ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Wendy-Myers-1Today my guest is Wendy Myers, CHHC, NC, certified holistic health and nutrition coach and the founder, head writer and Chief Eating Officer of We’ll be talking about why the popular Paleo diet is not enough to achieve true health (I’ll be giving my comments about the Paleo diet too) and how heavy metals and chemicals are the underlying cause of disease. And we’ll talk a lot about detox. Wendy attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York. She is certified in Hair Mineral Analysis and is currently seeking her masters in clinical nutrition at Bridgeport University in Connecticut. Wendy’s interest in nutrition began with the death of her father from esophageal cancer. She vowed to find out what made him sick, what role his treatment and medications played in his demise, and how she could avoid the same fate. The more Wendy learned, the more she realized that all the answers to health do not lie in our medical system. Food, detoxication and natural healing modalities must be used to compliment the advances in modern medicine. Thus, was born. Wendy’s site aims to inform readers about how to achieve optimum health, energy and vitality. empowers readers to improve their health through the Modern Paleo diet, hair mineral analysis, detoxication and natural treatments for their health conditions. Wendy urges visitors to take responsibility for their health by learning about alternative treatments for their health conditions.



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“Health and Nutrition Coach on Diet and Detox”

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
GUEST: Wendy Myers, CHHC, NC

DATE OF BROADCAST: August 26, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free. It’s Tuesday, August 26th 2014. I’m here in a sunny day in Colorado, Florida. I think it’s getting a little cooler now that it’s almost the end of summer and almost autumn.

Today, we’re going to be talking about diet and detox with a health and nutrition coach who is so in agreement with me I can’t believe it. Actually, she invited me to be on her podcast, which is how we met and we just found we had so much in common that I said, “Oh Wendy, come over here and be on my show too.”

So my guest is Wendy Myers, CHH NC. She’s a certified holistic health and nutrition coach and the founder, head writer and chief eating officer of
Hi, Wendy.

WENDY WYERS: Hello! Thank you so much for having me.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure. We had such a great time on your podcast. And actually, that podcast was recorded. It’s going to be played in the future, so all of you can listen to my podcast on Wendy’s website when it happens. You could go to her website at, sign up for her newsletter and then you’ll find out when I’m going to be on her podcast.

So Wendy, first of all, tell us about the letters behind your name, CHHC and NC. What do those mean?

WENDY WYERS: Yes, it means I’m a ‘certified holistic health coach’. You basically get that designation when you attend the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. It’s the largest nutrition school in the world. It’s really a wonderful program. It has some of the most amazing teachers there. It’s located in New York. And so it’s basically just a certification where you can help people eat healthier and live healthier lives.

DEBRA: And what’s the NC?

WENDY WYERS: Oh, the NC is ‘nutrition consultant’. I got that when I got certified in hair mineral analysis. So that is just a general name for someone who consult with others about nutrition, but I’m also getting my master’s in clinical nutrition right now as well.

DEBRA: Good! So you know a lot about nutrition.

WENDY WYERS: I sure do!

DEBRA: I know a lot about nutrition, but I don’t have letters after my name. So tell us how you got interested in this whole subject of nutrition, diet and detox.

WENDY WYERS: Well, it started when I got pregnant with my daughter. I’d always been kind of vaguely interested in nutrition meaning more in the lose weight. I was at this diet [inaudible 00:03:58]. But when I got pregnant, I really had to focus on nutrition because I was eating for two. I was sort of reading about it and I thought, “Why haven’t I read more about this before? It’s so fascinating.”

And then, unfortunately, my father was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. He passed away within six months of his diagnosis for his cancer treatment (not the cancer, mind you). It really was a wake-up call to me that I really needed to figure out how to not die like that. I just thought, “I’m not going to go out like that.”

So I started reading about what causes cancer and the true, underlying causes of it and natural treatments. I really have had so much faith in the western medical system. I loved reading about the latest drugs that were coming out. I had been reading about drugs and medicines since I was a teenager because I was just personally interested in it, but I saw how it failed my father.

