ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Pamela SeefeldMy guest today is Pamela Seefeld,R.Ph, a pharmacist who dispenses medicinal plants. I heard about Pamela from a friend of mine, whose mother was on a lot of drugs for a specific condition. Pamela replaced the prescription drugs with medicinal botanicals and his mom started doing better. We’ll be talking about how synthetic drugs are toxic to the body and how medicinal plants can be a viable alternative. Pamela is a 1990 graduate of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, where she studied Pharmacognosy (the study of medicines derived from plants and other natural sources). She has worked as an integrative pharmacist teaching physicians, pharmacists and the general public about the proper use of botanicals. She is also a grant reviewer for NIH in Washington D.C. and the owner of Botanical Resource and Botanical Resource Med Spa in Clearwater, Florida.


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Medicinal Plants Can Replace Toxic Drugs

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Pamela Seefeld, R.Ph.

Date of Broadcast: July 30, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free. It’s a beautiful summer day here in Clearwater, Florida on July 30th 2014. And today, we’re going to talk about drugs and some alternatives to taking drugs.

You’ve probably all seen those commercials on television where they come on with some product, a drug product they want to sell and there’s a beautiful scene of grandparents playing with children or running through a meadow, just something really beautiful and this is the life that you want to have and that you’ll have if you take this drug.

“And oh, by the way,” they say in a very pleasant voice, “it also causes liver damage and kidney failure and death.”

And if you go through volumes of places you can go online, books at the library and if you take any of these drugs, it will come with a warning label that has a very huge, long list of side effects. And all of these drugs are made in laboratories and factories. They’re industrial products that are made from some of the same chemicals that toxic chemicals in consumer products were made from.

So they may alleviate your symptoms, but they don’t have any properties in them that actually heal your body like natural materials do.

So today, we’re going to be talking with my guest. Her name is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a pharmacist who dispenses medicinal plants instead of drugs. I had never heard of a pharmacist who dispenses plants and so I thought I’d have her on the show.

I actually heard about her because a friend of mine, she practices here in Clearwater, a friend of mine, her mother has been taking a lot of drugs for a very common illness. He wanted to get her off the drugs. He went to see my guest and she gave him some medicine plant kind of remedies instead of drugs and she’s doing a lot of better – right away, she started doing a lot better. So I thought I’d better call her. She’s Pamela Seefeld and her business is Botanical Resource in Clearwater, Florida.

Hi, Pamela!

PAMELA SEEFELD: Hey! Great to be here.

DEBRA: Thank you. I’m so happy to have you because this is a new field for me to learn about. So tell me, how did you get interested in being a pharmacist. And within the field of pharmacy, why did you chose – there’s a word for this. I’ve got it here somewhere, but you’re going to tell us about the word for pharma-something rather that is the study using medicinal plants.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct. If you look at medications, two-thirds of all medications originally were derived from plants. They started changing it quite a bit and it doesn’t really resemble the original product.

I’ve been a pharmacist for about 25 years and in pharmacy school, I studied something called pharmacognosy. Pharmacognosy is the study of medicinal plants. It’s a little bit even than herbalism. It’s knowing the medicinal qualities and the constitute properties, how they act in the body, what plants possess them and what different parts of plant different part of these properties, different chemicals. They’re actually natural product pharmacy that go to different receptors in the body and repair the body.

And what’s interesting about natural products – and I do a lot of homeopathy, which is natural products – is that when you use these products, it goes to the area and it actually starts solving what the problem is, whereas medications are really just treating symptoms. There’s really not a solution to the problem. You get a medication, you have it and maybe some of your symptoms go away, but you have a lot of side effects and it’s not really solved. If you take the medicine away, you’re still sick. But with natural products, if you use them correctly, you see tremendous results.

DEBRA: And I think that that’s – I mean, what I use as a healing modality is I get body work and I get nutrition and I take professional grade supplements. So it’s a lot of plant materials. I had never heard of someone who does what you do looking at what the plants do and being able to dispense them specifically to help different body areas. I think that’s very fascinating.

