ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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My guest today is Pamela Seefeld, R.Ph, a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. Today we’ll be talking about how toxic chemicals cause free radical damage that ages your body, and which specific antioxidants to take to heal free radical damage in various parts of your body. Pamela is a 1990 graduate of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, where she studied Pharmacognosy (the study of medicines derived from plants and other natural sources). She has worked as an integrative pharmacist teaching physicians, pharmacists and the general public about the proper use of botanicals. She is also a grant reviewer for NIH in Washington D.C. and the owner of Botanical Resource and Botanical Resource Med Spa in Clearwater, Florida.



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How Toxics Age Your Body & What You Can Do to Stay Young

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Pamela Seefeld, R.Ph

Date of Broadcast: November 5, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free. We have an autumn day today, Wednesday, November 5th 2014. Today, we’re going to talk about how toxic chemicals aid your body and what you can do to stay young.

I don’t know if you’ve seen my pictures, I don’t know how old you think I am, but everybody tells me that I look younger than I actually am. I’m not going to tell you how old I am today, but I could guarantee to you, I am much older than my picture looks. People are just guessing all the time how old I am and I’m actually pretty old. I mean, you can figure this out because last Saturday, November 1st, I celebrated 30 years of having my books continuously I print. If I’ve been writing books and having them published for 30 years, then – I didn’t start when I was six years old.

But I think that I look so young because I’ve been away from so many toxic chemicals so much. Obviously, it’s impossible to stay away from 100% of them in today’s world. There’s so many things that you can do to remove them from your home and your workplace and your body. And when you do that, then you’re not suffering from the damaging effects that we’re going to be talking about.

So my guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s on every other Wednesday, so she was on two weeks ago and she’ll be on again two weeks from now. She’s a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. In fact, she helps people get off prescription drugs and uses medicinal plants and other natural substances in place of drugs in order to handle physical problems.

Hi, Pamela.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Hey! It’s great to be here.

DEBRA: Thank you. I’m so glad you’re here too. So, we’re kind of in this pattern of starting off your shows with me telling how well I’m doing from working with you and having you give me various supplements to do various things.

So last week, I think we were talking about weight loss and I was talking about my weight loss of 14 lbs. since I’ve been working with you. But the thing that’s happened in the last two weeks that has been really astounding to me is that I actually have so much energy that I want to exercise. I want to exercise.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That is just so great!

DEBRA: It is because I’ve spent most of my life not exercising because it’ll just be, “Oh, I have to drag my body out of the chair?” or I get short of breath or something like that. And so I have this little rebounder. I’ve had it for a couple of years and I know that jumping on a rebounder is really good for you. But knowing that something is good for you and actually doing it are two different things.

When I started out, I could maybe ten bounces. I mean, that’s how out of shape I was. And so then, I got up to a hundred. And then a couple of weeks ago, I got up to 150. And this week, I’ve been doing sets of 200 bounces and I’ve been doing that two or three times a day.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That is great!

DEBRA: Yes, yes. This is huge progress.

PAMELA SEEFELD: I’m just so very, very happy for you. You deserve it. Your health is just of the utmost important.

DEBRA: It is because really, if you don’t have health, you’re not going to be able to do anything else in the world. So actually, we’re talking about aging. As my body is getting older, I am getting stronger and healthier and more able. And so aging doesn’t have to be deteriorating. It could be restoring.

Anyway, let’s start out just by talking about toxic chemicals and how they damage your body.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay! So there’s different categories of things that can be damaging to the body. We know heavy metals, lead, mercury and nickel, these things can accumulate in the body because they really don’t leave the body. It doesn’t have a really good process for eliminating it. What actually helps eliminate heavy metals pretty effectively are saunas.


PAMELA SEEFELD: Because saunas, most of these heavy metals are stored under the skin and they can come out in the sweat. So we know that’s a very good way to remove that kind of body burden so to speak.

But we also know that the chemicals, the pesticides has to be fat soluble to stay in the body. So I’ll explain what that means. From a chemistry standpoint, something that’s water soluble, if you’re in contact with this chemical and it’s water soluble, it is going to go into the urine and leave the body. But they’re more your really aren’t water soluble chemical that accumulate in the body, so those aren’t the ones we really concern ourselves with.

