ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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James GatzaMy guest today is Dr. James Gatza, author of The End Of Health Roulette and Founder of Total Shake. We’ll be talking about the role of the liver in removing toxic chemicals from your body and what you can to to help your liver perform that vital function. Dr. Gatza is a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine with over 25 years of experience. He uses Applied Kinesiology, Nutrition and Body Chemistry with an extensive background in the treatment of chronic symptoms and disease. He is trained in Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis, X-Ray Diagnosis, Spinography, and Physiotherapy; as well as Reflexology and Cranial-Sacral Therapy. He has attended state of the art seminars on the effects and treatment of Food Allergies, Clinical Nutrition, Acupuncture, and Herbology. For over 20 years, Dr. Gatza has treated over 20,000 patients with weight problems, and other common diseases such as diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic neck & back pain, headaches/migraines, high blood pressure, breathing problems, joint pain, sleep problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue & fibromyalgia, high cholesterol, joint swelling, and much more. Early in his career, Dr. Gatza realized that most doctors treated the symptoms of illness, and not the CAUSE. He found that because of this backward, thinking, the usual medical approach either didn’t work at all, or at best, helped a patient temporarily. This left patients stuck in the drug/doctor revolving door. In fact, Dr. Gatza found that in most cases, under that type of “care”, patients experienced the same symptoms or worse, over and over again while their doctors simply continued to drug them. Not satisfied with these drug/doctor “solutions.” Dr. Gatza searched and found workable answers as to WHY a person’s body is not working the way it should and devises individual treatment protocol to improve the function of each individual.



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How to Help Your Liver Detox Your Body

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Dr. James Gatza

Date of Broadcast: June 02, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world, and live toxic-free.

It’s Monday, June 2, 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida, and I want to tell you about something that I became aware of over the weekend. Well, not for the first time, but I have a picture, a framed picture up on my wall, of the first bridge that was built over the Mississippi River.

You have things in your home, and you don’t always look at everything, every single second. And then every once in a while, you’ll walk by something, and you’ll go, “Oh, I remember putting that there.” And you get reminded of something again.

And over the weekend, I was suddenly reminded of this picture of the first bridge across the Mississippi River. And the reason that I wanted to tell you about this today is because I [inaudible 00:00:57] because I saw a television show. I don’t remember the exact name, but it was something like the man who built America, and was all about all these industrialists—Rockefeller and everybody who built the industrial infrastructure that we have today.

And the importance of this bridge was that it was the first bridge that was built out of steel. It was such a long span that they had to have a new material. And that started the steel industry.

Now, when it was completed at 1874, it was the longest bridge in the world—the longest span bridge, arch bridge in the world.

And on the show, there was a little scene, and they had a picture of a man standing, looking across—of course, it was an actor, the Mississippi River. And the narrator in the back is saying, “He’s looking into the future.”

He looks across the Mississippi, and he sees a bridge. He can see it in his mind. It’s in his imagination. And he’s able to see that future. He’s willing to have enough confidence in that vision to put everything he’s got into it.

He even put all his own money into it.

And he’s willing to convince others that he knows it is going to happen.

And when I heard those words, it’s like, “Yes, that’s the way I feel.” I can envision that there is a future where we have everything is toxic-free, where we don’t have to be reading labels, just everybody is in agreement that we should live in a toxic-free world.

And I’m making that happen on a day-by-day basis. I have put everything. I have put my life into this. I have put my money into it. It’s so important to me, and I know that it’s important to all my guests and many other people. And if we each have that vision, if we can each see that that is what it is that we’re creating, we can create this together. And that’s why this is so important for me to do this show, and do the work that I do every day, bringing information about how to make this dream of living without toxic chemicals a reality.

This dream that we can all be healthy because toxic chemicals aren’t making us sick—it’s something that we all can be in agreement on every day, and take those steps to make it happen.

So I’ll get off my soapbox now and introduce my guest, who is Dr. James Gatza. He is a chiropractor who is here locally in Clearwater, where I live. And he agrees that we should be removing toxic chemicals from our body, and has various ways that he does that.

