ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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My guest today is Pamela Seefeld, R.Ph, a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. Today we’ll be talking about back pain and how you can help alleviate it using natural things you can do at home. There are more than 200,000 back surgeries in the USA every year and a lot of these are due to chronic pain. We’re going to talk about chronic pain, some of the causes beyond the injury itself and how to control pain instead of surgery. Doctors offer only surgery and drugs, but there are other natural solutions, some surprisingly simple. Pamela is a 1990 graduate of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, where she studied Pharmacognosy (the study of medicines derived from plants and other natural sources). She has worked as an integrative pharmacist teaching physicians, pharmacists and the general public about the proper use of botanicals. She is also a grant reviewer for NIH in Washington D.C. and the owner of Botanical Resource and Botanical Resource Med Spa in Clearwater, Florida.



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Natural Back Pain Treatment Options That Work

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Pamela Seefeld, R.Ph

Date of Broadcast: November 19, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free. It’s Wednesday, November 19th 2014 and it’s still cold here in Florida. I’m still cold. I’m still waiting for my heater that I ordered to arrive that I have finally turned out the central heat for the house. So it’s warming up slowly, but boy! It’s cold here.

Anyway, my guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s on every other Wednesday. She was on two Wednesdays ago and she’ll be on two Wednesdays from now again and every other Wednesday thereafter because she’s got so much to tell us about how we can not take prescription drugs, but instead handle things that are going on with our bodies by using natural means.

She’s a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. And today, we’ll be talking about back pain and what you can do to alleviate it using natural things that you can do at home.

There’s more than 200,000 back surgeries in the U.S.A. every year and a lot of these are due to chronic pain, so she’s going to tell us what to do, some of the things that cause pain beyond the entry itself and how you can control pain instead of surgery.

Hi, Pamela.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Hey, it’s great to be here.

DEBRA: Thank you. You know, I have to tell you that yesterday, I got an email that said, “Debra, I love your show and especially Pamela.”

PAMELA SEEFELD: Oh, that’s wonderful. Thanks for the great feedback.

DEBRA: You’re welcome! So anyway, let’s talk about backs.

PAMELA SEEFELD: So what happens is, like you said, there’s 200,000 back surgeries in the U.S. every year and that’s probably even a low estimate. What we find is if we go to an allopathic doctor and we have a chronic back problem – and a lot of people do have chronic back problems either because of an injury or dehydration (and we’ll go to that in a minute), what does the doctor offer you? They offer you surgery, they offer you opiates (pain relievers) and they offer you muscle relaxants.

So a lot of times, I tell people that especially surgery, the outcome sometimes is not so good. I’ve seen quite a few of my clients that things just did not turn out the way they perceived they would be. So it’s really a dicey situation.

And what we want to look at is that back pains (especially lower back pain, which is probably the most common type of back pain), there’s two components to back pain. So when you look at natural substances and what we want to do in place of surgery, in place of being addicted to narcotics (because that’s typically what they offer), lower back pain, the component you look at are muscle spasm. That’s 80% of the cause of back pain. So the muscle around the area are contracting in a way that’s very, very painful.

And secondly, there’s disc degeneration. So it puts strain on the tendons and the ligaments that are on the spinal column.

These two processes are really what’s causing the pain. Both of these are caused by chronic dehydration. I mean, I have met people that treat back problems pushing fluids. Water will take these areas. And if you think about the vertebrae, they have these cushiony areas between the vertebrae and what happens is chronic dehydration sets in and sets in motion all of these types of back problems.

DEBRA: So let’s talk about dehydration for a minute because I think that most people don’t understand what dehydration really is. I think that people understand that it’s not enough water, but what is the definition of how you would be dehydrated besides having back pain? How would you know that you’re starting to be dehydrated and how much water to drink?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay. Well, that’s a very good question. It’s going to vary for different people. I use the sauna a lot, I do 30 miles on a stationary bike every day. I need to drink a lot more water than somebody perhaps isn’t doing all the exercise because I sweat a lot. So these things are components that need to be looked at – the daily exercise and how much you sweat.

