like your body is wanting to blow it’s nose and get things out and that’s why it has these kinds of symptoms. So, when the primary emotories fail and these are the processes in your body; your body will continue to try to eliminate toxics through secondary emotories, which are all the mucus membranes and many symptoms of illness that you think of as common; such as, coughing, sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive urination and mucus membrane secretions are actually your body at work trying to remove substances that do not belong with it. So, here I have this runny nose and I have this cough and as I said at the beginning of the show, I was in a building that was very mouldy and so my body is saying, let’s get this stuff out; but just know that this list of symptoms that I read to you are all the major symptoms that we take so many over-the-counter drugs for and so when people have those symptoms, you should be looking to see what is causing those symptoms and doing things like detoxing your body, doing things like, I recommend people take Liquid C Lite, Pure Body Liquid C Lite because it removes toxic chemicals that cause those kinds of symptoms and it helps your body detox.
Ok, so you don’t do anything about it if you just take the over-the- counter drugs or the natural remedies or whatever you take and if you aren’t detoxing your body then your body will begin to store the toxic chemicals it cannot excrete. They might accumulate in your joints as arthritis; they can affect your brain and show up as fatigue, depression or memory loss.
When your sweat glands fail to do the job of detoxing your body your skin tries to drain toxics through oil glands, resulting in rashes, acne and eczema. So then, if you aren’t detoxing your body at that level then you can go on to have other illnesses like, cancer, birth defects and all of these things are because of toxic chemicals building up in your body and even if these toxic chemicals even affect things like your weight, your blood sugar, your sex drive; all of these things, every single thing is going on with your body if you’re having any problem, any illness, a symptom, it’s build up of toxic chemicals in your body and before you do any other treatment; from the research that I’ve done for over thirty (30) years; I would say, before you do any other treatment for any disease, remove the toxic chemicals from your home, remove the toxic chemicals from your body and I think that Dawn will agree with that.
DAWN ROBERTS: Absolutely. That’s exactly what I’ve found in seventeen (17) years of research. You’ve got a few years on me. All the diseases that are out there today, there are so many different ‘itises’; there’s gingivitis, hepatitis, arthritis, appendicitis, colitis, endometritis, the list just goes on. There’s hundreds and hundreds of these diseases and very few people realise that the ‘itis’ means inflammation. Every time you suffer with a disease that’s given a name with an ‘itis’, like arthritis, it means that you have inflammation and that is a sign that you have either been injured and if you can rule out injury then you’ve been exposed to some toxin.
The other thing is all the ‘osis’ diseases; there’s cystic fibrosis and histosis and there’s just so many of them, necrosis and multiple sclerosis and these ‘osis’ diseases means that some pathological condition has happened within the body that is causing a functional disorder that is a circumstance of the way we live; in other words, we are exposing our bodies to toxins in some way and that’s how all these ‘osises’ come about; and the way to cure yourself of these diseases, is like you said, we remove them from our body.
We don’t put more drugs into ourselves, which there is not one drug on the market and I done years and years of research into this; there’s not one drug on the market which does not cause symptoms. They’re all chemical drugs and they cause more symptoms. They cause more disease, that’s why people with diabetes and heart disease and depression and allergies, they just continue to get sick all the time.
DEBRA: Well they do and they continue to take more drugs and we don’t even need to do research in order to find out that these drugs are causing symptoms; all we need to do is watch television and watch all those commercials, and how many are there per hour, where they tell you some brand name drug and that it will cure this and it’ll cure that and by the way you’ll get liver disease and taking it may be fatal while this beautiful music is playing and they are showing you beautiful scenes of walking through the meadow, so……
DAWN ROBERTS: And it’s not that way, I mean, my mother was in the hospital last week, which is very disturbing to me whenever she goes in the hospital because she still does things that she shouldn’t do and she still exposes herself to toxins even though she’s read my book; even though she knows the lifestyle that I live but as you walk through the halls of the hospital people are so caught up into their symptoms and their diseases and taking drugs, it’s almost as if people don’t want to see the light because they take these diseases into themselves and they accept them and they go out and tell everybody that they are diseased and it’s like people are happy to be this way and I wasn’t. I was miserable.…
DEBRA: I totally understand.
