My guest today is Kyle Knappenberger, Director of Applications at Timilon Technology Acquisitions LLC, in Fort Myers, Florida. Today Timilon is launching a new product line called EnviroKlenz that removes toxic chemicals and odors all around the house. These products all use a unique technology that captures and destroys toxic chemicals by taking apart their molecular structure. We will be talking about harmful chemicals around the home and how to use EnviroKlenz products to eliminate toxics and odors from spaces, surfaces and laundry. For over a decade, Kyle has been working on using safe metal oxide technology for odor control and toxic chemical neutralization applications. He has a Bachelors of Sciences degree in microbiology from Kansas State University, and co-holds six patents related to the mitigation of chemical and biological contamination.
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Toxic Free Talk Radio: How to Remove Toxic Chemical Odors Around the House
A New Line of Products that Remove Fragrances, Tobacco Smokes, Pesticides and Other Toxic Pollutants Throughout Your Home
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Kyle Knappenberger
Date of Broadcast: May 05, 2015
DEBRA: Hi I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free. It is Tuesday, May 5th 2015. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida where it’s a beautiful day. I think we’re going to have some rain later, but it’s a beautiful spring day. It’s getting warmer getting closer to summer.
Today, we’re going to talk about indoor air pollution and what you can do about it because indoor air pollution, it actually has been called the nation’s number one environmental health problem by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the EPA.
Actually, we have more pollution inside our houses than we do outdoor air pollution, even in the smoggiest cities like Los Angeles. There’s more indoor air pollution inside homes than there is outside because we have so many more toxic products that are being used inside the home and they give off toxic chemicals and it’s an enclosed space.
We need to do something about these things. And most of what I talk about on this show is about how we can remove toxic chemicals at the source that are emitting various pollutants into the indoor air. But there are times when you can’t remove it. When you have something where there is an odor coming off of something.
An example I’ll give you is a lot of times people call me and say, “I live in a house where somebody had put mothballs in the closet and I can’t get that mothballs smell out and it’s making me sick“ or somebody wants to buy a car, but somebody’s used some kind of scented cleaner and they can’t get the perfume smell out.
These are the kinds of things that we are going to talk about today because now, there are new products that actually break down the molecular structure of the chemicals and odors, so that you use the product and it’s gone completely. The odor is gone completely, it never comes back. That’s it! It’s just gone. It doesn’t get absorbed into some carbon or something and then you have polluted carbon that you have to take to a hazardous waste dump or something. No, I’m kidding. You don’t really have to do that.
But carbon, when you use carbon, it can release the pollutants back into the air. And these new products that we’re going to talk about today, in fact, they’re being launched today right here on this very show. This is the first time that they’re available and that’s what we’re going to talk about today.
So my guest today is Kyle Knappenberger. He is the director of applications at Timilon Technology Acquisitions LLC, in Fort Myers, Florida. Hi Kyle!
KYLE KNAPPENBERGER: Hello, Deborah. How are you?
DEBRA: I’m fine, how are you?
KYLE KNAPPENBERGER: Fantastic! Glad to be on the show today to talk about the EnviroKlenz line.
DEBRA: This new line is called EnviroKlenz. Kyle has been on the show before talking about another line called OdorKlenz that was also made by this company. But what’s really special about the new EnviroKlenz line is that it was specifically designed to remove certain chemicals. They have this great technology that he’s going to tell us about that can be tweaked and formulated to remove very specific chemicals.
But first, Kyle, tell me about how Timilon came to create this new line, EnviroKlenz.
KYLE KNAPPENBERGER: It’s a fairly long story, but I’ll give a shorter version of it here for you. As we got involved in this technology and acquired it a few years ago – we mentioned the OdorKlenz line of product, it was a broad line of products that we launched and wanted to really solve a wide variety of different consumer odor issues. That’s what it really came down to. We weren’t targeting folks with with chemical sensitivities or anything at that time. We know we were focused on pet or athletic odors, things that the average population is going to encounter on a daily basis.
As we we’re doing that, one of the interesting side benefits that we really started to see with these products is that folks dealing with environmental illnesses or multiple chemical sensitivity started to find our products, started to learn about them or using them and telling us all these wonderful feedback and testimonials about, “You know what, this is allowing me to live my life in a better way. I can now take my clothes to the laundromat or leave town because I don’t have to worry about having to wash my clothes in a family member’s laundry machine or washers.” We can use these products to mitigate some of these fragrances and perfumes and pollutants that we could encounter.
