ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Dr. Devra Lee Davis, M.P.H., Ph.D, is recognized internationally for her work on environmental health and disease prevention. A Presidential appointee that received bi-partisan Senate confirmation, Dr. Davis was the Founding Director of the world’s first Center for Environmental Oncology and currently serves as President of Environmental Health Trust, a nonprofit devoted to researching and controlling avoidable environmental health threats. A national book award finalist, Dr. Davis lectures at universities in the U.S. and Europe and was the recent winner of the Carnegie Science Medal in 2010 and the Lifetime Achievement Award from Green America in 2012. Her 2007 book, The Secret History of the War on Cancer, details the ways that public relations strategies have undermined public health, and is being used at major schools of public health, including Harvard, Emory, and Tulane University. Her recent book, Disconnect: The Truth about Cell Phone Radiation and Your Health, what the Industry has Done to Hide it, and What You Can Do to Protect your Family was published in the U.S. and U.K. by Dutton, 2010, and has been released in Australia, India, Turkey, Taiwan, Finland, Estonia, China, and as a book on tape. Her research has appeared in major scientific journals. Her research has been featured on CNN, CSPAN, CBC, BBC, and public radio. | |



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How Cellphones Harm Your Health and How to Stay Safe

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Dr. Devra Lee Davis, M.P.H., Ph.D

Date of Broadcast: January 13, 2015

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free.

It’s Tuesday, January 13th 2015 and it’s a beautiful sunny day here in Clearwater, Florida. And today, we’re going to be talking about cellphones. We’ve talked about cellphones, but we can’t talk about cellphones too much because there’s so much to know about them and they can be so dangerous. Most people don’t know what the dangers are or how we can protect ourselves from them.

So today, my guest is Dr. Devra Lee Davis, M.P.H., Ph.D and she is the author of a book called Disconnect: The Truth About Cellphone Radiation and Your Health, What the Industry Has Done to Hide It and What You Can Do to Protect Your Family. It was published in the United States and in the United Kingdom and has been released in Australia, India, Turkey, Taiwan, Finland, Estonia, China and there’s a book on tap.

She, in addition, serves as the president of the Environmental Health Trust, which is a non-profit devoted to researching and controlling avoidable environmental health threats through education and policy changes. She has been on CNN, CSPAN, CBC, the BBC Public Radio. She’s just been around doing a lot for a very long time. Her research has appeared in major scientific journals so she knows what she’s talking about on this subject and I’m very happy to have her on the show.

Hi, Dr. Davis.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: Well, hi, Debra. Nice to talk to you.

DEBRA: Thank you. You know so much. I don’t even know where to begin to ask you questions on this subject. Why don’t you just go ahead and start telling us about what you think are the most important things that the public needs to know about cellphones.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: Well, picking up on your own work, I would say that, as you know, you spent a career identifying toxic hazards in consumer products in the world in general and I think one of the most important things for people to realize who are concerned about toxics is this — cellphone radiation weakens cell membranes.

This means that any toxic material that is already in your body can be more deeply absorbed into your cell with exposure to cellphone regulation. Now, this fact is being used now in medicine to enhance the uptake of drugs for the treatment of cancer as well as for other syndrome. So to me, it is absolutely puzzling that there is this disconnect of our understanding of the basic science of what is going on and the way that we treat other toxic hazards.

I’ve been disappointed at the failure of this issue to take off, but I think I understand it now better. Five years ago, when I wrote the book Disconnect, the world was simply not ready to think about the fact that there might be a dark side to this technology. Nowadays, we all know families who sit at the dinner table without talking, everyone glued to their devices.

DEBRA: Yes. Yes.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: We all know young people with whom you cannot have full conversation because they will interrupt themselves by looking at their screen for something that suddenly occurs to me as more important than finishing their own sentence.


DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: And there’s been a growing recognition that these devices while very valuable also need to be reigned in in the way that we use them and rely on them.

So the Environmental Health Trust, the non-profit that I started when I was at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute is now my full-time gig. What we are doing is taking the latest scientific information and making it available to the public, so they can make some sense of this very confusing situation where we simply are lacking information about the basics of cellphones.

