My guest today is Pamela Seefeld, R.Ph, a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. We’ll be talking about the latest studies that show how inactivity contributes to illness (and subsequent drug use) plus how simple exercise can help your body be healthy more than expensive drugs. Pamela has more than 25 years experience choosing and selling top quality medicinal supplements, so she’s seen it all. Pamela is a 1990 graduate of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, where she studied Pharmacognosy (the study of medicines derived from plants and other natural sources). She has worked as an integrative pharmacist teaching physicians, pharmacists and the general public about the proper use of botanicals. She is also a grant reviewer for NIH in Washington D.C. and the owner of Botanical Resource and Botanical Resource Med Spa in Clearwater, Florida.
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- Toxic Psychiatry and How to Have Mental Health Without Drugs
- Why You Should Take Fish Oil and How To Choose the Right One for You
- Medicinal Plants Can Replace Toxic Drugs
How Inactivity Leads to Illness and Drug Use and How Exercise Can Get You Off Drugs and Into Health
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Pamela Seefeld
Date of Broadcast: May 06, 2015
DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free.
It is Wednesday, May 6, 2015, and I’m here in sunny Clearwater, Florida. And today is every other Wednesday so my guest is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. She knows so much about how we can use natural substances to heal our bodies that I have her on every other Wednesday. And today’s the other Wednesday. And so here she is again.
What we’re going to be talking about today is inactivity, how inactivity leads to illness and drug use because when are inactive, as most people are in the modern world, then we get illnesses that lead to us taking drugs and then we start going down that drug spiral.
So today we’re going to be talking about how inactivity leads to illness, how exercise makes you healthy, and what we can do so that we can be drug free. For anybody who is still taking drugs or knows anybody who is taking drugs but is close to you, this is important information.
Hi, Pamela.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Hey, it’s great to be here.
DEBRA: Thank you. You sound so bright and healthy. You always do.
PAMELA SEEFELD: I feel healthy. I feel great.
DEBRA: I have to tell everybody. I said this before but I just want to say it again that Pamela is the number one, healthiest-looking person I’ve ever seen. When I first saw her, I thought, “This is a healthy person. I want to be healthy like this.”
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, I feel really great. I really do. I’m very blessed. Great health.
DEBRA: Yes, you are. But you do so many things to be healthy. And so we’re talking about inactivity today. So I’m sure that sometime during the hour, we’re going to talk about how active you are.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct. How we want to try and get America and everywhere else as well, try and get everybody to get up and start moving because the new statistics don’t look very good for what we’re actually doing right now.
DEBRA: So why don’t you tell us about this statistics? I think you have some studies to tell us about?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct. The Wall Street Journal, two days ago, had a report and they published this, and they were talking about this brand new survey that took place that’s called the Physical Activity Council that took the survey, and it found that one in four Americans didn’t exercise at all in the past year.
So that’s one in four. That’s a lot. So that’s 25% of the population and we know that – and actually, it’s closer to 28%, it says here, but more than a quarter of the US population, 28% did not participate in a single physical activity last year as defined by the Council. And the definition of physical activity is simple stuff, even yard work, walking around the block. It’s not going to the gym and working out for an hour and running a marathon. It’s simple activities that people just are not doing even at all and these inactivities are not just because of people always so concerned about their weight. That’s a factor. But also the fact that it causes metabolic syndrome and allows for diabetes, hypertension and other things took place, even if the person is of normal weight.
So that’s very, very important to realize that it’s not just okay – I’m telling people to get active because I want them all to get skinny. It’s not necessarily about your body habit as in your weight. Though sometimes with activity, of course, that can help to lose weight. But the fact that these people are all going to be at risk for a lot of metabolic diseases is very, very dangerous.
DEBRA: I think about prior to the industrial age when people used to live out in nature and they had to get everything that they needed directly off the land. People were incredibly active that they were – there were no cars and so they walked everywhere. And if they wanted to eat, they had to go hunt a wooly mammoth or whatever they were hunting. And there’s this whole period of time that’s called the hunter/gatherers. And so the men were off hunting animal which they had to run after and chase and go to the areas where the animals were, and the women were to gather everything. They had to walk around and find berries and carry them home. And they were walking to the stream and carrying the bottles of water, the jugs of water I should say.
