ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Wendy-Myers-1My guest today is Wendy Myers, CHHC, NC, founder and head writer of We’ll be talking about her special long term “Mineral Power” detox program that purges heavy metals and chemicals from your body using minerals. Wendy is a certified holistichealth and nutrition coach in Los Angeles, Ca, She is also certified in Hair Mineral Analysis for the purpose of designing Mineral Power programs for clients to correct their metabolism and body chemistry. She is currently seeking her masters in clinical nutrition at Bridgeport University in Connecticut. Wendy hosts the weekly Live to 110 Video Podcast and the Modern Paleo Cooking show on her Live to 110 Youtube Channel.



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Deep Detox with Minerals

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Wendy Myers

Date of Broadcast: March 12, 2015

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free. Today is Thursday, March 12, 2015. And today, we’re going to talk about detox. It’s a subject that we talk about a lot on this show. The whole show is about detox. We talked about it a little bit when we were talking about other things.

But I’d like to tell you different kinds of detoxes that you can do that have different purposes, so that you have a choice of detox. Detox isn’t something that you just do once like in the spring. A lot of articles are out now about doing your spring cleanses and things like that.

Your body is detoxing 24 hours a day. We have a detox system in our bodies and they are way overloaded with way too many chemicals. You also have to do a specific type of detox that actually remove toxic chemicals, heavy metals, radiation, those kinds of things because not all detoxes do that.

So I’d really like to talk about detox because it’s really so fundamental to having good health. We need to get those toxic chemicals out of our bodies as well as not put them in there in the first place.

So my guest today is Wendy Myers. She’s the founder of, which is a great website. Wendy and I are very common in our viewpoints in terms of what constitutes good health in terms of what constitutes good health – basically removing toxic chemicals and getting good nutrition in.

And so her background is different from my background, so we have different strengths in terms of what we talk about and what we know more about and she’s very – well, Wendy will tell you about herself. So hi, Wendy.

WENDY MYERS: Hi! Thank you so much for having me.

Debra: You’re welcome. Could you back up a little bit from your phone because there’s some static.

WENDY MYERS: Oh, sorry.

Debra: Okay, let’s see. Say something again.

WENDY MYERS: Is that better? Is that better?

Debra: Now, a little closer because now, I can’t hear you.

WENDY MYERS: Uh-oh. Okay, I’m nearer.

Debra: Okay, good. Let’s try that.

WENDY MYERS: Alright, perfect.

Debra: Okay, good. So tell us about yourself. Tell us what you do and how you got interested.

WENDY MYERS: Well, I started shortly after the death of my father. He died of Cancer, of esophageal cancer and complications from diabetes, et cetera. It just really inspired me to learn more about why he died and why so many people are sick today and why so many people have Cancer.

I also have a young baby and I had been spending many years learning about health and nutrition and how to detox my environment for my baby. That’s kind of what motivated me when I was planning my pregnancy. So I’ve been really about health and detox, et cetera for a while.

But when my father died, I really hit the ground running and learned more about all the toxins in our environment and the most effective ways of detoxification. It just started my passion to teach other people about this really pressing health issue because the mainstream medical community just doesn’t talk about detox and how the 80,000 chemicals that we have in our environment and dozens of heavy metals, these are not converging in our bodies and synergistically producing health.

It just completely boggles my mind that most medical doctors don’t even look at heavy metals or toxins as the underlying cause of diseases. I personally feel that mineral deficiencies, nutrient deficiencies and heavy metal and chemical toxicities are the main underlying cause of disease.

Debra: I completely agree with you 100%. I mean, after 30 years of studying this subject, that’s the conclusion that I came to as well.

So let’s start talking about your detox program, your preferred detox program because it’s very different from other things that we’ve talked about on this show. There are products that we want to talk about today that regular listeners know that I talk about all the time, but I want to really focus on your program because it’s so different.

I think the thing I want to say upfront is number one, I haven’t done this program and the reason that I haven’t done this program is not because I don’t think that I should do this program, but it requires a commitment and it takes a while, you might not feel good, but I’m convinced from what I’ve learned from Wendy that when people do this, you’re not going to have toxic chemicals left in your body period.


Debra: It’s very thorough. I’ll just start with that. And so tell us about the program, Wendy just like a basic overview because I want you to give us details.