That was something that we set out with our original products, just to solve a broad variety of issues. But we really started to see, “Hey! There is a great need that these products, that if we design them in a way that is a more systematic approach and really hone them in to address different aspects that folks with multiple chemical sensitivity, folks that are afflicted with that, we can really design a program to really help them out and to hopefully make their daily lives a little easier.”
It’s one of those wonderful things that we stumbled on. And then, as that happened, we started working with people more in depth in this market to really hone the products for this new line of product that we’re launching today.
DEBRA: I think that it’s wonderful that you’ve done this because this is something that has been a problem for people with multiple chemical sensitivities for many years. And I’ve experienced this problem where there are specific chemicals that are the top three or four or five chemicals that we ran into all the time, things like fragrance specifically.
Let’s just start with fragrance because I think that is the biggest one that people are most concerned about. People want to do things like buy clothing at used clothing stores, for example, and yet, it’s got these fragrances on it that are from a detergent and you can’t get them out or like I mentioned earlier, that there’s mothballs in the house or maybe they want to buy a house that’s perfect in every way, except that somebody has been spraying perfume all over the bathroom.
And so trying to get fragrances out of any kind of product has been a huge problem in the past and your products are really designed specifically for this. That’s one of the things that they’re designed for. And people who are sensitive to perfume or just don’t like it can now get that odor out of products.
KYLE KNAPPENBERGER: Yeah, they can . And that is one of the things that we obviously wanted to focus in on with this new EnviroKlenz line with our multi part system. Our laundry enhancer is key for that.
One of the very first call, if you don’t mind me stepping back a few years here, was with an individual who — and again, this was my very first exposure to multiple chemical sensitivity. It was a gentleman who came across our product and he had the exact story that you just told us about. They’re trying to live somewhat on a budget, he and his wife would try to pick up clothes in second hand stores when possible because they’re trying to save money, trying to live within their means. And they always have had difficulty with that because of the fragrances from who knows, from who owned that article before them. This gentleman says, “It would take us several wash cycle to get it out. And during that process, it may contaminate our washing machine and dryer as well…”
DEBRA: Yes, that’s exactly what happens.
KYLE KNAPPENBERGER: And when we realized that our products really could start to do this, we started investigating. And that’s, again, many years ago, looking into the aspects of multiple chemical sensitivity or environmental illnesses. And really over the course of quite a long time, but more so over the last year or so, we’re starting to understand to really have a product and a product line that could help these folks out.
DEBRA: Well, you do. I applaud you greatly for doing it and accomplishing it, having done such a great job with it.
We need to go to break, but when we come back, I want you to explain the technology because you’ve got this great technology that goes across all the products in your product line, and so I want you to explain this because this is so wonderful.
You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Kyle Knappenberger. He is the director of applications at Timilon Technology Acquisitions. They have a new product line called EnviroKlenz, which you can see at We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Kyle Knappenberger. He is the director of applications at Timilon Technology Acquisitions. They have a new product line being launched today called the EnviroKlenz, which you can see at
Kyle, tell us about the technology. This is a basic technology that — listeners, this is a basic technology that is the core of all the products in the line. It does a very specific thing to chemicals that is quite wonderful. Wonderful is just the best word for me. So tell us about that technology.
KYLE KNAPPENBERGER: The technology is a metal oxide based technology. This is a process that is a patented process as well. Metal oxides are actually very common. They are earth minerals. They are basically a major component in dirt along with clays and other things. But the metal oxides inherently are safe materials, generally speaking.
They also have the ability in many cases to break down a variety of chemicals. But what we’ve been able to do with our technology through this patented process is make them far more efficient at neutralizing and what we call destructively absorbing pollutants, chemicals, all the different things that they may encounter.
And this technology is very non-discriminating in terms of what types of chemicals it wants to react with and break down. Our technology is also based off of different types of metal oxide compounds. We have multiple metal oxides where they each have broad capabilities, but they may have an area that they’re better at than perhaps another metal oxide. So that allows us to have a multi component product.