So today, we’re going to talk about your liver, specifically, which is a major detox organ—how it works, what we can do to make it function better, and also, a little bit about how toxic chemicals can actually destroy its function—that the toxic chemicals destroy the very function that our bodies need to be able to protect ourselves from toxic chemicals.

So the liver is very, very important.

Hi, Dr. Gatza.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Well, good morning.

DEBRA: Good morning. How are you?

DR. JAMES GATZA: I’m outstanding. How are you doing this morning?

DEBRA: I’m doing very well. So tell us how you became interested in chiropractic and doing things in a different way than a standard medical profession?

DR. JAMES GATZA: Well, when I was growing up—I grew up in Michigan, so I’m a nice, Midwestern boy. And I used to play a lot of sports, and I used to have a lot of fun with my life. But every once in a while, we’d get hurt, or I get sick, or something would be wrong with me. And when I went to the doctor, the solutions were just never very good. They never could really figure out what’s wrong with, they never helped me very much. The drugs they gave me didn’t really do me much good.

And I just really didn’t believe that much in taking drugs as a way to make someone healthy.

So I made a choice to become the type of doctor that helped people get healthy in a more natural sense, which actually is really the only way to make someone healthy.

And I lucked out that I made a really good choice because it turned out that like your bridge story, I was right—the way you get people healthy is through natural means. And so that’s what we do in our office. It’s fun.

DEBRA: And I totally agree with you with that. It’s just, we, I think, most of us, who are alive today came into this world with the idea that if you’re sick, you go to the doctor, and they give you a drug, and that’s what makes you well. But if you really think about it, giving somebody a drug to alleviate their symptoms doesn’t actually create health.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Yes, it really doesn’t.

DEBRA: Yes, tell us more about that.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Well, a personal story—a lot of the choices that I make I think it’s like this with most people—these things that have happened to us personally.

I remember I was in college, and I was a tennis player, so I was playing lots of tennis all the time. And I was hurt constantly.

But this one time, I woke up after playing how many days in a row, and my back was so bent over that I couldn’t straighten up. It literally was bent at the waist, 90-degrees, walking like a person whose head is face down.

And I’m only 19 years old. I’m a pretty young guy and I’m in a pretty good shape.
So they take me to the specialist. They x-ray me, and do all the normal tests. And by the time he’s finished, he says, “You’re

totally normal.”

And I walked out of the office and I’m thinking, “Man, I don’t feel very normal. I can’t walk.”

So now that leads to a later period of time where I learned about nutrition and toxicity, and what I didn’t know at the time was I had some habits that were making me toxic and were, therefore, depleting my body of certain key minerals like calcium and magnesium. Both minerals are needed for the muscles to relax under normal circumstances. Me playing tennis was using them up because I was sweating too much, and the toxins were another burden that was too much.

And one day, I woke up bent over. And it was actually because I was toxic. That was actually the reason for it.

DEBRA: So then, did you do something to detox and it fixed everything?

DR. JAMES GATZA: Well, at that time, what I did was muscle relaxers and painkillers because that’s what the doctors told me to do. And I didn’t know anything of toxicity then. I didn’t know anything of detoxification.

So I didn’t do anything. And to be honest with you, this happened to me so often, I pretty much had to quit tennis. I was injured all the time.

And it wasn’t until later in life when I learned about how to detox and the necessity to be toxic-free that I was able to overcome this, and now, I’m back on the tennis court even though it’s 35 years later, 30 years later.

DEBRA: That’s great. That’s great. And so now, you’re a chiropractor, and you studied some other things as well.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Yes. When I first got out of school for chiropractic, the normal thing that you do is you open a practice, and you start seeing patients. And my wife is also a chiropractor, so we were in the business together. And we both loved our jobs.

But what I found was when patients who’d come in, I would give them a standard treatment like an adjustment, and maybe some stretching or something like that—but mostly just adjustment. And I found that most of my patients tended to have the same problem every time they came in, and it wasn’t necessarily correcting the problem all the way though.

