My guest today is Laura Saville, one of three co-founding sisters of The Soft Landing, a comprehensive website with blog, safe product guides, and store for moms wanting to protect their children from toxic chemicals. Her years spent in business management prior to becoming a wife and mother helped her hone the ability to handle the fine details and mountains of research her job at The Soft Landing requires. Laura has a love of common sense and practicality, and finds great pleasure in helping parents on their journeys to reducing their family’s exposure to toxic chemicals in everyday products, one baby step at a time.
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Keeping Babies Toxic-free
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Laura Saville
Date of Broadcast: : June 24, 2015
DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free. It is the 24th of July, 2015. We’re having a thunderstorm today. So you may hear some rumbling in the background. It seems to be pretty close to right on top of me and I’m getting thunder and lightning. And usually, we don’t have any problem with disconnection of power or anything like that. So I’m expecting that we’ll be fine all the way through. But if you hear some noise in the background, it’s just Mother Nature cooling things off here. It’s really wonderful to have thunderstorms.
In fact, I live very close. There’s another lightning. Let’s see how far it is — yeah, it’s a mile away. Can you hear that? I don’t know if you can hear that. Anyway, I live very close to the thunder capital of the United States, extreme weather.
So we’ll see what happens.
Today, we’re going to be talking about babies and kids and how to keep them toxic free. My guest today is Laura Saville. She’s one of three co-founding sisters of The Soft Landing. It’s a pretty comprehensive website with a blog, safe product guides and a shop, online store, for moms wanting to protect their children from toxic chemicals.
Hi, Laura.
DEBRA: How are you today?
LAURA SAVILLE: Thank you so much for having me. I’m great. How are you doing?
DEBRA: I’m doing well, except can you hear the thunder in the background?
LAURA SAVILLE: I can’t. I was trying to hear it, but I can’t hear it yet.
DEBRA: Okay, there. Right now, can you hear it? No, I think it’s probably fine. I have one of those mics, it picks up bi-directionally. So I guess thunder in the background will be just fine.
So Laura, this is quite unusual that three sisters and their mother would be concerned about toxics. So how did you all get interested in this?
LAURA SAVILLE: Well, we’ve always been really close. But it actually happened when one of our sisters moved away from us for about a year. And she had a baby. She went to the doctor one day with a bottle and the doctor said, “What are you doing feeding your baby with that bottle?” And my sister said, “What are you talking about?”
It all started from there. He said, “There’s something called BPA in a lot of the baby bottles. And you have to stop using it right now.”
So being the researchers that we are by nature, it was within us to track down what this BPA was and figure out is it really that big of a deal or is this guy just crazy? Well, we found out it really was that big of a deal and it launched our entire company. For the last eight years, it was the thing that propelled us to find out about all of these toxins in every day products.
DEBRA: Yes, everybody has a story of what is the thing that made them actually realize that there are toxics in the world and that they should do something about it. That sounds like a good story. So tell us more about what your business does.
LAURA SAVILLE: Well, since we have our own families and of course, we want the best for them and we know that every other parent wants the best for theirs too, it it became really important to us to assist parents in finding their power, first of all, to figure out that they can make changes and really begin to grasp roots movement to empower parents to say, “Hey, this isn’t okay,” or, “We want products without these toxins.”
So we provide a lot of information. And that’s really what we’re all about, it’s providing information to help parents on their journeys to lessening their toxic loads.
DEBRA: Did you find, as you’ve been researching all of this, that – well, did you go about doing your research? I know that I’ve been doing this – we’ve been having parallel paths. I’ve been doing for the last 30 years. I got interested in it because I learned that I had immune system damage because of toxic chemical exposures. And, of course, I said, “What toxic chemical exposures?” I didn’t know there were toxic chemicals all over my home and in all the products that I was using.
And when I learned that that was the case, at that time, there was really no information available. I had to just start with going to the library.
So how did you go from – since actually, every consumer is actually, “This is our story, this is our path,” what we all need to do is become aware of the toxic chemicals, where they are and what to use instead. So how did that happen for you? What was that like?
LAURA SAVILLE: Well, we know very well that you, Debra, are the OG, original non-toxic ninja. And we’ve been aware of you for a really long time.
