Today my guest is Marcie Cuff, author of This Book Was a Tree: Ideas, Adventures, and Inspirations for Rediscovering the Natural World. Because this show is about toxics and alternatives to toxics, part of my mission is to encourage everyone to become more aware of the natural world, which supports all life. For decades I have looked to nature for life-enhancing ways to live, as a toxic-free alternative to industrialism. Marcie doesn’t wear a bonnet, carry a hatchet, eat hard tack or forage for wild herbs, fruits and nuts each morning. She prefers, instead, to wear spandex and a superhero cape and drink tea while planning clandestine small-scale seedbomb planting attacks in neglected neighborhood vacant lots. Between seedbombing excursions, she and her family live atop 0.013 acres of paradise just north of Manhattan. When she isn’t writing, digging in the dirt, or shop vac-ing the basement after a heavy rain, she is raising two small wild girls and a menagerie of pets with her clever and mesmeric husband. On any given day, Marcie’s small house is teeming with a maelstrom of rowdy kids, powerful ukulele ballads, disorganized experiments in various stages, and a potpourri of fort-building, dress-up bins and early-risers.
Before earning her M.A. in Secondary Science teaching and writing THIS BOOK WAS A TREE, Marcie had plunged into a whirlpool of prerequisite employment—everything from organic lettuce farmer, to tropical rainforest field technician, to stuffed animal designer, to Alaskan tent-dwelling goose researcher. Her award-winning blog MOSSY is devoted to families who share a love of slowing down, simplifying, getting dirty, and finding hands-on connections to art and nature. |
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Rediscovering the Natural World
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Marcie Cuff
Date of Broadcast:April 23, 2014
DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free. And usually we talk about things like less toxic products that you can buy, how to make things yourself, what toxic chemicals, where you find them and what they do to your health.
But today, we’re going to take a little different spin on it. Yesterday was Earth Day. Yesterday, we did a fabulous show about Rachel Carson who is the author of Silent Spring, which was I think the first environmental book that was really written for the general public. And it was also the first book to talk about toxic chemicals and how they affect the environment and how they affect our health.
And during the interview, one of the things that one of my guests said because I had two guests yesterday, one of the things one of the guests said was that Rachel Carson’s view was that we really needed to get back to living in harmony with nature and that that was the solution to the problem of toxics.
I was very happy to hear that because I figured that out a long time ago when I’ve been writing about that a lot over on the side because most people would like to know how to clean our house without toxic chemicals or something like that. But for me, the real solution is to regain our awareness that we do live in the natural world though natural world is out there, providing all the resources that flow through our industrial system and that to us as consumer products.
But we’re so busy looking at consumer products that we don’t trace it back through the industrial system all the way back to the earth. If we don’t take care of our environment, we don’t have natural resources to make those consumer products. And the first step to taking care of the environment as far as I can tell is just to be aware that it’s there. And this is what we’re talking about today.
My guest is Marcie Cuff. She’s the author of a wonderful book called This Book Was a Tree: Ideas, Adventures and Inspirations for Rediscovering the Natural World. Hi, Marcie.
MARCIE CUFF: Hi. How are you?
DEBRA: I’m good. How are you?
DEBRA: I’m so happy to have you on today because this is one of my favorite subjects. It was the way that—I think that everybody, as you say, is just connected from nature. And that those of us who are now reconnected had an aha moment.
And for me, it was that I just kept looking for something that was less toxic and less toxic and less toxic. And I finally looked around and said, “Wait a minute. Nature is not toxic.” And I started and I moved from the city. I was living in San Francisco in the city. I moved out into a forest and actually lived in a forest in a very rural area for two years. And that really changed my viewpoint about everything.
So tell us. I know you’re a science teacher. How did you become interested in the natural world?
MARCIE CUFF: I spent a lot of time when I was a kid in the woods. And when I got a little older, I worked as a field assistant for many years for professors when I was in college.
Actually before I got to college, I took a course called School for Field Studies and that got me some background. And then when I got into college, I was hired as a field assistant during the summers to collect data for professors.
So I spent a lot of time with different jobs in the woods and in Jamaica, studying fish and in Virginia, studying birds. And I spent a lot of time on trails.
