My guest today is Pamela Seefeld, R.Ph, a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. We’ll be talking about why it’s so important to detox your body and three different types of detox: liquid zeolite, homeopathic remedies, and sauna. Each method of detox works in different ways in your body and removes different substances, so it’s important to choose the right one. Pamela is a 1990 graduate of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, where she studied Pharmacognosy (the study of medicines derived from plants and other natural sources). She has worked as an integrative pharmacist teaching physicians, pharmacists and the general public about the proper use of botanicals. She is also a grant reviewer for NIH in Washington D.C. and the owner of Botanical Resource and Botanical Resource Med Spa in Clearwater, Florida.
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- Medicinal Plants Can Replace Toxic Drugs
Different Types of Detox
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Pamela Seefeld
Date of Broadcast: February 25, 2015
DEBRA: Hi. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic word and live toxic-free.
It is Wednesday, February 25, 2015. Today, we’re going to be talking about detox. We talk about detox a lot, but this whole show is going to be about different ways that you can detox your body.
My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist. She prefers to dispense medicinal plants and other natural substances, instead of prescription drugs.
She and I both have a lot of experience with detox, but from different viewpoints. So we’re each going to talk about things that we’ve done and things that we recommend so that you can see the variety of options that you have and see that it’s not just a single detox.
You might want to do different kinds of detox. You want to do a specific kind of detox to remove what you need to remove from your body or you might want to be supporting your detox organs.
There are a lot of things that we can do to help your body, help get those toxic chemicals out of your body. That’s the subject of today’s show.
Hi, Pamela.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Hey, it’s great to be here.
DEBRA: Thank you. It’s great to have you again.
Now, Pamela has so much great information to share with us that I have her on every other Wednesday. Today is Wednesday, so her next show would be two weeks from now.
You can also go to and take a look at her past shows. She has just so much information about drugs and their health effects and what you can do instead of taking drugs so that your body can be healthy, instead of just doing something about your symptoms.
So Pamela, let’s start off. I know that you do things to detox. Why don’t you give us a little overview?
First of all, out of all the possible subjects in the world, how did you come across the idea of detoxing for health? How do you incorporate that in your daily life?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay. That’s a really good question. So detox, there can be two ways of looking at it.
A lot of people that are working in health food stores or in the natural nutrition, they use detox products that they think are going to help them. The majority of the products that you’re going to find are going to contain anthraquinone glycosides, which are cascara, senna, rhubarb. These things act as laxatives. They’re habit-forming.
I want people just to – before we even start defining detox in my own personal views about a lot of that, that’s not necessarily detox. If you’re in the bathroom pooping a lot, that’s not great. People come here to meet me and they’re like, “I want to detox.” If I start describing these things that they’re looking for, I’m like, “That’s not really detox, but that’s a bowel cleanse.” That’s something completely different because sometimes, people are not moving their bowels regularly or whatever the circumstances may be.
So it’s important to realize that when we’re talking about detox today, we’re not going to be talking about necessarily going to the bathroom and pooping a lot, and I’m going to give you a bunch of laxatives. That’s not what detox really is.
DEBRA: Yeah. That’s not what we’re going to talk about. We’re not going to talk about…
PAMELA SEEFELD: And I want people to know that because the people who are listening to the show are going to be like, “Oh, okay. I’m going to the bathroom.” That’s not really what it is about.
What we’re looking for in the personal and physical level in the body is that we know that the body, because of the fat soluble pesticides and chemicals that we consume, our subcutaneous fat and the fats around our organs, but most specifically a problematic is the subcutaneous fat (the fat right underneath your skin), this fat is a depot storage location for pesticides, heavy metals. Especially, we’re worried about fat soluble chemicals.
These people that actually spray lawns and things like, people that use RoundUp, people walking by the golf course, you take a walk with your dog at night, buying non-organic produce and not washing it properly, all these things – and even people that are really so contained in their diet, they still get exposed to things just environmentally.