When you think about a pesticide, the reason why it’s fat soluble is because think about it, when they spread a field, how do these bugs die? You don’t see bugs that are burst apart, right? That doesn’t happen. They find them dead. And how they die is in the central nervous system. So these bugs are neurological toxins to these different insects and they have affinity to do that. That’s why they’re also neurological toxins for us. So someone that maybe sprays pesticide for a living will be at a higher risk for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, any of these neurological disorders.

So people need to kind of phrase these things in their mind, going like, “What are we trying to get rid of?” Metals are easily removed from the Body Anew, which is the homeopathic detox that I use. That’s going to work its way into the central nervous system in the brain too so that if someone ate a lot of fish at one time, that can remove mercury. But it’s important to say, “We want to remove fat soluble chemicals” and to do that, the body has to undergo moving the pesticides out of the fat, into the blood stream and changing them in the liver to make them more water soluble.

So it’s important to note that that’s how these things kill bugs and they also accumulate in us.

DEBRA: Yes! So then what do you do…?

PAMELA SEEFELD: I think it’s interesting. I don’t know if people really think of it that way.

DEBRA: Well actually, I think of it that way because I wrote several pages exactly on that process in my book, Toxic-Free. But I had to research that and I had to have a friend of mine who’s a doctor explain it to me. You explained it really, really well. But I only know this because I’ve been studying toxicology for 30 years.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct! You’re an expert in the field and so you would know that, but the person listening, they might not have had it presented to them in that matter to understand how it works. I hope that that clarifies the different levels and the things we’re trying to remove out of the body.

DEBRA: Yes, and you explained that very well because the heavy metals have to be removed in a different way than how the pesticides need to be removed. Even fluoride needs to be removed in a different way.

This is what I’m finding out as I’m researching the whole subject of detox. You have to know what it is that you’re wanting to remove from the body in order to remove it. To just drink a green smoothie doesn’t necessarily remove what you want to remove. That’s why we need to be so careful about this one when we’re actually doing it.

Tell us about free radicals and how the toxic chemicals, that damage that occurs with toxic chemicals.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay. Yes, absolutely. Great question. So free radicals, basically what is – and we’re going to talk a little bit about antioxidants coming up. Free radicals are basically an unpaired electron. It’s an unpaired electron and it’s allowing damage to take place.

So what can free radicals do in the body? If you don’t have anti-oxidants whether you’re getting them from food or from supplements (sometimes, I like to say you can get it from both), what they do is it can damage blood vessels and vasculature and allow for plaque and hardening of the arteries and atherosclerotic disease.
They can work specifically on the arteries, but also on the internal organs (the liver, the kidneys).

And a good example of free radicals that are damaging is macular degeneration. When these free radicals are damaging the eye and people start having issues where they start losing their sight as they get to be elderly.

DEBRA: Right! So I also wrote about free radicals in Toxic-Free. Actually, anybody who’s interested in how toxic chemicals affects your body and what the detox process is, there’s a real clear explanation in my book if you just get my book, Toxic-Free. But I’m going to explain something about free radicals because this is how I thought of it really easily.

What free radicals are is that they’re a natural byproduct of energy production. So our body is producing free radicals. What they are is they’re molecules, but they’re unpaired on their outer shells. And so it’s like if you were a single person, you would be like an unpaired electron and you’re looking to mate up with another electron.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Exactly! That’s exactly right.

DEBRA: But what happens is instead of mating with another single electron, they go steal husbands and wives from other marriages and they destroy those marriages.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Aah, I like your analogy.

DEBRA: Isn’t that great?

PAMELA SEEFELD: I like that. No, I really like that. That’s simplistic because I mean, really, I’m sure most people in their mind don’t know how to picture an electron.

DEBRA: Right, right. But that’s exactly the function that’s happening. We need to go to break. When we come back, more about antioxidants and free radicals and unpaired electrons.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s funny.

DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld and we’re talking about how toxic chemicals age your body and what you can do to stay young. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. There’s actually a word for it, it’s ‘pharmacognicist’.

I always like to mention this ‘pharmacognocy’ because it means the study of medicinal plants, but the word root itself is pharma-, which is drugs and -cogno, which is intelligence. So plants are drugs with intelligence and I really like that because nature has its own intelligence and it gets transferred to the plants into our bodies and then that intelligence helps heal us. Yes, is that correct? Hello?

PAMELA SEEFELD: That is correct.