And people were just moving around all day long doing the basic stuff of life. And we don’t do any of that anymore. And I think that most people just sit at a desk and they go home and sit in front of the television.
PAMELA SEEFELD: This is what the Physical Activity Council is really saying. And they’re saying also that the number of Americans, whom we describe as totally sedentary, and that’s in quotations, has risen to its highest level since 2007. So we’re talking about the epidemic of lots of diseases and most of the people listening to this are probably interested in improving their health and doing some simple things. Obviously, not being on a bunch of medication is one of them. And if we’re totally sedentary, we’re not walking to do things and do the yard work, maybe go to the gym, it doesn’t mean you have to be working out, per say, on an exercise equipment all day long. That’s not what we’re talking about.
But even mild activities – and I really have to think that a lot of people I know really outsource a lot of the things that they used to do, their housework, the washing of the car. All these things that used to be activity we don’t want to do, especially in Florida. People don’t want to sweat so they hire people to do everything.
Look at everybody here in Florida. I have yard service. I have lawns. And I have a pool guy. You have people for everything.
DEBRA: Hello, I don’t.
PAMELA SEEFELD: You don’t because you probably don’t have a pool to take care of, a yard maybe. I have all these people doing all this stuff. Now, I’m still very active, but I see this everywhere I go. You look in Florida, how many yard services are out there? There must be a million. Everyone has a yard service.
DEBRA: I think part of it in Florida because it’s hot and humid most of the year that you don’t want to go out there. It’s hard for me actually in the summertime that it’s so humid, it’s difficult to breathe.
PAMELA SEEFELD: I mean, if people haven’t come to Florida, we can tell them from firsthand experience that it’s like walking into an oven.
DEBRA: It is. Or like walking around in a sauna all day long, all night long. If I don’t close my windows for six months of the year and run the air conditioning while I’m sleeping, I wouldn’t be able to breathe at night because it’s so 85 degrees and humid for six months of the year.
DEBRA: And that’s what it’s like. So that’s why I think people aren’t doing their yard work. But some people are out there, really sweating and exercising. And they’re getting plenty of activity doing our yard work for us.
PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s right! Well, it’s true. [Inaudible 00:08:11] I’m always was like, “Can I offer you some water?” because it’s really hot.
But the thing about the sedentariness and really, I really do think the study is very valid. Wall Street Journal is pretty upfront about publishing things that are not bogus. We see this in activity level has gone to such a crisis level here in the United States. And in looking at physical education in schools has been really pretty much phased out in many cases. A lot of times, it’s just really not important to them to do these things.
I think it’s really important to look at little things that we can do in our daily live to increase our activity level and of course, going to the gym. And I think we need to focus on the fact that a lot of the medications that people are taking from high blood pressure, maybe for diabetes, for a lot of these different disorders are really related to inactivity.
And don’t forget too, exercise. When you exercise and you have your heart rate go up, what it does, it really boosts the immune system. And how this works is the white blood cells are hanging on to the side of the blood vessel just during inactivity. And then when you get this rush of the blood moving through, what happens is, you get this process called demargination of the white blood cells. And what this means is the blood cells come off of the blood cells where they’re hanging out and doing nothing and they become very active.
So if you’re sick (and you’re not definitely sick, I’m not talking about someone that’s really, really sick, but you maybe have a bad cold or something), you can really boost your immune system by just working out.
DEBRA: That’s so good to know. That’s very good to know because [cross-talking 00:09:45]
PAMELA SEEFELD: There’s a physical process involved and this activity, you will see a transit increase in white blood cells after a person has done cardiovascular exercise. And that’s why I always make sure that when I’ve been sick, unless I’m running a high fever, I used to go out and run all the time doing that because you cough all this stuff, you’d feel a lot better and your fever eventually would just go away because you have the transient boost in white blood cell activity that’s very reproducible and it also works for the differentiation of the different white blood cells like lymphocytes and macrophages.
They all have a little, special assignments. Some go after viruses, some go after bacteria. It’s really important to realize that even small amounts and burst of activity can increase your immune system tremendously besides fending off the fact that we’re talking about these metabolic diseases which a lot of it is a result of inactivity of people.