But most definitely, you can tell a person is dehydrated, I always tell people to look at your skin. Your skin gives away a lot of what your dehydration says. And of course, when you use the restroom, if your urine is really dark and concentrated – outside of taking vitamins because when people take B vitamins, riboflavin gives you that kind of fluorescent, yellow urine color. That’s a metabolite. It doesn’t mean that you have expensive urine.

I always hear people say, “Well, you know, you’re peeing out all these vitamins.” That’s not what it is. It’s the metabolite, the riboflavin. So people can correct them that that’s what it is. It shows that it’s actually being metabolized and utilized by your body, so actually, it’s a good thing.

So you need to look at those things, people’s skin. But really, it depends on activity level more than anything especially here in Florida, we’re going to be needing more fluids when it’s hot out than a person perhaps maybe up in Canada where it’s cold and they’re not sweating so much.

So I always say that it’s a broad question, but it would be inter-individual on the person. You’ll know when you’re dehydrated.

A lot of times, people with dehydration, the symptoms that show up most frequently are headaches. That’s what I find for most people. A lot of headaches are from chronic dehydration because a lot of people drink a lot of coffee and they drink a lot of alcohol. Those tend to be dehydrating by themselves.

DEBRA: People who are drinking coffee all day long (like sitting at work, drinking coffee all day long), they’re not actually hydrating their body. They’re dehydrating their body.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s exactly right. That’s a big culprit.

DEBRA: What we really need to be doing is drinking water. I actually drink water all day long. I’m drinking – let’s see, how much water am I drinking now. I’m drinking at least a half a gallon of water a day. It’s got all of these things that I got from Pamela. So I’m like sipping all these nice nutrients all day long in homeopathic.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s great!

DEBRA: But I read a book many years ago – it’s an excellent book and I highly recommend it – called Your Body’s Many Cries for Water

PAMELA SEEFELD: My favorite!

DEBRA: Good! Yeah, I really love that book. When I read that book, I went, “Oh, my God! Everything that could be wrong with your body could be dehydration” and I think that that’s really true. I just started drinking more water and it explains in the book about how your body needs water and that people are drinking soda or they’re drinking juice or iced tea or whatever and what you really need is water – water, water, water.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Well, you’re right. I’m telling you, water is the no. 1 healing property that you can bring into your body. We look at the things that cause epigenetics, what turns on genes, what helps the body heals – water, sleep, plants, consuming plants. All these things matter, but water is one of the most important things because our bodies are mostly made of water.

And we know that the joint surfaces, the cartilage, it’s the padding that separate the bone structures and the joints. The cartilage contains a lot of water.
So when we get the stability that we’re having all these dehydration, the cartilage starts to dry out and the sliding surfaces between the cartilage and the joints, all of a sudden, there’s friction there because there’s not enough lubricant. And as a result of it, you start getting knee problems, hip problems, back problems. They’re all interrelated.

DEBRA: And it’s all dehydration.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s right. I’m saying, it’s so simple. Water is free!

DEBRA: Yeah, it is. It’s something that everybody can take and I would just say that you want to make sure that you drink filtered water, so that you’re not getting all those chemicals that are in tap water.

But aside from that, you’re not going to drown by drinking too much water. Your body needs more water than you probably think that it needs. I feel just a lot better. When you drink a lot of water, your skin looks really good too.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Almost definitely. I’m telling you, people are always coming to me, “I want anti-aging skin secrets. I use medical skin care and vitamins here,” I’m like, “Look, you need to start pushing fluids.” When people are dehydrated – especially here in Florida, a lot of people have boats. They’re out in the sun. They’re doing house work outside, yard work, you get dehydration set in very easily even for active people.

