ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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debb-mastersonToday my guest is Debb Masterson, founder of Minnesota Nice Spice. She makes organic seasoning blends that really pop with flavor! (I’ve tried some of them) And all the profits go to helping a local organization that empowers adults with disabilities through art. Debb is a self-proclaimed spice gypsy, naturalist, and world traveler, From a young age, Debb’s affinity for creating deliciously unique recipes was evident. She learned French culinary techniques from her grandmother and became a master of substitution and experimentation when faced with limited ingredients. A diverse career path that included working in restaurants, owning a neighborhood bar and grill, and selling medical devices and beverages, supported Debb’s love of food and also sparked an interest in the healing arts, which led to Debb’s strong belief in the healing properties of everyday herbs and spices. As a risk-taker with a true entrepreneurial spirit, it’s no surprise that Debb’s current venture combines all her life and work experiences, including her love for world travel. Debb has traveled to dozens of countries seeking out native spices and global healing products and has channeled her unique experiences into each of her Minnesota Nice Spice Seasoning Blends.


Mini Vanilla Muffins
with Island Spice Dessert Spices


Crispy Crunchy Roasted Chickpeas with Lucy's Pub Blend



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Organic Seasoning Blends that Give 100% of Profits to Artists with Disabilities

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Debb Masterson

Date of Broadcast: October 29, 2015

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free.

It’s Thursday, October 29th, almost Halloween, and 2015. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida where the sun is shining as it does this time of the year in Florida. It’s a beautiful day today.

We’re going to talk about something really delicious today. We’re going to be talking about spice blends. And one of the things that I love about spice blends is that to put clovers together actually takes some finesse. And well-trained chefs and experienced cooks can put those spices together in a way that taste good and have the proper balance.

But for those of us that aren’t as experienced or knowledgeable, it’s really nice to have a blend that tastes really good so that you can just sprinkle it on your food and that tastes Italian or Thai or Chinese or whatever.

So today my guest has made a series of spice blends with all organic spice ingredients. We’re going to be talking about that.

Her name is Debb Masterson, and she’s the founder of Minnesota Nice Spice.

Hi, Debb.


DEBRA: So nice to talk to you.

DEBB MASTERSON: Thanks for having me.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. Thanks for being here.

So I just want to tell my listeners that the first time I tried your spice blends, I just went wow because it had so much flavor in comparison to other spices. I buy single spices and I’ve used some other spice blends, but yours really are powerful flavors.

DEBB MASTERSON: Yes, thank you. A little bit goes a long way.

DEBRA: It does. It does.

So how did you become interested in doing – they’re all organic. What made you interested in organic?

DEBB MASTERSON: Well, growing up, we always had an organic garden, and we would always grow our own herbs, dry them, and mix them with spices, and make our own spice blends for fun.

As time went on, you get busy, and have a lot of work to do, and life goes crazy. So looking in the stores, there aren’t many organic spice blends. So I thought, “Well, this would be a good opportunity to put my skills of synthesizing herbs and spices, and take advantage of that with my own recipes.”

DEBRA: What made you interested in the organic aspect of it? Why not just use non-organic ingredients?

DEBB MASTERSON: A lot of people don’t know this, but a lot of herbs and spices come from all over the world, and they’re tainted with chemicals and pesticides, or are genetically modified. And I just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t putting those things in my body.

The consumers are becoming more aware of the health effects of chemicals and the pesticides. And a lot of times, the sterilization processes that are used out there include chemicals or radiation.

DEBRA: Tell us more about that because these are the kinds of the things that we don’t ever see on the label. One of the things that I talk about a lot on this show is that a lot of times there are toxic chemicals in the products that are not required to be on the label. Yet if you want it to be pure, it has to state that it’s organic and it’s certified, and all these things.

And so, tell us more about what really should be on that spice label, something like sterilization, that’s something we don’t know anything about as consumers.

So tell us more about that.

DEBB MASTERSON: Well, I do know that there are some sterilization processes with chemicals like ethylene oxide and things like that.

And that should be on the label.

Often times, things like – when they’re irradiated, which uses radiation to sterilize the herbs and spices, it’s not put on the label. So you want to look for organic products. You want it to say non-GMO. You want it to say non-irradiated. Those are things to look for.