DEBRA: Just environmentally, that’s right.
DEBRA: I am probably living in the most nontoxic house in the world and I have for years. But as soon as you walk outside your perfect house, you’re going to be exposed to things.
So I do things to detox because living in today’s world, you cannot avoid chemicals and have a normal life. You just cannot avoid them 100%.
PAMELA SEEFELD: You go to a grocery store, you go shopping. They spray these places. That’s why you don’t see any bugs.
You have to think about it in a logical sense. It’s not like we have to be scared of this. We have to be embracing it. We have to understand it and move forward.
What I look at it is there are several pinnacles of detox and how to have them. We can just describe each one in great detail.
But what we want to do is we want to use something as a facilitator or some supplement. We want to use some kind of activity, whether it would be exercise or even if it’s doing house work, but ideally something that you’re working up a little bit of a sweat. And then we want to look at maybe even incorporating saunas. I’m a big advocate of that.
So there are different ways you can do that. These things can all work together or they can work singly on their own.
So for me, what I tend to do everyday is I do the Body Anew, which is a homeopathic detox that’s not laxative.
DEBRA: We’ll talk more about that later. You can give lots of details later. But just give an overview now.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct. So let’s talk a little bit about these different things that we can do. And let’s just talk from the very beginning what we are looking at as far as chemicals.
There are water soluble and fat soluble chemicals. Water soluble chemicals will go out in the urine and they won’t be hanging around.
The fat soluble chemicals are the ones that cause cancer, the ones that turn on genes that cause dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, things that we do not want. We now know that the pesticides that are fat soluble are very damaging to the pancreas and might lead to type 2 diabetes.
So all of these things incorporated, looking at our body, we need to pull out these fat soluble chemicals. The body is very inefficient at removing them.
DEBRA: That’s right.
PAMELA SEEFELD: So that’s really the way we need to look at it. You need to tell people that it’s not about, “Okay. I want you to be in the bathroom. I want you to be sweating in the sun all day.”
It’s about knowing that these chemicals and your chemical load as you get older and you keep storing more and more of these chemicals in your subcutaneous fat, you have a greater risk of cancer. That’s why you see a higher propensity of cancers in older people because they stored.
DEBRA: There’s a word for this. The Centers for Disease Control calls this body burden. They actually measure it. There are reports.
You can go to Centers for Disease Control website. In fact, I’ll put the link to this on the page for this show. You can go and see what they tested, the chemicals that they found in people’s body.
The only way to get that out – I used to think that if I just avoided toxic chemicals that my body would then not have so much overload and it would work better and it would get rid of the overload. But it’s just too much especially if you’ve been exposed for many, many years throughout your lifetime.
You do have this build-up in your body. It needs to be removed in order for you to be healthy. It’s just the reality of today’s world.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Exactly. We know that removing these things and measuring body burden is really important. It’s a good point that you brought up.
Our bodies will not take the stuff out by itself. The net amount that goes when it’s presented – let me explain this.
When it’s first presented to the liver, it’s a fat soluble chemical. Some of it does get bio-transformed. It’s called glucuronidation and conjugation. And the body takes these functional groups. That’s what the liver does.
And the enzymes add carbohydrates or a CH3 group onto this chemical. It basically mixes the water soluble. It changes it and it goes up in the urine. That’s what the liver does. That’s its process.
So let’s say there’s a net amount of 20%. Just to take a figure of one particular chemical, chemical A because each one is different. And 20% of it has a residual amount left in the body.
Once it’s passed to the liver, the body has to do something with it. So what it does is it stores it in the fat. That’s what the problem is, that 20% that didn’t get metabolized and didn’t leave. That’s where the real issues are facing people.
I tell people when I see them – they have cancer and they come to me. I’m like, “Look. We need to get the chemicals out that caused the cancer in the first place.” That’s really what it’s all about. You need to go back to the very beginning.