DEBRA: And we’ll talk more about this after the break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. And today, we’re talking about how inactivity leads to illness and drug use and how we can turn all that around by getting a little exercise.
We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. She has a great, little shop here in Clearwater, Florida called Botanical Resource. And she also has a med spa there in the back of the Botanical Resource Natural Pharmacy where they do all kinds of natural facials and things like that.
And Pamela, tell us a little bit about what you do and tell us about your consulting services, your free consulting service that you can help people get off drugs.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, absolutely. I’ve been doing this probably 20, 25 years, at least. And my store here in Clearwater is a homeopathic pharmacy but we also do natural supplements. I actually teach this and I grant review for the National Institute of Health in Washing DC as well on alternative medicine.
So my consultations are free. You can call here at any time. My hours are normally here at the store is from 10 to 5, Monday through Friday, 10 to 2 on Saturday. But I’m always here pretty much between noon and 2 before I go to my other thing. And I would be very honored and happy to help your family if you want to get off prescription medications, if you’re interested in something alternative to narcotics, high blood pressure medications. And I also do a lot of veterinary work as well in the homeopathic realm.
But I would be very happy to help your family. My number here at the pharmacy is 727-442-4955, and I’m very sure that I would be very successful with you and your family. Any quick questions you might have about the medications you’re on or trying something else.
DEBRA: And she is very knowledgeable. She helps me and many other people here in Clearwater, Florida. Doctors send their patients to her. I once said to my medical doctor that Pamela had recommended something and he said, “Absolutely. Take it. Do whatever she tells you to do.”
PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s great. I feel very assured that we can provide excellent service for you and you’ll be very satisfied.
DEBRA: Yes, I feel that way exactly too.
So Pamela, in that study from the Wall Street Journal, were there any other categories of how much exercise people were getting? Or were they just looking at that one?
PAMELA SEEFELD: They were looking at the one study and talking about the metabolic syndrome. But also, I have to think that – this is kind of an aside, but it’s really funny – apparently, we need to look to the fact that a quarter of Americans are completely sedentary. And if you realize, Chipotle will now deliver.
So if you can’t go and get your Chipotle, they will come to you, which is really to me, absolutely insane. And they were saying that there are 90,000 Chipotles in New York. And people can pretty much walk to any of them and they’re going to deliver your food for you now.
DEBRA: I don’t think there are 90,000 Chipotles in New York.
PAMELA SEEFELD: It does sound pretty [inaudible 00:16:43]. But the fact that people can really – they made things way too easy. I want to go back again to talking about the metabolic syndrome and what happens when people are sedentary.
The fact that detox is very important for having your body move. So you know how you feel really sluggish and you feel tired and not well when you’re sitting for long periods of time? The problem is most of our desk jobs are very sedentary. And so we can’t get around that. So it’s just important to stand up, move around, so on and so forth.
But what I would like to mention to the listeners is that when you start moving around, you’re not only moving the blood, but you’re allowing the fat to start mobilizing fat-soluble chemicals. And they go to the liver and they become metabolized, and they’re water-soluble, and they go out in the urine. And it’s really important.
If you think about the detoxification processes of a lot of people, if they’re sedentary, a lot of that process is not fully taking place and we now know that the study show that people, especially with diabetes, that they’re testing very high for urinary pesticides. And a lot of this might be because the fact that maybe their detoxification process to the liver and the way things are handling, the way the fat is releasing these chemicals is impaired to a great deal because of the sedentary activity of the person.
DEBRA: Well, that makes sense to me because I’ve actually studied, and I’m sure you have too, a lot about the detoxification system in our bodies. And one of the things that I learned is that if we’re not doing things like – we have to sleep. We have to sleep at night in order for the detox system to work. So it would make sense to me that we also need to move our bodies. One of the things I know is that the lymph system that carries a lot of these things around in the body in order to be detoxed, that doesn’t move unless you move your body. It just doesn’t move. It doesn’t have a pump like the heart. And that’s very important, the lymph system, to our whole detox.
And so I really, even though I grew up not liking exercise at all, I had one very positive exercise experience in my early 20s when I lived in Downtown San Francisco, and I went to Jane Fonda’s Workout. Do you remember that? Jane Fonda’s Workout?
