My guest is Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven, who knows more about removing odors than anyone I know. Daliya became “a chemical injury statistic” while working as a realtor, viewing and showing toxic new homes or homes with new carpets, paints, and cabinets. After becoming extremely disabled in 1993 with multiple chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and a broken thyroid, Daliya started educating others on the dangers of toxic chemicals and later began providing healing healthy solutions for a nontoxic environment. After 20 years Daliya is still providing solutions for surviving in a toxic world. We’ll talk about the products she sells that remove and control odors of various types and the thought process she uses to solve odor problems.
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How to Remove Odors of Almost Any Kind From Almost Anything
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Daliya Robson
Date of Broadcast: June 26, 2013
DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. Even though there are toxic chemicals all around us, we can protect ourselves by choosing less toxic products for our homes and workplaces by removing toxic chemicals from our bodies and all kinds of other things so that we are in control, being healthy, happy, productive, and doing whatever it is we want to do in our lives instead of being sick from chemical exposures.
Today is Tuesday—well, it’s Wednesday. It’s Wednesday, June 26th 2014. And I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. And it’s getting to be a little cloudy, so there may be a little thunderstorm coming before the show is over. If you lose me because the power goes out, I’ll be right back. But I think it should probably be fine.
Today, my guest is Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven. And we’re going to be talking about removing odors of almost any kind from almost anything.
Daliya is my go-to girl for when somebody asks me a question about how do I remove this odor or that odor. She’s the one I ask. And you can ask her too.
But before we get to Daliya, I want to just read you a quote. I send out every day a little newsletter called Words of Wisdom that has my favorite quotes. And I’ve been collecting them for so many years. I have more than 2000 quotes. And the other day, I sent out one that said:
“When we are grateful for the abundance that is present in our lives—love, health, family, friends, work, the joys of nature and personal pursuits that bring us pleasure—we experience heaven on earth.”
And that was said by Sarah Ban Breathnach who has written a number of bestselling inspirational books. And I just want to remind us, I just want to keep mentioning, we’re talking about toxic chemicals and their dangers and things that are difficult in the world and making changes to protect ourselves, but there are so many things in life that the greatest pleasures in life are beyond physical things that may be toxic or that we need to find a safer alternative for.
Having love and family and friends and work that we enjoy and being out in nature and doing what we love, all those things are not toxic. And they’re the most important things in life.
So, I think it’s important to keep perspective that these are the important things. And in order to do those things, we need to have things in our life that are not toxic so that we have our health and we move forward with doing what we want to do.
So now, I’d like to introduce Daliya Robson. Hi Daliya. Thanks for being with me.
DALIYA ROBSON: Hello, hello. And thank you so much for your work. Thank you for your work.
DEBRA: You’re welcome.
DALIYA ROBSON: What are your questions? Oh, by the way, what we should do because I may not have all the scientific explanations, I’ve got flyers and brochures with details, give people my phone number and tell them to leave their address clearly, and I’ll send them a catalog like product use, guidelines. There’s four pages on zeolite. There are three pages on
Mystical. There’s TuTuff and all kinds of sprays. And I might not be able to go over the science of it very easily… .
DEBRA: Well, you probably won’t be able to because we won’t have time for all of that. But we will give your phone number.
It’s 1-800-968-9355. I’ll give it again, 1-800-968-9355. And Daliya’s website is simply So she’s very […]
DALIYA ROBSON: Oh, by the way, I must tell you, my website, I wanted to upload a new library, and it distorted the whole website.
DEBRA: I saw that.
DALIYA ROBSON: You saw that? It’s chaos! So, I’ve asked my expert to fix it. Actually, he was the cause of the chaos because he did something to make that go.
So, don’t rush to my website, but just write it down—or go down and forgive me for the mess.
DEBRA: Well, I just went there, and I saw it, but I could still read it.
DALIYA ROBSON: You can read it, but I still need to apologize. So don’t rush. And if I’m not in, leave your phone number or your address and details—and even message or whatever the issue is. I’ll get back to you with brochures and call you back.
Okay, let’s go!
DEBRA: Okay! My first question is—I know you’ve been on the show before, but I’m sure that there are people listening that didn’t hear your introduction before. So why don’t you tell us about how you got interested in toxic chemicals and handling odors and what your experience is in this.