I really felt that the 10 medications he was taking, that he had been on for about 10 years including statins and Metformin and many other medications all contributed to his demise. And then his cancer treatment, radiation and chemo finally failed him.
And so I just set out on a path to figure out how to live a healthier live and it led me to detox, the importance of detox and how it is critical in not becoming a statistic, one of the cancer statistics.

DEBRA: I went through a similar situation in my family where my mother died of cancer and both of my grandmothers. A doctor at the time when my mother died, it was the same period of time when I became very sensitive to chemicals and had immune system problems because of my chemical exposure, I talked to a doctor who said that because my mother and I both had the same exposures, he said that in me, it showed as an immune system problem and in her, it showed up as cancer. But it’s all the same thing. It all goes back the toxic chemicals and heavy metals and things that we’re exposed to in daily lives.

WENDY WYERS: Absolutely.

DEBRA: Yeah, I understand it. And I’m sure that a lot of our listeners too have had some kind of illness like that in their families, whether their parents or grandparents or aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters. I’ve had three of my friends have cancer. Fortunately, two of them survived; only one died. Two of them had breast cancer.

And so when I was growing up, you didn’t know anybody who had cancer. And now, so many people have cancer.

WENDY WYERS: Yeah, it’s frightening. It’s 1 in 2 men get cancer and 1 in 3 women. That’s a lot. I mean, that’s a big number.

DEBRA: That is a big number.

WENDY WYERS: It’s insane! And there’s a reason. All cancers and diseases have the same underlying cause. It’s nutrient deficiencies and heavy metal and chemical toxicity.

DEBRA: Totally agree!

WENDY WYERS: They just have different disease labels…

DEBRA: I totally agree.

WENDY WYERS: Yeah! They just have different disease labels. That’s it.

DEBRA: That’s right, that’s right. Many, many years ago when I started looking at, “Well, how can I be healthy?”, I realized that the things that you do to restore your health like getting good nutrition and not being exposed to toxic chemicals and things like that, those are the things that you can do before you get sick in order to be healthy in the first place.


DEBRA: And that’s why I decided all those years ago that I was going to educate people, particularly about toxic chemicals because after I went through being made ill by toxic chemicals and had to recover from that, I said, “Wait a minute! If I just was not exposed to the toxic chemicals in the first place, then I wouldn’t have had to go through all these illness because removing the toxic chemicals handled the illness.”


DEBRA: So we might as well just start out with good nutrition and a nice, clean life. And then we’ll all be healthy and happy.

WENDY WYERS: Yeah, and that’s my main message to people. Don’t wait until you get sick to start attending to your health because by the time you manifest symptoms, the disease process has been going on in your body for many years. So don’t wait.

That’s why I do hair mineral analysis because it can show imbalances in the body years before you manifest symptoms. The mistake that a lot of my own friends make – I use a lot of my friends as guinea pigs. Like my friend says, “I’ll get there – live a healthy life, eat a healthy diet” and they feel good generally even though – everyone has a little bit of fatigue, which is the beginning of the disease process, but I’ll explain that later.

They do a hair test and some of them were really imbalanced. It’s a signal that there are so many things they can do to correct those imbalances on the hair test before they get sick and before they get one of those disease labels or start manifesting symptoms.
But a lot of people has this mentality, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” That could not be further from the truth. We all have toxic chemicals in our body. The question is to what degree.

DEBRA: Yes, that’s absolutely true. We all have toxic chemicals in our bodies. We’re all going to get sick from them unless we do something to be less exposed to them in the first place and to remove them from our bodies and make sure that our bodies have proper nutrition and other things that we can do in order to support our good health.


DEBRA: So during this show, we’re going to be talking more about diet, more about detox. We’re coming up very shortly on the break, so I’m not going to ask Wendy another question. I’m just kind of adlibbing here until we get to the commercial.
You can go to Wendy’s website, and find out more about her. She’s got a lot of the same type of information on her site as I do. We’re in complete agreement.