And then I went into a graduate school in Alaska. So I spent a couple of years there. In graduate school, I lived in a cabin for a few years. It’s very isolated and I did my field work in a very isolated area, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. And then I came back to the East Coast and I taught high school and middle school biology and environmental science.
And then when I had my two girls, then I stopped teaching and I got a grant in running their grade school garden. So I [inaudible 00:04:45] program. I coordinated with the teachers and developed a curriculum based on the New York State standards.
So I did that for several years and then I started to blog along the way. I started a blog called Mossy. The blog was originally just documenting projects that I worked on with my kids. So I would document different hands on nature projects like [inaudible 00:05:14] and things we were doing outside.
And so I got a little bit of a following, mostly homeschool parents and Montessori schools. And then I was approached to write a book. So I started writing a book proposal and that’s where the book came along.
DEBRA: It’s a wonderful book. And one of the things that attracted me to it and why I wanted to invite you to be on the show is I love the title, This Book Was a Tree.
I remember a time and this was way back in 1987 when I first became aware of nature, but I remember a day where I suddenly went, “Oh, my desk came from a tree.” I was looking at the [inaudible 00:05:57]. “Wait a minute, this was a tree.”
And then I looked and I had a coffee mug on my desk and I said, “Wait a minute, that’s clay out of the earth.” And I just was looking all over my desk. This pencil is wood. It just came from a tree. And I just started looking at everything and instead of seeing it as a consumer product, I saw it as a natural resource.
And I saw that there were all these living things that had been turned into consumer products and I think it was a revelation for me to see that because I, like most consumers prior to this, would just see something—I mean I thought soup came out of cans and things like that.
My ex-husband, now he’s a very intelligent man and does a lot of things. And when I met him, he didn’t know where spaghetti came from. And so to talk about disconnect, we really don’t even know where the things that we’re using every day actually come from.
MARCIE CUFF: Yeah, I think that we have become progressively isolated from what’s outside. And so a lot of the time, we spend so much time in front of a screen and we forget where things come from.
It is amazing. I worked with kids at the grade school garden and before the kids in the city. A lot of times, I’ll have kids in the garden and they have never ever held a worm before.
I used to live in the city, but now I live outside the city, New York City. We don’t live—I mean easily we could be outside. It’s not like we have a city around us all the time. We could be outside [inaudible 00:07:43] in the dirt. And a lot of these kids have actually never really gotten their hands dirty.
I work with kids a lot, but I think the book that I wrote is actually—I mean kids can read it, but it’s more of a grownup book. It’s a book on how to get yourself and your family outside and set a good example and become aware of change that’s happening around us.
There are things that are going on that we might not even realize. We drive around and honestly there are a lot of things that I see. I guess my eyes may be trained a little differently because of my background in the sciences and environmental science. I see invasive plants and invasive species that people might not recognize if they’re not tuned into it.
So I think it’s important for us to spend time out there and get become aware of things that are around us.
DEBRA: I completely agree. We need to go to break soon, but I want to just mention that I actually have two copies of your book and so we’re going to give one away today. And so I just like to invite my listeners. If you are interested in getting your free copy of Marcie’s book, you can just go to and scroll down the page and there is a contact form.
If you just send me an email and just say that you’re interested in getting the book, I will choose one person at random at the end of the show and you’ll get to have a free book.
We actually do need to go to break in about 10 seconds. Nine, eight, seven. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Marcie Cuff. She’s the author of This Book Was a Tree. And when we come back, we’re going to learn a lot more about how you and your family can go out into nature and learn something about the natural world. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Marcie Cuff. She’s the author of This Book Was a Tree: Ideas, Adventures and Inspirations for Rediscovering the Natural World.
She has a website at You can learn more about the book. But she also has a blog. It’s called Mossy, but the URL is I went to It was a car dealer. So you go to
So I wanted to tell you that you were talking about seeing the world with different eyes. And I had that experience too many years ago. I had this big breakthrough about discovering the natural world and immediately after that, I met my husband to be who was very, very nature-oriented.
And I remember one day, we were walking down the street in San Francisco, in downtown San Francisco, in the financial district, which is like New York. It’s skyscrapers. And you can’t even see the sky and it’s just all concrete.
And he said, “Oh, look at that bird nest.” This is when I was just getting to know him. He says, “Look at that bird nest.” And I couldn’t see a bird nest. And he pointed to it and it was way up on the third or fourth floor on a skyscraper on a ledge. There was a bird nest and there was a bird in it.