DALIYA ROBSON: Oh, I got poisoned by chemicals. And I became another statistic for chemical injury—multiple chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, broken thyroid, brain fog from food. I was completely disabled.
I started a website to warn people about chemicals. And of course, the sentences were incoherent (and maybe they still are). And my daughter says, “How can you have a website with all these mistakes?” I said, “I’ve got brain damage!” She said, “Well, they don’t know that.” I said, “Anyone that’s been chemically injured will know that.”
But here’s the thing. That’s how I started. People ask me what to do. And I needed to know what to do. So I spent 20 years researching, I say, how to survive in a toxic world. And I kind of got it right, you know?
DEBRA: Yes, you did.
DALIYA ROBSON: …for my own protection.
And the first thing is to have absolutely nothing synthetic, toxic, in a bottle, or anything, in a tin. Don’t have it in your house.
Don’t even buy it.
DEBRA: I agree.
DALIYA ROBSON: A piece of soap that works as a hair shampoo, that’s all you need in a bathroom, simple things like that.
The first thing is to avoid it all.
But then, if you have a situation, you need a solution. So maybe you could ask what you need to ask.
DEBRA: Okay! So, what I really like to hear is about your different products that you have for removing odors. But before we go into each one of them, I know we were talking the other day, and you were saying, “Well, it really depends on what it is, what is the odor that you’re trying to remove. And then, you need to choose the right method. And it may or may not work.” But you’ve got a nice handful of tools that people can work with.
So, we only just have a couple of minutes before we need to go to the break. So why don’t we just take those couple of minutes for you to show us what is your thinking process if I were to say, “I have perfume.” You probably want to know what is the thing, the odor, you need to remove and what is the material you need to remove it from.
So, let’s say that somebody has perfume in a wood cabinet, how would that process go?
DALIYA ROBSON: Okay! Okay. Well, let’s say perfume in other people’s bathrooms, 20 years of detergents and perfumes and cleaning materials. Well, it depends how bad it is and how long. But what I would do is I would start with something simple like Mystical. It’s not going to do the whole lot. Mystical lifts of odors. Photocatalytic Spray lifts a lot of odors.
But if it’s a closet of 20 years, and you can’t change the wood, you can do the Mystical, then you could cover up with carbon fabric. If that isn’t enough, you could put in a few packets of zeolite. If that doesn’t work, you could seal it six times.
But if it’s just from one year, it will work very well. If it’s 20 years of odor, it might be best to change the wood in the closet. It just really depends.
But the zeolite helps. The Photocatalytic Spray changes odors into carbon dioxide and water.
DEBRA: Okay. So we’re going to take a break now. We’re going to explain what all those things are, Mystical and zeolite and Photocatalytic Spray. We’ll just go through one by one all the different things. You can explain it.
I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And you can find out more about the show at
My guest here is Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven. And we’re talking about removing odors from almost any kind, from almost anything. We’ll be back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven. You can call her at 1-800-968-9355 or visit her website at
Okay, Daliya, let’s start with Photocatalytic Odor Control. Now, I’m looking at your website…
DALIYA ROBSON: Yes, this is a simple 2% titanium dioxide that works with the effective ultraviolent and sunshine and changes a chemical or a biological odor—tobacco, wood smoke, musty closets, urine, mold, blood, pet odors—it would change that to carbon dioxide and water.
For example, I had a situation where they put a new roof in my house, but they didn’t take away the old insulation. So I had a musty smell in my bathroom. So I paint—I can’t be bothered standing to spray, although if you have a very big area, you can buy a fogger. I just paint that particular ceiling and wall with Photocatalytic.
I have a UV light in my bathroom. And for at least two or three years, I don’t smell anything. Maybe next year, I won’t. But that’s how I would use it.
In a new car, if the dog peed on the carpet, you could use various things. You could use Mystical in the same way (which is a non-toxic carpet cleaner). You could spread zeolite and then vacuum it up after a day or two. Or you could use a Photocatalytic if things are very bad. You would spray it on, leave the lights on, and forget about it. And in a day or two or three, there would be no odor.
It depends. If you have a constant odor like in a basement or a crawl space, you could use the Photocatalytic as long as you have light there. Spray all the walls and the ceilings. You could use zeolite on the ground. And then, you would cover it with TuTuff which is a vapor barrier that’s completely inert. And that would stop mold smells coming from the ground.