DEBRA: Thank you.
LAURA SAVILLE: And we love everything you do, of course. You are a huge resource for us, always has been. We were also shocked to know that there were so much toxic materials and ingredients that we were just absolutely being bombarded with.
So we have great resources like you. We started just cold calling manufacturers left and right, constantly telling them, “We need to know what’s in these products.” And for a long time, it was like pulling teeth. You couldn’t get this information out of them.
So we just kept doing that. The internet has been our friend, our best friend in finding information. Now, the information isn’t that hard to find because people like you and a lot of people have been trying to get this information out there for a long time now. So it’s really a better situation for all of us.
DEBRA: Thank you. That’s good to hear because I remember when I started, there was no internet. And so I was going to the library and looking in things like industry journals to see what they were talking about in terms of what chemicals they were using – and poison control centers and medical libraries and things like that. I had to get up, get in my car and drive down to the library and drive to another library and make photocopies.
LAURA SAVILLE: I just can’t imagine being in that situation. It’s hard enough for us to find the information that we find, but having to get actually down to the basics and figure out the nitty gritty about each and every ingredient without the Internet, that must have been extremely difficult.
DEBRA: It was. But you know, what I found (and I’m thinking that you probably have found this too), as daunting as it can seem in the beginning – and I’ll tell you, I just didn’t even know where to start. I did not know where to start. My father actually bought me a chemistry dictionary. And I still have it on my shelf. It has this orange cover on it. And so what I would do is I just started with what chemical (I think it was formaldehyde or something) and I just looked up formaldehyde in the dictionary. And then the dictionary says, “Formaldehyde is made by combining this chemical and that chemical.” And then I’d look up the other one. And every time I look up a chemical, I’d mark it with a highlighter pen. And so then if I came back to it again, I would go, “Oh, this is a familiar chemical.”
But what started happening very quickly was that as I started becoming familiar with the chemicals, I started seeing them in product after product after product. And it turned out at that time – there are more chemicals now, but at that time, I had my top 40 chemicals and I was just looking for those chemicals. And when I found formaldehyde in bedsheets, I went, “A-ha! I know that formaldehyde.” It was this moment when I said, “Oh, I know that formaldehyde causes insomnia and look, it’s in bedsheets.” You start making those connections and I know that it’s difficult – I never had petrochemistry in school.
The point I was wanting to make here is that we do see the same chemicals over and over again. There are just a lot of them. And as you just start studying these things, it becomes less and less difficult to more and more familiar like anything else.
LAURA SAVILLE: Definitely. And you definitely become familiar with the ingredients. It’s not hard after spending a little while just studying and reading to know what you need to avoid.
And like you said, you see it over and over again. If you read labels, you know what to look for after a little while and you can say, “Yes, I’ll buy that product,” or, “No, I won’t,” depending on what it’s made of. Manufacturers are a lot more willing and able to provide that ingredient information to people and since everyone is trying to find out nowadays.
DEBRA: We need to take a break. But we’ll come back and talk more about choosing products with Laura Saville, one of the three founding sisters of The Soft Landing. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and we’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Laura Saville. She’s one of the three co-founding sisters of The Soft Landing, which is a great website if you’re a mom. One of the things I really like about what you’re doing, Laura, is that you’re really focusing on a subset, a very important subset of the whole bigger picture of toxics, and that you’re really serving mothers and how they care for their children with regard to toxics.
Not being a mother myself, it’s not something that I have firsthand experience. And so I’m really interested that you’re doing this and really appreciating that you’re doing this because you know what mothers are facing.
LAURA SAVILLE: Yes. It always starts from the beginning. If we can greatly reduce or eliminate toxins from the beginning as infants, then we are raising a healthier generation with fewer health problems and things that they don’t have to face in the future.
DEBRA: That’s exactly right. And there are so many chemicals nowadays that actually are affecting children while they’re in the room. Can you talk a little bit about that? About some of the chemicals that mothers should be concerned about even before their children are born?
LAURA SAVILLE: Well, yes. It’s been shown that flame retardant chemicals have been found in infant’s blood right after birth. Flame retardants are everywhere. As you know, there are lots of laws that require companies to put flame retardants in their products. And nowadays, people are using less flame retardants because consumers are demanding it.