DEBRA: Okay, good. So let’s go back to anti-oxidants and free radicals. Alright! So then the free radicals, when they mate up with husbands and wives instead of another single electron, then there’s damage. It just destroys that. And so then what happens with the antioxidants?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay! So the antioxidants go and they stop this process. They’re basically donating electrons. So what’s important is there’s different levels. We think of vitamin E and vitamin C, those are very strong antioxidants. Vitamin C is the water soluble antioxidant, so that goes into the blood and the tissues that have water affinity and vitamin E is the fat-soluble antioxidants. So that goes to the brain, to the cellular membranes, things like that.

The problem with free radicals is they are not taken care of and ‘neutralized’ so to speak, you end up with damage to tissues. So antioxidants are really an important way to circumvent that. The vitamin C and E are really good. I did some searches in the Library of Medicine because I have some particular favorite antioxidants that I like.

I like Resveratrol quite a bit. Resveratrol has anti-cancer activity. It decreases your lipid, your circulating lipid (so your cholesterol, your triglycerides) and its anti-aging effects are really great because it encompasses anti-aging properties in the inside of the body, but it also stops hyperpigmentation and aging in the skin, which I thought was really interesting.

So it works inside and outside. And really, that’s what we’re all kind of concerned about, right? We want to look young, but we also want to feel young too.
So this has high affinity for the plasma membrane.

DEBRA: What is Resveratrol? What plant does that come from? How does that get made?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Resveratrol, it was originally located in red wine. It’s kind of like the going joke you need to drink lots of red wine for getting your Resveratrol. But you’d have to be drinking quite a bit, which probably wouldn’t be good either intoxicated people walking around all day. And we do find these components in wine, but it’s to a very small extent.

So the capsule, they’re relatively inexpensive. They work really, really well and they’re well-tolerated. There’s also some data, I think this is quite interesting, that this has really high penetration to the brain. And they have some studies that they’ve shown with mice that they make them both alcoholic mice. That’s the particular mouse that they breed. And then they made sure that these mice had cognitive impairment as a result of it. They couldn’t find their way around the maze.

And then they gave the one group a placebo and the other group, they gave Resveratrol. And within a month, the Resveratrol group actually overcame their cognitive decline and could run the maze like mighty mouse. So we know that it really does help to change tissue in the brain too in a favorable sense.

So there’s tons of different antioxidants. I can go to a lot of the different ones, but Resveratrol might be the one you really want to try because it does prevent the aging of the skin, which that’s been shown to be statistically significant especially the hyperpigmentation and the sun spots that you get. And then also, the internal organs and the circulating lipids and the anti-cancer and anti heart attack capacity that it entails as well is really important.

DEBRA: That’s really good.

PAMELA SEEFELD: I would tell you too green tea.

DEBRA: Yeah?

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s good. Green tea is excellent as well. Green tea contains epigallocatechins, over 300 of them. I would tell people not just drinking the green tea because when you do a green tea teabag, you’re only doing the water soluble components of the plant, right?

DEBRA: Yeah.

PAMELA SEEFELD: So drinking green tea is great for you, but I prefer to tell people to actually consume the capsules because when you consume the capsules, you’re getting all the tea. You’re not just getting the water soluble components, but you’re getting the fat soluble components.

So remember, fat soluble is where all the problems are. You want something that’s going to target into these membranes, into these tissues and the anti-cancer – like especially for breast cancer with green tea, it’s highly efficacious.

So I would tell people that green tea capsules. And not only that too, you get the added benefit that green tea capsules are great for weight – weight loss, I should be more specific.

So I know I do that. When I exercise in the morning, I take four small green tea capsules just before I start working out with my detox bottle. That way, it really helps to burn a lot more fun. There are studies that have shown that the increase in fat-burning is quite significant. So those two supplements are something that most people should really be taking.

DEBRA: That sounds good to me. I actually take a green tea extract. So would the fat soluble be in the extract or should I switch to capsules?

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s a very good question. So yeah, if it’s an extract that’s in glycerin or in alcohol, yes, it would because glycerin and alcohol (especially alcohol, maybe more so) extracts those components out. When you do a water soluble extract (with basically, the hot water over the tea bag), you are still getting components, but you’re not getting all the epigallocatechins that are in there because you really want the 300 different components that are in there.

An extract would have that. I like just taking the capsules, which is pretty easy because they’re tiny, little capsules. The good part about it is that I don’t do real well with caffeine and the capsules – and I think you should notice it for your extract, they don’t make you jittery.

DEBRA: Yeah. No, it doesn’t make me jittery at all.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Right! Whereas if you can get it from coffee, I don’t tolerate it very well.

