ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Lara AdlerMy guest today is Lara Adler, Environmental Toxins Expert and Certified Holistic Health Coach. We’ll be talking about how obesogens affect your weight, what happens to toxics stored in fat when you lose weight, specific chemicals that are obesogens, and and what you can doShe trains and educates practitioners within the health and wellness community to better understand the links between environmental toxins and their impact on disease states—from weight gain and diabetes, to thyroid disease and developmental disorders—so they can better support their clients. Lara is deeply committed to peeling back the curtain and opening up the conversation about environmental toxins to people in a way that’s informative, accessible, actionable and totally free from overwhelm. She takes a practical, real-world approach to minimizing toxic exposure to safeguard our health.



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How Toxic Obesogens Can Make You Fat and Prevent Weight Loss

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Lara Adler

Date of Broadcast: September 04, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free. It’s September 4, 2014, and it’s a beautiful day in Clearwater. I know I say that a lot, but it is a beautiful day in Clearwater, Florida. The sun is shining. It’s just the end of summer. I’m looking forward to a cooler autumn. The fall and winter is the most beautiful time of the year here where it’s not cold, but it’s cooler than summer. And this is a beautiful place to be.

Today, we’re going to be talking about how toxic chemicals can make you fat and how they can prevent you from losing weight.

And so if fat is an issue for you, you’re going to want to listen to this because toxic chemicals do affect that. And if you’ve been trying to lose weight, it may be that what you need to do is detox and get some of these chemicals out of your body.

My guest today is Lara Adler. She’s an environmental toxins expert and a certified holistic health coach. And we’ll be talking about what are called obesogens.

Hi, Lara.

LARA ADLER: Hi. Thanks for having me. I’m really excited to be bring this topic to your audience.

DEBRA: Thank you. Thank you so much for being here. I know you know a lot about this. Now, I should say that Lara is a certified holistic health coach, but she doesn’t coach individuals. You can’t go to Lara as a client. What she does is she educates other health coaches. Tell us about exactly what you do.

LARA ADLER: Well, I realized that all of these health practitioners are on-the-ground working with clients on health issues already, whether it’s excess weight or thyroid disorders or cancer or whatever it is. And I realized that the health and wellness professionals that are out there—whether they’re health coaches or nurses or naturopaths or acupuncturists, whatever—they’re not well-versed in the subject of environmental health, environmental chemicals and how they impact us.

So my work is focused on educating health practitioners so that they can better support their clients in the work that they’re doing with them. It’s translating all of this research that’s really complicated around environmental chemicals and presenting it to practitioners in a way that really makes sense for them and for their clients.

DEBRA: That’s just so needed. I am so happy that you’re doing that. I think what the world needs today is a lot of people like you and me where we are picking our niche. I’m translating it all for consumers, but you, as a holistic health coach, you understand that whole field and how to speak to them, and what it is that they need.

I’m so glad that you’re bringing all of this information to that field because it’s really, really needed.

LARA ADLER: I’m delighted to do it.

DEBRA: Good. Well, you can bring it to us today. I just wanted everybody to know that you can’t call her up and have her work with you personally, but she’s out there educating people that you can work with, and that you can go to a holistic health coach and ask them about environmental toxins, and see if they’ve been educated because this information needs to get into everybody’s hands. Everybody needs to be thinking with this.

Lara, how did you get interested in this?

LARA ADLER: Well, like I said, like you introduced me, I started as a health coach. I had a whole other career before that, but I really started in this field of health coach about seven or so years ago.

Then I had a lot of clients, like most health coaches, who are coming to me for weight loss. Environmental toxin wasn’t something that was on my radar at the time. I actually didn’t really know anything about it. I’ve heard about mercury in seafood and stuff like that. But it wasn’t anything that I’ve learned in my education on the path to becoming a health coach.

And so I had these clients coming to me for weight loss, and I had all these protocols that I knew would work and help them. Some of them were seeing results, they were losing weight and feeling great. But others were doing what I would call “all the right things.” They were eating well and sleeping well, exercising and managing their stress, and they were happy.

Everything was right, but they just couldn’t lose the weight. Something was keeping them fat, and that really bothered me because I wanted them to get results.

And so I started researching what else might be going on here. I started picking apart what are the lesser known contributing factors. In that research, I stumbled into this world of environmental chemicals. And just immediately, it blew my hair back totally like, “Whoa! Where has this information been in all of my studies around health and wellness?” It just wasn’t part of that conversation.