DEBRA: I went to Jane Fonda’s Workout and I had my own private trainer who was just adorably cute, a very cute, young man. And then I went to aerobics class and my teacher was a male ballet dancer, the aerobics teacher. And it was great because I went every day. I had professionals absolutely telling me what to do every minute, and I lost weight and I felt great. And it was the best shape I think I was ever in, in my entire life.
But then they closed. They closed and I could never duplicate that experience. So I just went back to not getting much exercise. But more recently, I’m really paying a lot more attention to exercise and one of the things that I started to do that was the easy thing was that I just got a little bouncer, mini-trampoline. And then I just get up from my desk once an hour, and I go bounce on the trampoline. And I could only do 20 bounces and I got up to a set of 300 bounces at once.
The next hour, I get up and bounce a little more. And it just gives you arrest and clears your mind, and gets your blood moving, and all of these things. And it doesn’t take a lot of time.
PAMELA SEEFELD: No, it doesn’t. I want to bring back a point. You were talking about the lymphatic. The Body Anew, the detox product that I use a lot, has a lymph gland drainer in the kit. And one of the bottles is specifically to increase the lymphatic drainers. And it’s about 40% increase, very significant, as far as moving things out.
So when we’re thinking about that maybe we have to spend a certain part of our day at the computer working, it’s important to maybe be taking the detox. And I used to have a lot of my patients drinking it whether there are their desk or even when they’re working out because [cross-talking 00:20:29]
DEBRA: I’m drinking it right now, actually, I got my bottle [cross-talking 00:20:59]
PAMELA SEEFELD: Good for you.
DEBRA: And it’s got Body Anew in it.
PAMELA SEEFELD: That makes a huge difference because what we want to acknowledge is that a lot of us have desk jobs and we have to be on the computer for certain period of a time for the day. Maybe it’s a significant time and we really want to move things out.
DEBRA: We need to go to break. When we come back, we’ll talk more about inactivity and activity, and how we can be healthy without drugs by being more active.
I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio, and my guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist and she has her own natural pharmacy, Botanical Resource. Her website is, and you can go find out more about her. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. And you can go to her website at
So what else would you like to tell us, Pamela, about inactivity and activity and good health?
PAMELA SEEFELD: So exercise does some other things to the body that’s very important. When we think about atherosclerosis and we think about people trying to get healthy as far as preventing cardiovascular diseases, we know that cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and so forth, is the number one killer of people in the United States. That’s an epidemic problem.
And the reason why we want to label it as endothelial dysfunction – the endothelium is the inner lining of the blood vessel. Endothelial, the area, is sensitive to several things, and especially, it is sensitive to reactive oxygen species. They abbreviate that ROS. And reactive oxygen species, why this is important to recognize is that’s why you want to be taking antioxidants. You want to be using vitamin E, vitamin C, maybe a multivitamin with antioxidants. Reviratrol is a great antioxidant, grape seed extract and things like that.
Because when we have reactive oxygen species, which can be present in the body – and let me tell you where they can be present from. Fish oil that’s old, fat vitamins that are old, old olive oil, things you’re cooking with. You’d be surprised. Reactive oxygen species, especially in fats, are really prevalent in different areas. But the reactive oxygen species are necessary for endothelial damage. So when there’s a damage to the inner part of the blood vessel, then what we find is we start to get sticky, is inflamed, and as a result, the plaques are adhering to these areas. And then subsequently, we start having heart attacks when in fact, we don’t need to have them. Going in there and cleaning things up, so to speak, having a cardiac test.
So all these things are a process, and let me explain that when you exercise, reactive oxygen species are taken down significantly. So doing that has a huge effect on cardiovascular disease. It’s not the fact so much we have multiple things. It’s the fact that reactive oxygen species are happening. It supports the healing of the endothelium or that inner part of the blood vessel, and at the same time, remember I was talking about the immune system, how the white blood cells are being kicked off and basically saying, “You’re lazy. We’re going to make you start being active.”
All these things are doing, so there’s a lot more process. So when people think, “I guess I have to do all those heavy exercises.” But we’re not even so much that. It’s the movement and moving around and taking the antioxidants which are so important. When you’re taking these antioxidants, reactive oxygen species are made to a very, very small amount. And as a result, you really decrease your cardiovascular significantly.
