Today my guest is James Maskell, CEO of Revive Primary Care, a new project dedicated to restoring the health of America. By combining proven, dedicated, holistic doctors and practitioners with a scalable, digital, education platform, their intention is to inspire a revolution of empowered health advocates. We’ll be talking about the state of healthcare today, what you need to be healthy, and his new healthcare program that includes doctors who detox toxic chemicals.
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Patient-Centered Healthcare Helps You Find a Doc That Understands Toxic Chemical Detox
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: James Maskell
Date of Broadcast: January 06, 2014
DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world.
It’s Monday, January 6, 2014, the first show of the year in 2014. And I’m actually very excited to be back after the holiday. I took three weeks’ off, and I know you’ve all been listening to shows in the archives because all of the shows are recorded and are in the archives. You can listen to any show from the beginning of Toxic Free Talk Radio. And we’ve been on the air now since April 22nd of last year.
So that’s more than a hundred shows. They’re all in archives for you to listen to. You can even listen to today’s show again, or if you want to tell a friend about it, you can tell a friend, and they can listen to it any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from any electronic device in the world.
So I’m very happy to be back. I just can’t tell you how happy I am to be back. This is actually one of the highlights of my day.
So I’m here in Clearwater, Florida where it’s about to rain, but I don’t think that we’ll be disconnected.
Today, we’re just going to start the new year off with talking about healthcare. And we’re not going to talk much about that healthcare that everybody is talking about, but we’ll talk about it a little bit. We’re going to talk about how you can choose healthcare that is patient-centered, and includes education, and also includes dealing with toxic chemicals, and helping you remove toxic chemicals from your body because there are doctors out there who can help you with that. We’re going to talk about some of that today.
My guest is James Maskell, and he’s the CEO of a business called Revive Primary Care, and it’s a new project that’s dedicated to restoring health of America, by combining proven, dedicated holistic doctors and practitioners with a digital education system. Their intention is to inspire a revolution of empowered advocates.
Doesn’t that sound great? Empowered health advocates.
I’d rather be an empowered health advocate than a patient. And I’d rather be healthy than sick. And the whole idea is to keep us healthy, for us to be doing things, so that we stay healthy and know what to do if, by any chance, we get sick.
In Ancient China, the doctors were paid on a regular basis to keep people healthy, and they stopped paying them when they got sick. I think that’s a fine idea.
So welcome to the show, James.
JAMES MASKELL: Great to be with you here today, Debra. Thank you.
DEBRA: Thank you for being here. So could you just tell us very briefly—we’re going to have a lot of time to talk about this later, but just give us a brief introduction to what your business is about?
JAMES MASKELL: Well, first and foremost, I feel like Revive Primary Care is a rational response to these types of epidemics that we see today in America. The healthcare picture that we look at and see today is very different than times gone by. And I just really felt that, coming in, the healthcare system that we have doesn’t really aim to deal with the epidemics that we have now. And so my goal with Revive Primary Care is to provide a rational response to that, something that can help to deal with […] epidemic.
DEBRA: Good. Now, tell us, I know you have an interesting story that you’ve already told me about how you became interested in this and why you’re doing this. So tell our listeners, so they know who you are.
JAMES MASKELL: Well, despite my English accent, I was actually born in America. I was born in Colorado to South African and English parents who were on vacation (and I think sort of working too).
I grew up in England. I was definitely the weird kid at school. We did a lot of alternative medicine. I had chiropractic. I always used homeopathy. And I had good results from that. My parents were very interested in that.
I sort of followed a rebellious path for a while where I thought I needed to be an investment banker. I did economics, and went down that route. But I very quickly realized that I was playing for the wrong team.
The way that I had grown up, I realized that there was a lot that needed to be done. There were a lot of problems that needed to be solved. And from my economics training, I really realized that the biggest problem in the biggest economy in the biggest country in the world is healthcare in the United States. And I really just had an inkling that what I had growing up with could provide some sort of answer to this problem that was identified years and years ago. But it’s still coming to fruition even now.