So you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Wendy Myers, health and nutrition coach and we’ll be right back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Wendy Myers. She’s a certified holistic health and nutrition coach. She has a great website called She has a lot of great information there that is totally in agreement with what I talk about. If you sign up for her newsletter, then you’ll find out when I’m going to be on her podcast.

So Wendy, let’s talk about diet. I know that you talk about the Paleo diet, but also say that it’s not enough. I’ve talked about the Paleo diet. I’ve had other people on the show that are proponents of the Paleo diet in different forms. But I’d the listeners to hear what you have to say about it. I also have some things I’d like to say about it, but you go first.

WENDY WYERS: Yes! Well, my version of Paleo is called Modern Paleo. And essentially, I believe it’s not about reenacting the caveman diet because the Paleo diet was the diet that Paleolithic men ate about – estimates are from 3.5 to 2.6 million years ago up until about a thousand years ago.

So it’s the diet that our bodies were evolutionary designed for. We evolved millions of years eating meats and vegetables and nuts and seeds and the fruits and vegetables. There’s a lot of evidence now that the Paleolithic men also ate a lot of [inaudible 00:15:17] depending on where he was from, so potatoes.

But it’s not about reenactment because you and I have survived as a species have we not adapted the new foods in our environment.

And so I believe that people can still eat legumes and grains and dairy and potatoes if they do a food elimination diet and find out which one of those new foods that appear on the horizon since agricultural times about 10,000 years ago and see if they work for them because dairy and legumes and potatoes are incredibly nutritious foods and there’s absolutely no reason to exclude them from the diet if you tolerate them because many people do.

So a lot of people, they eat a Paleo diet and it doesn’t work for them because they’re typically may not be getting enough carbohydrates in because they’re excluding grains and sugar and what-not and potatoes. So our main source of carbs will be fruits. So if we’re not eating fruits, they typically can suffer from low thyroid function and have other health issues related to not getting enough carbohydrates. This is, in fact, a nutrient that we need.

DEBRA: Yes. So I had an experience the last few weeks. Anyone who has read my food blog knows that earlier this year, I did a 30-day Paleo program that was pretty strict, just the basic meat, vegetables, fruits kind of thing. No dairy, no grains, cutting out everything. Just basically meat, vegetables and fruit and sweet potatoes. I eat sweet potatoes and butter. That was about it.

I lost I think it was 13 lbs. and my blood sugar went down. Over 30-day period, that’s what happened. I continued to stay on that diet, but I started doing things like eating other things that are typically allowed on the Paleo diet like chocolate.


DEBRA: Good, organic chocolate with nice, organic sugar in it. I started eating more fat because I read about how your body can run on fat instead of running on carbs and I thought that was a great idea. And so I ate more fat, I ate chocolate and I started gaining weight. I gained back 6 lbs. I thought this is not going in the right direction, but look! This is a Paleo diet. I was basically eating what I was eating before plug more fat and chocolate.


DEBRA: And so then I kind of struggled with that. But what happened was that as much as I was struggling with it and wanting to lose weight again, I really was on this plateau after that where I was trying to do the right thing, but I wasn’t losing weight. And after I stopped eating so much fat, I wasn’t gaining weight either. I thought something was wrong here with this picture.

But then what happened was that I got a gout attack. I actually have a history of occasionally getting gout attacks, which is what happens when you have too much uric acid that builds up in your body. It happens when you eat a lot of meat.
And so for me to be on a diet where I’m basically eating three or four ounces of protein three times a day plus vegetables and that’s about it, that didn’t balance right with my body.


DEBRA: I ended up having a gout attack for three weeks.

During that time, I didn’t eat any protein at all. It was just like I couldn’t even put an egg in my mouth. I couldn’t take a bite of egg. There was one day where I was making scrambled eggs. I was making two eggs a day in the morning for breakfast. I took a bite of the egg and I couldn’t eat it. I had to spit it out. It’s just like my body rejected it.