But still we have to try and avoid those. Chemicals in skin care are a huge one. As we all know, the skin is the largest organ of the body and it’s very absorbent. Anything that goes on to it goes right into your bloodstream. And of course, baby in the womb is connected to us in that way.
So we can avoid that by choosing safer products and thereby, protecting our unborn children from those toxins.
DEBRA: And something I’d like to just mention is that as adults, we are exposed to a certain amount of toxic chemicals that are making many of us sick and have the potential to make everybody sick that are exposed to them because they’re toxic. But then if you can imagine that same amount of exposure going to a child or to a baby in the womb, it’s just like their amount of exposure is 3 or 4 or 10 times more than we’re having because their bodies are so much smaller.
So it’s really important that any parent, any mother-to-be, any parent needs to be concerned about toxics. It just is. You’re really dealing with the most critical population.
LAURA SAVILLE: Yes. Thank you. And we do feel that way. And we want our children to be healthy. And this is the way that we can do it. But we always do say, even little tiny baby steps, little changes that you can make, even those will make a huge difference in the quality of your health and the way that your children develop.
DEBRA: Well, what’s the first baby step? What do you think is the easiest or most important baby step for people to start with?
LAURA SAVILLE: If we’re talking about with babies, I would definitely choose safe skin care products. There are lots of good companies out there right now that provide safe skin care for babies with no toxins at all. If you do that, you’re providing a way for your child to have a very little chemical body burden, which is what we’re going for here.
And then, of course, we want to avoid chemicals in the feeding gear once they start eating and their teething toys. Let’s see, there are all sorts of things that you can avoid but those few will make a huge difference.
DEBRA: So let’s say that somebody is listening who is a new mom and she’s just learning about this for the first time, what should she do now that she’s heard that she should use toxic-free personal care products for the baby? How is she going to find those? How can you help her?
LAURA SAVILLE: Well, on our website,, we have shopping guides. And on our shopping guides, we have safe skin care. We avoid ingredients, especially the ingredient called fragrance. As you know, Debra, there is over—
DEBRA: You can tell us about this.
LAURA SAVILLE: There are over 3000 ingredients that can be listed or used under that one term on the label of a skin care product. So you could imagine that if you’re using laundry detergent with fragrance, air freshener with fragrance, skin care with fragrance and dryer sheets with fragrance, you can be using 10, 20,000 different ingredients just in those right there.
So if you’re going to look on your labels and see a fragrance ingredient, I would immediately put that right down and find something without a fragrance ingredient.
DEBRA: And there are a lot of companies now who are aware of this. So there are a lot of unscented, fragrance-free products available for babies that weren’t available before. And The Soft Landing is a very good place to go to find out which ones you can choose, that we don’t have to—what’s so great is that we don’t have to all go through this process of starting at square one to find things out because people like you and me are sharing the information that we’re finding. And I think that’s so important. It’s just so important.
I so appreciate what you’re doing because it’s an area that I have no personal experience with, and you’re doing a really good job. I’m very pleased with that.
LAURA SAVILLE: Thank you. Thank you very much.
DEBRA: So we’re coming up on the break. So I don’t want to ask you a big, long question. Let’s see, something short we can talk about. I want to ask you—when we come back, I’ll ask you the comeback question. When we come back, I want to know what’s your greatest challenge in putting all this information together. What has been the most difficult thing? How did you get through it? Let’s talk about those things because I know that—everybody is running into things that are challenges, the things that are difficult every day. Not just toxic chemicals but how we’re going to pay the bills, what’s going on with our kids, whatever. And it’s just getting through that process that can sometimes happen.
You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Laura Saville. She’s one of three co-founding sisters of The Soft Landing. And that’s, lots of information for you.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Laura Saville. She’s one of the three co-founding sisters of The Soft Landing. And they have so much information for moms and kids o this website. And as we’re all—she and I and others are all looking around and evaluating all these products, we all learn from each other.
I was looking at your site during the break. I’ve been looking at it a lot actually. And I find products on there that I haven’t seen before. So this is good.
So before the break, I asked the question, “What has been your biggest challenge?”