WENDY MYERS: Well, you can learn more about the program at I developed this program over many, many years in an attempt to heal my own health and to feel better. It’s a very comprehensive program. It begins with a hair mineral analysis and there are four components to it.

You eat a healthy diet. My version of Paleo is called the Modern Paleo Diet and it’s on a full Paleo diet. You can eat berry and grains, non-gluten grains if you’re not sensitive to them. And it also entails targeted nutrient therapy. Based on a hair mineral analysis, I can find out what nutrients specifically that you need to heal your body. Many people need lots of minerals and they need the right amount in the right form.

I also have you do certain detox protocols like infrared saunas and coffee enemas. Coffee enemas are optional, but it can really be lifesaving to mitigate detox symptoms. And of course, people have to do lifestyle changes.

So it is a very comprehensive program. Some of my clients just spend all day doing it and some people just do what they can. They’re very busy. They’re working mothers and et cetera. But if you commit yourself to this type of program, it takes about two to three years to detox the bulk of heavy metals in your body.

And when you do this and remineralize your body and give your body the nutrients and the building blocks that it needs to heal itself, guess what? Your body heals itself. You regain your energy, your mental clarity. You heal your thyroid and your adrenals. Your libido comes back. Brain fog reduces.

That was a big one for me. My brain fog went from zero to 60 the first couple of years. It’s one of those things where if you follow this type of program, you can regain your health. I’ve had clients become pregnant. They overcame their infertility issues. They’re reversing autoimmune diseases. Their adrenals start working and start producing hormones naturally on their own. Their body just starts working again.

And if you’ve had really long-standing health issues (say you’ve had autoimmune Hashimoto’s for 20 years), it’s going to be a lot harder to reverse that, but you can at the very least, improve your symptoms.

Debra: Yes, I would agree that all of that is possible. All of it is possible.

We’re going to come up on break in about a minute, but I do want you throughout the show today to talk about all of these things you just said in greater detail – particularly about the mineral analysis and just all of it.

So until we get to the break, why don’t you tell us why we need to detox.

WENDY MYERS: Well, like I said before, we have 80,000 chemicals in our environment – very few have been tested for human safety. There’s thousands more being unleashed on our environment ever year.

The EPA has established that we have several hundred chemicals in our body. The World Health Organization has established that we have over 700 chemicals in our bodies based on very expensive studies. We have to get these chemicals out of our body, not to mention the dozen of heavy metals that are unleashed into the environment because of industry.

In countries like China, they have very few pollution laws and regulation scrubbers on their incinerators, et cetera. And all that toxic pollution comes over to us with the weather patterns. Even Inuit mothers in the arctic have 70 chemicals in their breast milk. So even if you live in what you think is the most pristine environment, you cannot escape toxins today.

If you plan to be healthy, you have got to have a daily detox lifelong plan.

Debra: Yes, I totally agree. We’ll go to break and then we’ll talk more about Wendy’s detox plan. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Wendy Myers. She is the founder of

You can find out more about her Mineral Power program there at or go straight to We’ll be right back.


Debra: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Wendy Myers. She’s the founder of We’re talking about her special Mineral Power detox program.

So at the beginning of this program, of Wendy’s program is that you do an interview with her and fill out some paper work and a hair mineral analysis test. So let’s talk specifically about this hair mineral analysis test, Wendy because actually, listeners, I got as far as doing the hair mineral analysis test and it was different from what I thought.

Tell us what it is and why people can’t just get a hair mineral analysis and try to analyze it themselves.

WENDY MYERS: Well, I’ve been studying hair mineral analysis for many years. It really took me a couple of years before I really felt comfortable reading them. There is a tremendous amount of information in a hair tissue mineral analysis and there’s about 40 years of research behind it pioneered by Dr. Paul Eck and Dr. David Watts, Carl Pfeiffer and Hans Selye and many, many other pioneers in this field.

It’s not just looking at individual mineral levels as many doctors or other health practitioners think. They don’t really know any better. Many doctors and other health practitioners dismiss hair mineral analysis as not being accurate, but it’s because they don’t understand that we’re not necessarily looking at the individual mineral levels.

We’re looking at the ratios of certain minerals to each other and we’re looking at certain patterns in the hair tests that give us a tremendous amount of information. And this has been established with hundreds of thousands of hair mineral analyses done by Dr. Paul Eck alone. He corroborated and correlated the levels in the hair mineral analysis to certain health conditions. And so this is why we know that say, a low sodium and potassium on a hair mineral analysis course correlates to adrenal fatigue. There are hundreds of other examples like this.