All I was eating was salad, lettuce and tomatoes and cucumbers and olive oil and salt. That’s what I ate because it was the only thing I could get down.

And I felt so good. I can’t tell you, my energy came up. I felt fabulous. I felt fabulous. I was sitting here with a gout attack, in pain, but the rest of my body was feeling great and I was eating practically nothing.

WENDY WYERS: Yeah. Well, I’ll tell you what happened. I’ll tell you what happened. You have to understand, you have to eat a diet that works for your health status at any given time.


WENDY WYERS: When I have clients that are having liver issues or other kinds of health issues, I advise them to not eat meat and eggs because their livers can’t handle it for whatever reason.

And whenever people feel like they can’t eat meat or for you where you couldn’t get that egg down, you have to go with that because your body does not want that and it won’t taste good to you. Foods that your body need nutritionally will taste amazing to you.

DEBRA: Yes, I’ve learned that.

WENDY WYERS: …because your body needs it, craving it. So for you, when you lost that initial weight (which is very common), when you don’t eat a lot of carbohydrate, you shed a lot of water weight. It may not be actual fat, but people shed a lot of water weight because carbohydrates need a lot of water.

DEBRA: I’m going to interrupt you right there because we need to go to break.


DEBRA: I know you have lots more to say on this and so do I. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Wendy Myers, health and nutrition coach. We’re talking about the Paleo diet and the right diet for you. We’re going to talk about detox when we come back too. We’ll be right back.


WENDY WYERS: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Wendy Myers, health and nutrition coach. Before the break, we were talking about the Paleo diet and how it didn’t work for me.

I want to say that the conclusion that I came to was that we can look at these list of foods and ideas behind how we should choose these diets, but I think what I and others have gotten is that we just kind of say, “Well, here’s this recommend diet” and then we follow the diet when what we really need to be doing is figuring out what is the right diet for our own bodies and our own needs. It might not be the same diet from time to time in our lives.

WENDY WYERS: Yeah. And that’s the thing. Your diet does need to change from time to time. People develop food sensitivities and then other food sensitivities resolve and go away. People with cancer, they need to go to a vegetarian or vegan diet to treat that. So you really have to look at where you’re at and not blindly follow any kind of diet recommendation.

But I think that the Paleo template is the basis. It’s the basic template that people should begin with to design their own personalized diet because it is in line with our body’s physiological nutrient environment.

DEBRA: Well, what I really like about the Paleo diet is that I learned many, many years ago to look to nature for inspiration and information about how to be healthy and how to live because we have all these industrial ideas from living in an industrial consumer society and yet nature does things differently.

And so what I like about the Paleo diet is that it takes you out of eating all these processed foods and says just eat food as it is in nature. But I think that in some ways, it in some ways, it’s too restrictive and this is why I like your approach of saying, “Well, if your body tolerates them and it’s healthy and you’re okay with it, why not eat other whole foods, whole, nutritious foods that are not processed even if they’re not in the strict Paleo list?”

For example, I do really, really well with legumes – really, really well. They give me a lot of fiber. They help my blood sugar. I enjoy eating them. They taste great and I think that they’re a good source of protein. And so to completely eliminate legumes for me and then replace it with meat, which my body doesn’t handle as well, I don’t think that that was the right thing for me to do.

WENDY WYERS: Yeah! It doesn’t make sense.

DEBRA: It was fine for 30 days, but not in the long run.


DEBRA: Once I’ve got past those 30 days, it just didn’t make sense to my body.

WENDY WYERS: Yeah, and I have people do a 30-day Paleo reset as well. I talk about that, outline that in my upcoming book, The Modern Paleo Survival Guide because I think people can do kind of a reset. It’s almost like doing a food elimination diet. You just take out all these stuff that people are potentially sensitive to. And then you can start reintroducing them one by one and it will work for you.