Those things are still around. That’s really scary for people that have had cancer.
DEBRA: I totally agree with you. It’s just logical to me that if you put things in your body that cause cancer and you have them build up, then eventually that’s what is going to happen. If you remove those things from your body, then there isn’t something there that will cause cancer.
If cancer is a concern, detox is a big deal about ways to prevent that. But just for anybody, if you just want to be healthy. Everybody needs to this. I mean we’re just too overloaded. If you want to be healthy, you need to detox.
So we need to go to break. When we come back, we’re going to talk about specific kinds of detox and about our detox systems because I want everybody to understand that our bodies do have a detoxification system. It’s at work 24 hours a day.
I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who dispenses medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist who dispenses medicinal plants instead of drugs.
There’s so much to talk about on this subject. Before we get into it, I want you all to know that you can call Pamela and she will help you choose the right products for you. She’s very happy to give you phone consultation for free.
You can call about yourself, your family and your pets. She helps people get off prescription drugs. She helps people choose natural solutions to best treat whatever is going on with their body.
Pamela. So why don’t you give your phone number?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. You can reach me at my pharmacy. It’s (727) 442-4955. That’s (727) 442-4955.
I would be greatly honored to help you and your family with any questions you might have, detox or otherwise. I handle all medical issues.
DEBRA: She’s really good, very well regarded in my community. She helps me a lot.
Before we actually start talking about the detoxing that we’re talking about today, would you just explain simply how our detox system works in our body?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay, good. So basically, the detox system in your body – there are several ways that things leave the body.
When you breathe things out, when you breathe out carbon dioxide, you might also breathe out chemicals as well.
A good example of that is when someone is intoxicated. They’d smell like alcohol in their breath. Actually, it doesn’t happen until about the second drink because of the fact that – it’s the metabolism.
Once it starts kicking over, it ends metabolism in the liver, and then you start breathing it out. I’m just trying to give people some ideas. So some things can come out volatilized in the breath.
Other things come out in the skin, especially heavy metals. That’s why saunas can be very important for that.
And other things that we’re really talking about and focusing on today, the fat soluble chemicals, the ones that we’re really concerned about because of all the disease-causing properties that they have. Those typically will be ingested either we know it or we don’t.
When they go into the stomach and they’re maybe down the food, then they get – immediately, the body takes this. When it goes through the blood stream and it gets absorbed, it gets to the liver.
Things go to the liver. And the liver is basically in our body to protect us against being stupid and ingesting poison. I just want to think about it that way. That’s what we really started doing this for.
When we were cavemen, we were eating things we shouldn’t eat. And the liver would take these poisons and change them and make them water soluble, and it leaves the body. That’s how the liver evolved.
So it’s a cleansing mechanism. And the liver is highly vascularized. It has a lot of blood vessels. You think about it. When you buy calf liver in the grocery store, it’s just all bloody.
So the liver contains the cytochrome P450. These enzymes are highly specialized. These enzymes are very, very smart. There are several different varieties of them. Actually drug metabolism, I specialize in that. I can tell you which drug is metabolizing, which enzyme.
But we’re talking about fat soluble chemicals. They come to the liver and the liver is like, “I got to do something with this.”
Remember we were talking about that net amount that might not be metabolized?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Not all of it is going to be metabolized for each particular pesticide, chemical. In the general term, they call it xenobiotics, these general things, these chemicals we’re not supposed to be ingesting, but we do.
And some of it gets changed to water soluble chemicals. It goes out in our urine. We never even think twice about it. The rest of it goes and the body stores it in the fat. That’s what really happens. That’s what the problem is.
People are always concerned about the fish and the salmon and the tuna that they have mercury. You know what? They’re storing it because they’re big fish. They can hold these things for a long time. And they’re stored in the fat.
So it’s the same thing with us. We’re not much different than the fish.