LAURA SAVILLE: Well, there’s probably a couple of big challenges. One of the big ones is just the overwhelming nature of it all. We started from absolutely level zero and it looks like an unsurmountable mountain. And we really had to work together. It’s so nice that there are a few of us, my sisters and our mom, who support each other and are able to pick up where the other left off.
And we have to wade throughout that information and be careful that we’re really seeing it for what it is, if it’s dangerous, if it’s not. And the other thing is that when we first started out, and I’m sure this happened to you too, Debra, people call you crazy. And they say, “You guys are nuts. There’s no way. They would never do this to us. And I don’t believe this.”
And so that was another thing that we had to push through and get past. It’s good that we’re strong-willed and hard-headed because that’s what you have to be sometimes to get through it. After a little while, it becomes clear how important things are. So you just do it.
DEBRA: For me, once you have that a-ha moment, you see it and then it’s like you’re in a different world. What do you say to people who don’t believe it?
LAURA SAVILLE: Well, we just say, “Look at the evidence.” People like us and you have spent so much time and it really is like living in a different world. And you just can’t deny it once you’re in it. And you say, “We’ve got so much information. There are scientific journals. There are studies. There are lots of things that prove our point.” So we don’t really have to try to convince people if they are just willing to look at the evidence.
DEBRA: Yes, I think that’s it. The information just needs to get out more and I know for me, I can tell the difference. If I’m eating something toxic or putting something toxic or breathing something toxic, I get a response to it. And I think that a lot of people don’t understand that what they think is their normal state is actually less than they could be wonderful than they could be feeling.
There have been times when I stopped being exposed to toxic chemicals, particularly in the beginning. I always had headaches. But when I stopped wearing perfume, I suddenly didn’t have headaches anymore. And when I changed the sheets on my bed, I could sleep. I didn’t have insomnia anymore because I wasn’t sleeping in this cloud of formaldehyde every night.
And when you have those experiences of being able to see the cause and effect of the toxic product versus the toxic product not being there, that’s a lot of encouragement to continue to live in a toxic-free way.
LAURA SAVILLE: Definitely. You definitely get rewards from eliminating these toxins from your life, just like you said. People are having health problems that they can probably—sometimes they can address themselves, like avoiding perfumes that are made with toxic chemicals, changing your sheets and your skin care. All of those thing can increase your life, your health and people just need to know the information has got to get out there.
DEBRA: Well, let’s talk about some—you have so much information in your blog and in your product guides. Let’s just talk about some of the other things that you recommend. I see here in your blog, you’ve got how to naturally scent your home.
LAURA SAVILLE: Yes. Essential oils are a big part of our lives. Once we discovered those, we realized that they have tremendous abilities. They can scent your home naturally. They can treat certain types of external ailments and we incorporate them into almost every area of our lives. We also do our natural pet care with our essential oils. And there are all sorts of things that you can do with them including scenting your home.
DEBRA: And natural essential oils, ones that are pure essential oils, are very, very different. When we’re talking about no fragrance on the label of the product, that doesn’t mean no essential oil, it just means no synthetic fragrances, this synthetic fragrance that is really bad for you.
So here’s another one from your blog. Safe sunscreen.
LAURA SAVILLE: Yes. That’s a huge one for us. It’s in the same category as skin care. And we have to make sure that we choose safe things to put on our skin and that includes sunscreen. We use sunscreens sparingly. We use it when we know we’re going to be outside too long because we definitely don’t want to be burnt. We don’t want to damage our skin but we want to have some sun exposure just so that we can get the benefits from it.
But sunscreen is very important. We don’t do the oxybenzone which is highly toxic. We don’t do nanoparticles because they are too tiny and they get in places that they’re not supposed to be. And we, of course, avoid any product with fragrance in it.
DEBRA: Yes. Good. So here’s another one, five lessons your kids can teach you about living healthy.
LAURA SAVILLE: Isn’t that interesting? We love to pay attention to our kids. Like they say, “Out of the mouths of babes.” When your kids, they know and they do think so simply. And you can really find out some valuable information if you just pay attention to those little guys.
DEBRA: So what are the five lessons? Or what are two of them? Actually, we’re going to break in 45 seconds, so tell us one.
LAURA SAVILLE: You put me on the spot. I don’t think I actually wrote that article.