Do a lot of people do what you do? I mean, there must be pharma – how do you pronounce that again?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Pharmacognosy?

DEBRA: So you’re a pharmacognocist?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Pharmacognocist, correct. I’ve met a few pharmacist that do this. There are maybe a handful of people in the whole country. I’ve really taken this to a new level. I’m kind of hiding out here in the weeds, so to speak, in Clearwater. I’m sure I could be up in New York and I’ve had offers to go a lot of different places. But I like my practice here. It’s contained. I love Florida and I really love what I’m doing. And a lot of times too, I do things internationally and even on the telephone.

I’ve done lots of TV and radio nationwide from different shows. I don’t necessarily even have to see the person. I can talk to them on the phone. It’s a brief 15-minute conversation if they want to fax me or email me their blood work. I look at what they’re doing and I say, “Metabolically, I’m telling you what’s not necessarily…”

Like if you go to the doctor’s, he’ll look at your blood work and say, “Oh, this is out of range.” They only look at something that’s out of range. I don’t look at that. I take a few seconds. It’s a free consultation. I say, “Okay, this is what I see coming. This is what’s happening because of the medications you’re taking. This is the medicine they’re going to prescribe for you within the next two to five years” and I just tell them flat out, “Do you want to not take medicines? Would you like to get rid of the problem now?” and we can triage the problem.

I have thousands of clients. I’m very, very blessed at what I do, I have eight years of college chemistry, I’ve been doing this a long time and I know looking at labels naturally what the products are and how they will work in the body.

DEBRA: That’s amazing. That’s amazing. I don’t even know what to ask you next.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Well, that’s okay. I can talk just in general about some of the things I see.

DEBRA: Talk!

PAMELA SEEFELD: My specialty is – I do really everything. I even do veterinary, dogs and cats. I do liver failure, kidney failure, things like that. I use homeopathy for that. I have been very good at that. I can tell you, Crohn’s disease, GI issues are easily treated with homeopathy because when you take stuff orally, it goes directly to the lining of the stomach and into the intestines. So anything GI-related is very easy to treat.

But my interest is really things that regular medicine can’t treat technically. If they give you medicines for a particular problem, it gets worse and it doesn’t get better. I can give you an example.

When I see people that have borderline kidney issue, it’s not out of range yet, but I can see where it’s trending. I look at them and I just calculate what’s called their creatinine clearance, which is a measurement of how the kidneys are handling protein and urine and I’ll tell them flat out, “Look, you’re going to be needing to see a kidney doctor within the next few years. And then he’s going to…” –

This is what I’ve had my clients tell me. They go to the kidney doctor, the nephrologist and he’ll say, “Okay, you’re starting to have kidney failure. I’ll see you every six months until you end up on dialysis. And then I’ll see you every month.” I look at them and I’m like, “Are those good odds? Is this what you really want to hear?”

So I use professional homeopathy. I actually got a lady off of dialysis. She was a new start, but she’s kidney issue free.

DEBRA: Wow! I do believe in my experience I’ve seen that we live as human beings in this bigger system of nature and I think that everything that we need in order to be healthy is all in nature.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s a very profound statement and very true.

DEBRA: Thank you, thank you. And so we just need to look to nature and see where the solution is, that we live in this culture. I think of our industrial culture as being like an artificial culture. The whole way that we think is artificial as opposed to natural world that if you were to take away our industrial culture, we all have come from nature. Our bodies developed in nature. There’s a grand design or however you want to say it. The solutions are in nature and it’s just a matter of learning them and finding them. This is why I’m so fascinated by what you do.

So we’re about to come up on the break. I don’t want to ask you a question that you’re going to start answering, but we also have a few seconds too. I’ll just say when we come back, what I’d like to do is talk about – let’s take a situation like something that a lot of people have like diabetes. Let’s talk about the drugs and let’s talk about how we could handle that in a safer way. How does that sound?

PAMELA SEEFELD: That is a great topic.

DEBRA: Okay! Well, we’re still not to the break.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Well, diabetes is pretty prevalent and it can be prevented, so yeah, definitely, I have lots of great ideas for that. And that’s pretty easy to do.