So it’s important to think about this. I don’t want people to think, “Oh, my gosh. I have to go out and run. I have to do all these heavy, heavy execises.”
It’s really not so much about that. It’s about taking the antioxidants, doing the detox to make sure you’re getting these chemicals out of the body, and the pesticides that might be due to metabolic syndrome, and acknowledging the fact that these reactive oxygen species can be contained with exercise.
DEBRA: So I just recently changed my exercise a month ago. And I want to talk about a bit about that because it’s made a big impression on me. And I actually started doing this because I watched a friend of mine just get fit right in front of my eyes by going to the gym. And as I said earlier, I had this one good gym experience many years ago. Many, many years ago.And I saw such progress with him and when he got down to this – he looks like he lost 10 years, not just losing pounds. He just looks so much younger. And he looks fit and attractive. And he said, “You should come to the gym with me.”
And so I went and what I learned was that when you do certain type of exercise that it builds what’s called a lean muscle mass. And that you can do other kinds of exercise but they’re just burning calories and they’re not creating lean muscle mass. And what the lean muscle mass does is that it actually is burning fat while you sleep.
PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s exactly right.
DEBRA: And so if you put in your time building the lean muscle mass on your body, then – most people, they try to reduce their calories and whatever. But they’re not turning their bodies into fat burning machines. And I really didn’t understand this. I’m an intelligent woman and I really didn’t understand this until I went to this gym, and they started explaining to me about building lean muscle mass and how to do it.
And so I started going three times a week.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Good for you.
DEBRA: I do lean muscle mass building on the machines. I do four machines. It takes me maybe 15 minutes. And then I ride on the stationary bicycle. And when I started, I could do maybe 4 minutes, and now I’m doing 12 minutes. And when you do it on a stationary bicycle, you can push up the strenuousness and it just is a very organized thing.
But what I found was that I’m only doing – it’s not like I’m lifting these big weights. I’m only doing enough weight so I can get resistance. That’s all.
PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s what you need.
DEBRA: Yes, it’s just resistance. It’s not a big push. And you can push and it can be like pulling on a rubber band, when you’re not pulling it, it’s just clobby. I don’t know how to describe this. But then if you put a little more weight on, there’s a point where you have to push without straining. And all I’m doing is just doing this easy push and I’m doing my little 15 repetitions. And it’s not a big deal, it’s not a big sweat, I just go in with my shorts and my tank top, and my little tennis shoes. And I push these weights. And that’s it. I just go and do it for three times a week. And I’m starting to build muscle. I can see the muscle.
But the most interesting thing was that this past week, I’ve had a virus so – I should have continued to go to the gym, listening to you. But I didn’t go to the gym. And what’s happening is that I’m starting to feel like my muscles are actually burning fat while I’m not exercising. And I have more strength and it’s just like I can see the results for very, very little effort. And that was the thing that was amazing to me. So little effort, and I’m getting such a big result.
PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s what I’m saying to people. Physical activity, even small amounts, are really important. Now, I was looking here at a new study, and this is really important. Physical inactivity – and they have a diagram. This just really explains it really well. If we have physical inactivity, you get abdominal adiposity. So you start putting on weight around your middle. And what happens is the macrophages, these particular white blood cells that go after infections, they start going into the visceral fats. They actually start going into that area there and become chronic systemic inflammation. That’s what’s really happening.
DEBRA: That’s very good to understand. We’ll talk more about this when we come back from the break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Pamela Seefeld, registered pharmacist. And she has a natural pharmacy here in Clearwater, Florida. You can go to her website, And we’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Pamela Seefeld, registered pharmacist, and she dispenses medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. She can help you get off prescription drugs. She can tell you what prescription drugs are coming up in your future by looking at your blood test. She’s just able to do so much around prescription drugs and natural substances that she can help you with.
Pamela, give your phone number again.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. So you can reach me here at my pharmacy. It’s 727-442-4955. That’s 727-442-4955.
DEBRA: Thank you. So what are some things that people can do that are small, easy to get started with movement things? How can people incorporate more movement into their lives?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Well, very obvious things like taking the stairs, parking your car a little farther away at the grocery store. Just looking for opportunities or physical activity maybe instead of having always somebody clean your house or do your yard work. Maybe you can do some of that at some time as well.
