ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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My guest today is Meghan Root, a certified fitness instructor who just launched a new website called Be Mighty Like Meghan. I like her site because she has good solid information about food, fitness, and detox, presented in a way that shows how she incorporates these principles in her daily life. She helps people create unique and customized routines that fit into busy schedules. “I prioritize creating healthy routines in my life that keep me organized and on track with my long term health goals. Having a plan and sticking to it the best way to remain in control of your health and wellness,” says Meghan. Her free ebook DIY Wellness outlines five fitness routines that you can customize for your own needs.


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TOXIC FREE TALK RADIO Detox as a Daily Routine

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd Guest: Meghan Root

Date of Broadcast: November 6, 2014

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free. It’s Thursday, November 6th and it’s a nice autumn day here in Clearwater, Florida. Not too cold, not too hot.

And of course, winter time is the most beautiful time in Florida. That is why people come down here from the north. We even have blossoming flowers in the middle of winter. This is actually when we start planting our vegetable gardens so that we have homegrown food over the winter and into the spring because in the summer time, it’s too hot to grow most. It just have exactly the opposite kind of weather from other parts of the country.

Anyway, today we’re going to talk about detox, which is one of my favorite subjects and we talk a lot about it on the show. But we’re going to talk about it from a little different perspective. We’re going to talk about it as a daily routine.

I got this idea from a young woman named Meghan Root who is our guest today. She’s a certified fitness instructor who just launched a new website called Be Mighty Like Meghan. I like her site because she’s got good, solid information about food, fitness and detox. What she does is she helps her readers, her clients create routines, wellness routines.

DIY-Wellness-transcriptShe has an ebook. You can go to her website and download it for free. Her ebook is called DIY Wellness. Her whole philosophy is that there are so many things that we can do to help ourselves be healthy. Just in our daily lives, we can be healthy and maintain our health and restore our health and an easy way to incorporate this and make sure that we get them in is by creating routines.

Her DIY Wellness book shows some of her routines and it really inspired me to take a look at what are my routines. I think we kind of fall into routines without being aware of them like what do you do every morning when you get up out of bed, what’s your morning routine or your morning ritual and did you choose that or did it just kind of happened?

We have control over what we do in our lives. By setting up routines, we can make the most healthful choices. So that’s what we’re going to be talking about today.

Hi, Meghan!

MEGHAN ROOT: Hi, how are you?

DEBRA: I’m good. How are you?

MEGHAN ROOT: I’m good. I’m so jealous of your lovely weather. It’s raining and windy and stormy in North Carolina right now. But I think it should clear up this afternoon, so we’re definitely looking forward to that.

DEBRA: Yes. Well, you’re having a North Carolina autumn and we’re having a Florida autumn.

MEGHAN ROOT: Yes, we are. Yes, we are.

DEBRA: Yes. So tell us how did you become so interested in fitness?

MEGHAN ROOT: Well, I say this often when I started talking about it. I feel very lucky because it’s always been a part of my life. When I was younger, I was competitive in a variety of sports – gymnastics, swimming, triathlon, pole walking.

And so, it’s second nature for me to be active and it’s something that I have always prioritized. That became challenging as I got older. Of course, the days tend to go by faster and there’s little time for many of the things that we need to do.

But I’ve always been passionate about it. I love helping people. I love helping them make lasting changes in their health and wellness. And at the end of the day, that’s what gets me out of bed in the morning.

DEBRA: Well, I can really see that in your new website because everything that you’re talking about are things that people can actually do. They’re things that you do in your daily life. You show us how we can incorporate those things in our daily lives as well, which I think is a really important point.

I know that you mentioned that you’re fortunate that this was part of your life since you were a child. I know in my life that it wasn’t. I didn’t have a family that was fitness-oriented. I had P.E. class in school, but I was just really bored with it and didn’t like it. I think that as a child, nobody ever instilled that love of sports or playing games or running or walking or any of those things. It was never something that I was taught either by my family or in school. And so consequently, it’s really taken until late in my life recently that I’m understanding the importance of movement especially in relation to detox.

So how did you get interested then in the detox aspect of this?

MEGHAN ROOT: Well, I had to stop and think about this because detox wasn’t something that – when I was in college, I could get away with murder when I was younger, a teenager with what I put in my body and how I treated it. I think that’s just part of being young. You can rebound that way.