And what I realized out of that was that I was walking down the street and all of my attention was I’m looking in the store windows. And all of his attention was he was looking at nature. I was looking at industrial consumerism.
And when he said that, when he showed me the bird nest, I suddenly realized that the wind was blowing on my face and I could actually [inaudible 00:11:46] that it was blowing on my face. I could perceive the temperature that was going on. I noticed that there were flowers and flower boxes and trees planted in boxes.
And suddenly, I could see nature, but a minute before, I couldn’t see it. But my awareness shifted and I think that that’s a big thing that needs to happen in our culture.
There’s nature all around us. We’re part of nature. I mean me, I consider myself as a human species to be as much part of nature as a tree. It’s not something separate from me. But we are separated from the natural world in our culture today and that’s the point of this book. It’s such a great book.
I’d like to just start at the beginning. You have chapter one. It’s about creating. So can you tell us about that?
MARCIE CUFF: Yeah. I guess the importance of chapter one I think is to realize that all of us have a creative side, even grownups. So if you’ve forgotten how to be creative, it’s totally important to slow yourself down and get in touch with that part of yourself.
MARCIE CUFF: Each chapter introduces a main project and so chapter one, the main project in chapter one is to take a hard cover, old book that really is unloved and will not be ever used and then to remove the pages and then put your own journal pages in and make it into a nature [inaudible 00:13:29].
So it’s a neat project because you’re taking that part of you and you’re putting it inside a book and you can add different things if you step outside. So it’s a nice creative project to work on.
DEBRA: I love that you’re encouraging people to be creative because that’s another thing. I mean I consider creativity to be part of our natural ability as human beings. And yet, what we do is turn our creativity over to multinational corporations and have them create everything for us and then we go buy it.
And so I think creativity is a really, really important thing to be bringing back. So once they make their journal, then what kind of things do you suggest? What kind of projects do you have them do so that they put something in the journal about their experience?
MARCIE CUFF: Okay. So there are different things that you can do in a journal. You can collect things. You can go outside and make collections. You can treat it as if you’re [inaudible 00:14:36] in a journal. You can make a list of different uses for objects or keep track of things that you see outside. Or you can treat it like a regular journal, but you can also add.
What I’ve done with a lot of my journals is I’ve added envelops and different collection areas for different things. So you can treat more like a collection journal. I have two girls and they’re very active outside kids. So we have a lot of different types of journals. So they all have different types of uses.
DEBRA: One of the things that I’ve enjoyed doing is that I walk around in my neighborhood a lot. And to me, at first I thought this is boring. I don’t want to just walk the same path every day. And so I started taking different tracks.
But then I started noticing that as I would walk past the same spot day after day that it was different that a plant suddenly would burst into bloom or the color of the leaves would change or things like that. I was doing it for exercise, but it turned into a nature walk. And I would carry my cellphone with me and I would just take photos of different things that I thought were particularly distinct at that time.
And that brought me a lot more aware, particularly the plants or the birds or if I would see an insect or something like that. It just made me more aware while I was getting my exercise. And that’s something that could go in a journal too.
MARCIE CUFF: Yeah. There’s another project that has to do with that actually that I have in the book, which is if you collect a stack of paper board and cut them to all uniform sizes, then you can make what we call a [contextual?] calendar and you can put it in an old wooden box. And so you can keep track.
You put a date stamp on each little cardboard piece. And so you stack them one behind the other in a cardboard. Mine is in a wooden box, but you could use any kind boxes. Stack them up, one behind the other.
And then each piece has a different date stamp on it. And so you can reuse this every year. So every day, if something happens outside or around you, you can keep track of when the raspberries start to ripen or when you see the first robin here or when does the big snow storm happen. Every year, things are different and it’s really important to keep track of all these things that are happening.
DEBRA: I have done that and it’s a very interesting thing to do. Here, where I live, in the spring, one of the indicators of spring is the jacaranda trees. And they are just definitely purple and you can’t miss them. And so I was keeping track of what day the jacaranda trees burst into bloom.
We have to have another break, but we’ll be right back. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and I’m talking with Marcie Cuff, author of This Book Was a Tree. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Marcie Cuff, author of This Book Was a Tree.