DEBRA: Yeah. Well, that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing. For at least a week, all I ate was vegetables. I was not worse for not eating protein for that week. But then, the next thing that I wanted was I started kind of nibbling on chicken, but I didn’t eat three or four ounces of it, maybe an ounce. I just nibbled on these little pieces of roasted chicken. And then I was willing to eat a little chicken broth. It was kind of like coming off of fast or something.

There was one food that I ate, something that I was eating quite frequently, these wonderful pork sausages from my natural food store, naturally grown pork. You just think, “Well, here’s a healthy natural food store product,” but my body didn’t like it at all. It made me really tired and irritable and upset. It took me three or four days to recover from that.

And so some of these things, people are eating foods and just thinking, “Well, this is just kind of my baseline, how I feel,” but if you stop eating them, you might be really surprised to see how wonderful you feel.

Anyway, so let’s go to detox. Tell us why heavy metals and chemicals are the underlying cause of disease.

Hello? Wendy, are you there? Ah! Well, I need to let my producer know that we’ve lost Wendy. Yeah, okay. So we’re going to get her back on the line. But let’s see, what else can I tell you about the Paleo diet?

I do think the Paleo diet is a good place to start, but as I’ve said, don’t limit yourself to any one diet. You need to figure out what makes your body feel good.

So one way you can do that is just you can go on a fast. I’ve once went on a fast. And then I did an elimination diet and I found out what foods were making me not feel well and which foods did make me feel good.

Just recently, as I’ve said, I just ate salad for a week and I noticed that I felt really, really good. And so then I started saying, “Let me just try one food at a time.”

And try things like chicken or something that isn’t one of the big allergens like soy. Don’t try soy, corn or wheat. Just kind of stay off the grains and just see what kind of proteins you can add to – I’m sorry, I’m reading and talking at the same time. Okay, they’re continuing to try to get Wendy back on the line.

So you can just keep trying and seeing what kind of foods your body likes to eat.

And then what I do is that I just make a list of the foods. And it changes through my life. Whatever it is that is the foods that currently are right for me to eat, I make a list of them and then I say, “How can I make these foods delicious?” because taste is a big thing for me.

Yeah, there’s something called instinctive nutrition. Wendy was saying earlier that foods that are good for you taste good to you. You can look this up online, ‘instinctive nutrition’ where the whole premise is that your body, whatever is good for your body will taste good to you. And that only works if you’re eating whole foods. You can’t say, “Chocolate cake tastes good, so that’s good for me.” If you’re trying out whole foods (meats, vegetables, fruits), if they taste really good, your body probably needs them.

So what I do is that I make a list of the foods that I have eaten and tried and I know that they are doing well for me. And then I see how I can put them together or what kind of seasonings I can put on them, how I can cut them up in different ways, what I can do to prepare them to make an interesting and varied diet because I want things to taste good. If it doesn’t taste good to me, then I want to go and eat chocolate cake or whatever, ice cream.

If you make your healthy diet taste good, something that you look forward to eating, then you’ll enjoy eating it and every part of you will be happy.

We’re going to go to break. Hopefully, we’ll have Wendy when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Wendy Myers. Her website is We’ll be right back.


DEBRA: Your’e listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Wendy Myers, health and nutrition coach. She has a website, That’s If you go there and sign up for her newsletter, you’ll get to find out when I’m going to be on her podcast.

But also, you’ll get some free gifts and one of them is a PDF about how to put together your own modern Paleo diet that we’ve just been talking about. All the information is right there and she has an upcoming on that subject. So you want to find out about that.

Wendy, let’s talk about detox. I know that you have some things to say about how heavy metals and chemicals are the underlying cause of disease.

WENDY WYERS: Yes, yes. Yeah, the more I learn about this, the more I’m completely convinced that nutrient deficiencies and heavy metal and chemical toxicities are the main cause of disease.

DEBRA: I agree.