It’s important to find small amounts and we know that little spurts, if you’re going to go walking and then do a run, if you do small spurts of running between walking, it’s called interval training, that you get better results.
The thing that I wanted to focus on too is that if you’re going to do detox and do Body Anew, even regardless of your physical activity or if you’re physically active, it’s going to make it better. A lot of these things are going to start moving out and it’s going to facilitate your weight loss but also helping to get rid of the adipose amount that are in your abdomen, as far as how much it’s storing. That’s important because we now know that when we start having chronic inflammation and we have increases in visceral fat, we are at risk for breast cancer, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and also depression and dementia and colon cancer.
So there are so many diseases that are associated with the physical inactivity. And it doesn’t mean that you have to be at the gym. I really want to stress that because I don’t want people to feel – a lot of times, when people aren’t exercisers and they hear these types of talks, they feel overwhelmed and they get more depressed. It’s like, “Oh, my god. I have to do this now.”
That’s not what we’re trying to accomplish here today. We’re trying to say that I really think small burst of activity can be very helpful. I think getting up from your desk and walking around can be very helpful. And I think doing a detox to try to remove some of these things out of your body that maybe are in a static form, it’s very important.
DEBRA: I think so too. I constantly am saying that I think that detox is the number one most important thing anybody can do for their health because as long as you have those toxic chemicals in your body, you would do everything else and none of it is going to work if it’s the chemicals that are causing the health problems. And in many cases, it is.
Pamela, tell us how many years you’ve been taking Body Anew.
PAMELA SEEFELD: I would say 15, maybe longer, close to 16. Really, when you think about it, most of my clients – sometimes, they’re like, “Well, I only want to do it twice a year” and that’s fine. But I think it’s extra insurance. When you’re taking the detox on a daily basis, you’re not in a bathroom. It’s not laxative. It’s not the kind of a detox [cross-talking 00:42:11] body. And what’s important about that is you think you have control over everything. You have a lot of control on what you eat, but you don’t have control environmentally of things that you’re exposed to just randomly. Going to the store, walking along the road, you’d be surprised. Most people are saying, “Well, I’m all organic.” They’re very proud of all the different things they do but you really don’t control everything.
DEBRA: That’s right. I think that’s a really important point to make because I’ve been doing this for more than 30 years. And at first, I thought if I just remove all the toxic chemicals from my home, and I did a really good job with that, then my body would naturally detox. But I wasn’t considering all the things that I’m being exposed to outside. Unless you’re in your home 24 hours a day, and you removed every single chemical from your home, and you’re filtering the incoming air, you are being exposed to toxic chemicals.
And you do need to do something about those. And they’re getting built up in your body. In addition, there’s all the toxic chemicals that you’ve been exposed your whole, entire life until now. Everybody has what the CDC calls body burden. Every single person on the planet needs to be detoxing in some way.
Pamela likes Body Anew. I’ve been taking Body Anew since I’ve known her. It’s so easy to take. You don’t even know you’re taking it. You just put little drops of water in a bottle and little drops out of a bottle, into a bottle of water, and you just siphon it. It’s just easy. I have no detox symptoms from taking it and I know that it’s working every day.
PAMELA SEEFELD: It’s an easy, inexpensive way to detox in a long term basis without having to worry about not feeling well. It’s safe for children. I use it pretty much for everybody. I think the idea of increasing your activity in small burst, if people are able to do that and doing the Body Anew, and also realizing that when the chemicals are in effect, the cell signals are messed up. And as a result of that you get increases in circulating cytokines and these inflammatory components. These things feed on each other. We’re just starting to learn about cell signaling and different things that affect the way the cell signal each other, and they communicate with these little messengers. And these messengers definitely are very sensitive to the environment which they’re living in. And if they signal each other and there are other things that are in the way, that’s called extracellular matrix, the area outside the cell where things need to be drained out. And if you have the extracellular matrix that’s full of, I don’t want to use the word toxin so much but just full of chemicals, full of debris, cellular debris and so forth, you’re going to get congestion in those areas and you know what you’re going to end up with? Inflammation, pain, trigger point.