And then when I got into college, I started to notice some things changing – how what I was eating and drinking were impacting my ability to perform as an athlete. And so I wasn’t willing to sacrifice my fitness level to the extent of what I was doing on a daily basis. I started focusing on my diet and the foods that I was eating and the quality of the foods that I was eating became very important.

But it wasn’t until after I graduated from college that I began to think about what does detox mean. There was a book that I read – and I don’t know why it resonated with me the way that it did. It was a book by Jillian Michaels called Master Your Metabolism. I wouldn’t classify her as a great resource on detox necessarily, but she has a 3-phase approach to getting a handle on your metabolism and really functioning in an efficient way. It’s the three R’s. It’s remove, restore and rebalance. It’s all about taking out the bad, so that you can put in the good and kind of rebalance your life with regards to the way you’re eating and your metabolismd on the importance of eliminating chemical exposure in terms of cleaners and detergents and beauty products.

DEBRA: Oh, good.

MEGHAN ROOT: She relates all of those things to the impact that toxic exposure can have specifically in your body’s metabolism. And at the time, it was so terrifying to me and then it just got even more terrifying when I realized how much an impact that those toxic products have on every single function of our bodies. And so that’s when I first started really learning about what it meant to remove these things and to detox as a part of my daily routine.

DEBRA: So have you done anything to remove your toxic chemical exposures in your daily life, the things you have done?

MEGHAN ROOT: Well, yeah. So I do not use and traditional household cleaners. I’m a big fan of Ms. Myers products. But even before I grab a bottle of that, I’ll reach for lemon and vinegar and baking soda and things that you can find in your pantry. You don’t have to bleach everything and Lysol everything. You’re just exposing yourself to so much bad when you do that and it’s not necessary.

I’ve gone through and cleaned out my beauty products, my hair products. I’m really careful about what I use and put on my skin. I mean, your skin is the biggest organ in your body and to think that you’re smearing this toxic lotion on it every morning, it’s just absolutely terrifying that I’ve been doing that for years. And so I think you’ve got to look really carefully. It’s not just the food that you’re eating and the chemicals you’re using at home. It is your beauty products. You just have to look with an open mind everything that you’re doing.

DEBRA: It really is. I think that a lot of women your age – and I actually don’t know what your age is, but I think it’s younger than me.

MEGHAN ROOT: Just a couple of years.

DEBRA: How kind. But anyway, you’re at an age where I would call you a young woman. I think that you’re in your twenties or early thirties at the latest, but you’re not at a stage in life like I am and many other women and men too where you’re now getting to the age where your body is starting to have problems and you’re thinking about, “Well, how am I going to stay younger?” and things like that.

You’re doing things at an age where – I mean, you talked about the difference between your teen years and your college years, that you could already see that difference, but what I’m so impressed with is how well you’re thinking about these things at this point in your life, so that you could have an easier time of it and be more healthy when you get to be my age. And that’s such an important message for people. It’s such, such an important message.

We need to go to break, but we will be right back and talk more with Meghan Root. Her website is We’ll be right back.



DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Meghan Root. She’s a certified fitness instructor who just launched a new website called Be Mighty Like Meghan. So Meghan, what is being mighty?

MEGHAN ROOT: Well, I think it’s so many things. I think for me, it’s taking personal responsibility for your health and your wellness and your vitality because at the end of the day, nobody else is going to do it for you. It’s so easy to look away and to prioritize other parts of your life, but being mighty is owning your health and owning your wellness and doing it in a way that is positive and in a way that can impact others where other people look at you and they’re like, “Wow! You’re glowing. You look great. How do you do it?”

That, for me, is that. It’s owning my health and my wellness in a really positive way.

DEBRA: But that is such a different viewpoint than 99.999% of people in the world today have. I was just looking since I’ve been reading your website and talking to you and knowing you, I took a look the other day in my own life about how I do a lot of things to increase my health. In particularly, I have lived with toxic chemicals for more than 30 years. I got rid of them a long, long time ago and that impacts my health so much in a positive way.

But when it comes to other things, we have this idea (and I think we’re all kind of conditioned to this) of going to a doctor. And so I transitioned many years ago from going to a medical doctor to doing alternative kinds of health things that even now, even now, I have my own favorite alternative health doctor that I kind of give this health professional responsibility for my health.