DEBRA: Wait, wait, wait. Back up for a minute. What did you call that?
DALIYA ROBSON: TuTuff. TuTuff is a vapor barrier, which are—let’s say crawl spaces are really bad places. Or even if you just had a flood and you haven’t got time. The insurance hasn’t come yet, and the place is moldy, and you can’t fix it yet, you would spray or paint the wall or the ceiling with a Photocatalytic. You would put a UV light on. After a couple of days, you would put the TuTuff which is a vapor barrier over it. So the odors, if there’s anything coming through, you could block it. And you would do that in the basement as well.
DEBRA: Is that like T-O-O…?
DALIYA ROBSON: No, T-U-T-U-F-F. It’s a vapor barrier for building houses, but it’s inert. There’s no odor. And it’s absolutely indestructible. Now, here’s another…
DEBRA: Okay, I’ll have to look for that. Wow! I never heard of it.
DALIYA ROBSON: Well, I mean we’re just talking about basements and molds and different ways of blocking fumes.
Now, let’s say somebody has to go home to a hotel, and you’ve got toxic carpets. Well, if you’re there for a long time, you could send them a gallon of Mystical and ask them to spray the carpets and the furniture with Mystical. If you’re coming for two nights, you could cover the carpet with zeolite if you have it in the car, or you could cover it with carbon fabric, or you could even cover it with TuTuff. It’s a big piece of plastic. The only problem with that is you slip and slide around. But as an emergency, that would block the fumes for long enough.
If I had a serious problem in my house—like I have a very old home. And the condo people, the authorities, are not very good about fixing stuff. I could smell mold from the old insulation. They wouldn’t do anything about it. So I took TuTuff and plastered it against the wall and had another wall board put against it. So, my kitchen is a half an inch smaller than it was before. I’m going to block this 30-year old insulation from me because they won’t do it.
So, I put the TuTuff against the wall, put a new wall board, and then of course put my new kitchen against that.
DEBRA: What about using foil?
DALIYA ROBSON: I don’t know much about foil. I hear a lot of people do it. But I don’t know how long it lasts. I mean the TuTuff is indestructible.
DEBRA: Well, foil, I’ve been recommending for years to people because this is what I learned to do 30 years ago. You could use regular aluminum foil, like heavy-duty aluminum foil. And the weight I don’t think matters in terms of blocking the toxics. It’s just that it holds up longer. So, I use heavy duty.
And you could also get aluminum tape. I’ve heard of people wrapping their entire telephone in aluminum tape.
DALIYA ROBSON: Well, that sounds good. I’ve had a lot of people doing that. I’ve never done it myself.
DEBRA: And then, there’s foil-backed building paper which gives you the blocking of the foil, but it holds the foil together because it’s got paper.
DALIYA ROBSON: Well, that sounds good.
DEBRA: Yeah, I think that between TuTuff and the foil, that somebody could block anything if you have a whole wall that needs to be done—or the inside of a closet or something.
DALIYA ROBSON: Yeah, sounds good, sounds good.
DEBRA: We need to take another break. We’ll be back after the break and talk more with my guest, Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven about the different ways that she handles different types of odors. She’s got a lot of information, so stay tuned.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven. Her phone number is 1-800-968-9355. And her website is
And if you have an odor problem of any kind, she’s the person to talk to because she has a lot of experience and unusual product—I would say her products are unusual in the sense that you don’t see them everywhere. You’re not going to go to your local store and find these kinds of odor removers. They work! And she has experience with them.
So Daliya, tell us now about Mystical because you’ve been mentioning that.
DALIYA ROBSON: Well, Mystical was originally a carpet cleaner and a spot cleaner. But the manufacturer found that it lifted odors from everywhere even vinyl. This is very important in a new car with vinyl dashboards and ceilings, and children’s toys.
Everything that a child uses—their little chair in the car—everything is vinyl or plastic.
Now, I don’t think it works so well on plastic, but it’s fabulous on vinyl. So if you have new equipment, and it’s got those vinyl hoses, if you have…
DEBRA: Well, people ask me about hoses in the washing machine.
DALIYA ROBSON: No, no, not in the washing machine. No, no. It’s too expensive. What you do with new clothes with formaldehyde or odors, you soak them in a basin overnight. I’ve even left it two days. Then you hang it out in the sun. The sun helps lift the fumes. And then you wash it. I find that it does not work on nylon and synthetic stuff, but it works very well on cottons—so new sheets, new clothing.