DEBRA: Great! So we’re going to do that. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld, R.Ph. Does that sound for registered pharmacist?


DEBRA: Okay. Her website is and she has, as she said, a practice here in Clearwater, Florida and we’re going to find out more after the break about the different ways that we can handle diabetes and really handle it in a natural way. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist, but what she really is is a pharmacognocist. I’m always fascinated by word roots and I looked it up during the break because I looked at that and I go, “Okay, pharma, that’s pharmacy, about drugs. And then cognosy–, that must have something to do with knowing or knowledge.” I looked it up and that is the origin. Pharma- is about drugs and gnosis is knowledge. So it’s like drugs with knowledge instead of drugs without knowledge.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s exactly what it is. And it’s so timely and so important, absolutely.

DEBRA: Wow! Wow! I love words. And I love how they just absolutely describe what it is. Okay, so before we talk about diabetes, could you just give us a little rundown of the kinds of things you mentioned, homeopathy, but what are the other kinds of plant-based remedies that you might use?

PAMELA SEEFELD: I do a little bit of everything. I do use herbal medicines. I use standardized products that I think are very, very complete and very effective. A lot of times, we’ll use products in place of medications. For example, some people are using Celebrex for arthritis. I have other things that I can use homeopathically and herbal wise that work very well to stop inflammation in the body. And inflammation is a big problem for a lot of people.

I would tell you too that we use vitamins as well here in my natural pharmacy. And the things that we’re using, I use high dose folic acid. Folic acid, if you use 5 mg. of folic acid a day, there’s five serotonin receptors in the brain and it binds to four of them. So I do a lot of mental health.

A lot of what I do is transitioning people off of medication. It could be heart medicine. It could be diabetes medicine, but I particularly help people when they really want to come off of anti-depressants, anti-anxiety agents, things like that. Those typically, what happens is you go to the physician, he’ll put you on that and you’re on it indefinitely.

DEBRA: Yeah.

PAMELA SEEFELD: And a lot of these people, maybe there was a circumstance in their life like their father died or something happened and they were put on an anti-depressant and ten years later, they’re still on all these medicine. This is just not appropriate for many individuals.

So mental health is the last frontier really because when people aren’t feeling happy and feeling great and full of energy, then typically, we’ll start getting medicines for everything else. And that’s the hallmark of it.

Also, I am a really big advocate of using homeopathic products to detox the body because sometimes, when you go to a health food store and you ask for a detoxification product, it might have a lot of laxatives. A lot of these contain like rhubarb and cascara. These things make you use the restroom, but that’s not really detoxing. This is more of a bowel cleanse.

The things I use actually pull out nickel, cadmium, lead, mercury, pesticides and chemicals. I’ve been doing the homeopathic detoxification probably 15 years and I feel great. My clients that actually stick with it, they come in, they look younger, they feel great, they don’t gain weight. It makes a huge difference.

So taking chemicals out of the body especially in the brain too – we know that mercury, haven’t you read about these studies where kids are eating too much tuna fish and they have memory problems and things? You can pull mercury out. The problem with heavy metals is that they’re very difficult to leave the body.

Saunas are a great way to remove nickel, cadmium and lead off of the sweat. They can measure that coming out of the sweat. And I guess here in Florida, we can go out and do yard work. I do have a big sauna in my house, so I use that quite a bit.
DEBRA: All we have to do is lock outside…

PAMELA SEEFELD: Exactly! Exactly! I don’t know, people come to my house and they’re like, “Is that a playhouse?” I mean, they take a path to the room, I go, “No, that’s the sauna.” They’re like, “What?!” But I use it quite a bit. But if people can’t afford a sauna, just go outside and do some yard work and you’ll get the same kind of results.

The metals are really important to take out because once you take those into your body, they don’t leave. And especially mercury in the brain, it’s particularly problematic, so is lead. It can lead to cognitive deficits that most doctors really won’t pick up. Especially if it’s an older person, they might think, “Okay, we’ll just chuck it up to age.” It’s not that. They need to get the chemicals out of their central nervous system.