So you can get a really good picture of someone’s body chemistry, their metabolic rate, thyroid functioning, adrenal functioning, immune functioning, liver and kidney stress. Many, many other health condition can be seen in a hair mineral analysis.

So I love to begin with that with a client just to get an overall picture of what’s going on with me. it also gives me a very nice blueprint in order to develop a targeted nutrient therapy plan for a client.

Dr. Paul Eck also spent many, many years figuring out what nutrients correct the levels in a hair mineral analysis. It’s very, very complicated because one mineral will affect another. When people have adrenal fatigue and they have low sodium and potassium, this will cause copper to build up in the tissues and calcium to build up in the tissues as well where it does not belong.

When you understand this concept, that one mineral level increasing can affect all the other minerals, it makes things very, very complicated and it just takes a long time to figure out how to read them.

Debra: Yes. It’s not just a matter of looking at the test and saying, “Oh, I have high aluminum.” I can see from talking to you and listening to this again now that it requires some expertise, understanding and experience to be able to get all the information out of it.

So can you give us some more examples of things that you’ve learned from hair mineral analysis? Actually, do you have mine in front of you?

WENDY MYERS: No, I do not. I can bring it up though.

Debra: Yeah. It’s okay with me to talk about my test.

WENDY MYERS: Yes, that’s fine. I’ll bring it up in two seconds here. Your test is not in your file, I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened. I’ve been having some issues with files disappearing in my computer.

Debra: I understand. I’m having that problem too. It must be a new thing – more frequently than it used to be
Okay! Well then, let’s go on to the next part of your program. So after you do this test and you find out actually from a physical test – it’s not something that you’re guessing about. A lot of times, when I have gone to various practitioners in the past, they just kind of throw something at you. They determine that this is your problem from you just talking to them. And then they say, “Well, let’s try this.” And if it doesn’t work, they try something else and then they try something else. It just seems to me that to use something that is such a detailed test like this gives you much more accurate information.

WENDY MYERS: Yeah, it does give you accurate information. I understand how when you go to certain practitioners that they try one thing and they have to try another thing. The same principle can hold true with this program especially with supplementation. There are so many factors that affects someone’s reaction to a supplement.

Sometimes, I have to switch out people’s supplements because it can be impossible to tell how people will react.

But there are a lot of times when you go to a health practitioner and they’re just kind of guessing it being this or they’re using more of a symptomatic approach where they’re covering up your symptoms or they’re even doing symptomatic supplementation where if you test low for calcium in your blood, then they give you calcium or they see that you have low copper and they give you copper. The body is not that simple. It’s much, much more complicated as people can probably imagine.

So there is a bit of a trial-and-error with this program as well. But most people, 85% to 90% of people do really, really well and don’t have to change out their supplements. And some people that are very, very ill, they’re typically going to be more reactive to supplements. I have some clients that can’t even take any supplements and they just have to do the detox protocols and the diet and they start detoxing just from that.

So everyone is a little different. That has to be considered. Every person is considered on an individual basis.

Debra: Yes, and that’s what’s so interesting about bodies and what makes it so difficult.

WENDY MYERS: Yeah! Oh, I have your hair test. I found your hair test.

Debra: Oh, okay. Alright! Well, when we come back, we’ll talk a little bit about my hair test. I’m glad you found it because it really was interesting to me. Yeah, we’ll do that.

We’re coming up on the break in about five seconds, so I don’t want to start talking about anything else. So you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Wendy Myers. She’s the founder of By the time I finish saying this, the music should come up and we’ll be on the break.


Debra: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Wendy Myers, founder of We’re talking about her very deep and detailed detox program. I like that, deep and detailed detox program. That’s exactly what it is.

So you found my hair analysis. So tell us something about what’s going on with my body.

WENDY MYERS: Well, most notably, your calcium is at 357 and the idea levels for that is 42. So I’ll tell you what the problem is with that. This is a result of many years of adrenal fatigue. What happens is when you have low sodium and potassium in your tissues, calcium from your bloodstream leaks almost and metastasizes into your muscles where it does not belong, into your tissues. Over time, this causes tight muscles, stiff joints, achy joints and things like that.

And additionally, what happens when you have a high amount of calcium in your tissues is it reduces cell permeability.