So let me take a second and tell you something. A cellphone is a two-way microwave radio. It sends and receives microwave radiation. Now, microwave ovens use a thousand watts power. A cellphone uses less than one watt of power. And when it was first approved by the FDA in the early 1990s, it was assumed that because cellphone radiation was so weak, it would have no biological effect.

Research today tells us that that’s not true. Cellphones are weak, but they use the same frequency as the microwave oven, about two billion cycles a second, between 900 million to 2 billion cycles per second. That frequency can have biological effects because it is not a steady frequency from a phone, but a pulsed one – kind of like this, tap, tap-tap-tap, tap, tap, tap-tap, tap-tap-tap. That erratic, irregular, pulsed digital signal is what we believe causes biological consequences.

It weakens membranes as I’ve said, but it can also cause damage to DNA not by directly breaking the ionic bonds like x-rays, which is ionizing radiation. But as a non-ionizing form of radiation, it can disrupt cells and their ability to communicate, it can cause heat shock proteins and increase the formation of free radicals, which we know are damaging to living material.

DEBRA: There’s so much! Wow! There’s so much to know and so few people know things.

I was actually talking to somebody the other day, somebody that I just met, he was surprised that I wasn’t carrying my cellphone. Of so many people that I meet, they don’t even have a landline anymore. Their cellphone is the only phone that they have.

And so this was a fairly intelligent guy. He has a law degree in fact. He had no idea that there was any health consequences of using a cellphone. And before I started explaining to hi the health effects of this, he was kind of teasing me like, “You mean, you’re not somebody that things, they have to be reachable any minute of the day?” I reminded him that when I was a child, we didn’t have answering machines on our telephones.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

DEBRA: I can remember the day that if you wanted to get a phone call, you had to actually be there in the house and answer the phone and that was the only way that somebody could reach you. No message machines, no cellphones, nothing. People communicated just fine. I don’t see that it’s a good trade-off for us to risk our life and our health and our well-being so that we can be instantly available at every moment.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: I certainly agree. Let’s just talk about what we know about health right now. We know that the World Health Organization in 2011 released a report that at that time reviewed all the experimental and human studies on cellphones and other wireless radiation. They concluded in 2011 that cellphone radiation was a “possible human carcinogen”< the same category as DDT, lead and some forms of the engine exhaust.

Now, you do not let children play with DDT, lead or engine exhaust and yet, our schools now are moving ahead to install wireless throughout with no recognition of the fact that there are long-term consequences of this.

Now, the WHO made that determination with the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2011. This past year, a group of colleagues and I reviewed new evidence including new studies of humans using cellphones for 20 years or more. We have concluded (working with some of the world’s top epidemiologists who are advisors to the World Health Organization) that cellphone and other wireless radiation is a “probably human carcinogen” using the criteria of the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

I think that’s really important for your listeners to understand.

DEBRA: I do too.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: The evidence on the biological effects of cellphone radiation has become stronger since my book was first written. And one of the things I would appreciate getting feedback from you on and from your listeners is whether I should provide a new edition of the book that provides the new evidence because at this time, what I wrote in 2010 was somewhat speculative. What I have written now is less so because we’ve got the bodies of evidence, we’ve got the proof, we’ve got unfortunately growing numbers of people with brain cancer as well as people with hearing loss and serious problems with sleep, which we can associate with their long-term of cellphones.

DEBRA: We need to go to break, but we’re going to talk more about this when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Dr. Devra Lee Davis, M.P.H., Ph.D. She’s the president of Environmental Health Trust and their website is We’re talking about how cellphones can harm your health. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Dr. Devra Lee Davis, M.P.H., Ph.D., president of Environmental Health Trust. Their website is where there is a lot of information about what we’re talking about here today.

Before we talk about anything else, I just want to repeat what you said right at the beginning of the show about how cellphones are damaging to cells in your body and therefore, it allows the toxic chemicals to – say what you said again.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: Cellphones weaken membranes. They may interfere with something as essential as calcium. And of course, calcium governs the ways that membranes open and close, gated communication within and between cells and membranes.

