ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Richard H. Conrad PhDToday my guest is biochemist Richard H. Conrad PhD. From his home in Hawaii, Richard does consulting by phone for individuals, architects, builders, and corporations on the subject of reducing chemical and EMF exposures in homes and workplaces. He aim is to both keep healthy people healthy and help people with multiple chemical sensitivities and electromagnetic hypersensitivities. Today we’ll be talking about the nature of electromagnetic hypersensitivities, how to prevent them, and how to live with them if you have them. Richard was raised in New Jersey, and won a couple of national science awards while in high school.After graduating from Brandeis University, he obtained a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Johns Hopkins University in 1968. Richard spent some time in the Biochemistry Department at Cornell University and was an Assistant Professor at the University of Washington in Seattle. One of his many interests led him to spend a number of years experimenting with different ways of disinfecting his swimming pool and hot tub. During this time he developed and patented ozone generation equipment for purifying water (where he met my father, who was also working in this field). In addition to his consulting, Richard’s website has many papers and links related to MCS and EHS.



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Living with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Richard H. Conrad, PhD

Date of Broadcast: July 14, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free.

It is Monday, July 14th, 2014. I am here in Clearwater, Florida. The sun is shining, no thunderstorms. And we are going to be talking today about electromagnetic hypersensitivity. That’s EHS for short.

My guest today is biochemist, Richard H. Conrad, PhD. He is someone who has multiple chemical sensitivities and electromagnetic hypersensitivity. But he is also a scientist and he has a lot of information. He thinks about things about how to figure out what the solution is and he has a lot of background experience in science.

I’m looking for all of his credentials here. He graduated from Brandeis University. Then he obtained a PhD in Biochemistry from Johns Hopkins University. Then he spent some time in the Biochemistry Department at Cornell University and was an Assistant Professor at the University of Washington in Seattle.

One of his many interests led him to spend a number of years, experimenting with different ways of disinfecting his swimming pool and hot tub using ozone. And there, he met my father or he met me. So we have known each other for quite some years and have had many, many conversations on these subjects.

So welcome to the show, Richard.

RICHARD CONRAD: Thanks, Debra. Good morning.

DEBRA: Good morning.

RICHARD CONRAD: It’s morning here.

DEBRA: It’s just past morning here. You are off in Hawaii. Richard is in Hawaii. So what time is it there?

RICHARD CONRAD: A little after 6 a.m.

DEBRA: Yeah. So we met. How long have we known each other?

RICHARD CONRAD: Twenty-five or twenty years?

DEBRA: Twenty, something like that, yeah.

RICHARD CONRAD: And the fact that you mentioned the ozone generation, I had gotten into electronic design rather heavily and did a lot of electronics. I am a real techie that enjoy electronics.

I was designing high voltage, high frequency, switching power supplies for generating ozone. These are tremendous emitters of EMF (which I didn’t think about at the time). And they didn’t bother me at all. I was standing next to them, operating them, experimenting with them.

It was until years later that I got EMF sensitivities from the devices.

DEBRA: Well, tell us your story of how you became chemically sensitive and electrically sensitive.

RICHARD CONRAD: Well, in chemical sensitivities, people can be either disposed genetically or things happen as they grow up that affect their immune and endocrine system that makes them more susceptible.

But in particular, I had some mold problems in my home that I didn’t know about. The carpet under the bed I was sleeping on was soaking wet for months with water that have leaked in from the shower. And then, the other factor probably was formaldehyde from a particle board camper, a brand new one that I was living enclosed up in the winter.

It happened rather quickly all at once at one point. Suddenly, colognes and perfumes began to bother me.

But I was doing my electronic experiments for maybe five years after that with no problem and working with switching power supplies. And a friend of mind told me about her electrical sensitivities. It was the first time I had heard of it. I thought it sounded crazy to me. I didn’t believe it because I worked with the stuff, and it didn’t bother me. And she wasn’t a scientist.

And she was maybe, I thought, a little bit susceptible to believing these things and making it up. And then I forgot about it.

A few years later, I bought some new equipment, a projector to use as a computer monitor, a video projector. And I was amazed at the gorgeous image. I was using it for DVDs and large screen computer monitor for doing CAD design work.

After about two hours on it, my skin began to burn. It was strange. It felt like a sunburn. And I was wondering what that was.

I didn’t know what it was related to.

