My guest today is Pamela Seefeld, R.Ph, a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. The week before Christmas, my brother died suddenly. The death certificate says the cause of death was pneumonia, but this was only the result of a lifetime of cigarettes, alcohol and prescription drugs (read more about my brother’s death at Life and Death: A Tale of Two Children.) We’ll talk about how prescription drugs can undermine your health in general, the side effects of the specific prescription drugs Bradley was taking at the time of his death, and what he could have done naturally instead of taking these prescription drugs. I can’t help but think my brother could be alive today if he had made better choices. Pamela is a 1990 graduate of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, where she studied Pharmacognosy (the study of medicines derived from plants and other natural sources). She has worked as an integrative pharmacist teaching physicians, pharmacists and the general public about the proper use of botanicals. She is also a grant reviewer for NIH in Washington D.C. and the owner of Botanical Resource and Botanical Resource Med Spa in Clearwater, Florida.
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- Evaluating A Study and Testing a Test
- Seven Deadly Drugs
- The Hidden Dangers Affecting Your Heart and How You Can Protect It Naturally
- What We Can Do About Cancer
- The Power of pH
- How to Protect Your Health From Toxic Mercury Dental Fillings
- Pharmacology 101: How to Use What Pharmacists Know to Take Supplements to Best Advantage
- Are You Heading For Kidney Failure? Natural Remedies Can Help
- How to Keep Your Blood Vessels Open and Flowing With Supplements
- How Inactivity Leads to Illness and Drug Use—And How Exercise Can Get You Off Drugs and into Health
- How to Protect the Environment from Pharmaceutical Pollution by Using Natural Medicinals
- Hidden Toxic Dangers in Common Dietary Supplements
- See More Clearly with Natural Remedies
- Hidden Mental Health Dangers in Common Drugs
- Different Types of Detox
- Getting Off Prescription Drugs with Natural Remedies
- Natural Alternatives to Sleeping Pills
- Natural Back Pain Treatment Options That Work
- How Toxics Age Your Body & What You Can Do to Stay Young
- You CAN Lose Weight—Even if You’ve Had Difficulty Losing Weight Before
- Calcium—Is There Really a Deficiency in America?
- It’s Cold and Flu Season—How to Support Your Immune System and Why You Shouldn’t Get a Toxic Flu Shot
- How Eating Fruits and Vegetables Help Your Cells Create Health
- Toxic Psychiatry and How to Have Mental Health Without Drugs
- Why You Should Take Fish Oil and How To Choose the Right One for You
- Medicinal Plants Can Replace Toxic Drugs
How Natural Remedies Could Have Saved a Life
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Pamela Seefeld, R.Ph
Date of Broadcast: January 14, 2015
DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free.
But actually, we’re actually – I can’t talk this morning. Actually, this show is going to be about a sad subject, which is that the week before Christmas, my brother died, my little brother. He’s younger than me and the death certificate says that he died of pneumonia, but my opinion is that he died from a lifetime of taking prescription drugs.
I have on the show today as my guest, Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist. She’s been on the show many times. She’s on every other Wednesday. You can listen to the back shows if you go to
She dispenses medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs, but she knows all about prescription drugs and what they can do to your body. I just want to do this show today in honor of my brother and of other choices, so that if you have loved ones that are on prescription drugs, that you can know what the possible outcomes might be and offer them another solution.
I know that sometimes, that’s hard to do because obviously, I’ve known and my brother all his life and he knows all about my work and I have tried to help him many times to do things a more natural way. The last time I talked to him – he lived clear on the other side of the country, so we didn’t see each other all the time. The last time I talked to him before I got the phone call (the week before Christmas), that he was on maximum life support.
The last time I talked to him, he was telling me about all the drugs that he was taking and how despondent he was about being addicted to them, but that he couldn’t get off of them. I offered to help him get off of them and he said, “I can’t go through that.”
I want to do this show today because if you have loved ones that are in this situations, loved ones who are taking these kinds of drugs (and we’re going to be talking about them today), please, please, please do whatever you can to help them because this is the end result. And Pamela, registered pharmacist is going to talk to us about that today.