You see what I’m saying? Even though I do individual things, I’m not saying – I mean, you really made a difference for me in terms of me having to look at myself and saying, “Where am I not taking responsibility for my health?”

And actually, just last week, I went through this whole thing where I said, “Wait a minute! I need to take more responsibility for my health even than I am” and I would say that I take so much more responsibility than people typically do. I just saw how little healthcare I would actually need and how little healthcare – we’re in a healthcare crisis in the world today.

But if one really took responsibility, all the things that we can do that if I really did them, then I would be even healthier than I am now. If I didn’t say, “Well, it’s okay if I don’t do this because then I can just go to my doctor and he can help fix it,” I just think that the full degree of responsibility that you take for your health is extraordinary and I highly admired it and you really inspired me with that.

MEGHAN ROOT: Thank you.

DEBRA: You’re welcome. I hope that you inspire a lot of other people in that regard. How did you come to have that viewpoint because it’s sort of visual?

MEGHAN ROOT: I think a lot of it as I have an aversion to – I think that there’s certainly a place in this world for doctors and there are times when you’ve got to go.

DEBRA: Like if you break your leg, you want to go to the doctor.

MEGHAN ROOT: Yes, yes. If I’ve broken something, yes, I would go. But I do think that the more reading that I’ve done over the years about the power of whole foods and the impact that they can have on your well-being, in your health, I mean it’s incredible to me!

I’ve made a lot of mistakes when I was in college with regards to what I was eating because I didn’t know any better.

DEBRA: Oh, yes.

MEGHAN ROOT: But I would go through a period where I didn’t feel so good and I would go to the doctor. It took me until about my junior year to really kind of stop and look very objectively at, “Okay, what am I doing differently because it wasn’t like this when I was little. I didn’t use to feel this way. I know that I have the power to fix this.”

And so I remove all processed foods. I used to eat lean cuisines like it was my job. I mean, those things are so bad for you. They are.

DEBRA: I know. I know. I know. I grew up on TV dinners. I grew up on TV dinners.

MEGHAN ROOT: Yeah. Oh, my gosh! And to think – I mean, not only is it processed, but it’s in plastic. It’s just all – it’s so bad.

DEBRA: And it’s promoted as being healthy.

MEGHAN ROOT: And it’s so bad. But when I removed processed foods and I would look at something if I were about to eat it, I would say, “Okay, where did this come from?” If I couldn’t tell myself where it came from, the ground or an animal, I wouldn’t eat it because the reality is your body has a hard time figuring out what to do with processed foods.

And so it was about six months after I made that change that I stopped and I said, “Wait a minute! Wait, I haven’t been to the doctor. I feel great. My energy levels are through the roof. This is the answer for me.”

And so that’s when I found out – and for me, that was just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve done a lot of personal research on my own diet with my foods that I’m sensitive too. But I think there’s so much power in just eating real food. So that’s what has kind of set my course with regard to that.

DEBRA: That’s so good for you to have learned that, again, at an early age. I went through a similar thing where, as I’ve just said, I grew up on TV dinners and going to [inaudible 00:20:26] and fastfood, all that fastfood. It wasn’t until I got out on my own away from my family and started living on my own in San Francisco in the big city that I started finding out that people ate differently than that and that I could go to a natural food store or my friends were eating differently and I just started trying all those different foods and went through a very similar process to you where I found out that most of what I was eating was just making me sick. When I stopped eating it, I had a dramatic improvement. But also, by removing toxic chemicals too. It was a combination of those things.

Over Christmas once, I went on a fast. And after five days of not eating all that junk food, I was like a new person. I was like, “Well, I had to pay attention to this.” Anyway, we have to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Meghan Root. She’s a certified fitness instructor who just launched a new website called Be Mighty Like Meghan and that’s supposed to be at We’ll be right back.



DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Meghan Root. She’s a certified fitness instructor who just launched a new website called Be Mighty Like Meghan at

So Meghan, let’s talk about routines because that’s something that your whole website is kind of organized around routines. You’ve written this great ebook. It’s not very long, but very impactful in terms of showing us a picture of how you use the concept of routines to organize all your different wellness steps in your life. Tell us more about that.