DEBRA: I’m glad that you’re talking about this. Actually, we can just move diabetes a little further into the show and continue to talk about this because it’s such an important thing.

One of the things I do write a lot about is detox because of my work. I’m interested in people getting toxic chemicals in. And for many years, I only told people to avoid toxic chemicals and it’s only been in the last few years that I’ve been so interested in getting them out of bodies because I started doing various detoxes that were specific for things and I found that I felt a lot better if I did that.

And then I suppose that if we stopped being exposed to toxic chemicals, our bodies will go through the detox process. And maybe over a period of years, some of those toxic chemicals will come out. But the amount that we’re exposed to today, would you say that everybody just needs to do a detox?

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s a very good question. Yes, absolutely. That’s the first thing I’m recommending for mental health, any debility, anything someone is coming to me for, “My cholesterol is high. I don’t feel good. I don’t have energy,” all these things, which is just typical. I see a little bit of everything every day.

I tell people, “Look, first and foremost, we need to remove the chemicals out of your body because the cell signaling, we know that the signaling takes place on a cellular level. And cell signaling…” – and some of my friends are actually physicians. They work in physics too. They can start measuring these cell signals are affected by chemicals.

And interestingly enough (and I know we’re going to defer to the diabetes), what they’re finding – I mean, I read the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal every day, these articles that aren’t even necessarily concentrated in medical journals, they’re showing up periodically in mainstream media that are discussing that people in the past – for example, diabetes – used to think, “I eat really bad. I gained a lot of weight. I have insulin-resistance. Now, I have diabetes.”

Now, the researchers are finding – this isn’t some obscure journal, these are front-rate journals – that okay, these people are testing very high for urinary pesticides much more so than the general population, so now they’re thinking, “I got exposed to a bunch of chemicals, preservatives or whatever they may be. It started to damage the pancreas. As a result of it, I started putting on weight. Now, I have diabetes.”

That chronology of events is a big change because in the past, we’re saying, “Okay, you ate sodas, you ate fried food.” It might not necessarily be that. We are finding that these people for some reason are not processing the chemicals the same as other people.
And I think you’re going to find in the future – I’m really telling you this, this is the truth. You watch and mark my words. A lot of diseases that we have today will be linked to chemicals in the environment.

DEBRA: Well, that’s already true. When I was researching my last book, Toxic-Free a few years ago, I actually could find studies which associated toxic chemical exposure to every body system, problems in every single body system.

DEBRA: And so I can say without a doubt that any illness that anybody is having, any body malfunction is associated with toxic chemical exposure in our world today. It just is.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Oh, we know that probably since the industrialized revolution, there’s probably 20,000 chemicals. The Environmental Working Group with their body burden a few years ago, they found 300 chemicals in cord blood for these babies that were born. It’s pretty significant.

DEBRA: It is. We need to go to break. And when we come back, we’ll talk more about toxic chemicals, toxic drugs and how we can use medicinal plants to heal our bodies with my guest, Pamela Seefeld, registered pharmacognocist. There, I got it! I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio and we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She is a pharmacognocist. We’re talking about using medicinal plants in order to heal bodies. Okay, let’s talk about diabetes.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct. Diabetes is very common and very preventable. I’m talking mostly about type II diabetes, people that are in their middle age, even 30’s, 40’s, 50’s. All of a sudden, they go to the doctor and the doctor is like, “We need to give you Metformin. We need to give you Glipizide.” Those are the medicines they typically use. Those are the first oral drugs they use.

Now, diabetes doesn’t show up overnight. It’s not one of those things that, “Okay, today I’m a diabetic. Yesterday, I wasn’t.” It doesn’t necessarily work that way. And this is what I find a lot of times. I can tell you some situations I see quite frequently.

What happens is the big thing is that someone may be treated with high cholesterol, statin medications. I look at their blood work and I’m like, “Well, the reason why your cholesterol and your triglycerides are going up and the reason why they had to put you on Lipitor or something like that is because your blood sugar is unstable and it’s too high.