So I thought, “Man, this is weird. I do the same thing every time and they like it, but when they come back, I’m starting over again.”

So I went on a search to find why that was, was there really a way to help someone get all the way healthy, was there really something specific that was causing this problem? And after years of study of things like acupuncture and homeopathy, herbology, cranial sacral therapy, reflexology—just about anything you could think of, even study energy patterns on the body.

It came down to a few basic things. The two most significant ones were toxicity and food allergies or food sensitivity of some kind, which really just leads back to toxicity in the end anyway.

DEBRA: It does. We need to take a break, but we’re going to talk about exactly that when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Dr. James Gatza. He’s a chiropractor here in Clearwater, Florida, where I live. He’s also the author of The End of Health Roulette and founder of Total Shake. And you can go to his website at That’s G-A-T-Z-A

We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Dr. James Gatza, chiropractor, here in Clearwater, Florida where I live. And we’re talking today about detoxing your body.

Now, Dr. Gatza, I know in your bio that you sent to me, you said that you have treated over 20,000 patients. One of the things that I’ve learned that I think that you’re going to agree with is that it looks like that people have many different illnesses, but my conclusion after 30 years of study in my field is that it’s all the same illness. It’s all that the body is overloaded with toxic chemicals, and that it comes out looking like different illnesses because those are the areas where individual bodies are the weakest.

And so you say that you’ve treated people with such diverse things as diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic neck and back pain, headaches, migraines, high blood pressure, breathing problems, joint pain, sleep problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, high cholesterol and all these different things.

But I’m thinking that you’re probably treating a lot of them with a basic program. I don’t know because we’ve only just met.

But I’m thinking that there’s a basic program that handles the basic things that are out for everybody. And then there are individual things for the specific illness.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Yes, well, Debra, it’s interesting. When we first started working with all these different chronic illnesses, we had a separate program for every one of them. We thought we had to be a specialist and really understand specifically what was wrong with every particular different disease that was named, by the way, by some other type of agency like M.D.’s or pharmaceutical companies.

But what we found over the years was every single disease, whether it was someone with irritable bowel syndrome, or whether they had diabetes, Crohn’s disease, it really didn’t matter—high blood pressure, high cholesterol. They tended to have similar things at the bottom of the problem—similar things causing the problem.

DEBRA: And what were those similar things?

DR. JAMES GATZA: Well, if you look at the body, the way it actually is designed—you don’t have to be a medical doctor to understand this. It’s just very basic stuff.

The body is controlled by the brain through two areas—one is the nervous system, which are the nerves. The other is through hormones and the glands.

Now, toxins are fat-soluble. So what that means is that toxins are poisons—whether they come from drugs, or food additives, or pesticides, or the environment, or the water, or the air—wherever they come from, they’re fat-soluble. So what happens is once they get into the body in an overwhelming fashion, they start to hide themselves in the fatty tissue.

Well, the brain and glands that make hormones are fatty tissues. So as toxins get more prevalent inside the body, they’re then more in the brain and more in the hormone things called the glands. Once these toxins build up enough, they start to affect the brain’s ability to function properly, and that means that the nerves won’t work properly.

And they affect the glands, so they can’t work properly. So hormones won’t work properly.

And then you have a little bit of a crapshoot, depending on what toxic build-up is affecting what area of the brain, or what area of the nerves, or which hormones, or which balance in the glands. Then you have a certain disease that follows whether it’s asthma, or diabetes, or arthritis.

DEBRA: Yes, you explained that very well. That is exactly my understanding as well. And I studied this from the viewpoint of—I’m not a chemist, a toxicologist or anything like that, but I did study a lot of toxicology books. And that’s my conclusion as well, is that the body has a basic function, and then the toxic chemicals come in, and destroy our basic functions.

And when I wrote my most recent book, Toxic-Free, I actually took a new look at it, and I looked and found that there are toxic chemicals that destroy specifically each one of our body systems—each one of them.

Your body needs to have a heart, and lungs, and a brain, and each part, in order to function as a whole. And when toxic chemicals come in, and start destroying your immune system, or something, or your liver, as we’re going to be talking about, then there’s a hole in the function. It’s like one of the workers is missing.