DAWN ROBERTS: I was tired of being depressed, I was tired of being angry all the time, I was tired of having headaches, I was tired of being bloated and overweight and in pain. I was in pain twenty four hours a day with fibromyalgia. I was tired of these things but we don’t have to be that way, is what I learned.
DEBRA: Yes, I learned that too and we’ll talk more after the break.
DEBRA: We’re talking about how our bodies use symptoms to communicate and it’s a very interesting subject and how we should be listening to our bodies and what they’re telling us through symptoms instead of suppressing those symptoms by using drugs.
Dawn, we could talk for hours and hours and hours; we could have an entire seminar, a whole week’s worth of a conference on this subject.
DAWN ROBERTS: Yes maam, let’s do it!
DEBRA: It really needs to be talked about more and more and more. This is like one of the key things that needs to change in our culture and before the break you were talking about going to the hospital and people just accepting that they have their illnesses and that you said that you didn’t want to have your illness and that’s exactly what happened.
There was something in me which said, no, I’m not going to be sick with this for the rest of my life and that’s what people were telling me. They were always saying that once your body is damaged by toxic chemicals there is nothing you can do and that’s not true. That’s absolutely not true and I’ve really found that there is a whole field of toxicology and people have been studying toxic exposures for centuries actually but we have a recent field of toxicology that is only forty (40) or so years old and I studied toxicology; I’ve studied it a lot in the past thirty (30) years and the number one thing you do when somebody is being poisoned is; you remove the person from the poison.
You take the poison away or you take the person away from the poison, that’s the number one thing that you do. You could go to any Poison Control Centre and they’ll say, take the person out of the house, give them fresh air, make them vomit, you know, whatever; the first thing is, get the poison away from the person and yet we are sitting here being poisoned in our homes.
We are being poisoned by the food we eat, poisoned by the water that we drink and yet people don’t even know it, people still don’t know it even though I have been talking about it for thirty years, even though it’s on TV. People are being poisoned by almost everything that’s in their environment and yet we don’t have to be poisoned because you and I have done all the research to show that there are non toxic products available.
There are things we can do to detox. We can drink clean water, we can sleep in a clean bed that we don’t have to be poisoned and this is the big lesson that I think needs to be learned by everyone in the world right now, is that there are toxic chemicals, they are all around us; that there are non toxic choices and when we make those non toxic choices, when we live toxic free we can get well and that’s the number one thing to do.
DAWN ROBERTS: Yes, absolutely. I totally agree and what I learned was we do not have to be sick. We do not have to be fat; we do not have to be unhealthy. This is what modern medicine wants us to think but it’s not that way. We’ve taken blame to a new level, in my opinion. We blame everything but the truth and the truth is, toxins cause disease and illness, toxins cause weight gain.
DAWN ROBERTS: You don’t just sit and gain weight for no reason, you know, you’re taking in the toxins; the body cannot process the toxin; it’s putting it into fat cells and then you swell up and you gain weight.
DEBRA: Yes, that’s exactly right. I can’t tell you how many people… I used to work in a doctor’s office where we were treating people who had chemical poisoning and I can’t tell you how many people I just watched gain weight just from their toxic chemical exposure.
DAWN: Yeah. So many people were given prednisone, steroids and what’s the first thing they do? They swell up but they take it any way. I run from those things and we can live this life.
I’ve lived this life from 1996/97. I have not been sick; I take no drugs; I’m fifty eight (58) years old; all body signs are fine; everything’s perfect; my weight is normal and the first half of my life up till I was forty (40), I was deathly ill all the time. I live a healthy lifestyle; I know what to eat; I know what not to eat; I know what chemicals not to expose myself to.