DEBRA: Yes, yes. So how much water do you drink? How much water do you drink?

PAMELA SEEFELD: I mean, I drink probably a gallon or a gallon and a half.

DEBRA: Yeah, but you’re execising so much and you’re sweating.

PAMELA SEEFELD: The exercise, yeah, exactly. You know what? I’ll tell you. If you drink alcohol in a daily basis and you’re drinking coffee, you need to probably double up what you’re normally drinking now. That’s what I tell most people. Those things are naturally going to dehydrate the individual quite severely.
And also, too, don’t forget, you need to have salt. A lot of people are on these low salt diets. Salt needs to be with water.

DEBRA: That’s a very important point.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. Personally, I like rock salt. That’s one of my favorite. People have their personal favorite, but rock salt on the Himalayan especially has all the minerals and it has iron in it.

DEBRA: I only have two kinds of salt. I use real salt and Himalayan salt.


DEBRA: Me too!

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s exactly all I have in my house.

DEBRA: Yup, that’s all I have in my house too.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Real salt and Himalayan, yes, those two things. But it’s really interesting because we know that especially the Himalayan, when it’s pink, it has a lot of iron and it’s really great for the body especially for heme and for oxygen-carrying capacity. You’re getting quite a lot of it. It’s very bioavailable when it’s located in the salt itself.

DEBRA: That’s great. We need to go to break. We’ll talk more about back pain and dehydration and other things that we can do to handle these pain in our bodies when we come back.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld, registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs.

Pamela, before we go on about back pain, tell people what you do and give your phone number so that they can reach you.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Oh! Okay, great. Yes, so my background is clinical pharmacy, but I’m also a pharmacognosy consultant (and that is an expert in plant medicine). I have a homeopathic and natural pharmacy here in Clearwater, Florida called Botanical Resource. It’s been in business for 15 years, but I’ve been a pharmacist for almost 25.

I would be most glad to help or your family with any condition, not just back problem, but any sort of condition that you might be interested as far as natural remedies and alternatives to prescription.

My consultations are free and the number here at Botanical Resource is 727-442-4955. I would be very honored and pleased to help you or any other individuals in your family with any need you may have.

DEBRA: And please call her if you have any need. Really, she does want to talk to you and she’s happy to talk to you for free. I know she has a very good reputation here in Clearwater, which is how I found out about her in the first place. It’s because of so many people who are saying so many good things about her including medical doctor, including my own medical doctor.

She is just every day taking people off of prescription drugs and putting them on plant-based natural kinds of remedies and their conditions improve. So she knows what she’s talking about in terms of viewing it from a pharmacist’s viewpoint and dose and how the body works and all these kinds of things. She’s really made a difference in my health, really helping me with the things that I’ve been trying to work on for years and not getting through. I’m now such a difference. She can tell you. Pamela, tell them how much better I am.

PAMELA SEEFELD: You’re doing great. You’re doing wonderful. Really, it’s a tremendous turnout for you and I think I’m just really pleased that I could help you so much. I really have done this a long time. I’d be the first to say that if someone needs a prescription, they need to stay on what they’re doing, but I do have alternatives, homeopathic medical alternatives that are not available at the health food store that I can sell with counseling that will take the place of prescription. I can even order things out of Europe as well.

So it’s truly all-encompassing. I teach this. Your health is just paramount. You’re doing phenomenal and you’re off a lot of your stuff. And really, we were going over that, for eight years, you were going to all these doctors and nothing really was changing. But in a short period of time, we got you on the right track and everything is great. I’m very, very happy I could help you.

DEBRA: Thank you. Thank you so much.

Okay, tell us more about back pain.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay, great. So this is interesting. During the break, I pulled out The Body’s Many Cries for Water, the book that we both love so much. It’s talking about the importance of the 5th lumbar disc and this is the part in the book that they were talking about why people end up with so much lower back pain with dehydration setting in.