And then the whole system starts going down.

And not only do we have toxic chemicals that are destroying one system of our bodies, each and every one of our body systems are being harmed by toxic chemicals every single day unless we’re doing something to eliminate those toxic chemicals from our homes and workplace.

And today, we’re going to talk about very soon, after the next break, I’m watching the clock. We’re going to be talking about how toxic chemicals affect your liver, and what we can do to restore our liver function, specifically.

Now, there are all kinds of other systems that need to get restored as well. But there are very specific things that we can do to help our liver, and our livers—you just look at the word, liver. It’s the thing that allows you to live. Without our livers—it contributes to so many different functions.

We’re going to get our liver straightened out today. And because the liver is the major area in the body that processes toxic chemicals, it’s a very, very, very good place to start.

Do you want to say something about the liver for a few seconds?

DR. JAMES GATZA: Sure, I’ll say something. Well, when we look at the simple idea that your body is controlled by the brain, the nerves and the hormone, therefore, for it to function properly, those things have to be in control, and they have to be controlled correctly.

If the toxins build up in the body, those toxins affect that control. So we have to change that or we have to stop that.

Well, the line of defense that controls that completely is the liver. So if the liver is functioning properly and able to do its job as well as it can, then the toxins never make it to the brain, to the nerves, or to the hormone glands, and the body will just function at a much higher level.

So it’s vital that you have to have a functioning liver. I would say that of the 20-plus-thousand patients that we’ve seen here in the clinic, 20-plus-thousand of them had to have liver handling. Almost every single one of them had toxicity in the liver, and toxicity in the body. It’s a primary part of our program and it’s not because we just want to do detox on people. It’s because if we have found pretty much almost as a law of health at least at this time and in this place, if you don’t detoxify your patients, they will not be able to get healthy.

It’s pretty much black and white now.

DEBRA: I totally agree with that. We need to go to break now. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and we’re talking with Dr. James Gatza. And we’ll be right back to tell you what you can do to help your liver be healthy.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Dr. James Gatza. He’s the author of the End of Health Roulette, the founder of Total Shake, which we’re going to be talking about soon, and he’s a chiropractor here in Clearwater, Florida, where I live.

Would you say what you said just right before the break again about how if people don’t detox, they’re not going to get well?

DR. JAMES GATZA: Well, the simple reality is that because we live in such a toxic world, there’s a constant in-flow of things that are harmful to our bodies, certain poisons that just get into our bodies, whether through food, air, water or whatever.

So If we don’t have the ability to properly detoxify those things, which means, to take those poisons and get them out of the body, then they’re going to build up, and if they build up, they’re going to affect your brain, your hormones, and the rest of your health.

So it’s a vital part of being healthy in today’s world.

DEBRA: It is. In today’s world, this is just a necessary bottom line. It’s just necessary for everyone to do this.

I don’t see how somebody could live in today’s world and not get these chemicals in their bodies—just from walking around outside, going into public buildings, driving cars, using ordinary consumer products. If you know where the toxic chemical are, which is my job, is I tell people where the toxic chemicals are and how they can eliminate them from their lives to a great degree, if you do that and live an intentionally toxic-free life, then there’s not so much build-up.

But if you’re not doing that, anybody who’s not doing that, is going to have what’s called body burden. And your liver is the organ that cleans it up if it can.

So now tell us what people can do to help detox their liver.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Well, it’s actually not that hard to understand. I think that most people don’t really know about toxicity, and they don’t know how important it is—to get rid of it. But it’s really simple.

There are two steps in the liver that take a poison that’s somehow gotten into your body, and get it fully out of the system. Now, because these poisons are fat-soluble, they like to hide inside the body, so you’ve got to have a really good functioning liver.

Now, the first phase requires a very specific ratio of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. So things like niacin, vitamin B3, B6, B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E—there’s a whole list of things.

Now, it’s the same for every person. Everyone has the same kind of liver, and they have the same vitamins, minerals and enzymes that helps the liver take the poisons out.

