ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Today my guest is Marj Melchiors, Founder of Cosmetics Without Synthetics. We’ll be talking about what she’s learned about dangerous and safe cosmetics in more than fifteen years of choosing and creating cosmetics. After a professional career for 13 years as an interior designer, Marj Melchiors founded her natural cosmetics company as a mail order business in 1997, to meet the needs of others who were seeking cosmetics without synthetics. Two years later her company went online. Today her site sells all kinds of cosmetic products (and more) that are fragrance-free, 70% or more organic, vegan, gluten-free, carmine-free, and, of course, synthetic-free. Long before the current craze for mineral makeup, Marj developed her Earth’s Beauty® line based on arrowroot, to meet the demand of customers wanting even lesser ingredients in makeup than what was being offered in the natural cosmetics realm in the late 1990’s. Marj has many years experience evaluating and creating cosmetic products. and



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Choosing Cosmetics without Synthetics

Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Marj Melchiors

Date of Broadcast: November 13, 2013

DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio, where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. And the reason that we do that is because there are so many toxic chemicals out there, and we need to be able to find our way through all of that maze of products, toxic and not toxic, and be able to choose the ones that have the least health effects and the most benefit.

And that’s a skill that requires having information, that requires knowing how to apply that information. And I choose my guests for this show because they are doing these things out in the world to make the world a safer place to live in, to provide products, to provide information.

Today is Wednesday, November 13th 2013. And it’s a beautiful autumn day here in Clearwater, Florida, a little overcast, windy, cold, which it isn’t usually. I have my flannel shirt on, and so I know it’s getting to be winter.

And we’re going to be talking today about cosmetic products with a woman who—actually, I should put my mute button on because I’m going to sneeze, or maybe not.

Anyway, my guest today has not only chosen cosmetics that don’t have toxic chemicals to sell on her website, but she actually is a pioneer in creating her own non-toxic, toxic-free cosmetics. So we’re going to talk about all of that today.

Her name is Marj Melchiors. And she’s the founder of Cosmetics without Synthetics.

Hi Marj! Thanks for being with me today.

MARJ MELCHIORS: Hi, Debra. Thanks for having me.

DEBRA: Thank you so much for being here. One of the things that I love about doing this show is that I know about a lot of businesses from all the many years that I’ve been working in this field, evaluating products, and choosing the ones that are safest. And I’ve known about your business for many years. But this is the first time I’m actually talking with you, and the first time that I’m actually finding out about you.

And it’s so interesting to me to see what I find out about people and their businesses that I would have never known otherwise.

So, I’m so glad to be having you and my other guests on the show. I’m so happy to have this show and to be sharing all this information with everybody because you actually have a very interesting background.

So tell us! Let’s start out with you just telling us how you got into doing this. Why do you do what you do and about the things that you’ve done along the way to get to where you are now?

MARJ MELCHIORS: Sure, I’d like to tell you everything. I grew up in the Midwest, and I had allergies as a child. So when I became a little older, I was starting to also have more sensitivities and more sensitivities.

So I became aware of the fact—and this was in the ‘70s, so I’m dating myself here. I became aware of preservatives and artificial food colorings as a teenager. And so, I started to shop at a health food store. And in those days, as you know, health food stores are not very common. So my mother and I would have to travel at least 45 minutes away just to reach the only health food store that was as close as possible. So I grew up trying to eat as healthy as possible.

And so, shopping at a health food store, I would realize that there some things, other than foods there, that were very interesting to me—and one of them was natural make-up. And at that point in time, there were very, very few companies that were making all natural—

DEBRA: I remember that! I have one those moments that you never forget. When you were talking about this, this is popping up. I was in a health food store. And in those days, it was mostly packaged foods and vitamins and these natural cosmetics, soap and things like that.

And I remember one day I was in a particular store where I looked at the fresh produce, and it was just so wilted and horrible-looking. It was organic, but it was so wilted, I didn’t want to eat.

And then I went and looked at the make-up, and they had all these lipsticks in a row on a display. I opened one, and it was this Pepto-Bismol pink and all chalky-looking. And it didn’t look like anything I wanted to put on my lips. It didn’t look red and luscious like all the other toxic lipsticks are.

And so, I understand. And all of the brands that exist today, I don’t think any of them existed when you and I started looking at this.