What he’s saying (and this is something I tell my clients a lot of times), 75% of the weight of the upper body is supported by the water volume that is stored in the disc core on the 5th lumbar disc.

So that dehydration in that 5th lumbar disc – and if you look, a lot of times, people, L5 and L4 is where they’re having a lot of problems as their lower back. And sure enough, it’s because of the dehydration.

If you think about it, your upper body, the core, it has to be held, the weight of this upper body has to be held by these small disc in this very concentrated area. So dehydration setting in is really a big problem.

Also, I want to bring up about alkalinity. When you have dehydration, you become more acidic. And so as a result of that, that changes the pH of the fluid around the cartilage. And as a result of it, it ends up in more denegeration. And of course, then it leads to more pain.

I’m a big fan of using alkaline boosters. That’s really an easy way to get the alkalinity of your water up. You can do it by becoming a vegan too, but a lot of people do not want to do an extreme diet change and I don’t necessarily recommend that. But pH boosters are great because they’re drops you put in the water.

I like AlkaLife. Personally, I’ve tried several of them. That’s the one I consistently have stayed with. I test the water.

And typically, most water, from a filtered water or from bottled water, it’s going to be probably between let’s say pH 2 or 3 to 7.5, something like that. I’ll tell you, the worst bottled water as far as pH is Dasani. That tested out to be like a 1.

DEBRA: Because I think that’s tap water.

PAMELA SEEFELD: It’s the same pH of Coke.

DEBRA: Isn’t Dasani tap water?

PAMELA SEEFELD: It is, yeah.

DEBRA: Yeah.

PAMELA SEEFELD: It’s very acidic. So when I see people, they go to Costco or someplace and buy bottled water, I say, “Don’t get the Dasani if you’re going to do anything. That’s really extremely acidic.” I mean, you can change the pH of that water with it. But basically it’s just water from the tap that they put in a bottle. It’s really a poor choice.

So I use my regular filtered water. But when you do Ph drops, a lot of times, it’ll boost it up to 13. That’s a great, easy way, inexpensive. You can use baking soda. But sometimes, that has too much sodium. For some people, if they have blood pressure problems, I’m not going to recommend doing that. But just in a pinch, you can take baking soda and put that into just sodium bicarbonate and put that into your water and it will change the pH pretty effectively.

DEBRA: Yeah, alkaline booster is something that Pamela gave me. And so I take it as part of my – what she does frequently is she gave me some tablets and capsules and things, but not very many. Mostly, what she gave me is in liquid form. And then she tells her clients to just have a bottle of water and put all the things in the water and sip it over the course of the day, which is exactly what I do. It works beautifully, it just works beautifully.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s great. Because you know what it is? It’s like getting an IV. When you take sips of the medication all through the day, every time you take a sip, you’re getting a little hit of the medicine into the tissue. So that’s going to be more reparative and more restorative than taking single relief pill. When you take a pill or a capsule, depending if there’s food in your stomach, but most of the time, it’s going to take about 20 minutes to dissolve. You’re going to get a peak in the bloodstream and then about five minutes later, it’s gone. So it’s inconsistent dosing. Putting it in the water, you’re going to get a much better outcome.

DEBRA: Well, I really see that for myself. I mean, the change has been remarkable. It was fast. This week too, I just felt like something kicked in. You start feeling better. But then there’s a point where you just go, “Wow! Things are different. I’m in a whole new level.”

PAMELA SEEFELD: I’m so excited.

DEBRA: That happened for me this week. Really, it’s like I’ve been sleeping better so much, but it was just like my energy level and the way my body is shrinking in terms of losing weight, but also just in terms of losing puffiness. I’m just more trimmed and energetic and all those things that I always wanted to be.
Anyway, we need to go to break again. When we come back, we’ll talk more with Pamela about back pain. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She is a registered pharmacist who dispenses natural things instead of prescription drugs. She has a business, Botanical Resource. She has a lovely spa here in Clearwater, Florida. You can call her, she’ll talk to you on the phone. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. We’re talking about back pain. So tell us more about some of the natural remedies that you can use for back pain.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Perfect! So we’re going to do this little comparison like what will the doctor give you, what am I going to give you.
DEBRA: Good, I love that.

