My guest today is Pamela Seefeld, R.Ph, a registered pharmacist who prefers to dispense medicinal plants. Today we’ll be talking about calcium, osteoporosis, boneloss….Should you be taking calcium at all, and if so, how much and in what form? And what happens to your health if you take too much. Pamela is a 1990 graduate of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, where she studied Pharmacognosy (the study of medicines derived from plants and other natural sources). She has worked as an integrative pharmacist teaching physicians, pharmacists and the general public about the proper use of botanicals. She is also a grant reviewer for NIH in Washington D.C. and the owner of Botanical Resource and Botanical Resource Med Spa in Clearwater, Florida.
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- Evaluating A Study and Testing a Test
- Seven Deadly Drugs
- The Hidden Dangers Affecting Your Heart and How You Can Protect It Naturally
- What We Can Do About Cancer
- The Power of pH
- How to Protect Your Health From Toxic Mercury Dental Fillings
- Pharmacology 101: How to Use What Pharmacists Know to Take Supplements to Best Advantage
- Are You Heading For Kidney Failure? Natural Remedies Can Help
- How to Keep Your Blood Vessels Open and Flowing With Supplements
- How Inactivity Leads to Illness and Drug Use—And How Exercise Can Get You Off Drugs and into Health
- How to Protect the Environment from Pharmaceutical Pollution by Using Natural Medicinals
- Hidden Toxic Dangers in Common Dietary Supplements
- See More Clearly with Natural Remedies
- Hidden Mental Health Dangers in Common Drugs
- Different Types of Detox
- Getting Off Prescription Drugs with Natural Remedies
- How Natural Remedies Could Have Saved A Life
- Natural Alternatives to Sleeping Pills
- Natural Back Pain Treatment Options That Work
- How Toxics Age Your Body & What You Can Do to Stay Young
- You CAN Lose Weight—Even if You’ve Had Difficulty Losing Weight Before
- It’s Cold and Flu Season—How to Support Your Immune System and Why You Shouldn’t Get a Toxic Flu Shot
- How Eating Fruits and Vegetables Help Your Cells Create Health
- Toxic Psychiatry and How to Have Mental Health Without Drugs
- Why You Should Take Fish Oil and How To Choose the Right One for You
- Medicinal Plants Can Replace Toxic Drugs
Calcium – Is There Really a Deficiency in America?
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Pamela Seefeld
Date of Broadcast: October 08, 2014
DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to survive in a toxic world and live toxic-free.
It’s Wednesday, October 8, 2014. It’s a beautiful day in Clearwater, Florida. Oh, my God, we’re coming into our autumn and our winter where it’s not humid and the days are beautiful. I’m just out looking in my garden. I was clearing out my bed so that I can plant trees because they grow over the winter. It was just beautiful. It was just exactly the right temperature. The reason people live in Florida is the weather like today, which is great.
My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a registered pharmacist. She prefers to dispense medicinal plants, instead of drugs. And she really knows what she’s doing. Today, we’re going to be talking about calcium, and what types of calcium. We’re going to be talking about osteoporosis, bone loss, all those kinds of things. But before we do that, we’re going to talk about me for a minute.
Hi, Pamela.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Hey! It’s great to be here.
DEBRA: Thank you. Actually, I wanted to say that I have Pamela on every other Wednesday because she has so much information and so many different things that we can talk about. You can go to and see the list of links to her past shows every other Wednesday. So it’s going to be two weeks and four weeks, and six weeks and eight weeks and we’ll just continue to talk about how we can be healthy by using natural supplements instead of drugs.
I want to say actually so I don’t forget also that the difference between taking drugs and taking the supplement – from Pamela – is that drugs might control your symptoms, but they’re not healing your body. The kinds of things that she gives me and her other clients are things like homeopathic remedies. She’ll tell you about it.
They’re actually healing my body. I can tell that they’re healing my body because the last time we were together, I was talking about how I was sleeping better because I was taking passion flower. And what happened in the last couple of weeks – mid-last week – is that one night, I just fell asleep and before I even thought to take the Passion flower and I slept through the night. I thought, “Okay, the next night, let’s just see if I can just fall asleep.” And for the past week— I’m somebody who just had trouble sleeping, but for the past week, doing all the things that Pamela has been telling me – how long has it been? Like two months or something?