As I mentioned before, I have an extra copy here and I’m going to give it away to one of my listeners. So if you’d like to get a copy of the book for free, just go to and scroll down the page to the contact form and send me an email and tell me you’d like your book. And at the end of the hour, after the show is over, I’ll pick somebody at random.
Marcie, one of the chapters I was really interested in, in your book, is “Spend time wisely.” And you have some projects here about time. That was one of the first things that when I started looking at nature, I started realizing that nature operates on a different time.
And you have a project here about building a sundial. I happened to live in a house that is oriented exactly north, south, east, west. And where I’m sitting right now is exactly east. And so I see the sun coming up in the morning and it comes up at different places across my window. And I have a shade and I have to move the shade over as the sun comes up at different times of year in different places.
So I was very happy to see that you had a chapter on time. So tell us about that.
MARCIE CUFF: Most of the sundials that you see for purchasing at nature centers and online, most of them aren’t really set to your longitude. So this project in the chapter, I make it easy.
So it’s a pretty simple sundial. So you use a template that I put on there and you determine your latitude coordinates and then you plug in your latitude and then you can make a sundial from that. And you make the sundial from a base that’s fairly simple. It’s just a sliced tree stump.
You just need a couple of things, the tree stump and a protractor and a ruler and pencil. And it’s a fairly easy project. Based on your latitude, it’s pretty easy to set up. Yes, so it’s pretty simple and you can just keep it in your garden or outside, wherever you want to put it.
DEBRA: Yeah. I watched my sundial. I got a sundial and I watch it and I recognize that we think of hours as being 60 minutes, but if you actually watch them on a sundial, then some hours are 60 and some are 45 and some are 62 and that 60 minutes in an hour is just an average of the length of time of an hour.
But it’s interesting to actually see the difference and the variations in the natural world rather than have your time perception be the way it’s been all standardized. There’s a reason for standardized time. Go ahead.
MARCIE CUFF: That’s right. There’s something called the equation of time. You can correct your sundial in minutes. To be honest, the sundial is probably more accurate than any clock that we have if we look at nature.
There’s a reason, you’re right, that we have those really fancy, cutting-edge clocks. But a sundial is very accurate. You can set it to read what you want to if you use the equation of time. There’s a graph that I put in the book that you can reset your sundial so that it reads what your clocks read.
But you’re right, it’s really interesting to look at it and see that there are differences.
DEBRA: I’m laughing, I’m sorry. I have to laugh at what you just said that you can reset your sundial to read what your clock says.
MARCIE CUFF: I know it’s funny.
DEBRA: I mean to say this, but I have to tell you something even funnier. The whole point is to reorient ourselves to the natural world. And so for me, I just noted the difference between my sundial and my clock and I noticed that my clock was standardized and my sundial is different.
But the thing I really was laughing about was that the first thing that I became aware of about the natural time was the moon cycle, from the dark moon to the full moon back to the dark moon and when was that. And I thought, “Oh, how am I going to find out? Let’s see. I’ll go buy a book.”
MARCIE CUFF: That’s so funny.
DEBRA: And I did. I went and bought an almanac and I bought a tide guide so that I could find out when is the…
MARCIE CUFF: Yeah, instead of just going outside.
DEBRA: Instead of just going outside and looking in the sky.
DEBRA: So I’ve come a long way. I’ve come a long way. But the moon is not that easy because sometimes in the phase, it’s there in the night and other times, it’s there in the day. And you have to understand what that phase is. So there are things to learn about nature. It’s so fascinating.
MARCIE CUFF: Yeah. It’s actually really neat. If you use your sundial, if you make a sundial and then you sit there for 10 minutes every day and record observations about what’s going on around you, it’s nice to train yourself to just sit in one place and just record, just watch time pass.
People so rarely do that these days. We’re moving so fast and we’re trained to have tons of things on our plates. And just sitting there outside for 10 minutes and without interpreting things or comparing things or just looking at things, [inaudible 00:24:03] at the world, it’s important to do that, just to take the time and actually see what’s going on around you.
DEBRA: And you can watch time pass on the sundial because when you’re looking at a clock, what you’re looking at is the hands moving and when you look at the sundial, what you’re looking at is the earth moving.
MARCIE CUFF: I mean if you don’t want to make a sundial, you can actually do it in different ways too.