And so in 2005, I moved to America and started on this course towards trying to make a difference in American medicine. And it’s been a wonderful journey. There’s not a day that goes by that I’m not glad that I left job and started in this.
DEBRA: It’s a very interesting field. I love alternative medicine. What was your first job in the field?
JAMES MASKELL: My first job was I actually worked in a clinic. A friend of the family convinced me to come to America and work for him. He had started a clinic that he thought could be a model for the future of primary care, which is essentially holistic, naturopathic medicine delivered in a spa environment.
And he felt that, for the baby boomers, and also moving forward, there was going to be a movement away from a hyper-clinical medicine towards more of a lifestyle medicine. And you have to get people involved.
And in order to get the patients involved in their care, they have to want to be there.
And so, that was his vision.
So, for a year and a half, I worked in his clinic. It was in rural Georgia. It was not a major, major metropolitan area. It was not even necessarily a very rich area. What they wanted to do was to provide a model for the future of primary care.
I moved to Georgia. I worked there for a year and a half, getting that business going, really learning about what it took to run and grow a successful wellness/holistic medical practice.
DEBRA: And then, how did you get from there to putting together this business?
JAMES MASKELL: It’s about seven years in between. So, after a year and a half, I really got a good understanding of that, and I became a regional manager for a supplement company. It’s a supplement company that only sold through doctors. It’s called Energetics. It’s based out of Georgia.
And in 2007, I moved up to New York to be the representative in the Northeast. And so for a few years, I just did that.
And that was really what brought concretely down my understanding of how toxins and all of these other factors could affect health. I worked with practitioners and doctors who were getting great results with kids on the autism spectrum and Lyme disease and had digestive complaints. And I really saw that there was another type of medicine that was dealing with these kinds of chronic cases, and that it was useful and valuable.
So, for three years, I was really focused on that. And then in 2009, I just had this inkling that there are these doctors out there, they are doing amazing work, but they don’t really communicate what they do very well, especially online.
Still, they’re sort of stuck in ‘70s mentality. Everything looks a bit hokey. I knew that there was value out there, but I just felt like these practitioners weren’t doing a good job of communicating that out.
So, I started a digital branding agency in New York. We would take these brands and doctors and help them communicate their vision better.
And then after three years of that, I really saw that we’d learned a lot from that process, but it really didn’t scale. Making websites, doing social media and helping doctors to do that, we were just doing it one doctor by one doctor. And we learned a lot through that process, but there’s a lot more people out there that needed help than just the doctor in whatever zip code we were working in. And Revive Primary Care is my first iteration of trying to scale that out to a lot more patients across the country.
DEBRA: Good. And as I said, we are going to talk about that in detail as we go through the show.
So, I’m looking at your website which is And one of the first things at the top, it says, “Fire Your
Doctor.” Why should you fire your doctor?
JAMES MASKELL: That’s a great question. I generally feel like if you have a doctor that is not treating the causes of your disease—
You know, in the past, the doctor-patient relationship was very one-sided. If you had a car accident, or if you had an acute infection or otherwise, this is the way that the doctor-patient relationship evolved. The doctor knew what was going on, the patient didn’t know anything, and the doctor was there to fix you essentially.
Now, in the future of medicine, and in the current epidemics that we see, these are not those kinds of issues. Those kinds of issues have fallen away. We’re very good at dealing with them in America, maybe the best in the world, but what we’re not very good at dealing with is conditions where there is not a single cause, where different causes are building up over time, where we have a chronicity of cause, and then we have a chronicity of symptoms.
DEBRA: I need to interrupt you for a second because we need to go to the break. But we’ll be right back. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And my guest today is James Maskell from Revive Primary Care. He’s the CEO and founder. And that’s We’ll be right back after this.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is James Maskell who is the CEO of a new company called Revive Primary Care.