DEBRA: I don’t tolerate coffee well either even just a cup of coffee in the morning. I only drink it like if I’m in a different timezone and I have to be awake.
PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s the way I approach it. I don’t have coffee in my house.

DEBRA: I don’t either.
PAMELA SEEFELD: But if I’m working as a pharmacist and I’m filling prescriptions and it’s late in the afternoon, I take maybe a few sips. I’m probably getting 2 mg., just something just to make sure that I’m not getting tired.

This is really good too because we’re like parallel lives.

DEBRA: We are, we are.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah, exactly. And green tea is a great way to get those components – so Resveratrol and green tea. I want to mention too just eating vegetables in your salad. If you have vegetables that have all these different colors, if you put olive oil on them, you’re going to absorb all of these flavinoids and polyphenols directly out of the vegetables. That’s why you’re eating food in the first place, to nourish the body.

DEBRA: Let’s talk more about that after the break.


DEBRA: Yes, we need to go break. So we’ll talk more about that when we come back.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay, very good.

DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. We’re talking about how to stay young even in a toxic world that cause the damage and aging to your body. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs.

And Pamela, we haven’t given your phone number yet. Pamela will talk to you on the phone for free about whatever your physical condition is that you’re concerned about and make some recommendations. So tell us more about what you do and what your phone number is.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, very good. So my background is clinical pharmacy, but also, of course, pharmacognocy, which we discussed. I have a pharmacy in Clearwater, Florida. I do natural products. I’m a natural product pharmacist technically. We do homeopathic medicine, full service of vitamins.

And basically, I can even look at your blood work. I can tell you what’s going on in your body, not necessarily what’s normal range and out of range. And we can customize a program for you if you want to get off of particular medications. I do specialize even in mental health. So it’s all encompassing.

I also veterinary homeopathy for dogs and cats. So if there’s a particular ailment that your favorite friend in the house is suffering from, I’d be happy to help you with that.

So my number for the pharmacy is 727-442-4955. I would be really honored to help any of you that might have some issues about the medications you’re on or avoiding medicine. Everything we do here is all-encompassing. We keep a chart for you and all services are complimentary. So that’s basically the gist of it.

DEBRA: Yes. And she’s extremely effective. She’s here in Clearwater, Florida where I live. I found out about here and started having her on the show and started working with her myself because I was hearing from so many people how well they were doing after visiting Pamela.

And even my medical doctor, when I told him that Pamela was giving me some things to help some of the things that had been long-term conditions for me, he said, “Just do what she tells you to do.” And so she’s very, very, very highly regarded.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Oh, that’s great.

DEBRA: Yeah, she’s very highly regarded here.

PAMELA SEEFELD: I teach this. I’ve done this a long time. I’ll be very glad to answer any questions that you might have about the supplements you’re taking, the medicines they’re taking. I know both very well. This is something that I can help you with tremendously.

DEBRA: Yeah, she really can. And another thing I just want to add about what she does is that she’s looking at supplements from the viewpoint of a pharmacist. The dose that you’re taking and what you’re taking it with. All are intertwined with how effective it is instead of just going and saying, looking at the shelf in the natural food store and saying, “Well, what should I take?” or reading an article.

Have someone who really knows what they’re doing help you choose what your supplements are. It really makes a difference, it really does because then you’ll be spending your money on something that’s really working.

When I first went to Pamela, one of the first things that she said was, she looked at my blood work and she said, “You know, whatever it is you’ve been doing, you haven’t been making progress for the past eight years.” And then she gave me some things and I made progress in two weeks.

So that’s the difference. And so if you have something that you’ve been struggling with, please, please, please call her because she’s helped so many people.
Anyway, give your phone number and we’ll go back to talking about antioxidants.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, thank you. So the number here at my pharmacy is 727-442-4955. I’d be very honored to help with any of you with any issues you might have.

DEBRA: Yes, call her. Anyway, so antioxidants. We were talking about food before the break and you were telling us that we should eat salad and put olive oil on it. Explain about why the olive oil.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Right! So fat on these vegetables. And it doesn’t have to be a lot. It can be half a teaspoon even. When you have fat on the vegetables, what it does is it allows to carry these components, which are fat soluble and that’s what you want, these antioxidants because we were saying that the areas that are most susceptible in your body are the ones that have cellular membranes and that is made of fat, so the fatty acids.