DEBRA: Yeah. Tell us another one.
MARCIE CUFF: You can watch shadows moving. You can make your own. Sundials have been made of different things for just over centuries. I mean the earliest ones were just tall, tall statues that would set a shadow on the ground. So that is considered a sundial. You can watch time pass in different ways. You don’t have to be as accurate as a sundial.
DEBRA: Right. But it’s a fun thing to do. It is a fun thing to do. I love sundials. So what is your favorite project?
MARCIE CUFF: Oh, it depends on who I’m with. I just last week worked with some nursery school teachers and we did a project as a workshop for them that is really easy for smaller kids. That is in my book and it’s called seed bombs and that’s a fun project.
DEBRA: I love sea bombs. Yeah, tell about sea bombs.
MARCIE CUFF: Yeah, it’s very fun. It’s super easy and really fun with smaller kids or grownups. It’s just a mixture of soil and clay and water and local wild flower seeds.
Honestly, it’s not a really specific mixture. You just wing it. But it’s very simple. And you basically make little small [meatballs?] and then you dry them and eventually toss them into places where they’ll grow.
DEBRA: Isn’t that fun? I love that. So we need to take another break.
You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest is Marcie Cuff, author of This Book Was a Tree.
If you’d like a free copy, please go to Toxic Free Talk Radio. And not everybody is going to get a free copy. I’ll choose somebody at the end of the hour. So just go send me an email with the contact form and you might be the winner. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest is Marcie Cuff, author of This Book Was a Tree: Ideas, Adventures and Inspirations for Rediscovering the Natural World . And there certainly are ideas, adventures and inspirations.
This book looks like so much fun that I feel like that I would just like, as an adult—and I don’t even have any kids to take on this adventure with me. But it is just something that you could just start at the beginning and go outside and you could gather some kids, you could gather some friends. You could invite people to a workshop and everyone can have a book and you can do it together.
It really is a very good outline of ways to get your attention back on the natural world and see that it’s there. And I think that there are so many people who don’t even see it. And how can we take care of something that we don’t know?
Marcie, how do you think we got so far off track? Even 100 years ago, people were very oriented to nature and very oriented to growing their own food and things like that. It was a very hands-on experience of making the stuff of life out of nature that was right around you. And now, we don’t do that at all.
MARCIE CUFF: Honestly, I feel like maybe it started with supermarkets. We used to raise all of the things that we ate in our backyard.
DEBRA: Right, we did.
MARCIE CUFF: Or we traded with our neighbors. And then supermarkets were more prevalent.
So I think the people started to forget where their food came from first. I mean it’s certainly more simple. And then we started working more, away from the land. So I think that’s probably, in my opinion, where it all started.
DEBRA: I think about it. As I mentioned before, the people think that if you’re going to have soup that you just opened a can.
But I’m really encouraging people. I have a food blog on my site and I’m really encouraging people to learn how to cook because even if you didn’t eat organic or didn’t eat local, just the act of moving away from processed foods and just to fresh foods is a huge step.
When I moved here to Florida, I come from California, from the San Francisco Bay area. When I moved here to Florida, I was astonished at how many women I was meeting did not know how to cook. Their food was coming from takeout and packages and they really didn’t know how to slice a tomato. They really didn’t.
And people started asking me to give cooking lessons. And I thought this is just a skill we need to bring back because it’s a very different experience to go out in your backyard and pick warm tomatoes off the vine and make them into something delicious.
And even if you don’t have that tomato plant in your backyard, to go to a farmers’ market or even buy fresh tomatoes at a natural food store that are organic, it’s a completely different experience than eating a packaged food. And I know that I feel a lot more connected to nature just having my hands on the food than appreciating those plants and animals for giving the nutrition.
MARCIE CUFF: Having a connection with what you eat is really important. I think that most of us eat just out of habit without really thinking about what we’re putting into our bodies. So I think that considering what you eat and you drink or the origins of the food [inaudible 00:30:28] with package or keeping track what you put into your body is really important.
Yeah. I think that it’s also interesting if you just keep track just for one day the ingredients of products that you eat, just thinking about every single thing that you put into your body and just keeping track of what exactly is going into you.
DEBRA: And where is it coming from?
MARCIE CUFF: Yeah. Where is it coming from? Yeah. And eating seasonally is really important. I think that once we have supermarkets, we forget that.