Hi, Pamela.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Hey, Debra. I’m really sorry for your loss. This is really important that we do this show and that people know about some of the dangers of the medications that he was taking, which are commonly prescribed medicine.
DEBRA: Yes, I’m going to let you do a lot of talking because I find myself sitting here being quite emotional since it’s only been a month. It’s only been a month.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, it’s not too long, but we need to just kind of look at some of the medicines. We’ve discussed this. I have a list in front of me, the things that he was on. He was taking dextroampethamine, which everyone knows as Ritalin. He was on oxycodone, which is a very strong narcotic. He was on Ketorolac, which is an anti-inflammatory; Methadone, which is another narcotic; Valium, which is an anxiolytic; and he was on Lasix, which is a diuretic. He was also on Synthroid and some stool softeners.
So this, I can tell you just working as a pharmacist that this is pretty typical. A lot of people are prescribed these medications. And some of the things that people maybe weren’t aware of, but I’m going to explain a little bit about the scheduling of medication because three of the medicines he’s taking are schedule II.
Schedule II is the most highly addicting besides schedule I. Schedule II is what’s recognize in the prescription realm as being the most addictive and the most problematic. So the FDA assigned this scheduling system quite a long time ago to try and categorize different medicines, so people knew what their – and the categories are one through five based on potential for addiction and dependence and abuse.
So schedule I (and I think this is important for people to know about these schedules because it shows you how dangerous the medicines are), schedule I, there are no schedule I drugs available in pharmacies here in the United States. Schedule I is heroine and LSD, marijuana – which of course, different states are legalizing it above and beyond what the federal government has mandated – ecstasy and [inaudible 00:06:05]. People, they’re smoking these kinds of things.
These medicines are not considered – schedule I’s, there are no schedule I’s available in regular pharmacy practice in the United States. In Europe and in England, there are some schedule I’s that are available through research. They do have heroine and so forth. That’s different over here. In the United States, schedule I is not available.
Schedule II – and I want to really focus on this, schedule II. This is from the FDA site itself describing schedule II, “…substances or chemicals are defined as drugs with high potential for abuse, less abuse potential than the schedule I drug, with use potentially leading to severe psychological and physical dependence. These drugs are also considered dangerous. Some examples of schedule II drugs are…” – there’s the methadone, there’s the oxycodone and there is the Adderall and the Ritalin.
So the three of the drugs that he was taking are considered schedule II. I was reading right from the FDA website the definition of a schedule II drug.
So this should make people pause and concerned that schedule II drugs, the FDA is saying they’re potentially leading to severe psychological and physical dependence. “These drugs are also considered dangerous.” That is a sentence, period.
We know that these three medicines that he was taking have high tolerance, high dependence and the fact that most of these people that are put on these – especially the narcotics, in particular, the oxycodone, maybe even more so than the methadone. But we know that taking schedule II narcotics, patients have a higher risk of what’s called morbidity and mortality. They have a higher chance of dying at a younger age from complications from the narcotic usage.
DEBRA: Now, I want to ask you a question. So Ritalin, when I put together this list, a friend of mine who went to get my brother’s effects (because I wasn’t living close by in order to do that), he was reading to me over the phone what was written on the bottles. And so I didn’t realize that he was taking Ritalin and Valium because I was just looking at the medical names for these.
But Ritalin, I mean, school children are given Ritalin?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Well, this is the problem, yes. It’s highly addictive and has psychological dependence and problems. We know that kids have ADD, ADHD, these sort of diagnoses where they have inattentiveness. I have different theories about that. I mean, that’s probably a whole other show in itself. I really am against using medications for small children. I think it’s really dangerous. We have a high percentage of children – I think I was reading in New York City like one in four kids is on a psycho-stimulant. It’s a lot.
DEBRA: It’s a lot.
PAMELA SEEFELD: It’s a lot of children. I don’t agree with it, but I understand why society is leaning towards using these medicines in small kids and in people because people are demanding it. Most parents are not going to take the time to spend a lot on parenting skills and get the kids to be attentive to school. Most people are just basically surviving, running around trying to get everything done. I think it’s just an easy solution to maybe a complex problem that requires lots of lifestyle changes that they’re not willing to do. I mean, that’s a personal opinion.