Formaldehyde you mentioned earlier is huge. A couple of years ago the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) finally came out and put it on the list saying that, yes, formaldehyde is known to cause cancer. Of course the chemical manufacturers were up in arms at that because it’s big business for them but we as individuals have to take our own health into our own hands; we can’t just give it to the doctor and go, here, fix it, because they’re not fixing it; we are getting sicker and fatter.
DEBRA: Well I think doctors are well intentioned but I think that everybody has been educated. The doctors have been educated in our modern medical system and they haven’t been educated in the basics of healthy living…
DAWN ROBERTS: No, they haven’t.
DEBRA: and you and I managed to find that if we do the right things to build health then we are healthy.
DEBRA: It really comes down to that.
DAWN ROBERTS: It does and our body does have the ability to heal itself, even from heart disease. I was going to a Cardiologist every month. The heart meds that they put me on they were increasing the dosage couple times a year; they wanted to replace the valve on my heart. I have no heart disease now; I have no symptom; it’s gone, my body healed itself. Neuropathy; I shook so bad everything twitched; my head bobbed around, I tripped when I walked, I dropped a lot of things, I walked sideways, I was dizzy, I was disoriented, my head spun all the time. It’s gone!
When I cleaned out my body and quit exposing myself to all these terrible things, it went away and that’s what people need to learn; you stop exposing your body to these things. It’s your body and you’re exposing it; you need to stop!
DEBRA: I totally agree. There was a time when I just realized, you know, you just have these realizations of things that are just so blindingly true and many, many years ago I realized one day that my body is designed by nature to be healthy and that is my natural state, it’s to be healthy …
DEBRA: and if my body isn’t healthy it’s because I’m doing something to it to change its state of health and that what I need to do is figure out what I’ve done and stop doing it and that I don’t need surgery, I don’t need drugs; I just need to stop interfering with my natural condition.
DAWN: Exactly and the body has the miraculous ability to heal itself. It can definitely heal. I think you and I are both proof,
DEBRA: We are, we are, we are. So we only have about three minutes left, is there anything that you’d really like to say that you haven’t said?
DAWN ROBERTS: Well, I do like the idea of you and I doing a seminar; I think that would be good since we’re both in Florida.
DEBRA: Oh, that’s right; where in Florida are you?
DAWN ROBERTS: That’s right. I’m in Central Florida and east of Orlando.
DEBRA: Oh, that’s not far from me at all. Hmm, well, we’ll have to figure out what we can do about that.
DAWN ROBERTS: Yes, we should; but what I want people to know is and I’m like you, it’s just I want people to know the truth. I don’t want people to be hurting anymore because I was hurting and in so much pain and I suffered so much and I was going broke, going to doctors and taking tests and taking drugs and I was just a miserable person and now I’m not and now I’m very blessed to have learned all the things that I’ve learnt. What people need to do is do their own research. I feel like sometimes people are.., it’s almost like people are being brainwashed into thinking that they can’t get better but we can and that’s what I want people to know; that there is hope and just start doing your research. The research is out there, the information is out there. There is your book and there is my book.
My book is available on Amazon and Dakemani the Publisher, Start reading everything that you can.
Another book that really helped me was “Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills”, by Dr. Russell Blaylock. That was a great book that helped me; so just….
Oh and allergies; the quick thing is with allergies; people blame everything; I’m allergic, I’m allergic, I’m allergic. An allergy is an immune response. Every time you have some allergy attack it means your body is reacting the way it’s supposed to with the immune response; you start sniffling, you start drainage, you start coughing, sneezing, your body gets fever; it goes through all those inflammatory, deciding inflammatory processes and then that’s just your body telling you, hey, I’ve been exposed to some chemical. A lot of people think they are allergic to dogs or cats; what I found was, I wasn’t allergic to dogs and cats; I was allergic to dogs who were being fed bad food and bad treats and human foods and dogs are taking all these vaccines and the …..
DEBRA: Dawn I need to interrupt you because we are coming up to the end of the show. Thank you so much for being on and I’m glad that we did this again and we’ll talk soon.
DEBRA: Thank you for being here with me. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio; I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and we’ll be back tomorrow.