Fasting blood sugar for a normal person should be between 75 and 85 on a blood draw. The little range that they have goes up to 110 and 120 depending on which lab you used. And so if somebody is already in the nineties or close to a hundred, they’re already pre-diabetic. They’re already on the road to it.

And typically, what I see is that the physicians won’t intervene at that point. They’ll say, “Look your blood sugar is what’s causing me to put you on cholesterol medicine and triglyceride medicine and all these other stuff. We need to get your sugar down. Let’s look and see what you’re eating. Let’s see how you’re eating your meals. We need to balance your blood sugar.”

That’s not the way things are approached in regular medicine. It’s that, “Okay. Your cholesterol is up. Let me give you a statin medication.” And a few years later, like, “Oh, now we’ve got to give you something for the diabetes.”
Meanwhile, all this time has passed and no one has done anything about it. It’s just very, very sad. This is a preventable thing.

So what I tell people, if you’re fasting blood sugar is a little bit high, even in the nineties, I don’t like that. You need to look at a few things.

Fruit has a lot of sugar. So if you’re eating fruit, you want to have some kind of protein or fat at the same time. Now, I’m not talking about you need to put oil on something. If you want to have a banana, you need to have some natural peanut butter a piece of cheese or something that has a little bit of fat or protein along with it or even, a lot of times, I eat a lot of almonds. If you have fat or protein along with the carbohydrate, it delays the emptying out of the stomach and so the blood sugar rise won’t be so precipitous.

This can also apply to candy, anything else, soda. Obviously, we don’t eat that kind of stuff. I would tell you that carbohydrates are your friend, but you need to have some kind of fat or protein present at the same time.

So a lot of people just don’t realize these are just easy ways to balance their sugar. It could also just be from poor eating as well. We know that nutrition is the hallmark. A lot of people do not see that. If somebody already has a fasting blood sugar close to a hundred (and I see this pretty much every day), I have a homeopathic product that actually repairs the pancreas, reverses the damage that’s already been done. And then when I also use the Body Anew, which is the homeopathic detoxification, it cleans everything up. I’d say that within a month, you can reverse all of these.

DEBRA: Wow! Wow!

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah, it’s great.

DEBRA: Wow! Okay, so…

PAMELA SEEFELD: I know! I mean, that’s probably a lot of information. I mean, I can tell you that pharmacologically, there are things vitamins-wise and homeopathic wise that are significant and very effective and it takes a short time to really have them work.
Another thing too is that people, when they’re starting to have elevated blood sugar end up with something called neuropathy. Neuropathy is numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. It’s nerve damage. In regular medicine, the medicines don’t work for it – Lyrica and Neurontin and all these stuff. They can’t handle it, all these medicines.

A lot of those medicines make you really loopy and tired, they don’t solve the problem and the nerve damage is very bad because when you start damaging the nerves from sugar, what happen is some of that is not reversing in the regular pharmacy realm.
But in homeopathy, you can actually target it with homeopathic products that actually resurface the outside of the nerve. So that can work for any kind of nerve conduction issue that might be taking place – even carpal tunnel. Anything that’s going on with the nerves, these are obscured diagnoses and things that happen that regular medicine just has nothing in the goody bag for you.

DEBRA: How did you even find out about this field? I’m astonished that they’re teaching it in pharmacology school.

PAMELA SEEFELD: This is what really led me on that path. I was already studying pharmacognosy. And then I got out of school and I was working – I mean, I still work as a pharmacist. I was working as a pharmacist, a clinical pharmacist (I was a clinical, not the drugstore type), I really decided that I wanted to put my education to good work.

So then I decided that I was going to go and spend a great deal of time in Europe and here all over the United States (and I even went to Cuba) and I studied homeopathic medicine under different people and herbal medicine. So I went to King’s College in London. I was really traveling quite a bit and decided that I was going to read every pharmacognosy book written in English. I’ve memorized everything. And now, it’s kind of like I just kind of build on my own background of chemistry and knowledge.