So what we want to do is we want to have this peak in the blood stream be very high. So a lot of these people that are dieting and eating lots of salad, but they’re not having olive oil with it, they’re getting the peaks in the blood stream. That explains why people, when they go on extreme diets, so they’re switching up just eating lots of salads in trying to lose weight, if they’re just putting vinegar on their salad…

DEBRA: The lemon juice.

PAMELA SEEFELD: …they start losing hair. The reason why, it’s not just the idea with the little calories, they’re not absorbing anything. That’s the real problem. So by not absorbing things, it’s causing these particular types of problems.

So the vegetables are really important. But also too, the supplements. I was talking about the Resveratrol and the green tea.

I want to mention, kind of an honorable mention of curcumin, which is turmeric. Turmeric is really interesting. Before the show, I did a Medline search in the Library of Medicine to see some of the different studies and turmeric, actually, we know it protects heart disease and cancer, it reduces incidence of type II diabetes, but its antioxidant effects are extremely effective for protecting neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s.

It has a high affinity for the brain. And as a result of that, if you’re really concerned about cognitive decline, this would probably be something that you would really want to take.

DEBRA: So how…

PAMELA SEEFELD: But studies also show that it really…

DEBRA: Go ahead.


DEBRA: Well, I was going to ask…

PAMELA SEEFELD: …macular degeneration, which I thought was interesting.

DEBRA: That is interesting. I think I should take that. I’d been considering taking that just recently. And I want to ask you, so you just probably give it to people in capsules?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct, correct. You can cook with it, but it just doesn’t quite give us the peak in the blood stream because you’re not getting the same amount.

And I would also tell you that this one is particularly sensitive to needing fat present at the meal to have it absorbed. So if you’re having an apple for breakfast, this is not going to be absorbed. I tell my clients when I put them in curcumin (which is also extremely effective for arthritis and for pain), you can use curcumin many times even in place of narcotics for people who have severe back pain or rheumatism because it works like a COX-2 inhibitor, which is like Celebrex. It works exactly the same. It blocks chemical signals. You’re also getting the effects to the brain.

DEBRA: So what you need if you’re going to take turmeric, you need to take it with fat. So if you were eating Indian food…

PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct! You have to have that. Otherwise, it won’t absorb.

DEBRA: Yeah, if you were eating Indian food, it has a lot of turmeric in it, you would also be having the fat from the food. But you need to make sure if you’re going to take a capsule that you’re taking it with some fat.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s very important because I see people that have tried turmeric for pain – usually, most people take it for rheumatism. And they’re like, “Well, that didn’t work.” And then I bring it to the fact that that’s why it’s important that people call me and I tell them, “If you eat this particular food with this particular supplement, you’re going to get the full 99% of the dose into the bloodstream.”

And we can target different supplement and different foods to deliver these things in a more effective manner. That’s what’s really important, understanding the physiology of your body and the chemistry of your food and making these things all work together in harmony, right?

DEBRA: Right.

PAMELA SEEFELD: …because a lot of people, they’re not thinking of it in that sense.

DEBRA: Well, not only are they not thinking of it…

PAMELA SEEFELD: That is very, very important. So why spend the money if it’s not going to work?

DEBRA: You’re the first person in 30 years of study on this subject that I’ve ever heard say this, but it makes so much sense. And you’re trained. You’re bringing a different viewpoint to it. I think that you have your whole pharmacy background and that you’re looking at all these interactions and it makes a big difference. It makes a huge difference. I’m so interested in this.

We need to go to break, but when we come back, we’ll talk more about antioxidants and other things that you can do to help stay youthful in a toxic world that is constantly aging your body. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. We’re talking about aging, antioxidants, toxic chemicals and what we can do to have more antioxidants in our body.

So what do you think about chocolate as an antioxidant?

PAMELA SEEFELD: I think chocolate is just showing very convincingly the data that chocolate has strong antioxidant activity. But what I would say is that unfortunately, the majority of the chocolate we see is combined with a lot of sugar and fat.

I personally like regular chocolate like everybody does, but you know what I’ve tried to do (and I can do this a great deal of the time) is have you ever tried Cocoa Nibs?

DEBRA: Yes, I have. And you know what?

PAMELA SEEFELD: It’s raw chocolate pieces.