DEBRA: Let’s just go there. I’m right here and so I’ll tell you which one they are. Lesson one, when kids say, “I won’t eat that,” what do we learn?
LAURA SAVILLE: We learn that maybe they shouldn’t be eating it. And that their body is telling them something, just like you said.
DEBRA: So here it says, eat healthy foods that you like. And I think that’s something that we all should be doing. There are so many delicious foods out there especially organic foods are so delicious that I don’t think that you’d need to eat anything you don’t like to eat just because it’s supposed to be healthy, that I think healthy food is good food.
LAURA SAVILLE: Yes, exactly. And sometimes there are food allergies that you need to pay attention to.
DEBRA: Yes. So if somebody doesn’t want to eat something, find out why.
So we’re going to go to break. We’ll be right back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Laura Saville. She’s one of three co-founding sisters of The Soft Landing. And you can go visit their website at And we’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Laura Saville from The Soft Landing. And I am looking through her blog here, for a blogpost that she wrote.
So tell us about safe and effective hand sanitizer gel. I think that this is an important one for kids because don’t they require kids to use hand sanitizer in school now or something like that?
LAURA SAVILLE: They do. And that’s—one of our initiatives is to try and change this default mentality inside the schools to the more toxic remedies that they don’t actually have to choose. You can choose—either you can make your own like we do and use essential oils and other safe ingredients like aloe vera. Or you can go out and buy some. I believe 7th Generation has some. There’s a couple of others too that I can’t recall right now.
But we just go ahead and make our own because it’s just so easy. We usually have all this stuff on hand and it’s quick. You just throw it in a bottle and mix it up and you’re good to go. Works the same.
DEBRA: So there’s this whole thing about making it yourself versus a commercial product. And I make so many things myself because I know what goes in them, and this is not to say that there aren’t a lot of good products out there were they’ve already made it for you. But do you find that you make a lot of things yourself?
LAURA SAVILLE: Yes. I am the DIY gal. I do it all of the time. Everything I can, I make. And to the hand sanitizer, a while ago, there weren’t any safe hand sanitizers out there, so we had to make our own. And it got to be like a second nature, so we just go ahead and keep doing it.
DEBRA: It really is so easy. It’s just a matter of knowing what to do and once you find out—I think that it’s probably a key thing in this whole thing of switching to a toxic-free life is just knowing what to do. Once you have the information and once you learn how to do it, whether you’re making your own hand sanitizer or learning to cook.
Let’s talk about food. Let’s talk about food because you have a lot about food on the website. And one of the things about living toxic-free is really learning how to cook, if you don’t know how, and even if you know how to cook, learning how to cook differently.
LAURA SAVILLE: Oh, yes. It’s a real learning experience. Now, I am not a natural cook; however, two of my sisters are. So I glean a lot of information from them. As far as reducing our toxins though, we have learned to use safer cookware. We use our cast iron skillets a lot. And there are other companies that make ceramic cookware that we use.
DEBRA: I use that too.
LAURA SAVILLE: And it’s great stuff, and we don’t have to worry about exposing ourselves and our families to those toxic chemicals from Teflon.
DEBRA: Yes. Do you find that this lifestyle is more pleasurable?
LAURA SAVILLE: I definitely find it more pleasurable. Not only do I get to control a lot of what my family comes into contact with, but I also get to help other people become informed too so that they can do it for themselves and their families.
DEBRA: I was just looking at your blog while you were talking. I’m listening and looking at the same time. And I came across—you didn’t write this one, about Crisco-certified organic coconut oil.
LAURA SAVILLE: That was a huge one recently. That was a [cross-talking 00:42:46]. We couldn’t believe it. It was like such a shock and it actually went viral that little picture that she took in the grocery story.
DEBRA: I haven’t seen that in my grocery story. I actually don’t shop in supermarkets. Here’s a point though, I shop in a natural food store and I do all my shopping in a natural food store or at the farmers market or something like that. But there are people in supermarkets and maybe what’s going on here is that Crisco is reaching out to those people who wouldn’t otherwise be seeing organic coconut oil.