MEGHAN ROOT: Well, when I first came up with the idea for this website, it had nothing to do with routines. I wanted it to be all about fitness. But what I found was it was hard for me to talk about fitness without incorporating all of these other steps that I take in order to keep me on track. So it organically evolved to a conversation about routine because that’s what keeps me on track and I think it’s what keeps most people in track and moving in a direction that is in line with my long-term vision and goals.

So when I sat down to write DIY Wellness, like I said, it wasn’t with routines in mind, but that’s how it happened because it’s second nature for me. They’re not extremely abstract ideas. They’re very simple. It was very easy for me to notice these patterns in my life and I think it will be easy to notice patterns and routine for most people, because they do exist.

Our lives, for the most part, are a series of patterns. So I got shoveled that I go through in this ebook – I have a morning routine that’s very basic. I think that most people do also. But I always try and wake up at the same time every day. I always make my morning detox tea (which are the recipes on my website), then I’ll make my coffee and then I always go for a walk or stretch. After about 30 minutes, I’ll have breakfast and check email.

I always do it in that order. That’s something that I didn’t even realize and so I stopped and looked at it. It sets the tone for the day and it just is a nice, productive, organized way to start my day.

DEBRA: You know, after I read your DIY Wellness ebook, I started looking at my own routines because I never have sat down and said, “Okay, I’m going to make a routine.” But it was kind of second nature for me to say, “If I want to get something done, if I want to make sure that it happens, then I’m going to make sure that I do it in a certain order.”

I think that doing things in order makes a really big difference. I really wasn’t even really aware. If you would’ve said, “Write down your morning routine,” I’d have to stop and think about it. But when I did write down my morning routine after doing DIY Wellness, what I saw was I got up in the morning and the first thing I do is read actually because I’m reading different kinds of inspirational books and I’ll just read a little inspiration to start my day.

And then I get up and I take my shower and I brush my teeth. And then I take my vitamins. It all kind of happens in that order.

I noticed in my life (not on a larger scale) that I have routines of things that I do every day. I do my newsletter every Monday, my main newsletter every Monday and I send out another newsletter on Thursday and another one on Friday. And if I don’t do these, if I don’t have a time set and a decision made to do these activities, they don’t happen. I think that that’s the value of having a routine.

MEGHAN ROOT: Yes, definitely, yes.

DEBRA: Yeah, yeah.

MEGHAN ROOT: And I think another big one – and this is where I feel a lot of people struggle, having a routine that you can commit to with regard with your fitness because for a lot of folks especially when we get busy or when it’s the holidays and you have a lot on your plate, it gets bumped for something else whether it’s your kids, your work or your husband. It always gets put away for another day. The reality is that at the end of the day, you’ve only got one body. You’ve got to take care of it and you’ve got to prioritize that.

And it’s so easy. You just find a time of the day that you can commit to. And whether it’s going to the gym or working out at home, I think you’ve got to be diligent about making that one a habit because your body will start to crave it and it knows when it’s time.

I’m an afternoon person. I like to go to the gym in the afternoon, after lunch when my body is nice and awake. I’ll notice when it’s time for me to go, my body knows that and so I’m ready and I want to. That’s something that, again, I didn’t realize until I sat down to write this. It was like, “Wow! Yeah.”

And not to say I can’t work out in the mornings, but I always want to work out in the afternoon because that’s what I’m used to doing.

DEBRA: Yeah. Well, I noticed for myself, one of the things that I want to do at this stage in my life is to incorporate more exercise in my life because it’s not something that I’ve ever – it’s not that I’ve never exercised, but I’ve never had an exercise routine that would really stick.

I think that’s part of making a routine. Intentionally making a routine is saying, “Alright, this is what I’m going to do. This is what I’m going to accomplish. How do I get that goal in? What are the steps towards reaching that goal and that you just keep the routine in.

And so there had been times in my life when I decided, “Okay, I’m going to get up and walk every morning” and then something happened that made me stop like I hurt my foot or something and then I didn’t go back to it.

But I think that for me, as I’m learning about routines from you, it’s about that these are the basic, fundamental things that we need to have in our lives in order for our bodies to be healthy. These are just things that we need to incorporate every day of our lives.

And sure, if you hit your foot and you can’t walk for a week or two weeks, okay. But then when that time is up, then it’s back to walking because your body actually wants that exercise, it wants to be healthy and that once we know what these essential things are, these are things that we can do.

There was some place I was going with this and now I’ve forgotten what I was.