DEBRA: Well, I think my brother has been taking these drugs for a very long time because I remember like 40 years ago – that’s a long time – 40 years ago, when we were young adults, I sent him a Christmas present. He called me up and he just screamed at me over the phone about, “Why are you sending me a Christmas present? Don’t you know that I have to go down to the post office and pick it up and I just can’t do that? Why are you bothering me?”
DEBRA: He just totally flipped out because I sent him a Christmas present. I recognized that’s not him, that’s not my brother. It was the drugs. That was going on like 40 years ago.
We need to go to break, but when we come back, we’ll talk more about prescription drugs and safer alternatives with my guest, Pamela Seefeld, registered pharmacist. She actually practices – say the words of what you practice because I’ve got it right here. Pharmacognosy! That’s the word. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld, registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. And there is a term for that. It’s actually a field in itself called ‘pharmacognosy’, which is the study of medicinal plants. And I’ve said before on other shows with her that I love this word because it’s pharma, which is drugs and cognosy is intelligence. And plants are healing substances with intelligence coming from a live thing instead of being synthesized in the lab.
Any time we’ve talked many times before about how taking plant-based substances for healing will actually heal your body, whereas drugs might alleviate your symptoms, but they don’t have healing factors. You just keep taking them and taking them and get addicted to some of them. That’s what we’re talking about today, addiction to some prescription drugs and how they can lead to not living as long as you might. As I’ve said at the top of the show that my brother died the week before Christmas and he was taking quite a number of drugs which we’re discussing today.
Okay, Pamela, let’s talk about the first drug on the list, Ritalin.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct. So the Ritalin, we know that most of the time, people are given Ritalin because of inattentiveness, ADD, ADHD, that type of thing. Ritalin is a psycho-stimulant. And of course, especially in younger people, when they start on this medicine, there is some data that shows that it’s a gateway to other drugs. It opens the potential for alcohol abuse, marijuana, cocaine, things that are illegal drugs.
So we have to look and think that when the body gets conditioned – and you have to understand that these receptors in the brain, that’s how these drugs work – there are receptors in the brain that are stimulated and when they get stimulated, the body likes this. That’s why they’re considered addictive. Using psycho-stimulants to get attentiveness instead of looking at behavioral issues themselves really needs to be addressed.
I know for a fact that I’ve used these with adolescents before and adults that people that have ADD, instead of using Ritalin, they can get away with using pro-DHA, which are the common focus in fish oil, the DHA, the EPA of 4.5 to 1. And a lot of people really respond to low dose zinc, 15-30 mg. a day because zinc is a co-factor for over 200 enzymatic reactions in the brain and a lot of people with inattentiveness, children and adults alike, they can benefit from having more of the zinc.
Actually, zinc is depleted when people eat lots of preservatives, refined food, high fructose corn syrup, a lot of things that are just hidden in our diet. If they’re not eating a really clean diet, which most people aren’t, the zinc depletion as far as these co-factors in the brain is pretty significant. Just doing those two things there, many times, people notice a big difference in their attentiveness and they can possibly avoid being on this drug.
DEBRA: Well, I think that we’ve talked about it so many times, but it bears repeating here. The two things that are probably the biggest things that are contributing to health problems today are number one, exposure to toxic chemicals and number two, lack of nutrition.
DEBRA: Most people are so malnourished that if they would just take the right vitamins before they ever consider taking a drug, a lot of their symptoms will go away.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Well, that’s exactly right. So what I’m telling people is that these drugs, not even looking at them as gateway drug, but when you’re drug naïve, you haven’t been on these medicine and you’re kind of standing in front of opportunities (because life is full of opportunities and knowledge is power), instead of putting these things into your body, you can stand there and say, “Okay, I see that I have a problem. I need something for pain or I need something for attentiveness” and look for tools that can help you instead of doing to the medicines first because the medicines, it’s kind of like you open the door and you can’t close it. You’re on them forever. Very few people will take – especially pain medicines, we’ll take patients off of these things.