DEBRA: And people are concerned about eating fish that have these pollutants in them. But our bodies have these pollutants in them.
PAMELA SEEFELD: We do the same thing. We store it. It’s the same thing.
DEBRA: Yeah. So one of the things that I think is really important is that people try to lose weight. When they start losing weight, it melts the fat. It puts these toxic chemicals right back in their body.
Instead of storing, they’re now running around in the blood stream.
PAMELA SEEFELD: That is very true. I’ll tell you something.
This transient and very significant increase in fat soluble chemicals launching into the blood stream, I have seen this for people who have lost great amounts of weight with very strict diet. Then they have a breast cancer diagnosis.
I’m not saying there’s a correlation. I’m saying it’s highly suspect. I told different weight loss doctors here in the area that I meet at various charity events and so forth, that you’re doing a disfavor to your client.
I understand. I’m okay with people losing a lot of weight. This is a person decision of theirs. I’m okay with that. But they need to be on a detox mechanism along with that so that they don’t get diagnosed for cancer.
DEBRA: Absolutely.
PAMELA SEEFELD: It’s really, really shameful to give people crash diets and then not tell them about the chemical situations that can arise from all of these being dumped into the bloodstream.
The liver can’t handle it. It eventually has a chance to go turn on genes that cause cancer. It’s a really, really dangerous situation.
DEBRA: It is. And it’s not spoken about enough within the weight loss industry and community. It’s a very dangerous thing.
Also, there’s the kidney as part of our detox system too.
PAMELA SEEFELD: The kidneys are really to flush out things. Let me explain something interesting about the kidneys.
The kidneys are most efficient while you’re sleeping. The reason why you – this is really important for you to be able to understand just the physiology of the body. When you sleep and you lay down, your kidneys are cleaning out all the debris from the daytime that it hasn’t already taken care of.
Your center of gravity changes. A lot of the fluids in your body, they have a tendency to go towards the kidneys. This is the dynamics of a person.
So the water with all the solutes and these things that are dissolved in there goes to the kidneys. That’s why a lot of times people have to keep getting up and going to the bathroom at night.
You feel like when you first get up in the morning, you’ll have to go to potty. The reason why that is – maybe sometimes, people in the middle of the night have to go to the restroom – is because all the water in your body pretty much is going to the center of gravity, which is your kidney, your back. So that’s your lowest point.
So this is a way of removing things out. But the kidneys will not be removing out fat soluble chemicals. They will only be removing out water soluble chemicals. The water soluble ones really don’t have propensity to cause cancer and some of the dangerous things that we were describing.
The kidneys are a good mechanism to get rid of these things, but I really want to focus on these fat soluble chemicals too and also the GI tract, removing these things out that are causative agents.
So this is why I really think – and this is my personal opinion, but I really think just from a physiology standpoint, people should embrace this.
I have done detox probably 15 years straight. I don’t take any time off a bit. I took maybe – about two years ago, I took a few days off because I thought maybe I’d give myself a break. I shouldn’t be doing it consistently. I was really tired. I worked 12 hours a day.
I could tell the difference in my normal body habit. So then I decided that this is just a long-term solution. This is what I’m going to do first thing in the morning.
DEBRA: Yes. We’re going to find out what Pamela does.
I’ve said this before when I’ve been interviewing her, but Pamela is the healthiest looking person I’ve ever met. She just glows with health. This is what you get after 15 years of detox.
You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld, registered pharmacist who dispenses plants rather than drugs.
We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld, registered pharmacist who dispenses medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs.
Pamela, give us your phone number again. Remember listeners that you can call Pamela. She’s very happy to talk to you and help you figure out which are the right natural substances to take for your particular physical condition regardless of what it is.
Pamela, what’s your number?
PAMELA SEEFELD: My phone number here is (727) 442-4955. Like I said previously, I would really be honored and happy to help you and your family if you had any questions about what supplements you’re currently taking or if you would like to transition off of any of your prescriptions so I can give you guidance in those directions.
