My guest Jai McFall is the owner of Organic Living for All, my local organic nursery and garden center here in Florida. We’ll be talking about why you should grow your own food as well as how—even if you only have a small garden space or none at all. Jai grew up on an organic farm, where her family grew fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, and other farm products. They baked all their own breads, pie’s cakes, and cookies. They canned fruits, vegetables, jams, jellies, and pickles. Jai is a Master Gardener in Michigan and Florida as well as an organic, edible landscape designer. She does everything from full service landscaping to providing healthy plants and soil amendments so customers become able to grow healthy, nutritious and nutrient-dense food in their own back yards. Under Jai’s direction, I have actually been able to grow tasty vegetables in soil that is basically beach sand. Weekends you’ll find her giving classes and tours at her garden center while serving the most delicious iced tea made with herbs from her garden, including naturally sweet stevia.
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How to Grow Organic Food in Small Spaces: Container & Vertical Gardenin
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Jai McFall
Date of Broadcast: January 29, 2014
DEBRA: Hi! I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world.
There are many, many toxic chemicals around out there. They’re in the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, in our homes, in our schools, in our workplaces, in our bodies. But there are also many things that we can do to make our home safe, to make our schools and offices safe, to make our bodies not have toxic chemicals in them.
And that’s what this show’s about. Here, on the show, I interview people who are doing things to make the world a less toxic place and making alternatives available to you so that you can do that in your own life too.
Today is Wednesday, January 29th 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida where it’s been raining and getting colder. But it’s a nice winter day here.
And today we’re going to talk about gardening even though it’s the middle of winter. Winter is the time to plan and learn about how to grow your own food. There’s a lot to know. And there are certainly things that we can do to be planning about what we’re going to start doing in the spring, whenever that spring comes wherever you are.
Here in Florida where I am, we’re starting to plant our gardens. In fact, we’ve been planting our gardens because winter is the best time to grow food here in Florida when it isn’t scorchingly hot. But I know that that’s not the same in other parts of the country, in other parts of the world.
So, today, we’re going to talk about growing your own food in your own backyard, especially if you have a very small space and need to grow in containers.
My guest today is Jai McFall. She’s the owner of Organic Living for All which happens to be my local nursery where I buy my organic plants and soil amendments. She gives a lot of workshops on different topics on Saturdays. And she takes tours of her gardens. She serves wonderful organic iced tea with herbs that she grows there in her nursery.
She’s just very, very knowledgeable and has put together all the information about why we should be growing our own food and is making it really practical for those of us here in this place because gardening is a very, very, very local thing.
Hi, Jai! Thanks for being with us today.
JAI MCFALL: Well, hi, Debra. Thank you for having me.
DEBRA: Now, you’ve been on before. You’ve been on before, so we’ve heard your story. But tell it again because it’s been months, and I’m sure that some people are hearing this for the first time. How did you get interested in gardening?
JAI MCFALL: Well, I actually grew up on an organic farm in Michigan where we grew all our own food—meats, fruits, vegetables. We can, we bake. And so we ate home-cooked, home-grown, delicious foods. And so I’ve been a gardener for a long, long time.
And one of the things that I noticed in the ‘70s and ‘70s, people were buying more processed foods, and they were not cooking as much. And so I really became concerned especially because I saw my aunt becoming obese and diabetic. And I saw family members getting sick.
And so, my passion was then, and still is, to help people live better, healthier, and happier lives.
DEBRA: So, what was it like? Tell us what it was like for you to be eating food harvested, and then you prepare. I think that most people don’t even have the idea of what that is. Maybe they saw it in a movie or something. But I’ve never had that experience of growing up on a farm. I was raised on fast food and cans and all those kinds of things.
So, just give us an idea of what that’s like because I think that that is the ideal for each of us. Even though we can’t al live on farms, the idea is to be able to have food that’s grown in our own backyards or a community garden, and then being able to prepare those things, know how to prepare them and enjoy that food.
JAI MCFALL: Yeah, it was wonderful. We had such a large garden. It was probably a full acre. And for dinner, I would just go out and pick whatever was available—green beans, tomatoes, peppers. We’d just go out, take it. And it was really cute because we had a dog whose name was Boo. He was a German Shepherd. He’d go out and eat tomatoes right off the vine.