DEBRA: This past week, I have fallen asleep on my own every night and slept for – for the last three nights, I’ve been sleeping eight and a half hours.
PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s great.
DEBRA: Yeah, all by myself without taking any other supplements or anything. So changes are going on in my body. What I’m most excited about aside from feeling so much better is that people are noticing that I look different. This week, I’ve been getting compliments that I look prettier and younger.
PAMELA SEEFELD:How wonderful is that?!
DEBRA: It’s true!
PAMELA SEEFELD: You deserve it.
DEBRA: Thank you, thank you. They’re saying, “What are you doing? You look so pretty.”
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah. You know what? It’s your body’s healing. We were looking back at your blood work for eight years that you’ve been going to the regular physician for and you weren’t getting better. And I told you, I pointed out, the numbers, it didn’t change in eight years. I’m like, “This is crazy! We need to get you better so that you don’t need to be on any medicine ever.”
DEBRA: Yeah. And the other thing is I’ve been off my insulin. So it’s been a month or something that I’ve been off my insulin. My blood sugar is the same and even better than it was when I was taking insulin. I’m not taking any other kind of Metaformin or Glucophage or any of these things. I’m only taking what Pamela is giving me, and it just is making a huge difference. I’m using all natural substances.
PAMELA SEEFELD: The homeopathy heals the beta cells of the pancreas. That’s happening for you. That’s why your sugars are coming down and you’re feeling better because the insulin doesn’t actually approach the beta cell.
DEBRA: Yeah, yeah. So I can tell that healing is going on in my body and my clothes just keep getting looser and I don’t have to be so strict about what I’m eating.
This is a really huge thing because it used to be that I would choose foods that I was eating – well, not that we shouldn’t do this, but I had to be very strict about what I was going to eat because if I ate one wrong thing, I would really pay for it by having a lot of symptoms. And now, if I want to eat a potato or something, I can eat a potato, and nothing happens.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. The homeopathy is balancing your body and your meridian. Yes, it’s really wonderful. I am so happy for you, I really am.
DEBRA: Yes, thank you. I’m happy for you too. It’s not that I want to eat potatoes every day, but I can eat a potato instead of saying, “Never again have potatoes.”
DEBRA: And what it’s done is it’s starting to open the list of foods that I can eat. And so, it’s giving me more nutrition and more options. I couldn’t eat broccoli. I haven’t tried to eat broccoli yet, but I couldn’t eat broccoli. I mean, something as a whole real food like broccoli, I couldn’t eat – or a potato. And now, I can eat a potato. I’m just so excited…
PAMELA SEEFELD: The cell signaling in your body is much more effective now. We’ve cleaned a lot of the stuff out. So what’s going to happen is it’s just going to be an upward process.
DEBRA: Yes, I’m looking forward to it. I’m enjoying it.
PAMELA SEEFELD: I’m just so happy. I just love what I do, and the chemistry background that I possess and what I prescribe for people and what regiments I decide to write out for them. You know it’s a simple thing. You’re not on a million things.
DEBRA: No, I’m not on the million things. It’s affordable. It costs less than standard medical treatment, a lot less than standard medical treatment and I’m getting better. I’m actually getting better.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Efficacy is my 100% point.
DEBRA: It is! And she said this to me many times. I’ve heard her say that she really is result-oriented and she’s using supplements that are tried and true that she sees on many people. She sees this result over and over again.
And so, just right up front, I want to say that if you’re having some health concerns, if you’re on any kind of prescription or over-the-counter drug and you would like to not be on that drug, if your family or friends or co-workers are having problems in their own drugs that are just controlling your symptoms and maybe not even controlling your symptoms, and they want to get off of them, then all you need to do is just call Pamela because there’s a free consultation.
You can call her, she will talk to you on the phone and she will tell you what to take. You can just buy them from her. It’s affordable. So give your phone number because I just can’t recommend you highly enough.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, you can call me. And I’ll be glad to talk to you on the telephone and go over everything and mail some things out to you if you don’t live here in the Clearwater area. The number here at Botanical Resource Pharmacy is 727-442-4955.