Just imagine a round cell. If there’s too much calcium around it, calcium prevents nutrition and thyroid hormones from getting into your cells and it prevents toxins from getting out.

So your metabolism is just at a screeching halt. So you’re not going to be able to lose weight. You’re not going to have energy. You’re not going to have clearer brain functioning because you’re not able to get adequate nutrition and also, glucose. This can be a precursor to diabetes and sugar control issues, insulin resistance because that glucose additionally is not able as efficiently to get into your cells. It just causes all kinds of problems in the body.

One of the main focuses with clients that have high calcium is to get that calcium down and you do that by taking essentially fatty acids.

Debra: I’m writing this down.


Debra: All the things that you’re saying are things that I struggle with to a greater or lesser degree. Aside from hearing it from you (because you told me my analysis), I’ve never seen this kind of information any place else.

I think that most people, if they were to look at a test and it says, “Oh, there’s a lot of calcium in your body,” they would think, “Oh, that’s good.” And yet it causes these other problems. This is the kind of example that essentially, [inaudible 00:29:39].

WENDY MYERS: Well, I think that we’ve been conditioned to think that calcium is this amazing thing we need for our bones. I’ve even fallen victim to that. Many, many years, I picked Viactive Chews because I was told that young women needs 400 milligrams of calcium a day. The problem is you actually need magnesium. Magnesium is the boss of calcium and magnesium tells calcium where to go.

There are not that many people that are severely calcium deficient. They need magnesium. And so this is kind of not generally well-known. We need magnesium for 3700+ processes in the body, but one of them is for bone health. The problem with taking lots and lots of calcium is it tends to build up in people’s tissues.

Most people are slow metabolizers. Eighty percent of the population has a slow metabolic rate and these people accumulate calcium very, very efficiently. So you do not want to be choking down thousands of milligrams of calcium every day. You need more magnesium. But people that have a fast metabolism do need a lot more calcium.

Every one is a little bit different. And again, recommendations are based on an individual basis.

Debra: Right! And this is why you need to do something like have this kind of test because otherwise, it’s just a guessing game. This will tell you what’s going on.

Tell us something that my hair test shows something good about my health.

WENDY MYERS: Well, it’s actually very good if you have a lot of heavy metals coming out. You would think, “Well, maybe that’s bad. That means I’m really toxic,” but this is actually very, very good because I get really worried when I have a client that doesn’t have any heavy metals coming out on the hair test. It’s not good. It doesn’t mean, “Oh, I’m toxin-free.” That’s not going to happen. Everyone has heavy metals and chemicals in their body, toxins. What it actually means when someone has no heavy metals coming out on their hair test is that their body is too tired to detox. It just does not have the energy reserve. It’s reserving energy for digestion and basic bodily processes and just doesn’t have anything left over. Detoxification takes energy. It also takes certain nutrients – glutathione and other master antioxidants in the body to escort the metals out of the body like vitamin C, alpha-lipoic acid, et cetera.

What’s very, very good about your test is you do have a lot of metals coming out probably because you take so much Zeolite. I love the Pure Body Zeolite myself.

Debra: Thank you. Yeah, I think it’s because I’m taking Zeolite.

WENDY MYERS: Yes, yes. And I take the Zeolite too. I love the Touchstone Zeolite. Like I said, it’s just very good you have lots of metals coming out. And where you see a rat, there’s usually a thousand more [inaudible 00:32:38]. So you probably have a lot more toxins coming out, but join the club. Everyone has lots and lots of toxins in their body.

Even if you do consistent detox or you’ve done a long detox program like Mineral Power, you still will accumulate them on a daily basis. You breathe them in the air. There’s mercury in the air unfortunately and it’s in the food.

Debra: Right! Let’s just put exclamation marks and make that bold and italics, what you just said. I think that people don’t really get this, that they walk around and the air looks clean. But when you start looking at what’s in something like car exhaust and how much car exhaust we’re exposed to on a daily basis just driving around town and sitting in traffic, it’s just, “Where does that car exhaust go?” It’s full of heavy metals. It’s just full of heavy metals.

You would have to stay in some pristine, little filtered room to not be exposed to these chemicals and that’s just impractical. That’s why we have to pay so much attention to supporting our detox processes in our bodies because otherwise, we just get overwhelmed, yes?