Really overnight, the focus of my practice shifted. I really delved into this subject fully. I found in that initial research that so many of the chemicals that we’re exposed to are linked in different ways to metabolic disease, insulin resistance, resistant weight loss, diabetes, obesity and so on. And that just totally blew my mind.

And so I really wanted to be of service to my colleagues because like I said, in all of my training, this was new information for me. And I didn’t think that was right, so I really started to do the research that was necessary to be able to educate my peers and colleagues in the practitioner community.

So, that’s how I landed in this subject quite by accident. But I’ve been doing this work now for almost three years, exclusively focused on education around environmental toxins—around that way, that’s how I got here.

DEBRA: Well, it’s good. I love it when people apply the toxics information in their own fields.
So you say on your website that you’re an environmental toxins expert. What does that mean?

LARA ADLER: Well, I think—and I’m sure that the listeners of your show are familiar with that term—a lot of people when they hear that term, they still think of things that are what I call “out there,” external in the environmental, like some oil rig off the coast of somewhere, having a massive oil pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, what have you. So those are some of out there bigger thing that an individual, like me or you, we don’t have very much control over those things, and we can feel bad about them. And obviously, we can do what we can to prevent them from happening. But as an individual, there’s not a lot of clutch that we have there.

And so when I used this phrase, environmental toxins, I’m talking more about the things that are in our personal environment, our internal spaces—our home, the food that we eat, the water that we drink, the products that we’re buying and using every day. And so these are in our personal environmental.

And so my work focuses on helping people understand what are the things in their immediate space that they actually do have control over, and how can we understand what’s going on there, and what that communicates to change or behavior or our purchases or what have you to reduce overall exposure.

DEBRA: And of course, this is where we meet because that’s what I do too to a different audience.

LARA ADLER: Exactly! And so I tend to—and like I said, some of these information is going to be recapped or overviewed for your audience because they will have heard it from you or from other speakers as well. We thought this mountain of chemical that hit the marketplace for the last 50 or 60 years—and yes, sure, some of these chemicals have benefitted us.

We don’t want to tar them all with a negative brush. They’re not all bad. Many of those have made our lives easier and better and safer et cetera, and even longer. But most of them haven’t been tested for safety, yet they’re ending up in the products that we’re buying and using every day and bringing into our home.

DEBRA: Today, we’re going to be talking specifically about the chemicals that affect our body weight, the chemicals that make us fat, and the chemicals that prevent us from losing weight. I just want to tell you that Lara has put together a really nice, little, free e-book. It’s how many pages? I’m looking for the page number as well.

LARA ADLER: Eight or nine, I think, maybe.

DEBRA: Yes, 11 pages. It’s called Chemicals Not Calories. It’s free. You can go to her website,, and remember, it’s L-A-R-A, and then another A, Adler, A-D-L-E-R dot com. And you can get this free e-book, which we’ll give you more details on the subject that we’re going to be able to cover in the time period of our show.

But we’re going to go to break, and then we’ll come back and talk about this. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest is Lara Adler. And we’re going to be talking about toxic obesogens. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Lara Adler. She’s a certified holistic health coach and environmental toxins expert. And she works in the field of holistic health care to educate her colleagues about toxic chemicals and how they can be affecting their clients.

So Lara, what exactly is an obesogen?

LARA ADLER: Well, it’s an important question. Obesogen is a relatively new term, really going back about 2006. But obesogens are chemicals that are directly or indirectly capable of increasing obesity, weight gain, diabetes or insulin resistance through the disruption of metabolic, hormonal or developmental processes. So they have the ability to alter the development of our fat cells, alter our metabolism and to promote fat retention. And so that’s essentially what an obesogen is.

Although the term is relatively new, we’ve actually been aware of this physiology of this happening in the body for quite a while. The most common example of that is everybody has known—some of you have heard stories, or somebody [inaudible 00:11:20] prescription medication that had a side effect of weight gain. But everybody [inaudible 00:11:25]. They were on some prescription drug, and then within three months, they put on 30 pounds.

Those are obesogens. Those are chemicals that that is having a side effect of weight gain. And a lot of the chemicals in our environment that we’re exposed to on a daily basis behave in the exact, same way.

So we’ve actually been aware of this process for a long time. They just didn’t have a name until about 2006.