DEBRA: And we’ll give that number throughout the show. You really just want to call her up. You could go to her website, but you really want to call her up.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, please. I would be honored and I would love to help you and your family.
DEBRA: She would, really. I talked with her all the time. She’s here to help. She’s here to help. So today, we’re going to talk about calcium, osteoporosis, bone loss, all those kinds of things. And we’re going to be coming up on a break in about a minute and a half. So let’s just get started. Where do you want to start?
PAMELA SEEFELD: We’ll just talk a little bit about calcium. Most people know what calcium is, where it’s found. It’s an element, a chemical element. It’s in a lot of food. It makes up our bones and teeth.
Most people think of calcium when they’re concerned about osteoporosis and osteopenia and preventing these problems. But really, it works also for muscle contractions and other things too. So there are calcium channels in the muscles that control contraction. So it’s actually really ubiquitous. It’s everywhere in the body.
So what I wanted to talk about today with the calcium is we’re going to talk about some of the myths of calcium deficiency and what really is going on in the United States as far as, “Are we really deficient in calcium?”
DEBRA: Just go ahead and start and I’m going to interrupt you when we need to go to break.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay, very good. So we know that the calcium is necessary for bone mineralization, for the teeth and most people focus on that, but what we’re going to talk about is is there really a calcium deficiency in the United States.
So this is what we see. We see all these commercials, “Take your Calcium. Take your Calcium plus D.” What we’re finding is that – this is more of an opinion, but it’s also being substantiated by clinical documentation in the Library of Medicine. They really think, if you look around, that everybody’s deficient in calcium. Here in America, we all eat pretty well. And everything is fortified if you’re eating meat and processed foods. So the notion that everyone is calcium deficient maybe is wrong.
DEBRA: Now, we have to go. So we’ll take a break and we’ll come back and hear all about calcium. So you’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She is a registered pharmacist who dispenses medicinal plants instead of drugs. So we’ll be right back to talk more about calcium.
DEBRA: My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She is a registered pharmacist who dispenses medicinal plants instead of drugs, and we’re talking about calcium. Just go on from where you were, Pamela.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Okay, very good. So calcium is important to take. It’s important to have in your food and in your diet, and also as a supplement if need be. But I’m going to explain to you about what’s really happening as far as this whole notion about, “Everyone needs to take lots of calcium.”
You look around, how many women are following their doctor’s recommendation to take calcium and D every day? I see this a lot with my clients. They consistently do that. If they don’t do an adjustment in pH – and I’m going to explain what that is – what happens is it really doesn’t work.
So all these women running around, taking all this calcium and D. If we don’t make it go and facilitate it going to the bone, what happens is they’re taking the supplement, but they’re finding that a lot of these women that are taking so much calcium are actually ending up with osteoporosis because the excess calcium is not really going into the bone. It’s actually just clogging the arteries, which is not what we want.
So we have to direct things into the body. That’s what I do like when we were talking about certain supplements that I give people and homeopathics, sometimes I’ll use even a circulatory enhancer to enhance the circulation in a certain area of the body to bring a particular product there. So it’s all about understanding your body and where things go.
Calcium is a buffer in the bloodstream. So if you eat a lot of meat, a lot of animal products, things that are acidic (we talked about acidic and basic), if your diet is basically mostly acidic food and you’re not doing some kind of a PH adjuster –
It can be as simple as taking a pinch of baking soda and putting it in water every day. I usually don’t recommend it for people because a lot of people have hypertension and other things. It’s not a real accurate way of doing things. I use a product called AlkaLife quite a bit, but there a lot of different pH adjusters. I tried about four different ones myself until I settled on that one. That one has a lot of clinical data behind it.
But when you take a pH adjuster and you make your body more alkaline, it takes the calcium you take, either in the supplement or in food and move it into the bone. So I can always tell when someone comes to me and I’m looking at their CMP, which is their Complete Metabolic Profile with all the electrolytes of their body, and they come with the blood work, I look at it and I’m like, “Your calcium level is 10. It’s really high. Are you eating mostly only meat?”, and they’re like, “Yes, I’m on an Atkins diet.” You can always tell what people are eating by their blood work. I think that’s amazing.
DEBRA: That is amazing. Yes, that is amazing.