So, all of us were just eating this fresh food. We’d bring it in, and we’d make our dinner. The potatoes were fresh, the beans—even the meat. We grew our own meat. We would just open the freezer, take out whatever meat we wanted. In the winter, we would we would go to the pantry and take out whatever canned we wanted.
We also had two freezers actually—one for meat, and one for fruits and vegetables. So in the winter, they would be frozen, but they would still be fairly fresh from the garden because we would can them and freeze them immediately.
DEBRA: Yeah. And when you say canned, you’re not talking about a metal tin. You’re talking about canning like in glass jars, right?
JAI MCFALL: Exactly!
DEBRA: Yeah, the old-fashioned way that people used to do them.
JAI MCFALL: The old-fashioned way. We made jams and jellies and pickles and tomato sauce. You name it, we did it. My dad even made some wines that were really potent.
DEBRA: But I just want to comment that this is actually the way people used to live prior to supermarkets. I mean, this was the standard. Everybody had their garden, everybody canned, everybody knew how to do this.
I remember, I grew up in California, and I was always really interested in food. And my father actually taught me how to cook when I was six years old. So I’ve been cooking for very many years. And it was just kind of a natural thing for me.
And my grandmother, my mother’s mother, lived in the Central Valley of California in Fresno where there was a lot of agriculture. And she had a big garden too. So when I would go to my grandmother’s, my grandfather would pick me up and let me pick peaches out of the tree. And my grandmother would send me out with a basket to pick tomatoes off the vine and things like that.
So, I had that experience as a child. And she was always cooking, and I was always sitting next to her. She had a big stool, and I would sit next to her, so I could be at countertop level while she was rolling grape leaves and washing lettuce and all these things that she was doing.
So, there was this constant connection in her life between the garden and the food preparation. And so I got to see a little bit of that at my grandmother’s, but that wasn’t the way my family was because my mother didn’t know how to coo, and my father just knew how to cook foods that were not very healthy. And that’s what I grew up with.
JAI MCFALL: Yeah, yeah. And so many people have grown up that way. We’re so far away from the farms that people don’t even realize that food comes from the ground.
DEBRA: I know! Well, I was going to say my ex-husband, Larry, who’s a very smart, intelligent man did not know where wheat came from. He didn’t know that spaghetti was made from wheat. And he didn’t know where wheat came from. And he’s an educated person.
JAI MCFALL: Exactly!
DEBRA: I had to show him what wheat looked like. And there’s just so many people who really don’t know. I know that there are a lot of programs now for schoolchildren where they’re growing things in gardens just so the children know where the food comes from. I used to think that food came from the supermarket. I really didn’t think that it came from a garden or a farm.
And another thing I want to mention is that about 20 or 25 years ago—or more than that now. Well, 28 years ago—I went and lived out in a forest in California. I had always lived in suburbia or in the city, and I went and lived out in a forest. And in my front yard, I had wild blackberry bushes. It was so wonderful! In the summertime, I would just take my bowl out into the front yard to my wild blackberry bushes and fill it with wild blackberries—ripe, juicy, wild blackberries. And then, I’d pour cream all over them.
That food, if you’ve never had food directly from the wild, or directly from the ground, in your backyard, or from an organic farm, it tastes entirely different.
JAI MCFALL: Absolutely, it does. You’re not only getting all those fresh vitamins and stuff, but you’re also getting minerals directly from the soil as well as the microorganisms. People don’t realize that.
DEBRA: Well, we’re going to talk more about that when we come back from the break. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And today, my guest is Jai McFall. She’s the owner of Organic Living for All. It’s my local organic nursery.
But you can visit her online at We’ll be right back to talk more about growing your own food.
DEBRA: You’re listening To Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Jai McFall, owner of Organic Living for All. And she’s at And we’re talking about growing our own food in our own backyard, particularly if you only have a small space. We’re going to be talking about container and vertical gardening.
But first, Jai, I know that you have three specific reasons that you’d like to talk about why it’s important to grow your own food.
So let’s start with pesticides.
JAI MCFALL: Yes, it’s very, very important to know what’s not in the soil that you’re growing your food in, so that you’re not having the pesticides and the herbicides on your food. Most people that I find aren’t really aware that the food in the grocery stores are very toxic, just like the cleaning supplies and the body care products. There are toxins in them. And they can’t be washed off, peeled off, or soaked off.
So, the most ideal thing to do is to get some good, clean soil. And if you get some good organic soil, then you know that it’s not going to have herbicides and pesticides in it.