That capacity of cellphone radiation to affect membranes is being used in medicine today to develop new treatments for cancer. It makes no sense to then assume that the only impact of such radiation is beneficial. It is beneficial in the treatment of Cancer. It is being used in approved medical devices that have been developed in a number of countries. So I find it amazing that we fail to take this into account in the ways that we have been testing, evaluating and using cellphones and tablets and other wireless devices.

A tablet today has many different antennas on it and it’s tested at 20 cm. away from the body at standard test protocol. You don’t hold a tablet right next to your head. But increasingly, tablets are being used as phones and communication devices. They are being held directly on the bodies of young children. They are called ‘tablets’ because they belong on tables. They do not belong on the lap and they certainly don’t belong on the body of a small child.

Now, the good news as you know very well (and you’ve written about this) is that if you eat your vegetables, you repair DNA damage. I don’t mean to oversimplify it, but studies have been done with cellphone radiation where you first expose cells to melatonin or polyphenol or other [00:16:27] from green tea and you can reduce the damage by these exposures. This suggests to us that there are ways that you can repair damage that may have happened, which is why no matter how you’ve been using your cellphone until this moment, take it out of your pocket, get it off your body and eat your vegetables and of course, sleep in the dark because when you sleep in the dark, your body produces melatonin and melatonin is what we need to repair damage. T

That is why, in your bedroom, you should unplug. There should be no blinking blue lights or any other lights at night. You need to sleep in total darkness. And if your environment doesn’t allow that, then get a sleep mask because when you are in darkness, the body naturally produces melatonin and melatonin is a natural antioxidant, it affects almost every cell of the body and it helps us to repair whatever damage may have taken place.

Now, if your listeners are surprised to hear my concern, I’d like to let you know that we have a website we’ve recently launched called That site combines all of the advise that manufacturers currently provide about how to use their devices.

Those of your listeners who have a cellphone right now, an iPhone, you’ll find that iPhone has made it easy for you. If you go to your iPhone settings and open that up…

DEBRA: Actually, I could go there right now.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: You can do it right now. Go to your iPhone settings, go to ‘Settings’ and then go to ‘General’, which is just about midway down the screen. Click on ‘General’ and then click on ‘About’, which is at the top of the screen.

DEBRA: ‘Settings’, I’m on ‘Settings’ now. So now, I’m going to ‘General’.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: Then go to ‘General’ and then go to ‘About’, which is at the top.

DEBRA: Yeah.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: Now, scroll all the way down to something you would not normally even notice called ‘Legal’.

DEBRA: I got it!

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: And then click on ‘Legal’ and then you will get ‘RF Exposure’ and there you have it in the paragraph above the hypertext link. It tells you to reduce exposure to RF. Perhaps you can read it.

DEBRA: No, actually, I can’t read it and I have my magnifying glasses on. You know how on cellphone devices, you can make the type bigger, you can just open the window and it makes it bigger? This page will not do that.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: Right! That’s right. You cannot make it larger.

DEBRA: So I can’t make it bigger.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: You cannot make it larger and you cannot copy it. Here’s what it tells you. It says, “To reduce exposure to RF radiation, use a hands-free device or the headset that came with the device and keep the phone at least 10 mm. away from the body to avoid exceeding the as tested exposure guideline.”

DEBRA: Okay, so how far is 10 millimeters?

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: Well, it means you can’t keep the phone in your pocket.

DEBRA: Right!

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: Ten millimeters is perhaps smaller than your thumb joint, but the fact of the matter is you can’t keep phones in the pocket of your pants or your shirt without exceeding the as tested exposure guidelines.

And this advice is buried in the phone. That’s why our group, Environmental Health Trust is working with others to make this information more broadly known. I hope you’ll be able to provide links from your site as well to ours.

DEBRA: I certainly will. I will.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: We have, which puts together one place all of the advice on many of the smart phones today. We’ve also got the, which is started by over a hundred physicians, obstetricians, gynecologists, pediatric neurologists, all of them share the concern about protecting the young, developing brain.

We are well aware that in the first year of life, the brain more than doubles in a child. And throughout pregnancy, the brain of course grows rapidly. It starts with just a few cells concentrated at the top of a neural tube and ended up becoming this amazing thing, the brain of the baby.