MARJ MELCHIORS: Actually, yes, there is one brand, which I would get to later that was around. It’s called Penders. And I am now their U.S. distributor.

There were very few brands out there in those days. I think Rachel Perry, Paul Penders, and some that have fallen by the wayside.

Anyway, I used some of those cosmetics. Maybe they didn’t perform the best, but I just thought it was interesting that they were made with so-called natural ingredients.

So, I did that and still carried on the health food scene when I was in college. I went to college to become an interior designer.

And so I did accomplish that. I got my Bachelor’s Degree. And then I got married. And I was practicing as a professional interior designer.

And years later, in the ‘90s, I had my two daughters. And I decided that I really didn’t want to work away from my home anymore now that I had my two wonderful daughters. So I was reading Mothering Magazine. It’s a great magazine! And I noticed that there were a lot of people that had home businesses that were advertising in there such as cloth diapers and handmade wooden toys.

And I realized that there really wasn’t any company out there that was promoting natural cosmetics, which I thought, “Well, this would be a great place to advertise because it’s all women reading the magazine” or pretty much all women.

So, I thought, “Well, maybe I would try doing this. It would be something that I could do from home.”

And so, I did start my business then as a mail order business in 1997. And the only way to advertise in those days was through major magazines because, let’s face it, the internet was not anything like it was back in 1997. So, I had to put in ads in national magazines, which is extremely expensive.

And I built my business around a book that I read called The Safe Shopper’s Bible. And that book was written in, I believe, 1995. And it was a consumer’s guide kind of a handbook. They took products in there—anywhere from household cleaning products to paint and cleaners and cosmetics—and they rated them as far as dangers go. And I thought, “Wow, I’ve never seen anything like this.”

And so, I built my business around the products in there that they said were safe. And I based it on just the body care and make-up products.

So, I had this business, a little business, mail order. And it just was really slow-going. And I actually almost gave up because the orders were just few and far between. And so I almost gave up until almost two years later, 1999, and the internet was starting to become popular. And so I decided, “Well, what the heck, I might as well just try having a website.”

So, I bought the domain name, which right now, you can’t touch anything like that, anything even close to that. Now, the natural cosmetic industry has become huge.

DEBRA: We need to take a break (as long as you just stop right there). We need to take a break. And so we’ll continue right after this.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And my guest today is Marj Melchiors, founder of Cosmetics without Synthetics. And we’re going to learn more about how you can choose natural cosmetics when we come back.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And we’re talking about natural cosmetics today with my guest, Marj Melchiors. She’s the founder of Cosmetics without Synthetics.

So Marj, you got a website. And then what happened?

MARJ MELCHIORS: Well, a lot happened after that because now, I had worldwide exposure. And I really didn’t have to pay a lot of money and advertise in little magazines now because now, everyone in the world could find me basically because of the name of my company, my domain name, All Natural Cosmetics. So, someone would just have to type in those words, and basically, they would find my website.

So I now had companies coming to me who wanted me to represent their lines in the United States. So that was pretty exciting for me because, at that point, there weren’t a huge amount of companies out there. I had to really search and search to find things now to set the criteria that I was establishing because of reading the Safe Shopper’s Bible.

So, it was really exciting for me to be able to offer things to customers that they couldn’t get in the United States.

DEBRA: Well, let’s talk about your criteria. What is it that you’re looking to avoid and why?

MARJ MELCHIORS: What we’re looking to avoid are:

The first thing would be the synthetic preservatives. And that would be your parabens. And we also want to avoid synthetic fragrances, synthetic colorings, and ingredients that are carcinogenic, such as DEA, TEA, talc and lanoline. And just a host of other chemicals that are hard to pronounce, we stay away from.

DEBRA: So, you’ve figured out what those chemicals are, and you have a list. And if it’s on the list, then you don’t use that product.

MARJ MELCHIORS: That’s correct, yes.

DEBRA: Yes, that’s about what I did. When I started out, there weren’t any lists of toxic chemicals that I could find. And so I went and as you did with Safe Shopper’s Bible (I started doing it before that book was written. So I had to just go and find whatever studies I could find to figure out that this was toxic or that was toxic.

And I had to laugh today because, at that time, when I started more than 30 years ago, I had a list of 40 chemicals that I was looking to avoid. And now, the lists are just hundreds and hundreds of chemicals of things that we know about that are toxic.