And James, before the break, you were telling us about why you should fire your doctor. So continue with that.
JAMES MASKELL: Thanks, Debra. I feel like if you have a chronic condition, and your doctor is treating you as though you have an acute condition, there’s no way that you’re going to get better.
All of these types of things, a lot of chronic disease, if we go right from the top of the body to things like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease right through the chronic classic autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, and those types of things, plus all the big chronic diseases that we’re seeing—heart disease, hypertension and so forth—if your symptoms are being managed with drugs for those diseases, I think it’s time to take a new approach because it’s not a cure.
And in the past, these kinds of approaches have been a cure for acute infections and so forth. But this is not a cure. You’re looking purely to manage symptoms. And I think that if you find yourself in that category, then it would be a good idea to seek a second, third or fourth opinion from someone who understands the causes of chronic disease and the best ways to work with those causes.
DEBRA: I completely agree with you. I know that in my life, I have been dealing with ongoing conditions. And sometimes, they’re better; and sometimes, they’re worse. And yet, I do need to go to a medical doctor for a prescription because I take a thyroid supplement.
And so, I go to the doctor, and I say, “I want a thyroid supplement,” which I take Natural Armour Thyroid. And every time I go, I get this whole lecture about how this symptom and that symptom is going to get worse and turn into this, and what I need to do is take this drug, and that drug, and another drug, and another drug, and another drug.
It’s like I just go to primary care to get my little prescription. And I have to keep going from one primary care to the next (you know, the little express doctors), because if I go to a regular doctor, if I go to a regular MD in an office and become a patient, all they want to do is give me a program of drugs.
And there are some types of doctors, which we’re going to talk about later, that don’t do that. But a lot of those doctors can’t give prescriptions.
So, it’s been really difficult for me to find the right kind of healthcare that I want. And I think it’s probably difficult for other people too which is one of the reasons why I’m really, really interested in your program. I think that you’re doing a fantastic job with this, what you’re putting together.
So, could we just talk about ObamaCare for a minute? Do you want to talk about that?
JAMES MASKELL: Sure! Sure, absolutely. Yes, we can definitely do that.
DEBRA: What I want to say, first of all, was that I couldn’t even figure it out. And I have a very tiny, little type of insurance. It’s called Go Blue. I don’t know if they have it in other states. It’s in the State of California that is put out by Blue Cross and Blue Shield. I pay $68 a month, and I get unlimited lab tests, I get a big discount on my thyroid prescription, and they’ll pay $50 towards a doctor visit. And that’s all it covers. But if you’re going to get lab tests on a regular basis, then that’s a huge amount of savings.
And so, that plan fit just fine for me. And it costs $68 a month. It saves me a lot of money. I even once got an MRI on that plan, and they paid 100% of it.
And so then I get a letter saying Obamacare is saying that we can’t have this plan anymore. And so now, you couldn’t pay—this recommended plan is $585 a month. Well, I don’t want to pay $585 a month because the government tells me I have to.
Otherwise, I have to pay a penalty.
I’m sorry, it just doesn’t make sense.
JAMES MASKELL: Yes, I completely agree. We’re operating in a medical industry that is changing in front of our eyes as we speak. And I think January 1st 2014 is a big wake-up for all the people that they’re not getting what they want.
And it’s actually called the Affordable Care Act. That’s the name of it.
If you look in history, you see that they name these bills to really confuse people as to what the problem is. I mean, when you look at who wrote this legislation, and you look at the revolving door between industry and government, the people who wrote this [inaudible 15:11] now work for industry, and it’s the main industries that benefits. Obviously, the insurance companies benefit because now you’re forcing people to buy their product and service. And then the pharmaceutical industry benefit because you have to operate within their network of doctors and all strange and pharmaceutical prescriptions.
And so, I’m not a big fan. I don’t think it could move in the right direction. But in some ways, I think it’s maybe a wake-up call to Americans that if you don’t stand up and look after your own health, the government will be taking care of it for you.