And then the next day, I was using it and my skin started to burn after about an hour. And the next day, my skin started to burn about 20 minutes. And then the next time I used it, my skin burned in five minutes. Eventually, my skin was burning within one minute when I turned it on. There’s no doubt about the correlation.

They say that correlation isn’t always causation. But repeated correlation, when there’s no other thing that’s changing in your life, it’s common sense to realize what is causing the problem. This is the projector for me.

And then after that, I began to have reaction to various other things like my mini keyboard. Playing music, my wrists would hurt. In fact, I think some of carpal tunnel syndrome is not just the overuse of the muscles and the joints in the hands and wrists. Using them in an electromagnetic field really potentiates the carpal tunnel even more.

DEBRA: That makes sense.

RICHARD CONRAD: And then there are a number of other exposures I got inadvertently and I didn’t know it was happening until later. And then I realized it correlated with the electrical device.

The normal symptoms—well, there are no normal symptoms, but typical symptoms of electrical sensitivity (because I have talked to hundreds of people and did a survey on smart meter effect) are ringing in the ears, an unusual ringing of the ears, different kinds of tinnitus (it’s usually called tinnitus, I think) which can have different kinds of characteristic sounds like buzzing of bees or a cadence or rushing water.

It’s a sound that’s generated inside your head. But in the nervous system, it doesn’t go away. Or it goes away slowly, but can happen very quickly after an exposure and that takes days or weeks to go away if at all, if it goes away at all.

And heart arrhythmia, which people have never had before, can be due to exposure to equipment. One type of equipment that people are exposed to that they don’t realize has a lot of EMF is when they get an ultrasound that also produces a lot of EMF.

Unusual headaches, unusual insomnia, burning skin, agitation, fatigue, numbness, these are effects on the immune and the nervous system, which pervade the whole body.

So you could get any kind of system, which reflects problems in the nervous system that varies from person to person. But there are these typical range of symptoms that are usually the tinnitus, heart arrhythmias, burning skin, agitation, insomnia, headaches, severe headaches.

DEBRA: So it basically affects the nervous system and the immune system?

RICHARD CONRAD: It appears to. Yes. Unfortunately, the research in humans is very, very sparse. The only research in humans has been showing—there are few experiments that do show that people’s heart rate and heart rate variability changes with exposures in double blind experiments.

Also there are changes to the EEG and changes in sleep patterns in humans that have been proven and in fact were accepted by the people who don’t want to accept these things such as the telecommunications companies and the WHO.

They have to admit that these effects exist and the FCC.

But they claim, “Oh, they are not significant.” Well, if the EEG, changes in the EEG are not significant and changes in sleep patterns are not significant, that means thinking and your mood and your ability to figure out problems where your emotional happiness are not significant. So they are looking slam bang side effects.

But if the FDA was in charge of regulating EMFs and they did it in such a way that they regulate, even though sometimes poorly, drugs, if there’s a host of side effects in people, they start looking at them and keeping track of them and will draw drug if there’s a problem. And in fact, before drug is allowed to be on the market, they will go at the side effects and testing.

In the EMF world and the telecommunications, cellphone, the computers, all the different Wi-Fi devices and the smart meters, there has been no testing on humans. None, no matter what they say, there is not any testing on humans.

And when they get report after report after report of the side effects, they say that’s the first time they have heard of it. Each time, that’s what they say.

DEBRA: I’m sure it isn’t.

RICHARD CONRAD: And then they reject it.

DEBRA: We need to go to break.


DEBRA: We need to go to break. And we will talk more about this when we come back. You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I am Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is biochemist Richard H. Conrad. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I am Debra Lynn Dadd. Today, we are talking about living with electromagnetic hypersensitivity and my guest is biochemist Richard H. Conrad, PhD.

He’s got a lot of papers and links related to MCS and electro-hypersensitivity on his website, which is

And he also does consulting. So if you have a question for him about how you can reduce toxic chemical exposures and EHS, electromagnetic exposures in your home, then he is a good person to call. Again his website is

So Richard, you talked to a lot of people. I know you have talked to just probably hundreds of people over the years who have electrical sensitivity. What are some stories you have heard from them?

RICHARD CONRAD: In a way, similar to mine. They didn’t believe in it beforehand. They haven’t had heard of it beforehand in many cases. And when it first happened to them, they didn’t know what was happening and didn’t relate it to electronic equipment until correlations began to become obvious.