DEBRA: So what role do you see these chemicals playing in increasing rates of overweight and obesity?

LARA ADLER: Well, I think it plays a significant role. The reality is that we have levels of overweight and obesity in this country like we’ve never seen before. A full 35% of the U.S. population medically qualifies as obese. And another 34% on top of that are diagnosed as overweight. That’s more like 70% of our population is struggling with it.

The conventional thinking for years around weight management has always been around diet and exercise. That it’s this “calories in, calories out” model that we are now starting to understand is not that accurate. That doesn’t work. If it works, then we wouldn’t be here where we are.

So, there’s a lot more going on. And when we have increases in statistics like 70% of our population struggling with weight issues (that didn’t exist on this scale 30 years), we have to look at the environment because that’s the only other possible explanation.

When we look at the environment and see that so many of these chemicals have the ability to affect the body in this way, it becomes very clear that this is an enormous contributing factor—and certainly, not the only one. But I liken it to a perfect storm. You’ve got all these chemicals. We’ve got sedentary or non-active lifestyles and really poor diet that generally speaking, people are still consuming.

DEBRA: For me, I’ve done a lot of research over the past 30 years about toxic chemicals, and I finally came to the conclusion that I think that toxic chemicals, and it’s not just something that I think. I could show you studies of how toxic chemicals are related to every single body condition that exists. Everything.

When I first started this, it was because I had an immune system problem, and there was a lot of focus on, well, how are toxic chemicals affecting the immune system, but they’re not affecting the liver or something like that.

But now, we know, if you’re sick with anything, anything, there’s a toxic chemical association. And so it doesn’t matter what the problem is, what the health problem is, the first thing to do is to handle the toxic chemical exposures, to get the toxic chemicals out of your body because as long as you’re continuing to do that having those toxic chemical exposures and having toxic chemicals in your body, anything else is pretty much not going to work because the toxic chemicals are still there doing their damage.

I can’t say that too many times.

LARA ADLER: That’s just the body burden conversation. Our bodies just were never designed to be able to process these chemicals out. And some of them—yeah, it can handle some of them, but not the volume that we’re exposed to now.

The symptoms can manifest in thousands and thousands of different ways for different people depending on different things. And so yes, that’s why I focus on working with health practitioners because every single health condition that anyone is ever going to seek a health professional for is attached to environmental toxins. And it’s not okay that health professionals are not fully versed and fluent in this area.

DEBRA: I think all health professionals should be experts in this and what they should be treating is exactly what you and I are doing, it’s getting the exposures and getting the toxic chemicals out of the body. That’s the first thing that needs to be done before anything else is done. And every health professional in the world needs to know this and know how to do it.

That’s just where we are.

So I’m glad you agree.

LARA ADLER: Yeah, absolutely! And the primary thing that I speak to is this concept of practical avoidance because that’s the first step. I think a lot of the conversations these days are around detoxing and that term is used very superficially in a lot of ways, “I’m on a juice cleanse, and I’m detoxing. Woo-hoo!”

But the reality is that you’re just constantly re-toxing all the time. And so we have to reduce our exposures first, and then we can work on getting what’s in us out to the best of our abilities while supporting our body’s ability to do its job on its own.

And I think these are the things that health professionals, and really, individual people need to be considering. It doesn’t help to do a detox if you’re still surrounding yourself with toxic chemicals the second you walk into your front door.

DEBRA: I totally agree with that. We need to go to break. But we’ll talk about more of these things when we come back.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Lara Adler. She’s a certified holistic health coach and environmental toxins expert. And you can go to her website,, and get her book, Chemicals

Not Calories, for free. It’s an a 11-page e-book. It summarizes the things that we’re talking about.

So we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Lara Adler. She’s a certified holistic health coach who works with other health coaches in the health care profession to educate other health care practitioners about toxic chemicals and how they affect their health and the importance of considering them in health care.

Lara, so tell us now about those you have in your e-book, Chemicals Not Calories, you have a list of 20 obesogens. Tell us about those.

LARA ADLER: Well, those are just the ones that we recognize now as biologically being obesogenic—meaning they’re able to interfere with these metabolic pathways. So, the reality is that there’s likely a lot more than that. We just haven’t confirmed them as of yet. And this is due in part because we just haven’t tested most of the chemicals that are on the marketplace.