And then, when you’re feeding your plants properly—I think that’s number two that you were going to talk about…
DEBRA: Well, no. But we could talk about this as part of number one. We’re going to talk about the pesticides, minerals and GMO’s.
JAI MCFALL: Okay, good. Yeah. Debra, you have already posted some things that I’ve sent you. And you’ll tell them how to find those, right?
DEBRA: Right! Yes.
JAI MCFALL: Yes. So, I’ve already sent out the document from 1936 on what the government says about the soil lacking minerals. You could read that there. But because the minerals are not in the soil…
DEBRA: But let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about each one of these because, actually, those documents aren’t up yet. I did post the pictures, but these documents are not up yet. So let’s go ahead and talk about them.
JAI MCFALL: Oh, okay. In 1936, the government released a document that says the soil is badly depleted of minerals< and that the food that we’re eating coming from that soil is starving us no matter how much we eat. And it can’t be remedied until the soil is brought back into proper mineral balance.
Now, that enough is scary. But then they go on to say lacking vitamins, the system can make use of minerals; but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless.
So, if we’re eating food out of soil that has no minerals, the minerals are not going to be in the food. And because every function of our body depends on having minerals, then our bodies are not going to be functioning properly.
So, we really do need to be feeding our plants minerals with all the minerals that should be in the soil which is 90 or 91 or 92 minerals.
DEBRA: Yeah. Now, how much of supermarket produce is grown on mineralized soil?
JAI MCFALL: I think zero.
DEBRA: I think zero too. This is just so incredibly important. I think that this document, this statement that you’ve just made is so powerful. I just want to say something again. Lacking vitamins, the system can make use of minerals; lacking minerals, the vitamins are useless. So if we don’t have minerals, all the vitamins that are in our food, our body can’t use.
JAI MCFALL: Right! And if we’re buying vitamins, we’re wasting our money. We need to get those minerals into our bodies.
DEBRA: Right! So, what about if people take mineral supplements? What’s the difference between taking a mineral supplement versus having minerals from your food?
JAI MCFALL: Well, mineral supplements are going to be man-made. So we don’t know where those things come from now.
I’ve seen this on the internet two or three different times, that if you take cornflakes and you roll them out with a rolling pin in a plastic bag, and then you take a magnet and run it along, you will find iron attaching to the magnet. Well, that iron is not absorbable. That’s not what we’re supposed to be putting into our bodies.
DEBRA: So again, what happens when it goes through a plant?
JAI MCFALL: When it goes through a plant, the plant actually—let me back up just a little bit. When there’s minerals in the soil and microorganisms in the soil, then those microorganisms actually help the plant take up and utilize the minerals and taken it into their cells. But as the microorganisms help make it bioavailable to the plant, and then those minerals in the plant are bioavailable for us, we can take them up and use them.
If it’s a man-made product with different kinds of minerals in it, many of them aren’t even bioavailable. I have talked with people who have seen what comes out of the portapotties. And most of the time, it’s filled with all these different vitamin and mineral tablets that people take. They just go right through. They’re not even broken down and absorbed.
DEBRA: Well, I think that part of that has to do with our own internal microorganisms, that our guts are not breaking these things down or digesting our foods or things like that. But that’s a whole different question.
JAI MCFALL: Yeah, it certainly is. But when people are eating fresh foods right out of the garden, you should be getting those microorganisms from the food.
DEBRA: Yes. Yes, yes.
So, we’ve established that pesticides, you don’t want to have toxic pesticides in your food. And there’s a lot of pesticides in supermarket food, so much so that the Environmental Working Group puts out a list of…
JAI MCFALL: The Dirty Dozen.
DEBRA: They have the Dirty Dozen list. These are the ones that have the most pesticides. Tell us what those are.
JAI MCFALL: Number one is apples. It used to be that an apple a day would keep the doctor away. But now, apples are number one. They have between 47 and 67 toxins on them that can’t be washed off, peeled off, or soaked off.
And then, number two is celery, then peaches, strawberries, domestic blueberries, nectarines, bell peppers. And then, they scrunched spinach, kale and collard greens together, cherries, potatoes, imported grapes and lettuce. Those are things that we all eat regularly because we love them so much.
DEBRA: Yes, yes. And we’re getting a very good dose of pesticides each time we eat them if we’re not eating organic.