So it’s kind of like all-or-nothing. It’s like you’ve got the gambling table, all or nothing. I don’t really think that that’s the best way to approach people’s issues. The best way is to try some other things first. Natural products do work very well. Maybe they won’t work for 100% of people, but I see this from personal experience that because I actually transitioned people off medicines many times, I tell people, “Before you actually take that initial step, you really need to look at what we can use.” A homeopathic detox takes the chemical out of the body. Use a calming, focusing fish oil to try and focus the brain.
Also, Huperzine, which is an herb has very, very good data that it works as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. I’ll explain what that is. When the brain and the synapse, when people have Alzheimer’s or memory issues, they use a drug called Aricept. Aricept is very expensive and Aricept has very limited use especially in Europe because it’s so expensive and they find that it just really kind of staves of the memory problems for maybe six months. But it’s used quite widely in the United States.
What this does is it allows more acetylcholines to make memories in the brain and it kind of stops the enzyme that breaks it down in the synapse. So generally, what it does is acetylcholine is a memory and when you make a memory, acetylcholine goes and it puts it in a certain place in the brain and then that’s your memory. You can retrieve it or put it away.
So Rx-Brain or Huperzine (Huperzia serrata) is a plant that shows the exact same activity as Aricept with none of the side effects. I even use it for people that come and say, “I need more attentiveness. I’m going back to school, I’m reading.” Instead of reaching for the Ritalin, these supplements run like $10 to $15 for a month, very inexpensive and very, very effective.
There’s tons of data on the Library of Medicine. If somebody wanted to say, “I need memory improvement, I need attentiveness improvement,” for $10 or $12 or something like that, you are really looking at enhanced memory. And there are studies that show that this works just like the drug.
DEBRA: Wow! I think that it’s just – we talk about this show after show. I think we’ve done ten shows or something like that now, but we keep talking about this show after show, about how it seems like any drug that you would be taking that’s a prescription drug or even an over-the-counter drug, that there’s a natural substance that can be used instead, which doesn’t have side effects, which is less expensive. We just should be reaching for those first.
We should be reaching for those first because you could stop taking them whenever you don’t want to take them anymore and you’re not addicted to them for life and they cost so much less. So in this country, we just need to have a reorientation to know that there are safer things that we can choose.
We needto go to break, but when we come back, we’ll talk more. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is registered pharmacist, Pamela Seefeld. We’re talking about some prescription drugs that my brother was taking the week before Christmas when he died and what you can do instead that is far safer for yourself and for your loved ones. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs.
Pamela, we haven’t mentioned yet today that people can call you and how you can help them. So why don’t you tell everybody about that?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. I’ve been 20 years in business here in Clearwater, Florida. My store is Botanical Resource Pharmacy. It’s all homeopathic and natural products. Consultations are free. I also do consultations on adults, adolescents and children and pets as well. You can reach me here at the pharmacy at 717-442-4955. I would be very honored to help you or your family member with anything related to medication, avoiding medicines. If you want to know medical homeopathic products that we have here, they’re not typically available in health food stores, they’re medical grade that I can prescribe for you if you have any issues with blood pressure, cholesterol or whatever and of course, pain, which is what we’re focusing on today.
DEBRA: And the way I met Pamela was actually a friend of mine went to her. She’s here in Clearwater, Florida where I live. A friend of mine went to her because his mother was on a number of prescription drugs and Pamela not only got her off the prescription drugs, but his mother is doing much better now. Even his other’s doctor commented on how well she was doing.
So Pamela really knows her stuff. She’s very well-regarded here in Clearwater, Florida. So if you have any health problems that need some help, if you’re on any prescription drugs, if you have loved ones on prescription drugs, I highly recommend that you call Pamela and let her help you with this because she really has things that work.
Alright! So let’s talk now about Valium.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct. So Valium is a schedule IV. They consider it low-risk for dependence, but actually, I don’t really believe that’s the case because most people that start on Valium, there is a lot of tolerance and dependence and people do become addicted to it.
And so when you look at people taking anxiolytics especially this particular class called benzodiazepines, benzodiazepines work in the brain and they work on the benzodiazepine receptor. When a drug binds into the receptor, it has this calming effect on the person.