So, that 20 is likely just a small list, but there are things like MSG and nicotine. These are things that we’re commonly exposed to in our foods, and through smoking or second-hand or third-hand smoke.

And then there are ones that are pervasive in our environment like phthalates or atrazine if you’re in the U.S.

Did you want me to go in to what some of those are? Would that be helpful?

DEBRA: Yes, tell us about some of the specific ones. But I want to ask you a question before you choose them. I wanted to ask you, I see on the list, MSG, and fructose, which are two ingredients. And I’m assuming that you’re talking about fructose, like high fructose corn syrup. Are we talking about fructose in fruit?

LARA ADLER: No, not so much in fruits, but isolated.

DEBRA: It’s an industrial chemical. High fructose corn syrup is an industrial chemical. And it’s listed as a food on the label but it’s a chemical. So these are two things. If people were to just stop eating MSG and stop eating fructose in any of its industrial forms, then right there, you’ve handled two of them.

So it’s not that difficult. It’s just about being aware of what they are and where they are that you’re being exposed to them.

So now, you go on and talk about the ones you want to talk about.

LARA ADLER: So one of the first one that I had in this handout, in this guide, is atrazine. Atrazine is one of the most, or is the most widely used herbicide in the United States. We dump something like 76-million pounds of it on crops and golf courses, et cetera, throughout the year. And it’s filtered through the ground water that ends up in our public drinking water where it’s not filtered out.

Studies have shown that 94% of drinking water in the U.S. has levels of atrazine in it.

Atrazine is on that list as an obesogen. It actually interferes with our mitochondria. I don’t know if anybody remembers—

DEBRA: Tell us what mitochondria is.

LARA ADLER: Right! The mitochondria basically is this old power plant inside every single in our body. So, they are our primary source of energy production. And when our mitochondria is damaged or hampered in any way, our overall energy will decrease. And if mitochondrial dysfunction (meaning, when these are altered in any way), it really influences the insulin resistance, the obesity and diabetes.

And these links have been made when looking at this low levels of atrazine exposure—not for people who are applying atrazine to fields like farm workers, but people who are drinking our tap water. Every time you turn on the tap, there’s atrazine in it. We’re getting these low-levels of exposure. And these low-levels have been linked in animal studies to obesity, belly fat, insulin resistance, et cetera.

And so it’s the significant one in that 94% of drinking water tested has this chemical present. And so we know, like you just said, if you take MSG, and if you take high fructose corn syrup, if you take processed foods and sugars out, because we want to regulate our blood sugar in some levels, so that we don’t end up in the pre-diabetic or diabetic state, but then we’re not also addressing other chemicals in our environment that do the same, exact thing, we’re kind of missing the boat.

DEBRA: What would somebody do to reduce atrazine in our life?

LARA ADLER: They would need to get the appropriate water filter that will do that. And I believe that most carbon filters will be able to do that. You don’t need to go out and buy bottled water. In fact, I don’t encourage people to buy bottled water because the bottled water essentially bottles tap water anyway. It’s not as heavily regulated as municipal water supplies are.

So bottled water is not the answer here. The answer is getting an in-home at-the-sink or a whole house water filtration system based on the contaminants that are present in your water.

Everybody’s water is different. There is no one size fits all product that I recommend. Everybody needs to do a little bit of research and understand what’s in their water. And they can do that by calling their water board or googling their water quality report for their town which is federally required and those are produced bi-annually.

DEBRA: So what’s another chemical?

LARA ADLER: Another one, it’s probably one of the most common one. It’s not actually a chemical, but [inaudible 00:23:44] chemical. Those are called phthalate. And it’s spelled with a P-H-T-H, which throws a lot of people because it’s just pronounced with a T-H.

Phthalates are found in a lot of different places in our homes. They’re found in certain types of plastics. But primarily, they’re found in our fragrance products, the scented candles, and the air fresheners, and the laundry detergents, and our personal care products, shampoos, body lotions, perfume, anything that’s got a heavy fragrance.

The phthalates are used in these products as a solvent and as [fixative], so that when you wash your hair, six hours later, they’ll smell like your shampoo. Phthalates are partly responsible for holding that fragrance into your hair or into your clothes after you’ve done your laundry.

And phthalates are what are called endocrine-disrupting chemical. They can interfere with your hormonal system, which, in part, regulates your metabolism. And so these chemicals are directly linked not only to weight gain, but a massive long list of other health conditions from early onset puberty, like cancers, et cetera.