We need to go to break again. But we’ll be right back. We’ll talk more about how we can get good, mineralized, healthy, wholesome, pure foods in our own backyards.
I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Jai McFall. We’re talking about organic gardening.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Jai McFall from Organic Living for All. That’s She’s my local organic nursery where I buy things for my garden.
And Jai, we didn’t get to talk about GMO’s. So let’s just talk about that for a minute as another reason why we should be having control over what we grow and what kinds of foods we eat.
JAI MCFALL: Yes, that’s very important because so many things in the laboratory are changed into something different that our bodies cannot digest. It’s not native to the planet, and so our bodies will actually keep producing more and more acids to try to digest it which ends up causing candida and many other problems.
People who really want to look into that should look up animal studies on GMO animals and really understand how toxic and poisonous they are and dangerous for us. But the thing is when you grow your own food, you just want to make sure that the plants and the seeds that you’re growing are organic, non-GMO and/or heirloom if possible. An heirloom just means that these were seeds that are originally from like the 1800. And so they’re safe. They haven’t been changed by men.
And so, it’s really important to prepare your soil well and to get these safe plants so that you can eat healthy food and digest it.
DEBRA: I want to ask you a question about seeds and GMO seeds versus heirloom seeds. I’ve done some studying on this myself.
In California, one of the big heroes—because I grew up in California, in Northern California—one of the big heroes in Northern California is Luther Burbank. I’ve mentioned his name to a number of people, and they have no idea who he is, but I’m sure you know who he is.
DEBRA: And what Luther Burbank was famous for was for coming up with new types, new varieties of foods that were more hardy and things like that. And the way he did it was that he did it in a way that I think has been going on for millennia which is that you look at the plants that are the strongest and are producing the best food, and then you save the seeds from those.
And the ones that are weak and producing deformed foods, you don’t save those seeds. And so, you just keep planting them, and you just keep concentrating the strengths.
And so, man can have his hand in guiding the evolution of plants. But what’s different about GMO is that it’s not just choosing amongst from one plant to the next in order to continue that line. It’s actually going in and changing the genetic structure, taking things like genes from fish and putting them into tomatoes. This is all highly technological and not something—
I mean, when Luther Burbank chose the seeds from one tomato instead of another, he then planted them and allowed nature to then do what nature would do with it. And that is very different from going into a laboratory and saying, “We’re going to swap out genes here.”
And then, if you’re taking that material that has been genetically modified, this mutant material, and you put it inside your own body, what do you think it’s going to do to the DNA in your body? It’s a bad, bad, bad idea.
But let’s talk about container gardening.
JAI MCFALL: Okay. Especially here in Florida, we use a lot of container gardening because we live on a giant sand dune.
DEBRA: That’s right.
JAI MCFALL: There really isn’t any soil. So to amend the soil enough to make it doable is a lot of work.
So, I do build a lot of raised beds and encourage people to grow in pots. But you can’t grow everything in pots. You can’t grow like a peach tree or an avocado tree. But you can grow all your vegetables and your herbs—and some trees. There are some trees that are very successful like a Meyer lemon tree or a moringa. Now, many people don’t know what moringa is.
DEBRA: Tell us about moringa.
JAI MCFALL: Moringa, if you go on the Internet and put “miracle three” in, that’s what will come up, the moringa tree. It’s native to Africa and Asia. Every part of the tree is edible. They claim it will cure everything because it has a deep tap root that goes down and digs up minerals. Every part of the tree is edible.
Its leaves have a peppery flavor, so they’re delicious in salads. You can use them just like you would spinach. You can put them in scrambled eggs, stir fries, any way you would use spinach. You can eat the flowers raw or stockades. And people claim it tastes like mushrooms. I don’t get that, but that’s fine. And then it make seed pods. You can eat the seed pods when they’re young just like you would ochre or green beans. If you let it get bigger, you can pop out the beans and cook them. And they do have that peppery kind of horseradishy flavor. And I’ve been told that when they get very big, you can actually dry them and grind them up for flour.
JAI MCFALL: I know a woman who all she specializes in is moringa. And she makes all kinds of products out of it. And she tells us how people who are diabetic, if they start eating the beans from it, it will stabilize the blood sugar and keep it under a hundred.
So, it really does have some miraculous properties that help people take control of their health. And it’s a simple tree to grow. It can be grown in pots here in Florida. In the north, you just bring it in. You just keep chopping it back and eating it. And it tastes phenomenal! It’s a phenomenal plant.