If you have a jacket, for instance, or a suit, you can’t soak that, but you can spray the outside and hang it out in the sun for days. And then, you turn it inside-out, and you spray the inside and hang it out.
I’ve managed to do that with clothing that a very good friend insisted on giving me. I said, “Oh, my God! I can’t handle the Downy.” So I said, “Okay, I’ll hang it outside with Mystical and whatever will be will be.” I gave most of them away, but I have to keep a few of them, so my friend sees that I’m wearing her clothes. And I would say that they’re 90% effective.
But they were out in the sun for about a week—inside and outside, and inside again.
DEBRA: Do you know what the active ingredient is?
DALIYA ROBSON: No, it’s a trade secret. And I have material safety datasheet here for people. You could drink it. It’s so safe.
I’m suspecting that it works like photocatalytic, but he’s not prepared to tell us.
If there’s nothing toxic in it, they can do a trade secret thing. People who are afraid to use it end up not having the advantage.
I’ve had people who’ve said, “I react to the Mystical,” and that is not correct. The Mystical smells like water. But you react to the odors it’s lifting out.
So, if you have a toxic carpet, and you spray it—not a new carpet, but just one that’s been contaminated with Febreze or other cleaning—then the odor is worse before it’s better because the Mystical is lifting out the fumes. And then, you would shampoo again. That’s for a carpet.
For vinyl, it’s fabulous. I bought a cheap $180 sauna. So I put Mystical on the outside of it, left it outside for two days, and Mystical on the inside, and now my little plastic sauna works with no odors. You know those infrared saunas where your head sticks out?
DEBRA: Yeah!
DALIYA ROBSON: Well, you can pay $2000 or $3000 or you can pay $180 and a bottle of Mystical.
So, that’s how it works. It lifts vinyl smells. If you have a vinyl floor…
DEBRA: So, do you think that it’s actually changing the chemicals in some ways so that it isn’t there like in the Photocatalytic.
You said that it changes it to carbon dioxide and water. Is it just removing the odor or is it actually removing the chemical exposure?
DALIYA ROBSON: It’s removing the fumes. I mean if there was blood there, it will remove the bloodstain eventually. If there was urine, it would remove the urine. If there’s chemicals, it removes the chemicals.
DEBRA: That’s pretty amazing.
DALIYA ROBSON: It changes it to carbon dioxide and water. But it has to have sunlight—either sunlight or a UV light.
DEBRA: That’s for the Photocatalytic.
DALIYA ROBSON: Yes. But for the Mystical, it works the same. And that’s why I’m suspecting it might be a photocatalytic process, but it’s not admitting it. It’s a trade secret, so it’s not telling us.
DEBRA: But on the Photocatalytic, what that does is—well, photocatalytic means that you need to have light in order to make the catalyst happen.
DALIYA ROBSON: That’s right. And Mystical doesn’t work without light either. That’s what makes me think it’s very similar.
DEBRA: Oh, okay, okay. That was the part that I didn’t understand.
DALIYA ROBSON: Yeah, I think it’s the same, but he won’t tell me. He says, “You can make it in the kitchen, and I’m not going to tell you because then I’ve lost my business.” But everybody asks me. And the people who don’t trust me end up still living with their mold and their formaldehyde on their clothes. I keep saying, “Look, you’re living in a house full of formaldehyde. Isn’t that worse than trusting this safe product?”
DEBRA: Well, yeah, I think it’s worth trying things. But if you have a situation where you have toxic chemicals and you need to do something about it, why not try something…
DALIYA ROBSON: People are scared, people are scared, especially if they’ve tried things and they got worse.
But anyway, that’s the Mystical. That’s the Photocatalytic. You use it anywhere, everywhere. It doesn’t always work 100%.
DEBRA: Why would you chose one over the other?
DALIYA ROBSON: Because one is cheaper. For instance, if you go into a house, and you have an enormous house, and it’s something that you’re just about to buy, but there’s something wrong with it. What I would do is get 10 gallons of Mystical and a fogger, spray absolutely every corner from top to bottom, put in a half a dozen UV light, spray the carpet, the closets, the walls, spray everything, wait a few days, come in, and then, if you need to, you seal the walls (if not, it’s better).