And most of them were people that were addicted to their electronic equipment and wanted or had for their occupation to continue using it and can no longer use the equipment or at least only sparingly. And most people were using Wi-Fi, cellphones, computers and then they get electrical sensitivity and they stop using Wi-Fi completely. They can’t use cellphones anymore. And they use computers, but maybe only for 10 or 20 minutes before they get symptoms.

I got one story of a fellow that just called me a week ago from Jamaica, a young 21 year old guy, very bright, who has won a number of awards in software design for mobile applications. And he is just starting his career. He has about 15 or 20 programming software programming languages under his belt. And he was invited to be a part of a startup company and he really had high hopes of his work. He has a girlfriend. I am sure he wants to get married.

Then what happened was one day, he was working many hours on his computer and fell asleep in front of it and in front of the 4G wireless modem, about 4 ft away from him. When he woke up, his life changed forever.

He had numbness in his body, a great deal of fatigue. He’s a guy that normally has great energy and he ended up in the bed and didn’t know what to do and didn’t know it was affecting him until he began to make correlations.

And he bought an EMF meter and realized how much EMF radiation was in his environment. And he figured out what the sources were and cleaned it up and practiced avoiding it, which is basically one of the few things we can do to lessen electrical sensitivity and lessen the probability of getting it.

Now, he built a little shack at the beach so he could escape all technology for a few days at a time. And he still can’t use anything and he still has the numbness in his arms and legs, fingers, feet. But at least he is not as ill. But he can’t pursue his occupation. He’s all trained and ready to go as a programmer and he is in limbo right now.

DEBRA: I want to ask you a question about something you just said. You said that he goes to the beach so that he can escape all technology. What I am about to ask you is something that I wondered about for a long time because you are much more of an EMF expert than I am.

I know that they are just sending all these frequencies all around the world. You can hardly walk down the street without running into one of them. And so, I have this idea that there really isn’t a place that you can go in the world where you would receive no exposure to EMFs anymore. It’s like toxic chemicals, there is no place you can go where there are zero toxic chemicals.

Is that true? Or maybe when he goes away from the center of the city, it would probably be the worst place where there is so much electromagnetics going on that maybe if you went to the beach or out in the mountains, you wouldn’t have so much immediate exposure, but there would still be that background exposure?

RICHARD CONRAD: Yes. People can generally tolerate, although possibly it was subliminal symptoms like agitation and attention deficit in everyone, short term effects that they don’t realize and possibly long term cancer effects from low levels, but no overt symptoms.

But once it gets over a certain level, it’s like a straw that broke the camel’s back and for certain people, it throws them into extreme sensitivity. And if they get out of the strong exposures, at least they have a chance to recover somewhat.

There are huge differences in the levels in different areas. You’re right, the radar is the low frequency transmissions to penetrate the earth and go through the ionosphere and penetrate the oceans to communicate with submarines, all the satellites beaming down microwaves.

You can escape it all, but the very, very strongest, by thousands of times stronger is what people have in their very own homes and what they are using against their heads, putting microwave transmitter next to their heads, the cellphone and smart meters on the sides of houses, which are causing symptoms way above what you’d expect from the levels of the intensity that’s actually there. It is probably due to the of pulses of the microwave.

If people get away from the major sources, then after a while, they can tolerate the lower sources at least without overt short term effects. In fact, being under salt water, salt water absorbs most of the microwaves. But being at the beach, by that, I meant just being away from civilization and cellphone towers and other people’s cellphones.

It is a great help to do that, just like if you eat organic food, you still might be getting some plasticizers from some processing in the factory or packaging and trace amounts of things. But it’s still a great help in spite of breathing chemicals in the air. At least, most of what you are taking in is better.

DEBRA: By doing that, you are reducing the overall load. Even if it isn’t down to zero, it is less than a million. We need to go to break again.

RICHARD CONRAD: And one thing people should always be doing…

DEBRA: Wait. We do need to go to break or the commercial will just come cut you off midsentence. So just hold that thought and we will be right back. You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I am Debra Lynn Dadd and I am talking with biochemist, Richard Conrad. His website is We’ll be right back to hear what he’s got to say.


DEBRA: You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is biochemist, Richard H. Conrad, PhD.

He’s talking to us from his home in Hawaii where he does consulting by phone with individuals, architects, builders and corporations about reducing EMF exposures in homes and workplaces. And his website is

And Richard, what did you want to say before I so rudely cut you off? Do you remember?