DEBRA: I need to interrupt you because we need to go to break and I want to hear everything that you want to say. I want to give you plenty of time and I don’t want to interrupt you. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Dr. Devra Lee Davis, M.P.H., Ph.D. She is the president of the Environmental Health Trust, which is And we’ve also been going to, And when we come back, she’s going to tell us about babies and cell phones.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Dr. Devra Lee Davis. We’re talking about cellphones and all kinds of ways they are harmful to our health.

Just before the break, we were talking about how they affect the development of baby’s brain in pregnant women. So tell us more about that.

DEBRA: Yes. The head of obstetrics and gynecology at Yale University is Hugh Taylor, an M.D., Ph.D. Two years ago, he produced a study where he had exposed prenatally to cell phone radiation. He used a silenced and muted phone that was simply at the cage of the animal, so the exposure was rather weak, but it was throughout the entire period of pregnancy of mice.

He found that when the mice were born, the mice that had been exposed prenatally had hyperactivity syndrome as measured by a standard test that they use for measuring behavior in mice. Other studies from Turkey have shown damage to the brain of rodents that are exposed prenatally to cellphone radiation.

Based on these different studies, Dr. Taylor and a group of over a hundred other experts in pregnancy and reproductive health formed the Baby Safe Project. That’s On that project, on that site, you can find materials that are being handed out clinicians around the world today.

I spent a month in India. The Indian Academy of Pediatrics and the Indian Obstetricians and Gynecologists are also handing out these materials because we want pregnant women to know they must protect the abdomen especially toward the end of pregnancy when the baby’s head is close to the surface. Cellphone radiation doesn’t get very far into the body, but it does get in at least an inch or more. And the more fluid, the more it can absorb, which is why children has to be especially protected. Their skulls are thinner, their brains contain more fluid, they will absorb more radiation.

The Baby Safe Project has information for clinicians as well as for patients. And every one of the 4500 women who goes into Yale University Center to have a baby gets this information now. It’s available at as well as under our free download at Environmental Health Trust,

Our website is loaded with information that you can download and share with others under the section right on our home page called ‘Download’. Our doctor’s pamphlet is a two-sided thing that can be printed out and given away and we certainly want to encourage your listeners to go to our site, to sign up to our newsletter, to follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

DEBRA: Yes, all those things.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: All those things, but more importantly, to share this information with young parents, with people who have young children, so that they will understand that the American Academy of Pediatrics is advising no screen time for children under the age of two, so that they will be aware that there’s simple things they can do now to practice safe technology and that we have the right to reclaim our lives back. There is nowhere written that you’ve all got to be on emergency standby 24/7.

DEBRA: No. No. I mean, no. We’re human beings, we’re not machines and we’re not electronic devices and there are other ways to communicate besides phones.

I remember many years ago when I used to live in California, I lived out in a rural community and I belonged to an environmental group. And so this was back in the days when I remember at the same time, I was trying to figure out how to send via modem a magazine article to a magazine publisher and he was trying to talk me through it on the phone. The point was that we could’ve communicated electronically. I think that we had email at that time, but one of the women said, “But there wouldn’t be any chocolate cake.” After that, we all refer to this as a chocolate cake factory, which was meeting face-to-face and having human connection.

And I think that that’s so important. I was thinking the other day about how many people I know because of my professional activities and people who have become my friends from the work that I do that I have never met face-to-face. I know them because I email them or talk to them on the phone or Skype them or whatever. That’s good in one sense that you have exposure to many more people, but it’s a different quality of relationship when you’re actually sitting down together.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: That’s certainly true. That’s certainly true.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. It’s not the same, it’s not the same.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: And I think in a way, the anonymity of the Internet friends that we all have can also contribute to an increase in violence because it’s not a real person that you’re acting out against. It’s just this abstract entity.

Imagine all of these kids sitting there playing video games for hours at a time who can easily make the transition to becoming jihadist. And it seems to me that there must be a relationship. This Internet is being used to recruit these poor, insulated and disaffected, young people. Whereas in the past, they might have gone out, gotten into trouble in the local neighborhood, now they can get themselves on a plane and end up participating in horrendous activities of violence. I think that in a way, the digital world has allowed for anonymity and a disconnect from basic human feelings and exchanges.