DEBRA: So if it doesn’t say that then it’s probably likely that it is GMO and irradiated, and all of those things, even though it just looks like their herb or spice in a bottle.

DEBB MASTERSON: That’s correct. And a lot of these spices days these are – the blends are soaked with preservatives, fillers, MSG, flavor enhancers like MSG. And that should be on the label. But often times, it is not.

DEBRA: It’s not required. I thought that for food products, do spices, are they not labeled like a food product? Because for food products, we’re supposed to list all of the ingredients.

DEBB MASTERSON: Yes, and it sometimes they should be listed on all the ingredients. But often times, they’re not. For instance, if you have a gluten allergy, they’re not all gluten-free. There could be different wheats and fillers inside of the spice blends. So you really want to watch the ingredients.

DEBRA: So would it say something like – or maybe not specify it?


DEBRA: Would it, maybe, say filler and not specify what the filler is?

DEBB MASTERSON: No, it would say “unnatural flavors” and “other flavors.” And sometimes they will say “and other artificial flavors.”

But things can be [inaudible 00:07:22].

DEBRA: I know. So I actually have been wanting to do some research lately on what does the term “natural flavoring” mean. Is there anything you can tell us about that?

DEBB MASTERSON: Well, I’m not an expert on the natural flavoring, but what I do know is a lot of times, it will say natural flavoring, but that doesn’t mean that it’s organic, and that doesn’t mean that it is not harmful. So that’s another thing that you want to – anything like, you want to just get organic.

And if they’re gluten-free, they should say they’re gluten-free.

Often times, you’ll look for – for instance, my spice blends do not say “certified organic” although all of my ingredients are certified organic.

They’re from a certified organic supplier. But myself as a company, I’m not certified organic.

So on the front of the label, you cannot say that they’re organic. So you have to look at the ingredients panel on the back. And there on the back of the panel ingredients area is where you can say “organic oregano,” “organic basil,” “organic this,” “organic that.”

So you either want to look for certified organic on the front of the label, or you want to read the ingredients on the back and make sure that they say they’re organic.

DEBRA: So the certified organic on the front of the label – this is good that we’re talking about this because I’ve been hearing this about personal care products too that when they say organic on the label – and also with beds. You can’t call – if it says organic mattress that means that the company is certified to make an organic mattress. And that everything that they do is if it says certified organic on it.

Personal care label, so it’s the same with food. There’s a difference between the ingredient being certified and the product being certified.

DEBB MASTERSON: Yes, you’re correct. That’s right. And just organic, you want to just make sure they’re organic. Then you know that they have not been modified in any way. The pesticides, herbicides, they’re not crawling with all of those chemicals.

DEBRA: Yes. Organic is the keyword here. Organic, organic, organic.

DEBB MASTERSON: Organic, organic.

DEBRA: Well, I totally will say several times today just how flavorful your spice blends are because it was just so surprising to me when I first tasted them. It was just like, wow. And I think that people who haven’t eaten organic food don’t know about this experience of organic food tasting better.

It reminded me of many years ago when I first tasted an organic orange. And I went, “Oh, this tastes like an orange. It doesn’t taste like pesticide.”

DEBB MASTERSON: That’s right.

DEBRA: It was the same thing. And I keep having that experience over and over with organic food, having it taste like the actual food, instead of what the chemicals are.

We need to go to break. When we come back, we’ll talk more with my guest, Debb Masterson, who is the founder of Minnesota Nice Spice.

And we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Debb Masterson. She’s the founder of Minnesota Nice Spice.

Debb, do you do some traveling and seeing what it’s like with the spices around the world?

DEBB MASTERSON: Yes. I’m a pretty avid traveler. I’ve been all over the world, tasting spices and things just for fun. It seems that you can just get spices anywhere in any old market. And because they’re fresh from – let’s say, I went to Grenada, the cinnamon, the nutmeg, the [inaudible 00:14:29].

And you can really taste the difference.

It’s like that. When you buy organic things – for instance, I buy – in small batches, I buy, 25 pounds at a time – well, it wouldn’t be small to you or the average –

DEBRA: Small for a manufacturer.