And I think maybe in the medium-term, it will actually be valuable as a wake-up call, but I don’t think as a way of dealing with the big problem.
I grew up in England, Debra. And even in England now, they’re saying that England is looked at by a lot of people as amazing because it has this single payer health system, where basically, all care is free for everyone. You have to maybe wait in a waiting list. But generally, all of your care is free.
But even now in England, they’re saying, by 2015, they’re not going to be able to continue on with that plan. They’re not going to be able to have a single payer system. And it’s the same reason why they can’t have that there as they can’t have it here in America or why almost all healthcare systems are unsustainable. It’s because they’re not dealing with the causes of the disease.
Until we actually deal with the causes of chronic disease—chronic disease management is ridiculously expensive. And until we actually can deal with the causes of chronic disease, it doesn’t matter who’s paying for it—small business (which is only in America, businesses pay for the insurance. That’s unique to America really) or single payer (the government pays for everything), or this bit of hybrid system that we have right now where, essentially, some patients are paying some of it, businesses are paying some of it, small government is paying some of it, the local government and also the federal government.
It doesn’t really matter who’s paying. If the costs continue to ratchet up at this pace, no one can afford it. It will bankrupt everyone.
And so, that’s why we really need another—it doesn’t matter who’s paying for it. We need a way to control the cost. And from my perspective, the only way that we can control the cost is to actually deal with the causes of these chronic diseases and catch them a lot earlier than we’re catching them right now (which is basically when they’re symptomatic).
DEBRA: I completely agree. And we’re going to talk more about your program, and what you think that we all should do, and what kind of system we should have after this break.
I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest is James Maskell from Revive Primary Care.
And his website is We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And today, my guest is James Maskell. He’s the CEO of Revive Primary Care. We’re going to be talking about all the details of that now, and you’ll probably want to go to to find out more and to sign up yourself.
So James, tell us everything. Describe the program. I remember, when I first went to your site, I wasn’t quite sure what it was all about. So tell me.
JAMES MASKELL: Thank you for saying that. And you’re right. I mentioned at the beginning of the call, this is really the first iteration of Revive. We launched in October. We had a really amazing response right from the beginning. And we filled out our memberships.
We’re actually sold out right now. We’re trying to get to a point where we can take a lot more people through the system. But we learned a lot at the beginning.
And essentially, what we’re trying to do, the name, Revive Primary Care, to me, I really wanted to call it something that really talks about what it is. Primary care refers to, in medical terms, your first thought of call in medicine. So you go to a primary care doctor, and they take care of you.
However, those two words by themselves really have meaning by themselves. Primary, what is really primary? I think that primary needs to be redefined because the way that we take care of ourselves and our home is really primary—before the doctor visit. And care also, what kind of care that we take?
So, what I saw out there was that there was this big network of holistic doctors that were doing great work in dealing with the causes of chronic disease.
So, what Revive Primary Care does is basically a three-step process. The best way to get the most out of Revive is this:
First of all, to understand the four major cause of chronic disease. There are probably more causes, and more will come to light, but from what I understand, and from speaking to the top doctors and the top lecturers across the country in integrative medicine who have been doing this for years, is that there are four main causes of chronic disease. And that’s what you can find out. Anyone can go to our site now and look at some of the videos that we have and some of the articles that talk about those main four courses.
A couple will be obvious to you. Obviously, diet is a huge driver of chronic disease. The American diet is very different from others all around the world (although there’s KFC in Iraq, in Afghanistan. So we’ll see how that proliferates across the country, across the world). But diet one is one thing.
Obviously, stress is a huge driver as well. And those are the two obvious ones. I think people really understand that stress and diet now can affect their health.
But there are two other ones. One of them, I think, will be very obvious to you and your listeners if they’ve been listening to you for a while. There’s toxicity in all of its forms. And I love to talk more about that because I just think it’s such an interesting issue.