DEBRA: Thank you. Before Pamela tells us about her detox, I’m going to just talk about for a minute about what I do to detox.
As I said earlier, I spent many years thinking that my body would just do it by itself if I reduce my toxic chemical exposure. But then a few years ago, my nutritionist gave me – many of you who listen all the time know that I say this all the time.
My nutritionist gave me liquid zeolite. When I first started taking that, it made a difference for me in the first week.
The first e-mail that I got from one of my readers about using this product was when she got it and she gave it to her father who was bedridden. Then all of a sudden, after about five days, he got up and out of bed, walked out into the kitchen and announced to everybody that he was going to the donut store.
This is bedridden father. He got out of bed and went for a walk to the donut store. And I thought, “Well, that’s just about what my experience is.”
The one thing that people say – they write to me and after about a week, they say, “I feel so euphoric.” They all use that word. I understand because I now call this zeolite euphoria.
I think that what is happening is it specifically works to remove heavy metals first and radiation. These are things that all of us have in our bodies. It’s very effective with that.
So it just goes into your body as a little particle, zeolite, as a natural mineral. You can take it in drops or in a spray. It goes in your body, and it just starts collecting these heavy metals and radiation.
After about a week, it’s removed enough that you just feel like something has lifted off of your body. That’s where I think this euphoria comes from.
Now of course, you don’t feel euphoric all the time. I’ve been taking it for three years or something like that.
But I just take it everyday because everyday, I’m going out in the world and breathing car exhaust and being exposed to radiation and all of these things that you can’t avoid when you leave your house. I just know that I’m protected. I’m going to take it for the rest of my life.
I also take other things. We’re going to be talking about saunas. I’ve done saunas. But everyday, I take a homeopathic remedy that Pamela takes everyday. She gave it to me. It’s called Body Anew.
So tell us about Body Anew because I don’t necessarily see the same. I don’t feel better in the same way that I felt when I started taking zeolite. But I know that it’s working to strengthen my body. I think it makes a big difference for me.
So tell us about how that works.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. So the Body Anew – and that’s the best support that I’ve been using for about 15 years. It has three bottles.
One bottle works on the GI tract. It’s not laxative, so you’re not in the bathroom. It does work on the GI tract. One works on the lymph gland, which is a 40% increase in the lymphatic drainage. And the other one works on the liver. It regulates the glucuronidation and conjugation, the things that I was describing earlier as far as how it works in the liver.
So these three bottles, you just drop – the prescription amount or the dose – the effective amount is 30 drops of each bottle. But I don’t start people with that. In fact, my daily maintenance dose is 10. We would want to start people with 10 drops of each bottle and then work up to 30 within a week or two.
If someone has cancer or you want to treat something that’s a severe illness, then we definitely want to start them up at a higher dose right away pretty much. But the average person, they start with 10.
What I like about it is – I was talking about the dynamics of the kidney when we get up in the morning. You have to think about it. In the morning, we’re starting fresh. The kidneys have done their assignments for the evening.
What I do every morning, my personal regiment that I really enjoy – the first thing I have when I get up in the morning is I squeeze a fresh lime. And I put it in water and drink it. I think that it just alkalinizes the body. If you try doing that, it’s just very refreshing. You feel great.
Then I take the Body Anew. I put 10 drops of each bottle. I put it into a water bottle. I am a fan of doing an alkaline booster because that makes the detox work even better.
So the normal pH of your water is going to be between three and a half and seven and a half, 7.8 or something like that. That’s the Zephyrhills water, the tap water, these kinds of things. People have special bottled water. Maybe you have a special water filter. That’s the pH of most of those waters.
Even Kangen Water goes up to nine. Alkalife goes to 13. That’s the highest pH I found for any product. I’ve tried several different ones.