MARJ MELCHIORS: Yes, exactly, because when the Safe Shopper’s Bible was written, the studies were not out about the dangers of parabens. So, for a while, the products that I sold did contain parabens because we just didn’t know about the harmful effects of the parabens.

And as recently as 2004, there was a study that showed that they found a huge variety of parabens in [inaudible 13:27] to what they’re using on their body because [inaudible 13:44].

DEBRA: We’re just going to take a break. You all listening may have noticed that my guest, the sound was breaking up. So we’re going to call her back and have her back again.

I think that we may have a commercial, yes. So, we’ll just go to commercial break now and we’ll be right back. And we’ll have her say what she said again.


DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And today, my guest is Marj Melchiors, founder of Cosmetics without Synthetics. And we had a bit of technical problem with the telephone line. So Marj, are you there with us now?


DEBRA: Okay, great. So I think the last thing you were starting to tell us about, the last thing I heard was about a study in 2004 about the danger of parabens.

MARJ MELCHIORS: Yes. In 2004, they did a study that showed that there was a large concentration of methyl paraben in some breast tissue samples that they had examined. So that is part of the paraben [inaudible 15:03] preservative used in […] body care and make-up and health care products. [inaudible 15:16]

So, that, I think opened the eyes of a lot of companies that were making natural products already and forced them to have them look for other […] products.

DEBRA: We’re still having the sound break up. I’m trying to figure out what to do here because I do want to talk to you about this. We still have half of the show to go, but I can’t hear what you’re saying.

Marj, if you have another line that you can call in on—oh, you know what? Todd, would you play another commercial? I think I have another phone number for her.


DEBRA: Okay, I think we’re back. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And I think we now yet again have Marj on the phone. Technology, this is what happens when it is live radio.

MARJ MELCHIORS: I know! Of course, it would.

DEBRA: Why don’t you say what you just said for the third time? Third time’s a charm,

MARJ MELCHIORS: Third time’s a charm.

Okay, parabens. In 2004, there was a study conducted on parabens found in—actually, they did a study on breast tumors. And they found a high concentration of methyl paraben in these breast tumors that were removed from women’s bodies. And methyl paraben is one of the paraben families.

So, I think this really opened up the eyes of a lot of natural body care and cosmetic companies because they were using parabens all these years, thinking that it was safe ingredient.

DEBRA: I thought it was a safe ingredient. It wasn’t on my list. In the beginning, I was trying to avoid artificial colors, artificial fragrances, and preservatives. And I thought parabens were fine because they were in every natural cosmetic or beauty product that there was on the market. And I couldn’t find any studies about them.

But this is, I think, an important point to make because there are a lot of ingredients that still have not been studied. And so this is where part of the difficulty is, that there’s so much that’s unknown, that if we know something, like this about parabens, we should at least be acting on the things that we know about. And then, we should be continuing to study to find out if there are more things that we didn’t know about.

When I started, we didn’t know about Bisphenol-A, we didn’t know about any of the endocrine disruptors, we didn’t know about the parabens. And as all these things were coming to light, what’s happening is that the products are getting purer and purer as the manufacturers take out these ingredients that we find to be toxic. So, it’s an evolutionary process.

MARJ MELCHIORS: That’s true! It’s leading customers to just demand more and more because now, customers are demanding organic ingredients. And there are some ingredients that you just can’t get in an organic form right now (or that you may never be able to) such as some of the natural colorings that are used in cosmetics like the iron oxide. But the consumers are just really being educated and just demanding more pure products.

Actually, that is what led me to create my own line of cosmetics. And actually, that was just a couple of years after I started my business. So in the year 2000, I created the brand, Earth’s Beauty.

DEBRA: And tell us about that. That’s a very different product than you find in any other place. Tell us your whole story about that one.

MARJ MELCHIORS: Yes, well, I had a group of customers that were ultra-sensitive. And they said to me, “We like what you’re selling, but we need something with even less ingredients.”

So, that led me to do a lot of research. And I came up with a line of products that are based with arrowroot. An arrowroot is actually something you can use to bake with or cook with.

DEBRA: I cook an arrowroot, and it’s wonderful.


DEBRA: I use arrowroot because I eat gluten-free. And arrowroot is, it does a couple of things. One is that you can use it instead of wheat flour to thicken gravy, and it works beautifully because it just dissolves and it doesn’t lump.