PAMELA SEEFELD: We’re going to play that little game here because most of these people, let’s face it, a lot of people that are listening maybe have had back pain or have back pain and they know it, what normally are being prescribed.

So when you have muscle spasms, you go to the doctor and he’s going to give you a muscle relaxant like Flexeril or Zanaflex. There’s a bunch of different ones. These muscle relaxants, they relax the muscles, but they also make you loopy and tired and these are highly sedating. There’s a lot of cognitive impairment with these. You’re very sleepy.

So what can we use in the natural realm that I think personally is just as effective as these. And this is what I normally use when someone comes to me and say, “I really don’t want to take these. I’m scared driving. I have to go to work.” There’s a product called Spascupreel, which is made from Heel. It’s a homeopathic product and it’s very strongly effective. It was Rx for a long time, a while ago. The FDA has made it OTC now.

Spascupreel is excellent! And it works for any muscle spasm anywhere in the body and it’s non-sedating and it’s non-addicting and it’s very well-tolerated. So I would say figuratively, 90% of the time, someone comes to me and says ‘chronic back problem’, is on this prescription anti-spasmodics and really wants to try something different, Spascupreel does the job.

And it also can work for leg cramps like Charley horses in the middle of the night. It can work if your eyelid is twitching. It can work for any kind of cramps any place in the body. Basically, it’s kind of all-encompassing.

And these products tend to have a long shelf life. So it’s one of those things that you could use periodically or if you could use it every day if you need it to.

DEBRA: And that’s a homeophatic remedy, right?

PAMELA SEEFELD: It’s a homeopathic product and it’s developed by MDs. It’s inexpensive. It works really well. They’re little sublingual pills. And like I said, you get away from the sedating properties that are very common with the prescription that a lot of people, if they have to go back to work and they have to go along with their day, these things really knock you out and make you extremely tired. So Spascupreel is an easy choice for that.

Remember we talked about the two components of the back pain. We have the fact that we have the disc degeneration and then we have the muscle spasm. This can take care of the muscle spasm.

Now, the disc degeneration, when you have stenosis or the spine is narrowing and it’s pressing on the nerve, we want to look to what’s happening in the area of the body. I usually recommend instead of going right away to surgery and doing all these very invasive procedures, costly procedures, but also high chance of disability, maybe more so than the person already is experiencing, there’s a product from DesBio called SpinalMax.

Now, there used to be a product I use from Heel that was very, very good, but they’re only making it in Germany now, so that one’s not available here so much. But SpinalMax has had excellent results. SpinalMax actually repairs the nerves coming off of the spine. I cannot explain how homeopathically this works because I was trained as a pharmacist…

DEBRA: Please do, please do.

PAMELA SEEFELD: …because it moves the spine back into place.

DEBRA: Wow! Wow!

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah, it’s pretty amazing.

DEBRA: The thing that’s very interesting to me about homeophatic – I mean, I’ve known about homeopathy for many, many years. When I used to live in California, I went to a homeopath, but there’s homeopathy and there’s homeopathy. It didn’t do much for me at the time. But what you’re giving me – like I was on insulin and Pamela gave me a homeopathic remedy. The difference is that insulin is just making your blood sugar go down and is not healing your body and the homeopathic remedy is actually healing my pancreas.


DEBRA: And so the long-term effects of these two things, the outcome is very, very different. And so now, it’s been what? A couple of months I think…


DEBRA: …since I haven’t been taking the insuling and my blood sugar is still the same today as it was the day I stopped taking insulin. So, my blood sugar has not increased over time. I feel like more sugar is getting into my cells and I have more energy and everything. And so I’m just getting stronger and stronger. That was not happening on the insulin.