PAMELA SEEFELD: I’m spot on every time. So I tell them, “Look, I’m okay with that. I don’t tell people what to eat. I think you have to eat what you really want to eat and your body is going to tell you what it needs,” but if you don’t do a pH adjuster, these types of individuals that are eating lots of protein, lots of chicken breast – there’s nothing wrong with that. Protein is very, very important – but if they’re not doing a pH adjustment at the same time, they’re really going to end up with brittle bones and osteopenia and osteoporosis regardless if they take calcium or not.
DEBRA: That’s very interesting. One of the things that I want to say right here, because you’ve just been talking about directing things correctly in the body, one of the things that I find so valuable about working with Pamela (and I’m so fortunate to have her right here in Clearwater where I live) is that she really understands how things occur in the body and how the body works
And so it’s not just about, say, reading an article or hearing on the news that you need to take more calcium, she really knows what is needed to make the supplements actually get where they’re supposed to be and how much you need to take and what you need to take with something. And sometimes, there are even foods or whatever or the way you take it and she knows all these things. She has so much experience that when you follow her recommendations, you’re actually going to get a result.
So, it’s not about whether you take calcium or not take calcium. It’s “Do you need the calcium? What type are you taking? What are you taking with it? How are you taking it?” That’s where his expertise comes in. She sells supplements and so do a million other people, but she’s got a way of understanding from her medical background and experience. I’m not sure if medical is the right word – pharmacist background and experience.
It’s like a pharmacist is looking at dose and what’s the right drug and all those kinds of things and she’s been trained in that. But she brings that to the use of natural supplements. Did I get that right?
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah! You’re very articulate and you understand because now we’ve been working together, you realized it. Really, the things that I tell people – it’s true, you’re not going to read that in an article.
And I can’t tell you enough times. I even have medical practitioners that are interested in doing natural health and they’re like, “Well, give me some articles to read, so I can learn this.” It’s not always about that. You have to really do a broad variety of reading.
I’m kind of like at the top of the food chain now. I’ve read so much. I spent like three hours a day reading and I go through the medical literature every day that I already know what’s going on. But understanding how cells signal and even understanding (even when we’re talking calcium), there’s a calcium-sensing receptor, they’re all through the body and these receptors affect weight, they affect muscle contractility, they affect whether the calcium is going into the bones or into the teeth or not.
It’s really amazing! You have to understand that things are on a cellular level and there’s really no big blanket statement like, “Okay, let me hand you an article and all of a sudden, you’re going to be an expert on a particular settlement or product.” It just doesn’t work that way. It’s a collaboration of lots of understanding and reading and knowing how the body works.
DEBRA: Yes. And I see that in your work. I absolutely see that in your work. I just want to tell our listeners that a couple of weeks ago, I went to my medical doctor who had given insulin. And I said, “I’m not taking my insulin anymore.”
He said, “What are you doing?”
I said, “I’m taking this homeopathic remedies.”
He said, “Where did you get those?”
I said, “From Pamela Seefeld.”
And he said, “Okay. Just do what she tells you to do.”
This is my MD doctor.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah. He knows, he knows I know what I’m doing. Actually, the product I gave you, that’s not at the health food store. I mean, there are homeopathic products, but they’re only sold from pharmacists and doctors.
The things that I give people, I really respect people’s time and money. I want them to have to pay a minimal amount of money to get a maximum amount of outcome. And it’s really about picking the right things that you know are going to work on the spot. Some of these OTC doses, they’re going to help somebody in your situation. So we need to give you something that actually is formulated by medical doctors.
DEBRA: Yeah. Most of people I think don’t know this because I’ve been in this field for years and years and I didn’t know this, but there’s like a whole other level of natural products that exists for professionals to give under supervision that are not in the natural food store or anywhere. You just can’t go buy them in a store. You have to buy them from somebody who’s trained to use them. And they’re so much more effective.
That’s why it’s so worth it to work with somebody like Pamela – specifically Pamela. I’ve never met anyone else like Pamela. She just has a unique set of abilities and a unique set of products that you can’t just go to the store and buy.