A lot of times, I’ll even use a homeopathic product that really have an inherent and deep understanding of what the chemistry is behind natural products that I can look at a homeopathic product and I will decide to use it for something else in a particular area in the body and I will tell my client, “Look, it says another indication on the front” or whatever (they put these labels on the front of these products), “Do not look at that. I’m using it for something else.” And sure enough, a few days later, they’ll call me back and like, “I’m already better.”

So it’s important to think out of the box. Life in the world, in the United States, we always are kind of pigeon-holed and we have to think, “That this is for that… this is for this…”and in pharmacy, “Drug A goes for this diagnosis… drug B goes for that diagnosis” and that’s not really how the world works. The world works that you need to build on your mastermind in the back of your head, all the things that you’ve accumulated and understand.

When I look at somebody, I look at someone’s blood work or they call me with an individual issue, I say, “Okay, what’s really happening here?” and I explain to them, even sometimes diagram. “This is what’s happening with these cells, with these blood vessels in this area and we are going to change that.” That’s why what we’re doing here is solving the problem instead of saying, “Okay, let me give you something. You’re going to be symptom-free,” but meanwhile in the back of my head, I know she’s not really going to get better. That’s not how it works.

DEBRA: Wow! No, I understand. I totally understand what you’re saying. I’m sitting here being so excited because I understand it’s a different way of thinking.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Well, it is. I mean, I can’t think of myself as a mad scientist, but I’ve been doing this for a long time and I’m very successful at it and I have a lot of clients. I just feel very, very grateful that God has given me the intelligence and the understanding and the inherent knowledge of how to use pharmacy to my advantage to heal people instead of saying, “Okay, this is the drug you need.”

And I have in the past. There have been rare opportunities where someone came to me with all these symptoms, they’re misdiagnosed and I write down their diagnosis, “This is what you have. This is the prescription medicine that they should’ve given you and you need to go see this doctor” and I was right. I mean, I’ve done that before too.

That’s a rarity. Most of the time, I can pretty much take care of it with homeopathy, but when it really comes down to it, it’s people saying, “I really want a solution.”

Or if you know certain things reside in your family, there’s a family heredity of certain diseases, you can prevent that also too. We didn’t even touch on cancer. I see a lot of people with cancer.
DEBRA: We have to go to the break. Wait, wait. We’ll have to go to the break. We’ll talk about this when we come back.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s okay, thank you.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. Pamela Seefeld and I are very excited about what she’s talking about. We’ll come back and tell you more of that. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist, but she’s also a pharmacognocist – I love that word. I just love that word – which is a pharmacist who…
PAMELA SEEFELD: It packs a lot of meaning.

DEBRA: It does! A pharmacist who dispenses medicinal plants. And I’ll just say again, we talked earlier about this, I looked up the root of it, it’s ‘drugs with knowledge’. And that’s what plants are. They have knowledge and information and they’re part of this big system of life and they can do things to heal our bodies.

So tell us about cancer.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay! So cancer is prevalent. You have what? One in eight women in America with breast cancer? It’s such a big problem. It’s highly diagnosed.

What we’re seeing with cancer is that cancer is caused by chemicals, pesticides, any sort of chemicals in our environment that turn on genes. We have the beginning of cancer in our bodies every single day. But our immune system seize it. It takes care of it. There are these genes called ankA gene and they get turned on by chemicals.

So when people come to me with cancer, I’m telling them that, “Okay, do the chemo, the radiation, whatever you decided to do with the oncologist, but let’s face it, the chemicals that caused the initial cancer are still there.”
DEBRA: Right.

PAMELA SEEFELD: The trick is to get them out. You might be in remission, but the chemicals that were capable of turning on those particular ankA genes in your body and your immune system was unable to identify will not leave with traditional method.

In fact, the things that we use now in chemotherapy are really quite barbaric because it has a lot of collateral damage. It doesn’t only kill the bad cells that have the high turnover by cell cycle – that’s how these drug works, like how many times this thing replicates – they have collateral damage of these other cells that have high replication. That’s why you lose your hair. That’s why you get the mouth sores. All those things are high turnover cells and the drug cannot see the difference between the bad cells and the good cells. And that’s what happens.