And the other thing it does is that I had a recipe I don’t eat anymore because it has wheat flour in it. But it was a way to use whole wheat flour so that it wasn’t so dense. You could take a tablespoon of flour out of a cup of flour, and replace it with a tablespoon of arrowroot, and it would make your whole wheat flour light.

And so, I’m very familiar with arrowroot. It’s in my cabinet, and I use it frequently.

And it’s very, very soft. So, when I saw that your cosmetics are based in arrowroot, I thought, “That must be really good on the skin.”

MARJ MELCHIORS: Yes, it does feel really good, and it gives a very nice fine appearance to the skin as well. And many women who are ultra-sensitive can use this product line.

And it was actually ahead of its time because, maybe about five years after that was when the mineral make-up started becoming popular. And how we differ from that is that many mineral make-up uses titanium dioxide as the base, and that ingredient is questionable in the loose form.

It’s used a lot in sunscreens because it has natural sunscreen properties. And when it’s in a liquid form, it is safe. But it’s questionable now. When people inhale that, if you’re applying a loose powder all over your face, you’re going to get a dust in the air. And if you’re doing that daily, it’s just questionable whether that is really healthy for the lungs.

So, our product is much different than the typical mineral make-up out there that will contain a base of titanium dioxide and sometimes mica.

DEBRA: So when you take a basic titanium dioxide, I just want to clarify, that’s a lot of titanium dioxide. And then you put in a little bit of iron oxide for color, right?


DEBRA: I mean, not you, but the other manufacturers. When you say a base, that’s a lot of material.

MARJ MELCHIORS: That’s the base. That’s the majority. Now, some will have titanium dioxide with mica. So it’s not like it’s all titanium dioxide. Very few of them are going to be 100% titanium. But there’s going to be a huge percentage of titanium dioxide in the base, which means that’s probably 70% to 80% of the actual product will be a mica or a titanium dioxide.

So, we do not have that in our products as far as the large majority.

And so we began with that. And it’s exciting because nowadays, just as you mentioned, a lot of people want to stay away from gluten. And they’re even wanting to stay away from gluten in their body care and make-up products and their skin care.

So, we have many customers who will call us and say, they’re looking for such-and-such product, and they want to make sure that it’s gluten-free. And so we can say without any question that the Earth’s Beauty line is gluten-free.

DEBRA: Because you’re making it yourself, and you know what’s in it.

MARJ MELCHIORS: Right, we’re making it, and we’re using safe ingredients. And we have some other items that we’ve expanded upon. We have mascara now. And the mascara is actually made in a certified gluten-free laboratory.

DEBRA: Wow, that’s great.

MARJ MELCHIORS: And we also have a line of pencils that are handmade. We also have some lipsticks. And so we can just guarantee that our Earth’s Beauty line is gluten-free.

DEBRA: And then, also, I’m looking at your website right now,, for this product. And it says that it doesn’t contain nanoparticles, which is another thing to be concerned about in mineral make-ups because if they’re using powders that have been ground as fine as nanoparticles, then those nanoparticles, you can breathe them in, they can get through your skin.

MARJ MELCHIORS: That’s another problem with that titanium dioxide, most of the titanium dioxide out there is in the nanoparticle form. So, besides inhaling it, if you have it on your skin, even if it’s in a skin care product, and it’s a nanoparticle titanium dioxide, there’s a very good chance that that can actually be absorbed by your skin.

DEBRA: Also, on your site, I noticed that you have make-up for women, and make-up for teens, and make-up for girls. And I think that that’s wonderful. Tell us what the differences are.

MARJ MELCHIORS: Well, the make-up for the adults, for the women, that would be our traditional Earth’s Beauty line of products. And we decided that we wanted to start women out or girls out early, so we came up with two other lines. And the one line that we’ve had for the longest time is the Little Earth Beauty.

We came up with a plain make-up set. And many women just really appreciate that it’s great for the holidays, or for birthdays, to give a totally safe, non-toxic product line of plain make-up to your favorite little girl because if you just go look in traditional stores, discount stores, and you see little girl play make-up sets, and you look at the ingredients, I can tell you, you are going to see it’s just totally filled with chemicals.

DEBRA: It’s horrible! It’s horrible. I think this would make such a great holiday gift for little girls. I love seeing that on there because, children, as we’ve discussed many times on this show, are much more susceptible to the harmful effects of all these toxic chemicals than we are as adults simply because their bodies are smaller.