So we’re going to go to the break, and then we’ll come back and talk more about calcium. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Pamela Seefeld. When we come back, we’ll talk more about calcium. Bye. Bye? This is not the end of the show. We’ll be back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld and we’re talking about things that you can do instead of taking drugs by using natural things, natural plants.
I’m always saying medicinal plants, but I now that – and we’ve talked about this on the show –you’re a big fan of fish oils. I don’t want to get off talking about fish oils. What’s the proper thing to say that’s the encompassing terminology for the like?
PAMELA SEEFELD: I’m a natural product pharmacist. How is that?
DEBRA: Natural product pharmacist. I’m going to write that down, I like that.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, natural product pharmacist. When I go to medical meetings and I speak, I go pharmacognosy consultant, which is plant medicine, but I usually say natural product pharmacist and then they understand, “Okay, we’re not using regular pharmaceuticals and legend drugs. We’re using drugs derived from plants.”
And the interesting part of that when we think about it, these things work like medicine. And they have similar activity and similar receptors except that they’re not prescription and they’re not having all the side effects too. So that’s all about it – its safety, efficacy and outcome.
DEBRA: And also, the word pharmacognosy. ‘Pharma’ is drug and ‘cog’ has to do with information and intelligence. And so, I like to think of these natural substances that Pamela is using as intelligent drugs because it has the intelligence of nature and they come from living things, so they’re mpt synthesized and all that.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Definitely. And they incorporate into the body in a better manner too.
DEBRA: Yeah. They absolutely do. Okay, good. Let’s go on with calcium.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Right. Okay, good. So I was talking about my perception (and what is being substantiated now) that calcium, it’s not really a deficiency so much. Sure, there are going to be patients that are deficient, maybe their diet is very poor, but most people are taking calcium either in supplements or they’re getting it from their food.
We know that dark, leafy greens have a lot of calcium. Kale is very high in calcium. Spinach is very high in calcium. And of course, dairy. A lot of people eat a lot of dairy and that’s very high in calcium. That’s what we give to little kids, milk and so forth.
But we need to think about bone mineralization and let’s give them some different examples of some situations. Say, you’re really at risk for osteopenia. Say, you have osteopenia in your family. Your mother had really bad osteoporosis. She’s leaning over. She can’t walk very well. She’s had some vertebral compression, which can happen because the disc, the mineralization and the bones in the back are affected.
What are some things we can do to prevent bone loss? I’m not telling people not to take calcium. I’m saying that if you’re going to take calcium, whether it is in food or in supplements, you really need to shift it into the bones if you’re eating animal products. So that’s the first situation.
This is one example that I use. Sometimes, people get what’s called a bone exostosis. And what that is is an outpocketing of bone like a bone spur. We see this with people, runners get plantar fasciitis and sometimes, people get them in their shoulders (I see quite a lot of that). And there are some interesting things that you can do.
So if you’re taking tons of calcium, it can actually exacerbate or make that worse because you have to direct where you want the calcium deposited, not to a spur. You want it deposited into the big bone. So what I normally recommend if you’re taking calcium and D, there’s a few simple things you can do. You can incorporate something called ipriflavone. An ipriflavone is an isoflavone derivative that actually was shown to stop bone loss. What it does is it stops the cells that tend to chew up bone and throw the calcium back out into the bloodstream. It tends to stop that activity.
So that’s a good easy trick. Ipriflavone is available in a health food store. I use a product called RX Bone. It’s got calcium, it’s got D, and it’s got ipriflavone in it. So that’s one thing you can do.
Say, youhave a bone spur, and you’re concerned because your joint is torn in one particular area and they see a spur, and they’re telling you that they want to do surgery or, “Don’t run anymore.” It’s impeding your activities, correct?
PAMELA SEEFELD: So what do we do? This is pretty interesting. There are homeopathic products that have an element in there called Hekla Lava. Hekla Lava is from a very specific volcano in Iceland. And what they found is the animals that grazed on this particular volcano have bony exostoses and spurs all over the body. We know that in homeopathy, [inaudible 00:31:05] kind of like vaccine.
So they put Hekla Lava in certain medical products that are homeopathic and you can actually dissolve out the spur or the bone exostosis maybe even in your hands if you have rheumatoid arthritis and the joints are starting to get swollen and big. You can dissolve out the spur, and at the same time build bone mass in other areas that are neglected.