DEBRA: One of the thing that I found about it is it actually does taste like chocolate, but it has a real kick to it in terms of – it seems to have more of a caffeine kind of kick. It’s more like caffeine than eating regular chocolate. Somehow, eating a chocolate bar maybe doesn’t have as much chocolate in it because it’s got all the other stuff in it. But the Cocoa Nibs, they’re really good. I like Cocoa Nibs.

What I like to do is I like to take cocoa powder and then mix it with whatever I want to mix it with. And one of the things that I like to mix it with is I just mix it with grass-fed cream and put whatever natural sweetener I want to put in it…

PAMELA SEEFELD: Great ideas!

DEBRA: I’ll make a little fudge.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s a great idea!

DEBRA: Yeah, one serving at a time like I’ll take a teaspoon, a heaping teaspoon of cocoa and then I’ll just put a little bit of, say, coconut sugar or honey or whatever and then put in the cream and just make a little paste and it’s delicious. It’s delicious and you can mix it with nuts or put mint extract or orange extract or whatever you want. That’s what I do when I want chocolate.

PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s very smart. I mean, a lot of times if I want to make a little fudge, I’ll mix cocoa powder with a little bit of agave and almond butter.

DEBRA: Hmmm… that sounds good.

PAMELA SEEFELD: You can roll them into little balls and put them in the refrigerator.

DEBRA: Yeah!

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah. I mean, you can be creative. There’s lots of different ways you can do it. So I think that the antioxidant activity in cocoa is hard to deny. It’s there and it’s really – life’s but enjoyment. The cocoa is good for you. We’re not saying, “Sit there and eat the whole bag of fun-sized sneakers” even though I was handing out candy on Halloween. I’ve had to bring it to the hospital to get it all out of my house because I’m like, “I don’t want to have that stuff sitting around.”

DEBRA: I know.

PAMELA SEEFELD: It’s so funny. Antioxidants some place else thinking that other people will eat it. But yeah, the antioxidant activity in chocolate is definitely there. We know that has high affinity for fat and water soluble areas of the body. That’s very important.

I was going to mention too, we’re talking about anti-aging exercise. What does the data show about exercise?

DEBRA: Oh, good. Tell us.

PAMELA SEEFELD: We know that the study show – and this is very interesting. This just recently came out. They took people that never exercised. These people were an average of 65, they never worked out before and they took a punch biopsy of the skin on their derriere. So that’s an area that normally doesn’t see the sun and so will have the least aging effects underneath the microscope as the rest of the body.

And then they put these people on exercise routine and they had them exercising for 45 minutes for four times a week.

After three weeks of this particular study, they went and resampled their skin and their skin in that time period from the exercise (and they don’t know if it’s the sweating or the exercise) actually look like a younger person’s skin.


PAMELA SEEFELD: So the anti-aging effects of exercise are really important especially on the skin. The sweating process and also the capillary dilation during exercise allows more – this is my theory – allows more of the nutrients and the antioxidants that are present in your body to go to the cellular membranes and be much more effective. So it’s kind of up-regulating the area.

DEBRA: My theory is… go ahead.


DEBRA: Well, I was going to say too…

PAMELA SEEFELD: I was going to say too white blood cell demargination. The white blood cells have a transient increase during exercise. So these cells were normally kind of hanging on to the side of the blood vessels. Because your heart rate goes up, they’re kicked off.

And so if you take someone’s sample of their CBC and looked at their white blood cells prior to exercise and then right after exercise, you get this transient increase. That’s why people that work out quite a bit don’t get sick.

DEBRA: Hmmm… well, I was going to say that my theory about why your skin looks better when you exercise is because when you sweat, you’re removing toxic chemicals from your body and so there’s less free radicals damage.

And I’ve also noticed that at times when I drink a lot more water (like if you go on vacation and you’re hot and sweating in some other climate where you aren’t usually), I notice that my skin just looks clearer and softer.

And so I really drink. I drink about three quarts of water a day, which I think is more than most people drink. I’m just sitting at my desk and I just drink and drink and drink pure water. I think that makes a huge difference.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Well, it does. You have to realize your body is mostly water. So basically, when it comes down to it, your carbon and all these electrolytes (sodium, potassium and your hydrogen) – I mean, basically, your body is a chemistry stew and what’s holding it all together is water. So your skin, of course, when it’s hydrated, it’s going to make a huge difference as far as the way it looks.

And believe it or not, even from people going out in the sun and sun tanning, just being hydrated makes a huge difference in the texture of the skin regardless of whether the person had sunscreen or not because dehydrate steps in and it’s really common that this can happen.