LAURA SAVILLE: That’s exactly what’s happening. And we have run into a conundrum in the green or non-toxic community where a lot of people don’t like the big companies getting in on the organic, natural food, the real food movement. But we take a different approach on that. And we say, “The more, the better because there’s a lot of people, your average person goes into the supermarket and they see organic, they’ve heard about organic and they can suddenly afford organic.” And that is what we’re going for. So we’re okay with that.
DEBRA: I think so too. My only concern is that I think there is a difference in viewpoint between the smaller leading edge companies that are producing these less toxic products versus the established companies that in the past have been producing toxic products and many of them still are, in addition to getting into this new area. And I’m not sure about the integrity of the product sometimes. I’m not saying that it isn’t a good product. But I think that when I talk to the more natural folks that they have a greater understanding of what the product should be, I think.
So if this is certified, it’s got the certified label on it, it meets the same standard, I don’t see a different between the quality of product and buying it from Crisco or buying it at a natural food store. It’s just people should buy it as best they can.
LAURA SAVILLE: Yes. And we want to make these better choices available to people at large. However, for us personally, we prefer to shop at our farmers market and we get to know our local people who grow the food. And we really prefer to do it that way. We do shop at the supermarket too and we will buy the organic stuff there if we can’t get it from the farmers market. But we think this is a really good way for people to start on their own journeys to better health.
DEBRA: Yes, I think so too. I think wherever you are, wherever you’re shopping, that you should choose the least toxic thing that you can find.
DEBRA: All right, so here’s another one, how to choose a non-toxic dishwasher. That isn’t by you either but can you answer that one?
LAURA SAVILLE: Yes. Like I said, before the manufacturers have a lot more information available to us now, we were able to call these companies and say, “We want to know exactly what materials you are using in these dishwashers.” And of course, we look for non-plastic. We avoid recycle codes number 3 and number 7, and we just ask them, “Please give us the name of the materials.” They did. So we listed them in our little guide here, how to choose a non-toxic dishwasher.
DEBRA: There is just so much information. Here’s another one, mystery chemical, “Is BPS the New Mystery Chemical in BPA-free Cans, Dishes and Kitchen Appliances?”
You’re answering all these questions that people have.
LAURA SAVILLE: Yes. That is something else that we’ve had to watch out for. BPS, they can say, “Oh, it’s BPA-free” because they’re on the bandwagon. Not everyone but some of them have replaced BPA with BPS. And it’s no better than BPA. The Eastman Triton is a clear, shiny hard plastic, and it has BPS in it. And so we avoid that.
DEBRA: There is just so much to know.
DEBRA: You can just go page to page to page and find all these so much information. I just want to stop and read all of them. And toys, let’s talk about toys.
LAURA SAVILLE: Toys are the good ones, especially if you’ve got a baby that’s teething, that’s putting the toys in their mouth. Of course, you want it to be BPA and PVC-free. And like I said, a long time ago, there were no options at all. Now, there are lots of options. Natural wood with natural finishes, things that are made of polypropylene or the HDPE, which is the polyethylene.
So we’ve got a lot of natural things out there and acceptable options available in toys.
DEBRA: Yes, I see that too. So we only have a couple of minutes left. Any final words? Anything you’d like to say that you haven’t said?
LAURA SAVILLE: I’ll just reiterate that I would hate to overwhelm people with all this talk about toxins. But once you get started, and like you said, things are redundant. Once you know a few things to avoid, you’re going to be doing a lot of good for your family.
DEBRA: Yes. And once you’ve learned it, I still—one of the first things that I did when I started was just, I got rid of my toxic cleaning products. But it only took me an afternoon to go down to the natural food store, buy Dr. Bronner’s Soap and baking soda and lemon juice and vinegar and learn what to do with them and then I had my cleaning routine down. And I’ve been doing the same thing for 30 years.
It’s just figuring out what to do. Look at the resources like your website and mine and figure out what you need to do and then do it.
LAURA SAVILLE: Exactly. And a lot of times, it’s a lot simpler than going and buying some toxic chemical and you’re not putting in much effort than you would be doing it the old way.
DEBRA: I totally agree. That’s very good. Well, we’ve got to go now, 10 seconds left. So thank you so much, Laura, for being on the show. Again, she’s at And you can listen to this show on Toxic Free Talk Radio again, or tell your friends. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.