So doing these and sipping it while I work out – I mean I’m an exercise fanatic. I don’t expect that of everybody, but I do 30 miles everyday on a stationary bike.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah, 30 miles. It’s a little over an hour. It’s a long time. I guess that I’m a cardio junkie, but that’s okay. That’s okay, right?
DEBRA: That’s okay.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah, I know. So that’s my routine. I’m not expecting you listeners to embrace that craziness, but it’s something that I really enjoy. It’s the highlight of my day.
And I do have a very large sauna at my house, the five-person sauna, but I only have it for myself. I’m lucky I’m all by myself. I don’t have anyone telling me where to spend my money.
It’s a big sauna. It’s very nice. I go in there probably two or three times a week. I heat up while I’m working out. But you don’t need to have all this fancy stuff. You can even be doing stuff while you’re on the yard or in the house.
Most of my patients, I have them drinking the Body Anew over a course of several hours a day. I only do it over an hour, but I’ve been doing it for long. That’s the reason why I really think that this is a very effective tool to removing the fat soluble chemicals that we’re talking about in the subcutaneous fat.
I also believe because of the fact that this localizes to the fat and takes these chemicals out, it kept my weight down significantly, regardless if I work out. This makes a big difference in people’s weight.
Most people I see who started that, they normally lose about 10 lbs. just from doing that. The chemicals are in the fat. If you’re going to pull chemicals out of the fat, you have to take the fat out.
So that’s what happens. It starts dumping fat. So, it’s very specific.
DEBRA: We were talking earlier about losing weight without doing a detox or detox products. So when you start losing weight, it’s starting to handle those chemicals that might be coming out with the fat. It’s a much safer way to do it.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct, if you start a new year’s resolution or you’re going to a doctor that’s giving you a specific diet, any of these times, if you’re losing weight, trying to lose weight. But even if you don’t want to lose weight, this will help significantly.
DEBRA: We need to go to break. This is Toxic Free Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld.
She’s a registered pharmacist who dispenses medicinal plants instead of prescription drugs. She does have a website,, which also has a phone number on it if you missed it. You can go to her website and get that information.
Give her a call because she can help you with whatever is going on with your body. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld, registered pharmacist who dispenses medicinal plants and other natural substances instead of prescription drugs. We’re talking about detox.
So these hours go by so fast. Before we get to the end of this show, I want you to talk about saunas specifically. I know saunas have been used for a long time.
Tell us what specifically a sauna does, why you should use sauna for detox. And also, how do you choose a sauna if you want to be using sauna at home?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay. Those are excellent questions.
Why I like saunas? It’s because the chemicals, specifically heavy metals – chemicals can come out from the saunas. There are two mechanisms that the saunas work.
When you are in a sauna, your heart rate goes up because of the heat, because you’re sweating. It’s the diaphoresis. That mechanism takes fat soluble chemicals out of the subcutaneous fat and dumps them into the bloodstream. As a result of that, your metabolism goes up.
If you’re in a 130 degree sauna, 130 or 140 degrees, if you’re in it for an hour – I don’t recommend doing that if you’re not used to it. But you can burn up to 600 calories in an hour. You burn up a lot of calories. How are you burning up the calories? You’re dumping the fat. That’s what’s happening.
So if you spend a significant amount of time in saunas, your heart rate goes up quite a bit. That’s why it’s not good for someone that has hypertension. So saunas are excluding people with hypertension that’s not controlled.
That’s important to talk about right now. No one that has hypertension, that’s not taking the medicine and taking the homeopathic or something for it, has any business being along through time in a sauna. I think I should just warn people about that.
It’s a very good way to detoxify on that standpoint. Then also, the heavy metals are stored underneath the skin. We know that in saunas, they measure the sweat. And they do an HPLC analysis of what’s in the sweat of people in saunas. There are a lot of heavy metals that come out to the sweat.