So it’s pretty amazing. It’s pretty amazing, these homeopathic remedies, these particular ones that I’m taking in and some that Pamela is talking about. They are developed by doctors to be healing. And there are things that you can’t just get it without – I mean, Pamela can give it to you because she’s a pharmacist. You can’t just go to the natural food store and buy these.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s very important to know, right because they want these products. In fact, I was looking at the disclaimers in a lot of the things that I sell, they can basically go ask you legally if you’re putting it on the Internet and people do click and ship. We don’t want that. We want these to be sold with directions and counseling and I personally select for you.

And I think what’s interesting with SpinalMax and any of these kind of products, when you go to a traditional homeopath, they do the constitutional make-up, they do all that kind of stuff. Personally, I use homeopathy in a pharmacological realm. I look at the ingredients that are in there and I decide how I’m going to use it for the individual based on how I know the dynamics of these properties of these different plants are in there.

That’s why sometimes I’ll even give somebody a product for a particular ailment and it doesn’t say that’s what it’s for. I say, “Look, I know what I’m doing. Just use it for this.” It’s really important to kind of sometimes think outside of the box. Well, this SpinalMax was actually designed in place of surgery, this particular product is.

But it’s important to use your God-given talents and your intellect, all these reading and all these learning. If, for some reason, you view a particular product that has ingredients and a make-up that might be particularly good for another ailment, it’s important to realize that. You’re able to challenge that and say, “Yeah, I think I’m going to use it for that” and it does work. That’s why we go to school, right?

DEBRA: Right, right.

PAMELA SEEFELD: …to learn all these things.

DEBRA: Healing, you know, it’s not a static thing. It’s not something that you can just write a book on and say that applies to everybody, everywhere at every time. And so your experience and your intelligence and ability to put all these pieces together for an individual really comes into play here. I just think that you’re doing an excellent job. I can’t say that enough because I’ve known a lot of people over the year who do various kinds of healing things and I just see you helping people over and over and over. It’s really pretty wonderful.

We only have a few seconds left until we need to go to break, so why don’t you give your phone number again?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay, yes. If you’d like to call me at my pharmacy, it’s Botanical Resource, it’s 727-442-4955.

DEBRA: Okay, good. We’re going to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld.

She’s a registered pharmacist. And as you know from listening, she prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. And in fact, she gets a lot of people off prescription drugs. She just does remarkable work.

So we’ll be right back and hear more about what you can do about back pain.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist. She prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. And Pamela, give your phone number again.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, you can call me here at my pharmacy. It’s 727-442-4955. And like I said, I would be really, really happy to help you or your family member with any issue you might have regarding prescriptions or avoiding them. We handle all cases.

DEBRA: Yes, she does. And she can even tell you what is going on in your body now that will lead you to need to take a prescription drug in the future and how you can handle that, so that you don’t have to get sick in the first place. She does so much, it’s amazing!

Anyway, let’s go back to backs.


DEBRA: So where were we? What would you like to talk about next?

PAMELA SEEFELD: We were talking about alternatives, the basis of what you would normally get from the doctor. You would get narcotics and you would get muscle relaxants. So we could treat all those things. So let’s talk about the pain.

For the pain itself, remember we’re talking about using hydrating, water to increase the fluidity of the joint.
[dial tone]

DEBRA: Uh-oh, did we lose you, Pamela? Uh-oh… I’m sure that – I have a message here. Okay! So my producer is calling Pamela back. So she’ll be back just right in a minute. Let’s see, what can I tell you about backs. I know a lot about back pain because my ex-husband had a lot of back pain, a lot of injuries.


DEBRA: Oh, good!

PAMELA SEEFELD: I lost our connection. I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened.

DEBRA: It’s okay.