DEBRA: See, this is something that anybody who has any outdoor space at all—I mean, you don’t have to have a big garden to do this. It’s just a plant that grows easily in a pot and can have incredible health benefits. And this is something that more people should know about and more people should be doing.
JAI MCFALL: Exactly! And I know, a lot of times, people say, “I can’t grow anything because all I have is a small little patio.” If you have 2 ft. x 2 ft., you can grow vertical gardens.
DEBRA: Tell us about vertical gardens. I love vertical gardens.
JAI MCFALL: Yes, they’re very cool! There are lots of different ways to grow vertically.
DEBRA: Well, we need to go to break, so you can tell us about it after the break. This is going by so fast.
I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And we’re talking about gardening in small spaces organically with Jai McFall, owner of Organic Living for All. That’s at We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And my guest today is Jai McFall. She’s the owner of Organic Living for All organic nursery. And that’s at
Jai, we were about to start talking about vertical gardening. So tell us about that.
JAI MCFALL: Well, we sell a product that you just stack these levels on top of each other. Each level will grow four plants. And you can go as high as you want to. And you just put in good, clean organic soil, the minerals, the microorganisms. And it’s phenomenal! You can go 20 to 25 plants in one 2 ft. x 2 ft. area. It’s quite amazing.
DEBRA: So, to me, when you say stack, I think of boxes. And so I’m having trouble visualizing this. Can you describe it?
JAI MCFALL: Well, it’s like four circles attached to a middle section.
DEBRA: Oh, I see.
JAI MCFALL: And then, you stack them on top of each other so that they’re alternating on where they are. So, on one level, they’ll be north, south, east, and west. And then, the next level, they’ll be between those.
DEBRA: I see. I think I saw that at your nursery. I was just thinking of it.
JAI MCFALL: Yeah, yeah.
DEBRA: I just wasn’t thinking of it.
JAI MCFALL: And so, in this little, teeny bit of space, you can grow quite a few plants.
And the thing that I always tell people if they’re just starting out is to start small. Go a few herbs that you love, add some flowers for butterflies, add some vegetable plants. And there’s so many different kinds of materials you can use. You can go out and buy big, huge, expensive pots. I’ve seen people growing them in five gallon pales, 2-liter soda bottles.
DEBRA: I grow things in wash tubs.
JAI MCFALL: Well, our town just got a new recycle bin where we now have the great, big bins that you put out by the road.
They’re telling people that the old boxes, because they have holes in the bottom, just keep them. Don’t try to turn them back in.
And use them to plant in.
DEBRA: Yeah, you really can plant in anything. And I know, coming from California, I had a lot of soil. And so I could just go out in my backyard and plant anything, and it would grow.
And oh, I’d just have to say going back to where you were talking about how delicious food is, some of my best food memories are foods not that I ate in fancy restaurants, but food that I got out of the garden. And I was just thinking about, one year, I grew potatoes. I took these little potatoes about the size of golf balls out of the ground, and I was also growing leaks right next to them, I went inside and I boiled the potatoes. I steamed, and then I sautéed the leaks in butter. I ate those potatoes and leaks. And that was one of the best things I ever ate. It just came to mind when I was talking about planting.
But here, it’s just sand. And it’s very, very difficult. So I actually have a lot of beautiful pots that I’ve collected over the years that I plant in. I’ll have like a pot for parsley. I have a lot of herbs right outside my garden door. I have a pot for parsley. I plant tomatoes in pots and things like that. And you can move them around as you need to and find their ideal spot.
Another thing I just wanted to say about vertical gardening is that, in addition to things like you’ve described, you can also just plant—like put a trellis in a pot and be growing up rather than be growing sideways. And I’ve seen gorgeous pictures of walls of buildings where pots have been attached to the walls or or planter boxes just up and down the walls. You could grow a lot of food just on the side wall of your house if you have the right amount of sunlight and things like that.
And then, we have espalier trees, those all over the side of a house. And there’s just a lot of ways to grow in small spaces that people don’t even think of.
JAI MCFALL: Yes. And I really want to encourage people to start. It doesn’t matter how big you start or how small.
DEBRA: Just start something.
JAI MCFALL: Just start. Start growing food. Once you start eating fresh foods from your garden with the minerals in it, you’ll be shocked at how delicious they taste.