So really, when it comes down to it, if you want to protect against having cancer, you really want to do like the Body Anew or a homeopathic detox product. I personally do it every day when I work out.

My big thing is cardiovascular exercise because when you sweat, you mobilize toxins and get things out of the body. When you drink the detoxification, my homeopathic detox, when you drink that while you’re exercising, you’re removing a lot more of these toxic products.

It’s important to realize that people, when they’re treating cancer, they don’t look to say, “Okay, what caused the cancer?” People will say, “Well, it’s genetics” or “I was on a hormone.” That really is not what’s happening. What’s happening is chemicals you’re exposed to every day, whether passively or intentionally that you don’t realize (your cleaning products, you’re out and about) –

And also, too, I may say even if your diet is really clean, you don’t live in a bubble. You might take the dog for a walk by the gold course, there are pesticides there. I see a lot of people that are tennis pros and spend a lot of time on golf courses, they end up with neurological problems because of the pesticides, lots of MS. Let me tell you, it’s very much related to the chemicals. People that play tennis and teach tennis, I have seen a lot of people with neurological disorders.

DEBRA: Wow! I’ve been studying for 30 years, more than 30 years like where are the toxic chemicals in the world that we are being exposed to. I started out with toxic chemicals in my home because those are the ones that I could see were harming my body.

But really, out in the world, we don’t think about this. I got an email this morning from an organization talking about how we go to places like Home Depot and Lowe’s and stuff and we buy plants that are marketed as bee-friendly, but they have pesticides on them that kill the bees. And we don’t think about that thing.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s exactly right. We can’t see it, but it’s everywhere.

DEBRA: Yeah. And so you don’t think. You think, “Oh, tennis, that’s good that we’re going out and exercising,” but there’s these invisible chemicals everywhere. I don’t want to scare people to think that we need to be afraid of all these toxic chemical exposures. Other people have identified a lot of them, but even if you knew every single one of them, until the world gets cleaned up, we do need to do these detox things. It’s the detox activities in my opinion that save us from those exposure.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s exactly right.

DEBRA: We do need to do the clean-up, but we don’t have to be victim of the exposures. Everybody go around being sick from them because there are things that we can do to protect our bodies and to clean out our bodies so those toxic exposures are not making us sick.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s exactly right. And what I would recommend – and people can get a hold of me if they have a question particularly just on occasion that they don’t have Internet access at 747-442-4955, Botanical Resource Pharmacy. I just want to mention that.

If you use homeopathic detox and you do it every day – what I typically do is layer these things in the water. So basically, say someone has a little bit of pre-diabetes or someone has a little bit of hypertension or they have some anxiety, the best way to do it is put homeophatic detox in water, you kind of drink it through the day or you drink it while you’re exercising. This way, you’re really taking things out on a daily basis because if you think that you’re able to circumvent chemicals in the environment, it’s really hard.

Now, really interestingly, during your commercial break, you were talking about water filters and things in the water, I don’t know if you’re aware of it, but here in Clearwater, there’s radium in the water because a cardiology practice in Sarasota dumped radium down the drain because the people that were handling the radioactive properties of these products weren’t paying attention and they had to be cited for it. This happened in two places – here and in northern Minnesota. And so we have radioactive water right here in Clearwater.

DEBRA: Well, this particular water filter removes radioactive particles. That’s one of the things that it removes.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Right, that’s right. That’s interesting.

DEBRA: And so I have one in my house. Actually, this filter protects me from exposure to all the pollutants that I know of. It’s just a little over $300. It’s something that everybody could have everywhere and it would protect them from all those water pollutants. It’s such an easy thing that people can do.


DEBRA: You never know. You never know when there’s going to get something dumped in the water. You really don’t.

PAMELA SEEFELD: What I’m telling you, this is just really ridiculous. And really, there were articles about this. It’s kind of buried with the news. Really, there was one article even (I think it was in the Wall Street Journal) a long time ago, they were talking about how in the past, radioactive materials were really handled by the hospitals. The staff is trained in that.