And the fourth is more about the bugs. We call it immunity, but it’s the new understanding of the bugs that we live on and around us.
I really got fired up about a year and a half ago because I went to a conference all about this on the human microbiome which is a new understanding of the microbes that live on and around us. We have misunderstood them for years. We thought they were bad. Ninety-nine percent of them are actually good. They do a lot of work in detoxification or otherwise.
But what I basically identified was these are the four major causes of chronic disease. The fifth cause that I think that we can deal with as well is what we call iatrogenic disease, which means caused by medicine or doctors which is the third or fourth biggest killer in America which is a great concern.
So, what Revive Primary Care really does is, first of all, help you to identify the four major causes of chronic disease that you can do something about without ever seeing a doctor. The second phase is to actually do something about it, to put some of that into action. And this is all free. We’re all at free level at this stage.
And then the third phase is to actually go and see one of these doctors who will support those choices.
I think one of the things that I feel, and what I hear from patients—and we took a bunch of new patients in—they just didn’t feel like their doctor is listening to them. They understand their body. They understand the cause and effect that’s happening between these causes and their disease appearing, their chronic disease. But the doctor is not listening. The doctor is listening for 7 seconds or 23 seconds, cutting them off and then prescribing.
But I think that between those four causes and iatrogenic disease, if we can do what we can do to eliminate those, then I think we can actually not need so much healthcare. And that’s how we actually contain cost—not actually needing as much care.
We’re feeding the beast all this time because we still go to the doctor, we still do our prescriptions, we still go to the hospital.
We really need to starve the beast. And I think the way to starve the beast is to actually take what’s ours to take, and take responsibility for those things that we can take responsibility for. And then use the doctors and use those practitioners that have a history and experience in reversing the cause of the chronic disease.
DEBRA: I just so completely agree with this because I know in my own life, in dealing with my own health, I have observed that the body wants to be healthy. For me, it’s just been a matter of figuring out what it is that I’m doing to make it sick.
It’s not like illness is this random thing. I don’t even think in terms of illness anymore. For me, illness is only if you catch a bug.
But for me, everything is about body condition, and that that condition is a result of what we do day in and day out, the choices that we make. It’s a result of the foods that we eat and the toxic chemicals that we are exposed to, and how much sleep we get, and how much stress, and how much love, and all these things that contribute to our health.
And so, at this point in my life, I am not even thinking in terms of fighting disease. I’m thinking in terms of building health. And as I build health, and build health, and build health, then I get healthier. And so even though I’m getting older, I’m healthier than
I was when I was younger.
And I have a wonderful doctor that I work with who is not an MD, but he’s a holistic practitioner. He can’t give me my prescription, which is why I have to go to the instant doctors to get prescription. But he listens to me, and he encourages me to think for myself. And we talk about different issues.
And so, I use him more as an adviser or a consultant to say, “This is what I’m thinking about doing. What do you think? And what can you offer me? And what recommendations can you make?”
But it’s my responsibility. Instead of putting the responsibility in the hands of the doctor, instead of us just living however we live, and then saying, “Doctor, fix me,” it’s about us living to be healthy, and then using health advisers, what I would call health advisers.
That’s why I love when you say that you want to be making health advocates. That’s what we should be—advocating for our own health.
I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. We’re going to go to break. We’ll be back with my guest, James Maskell, from Revive Primary Care. And that’s We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest is James Maskell, CEO of Revive Primary Care. And that’s at, where you can go, as he said, and get a lot of free information about the four main causes of illness—which are immunity, stress, toxicity and diet.
Now James, would you tell us when people do have the opportunity to sign up with you, and go through your program, could you tell them step by step what happens? First, they get the information, and then what happens?
JAMES MASKELL: So, at the moment, for our first iteration, you sign up, you went through what we call a Patient Preparation Program, which essentially was a daily video and a blog post that was sent to you. It will take you about 10 or 15 minutes a day for a week to just prepare you so that you’re going to get the most out of your relationship.