DEBRA: We do forget that.
MARCIE CUFF: A lot of the products that we find in our supermarket don’t come locally. They come from really far away.
And so produce has a season. Things that we buy, they really do have seasons. You have to be paying attention to the season of the products.
DEBRA: I, as a child—my birthday is in June. And so I always had Strawberry Shortcake for my birthday cake because certainly there were strawberries. And we would go looking for the first strawberries as a family. We live in the San Francisco Bay area, so down the coast in Monterey, they would grow strawberries and we would go down to Monterey so we could get the first strawberries because we love strawberries so much and that was a family trip.
So I had a real sense of the seasons growing up with food because at that time, it was before they started shipping things in from all over like they do now. And you couldn’t get the watermelon or a strawberry or any of those red peppers or anything, unless it was summertime.
And I remember when we lived in California, my ex-husband loved bananas and I would say, “No, no, you can’t eat them because they don’t grow here.” I was really trying to really eat only what grew in my bioregion.
And so then we moved to Florida and there are bananas trees in everybody’s backyard, including mine. And I said, “Okay, eat all the bananas you want.”
MARCIE CUFF: We have a very small backyard, but we do have a community garden that we are really actively involved in. And even if you don’t have that, you can grow sprouts in your kitchen very easily.
It’s basically like harvesting. It’s like a little garden and that’s something that you can grow all year-round. That doesn’t have a season.
You can grow sprouts that are really healthy for you and they are super easy, just in a regular mason jar. That’s a simple project that I have in the book too. That’s very easy to do and you don’t need to have a green thumb.
DEBRA: I love growing sprouts. It’s so fascinating to me to watch something grow from a seed. And in a sprout jar, you can see that happening. It’s not like the seed is underground where you can’t see it.
And also for a while, we had chickens that were laying eggs in our backyard until the police came and took them away because they are illegal where I live. But when I got that first egg from the chicken, I just went into the chicken house and there it was, just sitting there. I went, “Oh my god, an egg.” And I knew that I had fed the chicken and they had eaten grass, just right my organic grass in my backyard and things like that.
I knew what had gone into that egg and it was the product of my local backyard and my kitchen scraps and stuff. And then I ate that egg and there was this real sense of knowing where my food was from and that I have participated in that. Connecting with nature just changes your perspective a lot.
MARCIE CUFF: Yeah. I feel like just reconnecting with the natural world and slowing down and looking at our relationship with what’s outside, what we contributed to it is really important.
DEBRA: We only have just a few minutes left. So is there anything else that you’d like to talk about that we haven’t covered?
MARCIE CUFF: Oh, the only thing I can think of is advice for people just to get outside and move away from your comfort zone and get away from a screen and just go outside and pay attention to what’s going on around you.
DEBRA: Excellent advice. Excellent, excellent. And you will see a change. You will notice the world in a different way.
Thank you so much, Marcie for being on the show. Thank you for writing this book. I certainly am going to have fun with it and I help a lot of my listeners do it as well. Thanks for being with me today.
MARCIE CUFF: Thank you so much.
DEBRA : You’re welcome. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio and you can go to The first thing that you should do is to scroll down the page and send me an email that you’d like to be one of the people in the drawing for a free copy of Marcie’s book.
But also there are other things on the page. You can go to the top of the page and there are other parts of my website. If you click on Shop, it will take you to Debra’s List where you’ll find over 500 different websites that sell toxic-free products.
Many of them are very connected to nature and how they’re made with organic things and just right close to nature. Many of the products are that way. Many are hand-made. Many are things that you can find in local stores.
And then if you click on Q&A, you can ask a question. You can ask a question and I will answer it and my readers will answer it and they’re very, very knowledgeable. There are probably 10 years worth of questions on there. There are thousands of questions and thousands of answers.
And then if you click on Body Detox, that’s my blog where all we talk about on that blog is how to remove toxic chemicals from your body because everybody does have toxic chemicals in their body. And everybody needs to remove them in order to have good health. There have been many studies where they test the blood of people, of newborn babies that have toxic chemicals in their bodies. So this is a very important subject.
If you click on Food, you’ll get to my food blog where we talk about how to cook healthy things. And the last one is Nature. And that’s where I talk about how we can reconnect with nature.
You’ve been listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.