Now, that is why, by the way, in South Korea, there are psychiatrist that has come up with a new syndrome that they have confirmed in MRIs in middle school children. They call it ‘digital dementia’. What they refer to is a lack of development in the right hemisphere, a lack of the ability to develop empathy, to look one in the eye, to understand the consequences of another.

It’s so severe that they have actually come up with treatments for this, which involves a kind of digital detox. And as you may be aware, digital detox is not just a phrase you can find. There are actually programs around the world now to allow people to disconnect and reconnect. People become so accustom to the 24/7 world that they forget to take time to play music, listen to music, go outside, all the things in the world we know we need to do to stay healthy – exercise and things of that sort. People are chained to their screen.

DEBRA: Yes, yes. I feel so unfortunate that I’m old enough that I knew what the world was like before we had all of these. We need to go to break, but we’ll be back and talk about this more when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Devra Lee Davis, M.P.H., Ph.D. She is the president of the Environmental Health Trust. The website is And from there, I’m sure you can get to all the other activities that she’s doing. She’s really, really taking a stand on cellphones and digital devices that I think is very much needed. We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Dr. Devra Lee Davis, M.P.H., Ph.D. of Environmental Health Trust. The website is Dr. Davis, we’re in our last ten minutes here of the show. I want to make sure that you tell us about some things that we can do to use these devices more safely or do you think that we should just eliminate the whole system entirely?

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: Oh, no, no. We’ve got to be smarter than our phones and our tablets.

DEBRA: I like that, ‘smarter than our phones’, yeah.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: Right! This means that we’ve got to control the technology and not let the technology control us. Our website has lots of information. On Facebook, we have an ongoing discussion about things that can be done. We’re specifically concerned about young women keeping cellphones in their bras because as we just saw in the earlier segment, manufacturers advise that you not keep a phone directly next to the body, but people are not aware of this. That’s why we set up That site puts together all of the advice now found buried inside phones.

We have YouTube materials that people can look at and we have a campaign underway right now to model exposures so that people understand that a laptop (they no longer call them ‘laptop’) doesn’t belong on the lap, but on a table. The reason they call them ‘tablets’ nowadays is because that’s where they belong. We want to encourage people to understand that if you must carry a phone on your body, put it on airplane mode or turn it off. That way, you will not be getting exposed to the microwave radiation.

Men should be aware that those who keep phones in their pockets are exceeding the as tested exposure guidelines and reducing their sperm count. This is not a good idea for lots of reasons. It’s not a good form or birth control, but it also has other adverse effects that we need to be aware of.

We have a good program for the schools now that you can find on our website. We’re working ceaselessly on this around the country to promote awareness that schools should be wired, not wireless. The reason for this have to do with expense, but also have to do with safety. The long-term effects of children growing up in a sea of radio frequency, radiation that did not even exist five years ago is not something anyone can tell us about. We simply are not flying blind when it comes to this technology.

And as I indicated in an earlier segment, we want the 21st century classroom to go beyond the digital divide, that all children have access to technology, but there’s no reason that this should be wireless. We want to encourage awareness that there are solutions, that there are low tech best practices that allow schools to use wired Internet connections.

We are developing materials on our website on schools, wireless and health where there’s preliminary information that you can share with your teachers and students and a longer document that also tells you best practices that can be implemented of what parents need to know about safe technology.

The American Academy of Pediatrics as I indicated earlier recommends no screen time at all for children under the age of two. We are seeking support now to expand this message nationally and internationally. And so I would certainly appreciate your listeners making a donation to Environmental Health Trust, so that we can expand our ability to provide this information to teachers and parents around the world.

In general, the tips for the schools are to hardwire all devices that are connected to the Internet, these computers and tablets. And if you must use a wireless device, download to it and then put it on airplane mode when children are using, so that this becomes a routine policy in school.

And of course, we can provide briefing materials. We have resources for families and staff on safe technology and tips for how to practice safe tech including a little card that can be handed out. They involve keeping it on airplane mode as much as possible with WiFi off. And of course, practice safe phone. That means using a speaker phone or a handset (preferably an air tube headset) and not letting children use mobile phones except in an emergency.