Most of these doctors at this point, some of them take insurance, some of them don’t. Most of the insurance that people can afford now is going to be a high deductible insurance. So most of the time, you’re actually going to be paying for your care anyway until you meet that deductible. And you’re in a position now where you’re having to pay for your care.
So, I want to make sure that if you choose to go to one of these doctors around the country that does this kind of work, that you get the most out of your time and get the most bang for your buck. And the way to get the most bang for your buck is to make sure that you’re dealing with these four issues before you go and see them.
So, you’re eating a good diet. You’re eliminating toxicity. You’re respecting your microbes and doing things to actually honor the fact that the majority of these microbes are extremely valuable. And you’re taking active work in de-stressing.
If any of those four are crazily out of balance, then you’re not going to get the most out of the time with a practitioner. And so it’s good to go and see them, but I want you to make sure that your investment and your time and their time, and maybe the supplements that they recommend for you or otherwise, you’re getting the most return on your investment.
So, the first step is to go through this Patient Preparation Program. And then the second step is that we actually pair you with a practitioner in your zip code. That’s been the process up until now. We launched it in October. We took a hundred patients through the system to really test the system, see what its strengths were, see what its weaknesses are. And now, we’re in the process of re-jigging it, so that we can actually scale a lot more quickly.
And we learned so much from our first group. We had a great group of patients, people who were really excited about this new paradigm of medicine. But we also learned things. It’s always an evolving process. Everything you do has things that really work or otherwise. And we’re just continuing to build on all the things that worked, switch up the things that didn’t. And we hope to re-launch at the beginning of February with an opportunity for every American to come through the system and get a lot of benefit from it.
So, that’s where we are right now. It’s been a great journey. We look forward to serving a lot more people.
And more than anything, we have so much feedback that people were just blown away by what it was like to have this kind of different relationship with a doctor—where they listen to you, where your story was important to them, where they actually ask questions of clarification about your story and the details of it.
I think on a lot of levels, that’s almost the best thing that came out of it. People realized that there was another option out there.
And I think that’s part of our mission here, re-educating and re-alerting the population to the fact that your doctor visits don’t have to be this sort of like—just as you explained earlier, bullying type of experience that a lot of people are used to right now.
DEBRA: I’m always looking for doctors who will write my prescription. And I went into one of these little primary care places.
And the doctor so immediately bombarded me. But I just walked out. I said, “I’m sorry. This is not going to work,” and I walked out. And I had never done that before, but that’s how bad it was.
I want to say that one of the things that I like so much about your program is that—and I hope to be one of your members when you start again in February—you have education on your website which includes about toxic chemicals in your home and in your body. And then, when you go to the doctors that are in your program, they know what you’re talking about.
When I wrote my book, Toxic Free, I thought—and this was just a couple of years ago—I thought, “I need to tell people where they can find doctors who might understand what they’re talking about when they start talking about toxic chemicals, and ask them.”
I actually have a page on my website. If you go to, and look over in the right-hand column, there’s a link that says Professional Help. And it lists the types of doctors who might know something about toxicity, might know something about toxic chemical exposures, and might have an idea about how you might remove toxic chemicals from your body.
And those would be naturopathic doctors, doctors who practice environmental medicine, doctors who practice functional medicine, anti-aging medicine, a clinical nutritionist, a chiropractor, or a biological dentist—but then, not necessarily. Just because they’re in this field, they’re not necessarily going to understand what we’re talking about.
And what you have here is an opportunity to put together a viewpoint of body of information that is consistent from the patient education through them going and seeing a practitioner. So, when you sign up to be a member of this program, you know that there will be a consistent viewpoint from one end to the other.
JAMES MASKELL: Yes, we’re just trying to create a unified combination of the practitioners and the digital education platform that has so many synergies and efficiencies with providing this kind of education.