The problem with this is that there’s psychological and physical dependence when you take benzodiazepines. People typically need more medicine. They stay at it for a long period of time. And when you start taking benzodiazepines, Xanax, Ativan, Valium, these different drugs that are very, very, very commonly prescribed, it takes probably less than 10 days and after that period of time, you start to develop intolerance.
So these medicines, it’s one of those things that I was talking about that when you start them, you’re going to be on it for a long time. You’re going to have a hard time getting off of it. It’s really a bad road to go down.
If you’re looking at natural alternatives, Passion Flower, medical grade Passion Flower is a partial agonist or has activity in a partial manner towards the receptor. So what’s interesting about this is that if your brother had been taking Passion Flower instead of Valium, he would be in a much better situation because the Passion Flower binds to the receptor – and I use this sometimes when I’m trying to take people off these medicines because the body can’t tell if it’s the drug on there or the herb. Passion Flower has this affinity for it and Passion Flower, it has anti-depressant activity and it has some anti-pain activity as well.
So it’s maybe more all-encompassing than the Valium and it’s very safe and you can’t overdose on it. So I really would suggest that if people are contemplating going on a benzo or looking at getting off of benzo, Passion Flower is a very helpful tool.
DEBRA: And I’ve taken Passion Flower. Pamela gave it to me to help me sleep. It did help me sleep. And then after a couple of weeks of taking it, I just decided not to take it one night and I’ve just been sleeping just fine ever since. So it certainly is something that can be used safely. She told me I could just take as many of them as I needed to in order to sleep. I did and it worked just fine. It worked very well.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah. These medicines, benzos are highly addicting and like I said, the problem with tolerance and dependence is that a lot of times, you have a physical dependence where you’re craving the drug, but you also have psychological dependence because you start thinking that you need the drugs and you can’t live without them.
That’s the problem. You really want to start embracing and looking at are there things we can do other than that because anxiety is a pretty universal problems and it affects people in different ways especially stress. So we need to embrace other things that can be used in a safer manner and more effective manner and also safer for the long-term.
The medicines that he had here, the narcotics, the Ritalin, the psycho-stimulants and then also the anxiolytics or the Valium, these things all have higher risk associated when the people are taking them versus the person that are taking natural products and using some other alternative therapies in place of these medicines.
DEBRA: One thing that I want to mention is that my brother wasn’t taking like recreational street drugs. He was just – I’m going to say “normal” person. I remember my brother when we were younger before he started taking these drugs, as a child even, he was interested in cooking. He used to watch the Galloping Gourmet on TV and he got my mom to buy all the cookbook. He couldn’t wait to make chicken with 40 cloves of garlic. He wanted to.
He had loved airplanes. He was always bugging my father to take him to the airport. He just wanted to watch the planes take off and land. I remember, his happiest moment was when – I think he was about 10 or 12. He so wanted to fly that my parents bought two plane tickets, one for me and one for him. I had never been on an airplane either. They put us on the airplane in San Francisco and we got to fly down to Monterey, which is a very short flight, 30 minutes or something. We flew and they drove…
DEBRA: They met us down in Monterey.
PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s really sweet.
DEBRA: It was so sweet. Bradley was just so jazzed. This was like the highlight of his life so far, to fly. And as soon as he became old enough and started working and started making money, the first thing he started doing was flying around the country. And then he flew to Europe. He just loved to travel and he was very sophisticated and he liked to eat in nice restaurants and go to nice places and do nice things. And he got on these drugs because he went to the doctor and he believed the doctor.
The same thing with my father. My father died at age 77, but as he was having greater health problems, I was going in and saying, “Here’s a natural remedy. Here, drink this juice. Do this natural thing, do this natural thing” and he wouldn’t do any of it. He just said, “I’m going to do what the doctor tells me to do.” I would like people to see that there are other choices. There are other choices.
You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld, registered pharmacist. She’s here helping us all understand about some prescription drugs that my brother was taking most of his life and at the time of his death at age 56, the week before Christmas. His death certificate says ‘pneumonia’, but I know that these prescription drugs and maybe others he was taking were taking a toll on his health.