DEBRA: Okay! So, we need to take another break. This is fascinating. You’re giving me a lot of good ideas. People do ask me these questions. You have a lot of great solutions.
DALIYA ROBSON: Right! Now, the Photocatalytic…
DEBRA: Wait, wait, wait. We need to go to break.
DALIYA ROBSON: Okay, okay.
DEBRA: We can continue after.
This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’re here with Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven. And we’ll be right back to talk more about how to remove odors of almost any kind from almost anything. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And we’re here today with Daliya Robson from Nirvana Safe Haven. Her phone number is 1-800-968-9355. And her website is
So Daliya, we’re in our last segment here.
DALIYA ROBSON: Oh, Debra, I have to tell you how to use the Photocatalytic in a very, very important manner.
DEBRA: Alright!
DALIYA ROBSON: Let’s say somebody’s got two little children, always sniveling, always with colds. You take every single toy they have, and you spray it with Photocatalytic. Preferably, get a fogger because you use so much less. You spray all the toys, and you put them out in the sun. And there will be no germs there for two years.
And you spray the handles of the bathrooms. You spray the toilets perhaps. And you have a UV light on in the bathroom.
You’re free of bacteria for many years as long as there’s the light on. I would use that.
DEBRA: That is very important because people use some very toxic antibacterials. And if you can use that to kill germs, that’s amazing and something that everybody should be doing.
DALIYA ROBSON: And I have to tell you this because we have to understand how cynical our government is. There was a company selling Photocatalytic to me. And they were put out of business because they called it a pesticide. They’re not allow to say that. They’re not allowed to claim that it will kill the SARS virus. They’re not allowed to say anything like that.
But here’s another place that I would use it. And I did it a few years ago. When I went into surgery, I was scared of re-infection.
So I sprayed all the things in my room—the bed, the table, the handles of the bathroom, the rail in the bathroom, even the little remote that they give you for the TV. And I put a UV light of my own in the room. And I thought, “I at least have to protect myself from some other infection.”
DEBRA: I think that’s so important to know. I was just thinking…
DALIYA ROBSON: Yeah, something like that, yes.
DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. Okay, good.
So, I want to make sure that in the time that we have left that we mention activated carbon salt, zeolite. And you mentioned sealing, using something to seal for six times.
So, let’s start. I just want you to explain these other three options so that people can see the wide variety of things they have to work with. So, if you were going to seal something, what products would you use to seal?
DALIYA ROBSON: Well, it depends if it’s particle board or what. There’s AFM products for sealing particle boards.
DEBRA: Yes, I’ve used those.
DALIYA ROBSON: The AFM products have seals to seal walls, painted walls. If you have a new floor or you have an old floor, you want to reseal it with Polyureseal. So AFM has many products that are much safer.
But I want to warn everybody never to put two or three coats on in one day. You have to have a thin coat and wait a whole day for it to cure before you put another coat on. If you don’t do that, you smell the first coat and the second coat through the third coat. So, even though it says up to 1 ½ hours, you can do another coat, never do it. Wait a day. And then, it works.
DEBRA: That’s very good advice.
DALIYA ROBSON: And the carbon fabric, carbon absorbs toxic chemicals in water purifiers and air purifiers. So if you had a fabric with trillions of little particles, it’s going to absorb the chemicals on a shelf, on a drawer, in a hotel room over furniture, over mattresses.
The zeolite that you provide people with for removing toxins in the liver also removes fumes from the closet. But of course, it’s not…
DEBRA: Yeah, the zeolite is wonderful stuff. It removes no matter where you put it. It will absorb toxic chemicals.
DALIYA ROBSON: It will absorb. And moisture, and moisture.
Now, it’s rather heavy. I mean if you have a musty basement, and you have to put 12 or 24 packets of that, they will work. But in this case, like a musty closet or a basement, I would use the Photocatalytic on the walls and the ceiling, put a UV light on, and it’s more effective. But not everybody has heard about that, but they have heard of zeolite. And zeolite will do that too. It will absorb fumes and moisture.
And let me think what else. This little booklets, I have four or eight pages on all these things. So if anybody wants to know more on how to use it—
Like in a refrigerator, if you put zeolite in there, you’re going to absorb the moisture. The vegetables are not going to rot. It will absorb the ethylene gas from the fruits. So that’s not going to rot. And things last longer. Very, very healthy stuff to have around.