DEBB MASTERSON: Yes. It’s fresh because you’re making in small batches. Just like when you’re traveling around the world, you could taste how fresh it is where it’s grown.

So I think it’s really important when you’re making spice blends that you’re able to taste how fresh they’re supposed to taste.

So I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to travel all over the world, all the Spice Islands, and China. And just everywhere. And lots of different markets, Morocco and Spain.

It’s just wonderful.

I think that the companies that – there are few and far between in the United States that buy only certified organic ingredients. But there are a few. It’s important to buy from them. [inaudible 00:15:40] is a good one where you can get lots of certified organic ingredients.

DEBRA: And I can get those right in my local natural food store. So whenever I’m buying individual spices, I always buy them organic.

DEBB MASTERSON: Yes, it’s great. And you can really taste the difference. And you can taste how fresh they are because they’re really scrutinized.

I would say, a lot of the spice companies turn away 50% of the spices that come from all over the world just because they’re really scrutinized and tested really carefully.

DEBRA: So what are they testing for?

DEBB MASTERSON: Well, they test them for herbs – herbicides test [inaudible 00:16:22], chemicals, genetic modification, all kinds of things.

DEBRA: The organic ones, okay, I get it.

DEBB MASTERSON: They’re tested just to make sure that everything is perfectly organic, and they’re not tainted.

DEBRA: That’s good that they have that safeguard there. It seems like a lot of herbs and spices, spices particularly, are grown in other countries. I can grow a lot of herbs in my backyard. Right now, I am growing parsley and basil and [inaudible 00:16:58] flowers, and things like that.

But things like nutmeg has to come from certain countries that have certain climates. And some of those are third world countries, and anything could happen there.

DEBB MASTERSON: That’s right. You don’t know what’s in the soil either. That’s where the organic certification comes into play.

DEBRA: Tell me your most memorable spice tasting in your travels, something that really stands out for you. I know I have – one of my most memorable meals when I was traveling was when I was in Germany. My husband and I were taking this boat ride down the Rhine River.

And we stopped in this little town. And it happened to be just the week where it was the prime asparagus season. So everybody had asparagus. You just walk down the street, and every little restaurant had an asparagus special.

And we went in and we had a meal that was only asparagus, boiled potatoes and black forest ham. That’s all it was. And it was one of the most memorable meals I’ve ever had.

DEBB MASTERSON: Oh, my gosh. Of course. When I think of one of my most memorable experiences was when I was in Grenada. I went on a cruise to all of the Spice Islands, Del Monica, Grenada, Barbados and on and on.

When we were on the island of Grenada, it was really interested because there was nutmeg everywhere. And I didn’t know much about nutmeg and how the outside of the nutmeg itself, the nut, it looks like a little walnut. And you crack the outside of the nutmeg to get in the nut on the inside.

And then it’s grounded into the nutmeg that you use in your food.

So that was an amazing experience.

And then on the outside of the actual nutmeg is a little red piece, and that is mace. So it’s really interesting, all the different aspects of just one little nutmeg.

DEBRA: I don’t buy the ground nutmeg anymore. I buy the whole nut. And then I grind it – not grind, but grate it right when I use it. And it’s so fresh and it’s so fragrant. I love nutmeg.

DEBB MASTERSON: It’s amazing. It’s so good in everything. Just try tea and then in your coffee, and Alfredo sauce, and things like that.

But that was really memorable because they were making lots of things. Not only was it educational, but they were making lots of things out of the nutmeg. Necklaces, because they’re so fragrant. It was beautiful jewelry.

DEBRA: I would love a nutmeg necklace. I’m going to have to make one.

DEBB MASTERSON: And then they showed me how you can soak the nutmeg necklace in water for half an hour, and then it revitalizes the scent of the nutmeg. So it’s really awesome. I have my nutmeg necklace hanging in my kitchen. It’s just awesome.

DEBRA: What wonderful experiences. I would just love to see all these herbs and spices in their native habitats. That’s so great.

Now, when I use your products, I’m going to think about that. What a wonderful thing.

We need to go to break in about 15 seconds, so I’m not going to ask you – we’re not going to start a new question. But when we come back, let’s talk about your blends. I have some sitting here right here on my desk.