Pamela, before we talk about another drug, you mentioned about how prescription drugs can reduce your life span.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct. A lot of the data is really with elderly people because there’s a lot of controversy about giving elderly people these medicines. The whole idea is that your brother was on these medicines for a long period of time. And then eventually, if he wouldn’t have passed away, he would be an elderly person on these medicines.
DEBRA: Yeah.
PAMELA SEEFELD: So we looked at these, especially the narcotics. The narcotics, to oxycodone and the methadone are statistically significantly correlated with higher morbidity and mortality in elderly people – and even in middle aged people. We know that when a person’s drug are narcotics, the actual problem, what they had, the pain problem, the initial reason why they were prescribed the medicine, it’s not solved.
And this is important for people to know. The pain medicines that we use, there’s really two ways to approach it. One is the narcotics, we call them ‘centrally-acting’, which means they act in the brain. And when they act in the brain, they block the signal down to where the pain took place.
I’ll just give you an example. Say your brother had a back injury. He picked up something wrong, a car accident or something like that. This is very typical. He has a back problem, he goes to the doctor, they hand him the narcotics. They don’t tell him, “You’re going to be on this forever. You’re going to become addicted to it.” Really questions aren’t really brought up in the initial conversations.
So what it does is it blocks the signal from the brain.
DEBRA: Wait, wait. Wait, wait. I just want to interrupt you for a second because…
DEBRA: …I think this is an important point. You said the doctor hands them the bottle or the prescription and they don’t say that they’re going to be addicted to this for the rest of their life.
PAMELA SEEFELD: No! It really does not enter the conversation, correct.
DEBRA: And then it’s going to cost you hundreds of dollars a month. I think that my brother told me that he was spending $500 a month on his prescriptions.
PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s insane!
DEBRA: $500 a month, it is insane. And I will tell you that – and I don’t like to say this about my brother, but at the time that he died, he was just staying at somebody’s house and all of his possessions where in his car. He wasn’t homeless because he was staying with somebody. Fortunately, he had people that he could stay with, but he couldn’t afford to have his own place to live.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Well, because he’s spending it all on drugs.
DEBRA: Because he’s spending it all on drugs, I know! He got to a point where he couldn’t work anymore. It wasn’t that he was a bum. He worked all of his life. But it got to the point where his physical condition was that he couldn’t work anymore.
And so he was staying with friends. He had his things in his car. He was eating in diners. I mean, this is not my brother. This is not what he would’ve chosen. But that was the end of his life. I’m just stunned by this whole thing.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Well, we know that he made the choice of going to the physician. The physician is not the bad guy here. I don’t want people to think that.
DEBRA: No, I don’t want them to think that too.
PAMELA SEEFELD: I’m not against that. I’m a regular pharmacist too. What I’m saying is that I think it’s empowering and important to individuals to realize that at any one time in our life, we probably are going to have an injury that we’ll need to see the doctor and we’ll need some kind of pain control. That is an absolute fact. That’s an absolute fact. He had an initial injury of some sort and he went to the doctor.
What we see that the data shows that when we look at an injury and if we treat this injury with a steroid burst, which is like maybe a Medrol Dosepak or some amount of steroids, steroids bring the inflammation down quickly in the body and allow things to start getting back into normal. A steroid burst and taking a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent like Advil or Naprosyn, something like that (there’s tons of them in the market), Ibuprofen and taking it in a scheduled manner, not like when you think you have pain, these peripherally acting or the ones that don’t work in the brain are much safer. They don’t have the addiction and the tolerance. S
So when a person has an injury (especially for back injuries), the data shows give some steroids and give them some anti-inflammatory on a scheduled basis, maybe one pill with each meal for a weak so you get the inflammation down and start healing the body. In those cases, it locks pain signals in the periphery called eicosanoids. It will just let that area start healing, maybe some physical therapy and things like that.
Those are the real ways to have positive outcomes. It’s negatively correlated when people get narcotics on the first forefront, they give them narcotics because basically, they’re going to be on it forever. And then the bad part about it is when you are on a centrally-acting narcotics, you’re on the oxycodone and he’s on the methadone, when you’re on these medicines, it blocks your perception of the pain, but the injury is still there. So what this means to you and I and to your listeners is that your injury actually can continue to get worse because you start exerting yourself and you’re moving around and you’re not cognizant of the pain.