So there are two mechanisms in the sauna. We have the mechanism of the heart rates being brought up. It’s like bringing up your metabolism. It’s like you’re going for a workout. Your heart rate is going up because you’re sweating. As an effect, you’re also getting rid of the heavy metals.
You’re actually detoxing on two levels. You’re detoxing the fat soluble chemicals and heavy metals out of the sweat. We know this to be true.
I’m a big fan of infrared saunas. I think that they have higher penetration deeper into the fat soluble tissue into the skin. They’re much easier to take care of.
I’m sure they still probably do sell the saunas where you have to use the rocks in mill water and that sort of thing. But I have an electric infrared sauna. It’s really nice because all you do is just turn it on.
It has a CD player and a radio in it. So it’s nice to just relax because you hear music. You just relax and then fall asleep for a little bit.
So it’s a very good thing to do. I think working out prior to getting into the sauna makes it even more advantageous to have this detox really be significant. That’s a big thing.
So you have a sauna. You preheat the sauna. You go in there, and you just lay in there.
It’s not the same as if you’ve already been working out and then you already got a sweat working up. When you do that, going after you’re sweating, it’s taking over from where you worked out. And you really mobilize a lot more chemical at that same time.
Also, we know that if you’re exercising first and then you go into the sauna, you get into what’s called demargination of the white blood cells. You get a transient increase in white blood cell activity, which imparts a significant increase in your immunity. So it’s a good way to boost up your immune system.
DEBRA: So if somebody couldn’t install a sauna and work out equipment and whatever in their homes for whatever reason, a lot of gyms have saunas.
DEBRA: People go and get inexpensive gym membership, go do their work out and then go be in the sauna. That would be a good way to detox chemicals out of your body.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Absolutely. We look at affordable ways for people to do this. A lot of gym memberships, they have, “Join. The first month is free.”
I’ve had my sauna 10 years. It was just something I bought myself a long time ago for the birthday present to myself.
It’s just one of those things that I really had wanted and had saved up for a long time, and then I decided to get it. It’s crazy because really, it takes a big area of my house. It takes the whole room, almost of one bedroom.
When people come over, they don’t know what a sauna is. People come over and they’re like, “Is that a playhouse?” I go, “Really? I don’t have children. What do you think this is? It’s a sauna.” They’re looking at it, “What is a playhouse in the middle of the room like though?”
This is a sauna…
DEBRA: I was thinking I could put a sauna in my garage. I don’t actually have an empty room, but I have an empty garage.
PAMELA SEEFELD: You could put it there.
DEBRA: Yeah.
PAMELA SEEFELD: The small ones almost look like a coffin. They’re tiny, and you can sit in there. Those actually are pretty reasonably placed.
And I can tell people too that a lot of people think about exercise equipment and saunas as house things. Sometimes people buy these things, but they never use them. I’m sure that happens.
I’m not next to the situation. How many people buy exercise equipment in the beginning of the year and never ever use it? It’s the place…
DEBRA: Many, many, many, many.
PAMELA SEEFELD: I would say probably about 75%. That’s a reasonable estimate.
PAMELA SEEFELD: You probably can find a sauna used on the internet that was probably never even sweated in, that someone bought and had the – They were trying to do it. They really wanted to do it, but they didn’t use it.
That would be my best bet instead of paying a lot of money for a brand new one.
DEBRA: What a good idea.
PAMELA SEEFELD: I’m telling you that there’s a lot of saunas. Sometimes, people are like, “I have a medical spa here.”
I talked to the people into the licensing for this. These people open these different establishments. And then they go out of business. They change their mind and they close up. And they buy all the stuff, and then they have to sell it.
So you can definitely find these things very inexpensively. Someone had purchased and their plans didn’t work out for the massage establishments or whatever it was. That’s where I would steer your clients.
If you do the Body Anew and even if you’re doing house work and sweating a little bit and then get into the sauna, you’re going to see significant effects in the way you feel.