So we’ll talk about those and some other ones.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Debb Masterson. She’s the founder of Minnesota Nice Spice. And she brings her world traveling experience to make these spice blends. And we’re going to hear more about how she makes them when we come back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is another Debra. She’s Debb Masterson, founder of Minnesota Nice Spice. She makes these wonderful, organic, flavorful, super flavorful spice blend.

So Debb, tell us how you put together a spice blend. What’s the process of putting all those flavors together?

DEBB MASTERSON: Well, it’s truly interesting. Often times, I am inspired from a trip. For instance, I once went to the Island of Crete, which is a Greek island where my husband’s best friend is, and spent three weeks with his family, and learned the flavors of the island.

And then I come home and try to replicate different flavors in my own version.

So I’ll just put together some different herbs and spices, and experiment with them, and how they taste really good to me. And then I’ll gather two people who usually have really good flavor pallets.

For instance, my grandmother who is 97 and still has all of her taste buds. She’s been making spice blends for years. So I’ll gather her and another person or two that are really good at synthetizing flavors.

And we’ll just perfect them. Sometimes it just takes a matter of a few hours. Sometimes it takes several days.

DEBRA: I totally understand that. It’s interesting that you use the place the flavor of the place something [inaudible 00:28:13].

I think about that in terms of – I’ve done a fair amount of traveling, not as much as you. But I’ve been to Del Monica, for example.

Wonderful island. And I’ve been to various parts of the British Isles and places.

And different places do have different flavors. One of the things, when I lived in California, I lived in a rural area where there was a lot of still forest and creeks and things like that. And so the native plants were still there. There were flavors of that place, like blackberries. We had blackberries all summer.

We had fruit trees and learned that the Indians made fruit tree tea and things like that. And I was really trying to always eat the flavors of my place.

And then I moved to Florida, and it’s so suburbanized that I’m still, after 14 years, trying to figure out what is the flavor of my place.

DEBB MASTERSON: They say that different herbs and spices can taste different from country to country just because of the soil, then the way that they’re grown, and things like that. So yes, it’s really interesting.

DEBRA: And I think that people, and I’m not saying this as wrong, what I’m about to say. I think people have a lot of attention on, “I want to eat Chinese food. I want to eat Italian food” or whatever. And they don’t see what’s in their own backyard literally.

And all these flavors of all these places are those flavors because they were eating what was there.

DEBB MASTERSON: That’s right. Eating from the land.

DEBRA: Yes. So my food philosophy is a combination of I want to eat organic first of all. I want to eat local as best I can. And that’s a very tough thing to do. But I was also raised in San Francisco. So I have this international culinary viewpoint, all these flavors from all over the world because that’s what I was raised with.

And so what I’d like to do is I like to take my local ingredients, my local, organic ingredients, and then make them taste like Italy, or China, or whatever. So I’ll do something like instead of making Chinese food, I’ll make a salad and put soy sauce on it, and then it tastes Chinese.

So I really like your spice blends because I could just take any food, even if it’s organic chicken breast with the skin on it, or whatever I’m eating. And it will taste like a place.

DEBB MASTERSON: Yes, it will transport you right over into Thailand if you try the Thai spice.

And that’s really interesting because that’s how I starting coming up with the different blends. I wanted to be brought back to the places that I visited.

DEBRA: This is so wonderful because you’re – and I didn’t even know this when I invited you to be a guest. But it’s so in alignment with the way I think. And your spice blends have the authenticity of you actually being in the place and wanting to create what you tasted there, recreate what you tasted there.

And that’s very different than commercial spice blends where they just have scientists in a sterile lab and they’re putting together these flavors. And then they give a consumer taste test that has nothing to do with the original plants and the original people and the cuisine of the place.

But yours do.

DEBB MASTERSON: Thank you. The flavors are not only really authentic and unique because they are my own recipes and my own versions of flavors that I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to taste all over. But I also try to make the graphics, the photos on the jars, and the designs on the labels, to be really authentic as well, and to really stand out.

I noticed, when I first started, looking in the stores to see who had organic spice blends that the very few that were out there were very boring, the way they were just typically – you have a little leaf on them or they were green. And because – I’m not sure if your listeners know this but my proceeds help a local arts center for artists with disabilities or adults with disabilities.