So, it doesn’t really matter what your reasoning is for getting them out, just get them out because they’re not necessary.

So, the first step there is to get rid of unnecessary fragrances in your home. You don’t need to have your home smelling like eternal sunshine or whatever these silly names that they give these air fresheners—spring breeze, mountain spray, whatever.

Open your windows or get some flowers if you really want your house to smell nice. But don’t go for the plug-in or those air fresheners, scented candles, potpourri, et cetera.

DEBRA: And we need to go to break. And you can continue doing more tips about this when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Lara Adler. She’s a certified holistic health coach, and she helps her industry learn about toxic chemicals, so they can help their clients. Her website is, L-A-R-A, and then another A-D-L-E-R dot come.

And we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Lara Adler. She’s a certified holistic health coach who helps other health coaches and health care professionals learn about toxic chemicals, so that they can help their clients.

Lara, I just wanted to mention, because we just had a commercial on about water filters, that I’ve actually found one that I do think is, it’s not 100% one size fits all. I’ve heard a couple of people say, “Oh, I couldn’t use this because of x, y, z” about their water. But if removes such a broad spectrum of water pollutants that I used to say exactly what you said that you need to find out what’s in your water, maybe have your water tested, get the right water filter that matches your water. And that’s still exactly what people should do.

I’m just saying that this particular filter seems to be a match for most people. And it’s affordable. It’s affordable to buy. It only costs $100 a year to replace all the cartridges. And it really gets the water cleaned. It’s the one that I have in my house.

I am always recommending that every single person in the world needs to have a water filter because I don’t know of any tap water in the world that’s clean. And this is just something we all need to do.

LARA ADLER: Absolutely! I totally agree with that. In fact, it’s one of the number one things that I recommend people do. If you do anything, do that.

DEBRA: If you want to find out about this water filter, you can just go to, and in the right-hand column, you just look down until you see the picture of the water filter. And just click there, and you’ll find out all about this. It really is the best water filter I’ve found in 30 years of looking at water filters.

Now, let’s go back and continue to tell us about where people are encountering phthalates, and how they can eliminate those from their lives.

When you think about it, people are trying to lose weight and they’re wearing perfume. That’s sabotaging it right there.

LARA ADLER: Yeah, absolutely! A lot of these things, we’re attached to them because of habit or because of savvy marketing, they’ve sold us. Look at the Clairol Herbal Essences shampoo.

DEBRA: I used to use that.

LARA ADLER: Their entire ad campaign has nothing to do with the performance of their shampoo, but how wonderful it smells. And a lot of this is simply marketing. And you need to be mindful of that and not be sold to in that way and be a smarter consumer.

Five years ago, it was really challenging to find natural products, shampoos, lotions and deodorants, that didn’t have these types of synthetic chemicals. Now, the marketplace is absolutely overflowing with products that are made with really clean ingredients, natural ingredients, and that don’t use chemical synthetic fragrances. They used essential oil-based plant fragrances, et cetera.

And those are what I tell people to transition to if they’re still attached to having their hair smell good or their body lotion smells sweet or whatever. But get rid of the conventional stuff, the stuff that you find at Walgreens or Target or what have you, those type of stores, because they’re all going to be loaded with phthalates.

And you’re not even going to know this for sure because of labeling issues. But if you see the word fragrance or perfume on an ingredient list, you’re almost guaranteed that that contains phthalate. That’s the word that you’re going to want to look for on products [inaudible 00:29:52], fragrance or perfume.

And If it’s in there, that’s a source of exposure for you.
You don’t need to cross every single item in your house at once. It’s a whittling down process. Get rid of the non-essential ones, the scented candles first, then your shampoo ones out. And if you have buy a new one, go ahead and buy one that doesn’t include those products.

I actually have a Pinterest board where I pin a lot of products that I really like that people then check out if they’re interested.

Would that be okay for me to share that URL?

DEBRA: Sure.

LARA ADLER: So it’s, L-A-R-A-A-D-L-E-R. I have all kinds of products that I pin there that I like. So people are like, “Great! I want to buy this stuff, but what do I buy?” That’s a good place to start. And I know there are all kinds of resources online for people to find those things.

But that’s the first step.

DEBRA: Well, another thing is that you can also go to, and find my huge list of those kinds of products. In fact, on, it has different keywords for characteristics. And you can just click on fragrance-free, and it will take you to all the fragrance-free products that are listed.