I go out my garden every day and eat out of it. I love it because you can’t get it fresher or you can’t get it more nutritious or more flavorful. So anybody who wants to get our products, we do ship them. And I recommend that you try them and see the difference in flavors.
Now, you’ve tried them, Debra. What do you think about them?
DEBRA: I think that the foods that are grown with your products taste amazingly different. Jai has some products that she’s put together. It’s all organic. And I want you to tell about them after I tell how great it tastes.
The thing is that I’ve put these in—I bought all her products and I put them in my raised beds. And it made a huge difference on how the plants grow and how the food tastes because it has to do with adding minerals which changes the flavor and improves the flavor of the food. You go ahead and talk about them.
JAI MCFALL: Okay. Well, minerals are actually elements essential for life. They’re essential. We can’t do without them. And it’s for all life. And minerals are also what gives food the flavor.
So, once you actually build up your soil, you want to add the minerals into the soil as well as all the families of all the microorganisms that should be in the soil. Then you create this living community where the worms and the insects and the plants and the microorganisms all work together in symbiosis. You don’t get bugs, you don’t get diseases. You get nutrient-dense food that tastes phenomenal!
DEBRA: It does. It’s phenomenal.
JAI MCFALL: Yeah. When people come over, and I let them taste food out of my garden, they go, “I never knew there were so many flavors. And they’re so unique and so wonderful,” because that’s what you get. And then, you combine all of these flavors into salad.
Remember those wraps I brought to your party last year?
DEBRA: Absolutely! You know what? I need to put those up on my food blog now that I have my food blog started. What she did was she took me around her garden, and we picked leaves off of different plants. And I have pictures of all of them. And then, they all got wrapped up into this wrap. What did you put? It’s been a while.
JAI MCFALL: It was the leaf from an edible hibiscus that tastes like lemon.
DEBRA: That was the biggest one, yeah. It’s just a beautiful, gorgeous, purple leaf.
And then, in the middle, there was pesto or something—I don’t remember exactly, parmesan cheese I think?
JAI MCFALL: Yeah, I think some pesto that I made fresh from the garden as well, as well as other fresh herbs.
DEBRA: And what we did was we just kind of wrapped up—she laid out all these leaves from the largest ones to smallest ones, and then just kind of wrapped it up. And it was so delicious. It was unlike anything that you’ve ever tasted because these are all plants that are not sold in the grocery store. And yet, they’re perfectly edible in our environment. They’re right here growing where we live.
There’s just so many things you can do—so, so many things that you can do.
I know, again, in Northern California, there was a very famous restaurant called Chez Panisse. And what Chez Panisse did before they became famous—and I think this is what made them famous—is that instead of going out and going wherever restaurant supply people get their food, they actually were sending out what they called foragers to go out in the community and get food that people were growing in their backyards. They were talking to farmers and saying, “Would you grow food in this particular way and these kinds of different varieties?”
And the food there was incredible. It’s like something that you’ve never eaten before because it’s not the same old, same old that you find in the supermarket. Eating at Chez Panisse really changed my whole idea of what food could be. It’s just a different experience when you start seeing that not all food needs to come from the grocery store.
JAI MCFALL: Exactly!
DEBRA: It’s that simple. Your whole food world changes.
JAI MCFALL: So, I invite people if they do have questions to contact me either through Or my email address is Or they can call me. My phone number is on your website.
I would really like to just say, get started. Try our products. See how amazing it can be. Our business is growing. And we invite you to grow with us.
DEBRA: Thank you. Thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate all the work that you’re doing—all the work that you’re doing for us locally here and helping us know what are the local varieties we can grow here, but also what you’re doing globally in establishing easy ways for people to grow their own food.
My ideal vision would be for everybody to be growing food in their backyards or on their canopies or wherever it is. Wherever you live, there’s a way that you can grow food. It’s a matter of each of us learning what that is, just starting small.
So, this is Toxic Free Talk Radio. You can go to and find out more about our guests that are coming up and all the guests that I’ve had in the past.
The point of this show really is that I’m interviewing people who are out there in the world, making the world less toxic and more toxic-free and are doing all these different things. And every day, Monday through Friday, at 12 noon Eastern, you can tune in and find out what’s going on in the world, all these wonderful things that people are doing from the viewpoint of wanting to be less toxic and wanting to be more healthy.
And that’s what this show is about. I have more than a hundred shows in the archives that you can listen to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And it’s I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.