So my sister is the artist on our label. There’s a great little sun logo on them. And a lot of the blends have graphics and designs on them that take you to the region or that speak of that region that reminds me of that region.

For instance, my Savory Essence has a design on the label. It was actually a photograph that I took in Morocco. It was a fabric on a chair that

I just thought was so beautiful, and I wanted to put it on my very first spice blend, which is the Savory Essence.

DEBRA: I do that too when I travel. I take pictures of things like tile floors and fabric patterns, whatever catches my eye that I think is beautiful. Just because a part of you, then those other cultures, and I really like that. I really like that. Wow.

So when we come back from the break, let’s talk about some of your – I want you to describe some of your spice blends so that our listeners know what you have to offer.

You can go to Debb’s website. It’s at MN, like Minnesota, MN – it’s so hard to say that.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest is Debb Masterson, founder of Minnesota Nice Spice. And we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Debb Masterson, founder of Minnesota Nice Spice, and the website is

If you go to, I have some recipes where I’ve used Debb’s spice blends. And one of the things that I did was I took her Island Spice, which we’ll have her tell you about, and I put it on some gluten-free vanilla mini muffins. And what I did was I made the muffins, which are plain. But then I drizzles melted butter on top of them and put her spice on it before I baked them in the oven.

And these are so good, and they’re tasting like cinnamon toast but more complex than cinnamon. And my whole house smelled wonderful while they were baking. It was just really wonderful to smell it, and then taste it.

The recipe for this is there.

And also, I made roasted chickpeas, my own roasted chickpeas. Now, you might have seen those in bags at the natural food store. But it’s easy to make roasted chickpeas. And then I put on them her Lucy’s Pub Blend.

And it was fabulous.

If you make the roasted chickpeas, you can put any flavors you want. You can just put –use all the spice blends and have a different flavor every day.

So Debb, tell us about – well, first tell us about the Island Spice because this is the first time I’ve ever seen a dessert spice blend.

DEBB MASTERSON: I call it Island Spice Dessert blend because it’s all the flavors of the Spice Island. It’s cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, allspice, ginger and cardamom.

Some people would consider it a version of – a cross between an apple or a pumpkin spice, like a pumpkin pie spice or an apple pie spice.

But it has cardamom in it, and it’s just a really nice blend. So it’s really good on anything, any kind of crisp, like an apple crisp or rhubarb crisp, any apple or pumpkin dessert. It’s great in chai tea, oatmeal, French toast.

Just sprinkle it in yogurt.

DEBRA: Yes. You can just make any food taste like pumpkin or apple pie. It’s exactly the spices. It’s like pumpkin pie spice but better.

DEBB MASTERSON: Right but it doesn’t have any sugar in it.

For instance, right now, it’s such a big craze to have pumpkin spice latte or pumpkin this or pumpkin that. And it’s a really healthy way to get all those flavors but without the sugar. You can always add a little organic brown sugar or something if you like that.

It’s just a really nice go to for anything that you bake.

DEBRA: I actually added a little organic coconut sugar. I forgot to mention that. So I put butter, and your Island Spices, and a little sprinkle of organic coconut sugar. And what a great topping for a muffin. But I could also see baking the pumpkin.

I roast my pumpkin. I don’t eat it out of a can. I make roasted pumpkins, and I can just see taking that roasted pumpkin, and putting your spice blend on it just right there, and just not even needing to make pumpkin pie.

DEBB MASTERSON: Leading up to that another really good blend for that type of that thing is the Jammin Jerk spice. That has cinnamon, clove, thyme, paprika and garlic. And it’s amazing on pumpkin, roasted squash, sweet potatoes.

If you make your own sweet potato fries, it just gives it so much flavor.

DEBRA: I don’t have that one. That sounds really good.

So the other one that I tried was Lucy’s Pub Blend, as I said, on the chickpeas. How did that one come to be? Lucy is your sister?

DEBB MASTERSON: Lucy is my sister. And she is the artist and the inspiration for Minnesota Nice Spice. Like I said, she goes to an arts center for adults with disabilities.

She came home one day and said that they couldn’t afford their water cooler. So I wanted to help them. So I started making my own spice blends and started Minnesota Nice Spice as a way to help them.