DEBRA: Wow, that’s amazing.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes, it works very, very well.
DEBRA: So those spurs are just misdirected calcium.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Both. Both. Both. The foot problem is pretty common because a lot of people like to run. You can see this and it’s very debilitating because people that run, they’re diehard about it, and they don’t want to stop running. They’ll run even with the pain, but it’s not good because it’s obviously causing damage.
Shoulders as well. I’ve seen even some people who had exostoses in the spine, and it was causing a lot of back pain. And this actually will dissolve it.
Andso, Hekla Lava is a great little component in products that can go and direct and help for bony spurs – also too, bony exostoses in feet. Sometimes, people that have trouble with their feet and they have bunions, but there’s actually bone underneath there, I use those to dissolve that out.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yeah, it’s pretty cool.
DEBRA: You have so many really interesting things that I’ve never even heard of.
PAMELA SEEFELD: These are very, very important aspects to taking supplementation because you have to look at the whole body.
If I see someone’s hands and they’re having lots of exostoses of calcium, they come in and they’re taking calcium up the wazoo, I’m like, “Look, you’re making the bones worse there.” What’s happening is the body, due to inflammation, is misdirecting where the calcium is going.
And the new studies are showing – you probably have read this, about how calcium is related obesity. If your calcium level is too low, and it’s not being utilized in the body, it can actually affect your weight. And they’re thinking it’s associated with inflammation in the body. It’s misdirecting the calcium. It makes sense, because when people have really bad inflammation, look at their hands, they’re all deformed.
DEBRA: Yeah, yeah.
PAMELA SEEFELD: And that’s what’s happening with the calcium. Because of the inflammation, the calcium senses are not working correctly. And as a result, the calcium is being deposited in the joints in the hands and not in the big bone.
DEBRA: Wow! Just wow!
PAMELA SEEFELD: So this is about understanding and saying, “Okay. What do we need to do if I see someone’s hands, they have problems and they’re taking calcium?”, we need to redirect out of the bones in your hand, in the joints, and we need to direct it to your back and your large bones.
Now, I’m going to talk a little bit too about the medicines that they give people for these problems. Let’s say you have osteopenia and you want to prevent it. I told you about the ipriflavone, I told you about the products that have Hekla Lava. There’s a product I use a lot of times called Osteobios, which actually builds bone density. And if you do pH adjustment, that can pretty much reverse where the osteopenia/osteoporosis is taking place.
But the medicines that they used, if you go to the doctor, they use a drug class called bisphosphonate. Some of the drugs are called Actinel and Fosamax. If you’re watching any of the TV ads, they’re talking about all these lawsuits and so forth that are associated with that because what happens is when you take those medicines, they only build the bone around the bone itself; the inside is still hollow.
DEBRA: On that note, we’re going to go to break. We’ll talk about this more when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a natural product pharmacist.
And Pamela, why don’t you give your phone number? Remember, you can call her for a free consultation and she will help choose the correct supplements for you at the right dose for what’s going on in your body. What’s your phone number?
PAMELA SEEFELD: 727-442-4955.
DEBRA: Great! We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Pamela Seefeld. She’s a natural product pharmacist.
I know we could talk for hours. I know you have so much information about this, but I want to ask a question. I want to make sure I get this thing because we’re on our last segment now. It goes by so fast. Why calcium and vitamin D?
PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s a good question. So calcium, to be incorporated into the bone, there are D-receptors all over the body. These two things are needed at the same time to build the bone density.
So if you’re just having calcium and you don’t have any D in your body. If you’re in Florida, we’re out in the sun a lot. But most people in the rest of the country probably don’t see the sun as frequently as we do. So the D is important.
So here’s another good question. Why are they always saying you have to take magnesium? Okay. Really, magnesium is not needed to bring calcium into bones and for mineralization so much, but a lot of calcium supplements have magnesium because calcium tends to be very constipating. And magnesium really can prevent that side effect pretty effectively.
So a lot of it is tolerance for patients taking it more so than a physiological reason that the magnesium has to be there.