But you have a lot of cardiology practices that are doing these procedures because they’re monetarily very good and they’re handling radioactive materials and their staff might not be properly trained. They’re just dumping it wherever.
And this is really, really dangerous. And that’s just the stuff we know about. There’s a lot more going on.

Also, too, we have the EPA, we have rules and regulations in place, I always tells people heavy metals never leave within two inches of the surface soil. They’re there forever. So if somebody dumped a lead battery in the back of yard a hundred years ago, you don’t know. Those things are still there. They do not go down into the water supply.

And also too, all these pressurized decks, these treated decks that people have in their backyard, there’s a lot of arsenic in that, which has high affinity for the soil.

So I think if you’re going to do a few things –because I see a lot of people come to me thinking, “I heard Dr. Oz say I should take bilberry and take that…” – they come in with bags and bags of all these vitamins that they heard about. I say, “Look, your chances of disease are two things. You’re either going to have a heart disease or you’re going to have cancer. Those are the things that get most people. Everything else are non-consequential.”

I mean, those are things you should look at, but I tell people that you really want to do detox every day. That’s very, very important because it protects against cancer, it protects against neurological problems and memory problems, all these things that are very, very important to people.

And you need to take prescription dose, high dose folic acid (which I use here a lot) and fish oil. If you take the fish oil and the folic acid, the reduction of heart attack incidents is 75% just doing that. I don’t care what you’re eating, what you’re doing.

Obviously, all that good, healthy things make a huge difference, but if you don’t do those three things, you’re really missing the boat on preventing against a lot of very bad things.

DEBRA: Okay, let’s talk about fish oil. I can’t take fish oil.


DEBRA: Maybe you have a fish oil I can take, but I have never been able to take fish oil.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Alright, okay. So there are different categories. Some people, they have an allergy to fish oil. Those people are opted out. What I would tell you is that if people don’t do well with fish oil because they’re gastrointestinal tract doesn’t handle it very well, maybe they burp it out, the trick with any vitamin or any supplement is if you have issues with a sensitive stomach, you want to put it in the freezer.

When you put something in the freezer and you take it frozen, what it does is it bypasses the stomach and goes to the small intestine. That’s where it starts to thaw. It will release the medication in the small intestine instead of the stomach.

So I use that little trick all the time for someone that comes to me. I say, “I want you to take this supplement,” “Oh, I can’t take supplements. They make my stomach upset,” I’m like, “Don’t worry about it. I’ve got you covered.”

You just have to use basic pharmacology to understand that you need to bypass the stomach for the absorption. A lot of things can be absorbed, but there’s a partial absorption in the stomach, but the small intestine is where the majority of our nutrients are absorbed from food and it’s a perfect locality to put the vitamin.

DEBRA: Oh, wow! You know so much, I’m so impressed.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah, I know. This is fun. I’m having a great time. No, there is a solution for everything. Remember I was talking about thinking outside of the box?

DEBRA: Yeah.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s why God gave us this wonderful thing called a brain and the ability to learn, retain knowledge and to assimilate and to try and comprehend what’s best to help people because let’s face it, when we learn things, my feelings is that we learn to give it away. That’s why we’re here. We’re here to learn and organize data in our head and organize our thoughts to help in the betterment of mankind. If we are not on that mission to try and make people well in some capacity, what is really the point?

DEBRA: I totally agree with you. I totally agree. Well, we have less than a minute left. And so I just want to ask you, first, why don’t you give your phone number again? And the website is Give your phone number again so that people can call you if they want to meet you. and

PAMELA SEEFELD: So my phone number here at my natural pharmacy is 727-442-4955. We’re here Monday through Friday, 10 to 5 and Saturday 10 to 2. And any questions you may have about yourself, your family or your pets, I would be very, very honored and happy to help you with that.

DEBRA: Well, I’m going to come down and see you in the next couple of days. I can’t come this afternoon, but I’m going to come down and see you because I think you can help me.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Please do. I think you’ll be very impressive.

DEBRA: I think I will. Okay, that’s the end of the show! Thank you so much for being with me.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Thank you so much.

DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.


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