DEBRA: People are accustomed to putting in baking soda in our refrigerators for odors. But this will also absorb the moisture and the ethylene gas, you’re saying?
DALIYA ROBSON: No, using zeolite is more effective. You can buy it in bulk. I mean if you have some old socks that you’re not using, you can put some zeolite sand or chips in the socks, sew up the edge, and put them all over the place. Children, adolescent’s running shoes, I mean what could be worse?
So, they have zeolite powders that the children can do their feet with—or the husband […] And they have zeolite powder for feet, for deodorant. They even have carbon soap for deodorants.
DEBRA: Wow! I never heard of that.
DALIYA ROBSON: You absorb the bacteria under your armpits, and there’s no odor.
Anybody can call me. I mean if I’m not in (because I do tend to have lots of medical doctor appointments at my age), leave a message of any length. Leave your phone number. Leave the issues. And I’ll get back to you.
DEBRA: Tell us more about how somebody might use the carbon [felt]. There’s a picture on the website. When I first heard about this, I had a hard time visualizing its design. It’s like a blanket. It’s like a big blanket.
DALIYA ROBSON: It is. But you use it mainly for a toxic mattress. Now, there’s no additives in the felt. So it’s very soft. It’s just compressed carbon, so it’s very effective. It’s what they make good masks off of. So someone buys some of this. They cover their toxic mattress. They’ll buy a toxic bed. But if you have done it, you cover it up, and then you need to put two or three sheets on the mattress pad over it, so your body doesn’t sweat into the carb and the movement doesn’t ruin it. So that’s a disadvantage.
If you go into a hotel room, the fabric is cheaper and sturdier, but it has 1% adhesive. That’s why it lasts longer. But if you had three sheets over there and the mattress pad (or two sheets and the mattress pad), you wouldn’t be bothered by the adhesive.
The fumes on the bed are much worse than the 1% adhesive.
DEBRA: So, why would somebody use a carbon blanket rather than TuTuff?
DALIYA ROBSON: TuTuff is plastic, and it crankles. It’s not really…
DEBRA: It does, it does. So the carbon […]
DALIYA ROBSON: I mean the carbon, you forget about. But the TuTuff is not absorbing anything. It’s just blocking. Eventually, if you use the carbon, you won’t have the fumes in the bed. After a few years, you take it off and you realize, oh, it’s absorbed the fumes.
DEBRA: Can you put the carbon blanket out in the sun or something to release the chemicals?
DALIYA ROBSON: Yes, [cross-talking 35:07]. Yeah, about once a year, twice a year, like at the beginning of the summer or the end of the summer.
And if you’re asthmatic, you have to be careful because there’s no adhesive. And so there’ll be little particles. So you have to vacuum the bed. And you have to make sure you’re not absorbing the particles. So if you’re asthmatic, you’re probably better off with a fabric (though it doesn’t work quite as well).
DEBRA: Okay. So there’s a fabric, and there’s a blanket?
DALIYA ROBSON: There’s a fabric, and there’s a felt.
DEBRA: Okay, felt.
DALIYA ROBSON: The felt is very pure. The fabric has 1% adhesive.
Now, we use the fabric for things like blocking the fire smoke, blocking the neighbor’s Downy smells, inside the drawers and the shelves. Let’s say you’ve cleaned with Mystical, you’ve put zeolite in, it still smells. So you would line it with fabric, double it up with…
DEBRA: Oh, I see.
DALIYA ROBSON: And that fabric is safe enough to put in a drawer. I mean you’re not making a mask out of it.
DEBRA: Right, right. I see. This is how you can take things and salvage cabinets and furniture and things that have odors.
DALIYA ROBSON: Yes. But as I’ve said, I live in a very old house. And my closets are 35 years old or 40 years old. And they still had a formaldehyde smell when I came—not severe, but enough to irritate me.
And when I washed the shelves, I got contact dermatitis at the bottom of my arm. You know how you put your arm down to reach? So, even after 40 years…
DEBRA: So, I need to stop you because we’re coming to the end of our time, and I just want to give your phone number again, 1-800-968-9355. And you can go to Thank you so much for being with us. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio.
DALIYA ROBSON: Well, thank you for the work you’re doing. I can’t thank you enough.
DEBRA: You’re welcome.
DALIYA ROBSON: Alright! Thank you. And bye bye.