And I tell people too, the only time someone really is going to be low in magnesium – because I work in the hospital too, and we look at people’s bloodwork. People that come into the hospital a lot of times need to have magnesium infusions because it’s low. The only time you’re going to see someone with magnesium that’s low is if they’ve been vomiting a lot or they’ve had a lot of diarrhea. Those are the main reasons why. Or they have lots of fluid loss because of there’s a fistula in the gut or some leaky gut problem. That’s actually a real medical problem. They need a bowel resection or something.
So literally, most people are not going to be necessarily deficient in magnesium, and the magnesium is not necessary for the calcium to go into the bone. What needs the calcium to go into the bone is the pH has to allow the calcium to leave the bloodstream and enter into the bones at a more ready pace.
DEBRA: Wow! That’s just…
PAMELA SEEFELD: So that’s what’s really happening. So we want to change the pH of the body with some alkalizing agent to make the calcium go into the bones. Otherwise, people taking calcium supplements, they’re really not getting the full benefit of the bone density increasing.
DEBRA: That’s just so interesting. You say these things and what I think is, “Oh, that sounds absolutely perfectly right, but yet it’s just so different from what we’re hearing in so many other places.”
While you were talking, I was thinking about things I’ve read about the widespread magnesium deficiency, but you’re looking at blood tests every day and you’re seeing what people’s actual deficiencies are.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Correct. And what we see is that if you’ve had these issues where you’ve been really, really sick with a flu, and like I said, you’ve been vomiting or having diarrhea, magnesium is expected to drop, and those people will have what’s called hypomagnesemia, which is low magnesium. Those are the people you have to be concerned about.
But magnesium is like a two-edged sword. You can take enough of it and it’s really good for the muscles and for the body, but if you take too much, you’re going to end up with diarrhea and you’re going to end up with more fluid loss. You have to be really careful.
Now, I was talking about these drugs that people use. So what’s happened is, the reason why there are lots of lawsuits (and if you watch any kind of TV and they’re always saying, ‘Call 1-800-Bad-Drug,’ or whatever, all these different law firms, when you’re building bone density with these medicines, what’s happening is the density is not going into the bone itself.
So that’s why you’re seeing all these lawsuits for people who are fracturing their femur. They’re fracturing these long bones in their leg. And the reason why is because they have this feeling that, “Okay, I’ve been taking this Actinel or this Fosamax and my bone density is great now,” and then actually, it isn’t because the bone in itself, the outside has more mineralization and is stronger, but the inside is still hollow. It’s really defeating the purpose, and these people are ending up with very painful fractures as a result.
So the things I was talking about are some simple inexpensive solutions. If you’re going to take calcium, you’re going to take vitamin D, you need to do something that directs the calcium into the bone – pH adjustment and maybe even some homeopathic products like I was talking about, the ones that have the Hekla Lava.
The Hekla Lava is going to take the calcium away where it’s been deposited inappropriately and move it to the bones of the body where it needs to go. And that’s what we need to, redirect the calcium from food and from supplements.
DEBRA: Good. Alright! So let’s see what else do we need to talk about. So, should people be taking calcium at all? Is it really necessary or are we getting – I think you might have covered this earlier, but I just want to make sure we get this point.
PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s a good question. So who should be taking calcium? The person that should be taking calcium is a person that has some kind of osteopenia, osteoporosis or is really at risk. We know these things run in. If your mother had osteopenia and osteoporosis and she was a slight lady, then you’re probably going to be at risk for it too.
And bone loss is nothing to take lightly and especially even with men. I think men are really not looked at as being possible candidates for bone loss, they’re overlooked a lot of times because we focus so much on women. Men and women both can end up this way.
And men tend to be more meat consumers. That’s when I see these gentlemen coming with their wife, and I’m looking at them and I’m like, “Look, I’m okay if you want to eat meat for every meal, but you have to realize that you’re going to end up with very frail bones.”
And this is something that the regular doctors just never saw. They’re not really looking at the calcium level and seeing what’s happening with the patient. They’re just basically giving the calcium to the lady, and not to the men.
So calcium is very important. I would say though that if you’re taking calcium with every single meal, and you’re not doing a pH adjustment, you’re really missing the boat, and it’s not going to go into the bone. So the trick is to have calcium and D. And remember, D also works a lot for mental health.