What happens in our world, if there is too much of a burden of chemicals or toxins, you use up those vitamins.

So for instance, if someone has a habit that’s very toxic, then they’re putting those toxins in all the time, then they’re going to use up their vitamin B3, B6, B12, C, D, E, et cetera. So what happens with that person is they become deficient in those nutrients, and then the toxins are no longer removed in that first phase, and they start to build up and cause trouble.

DEBRA: And they keep coming in too.

DR. JAMES GATZA: And then they keep coming in, and the depletion gets worse, and then the toxins burden more, and then the depletion gets worse. It’s a dwindling spiral of health. And then you get any myriad of different diseases that the doctors are happy to label for you later.

DEBRA: And then they give you a drug, which does nothing to help your body detox. It might alleviate your symptoms, but—

DR. JAMES GATZA: Well, actually, the drug is one of the toxins—

DEBRA: Yes, it is.

DR. JAMES GATZA: —that has to be removed by your liver.

DEBRA: That’s exactly right.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Every time a person is overburdened by toxins to the point where they get vitamin-deficient, to the point where they get a symptom, to the point where they go to the doctor and get a drug, they have just sped up that dwindling spiral on an exponential level because now, they’re going totally in the wrong direction.

So we have to make sure when we’re dealing with a toxic person in a toxic environment that their phase 1 nutrients are super high-levels inside their body.

That’s the phase 1. Now, the second part is the second phase of detox. You actually need both of them to work. In the second part, this is a heavy amino acid side—which is just the different nutrients that you need to convert that poison in the final step, to make it excretable, or for the body to be able to get rid of it.

So in phase 1, you use certain vitamins to make changes in the poison or the toxin. Then phase 2, you make a final change.

And then once that final change is done, you can now get rid of it, and you’ll be toxic-free for that particular segment.

So when you’re dealing with the liver, you’ve got to make sure you’ve got all of those nutrients, not only by the name, they have to be given in a way the body can assimilate them, they have to be given in a way that’s balanced with the other nutrients, so you’re not too much of one, and too little of the other. And they have to be given on a regular basis, so the body doesn’t build up toxin.

DEBRA: That’s right because they do get depleted. You have to keep putting them in.

And would you say—aren’t people getting these nutrients in the food they eat?

DR. JAMES GATZA: Not to plug my book, but one of the first things in my book, probably the most important factor in getting our patients healthy liver has had to do with the concept of the food. And what people’s idea of what food is, and what food really is, is different.

So what I did was I wrote a chapter called Food versus Unfood.

DEBRA: I wrote a whole article that probably said the same thing, but go ahead.

DR. JAMES GATZA: It’s a funny concept, but people think that food is something you put in your mouth that tastes a certain way, and fills you up, and you feel like you’ve eaten. But in my definition of a food, it’s different really than any other definition I’ve ever seen. It’s simply this—for something to be considered a food, it has to have the nutrients in it that are necessary for the function of the body.

In other words, you have to have vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are alive in it, that once you put it into the body, the body can use those nutrients to further its function.

DEBRA: That’s actually the dictionary definition of food. I looked it up. I wrote a whole article about this about 10 years ago.

I’ll look it up and see if I can send it to you and post it online or something because I differentiated between food being something that you consume that gives your body nutrients, so that it will nourish your body functions.

And that is what the dictionary says.

And that is not what is sold as food today. So I agree with you. Even if you were to go buy a head of lettuce, if there’s no nutrition in it because it’s 25 days old or whatever, and there was no nutrition on the soil, then it’s not a food. A food is something designed by nature in order to nourish the organism of the body.

We can keep talking. Sorry, I was looking at the wrong number.

So go ahead with food. Talk about a little more.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Yes, I agree. What you said is exactly right. And what we found was all the different patient that we’ve seen no matter what the disease they come in with, they don’t know those definitions. And so what’s happening is they’re eating a lot of what we call unfood.

Now, an unfood—

DEBRA: Wait. Now, we do need to go to the break. I’m sorry. We do need to go to the break. And we’ll talk about that when we come back.