PAMELA SEEFELD: So, we’re regrouped. We were talking about water, lessening the friction and lubricating the joint. Now, let’s talk about the pain.

So if you go to the doctor, what he’s going to give you when you’re complaining of chronic back pain is he’s going to give you some anti-inflammatories, okay? He’s going to give you Mobic or Celebrex. They’re very common drugs – especially Celebrex.

Celebrex is a COX-2 inhibitor. It works on that particular pathway, that cascade of eicosanoids in the body. Those are pain signals. It blocks it. But of course, by blocking it, life is not like all or nothing. So when you block that, it has other problems. That’s why Vioxx had to be taken off the market because there’s people with heart problems and heart attacks. So it’s not a good idea to just completely block out a particular pathway.

I’m a big fan of using curcumin, which is turmeric. It works as a COX-2 inhibitor. It’s a natural COX-2 inhibitor. And that’s pretty easy to use and it’s pretty inexpensive. I also am a big fan of Traumeel. Traumeel is an excellent anti-inflammatory. And what Traumeel does – and it’s from Heel. It’s homeopathic. They come in drops, they come in tablets, sublingual tablets. It also comes in injections and cream. But I use the liquid quite a bit for people because you can put it in water like we were describing. When you drink it through the day, very specific.

But why Traumeel is different than using an anti-inflammatory, if you take an anti-inflammatory, that’s all you’re getting. Like a prescription anti-inflammatory, it blocks a certain cell signal, a pathway and there’s no solving.

So if we want to start solving the problem, if you’re doing this Spascupreel for the muscle spasm, you’re drinking more water, you’re doing maybe some exercises, some physical therapy to try and help the area with mobility and the SpinalMax to try and realign the spine, the Traumeel actually goes to where the injury is taking present and repairs small tears and damage in tendons, ligaments and the areas surrounding the tissue itself that’s injured.

So I like it because I think of it more as a reparative than just blocking out a cell signal. It’s more of a solving of an injury. And that’s what they really developed it originally for, for athletes. It solves where the injury takes place.

DEBRA: Yeah. Traumeel was one of the first things that Pamela gave me because I was having a problem with my foot at the time. When I went into her office, I was in so much pain I could hardly walk. She gave me Traumeel.

Later on, I had to go do other things and I was in pain. I was taking it, I was drinking it throughout the afternoon while I was sitting down. And then I had to drive myself home and I thought, “How am I going to drive home with all those pain in my foot?” But when I stood up, there was no pain in my foot after I had been drinking this bottle of water with Traumeel in it for several hours. That really shocked me. It works so well.

Pamela, are you there?

DEBRA: Yes, yes. I don’t know why I keep cutting out. I apologize. No, that’s what it is. When you’re drinking it in the water, specifically, what it’s going to do is it’s going to start releasing it gradually over a time period. And what you’re going to do is you’re saying to yourself is, “Okay, I’m actually looking for a complete solving of the issue instead of just blocking out a signal.”

All of these different prescrpitoin things that we use only block out a certain pathway and we really want to try and heal the area. So we say to ourselves, “Okay, in place of surgery, push fluids, SpinalMax, using some Spascupreel for the spasm, using some anti-inflammatory be it Traumeel or turmeric.”

And also, too, probably to some degree, eliminating nightshades in your diet because tomatoes, eggplants, some of the different vegetables that are nightshades, they do cause inflammation in some people. And sometimes, people have to try and eliminate those foods to see if the inflammation goes down a little bit.

But the hallmark of this whole talk today is to say all these people having all these back surgeries, if they did a few, inexpensive supplements (we’re not talking a lot of stuff here really) and water – like I said, the water costs nothing. It’s right there, it’s your filtered tap. If you start doing those simple things there, I’m sure that most of these people could avoid surgeries.

And I can tell you from experience and also just from listening to a lot of different lecturers, I’ve heard people, different doctors even profess that dehydration is causing a lot of the back problems. This is not new science. I can’t understand why when someone shows up with the initial, the beginning of some back problems, that water is not suggested first and foremost. I just really cannot understand that.