RICHARD CONRAD: I wanted to mention…

DEBRA: It was something about reducing. We were talking about reducing.

RICHARD CONRAD: Yeah, there’s so much to say in such a short time. For everyone, it is important to reduce their exposures. And we are getting a lot of unnecessary exposure from Wi-Fi that’s on all the time, computers that are left on all night. Everything should be shut off when not used, especially while sleeping so the body can recover.

And people should not use Wi-Fi. It would be much better use internet cable so they don’t have these transmitters, intentional EMF radiators.

DEBRA: I have a question about that. I don’t use Wi-Fi in my home. Usually, I use my desktop, but when I turn my laptop on, it asks me if I want to connect to this Wi-Fi because it is picking up my neighbor’s Wi-Fi.

RICHARD CONRAD: Yes. In some cases, in apartment buildings, there might be hundreds of Wi-Fi at very high levels that someone is exposed to. It won’t help too much to turn off their own. But in most cases, in individual homes, it does.

When you are in an internet café and using your laptop, the Wi-Fi signal from the modem in the internet café is strong enough to be worrisome. But much worse is the Wi-Fi next to the source that’s so close to you, your computer, which is communicating with it.

So using Wi-Fi with a laptop, you are getting a huge dose compared to what’s coming from the node 10 or 20 or 30 ft away.

So just doing it for someone that’s not sensitive and hopefully not predisposed to getting more sensitive, it is okay to do it for a few minutes at a time. But it is not something I would recommend.

DEBRA: I totally agree. I wanted to say that in terms of just being exposed to less, I had an EMF inspection some years ago and they came in with all their gas meters and stuff. And they found that the highest levels of EMF in my home were right where I was working every day. I was just sitting right in the hottest spot in my house.

And one of them was I had a generator under my desk because we have a lot of thunderstorms here in Florida, so sometimes the electricity goes off. So I got this backup generator that will keep my computer on even if the power went off.

And that was the number one source. And it was sitting right under my desk. I would put my feet on it.

RICHARD CONRAD: To keep your feet warm, huh? Is it a backup, a batter backup, an APS system?

DEBRA: It is a battery backup, yeah.

RICHARD CONRAD: Yeah. That has a switching power supply that’s running all the time. That’s why it is so strong.

DEBRA: Yeah. So I just got rid of that just completely. I took it out of the house entirely and I no longer have a battery backup. But I haven’t needed it. I mean I haven’t had any problem not having it.

And the second hottest place was right next to my desk where my phone was. It was my cordless phone, not my cellphone, but my cordless phone.

RICHARD CONRAD: They are really bad.

DEBRA: Yeah, they’re really, really bad.

RICHARD CONRAD: They […] whether or not you are using them.

DEBRA: Right. So I immediately took out those two things. I got a corded phone. I’ve been using a corded phone since.

And it’s just these things where there’s so much new technology. And I think that people just think that it’s more convenient or it is the coolest thing or whatever when in fact, if we would just do something like getting the wireless phones out of our house. I mean I know that there’s a whole list of other things that can be done even if somebody just removes the wireless phone.

On other shows, we’ve already talked about cellphones. And I have a cellphone, but it is way on the other side of the room in my purse. And I tell my people, “Here’s my cell number, but don’t call me on it because I don’t ever answer it.”

And the only time I have it is so that I make sure that if I need to be reached in an emergency when I am travelling. I use it when I go out of the house. I have it if I need to make a phone call and things like that.

But I am not walking around with my cellphone in my pocket all day long like some people or having it next to their ear all day long like some people.

RICHARD CONRAD: They, in fact, transmit less, but they transmit even in receive mode when you are not talking on them as long as they are on.

And even worse are the smart phones because they are more like a computer, which is communicating with the internet.

And there is much more data going back and forth all the time on those. There’s a lot more emissions from those.

DEBRA: So there are…

RICHARD CONRAD: I wanted to mention…

DEBRA: Yeah, go ahead.

RICHARD CONRAD: There are two things I want to mention, a lot of things.

DEBRA: I know. There’s a lot to talk about. How about if you talk about why the FCC and the EPA don’t protect us from harmful EMFs?

RICHARD CONRAD: Because the FDA standards are designed to protect us from heating as if we were meat in a microwave oven.