DEBRA: Right.
PAMELA SEEFELD: So that’s the problem.
DEBRA: The thing I wanted to say and failed to say just recently here is that when a doctor gives you – I don’t want it to sound like I’m against doctors because I’m not.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah, I’m not either.
DEBRA: I think that a lot of doctors do a lot of good in the world. But the thing is, any one of us, when a doctor gives us a prescription can go online and look up the prescription and find out what it is. And instead of just taking it blindly, we can find out if it’s addictive, what schedule it’s on. All these things, all the information is there.
And then we can see for ourselves – like when I used to take Synthroid, I was having side effects and everything (a lot of people do). I went and I looked up Synthroid and I said, “Well, you know what? Let’s look for something else. I looked for something else. I went to a different doctor and I found a natural form of thyroid supplement. It opened the door for me to say, “Well, I don’t have to always take this prescription drug.”
And so I’m just encouraging people to find out what your choices are and then make a choice. We don’t have to just do what the doctor says. You can decide for yourself if that’s the road that you want to take. And if you want to do what the doctor says, okay, but just know that there’s other choices.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, that’s exactly right. And also too, I mean, I have thousands of clients, but I have a lot of clients right here locally. If they have a prescription, they’ll come bring it to me first before they’ll go fill and say, “Do I need this? Is there something I can take?” And there’s a lot of times, I’ll say, “No, this is what you really need. This is what you have. Go fill it. But these are the side effects and this is what you need to look out for. Don’t combine it with food/combine it with food” or whatever. I’ll give them all that information.
Or I’ll say, “Look, I have something here. You can try this first. I think this is going to work and it’s comparable to what they wrote for you” and most of these people will embrace the natural products first especially the medical homeopathy, which is designed and developed by physicians, not herbalist.
So it’s really important that people know that there are really high-functioning products that can take the place of medications. And you have to look, two-thirds of all medicines were found in plants. This isn’t new information.
DEBRA: Yeah! Right, right. Yeah.
Pamela; The medicines that you’re using were found in the dirt or in plants or some place in the natural realm.
DEBRA: It all started with that. And then now, they isolate the active ingredients and duplicate them. In many cases, they duplicate them in the laboratory synthetically made from coal tar and things like that. So what you’re offering is the plant version, the plant version.
DEBRA: Anyway, we’re getting to the end of our time together. It’s gone by so fast, it always does. But I want you to give your phone number and tell people again how you can help because it’s so valuable, what you’re doing.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay. So I do homeopathic and alternative medicine in pharmacy. I would be very happy to help with any of your concerns. Today was just kind of a microcosm of what we’re doing as far as looking at narcotics and medications, but we do have natural alternatives, homeopathic and alternative medicines that are plants and supplements that I can write out for you free of charge and mail it to you.
I’d say two-thirds of my business is really mail-outs, so you can call me from any place in the country. It’s a 10-minute conversation. I can go over what you’re doing and help you, guide you as far as what choices you want to make if you want to get off of prescription. If you don’t want to be on certain medicines, if you’re having some life issues that you need to deal with stress –
And I do a lot of mental health. So if you have anxiety or depression issues, severe stress, I’m very, very good at that and I would be most honored and would be glad to help you and your family. You can reach me at my pharmacy at 727-442-4955, I would be so very glad to help you see what alternatives you might have as far as for you and the future. I think choices are very important and knowledge is power. So I want to empower you, to let you know that there are things you can do other than medicines if you chose.
DEBRA: That’s right. And you do such a good job. I know I keep saying that, but I mean, Pamela has helped me so much in terms of helping me with some physical conditions that I’ve had for years. Even though I’ve detoxed and changed my diet and get nutrition and stuff, there’s still things that you want to do. Sometimes, your body just needs a little help. She knew exactly what to give me and my body has been so much better since she’s been helping me.
And so anyway, we’ve only got a few seconds left, so I just want to thank you again and thank all of my listeners. Just having somebody so close as a brother not be here anymore, I appreciate you all. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.