And so, if you have an exposure of, say, one unit of a toxic chemical, and there’s an adult and a child, because the child’s body is smaller, they’re twice as susceptible just because there’s half as much body present.
In any home where you have children, you need to be even more careful about what’s in your house and what you give them to play with.

So, well done. Well done!

MARJ MELCHIORS: Exactly, exactly. Well, thank you. Thank you. We’re proud of that particular set.

And so then we decided to expand on that. And about two and a half years ago, we came out with a line for teenagers. And that line is called Meisha. And it’s an eco-friendly line of make-up and the fact that it has compacts that can be refilled.

So, you can buy, for example, an eye shadow. And then once you’re finished with it, you can pop it out and just buy the inner replacement. So that is just really setting a good example for that generation to not only be eco-friendly, but look at the ingredients that you’re putting on your skin.

DEBRA: So, I noticed that in the Meisha line, you have a cream eye shadow. And in the women’s line, it’s a powdered eye shadow. Can you tell us the difference?

MARJ MELCHIORS: In the women’s line, Earth’s Beauty line, all the products are in the loose form (unless, of course, they’re a mascara, the liner or the lipstick). So those are more of a mineral make-up. If you think of a mineral make-up where it’s in a loose form, which means, when you apply it, you would need to dampen your make-up brush, and then dip it in the powder, and then apply it.

In the teen line, we made it a little bit more convenient. Let’s face it. Teenagers are going to want convenience. We have pressed or caked eye shadows. And we also have cream eye shadows and cream blush. So, those are easier to transport.

And they are in the compacts, magnetic compacts, so those are a little bit more convenient.

So, instead of having a loose powder, you would have it pressed or in the cream form.

DEBRA: Thank you. Tell us about some of the other products that you’ve chosen that don’t have synthetics, and your criteria. I know you have a whole lot of different products on your website, including things that have 70% or more organic ingredients that are fragrance-free, some are vegan, some are gluten-free, carmine-free.

Tell us about carmine. What is carmine and why do people want to be free of it?

MARJ MELCHIORS: Carmine is technically actually a natural pigment. Some people are fine with using it. But if you are vegan, you may want to stay away from it because it is actually derived from the shell of a beetle.

So, it’s a personal decision on carmine. We don’t totally say it’s terrible, but it is a way to get some nice pink tones in cosmetics. So if you are looking for a brighter pink tone, unfortunately, at this time, that is what the best choice is to use. If you want to go with more earth tones, then it’s very easy to create cosmetics without using carmine.

DEBRA: I just want to point out that carmine isn’t toxic to the best of my knowledge. I’d never seen anything that says it’s toxic.


DEBRA: But it would be a choice, if you’re vegan, to be aware of that.

So, what are some of the other products, what are some of the brands that you’ve decided are non-toxic enough for you to carry and what kind of range of products could people find on your website?

MARJ MELCHIORS: Well, we have a wide variety of natural skin care products. We have Aroma Bella, and we have Lotus Moon, Miessence, which is a certified organic line from Australia, Mukti from Australia, which is certified organic as well.

And we have Paul Penders. And as I mentioned earlier in the interview, Paul Penders has been around since the 80s. And in 2008, he looked me up, and he said he wanted me to be his U.S. distributor. So we are now distributing his products. We are pretty much the full source of where you can buy his wonderful, wonderful skin care and hair care products. He has lipsticks as well and mascara.

DEBRA: I remember when I used to be able to see them in the natural food stores, but I haven’t seen them.

MARJ MELCHIORS: Yes, you can’t find them readily now. Through me is the main source of Paul Penders. And his products are just absolutely wonderful.

DEBRA: And what other brands do you have?

MARJ MELCHIORS: We carry hair coloring.

DEBRA: Let’s talk about that because a lot of people are interested in hair coloring. So what makes natural hair coloring?

MARJ MELCHIORS: The basic thing about natural hair coloring is that it’s going to be derived from henna—either henna alone or henna with some additives such as herbs and [cossy]. For example, we carry the Logona Herbal Hair Coloring line.

And you can buy it in the powdered form or you mix it yourself like traditional henna or you can actually buy it pre-mixed in a tube.

This brand is a wonderful brand. And it will cover the grey, believe it or not.