And they are not recognizing the effects of very low levels of EMF, which there are tens of thousands of research papers showing these effects in cells and in animals. And most animal experiments are relevant to humans. Not all, but this is what’s used in the drug industry. So why not in the telecommunications industry to be worried about thousands of animal experiments that show problems with breakage of chromosomes, leakage of the blood brain barrier, which allows synergy between chemicals and EMF because the blood brain barrier protects the brain from chemicals that happen to get in your body? If that breaks down, you got even worse effects of these chemicals.

The very low currents can double the rate of cancer growth. Whether or not they induce it, we’re not sure, but it certainly greatly increases cancer growth. Low electrical currents are normally used in the body for healing and changing cells from one kind of cell to another differentiation and de-differentiation to induce healing. By the same token, if they are applied wrongly or artificially, they can induce cancer cell growth. This is known.

But the FCC wants to set the standards so that everything is heavily influenced by the Department of Defense, in the military. They want to be able to use the radars and all their equipment, their electronic equipment without restriction.

And the FDA looks to the EPA. They say, “We don’t know anything about health. The EPA controls the health.” And the EPA drops the ball because they are told to by the government. And the EPA has stopped all research on EMF and doesn’t talk about it anymore.

So it’s all without any controls at all, no feedback at all. And systems without feedback eventually self-destruct and that’s what is starting to happen. It’s denial.

DEBRA: Yeah, I understand. We need to go to break again. There are so many breaks. But you are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I am Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is biochemist, Richard Conrad. He’s talking to us from his home in Hawaii. His website is We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I am Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is biochemist, Richard Conrad.

He’s at and not only does he do consulting, he has many papers and links related to what we are talking about today. There‘s lots of information. If you have a particular problem with your own health in this regard or want some help reducing EMF exposures in your home or workplace, give him a call.

Richard, this is the last segment of the show. I know it goes by so quickly. Let’s talk about what your general recommendations are as a consultant and what kind of precautions people can take. Let’s talk about the positives of what we can do.

RICHARD CONRAD: One of the first things to look at is something that’s easy to correct aside from getting rid of all the wireless and microwaves and all the sources in your home and the technology that people are using, minimizing the exposure. The actual EMFs, the magnetic field, the low frequency from the house wiring, most houses have mistakes in the wiring that creates unnecessary high EMF exposures that have all kinds of proven effects on people.

This can be corrected by discovering these by having a Gauss meter and going around the house in the areas that people normally spend time and an electrician that knows what he’s doing or a consultant. Using an electrician or directing the electrician can often solve most of these problems in just an hour or two by correcting improperly connected neutrals where you have neutrals improperly connected to each other where they joined two circuits together that shouldn’t be connected.

Shortcuts that the electricians normally take in inappropriate grounds, by lowering the background EMF in the home, people are not as predisposed to getting reactions from the other higher frequency devices. So that’s the first step.

I don’t believe that any of [dependence] or protective devices work most of that. It’s nonsense, those little labels that people say you can stick on the cellphone. It’s absolute hype.

There are a few active devices that generate human resonance that people plug in to work. Some of them might work for some people and they might hurt others.

The one thing to know about the microwave systems out there, Wi-Fi, smart meters is that all of these us pulse microwaves.

And the pulsing is done at frequencies that the human brain uses in the typical EEG frequencies. And this is what makes them so much worse.

The microwave, for instance the cellphone is a very efficient delivery system of inappropriate but biological frequencies into the brain because they pick the frequency of the cellphones and the Wi-Fi are right at the same frequencies as a microwave oven where tissue absorbs and heats if you have enough.

But even if you don’t have enough energy, the absorption causes low level effects and can carry this pulsing because the microwave is pulsing to the low frequency. It delivers the pulses at lower frequencies into the brain that wouldn’t ordinarily get into the brain as easily.

And the wavelengths are not just easily absorbed by tissue as we know when we heat a steak in a microwave oven. But they are the same wavelength as the size of the brain, which makes the head a good antenna for them for receiving them.

So this is all inadvertent, but it’s dumb, it’s blind. And people, once they are told—when I say people, the telecommunications companies, when it’s pointed out to them, they don’t want to hear it. They don’t want to make or accept that they have been doing things that hurt people.

And then rather than protect people and design, redesign their systems in such a way to cause less damage, which they can very easily do by different kinds of frequencies and different kinds of modulation schemes. They just stick their head in the sand and refuse to budge.

DEBRA: Maybe they are just looking at it and saying, “I don’t want to shut down my company entirely.” Maybe they don’t understand…

RICHARD CONRAD: Oh, they understand what they are doing. They understand what they are doing and they don’t care.