WENDY WYERS: Of course, there’s genetics involved at some point. But really, the metals and chemicals will interplay with our genetics and express different diseases based on our genetic make-up. I think that comes more into play.

It’s something that when you get sick and you go to your doctor, they’re not looking at either of those things. There’s a myopia in modern medical care where they’re not looking at nutrition and they’re not looking at heavy metal and chemical toxicities unless they’re acute. They’re trained to look at acute metal toxicities, but not the chronic, low level heavy metal toxicities that most people are suffering from.

And also, it starts with nutrient deficiency. When you don’t have enough zinc for instance in your body (that’s what your body uses to repair your arteries and your skin and what-not), then your body is forced to retain cadmium, which is a very toxic heavy metal that causes kidney disease and cancer and it’s a pollutant in the environment from industrial dumping.

And when you don’t have enough zinc, your body is forced to retain that and to use that in enzymatic processes. The body uses it to repair the arteries and the skin and other areas of the body even though zinc is the preferred mineral. It’s the preferred patching of material for your arteries.

Over time, this is one of the biggest causes of heart disease and high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries. Cadmium is really brittle and it prevents the blood vessels from being able to expand and contract readily or as well as they would normally contract or what-not and that causes these diseases.

So that’s just one example of how a nutrient deficiency will cause us to accumulate heavy metals and over time, over many, many decades of nutrient deficient diets and accumulating heavy metals and the hundred thousand chemicals that are in our environment today, we eventually develop illness and symptoms and diseases.

And it starts with fatigue. When the adrenals become toxic and the thyroid becomes toxic and nutrient deprived, these are the glands that make our bodies energy. So when you start to become fatigued, it’s because those glands are toxic and your metabolism slows down. And then you haven’t even [inaudible 00:42:28] to detox heavy metals because detoxing takes energy.

DEBRA: Yeah.

WENDY WYERS: So if you don’t have enough energy, if you’re tired all the time and you’re craving sugar and coffee, that’s just because your body doesn’t have adequate energy supplies. And when it doesn’t have enough energy, you are accumulating metals and chemicals because your body doesn’t have that energy to detox them.

DEBRA: Yes! I actually just wrote a whole article about that.

WENDY WYERS: That’s actually the disease process over time. People get worse and worse and worse. Oh, yeah? I love it.

DEBRA: I recently wrote a whole article about toxic chemicals and adrenals.


DEBRA: Yeah.

WENDY WYERS: It’s a huge problem. I think most people are in some stage of adrenal fatigue.

DEBRA: I think so too. And one thing that I’ll just say – go ahead.

WENDY WYERS: The only thing – yeah. Oh, I was just going to say that when you go to your doctor, the only remedy they give you is hormone replacement therapy, which does nothing to address the underlying cause of why you have adrenal fatigue in the first place.

DEBRA: I actually went through adrenal fatigue. I know what it feels like and I know how to recover from it. And one of the things that my nutritionist that I had at the time told me was that when your body is upright (when you’re standing up or sitting up), then it stresses your adrenals. And when you’re lying down, your adrenals can recover.


DEBRA: And so she told me to just simply lie down. She gave me a good excuse to just lie in bed all day.

WENDY WYERS: Yeah, I say to the client, “Sit your butt down.”

DEBRA: Yeah, but if you’re tired – and most people don’t know that they have adrenal fatigue. But if you’re tired in the afternoon, say, instead of drinking coffee or eating chocolate or something, go lie down just for 15 or 20 minutes. Even that will help your adrenals.

WENDY WYERS: Absolutely! Yeah. I mean, take a nap. Don’t drink coffee and eat sugar.

DEBRA: Yeah.

WENDY WYERS: When people are craving these things, they’re craving them (which many of us do), our bodies are naturally trying to get the energy that it needs. So it’s not that people have low will power or what-not when they have voracious sugar and carbohydrate cravings, it’s just that they typically have adrenal fatigue and their body is just crying out for quick, easy energy sources.