The D levels, in the past, they’d say, “You’re at 20 and that’s a good level.” But now, a lot of the doctors are saying, “No, the data is showing you need to be closer to a hundred.” When you’re taking calcium and D, look at your levels from your blood draw from the doctor and see where the D is.
Most of the times when you’re taking 1000 to 5000 units a day of D, it takes very long time for it to budge. So I even use like 10,000 units a day for maybe a month or two to try to get it up there and then re-test it, and then we see where the person is at.
I think some of the biggest failures of this supplementation is that you’re taking it, but you’re not adjusting the pH, and you’re eating a lot of animal products, and then you’re expecting a certain outcome, and it doesn’t happen.
DEBRA: Or you’re not even taking enough. The other day, I have a drawer where I put supplements that I’m no longer taking because I’ve had at least six or seven years of people telling me different supplements to take. They say, “I’ll take these for right now” and then, you don’t need to take it anymore.” So then, it goes in the drawer.
And interestingly enough, you gave me 10,000 units of vitamin D, 10,000 units in one pill. I had an old bottle with vitamin D, but somebody said, “You don’t need to take vitamin D anymore.” I mean, people that I don’t see any more, I’m talking about here. And I had a bottle that was just 500 IUs…
PAMELA SEEFELD: They saw all these different low strings…
DEBRA: I had to take the whole bottle.
PAMELA SEEFELD: It’s not going to work. I mean, that’s not bad. I’m very much a realist. I’ve had these women and I really realized that a long time ago that you see, the D to be measured in the bloodstream has to be not sitting on a receptor. There are D-receptors in the brain, there are D-receptors over the body. In the past, we used to think, “Okay, vitamin D, you need it for bone density,” but it does a lot of other things, especially like for the whole immune system, for our hormones, all that stuff.
So what’s happening is the people are taking all these D and I was noticing that they get all excited. They were very, very loyal to it. They were taking about 3000 to 4000 units a day. They get their blood draw back, and they barely budge. The reason why is because you need to saturate all of these receptors with D and have those receptors pretty much be occupied before the blood test comes back to show that it’s elevated. And it takes a long time to do that because there are so many numerous D-receptors in the body.
The body is an amazing place. Let me tell you. When you start really looking at what’s happening, if you think about directing something to where you want it to go, that’s the only way you’re going to get an outcome. And if people are going to spend money and take supplements and want an outcome, you really deserve to have a positive outcome – sub-therapeutic outcomes.
I’ve been a pharmacist for 26 years. I see this through observation and from reading that these people are very disenchanted when taking the supplements when they don’t have a result. You really have to target what you want to do.
DEBRA: Well, it’s not just disenchantment. It’s that the supplements really aren’t doing anything, because they’re not strong enough or the person isn’t taking enough.
I’ve been going to people who have been advising me about supplements for – I think it’s about seven or eight years now. And before that, I would just take something from the health food store. I’m not saying that those are bad products. I mean, right now, I’m taking vitamin C that I buy at my natural food store. It is a whole food organic, vitamin C. I just get it there.
And my phone is ringing, so I’m going to turn it off. There! So, yeah.
Usually, I have my ringer off except that I have a house guest in the other room where the phone rings and you can’t hear it. It’s still ringing. I can hear it, but you can’t hear it.
PAMELA SEEFELD: That’s life. These things happen.
DEBRA: And I was missing phone calls because I couldn’t hear. The door was closed and I couldn’t hear. Anyway, that’s what’s going on with the phone.
But what I wanted to say particularly since we only have one minute left is that make sure when you go to the doctor that you ask them to test for things like vitamin D because it’s not part of the standard blood test.
I had Pamela give me a list of all the blood tests that would be good, that are just standard baseline blood tests. I took them to my MD and I said, “I want this on my blood test,” and he wrote it in the request to the lab.
Anyway Pamela, once again, excellent, excellent information. I’m just so excited. Please give your phone number again.
PAMELA SEEFELD: Yes. If anyone has any particular questions about the supplements or medications, please give me a call. I would be very happy to help you. It’s 727-442-4955.
DEBRA: Great. And two weeks from now, on Wednesday, we’re going to have Pamela on again, and you can go to and listen to her past shows. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. Be well.
DEBRA: Thank you.