WENDY MYERS: Yeah, absolutely. And if you are not eating the healthiest diet, you’re eating lots of sugar and lots of gluten and things that prevent your liver from functioning (you’re drinking lots of alcohol or whatever your drug of choice is), if you’re doing that, your liver is too busy dealing with those toxins and it can’t detox all these metals.

Additionally, the liver doesn’t recognize a lot of the chemicals that we have in our environment. It doesn’t know how to process them. It’s never seen them. Some of these chemicals have only shown up the last hundred years or even in the last decades and the liver doesn’t know how to deal with them.

So I think it’s imperative that people use an infrared sauna.

Debra: Infrared sauna, okay. Well, we’ll talk about that when we come back, plus other aspects of your program including the supplements that you give and diets and even the importance of sleep. I’ll ask you about that too. We only have a very short period of time left now, but we’ll be right back.

You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest is Wendy Myers. She’s at


Debra: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Wendy Myers from Actually, she’s the founder of We’re talking about her deep detox program.

So Wendy, before the break, you mentioned the saunas. So let’s just kind of put this in context. So people get the hair mineral analysis and then you make a program for them. So let’s talk about the different elements of the program that they might be given.

WENDY MYERS: Yes. Well, one of the main features of the program is doing detox protocols like infrared saunas, near infrared saunas and coffee enemas. The near infrared sauna is very, very different from what most people are familiar with when it comes to saunas. Most people typically think of the saunas at their gym, the dry saunas, Swedish or Finnish saunas. And then many people are familiar with the far infrared saunas that have the black carbon panels inside of it. Those are good. They penetrate about an inch or two in your body and they’re very effective for detox.

But even better and much less expensive (it’s very affordable, so that most people can get one in their home) is a near infrared sauna. I have amazing near infrared saunas in my store at from SaunaSpace. These are the best near infrared saunas available.

The near infrared saunas penetrate your body nine inches. I was actually corrected by the maker. I thought that they penetrated about three to four inches. They actually penetrate nine inches inside your body and really heat you up from the inside out, so that your cells can release all their toxic content. It’s so amazing at mobilizing and sweating out hundreds of chemicals and heavy metals.

And it bypasses the liver. So even if you have a congested liver or toxic liver like many people do today, a third of people have fatty liver disease in the U.S., you can bypass that mechanism and just sweat everything out.

And by heating up your body, you also kill of parasites, fungus, candida, other yeasts, viruses and bacteria. You can heal gut dysbiosis. It’s unbelievable, the benefit that people experience using an infrared sauna.

Debra: Okay, so infrared sauna. And then also, the diet.

WENDY MYERS: Yes. Well, I created a diet called the Modern Paleo Diet. It’s not a strict Paleo diet because I think the Paleo diet – well, it’s great that cavemen ate that diet. Many people have adapted to new foods in our environment.

There’s scientific evidence for lactase persistence where many people still have the enzyme into adulthood that can digest the dairy protein or dairy milk sugars. Many people can eat potatoes, they don’t have a problem with that. Many people are fine with legumes (I’m not one of them, but many people do and are just fine with legumes).

Debra: I’m one of them. I love legumes. I eat garbanzo beans every day for lunch.

WENDY MYERS: Oh, yes. You have your [inaudible 00:42:04].

Debra: No, I just have a little salad of them.

WENDY MYERS: Oh, yum. Those, I can do. I think a lot of people, they can’t tolerate pinto beans, but they can do green beans and garbanzo beans and teas. They’re a little bit different. They have a little bit of a different effect on your body.

But many people can tolerate grains. Some people can even tolerate gluten if they have a very robust gut microbiome.

But the Modern Paleo Diet is a very detailed outline of a diet. I’ve got lots of little handy cheat sheets that people can use that tell them all the foods that are on the Modern Paleo Diet that they can eat.

When people eat these diets and remove gluten from their diet (I think most people don’t tolerate gluten well), when they remove the foods to which they’re sensitive (I always encourage people to do food elimination diets or I also now offer food sensitivity mediator release test that can identify 150 foods and food chemicals to which you’re sensitive), when you do that and you remove these foods, it’s amazing how many symptoms could just go away just from correcting the diet.

You just can’t constantly put garbage in your body and gluten, foods that you’re sensitive to and sugar and et cetera and expect to feel good. So it’s a big component of the program.

Debra: I totally agree! What about sleep?