DEBRA: But the thing about that particularly for adrenals is if you eat that sugar or you eat carbs, it actually makes your adrenal fatigue worse.


DEBRA: So it’s like this vicious cycle. This is one of the reasons why you want to do all these things that I’m talking about and that Wendy is talking about in order to improve your nutrition, get better food, supplements, if you need to take them, detox your body in whatever way you choose to do so because that’s the thing that’s really going to break the cycle and is going to get you back on track.

WENDY WYERS: Yeah, and that’s what I do exactly with my Mineral Power Program that I designed. It uses a hair mineral analysis and I’m able to get a peek into your nutritional status and any heavy metal toxicities you have and design a program for you that gives you the supplements that you need for your body at that time and do diet and lifestyle changes.

You do that long enough, your body heals itself. It takes two to three years to detox the bulk of heavy metals from your body and to increase your mineral and nutrient status. But it does work.

The focus of the problem is healing your adrenals and thyroid and increasing your energy and your mental clarity and your ability to detox. People are realy blown away by what comes out of their body on the program.

DEBRA: Well, there’s a lot of junk we’re carrying around, yeah.


DEBRA: There’s so many different kinds of detoxes. It’s interesting to me how they kind of fit together. I know you and I were talking about taking Pure Body Zeolite, which is what I recommend to people. That will remove directly things immediately from your body. And there’s also a place to be doing a long-term program like yours as well.

WENDY WYERS: Yeah! I think Zeolite’s amazing. I think it’s a wonderful thing people can do to get really quick results. But that’s one thing that for a long-term detox, you really have to increase your nutrient status especially minerals. I like chelated minerals.
And once you start doing that, your body just naturally detoxes and starts pushing out these metals it doesn’t need any longer. It’s actually using these metals for certain processes in the body.

And so once people start increasing their minerals, they’ll naturally detox as well. But I think Zeolite is a wonderful addition to a detox program.

DEBRA: That’s so fascinating, what you said about the body is using cadmium when it doesn’t have zinc. There’s I’m sure other things like that going on in the body. It’s kind of like in the thyroid, something we’ve talked about before where if the body doesn’t have iodine, then it uses fluoride.

The thing that I think of when I hear these things is that nature has created our bodies in a way that it works, that we’re supposed to have iodine and we’re supposed to have zinc and we’re supposed to have all these nutrients. And then, when we don’t, then now we’re living in this world where our body, instead of being made out of zinc and iodine is made out of cadmium and fluoride. It just is like a mutation.

To think about that, like if I had a picture of my body where, “Here’s a little cadmium molecule and a fluoride molecule and this molecule and that molecule,” it’s a different body. It’s not the body that nature designed.
Are you there?

WENDY WYERS: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And these metals, they’re in the soil. They’ve been around – oh! Hi, can you hear me?

DEBRA: Yeah, I can hear you.

WENDY WYERS: Debra, can you hear me? Okay, fine. I’m sorry.

DEBRA: I can hear you. Can you hear me?

WENDY WYERS: Yes, I can hear you.

DEBRA: Okay.

WENDY WYERS: Yeah, so these metal have been in the environment since cavemen times. They’re in the soil. But the problem is with modern industry, we have drudged them up. All these metals in the environment, we drudge them up. We put them in computers. They’re in hydrogenated oils. Nickel is used as a catalyst to infuse hydrogenated oils. So many people that eat these hydrogenated oils have a lot of nickel toxicity.

There’s many, many examples that I can talk about, but it just goes to show you how we have so much…

DEBRA: But we’re at the end of the show.

WENDY WYERS: Oh, okay.

DEBRA: We’ve only got 20 seconds.

WENDY WYERS: Well, thank you so much for having me.

DEBRA: Thank you for being on the show. I’ll have you on again. Hopefully, we’ll have better transmission next time.


DEBRA: And we’ll be able to hear you better. But again, Wendy’s website is You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.


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