This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Dr. James Gatza, and we’re having a very interesting conversation about livers, foods and how to be healthy. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is. Dr. James Gatza—chiropractor, and we’re talking about your liver.

So continue with what you were wanting to say about the unfoods.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Just real quickly on unfood, most people think that when they eat a food, they’re helping their body.

But if what they’re putting in their system is an unfood, all it does is increase the toxic load. And it just adds poisons, adds toxins—it doesn’t give them the nutrients they need.

And therefore, the liver can’t do its job because now, instead of getting a delivery of all the new nutrients that needs to fight the battle, it’s just delivered a bunch of more toxins, and a bunch of more problems, and it causes incredible amount of health problems.

DEBRA: Incredible amounts, yes. I can just say, in a nutshell, from my personal experience, that there are all these toxic chemicals out in the world, which I had been doing my best to eliminate for more than 30 years. But I also discovered that food, just ordinary, everyday food that we think that we’re all eating has caused as many health problems for me as the toxic chemicals.

There are actually some foods that I consider to be toxic chemicals because they cause us worst health problems as anything that’s coming manmade out of a factory.

So that’s a whole different discussion, but I just want to include those in what we’re talking about here.

So I know that you have put together a product that is specifically to help people detox their livers. So tell us about that.

DR. JAMES GATZA: What you just said is really, really true. We basically found that the food—there are all kinds of different sources of these toxins. But we found that the food in America is not very well-made, or let’s say, it’s just not very healthy.

And we had to put people on so many different dietary restrictions. And we had success with that but it was hard for them.
So instead of that, what we did is we got together, and we formulated what we consider to be the perfect food. And what it is, it’s called the Total Shake, and it’s precisely formulated food for the liver. It basically should be called liver food.

And how you make something for the liver is you want to create, basically, a certain type of food that’s easily digestible, easily absorbable, and when it’s absorbed, it builds up all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes needed by the liver to fight the toxic war that happens every day.

Now, for it to be effective, it has to be food allergy-free. It can’t have any toxins in it, so you can’t have preservatives, and other different things that people put in all these crummy products. It has to be very well-made. In other words, it has to help and not hurt.

And Total Shake is very hard to make. It’s very expensive to make. But we have basically formulated the perfect food. And when patients take it, whether they’re asthmatic or arthritic or diabetic or high blood pressure or whatever disease that you can think of, this shake helps them decrease the toxic load by helping the liver do its job.

When you decrease the toxic load, the brain and the hormones start to balance better, they start to function better, and that disease starts to improve just by normal body function. It’s almost like a miracle.

DEBRA: It is. Some years ago, I took a different product that was designed for the liver. I didn’t know about yours until this morning actually. But I was seeing a naturopathic doctor. She gave me a liver shake, specifically designed for the liver.

And she was doing at the time live blood analysis. And what that is, listeners, if you’re not familiar with this, is that they look at your blood, take a blood sample and look at it under a microscope, and you can see what’s going on in your blood.

And it was very interesting to see. And when you have healthy, clean blood, your blood cells, red blood cells float around separately.

And when your liver is not functioning, there are all kinds of garbage. It actually looks like garbage floating around in your blood.

It does. Don’t you think?

DR. JAMES GATZA: Can I say one interesting thing about that?

DEBRA: Sure.

DR. JAMES GATZA: We had a live blood cell analysis person come to our office, and he was evaluating—first, he evaluated Dr. Julie and myself at a seminar. And he couldn’t believe our blood was so perfect. He’s like, “Wow. Your blood, I’ve never seen blood like this before.”

And I could understand Dr. Julie’s being good, but I’m not such a perfect eater. I can tell you, the Total Shake is what helped me with that. But what was fun is they came to the office, and they started doing live blood cell analysis on our patients.

And they were finding one for one, unbelievable analysis on the blood. They’re all doing great.

And let me tell you. When they started, they were pretty sick. But now, they are good.

DEBRA: I believe that because my experience with taking a specific, similar liver detox product was that at the beginning, even though I ate well, and I wasn’t exposed to toxic chemicals and stuff, I still had a lot of stuff in my blood.