MEGHAN ROOT: But I do think that a lot of people struggle because they lack direction and accountability. And so for that, right now, I’m teaching group fitness classes. And what I love about group fitness is it has that layer of accountability and when someone is not there (because each class time, there are regulars that you’ll see), when John is not there, everyone wonders where John is, then everybody reaches out to John. They’re like, “Hey, John, are you okay?”

And so it just a layers. It’s community, it’s social, but it has a layer of accountability that a lot of people, they lack in. And then you’ll find that it’s fun and these are your friends.

DEBRA: It’s fun to go see your friends if you go to exercise class, yeah, yeah.

MEGHAN ROOT: Yes, exactly.

DEBRA: I’ve had that experience. We need to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Meghan Root. She’s a certified fitness instructor and she just launched a new website and that’s at We’ll be right back.



DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Meghan Root. She’s a certified fitness instructor who just launched a new website called Be Mighty Like Meghan. She’s got a great ebook that you can get for free called DIY Wellness. You can get it at her website, So Meghan, I know in DIY Wellness, you talked about a detox routine. So tell us what you do to detox. One thing I want to say is that I know that a lot of times if you look up ‘detox’ on the Internet, if you get past all the detox drugs and detox alcohol and you get to people who are talking about detox programs for your body, that they’re talking about things like “in the spring” or “one day a year, drink a week of green smoothies” like detox doesn’t exist the rest of the time.

One thing that my favorite alternative doctor keeps telling me is that – but he doesn’t have to tell me. I mean, he’s preaching to the choir when he says this. He keeps saying that people think you only have to detox once a year, but your body is detoxing 24 hours a day every day because you’re constantly producing wastes and they need to be taken out and there’s constantly things coming in even if you have a pristine, toxic-free house like I do.

You walk out the door and you’re being exposed to the toxic chemicals and they’re coming in your body and your body needs to do something with them.

So if you’re living on planet Earth and you’re not just staying in a building that have no toxic chemicals and purified air, you’re going to be exposed to toxic chemicals. Your body needs to do something with them.

So when you talk about detox, your detox routine, you’re talking about detoxing your body every single day. So tell us what you do.

MEGHAN ROOT: Yeah! That’s right. Well, because we can do our part with removing as many chemicals. And fortunately, we do have control over a lot of what we eat and drink and put on our body, but the reality is if you go outside or to a restaurant and have water, you’re exposed to pollutants in the air, the pharmaceuticals in the water and you can’t control these things. But you can combat it.

And so I have a daily detox routine because you’re right, your body is constantly detoxing. We are constantly exposed to chemicals and to toxics. And so we have to detox daily.

And I mentioned in my morning routine that I – and this is the first thing I do every day, have a detox tea. It’s easy and I’m certainly not a pioneer with this, but I do like to talk about it and mention it. I do it every day. My detox tea is warm water, lemon juice and cayenne pepper and that’s it.

DEBRA: And tell us what that does. Why is that important?

MEGHAN ROOT: Well, it stimulates your liver. Your liver is your body’s primary organ, your main organ responsible for removing toxins from your body. So it just helps to jump start that process first thing in the morning. It’s like I wake up and then I go wake up my liver and we’re awake together. And so yeah, that’s how I take on the day.

But it also helps to increase the alkalinity in your body because we have a tendency as Americans to be very acidic and that can be detrimental in a number of ways also.

But honestly, it’s the easiest thing. And then during the day, I’ll drink lemon water, lemon juice and water. So that’s an easy, easy way to approach detoxing on a very surface level. But I love it! I can’t go a day without it.

When I travel and go to customs, I’ll take lemons with me and cayenne paper because I really can’t go without it.

DEBRA: That’s a very good routine to do. So what else do you do?

MEGHAN ROOT: Well, like I said earlier, I’m very conscious of the quality of the food that I eat. And so I eat everything organically. I source sustainably and responsibly farmed protein. And that’s just to prevent pesticides and chemicals and anything that’s been genetically modified from entering my body.

I also dry brush. I used to think that people who did this were nutty. I was like, “There’s no way that there’s anything…” And then I started reading about it and then reality is your skin is your largest organ, it’s extremely exposed to toxins and dry brushing is an easy way to remove dead skin cells and toxins and increase your circulation as well as stimulate your lymphatic system.