DEBRA: And I want to say to my listeners that Debb gives 100% of her profits to this organization. Obviously, she takes out what it costs to buy the spices and stuff. But this is an entirely volunteer business for her. She’s not making any profit at all. It all goes to help this organization.

So anything that you buy from her, any of these wonderful spices that we’re talking about, it all goes to help this program, which I think is wonderful. It’s wonderful.

DEBB MASTERSON: Thank you. It was my way to give back. They actually have really tried to help Lucy transform her life. She would just vacuum carpet at a local furniture store, and not that that is a bad job, but it wasn’t really fulfilling for her.

She loves to do art. We had no idea that she even had these artistic talents until she started at this arts center. So it’s truly been a blessing. So

I really wanted to give back because all of the artists there have amazing talents.

They would all be probably stuffing envelopes if it wasn’t for this arts center. So I think it’s great.

DEBRA: That’s such a beautiful thing.

So what’s in Lucy’s Pub Blend?

DEBB MASTERSON: Well, Lucy’s Pub Blend is a sea salt-based blend. So it has sea salt, celery seed, black pepper, some granulated organic lemon and garlic, little paprika. It’s great on all of the things that Lucy likes. That’s why it’s named after her.

Lucy loves burgers and pork chops and steaks and even Bloody Mary.

DEBRA: It is like a really good seasoned salt blend that you could just put on anything, even my chickpeas, and it tastes really good.

DEBB MASTERSON: It’s very diverse.

DEBRA: Well, tell us about some of other ones that you like. Obviously, you like all of them. But what’s another one that maybe a lot of our listeners would like?

DEBB MASTERSON: The Totally Taco is my biggest seller. It’s really difficult to find organic taco seasoning, and it’s really flavorful. So people really, really enjoy it. A little bit goes a long way, so it’s full-flavored, no fillers, no preservatives of course.

Another one that I find that people really like these days is the 10,000 Lakes No-Salt Blend. And it’s called that because of the 10,000 Lakes in Minnesota that don’t have salt.

It’s really interesting because I had people accuse me of putting salt in it because it tastes so good. But it’s not. I find that garlic and citrus together really add a lot of flavor to foods without the salt. It’s real garlic and lemon forward.

DEBRA: That sounds delicious.

DEBB MASTERSON: It is really good. It is good on just about anything, in soups, on chicken, on vegetables. And you can always add a little bit of salt if you like salt. But it’s a nice option for people who are watching their intake.

DEBRA: Well, it sounds like that you have something for everyone.

DEBB MASTERSON: Yes, there are 17 blends, and again, they’re all gluten-free, and they’re 100% organic. They’re charitable, and they’re all made in small batches, so they’re super fresh. And I just love making them. [inaudible 00:47:49]

DEBRA: I’m laughing with delight because there are some things where you just get everything right about it. And there’s nothing that I could say to make your product any better. You just are doing everything right.

DEBB MASTERSON: Oh, my gosh. Thank you.

DEBRA: I wish all products – there are just some products that I just wish all products would be like, have the thoughtfulness and the end result being so delicious. And it’s just all the way down the line.

Well done.


DEBRA: So we only have about a minute and a half left. Are there any final words you would like to say?

DEBB MASTERSON: Well, I wanted to tell you that recently, we had a revolution with our company. And we had a very – I’m not sure if you know of the Deluxe Corporation. It’s a big trucking and office company that’s local here in Minnesota. And they have this revolution going on right now. It’s a small business revolution. And they have this documentary where they go around the entire country.

And they interview different, small businesses. And they are choosing four different companies to receive $25,000 because of what they’re doing in their communities as a small business.

And they have Robert Herjavec from Shark Tank as their ambassador. He showed up with a camera crew at my door two weeks ago and gave me a check for $25,000.

DEBRA: How wonderful for you. You deserve it.

DEBB MASTERSON: They say that what goes around comes around. So all of my hard work is helping me to transform my business into a great little company, and it helps me to pay some of my insurance and the people who have been so nice to help me.

DEBRA: Thank you so much, Debb for being here, and for doing what you’re doing, and setting a good example.

You’ve been listing to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.


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