All of these things that are really very avoidable. You’d be surprised. The general body habit is in the health of the individual by moving these things out. Activity helps a lot. Massage helps a lot. But really, having a homeopathic product that facilitates the extracellular matrix kind of cleaning up and mopping up all the stuff with the huge difference as far as the trigger points and for pain for a lot of people as well.
DEBRA: Yes, I think that everybody should find some detox product that they’re happy with and just continue to take it.
PAMELA SEEFELD: I agree. The conversation here today is talking about inactivity, the fact that 28% of Americans really are doing no activity at all. None. Zero. And that the inactivity we know is associated with, obviously, gaining weight, but we have to think about these macrophages going into the visceral fat. They’re causing systemic inflammation. It’s chronic inflammation. And as a result, you get insulin resistance, you get atherosclerosis, neurodegeneration, tumor growth, and it puts you at risk, especially for these things that are – obviously, type II diabetes, breast cancer and cardiovascular disease, but realize that depression is also a side effect of this and dementia, which is a horrific problem here in the United States with all the people getting older.
These things are preventable to some degree. I understand genetics do play a role but the genes have to be turned on by something. And the something is the chemical.
DEBRA: Right. And then this exercise helps with the good genes?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, because when you exercise, there are thousands of genes that get turned on as a result of the cardiovascular exercise. And those genes have healing properties. When you are continually exposed to inactivity and to chemicals, you don’t have an active process of removing them out thoroughly, as a result of that the chemicals are what instigate and turn these things on. That’s why people when they get older, it’s not just because their genes are more active as far as turning on dementia and these sorts of things. It’s because the chemical compound and the net amount in the body is so much higher as you get older.
Think of a big tuna. That’s why we worry so much about tuna. It’s a huge fish. It has a time to accumulate all of these metals and toxins. Small fish like sardines don’t. That’s why they use sardines for the higher quality oil.
DEBRA: So we only have a couple of minutes left. Any final words you want to give?
PAMELA SEEFELD: The final words are that when you look at type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, dementia, depression, these are just some of the disease we know that having activity, increasing small amounts of activity can be actively prevent these things. If we can keep systemic inflammation down and off from the road, we’re talking about the endothelium inside the blood vessels, a lot of this is preventable by taking antioxidants, by taking the Body Anew, and also having some kind of activity every day.
DEBRA: Activity is just so important. And I think that it gets talked about a lot. But I think that people don’t really understand what’s going on. I know I’ve heard it my whole, entire life. But when you start getting older and you start seeing that things are getting older in your body, you just start saying, “What can I do?” And exercise is really the thing. I live in Florida where a lot of people are retired. And I see all these senior people walking around my neighborhood. They’re just all walking and walking every day. I see the same people walking around.
And it is great. They have on their little visor hats and their little shorts. And some of them walk their dogs and they’re just out there saying hello to their neighbors and walking around and getting some exercise. And I really see when I exercise more how much better my body feels. And it really cuts down on how many supplements I need to take, it increases how well I fell, and it’s just a matter of, if you can’t do it yourself, get a friend. Find a friend who is going to the gym or going for walks, or ask a family member to do it with you. Or just find a way to start moving. It will make all the difference and it just shakes up things in your body so those stored chemicals start releasing and then they can be detoxed. It’s so important to the detox process. I can’t even say how important it is because it’s just so important.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Immune system moving chemicals out. I’m talking about the white blood cell activity. All these things are intimately affected by what you do. And you have control over these things. It means walking to your car. It means walking upstairs. It’s some simple, simple lifestyle changes.
DEBRA: And I’m going to say thank you, Pamela, because the music is going to come on in about two seconds. Thank you so much.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Thank you so much. Have a great day.
DEBRA: You too. This is Debra Lynn Dadd with Toxic Free Talk Radio. Be well.
You mentioned how people like to hire lawn care companies to do their yard work as if sweating is an anti social thing to do. My husband and I discovered a “safe to sweat” diet by accident. After reading “China Study” we reduced our animal protein to a couple of organic eggs a day. We cut out meat for months at a time. When my husband eats meat, he has anti social b.o. When he eats organic eggs and no meat, his sweat has no odor. Bugs fly right by him like he’s not there! Not using fragrance chemicals helps bugs not notice you also. It would be fun if other people tried this to see if it would work for them. I think egg protein is superior to meat protein when it’s cooked right.
I’ve had the same experience.