So you can take five minutes and do it. You can take 20 minutes and do it. I certainly do it at least three times a week. Sometimes, if I’ve got more time, I’ll do it every day. It’s nice and it’s relaxing. It’s a good way to kind of unwind and it’s you time. So that’s something that I’ve just recently incorporated in the past year. But the cornerstone of my detox routine, because in order to do it daily, you’ve got to keep it fairly simple. I know this is something that you use as well. It’s Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra Strength, their Zeolite product. It’s a naturally occurring mineral. It’s negatively charged. And so it binds to environmental toxins and heavy metal, which generally carry a positive charge and it flushes them out of your body. It’s the easiest way to remove toxins. It’s four sprays three times a day. It’s a piece of cake.

DEBRA: It is.

MEGHAN ROOT: It has had a huge impact on my life.

DEBRA: Well, tell us about the impact. I know that you have written about what happened when you first started taking it. I know I like to say that when I first started taking it (it’s been a few years now), within the first ten days, I had what I now call Zeolite euphoria because I felt so good. It’s like if you’re doing something (or you’re not doing something) and you don’t even know how bad you feel until you do something else and you feel good.


DEBRA: I thought I was doing pretty well until I took Zeolite. By day five or ten, I just woke up and I went, “Wow! I don’t remember ever feeling like that.” I realized that what it was was that was toxic chemicals were no longer in my body – not completely, but that enough had left my body from taking Zeolite that I can feel the difference.

Your body will remove heavy metals first. And with heavy metals, our body doesn’t remove them on its own. And so if you’re not doing something like taking Pure Body, your body is just accumulating and accumulating and accumulating heavy metals.

One of the things that I’ve learned when I started researching detox is that you have to do the right detox for the thing that you want to remove. You can drink green smoothies all day long and it’s not going to remove heavy metals. It will remove other things from your body, but not heavy metals.

And so heavy metals are some of the most toxic things that you can be having in your body and cause some of the worst health effects. You could go to all the doctors in the world, but if you still have heavy metals in your body, you’re not going to get well. That’s just a plain fact.

So this is why I’m constantly saying over and over and over, “Take Pure Body, take Pure Body, take Pure Body” because the first thing people should do is just get the heavy metals out.

So tell us what happened to you when you started taking it.

MEGHAN ROOT: Well, it’s similar to how you described your initial experience. I don’t want to say I was skeptical because I was already a proponent of detoxing, so I was not nervous to introduce this. I just didn’t know how much of an impact it was going to have on me because at the time, I would’ve considered myself as well as I could’ve been.

DEBRA: Me too.

MEGHAN ROOT: And I’ve been taking this for about two years now and I felt great. I mean, I did. I thought I felt great. I was occasionally tired and occasionally, I didn’t sleep well, but I just that was normal.

And then I started taking Pure Body and it worked. It was like a week after I started taking it. It was like this cloud had been lifted off of me. I mean, the first two things that I’ve noticed where my mental clarity. I just felt like – you know, you have days where you’re really on and then days where you’re maybe off. I just felt like I was on. I could think clearer, faster. I was making connections better. It was effortless. And I also was sleeping better at night. Those are the first two things that I notice.

But again, that’s one of those things that I cannot go without because it is. Once you realize what you’re capable of feeling like with a product like the Zeolite, like Pure Body, you don’t want to go back to where you were because it’s like being a whole other person. You’re in another gear. And so I’ve so enjoyed my experience with it. I recommend it to everybody. And it has such a profound impact on my life. It’s almost hard to talk about because I get so excited about…

DEBRA: I understand. I feel the same way, I feel the same way. It’s just in this world that we’re living in today, there’s so many toxic exposures and so many exposures to heavy metals. And radiation, it removes radiation. I just put something on my blog this week about how Pure Body helps our body with radiation exposures we’re having now and radiation exposures from the past and how those radiation exposures can affect our health and what your body does.

So with all these things that it removes, I think everybody should have it.

We’ve only got about 30 seconds left, so I want to tell people that I’m actually doing a giveaway. If you want to get a free bottle of Pure Body, then just go to, scroll down the page and you’ll see Meghan and her beautiful face, smiling face. Right below that, you can center the contest to win a bottle of Pure Body. We’re going to have two winners.

I’ve got two seconds left, so thank you so much, Meghan.

MEGHAN ROOT: Thank you.

DEBRA: You’re listening to I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.



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