LARA ADLER: Fantastic. There are so many resources out there nowadays which is wonderful because it means that more people are going to get turned on to these products easier, which is going to ultimately shift the marketplace. So it’s really exciting.

DEBRA: So now, tell us about PFOA.

LARA ADLER: PFOA is the short for perfluorooctanoic acid—not important, but you know that. PFOA is a chemical that’s found in a lot of different places in the home. It’s found in non-stick cookware. We know it as “Teflon” which is a brand name, but we usually like to use that term. [Inaudible 00:31:49] non-stick.

PFOA is a chemical that’s found in non-stick cookware. It’s also found in food packaging—[inaudible 00:32:00] grease-proof cardboards, the lining of a pizza box, or the inside of the microwaveable food meal, or the inside of an ice cream tub, or the inside of a microwave popcorn bag. These are all often coated with this PFOA chemical.

Now, PFOA chemical is another obesogen capable of disrupting our thyroid, which is partly responsible for managing our metabolism and weight. So that’s part of its role as an obesogen.

Most people think the biggest source of exposure is non-stick cookware, and it’s actually not. The biggest source of exposure comes from food packaging. I still don’t think people should have non-stick cookware in their homes. I still think those needs to be phased out, particularly if they’re scratched. But microwave popcorn is a really significant exposure source for people. The entire inside of the popcorn bag is lined with this chemical, so that the butter or oil that’s surrounding the kernels doesn’t seep through. It’s unsightly and all of that.;

And so this is a really simple switch for people to make. As people are aiming to be healthier in their lives anyway, moving away from packaged food is always a good idea. It’s kind of necessary. This gives us another reason to shift away from packaged foods—to avoid exposure to this chemical.

This chemical is found in—I think the statistic is something like 98% of the people tested by the CDC. It’s in our [inaudible 00:33:45] fabric protectors. It’s in all kinds of different places in the home.

The easiest place to address it is in the kitchen. So get rid of the non-stick cookware, move to enamel, cast iron, cast iron, stainless steel. Some people are icky about stainless steel. Whatever people are comfortable with, but move away from non-stick.

Skip out on microwave popcorn. If you want popcorn, [inaudible 00:34:13] or use an air popper. And move away from the kinds of pizzas that come in a box that’s lined with wax like you get at Domino’s, for example.

DEBRA: When you said it’s on the inside of ice cream product, I almost wanted to cry because I love ice cream. But I can’t remember the last time I bought a carton of ice cream. It’s been so long because I don’t buy ice cream because it’s got, like the famous, delicious flavors, all those brands, they’ve all got refined white sugar, and which I consider to be an industrial chemical.

And even if you buy a natural one, there are a lot of sweeteners in them. And now, to know that it’s not only the ingredients in the ice cream that might be making you fat, but the carton itself, I do make ice cream at home out of grass-fed cream and strawberries. I don’t even put the sweeter in my ice cream.

You really don’t need them. You can make great ice cream from grass-fed cream or almond milk or whatever it is, the creamy thing that you eat, and just put some fruit in it. And you can just freeze the fruit and put it in the blender with your liquid, and it makes ice cream. It’s very easy.

We’re getting to the end of our time. Thank you so much. This has been so informative. So if people want to find out more about what you do, how should they contact you?

LARA ADLER: Like I said, they can definitely check out my website. They can check that free guide on my website. If you’re a health professional, definitely check out the programs that I offer. You can find that on my website. If you’re not, and you just want to know about products or keep this conversation going, you can follow me on Twitter which is @LaraAdler or follow my Pinterest board at That’s the best way to stay in touch that way.

DEBRA: Great. Well, thank you again so much.

LARA ADLER: You’re very welcome.

DEBRA: I think this has been really important to talk about, how chemicals make us fat or prevent us from losing weight because chemicals are the number one health problem there is. Obesity is one of the most important things that people need to handle. And the fact that those two are related, I think, is a really important thing that needs to be talked about more.

So thank you, Lara.

LARA ADLER: You’re welcome.

DEBRA: And again, her website is, and you can see her on Pinterest too.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. You can find out more about Toxic Free Talk Radio at Find out who the guests are coming up, and also, you can listen to, all these shows are archived.

You can listen to this show again. You can listen to yesterday’s show.

So I’ll be back and be well.


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