WENDY MYERS: Yeah, sleep is huge. A lot of people shortcut on this one, but on the program, I really encourage people to sleep for eight to ten hours a night. I know some of you out there are going, “Yeah, right. I can barely get four or five” just because they keep waking up. This is a big problem for many women that are approaching menopause, they have a lot of night-waking and hormone imbalances and things of that nature. But if you can sleep eight to ten hours, great.

A big factor of that is going to bed at the correct time. You have to reset your circadian rhythm in order to get a good night sleep. So you’ve got to have good sleep hygiene. I give people lots and lots of tips on how to improve their sleep hygiene. That corrects a lot of people’s sleep issues. But if people are having trouble (because it does take quite some time to correct body chemistry), I give people lots of supplements that they can take like Ashwagandha or GABA.

Magnesium really, really helps for a lot of people. I give others supplement recommendations to help them get to sleep until they can correct their underlying issues that are promoting insomnia and night-waking.

Debra: Yeah, yeah. That used to be a big problem for me earlier in my life. Night after night, I wouldn’t sleep until I changed the sheets on my bed to cotton sheets instead of permanent press sheets. And actually, formaldehyde on the sheets keeps people awake.

WENDY MYERS: Yeah, mm-hmmm…

Debra: So that’s the first thing I always tell people to do. And then there are other things to do. But that’s just a basic thing that will affect a lot of people instead of people taking sleeping pills.

And so, I left the supplements until last because I want you to talk about the difference between your supplements and say, the supplements that people would buy in a natural food store or a drug store or a place that was just found to be selling supplements that have no supplements in them.

WENDY MYERS: Well, I’m a supplement freak. I’ve been taking supplements for a long time. I take a lot of supplements, I love them. And I’m a real stickler for supplement quality.

I primarily use food-based supplements on my program because I think they just have better synergy in the body and the body responds to them better, but there are some people that are so ill or have gut issues or so many food sensitivities that they can’t tolerate them.

So in those cases, I do offer very high quality synthetic supplements. And many, many people, most nutrients and supplements that you see out in the market are synthetics. And there are good synthetics and bad synthetic.

Debra: Well, what would be a good synthetic? How would you tell the difference? How do you define that, good and bad synthetics.

WENDY MYERS: Well, I have an article on my website called ‘90% of Vitamins are Synthetic’. We have a whole list of the different vitamins and the forms you want, the forms you don’t want. That can be very, very helpful. But it takes a long time. It took me a long time to learn this stuff.

It’s one of those things where you just have to do your homework. Let’s take an example, folic acid. Most people cannot convert folic acid to folate in their bodies especially if they have MTHFR genetic mutations or other of these issues where the body is just not working properly and you want to take folate. But for supplementation purposes, you want to see that word ‘folate’ or you want to see ‘methyl folate’ (that’s a methylated form of folate. That’s just one example.

There’s also B12. Most supplements have cyanocobalamin. That’s cobalt connected to cyanide. You probably don’t want to take that. Then your body has to convert that to methyl cobalamin. That’s the preferred form.

So there’s many, many examples like that. Most of the supplements that you see in the grocery store or Sam’s Club, many of them are China-sourced and has GMO ingredients, which you don’t want. It will not be on the label. And you many times will have cheap binders. So if you’re in a pill, they’re usually very, very cheap binders.

And there’s a really funny excerpt I have on one of my articles that talks about how the guys that run the porta potty businesses, in the bottom of the porta potties, when they’re cleaning them out, there’s hundreds of pills of supplements.

Debra: I’ve heard that, yes.

WENDY MYERS: Yeah, because the pills just pass right through them without being absorbed because there’s cheap binders in them. So you want to take supplements that are in capsules or just pressed pills. I don’t know if you know Chlorella water supplements, they’re just in a pressed pill.

So there’s lots and lots of details to think about. On Mineral Power, I only use the highest quality supplements, primarily food-based that you can find. And I’m always looking for the better and better and better supplement.

Debra: Yeah. Well, I’m always looking for them too.

Well, we’ve only got less than a minute left, so I wanted to say thank you so much for being here and telling us about your program. Is there anything very short you want to say?

WENDY MYERS: Well, my motto on is to cess out and start working on your health before you develop health issues. You have got to add detox protocols like infrared saunas to your health regimen or eventually, you’re going to pay the price. The consequences are going to catch up with you by not eliminating metals and chemicals in your body.

Debra: Thank you so much. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. You can go to Toxic Free Talk Radio and find out more about the show and others by going to I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.


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