People are making amazing content all the time. On our website, you’ll see there’s a video made by the [Story of Stuff] talking about toxic chemicals. It’s an 11-minute video, and it really shows why you can go into the supermarket, and there’s a thousand different types of shampoo, and they’re all toxic. That is something that is changing slowly. But there’s no reason why every person in the world could not watch that video. It’s available, it’s free, it’s on YouTube [inaudible 32:45].
What we’re really in the job of is curating the best stuff that’s coming out for the patients, so you don’t have to go and try and find it yourself. We curate the best ongoing education on those topics. And so patients stay up to date, they get the best information, the coolest stuff. And also, when they go to their doctor, they know that they can have a proper conversation about these causes, and the doctor is going to be clued into it.
And I would say that most of those professionals that you’ve included—the naturopath, the environmental medicine, functional medicine—it’s a big part of their training to really understand toxicity as a cause.
But you’ll also see that all of these different four causes are not just operating in isolation, they’re also synergistic. So the majority of methyl detoxification in your body is being done by the microbes in your gut. Stress, if the immune system is stressed, then the detoxification pathways are stressed, and you’re not going to detoxify in the way that the body is doing all of the time. And if you eat a crappy diet, you’re going to be introducing more toxins into it.
So, toxicity is one thing. But they all interact, and they all have a synergistic effect.
DEBRA: They do. I agree. I agree, I agree. I used to think you could just avoid toxic chemicals and all would be fine. But I don’t think that that’s the case. I think that we also have to be looking at how we can help the body rejuvenate. And we need to be caring our detox systems because we can’t avoid every single toxic chemical. Our body has a system, the detoxification system, that can process some chemicals, but we have to keep it in good shape. And that requires having nutrition. That requires exercise. You even have to be able to get enough sleep in order to detox.
So, it does all work together; it really does.
We have just about two minutes left. Is there anything else that you’d like to say that you haven’t said?
JAMES MASKELL: I just wanted to share my appreciation for you, Debra. Part of the reason why this is easier for me—I was only born in 1980, so I’m a newbie onto the scene, and I know that you’ve been doing this for a long time. But it’s really the hard work of those advocates like yourself, and all the other doctors—
You know, one of the people I introduced and interviewed on toxicity and stress is Dr. Ronald Hoffman. He’s been on the radio for 25 years talking about this kind of stuff.
It’s the work of the pioneers that have gone forth at the beginning that are allowing these next steps to occur.
And it takes time to happen. I was just meeting with a practitioner the other day who started their own gluten-free plan in 1997.
And now, you can get a gluten-free Domino’s pizza. So, you can see that it takes time.
DEBRA: It takes time, I know.
JAMES MASKELL: It takes time for stuff to happen. But I really just wanted to say I appreciate yourself and all of those other people out there who have been on this bandwagon for a long time. The bandwagon is moving more quickly, it’s moving downhill, and more and more Americans are realizing that what they do affects their healthcare outcomes—what they do at home.
And for me, Revive Primary Care is just the next logical extension of that. If you know that what you do with your body and so forth is going to affect your health outcomes, why not have a doctor that also understands that so you can have a proper conversation? And that is really what we’re trying to with Revive Primary Care.
DEBRA: That’s so great. So, everybody can go to And right at the top of the homepage, there’s a place where you can put in your name and your e-mail, and click the submit button. And I’m sure if you do that, James, you’re going to send them an e-mail when it’s time to sign up for being a member, right?
JAMES MASKELL: Absolutely, yes. That will be the best way to stay up-to-date. Also, on, that’s where we’re putting up all the best articles that we’re seeing on all this range of topics. You’re good to go on there and share out with your friends if you’re an advocate. If you are an empowered advocate already, social media does provide an opportunity to be able to spread information very quickly.
And so, those would be the two actions that I would take right now.
DEBRA: We are just running out of time. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And we’ll be back tomorrow.