So I would tell people that you’d want to really push fluids and also try and find room for exercise during the week, whatever you can do. Personally, I think that the best time to work out is in the morning because it kind of sets the tone for the day and gets your metabolism up. But some people do much better in the evening. It just depends if it affects your sleep or not.

I would also say too there’s another supplement that I’m interested in, collagen. If you take collagen or hyaluronic acid, that can work for the joints if you have arthritis.

Collagen also, of course, builds up the collagen under the skin. You can take oil collagen. It’s pretty inexpensive. I use a drink here at the pharmacy that I take myself and it kind of tastes like orange. You put it in the water and it brings you into a peak in the blood stream really fast (but you can take it in capsules too).

And collagen, what it’s going to do is it’s going to help the skin look much more youthful because collagen is kind of like the – I want to say the scaffolding under the skin that holds it up, makes you look useful. You can take it in a supplement.

And what you can find too is that collagen has high affinity for the joints. So a lot of people, as you get older, you start having mild arthritis in your joints, it reverses that. So that’s an easy, inexpensive way to get the anti-aging effects. But at the same time, also, be working on the joints because rheumatism tends to set in as people get older. So those are some really good things too.

I’m not sure, but what are you using on your skin right now?

DEBRA: What am I using on my skin. I don’t use a particular skin product. I’ve tried a number of different ones. I mean, people are always sending me skin products because that’s a big thing in the natural products industry, natural skin products. And so I’ve tried a lot of them, but I just basically wash my face with filtered water from my shower and just various kinds of soap, just soap. I know that I probably shouldn’t do that.

PAMELA SEEFELD: You probably shouldn’t say that because your skin looks really good. Your face looks great.

DEBRA: Thank you. Okay! So Pamela, wait, I want to ask you a question. How old do you think I am? I think you don’t know my age. I think you don’t know my age, right?

PAMELA SEEFELD: No, I have no idea how old you are.

DEBRA: How old do you think I look? How old do you think I look?

PAMELA SEEFELD: Late forties? I have no idea.

DEBRA: Okay, that’s what people think. I’m older than that, I’m older than that. But see…

PAMELA SEEFELD: No, you look really good. And you know what too? And all kidding aside because people can’t see you (we’re talking on the radio), the difference since you’ve been doing the Body Anew and the few things that I’ve put you on, your skin and your body has transformed quite a bit. I mean, you looked pretty before, but now, you really glow when I see your face.

DEBRA: Thank you. I agree.

PAMELA SEEFELD: I can tell that things are just starting to fall into place.

DEBRA: I agree. Yeah, yeah. And you guys, you should see Pamela. You could go to ToxicFreeTalkRadio.comand see Pamela’s picture. I want to look like Pamela because she just radiates health more than anybody I’ve ever met. I mean, you cannot look at her and not say that she’s not the healthiest person in the room. She looks healthy in a way that I’ve never seen anybody look health and I’m going to look that way too. So there!

PAMELA SEEFELD: Absolutely! That’s the only way to be. I get stopped in the grocery store and they’re like, “You look really healthy” and I’m like, “I do because I am. Please call me. I’d love to help you too.” So it’s all-encompassing.

Let me tell you, your health is your wealth and you really want to take care of your body. You only have one body. Taking some of these simple supplements we were talking about – the Resveratrol, green tea, salad with olive oil, maybe some turmeric, some curcumin, vitamin C and E, of course, getting enough sleep (we’ve talked about this before, sleep and exercise are very important), all these things that you do, these body habits affect aging in subtle ways, but very significant as well.

And these are things that we can easily do. This isn’t really too difficult. Even if you have to take the stairs when you’re at work, little bits of exercise here and there make a huge difference in the heart disease, cancer and also the way the skin appears. Study is showing that with people exercising, it can change their skin to a younger person just from a few weeks. It’s really a testament that exercise is not just for the physical health, but the skin health and the mental health as well.

DEBRA: Well, I want to say that I have this rebounder I mentioned. It only cost me $40. I just have it in the corner of the room.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Good for you!

DEBRA: And it takes me what? A minute or two to do 200 bounces. And so I can just take a little break from my desk and do the 200 bounces and come back. It’s not even time-consuming anybody can do this.

We’ve got only 20 seconds less, so give your phone number again.

PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. So if you can call me here at my pharmacy, the number here is 727-442-4955, I would be very glad to help you and your family with any questions you might have.

DEBRA: Great! This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well!


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