My cells were clumped together, just stuff, particles of stuff floating around in my blood. I went on this other product, a similar product, for 30 days. And at the end of the 30 days, I had another live blood cell test, and it was perfect.

All that garbage was gone.

DR. JAMES GATZA: Isn’t that amazing?

DEBRA: The little blood cells were floating around independently, and I went, “Wow.”

It made a big difference in how I felt, in how my body started healing, and some of my symptoms went away. And it was just one of the steps that I took in order to detox. But I think it’s a step that every single person needs to take.

DR. JAMES GATZA: There’s no doubt.

DEBRA: There’s just no doubt in my mind. No doubt. And you’ve shown it with your improvements in your patients over and over and over. It’s just something that everybody needs to do in our world today.

Well, we have a few minutes left. Is there anything else you’d like to say that we haven’t covered?

DR. JAMES GATZA: What I could say is if someone wants to find out more about the Total Shake, they can call our office.

Can I give out the number for them?

DEBRA: Sure.

DR. JAMES GATZA: It’s 727-449-2008, and just ask about the Total Shake. And also, if it would help you with your progress on making a toxic-free world, my wife and I would be happy to do free consultation for anyone that wants to learn more about how to detoxify their body. We would be happy to do that.

DEBRA: Okay. That’s great. You can also go to, and take a look at the product. And I’ve been looking at it this morning, during breaks, and before we started the show. And it is very consistent with what I would expect to see in this kind of product. And there are no allergens in it, and it obviously is made with a top quality materials.

Even though I just met Dr. Gatza this morning, I’ve lived here for 12 years, and have heard his name and know of his clinic and his wife, are very well-regarded in our community. So I think that it is a trustworthy thing. And everything that you have said could be something that I would have said. I’m just totally in agreement.

So if this is something—listeners, if you’re thinking about that you want to do this, this is something to take a look at because this is a product that I would recommend., or you can call the office. What’s the number again?

DR. JAMES GATZA: It’s 727-449-2008.

DEBRA: Okay, good.

DR. JAMES GATZA: But I’ll say one last thing before you have to send off. I have not seen a patient in over 25 years of practice that didn’t need to detoxify—not once. And that’s saying a lot because we see people from all over the world. We have patients fly in from out of this country to see us.

And people are toxic, the environment is toxic, and if you don’t handle it, if you’re not handling your health, it’s that simple.

DEBRA: That’s right. And you could look at a product like this and say, “Well gee, that’s expensive,” or you could look at going to a doctor who knows what they’re doing about this like Dr. Gatza and say, “Well, that’s a lot of money,” that’s relative for each person.

But if you don’t do this—what I found is if you don’t spend the money and put in the intention to do this step, you can spend money for the rest of your life doing everything else, and it’s not going to work. It’s not going to work.

And I’m not trying to sell Dr. Gatza’s product. I’m having him on the show because this is something that everybody needs to do. It’s just something everybody needs to do.

I can’t say that enough. It’s something everybody needs to do.

DR. JAMES GATZA: You’re going to be stuck, and then you’re going to be doing things that don’t work, and you’re going to be spinning around.

Detox isn’t even expensive. McDonald’s is more expensive than doing a detox program.

DEBRA: Right, it is. What are some of the other things, just quickly, people could exercise that will help, they could sweat.

But helping the liver is detrimental.

DR. JAMES GATZA: If you have a toxic liver, and you have a toxic environment, and your habits are somewhat toxic, and your diet is toxic, it’s always a good thing to exercise, it’s always a good thing to sweat. However, your body is being depleted by the toxin. And people that have depleted nutrition, if you also do exercise, which is also depleting, sometimes it’s not the best thing until you cleanse and detoxify because you end up more depleted.

And a lot of people get sicker as they exercise. So people who say, “I exercise all the time. It’s not helping,” because they’re toxic. So toxicity is really the first step.

DEBRA: It is. It is, it is, it is. Thank you so much for being on the show today. I think we all learned a lot. That was great.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today was Dr. James Gatza. You can go to his website at And be well.


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