It’s just like the people who are making […], once it was discovered what it was doing, they still try to cover it up—the cigarettes, the same; silicone implants, the same. They know what they are doing. They are no longer humans. They are corporate robots. And their function is to generate money for their company.

But if they had any foresight, they’d realize that here’s an opportunity to get a leg up over the other companies and develop new products that are safer, which they are going to have to do eventually and be ahead of the game. But they stay behind and they are hurting a lot of people. It’s real.

DEBRA: I agree with you that a lot of people are being hurt by this. I mean I am on a lot of mailing list and I get a lot of information about this, about how people are being hurt by electromagnetic hypersensitivity. And I do think that companies should do the right thing and that somebody should be the first to have safer products and then everybody will follow after that.

You and I have been in this field for a long time. And remember 25 years ago, there were a lot of toxic products and not very many safer alternatives. But when people like me—I’ll give myself credit—when people like me started saying, “Okay, buy these. Here’s the little handful of safe products. Buy these because they are safer.” Now there are just so many more products than there used to be.

RICHARD CONRAD: It happened, but much more slowly because in the case of chemicals, it was the chemical companies and the insurance companies that were stopping it. Now, it is the military and the government. So it’s even harder.

DEBRA: Yeah.

RICHARD CONRAD: It will just come out eventually and I think it will be public pressure that eventually will make a change although as we can see with smart meters affecting so many people without them realizing what’s affecting them first and they don’t even know they have the smart meter and they get any strange symptoms.

Then they correlate it finally and have the smart meter removed and they do a lot better or they leave home and they are doing better and they come back and they make their own correlations and they see that it’s real.

DEBRA: Yeah.

RICHARD CONRAD: The electric companies are resistant to even thinking about it or dealing with it.

One other thing I wanted to mention quickly if we can go back to it, if we have time is just the plug-in filters that are being sold to plug into your wall just supposedly reducing EMF and dirty power. It rarely worked and that’s because most of the dirty power from certain power supplies and other sources is what’s called common mode noise.

And these filters and the devices, the meters they sell to measure dirty power only measure differential noise, which is a small part of it. And they only correct differential noise at a certain frequency. So they shouldn’t be relying on these plug-in filters.
They call them filters. They are not really. They are just capacitors. They should not be relied on to protect people in their homes at all.

DEBRA: Okay, good. That’s good to know. So what are some specific solutions besides avoiding obviously that people can do to use their computers more safely?

RICHARD CONRAD: First, the general thing is that what makes people more susceptible and more sensitive is stress and inflammation. And unfortunately, electrical sensitivities, electrical exposures make people more stressed and more inflammation in their system.

But if you can reduce stress from other sources and inflammation from other sources, people who are electrically sensitive are much more sensitive on days that they eat food that they are allergic to for example.

Sometimes problems, especially the insomnia due to the electrical fields interfering with melatonin and melatonin levels and its beneficial effects, some people are benefited by taking extra melatonin before they go to sleep at night.

I have an article on my website on partial solutions for EMF sensitivities and one of them is Inositol taken at night. It can help some people lower their inflammation and responsiveness to electrical fields.

But for computers and to be able to be online, it’s a very difficult problem. The best thing I can suggest is it is just a matter of picking devices. Some devices that work cause a lot more problems for people than others. And one just has to try different devices and see.

In general, everything has a switching power supply. All of the wall warts that we use, all the power adapters and chargers are switching power supplies. Stay as far away from them as possible.

It’s best to use a laptop on batteries and not plugged into the wall at all when you are using it. And the charges should be used only when you are not at home and at some distance from you if you have to use it while you are on the laptop.

Using an extra keyboard and mouse can be a help. The old roller ball mouse has less EMF than the modern optical mice.

Certain keyboards are a lot worse for people than others. It’s a mess.

DEBRA: I’m going to interrupt you there because we only have 30 seconds left.

RICHARD CONRAD: And I have a lot of solutions, partial solutions for that. And the real solutions are very expensive, for instance, building a shield box for a projector, which can be used at a distance, projecting onto real projections…

DEBRA: Richard, Richard, Richard, I have to interrupt you because we only got 10 seconds before the music comes on and it’s the end of the show. So thank you very much.

You can find more about Richard at You are listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I am Debra Lynn Dadd.

Be well.


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