DEBRA: Because they don’t make money selling water. You know what? I think that back doctors, all the back doctors should all sell water filters in their offices and that way, they would make money.


DEBRA: Yeah. I think all doctors should sell water filters. I just think that the first thing that anybody should do if they have anything going on with their body is drink more water, drink good water that is healing water and that will just hydrate your body. And then you should call Pamela.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah, that’s true because we were talking about dehydration. When dehydration sets in in these discs in the spine, that’s the first place it’s going to show up because like I said, we have L5 holding a huge amount of our upper body weight. So if the dehydration alter the rest of the body, then it’s also going to start especially affecting that joint.

I’m telling you that most people could’ve reversed a lot of their back problems specifically with that SpinalMax bringing the spine back into alignment and repairing those nerves. And don’t forget to mention too that really, folic acid and omega 3 fish oil form the actual nerve themselves. Those can be excellent adjuncts to therapy to these things. I usually use those with it too because if you give the building blocks of the nerve, you’re going to have much better nerve repair off of the spine.

DEBRA: You know, Pamela, with my ex-husband, we went through years and years and years of disc problems. They wanted to give him surgery and he didn’t want to have surgery and all these stuff. And then there were chiropractor’s massage, we did something called VAX-D. There were exercises. Not one single person ever said to him these things that you’re saying now. Just having been through all that years of pain with him, I wish we knew you then.

PAMELA SEEFELD: It’s just really sad. These are like very elementary concepts too. Anybody that has any kind of – even a minor understanding of the human physiology would realize that the fluid and the water and how it is allowed to take waste products away from the area, how it’s needed in the subluxation station or the area where the cartilage is moving back and forth to protect the joint and lubricate the joint, these are rational concepts. They’re not like out there kind of concepts.

We know what the body is made of. We need to start remembering that we’re kind of like a chemical soup and the water is where all these ions and everything is moving around in. And if we don’t have that basis where things can be eliminated and the body can basically lubricate all these different joints and different areas, it’s going to be an uphill body for a lot of individuals – especially elderly people because their sense of thirst is altered as they age. And that’s why you see a lot of these older people with so many back problems. A lot of it is dehydration.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. Alright! So we’ve only got about a minute left. We’ll just say drink your water…

PAMELA SEEFELD: Drink your water…

DEBRA: Call Pamela.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Call me for homeopathic anti-spasmodics. And also, the SpinalMax, I cannot say enough how many wonderful things I’ve seen. I’ve had people that were on Fentanyl patches and oxycodone and they’re completely off of it doing the homeopathy for the spinal repair. I told them, “Look, pain medicines aren’t going to solve the spine. We need to solve the problem so that you don’t need the narcotics.”

They’re very liberated and very, very happy that we were able to accomplish that. It can be done. I want to tell people that there’s lots of encouragement. If you’re on all of these medicines, I can help you, give you some kind of path away from these things. I think you’ll be very satisfied.

DEBRA: Yeah, I think that you will be too. So it will not be an intrusion for Pamela for you to call her.

PAMELA SEEFELD: No, I do this all day long.

DEBRA: She does, she does. And she loves to hear from you. And so just if you’ve got something going on with your health or somebody in your family, even with your pets – she can help pets too.


DEBRA: …and so just give her a call. Give the number again.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, you can reach me at 727-442-4955. As I’ve said previously, I would really be most honored to help you or your family member or your dogs or cats with any issues they may have. I’ve been doing this a long time and I’ve very successful at it and I really want to help people. So really, please call me if there’s anything I can help you with.

DEBRA: Thank you! And that’s it, we’re at the end of the show. Thank you so much, Pamela.


DEBRA: Pamela will be back in another two weeks. You can listen to this show again or her back shows at You’ve been listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.


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