And what I like too is for rheumatism, there is no better treatment than a sauna. Several of my clients are with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. When they’re in the heat, they feel tremendously better.
I know for myself just from being a hard runner for a long time and biking a lot, when you go to sauna, all of your muscle pain goes away and your bone pain. It’s very significant. The heat is very nourishing to the body.
DEBRA: Yeah, I love that heat. I just love it. I loved the other day.
It’s been pretty cold here as you know because you’re just right down the street from me. Just all of a sudden, the sun came out. I’m just feeling that warm sun on my body. It was just really nice. And I love sitting in the sauna and just getting warm all the way through my body.
PAMELA SEEFELD: When you think about it, it’s going very deep into the body. It’s really heating up the subcutaneous fat and allowing things to be released.
It’s very helpful for the body to facilitate these other products to use this in conjunction with the sauna. Big difference in how you feel. Big difference.
DEBRA: What about rebounders?
DEBRA: Rebounders.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, rebounders. Yes, of course. Rebounder as exercise is excellent because you work all the muscles in the body because basically, you’re working your core too.
You’re jumping up and down. You have to maintain balance so you don’t fall off. So rebounders are excellent.
I’m a big fan of low impact rebounders or low impact because basically, I like a little trampoline. Stationary bikes and regular bikes are really good.
I used to run a lot. I am not a big advocate of time people to run so much. I mean I think running is really fun. I really do miss it, but my knees are starting to bother me. I really think that you want to preserve your knees and your hips for when you get older so that you’re not ending up with lots of disability and pain.
So low impact exercise is worth – also swimming is an excellent form of exercise. Maybe you will do the rebounder and then you go into sauna. But if you do that with the detox products at the same time, as far as your energy level and your mental clarity, there’s no comparison to not doing it that way. The Body Anew actually goes into the central nervous system. It goes into the brain.
So if there are heavy metals in the brain – you people have read about people eating too much tuna fish and then having memory problems and so forth. This goes into the central nervous system. You really want something that penetrates into the brain and cleans up the body.
I’m telling you that I probably sell 100 kits a month. I have these excellent, excellent results. So people come back and say, I’ve never felt better in my life.
So it relates in the detox part. You were discussing the same situation, the zeolite. You really want to be using some of these tools because they are available for you. They work very well, and they don’t have side effects. That’s what you really want.
DEBRA: That’s exactly right. They don’t have side effects. I know what the zeolite – I take the Body Anew. I’m not as familiar with it as Pamela is.
But with the zeolite, anybody can take it. Even newborn babies can take it. Pregnant women can take it. If you’re planning on being pregnant, you should detox your body first so that you are not subjecting your baby to all those toxic chemicals.
Older people can take it. Anybody with any kind of illness can take it. I mean there really aren’t any limitations. And it’s affordable. It’s something that just anybody could do. The Body Anew is affordable.
When I’m talking about expensive treatments here, we’re talking about things that anybody can do. It’s just drops. You just take them. They don’t taste like anything. You put it in in whatever you want to put it in that you’re drinking, and you just drink it. Then it does its thing as you go about your day with a little or no discomfort. I say it that way because I have no detox discomfort on zeolite or Body Anew.
Some people do have detox symptoms from taking too much or not drinking enough water, but you can detox completely comfortably. Everybody should just do it.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Absolutely. Let me say to you that the detox products are coming at the base of the pyramid. A lot of times, I add other things. There‘s something called Radiation Plus that removes that radiation.
I use a lot of DesBio. There’s a thing called Detox III that actually removes out plasticizers. So people are really worried. They have a history of breast cancer in the family and they want to remove plasticizers out of their body, their incidental plasticizers.
Maybe they’re doing everything correctly as far as avoiding warming up in plastic or drinking out of plastic, but you still get…
DEBRA: I have to interrupt you because we’re out of time.
DEBRA: I’m going to come see you. Pamela and I are having lunch today.
So I’m going to see you soon. Thank you so much.
You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.