It’s the safest line other than just straight henna that you can find. Even at a health food store, you’ll see some brands, and they’ll say that they have natural pigments. Well, the pigments might be natural, but if you look at the ingredients in there, if it has TTD or if it says, “Will cause blindness if you get this in your eyes,” then stay away from it because there are chemicals in it.

But if there is a line that is out there that—if it’s on our website, it’s without chemicals basically. If they would be more available, we would have it. But right now, this is the best that we have.

DEBRA: I think that that’s an important point. I know for myself and others that I’ve talked to a bit, it’s easy to get into saying, “Well, I want this perfect product. I don’t want any of this and any of that.” And for some products, that means that you just don’t use that product at all because it doesn’t exist.

I know, for myself, I don’t remember the last time I wore nail polish because I can’t find a nail polish that’s not made from acrylic. And I don’t want to put acrylic on my fingers. That’s it! They can take out all the formaldehyde and everything that they want. But as long as it’s still acrylic plastic, I’m not going to put that on my fingernails.

So, I just get a buffer brush, just buff my nails, and they get shiny. And that’s what I do for my nails. So, no red nail polish for me.

We really need to be thinking about, sometimes, is it really necessary to be using these toxic chemicals because we’ve decided that we have to have nail polish, or whatever the product happens to be, we decided that we have to color our hair, or we have to wear perfume, or whatever.

I remember actually a long time ago when I was removing toxic chemicals bit by bit from my life as I could identify them, the last thing to go was my red lipstick. It had taken me so long to find the perfect shade of red. And I was absolutely dedicated to my brand of red lipstick, and exactly that color of red. I was like, “No! I’m not going to give this up. I’m not going to give this up.”

But it was more important to me to not have the toxic chemicals in the lipstick than it was for me to have red lips. I finally had that breakthrough to say, “Okay, it’s more important to be healthy. It’s more important to feel good. It’s more important to take that toxic stress off my body that this lipstick is giving me.”

So, it’s really wonderful that you and other people are offering these less toxic, non-toxic, organic alternatives so that we can have replacements for those toxic products that we’re so accustomed to having and have them be much more helpful.

MARJ MELCHIORS: Yes, I totally agree. Some women are just addicted to that certain shade of lipstick, as you said, or having to have their hair look a certain color or a certain way. And I agree that we need to choose our health first. We try our best to find those substitutes in natural form, and we are very particular on what we sell.

DEBRA: Yes, and I appreciate that very much. We only just have a couple of minutes left to the show. Is there anything that you’d like to say that you haven’t said?

MARJ MELCHIORS: Well, I just love your philosophy. And I just give you so much credit for doing this all these years.

DEBRA: Thank you.

MARJ MELCHIORS: And I just think it’s great that we’re educating everyone out there so that they can become more healthy.

And there are just so may incidences now of people getting sick, and it just makes me wonder, if people would just look at what they’re eating, and what they’re being surrounded by, and what they’re putting on their body, maybe if they would think twice, perhaps they could have better health.

DEBRA: I’m sure that they would have better health. I know that I’ve seen that and I think you’ve seen that in your life too. So I think that anybody who wants to be health, eliminating toxic chemical exposures, I think is the first step across the board.

One of the things that’s great about what you’ve done, Marj, is that it’s really so difficult to take that leap into trying to figure out what’s toxic and what isn’t, for there to be websites like yours, and websites like mine, where those of us who have taken the time to learn all this and be able to evaluate the toxicity of products, that we have a list of toxic chemicals that we know we want to avoid.

The consumers can just go to our websites and know that what they find there has already been evaluated.

So listeners, if you’re looking for some natural cosmetics, you can just go to Marj’s site and choose anything she’s got, and know that you’re getting the best that’s out there, the least toxic products that are available at this time. And I’m sure that as there are more, even less toxic products, that they’ll be on your site too.

MARJ MELCHIORS: Yes. We’re always searching, and we always have companies approaching us, and we very carefully evaluate what is being shown to us. And sometimes, we have to turn it down and say no. I’m sorry, it’s not quite pure enough.

But we are always searching and looking for the best products possible. And you can always trust us because we are very concerned for other people’s well-being.

DEBRA: Thank you so much for being on the show, and I apologize for the technical difficulties, whatever they were. It’s been lovely to talk with you.

I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. And to find out more about this show, go to


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