Of course, driving is a huge risk factor. Mobile devices distract drivers even if they’re hands-free. Please limit your calls to circumstances where you are not in a high traffic situation.

Remember that distance is your friend and that if you can keep these devices out of your bedroom and away from young children, you’ll be better off and so will they. And as we know, we need to sleep in the dark in order to make melatonin, in order to repair damage that may have occurred as a result of living.

Promoting awareness of these things is what the Environmental Health Trust is doing. I’m delighted to be able to talk with you after all these year. I’ve followed your work for quite some time. I think it’s wonderful to see you moving into this area as well. I look forward to working with you to see that we all do a better job of getting the information out.

These devices have revolutionized our world. Business and our abilities to respond to emergencies is totally transformed. And you’re right, there’s a whole generation growing up that will never know what it was like previously.

At the same time, we’ve got to claim back our private time. We’ve got to give our children more opportunities to get their feet wet and dirty with the grass and sand…

DEBRA: I totally agree!

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: …and not spend their lives in front of screens. And families have the right to demand no devices at the dinner table and parents should absolutely take devices away from children at night. It disrupts their sleep no matter what they’re telling you. It’s not a good idea to have any bright lights, any blue lights in the bedroom.

DEBRA: I so agree with you about this. I know that even without all of these devices, it’s difficult enough to get people out of the house out into nature so that people can experience the whole of life that we’re all interconnected with. With all these devices on top of it, people are so absorbed in all these electronics and it’s like the reality of life becomes what they see on the screen instead of the actual reality of life that’s right in front of you.


DEBRA: And I have a big concern about that. It’s just that we have to know that we’re connected to the natural world. That’s part of our basic survival and so many people don’t know that.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: I was in one of those beautiful places in the world in South India in Carola, taking a boat ride. There were other tourists with me from Asia, a family with young children. They were holding their device up to themselves and the experience photographing it, videoing it rather than experiencing it.

DEBRA: Yes, I see this all the time

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: On Jenny Lake in Jackson Hole, you’ll see people videoing the boat ride, but not experiencing it. It’s a strange thing. I’m wondering when are people going to – they’re going to spend their time watching the video rather than being where they are at the moment?

DEBRA: Yeah.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: And it’s happening all over the world!

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, we only have just a couple of minutes left. I just want to thank you so much for coming on the show. And I, too, I’ve been following your work for many years too. I’m so happy that we’ve finally met even though we were meeting over a digital device. I very much look forward to working with you in the future to make this more known.

People have talked to me in the past about the connection between electromagnetic fields and toxic exposures and how the electromagnetic fields can increase the toxicity of the toxic chemicals that we’re being exposed to, but I never quite understood how it fit together, so I’m so glad that you explained that. I will probably have more questions for you about that because I think it’s an integral part of people protecting themselves from the toxics, to also protect themselves from the electromagnetic fields.

Well, I appreciate that very much. Hopefully, we’re thinking about doing another edition of Disconnect because it’s five years now and so much more science has come out. I will certainly be in touch with you when we reach that decision. I would welcome any of your listeners who have an opinion to let us know what they think we should do.

It’s a tough sell because we are all so attracted and have become so dependent on these devices. I’m not anti-technology, I’m just pro-health.

DEBRA: Yeah, exactly. Me too.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: We need to understand technology better so that we can be more responsible in the way we use it for ourselves and our children.

DEBRA: Just like we need to understand toxics better for exactly the same reason. I don’t think that we’re going to end up with a world that’s 100% no toxic chemicals, but we need to understand how to use them and understand how to use this technology. I love that you talked about doing it smartly, us being smart over our phones…


DEBRA: …because that’s the thing, to use these tools as a tool for life rather than letting them make us sick and not being able to think clearly, et cetera.


DEBRA: Anyway, we have to go because the music is going to come on in just a few seconds. But again, thank you so much.

DR. DEVRA LEE DAVIS: Thank you and please have your listeners look at our website, and sign up for our newsletter and let us know what we can do to get the word out more with you.

DEBRA: Great! This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.


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