We can talk about those products in a moment, but in essence, by having these different compound we can, in different ratios, put them together to target specific —as we are talking about earlier, different types of fragrances or pollutants to make sure that we’re addressing the classes of chemicals or compounds that we need to for that particular application.
So if we have something like our EnviroKlenz mobile air system with an air cartridge, and we’ve got that in a home, we want to be addressing fragrances and VOC types of compounds. So we’ve got the right blend in the cartridge, so that we can best address those types of chemicals that may be offgassing in that airspace.
Other types of technologies that are out there may use different chemistries, but we really like to be able to use a broad chemistry, then we shift them toward the specific need or application. Multiple chemical sensitivity, it’s not just one or two chemicals. It’s a whole host of different things that can trigger folks. So yes, we want to point them in the right direction for the chemicals we need, but not limit to those chemicals.
DEBRA: So, I want to make sure that we say that this basic technology, you’ve mentioned the laundry product and you’ve mentioned the mobile unit, I want to make sure that the listeners know that you’ve actually created a line of products that address the three different areas of how it can be applied.
One is for airspaces. So there’s a mobile unit that is in a metal box and has wheels on it. I like that term ‘mobile unit’. Other people would call it an air filter, but I understand. This is the mobile unit for the technology delivery.
KYLE KNAPPENBERGER: Yes, that is correct. It is a three component system. When you talk about your personal environment you’re living in, you’ve got the airspace and you’ve got the various surfaces, whether they’re carpet, rugs, just that content in your house, your laundry. That’s the three components — your airspace, your surfaces and your content. We wanted to address all of those things because surfaces, the contents, are all contributing to the air quality issues perhaps. And by utilizing all these products in harmony really, you can attack the different problem to build up a much better personal environment.
DEBRA: Yes, I think it was very wise that you did that because you do –when you’re looking at indoor air quality problems, you really want to look at the source. I was talking earlier about removing a source altogether by taking a plastic item that is offgassing VOCs out of the space altogether. But sometimes, you can’t do that. And so if you can then eliminate the odor right there on the countertop or whatever, it’s a lot better than having it emit and then running an air filter.
And so EnviroKlenz is giving you three different tools to be able to use whichever one is best to handle the odor that’s going on.
We’re going to need to go to break pretty soon, but I think I can ask you this question and you can answer it within a minute and a half. I want to ask you specifically — about one of the metals is titanium dioxide. I know some people are going to look at those and go, “Oh, titanium dioxide, we’re not supposed to use that” because of things that are going on in the world of personal care products and toxicity things.
But you said something interesting to me about testing things in different ways and that we shouldn’t always be looking at the MSDS sheets and expecting the product to be having the same – you go ahead, I think you know what I’m talking about.
KYLE KNAPPENBERGER: Yes, yes. That is one question we do often get about different compounds. Metal oxides though, generally, they’re safe materials. The one that you mentioned there, the titanium dioxide, there are some titanium dioxides out there that some folks may have some issues with.
But what’s important is not every compound — even if it’s the same compound, it’s not the same. They come from different places, they come from different sources, they have different physical characteristics to them. All of these things (size, purity, form) impact the safety of a material. And we have gone above and beyond what most folks do with their compounds.
We’ve had independent testing done on these materials to verify their safety to all routes of exposure. But most importantly, the way the products are used, folks are not going to even get exposed to them anyway.
DEBRA: They’re not. Because first of all, you’re not exposed to the actual stuff. It’s mixed with other things. But also what happens is that it reacts with the pollutants. And then neither of them are there anymore. Right?
KYLE KNAPPENBERGER: Well, do we have some more time to talk about that?
DEBRA: You can answer after the break.
You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Kyle Knappenberger. He’s here to talk about a new line of product called EnviroKlenz that remove toxic chemicals and odors all around the house. You can go see those products at We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Kyle Knappenberger. He is from Timilon Technology Acquisitions and they have a new product line being launched today on this very radio show called EnviroKlenz that removes toxic chemicals and odors all around the house by destructive absorption. I think I got that right. I don’t have it right in front of me.
KYLE KNAPPENBERGER: That is correct.
DEBRA: I had asked a question right before the break about what happens when the metal oxides come in contact with the chemicals.
KYLE KNAPPENBERGER:That’s right! And I appreciate you letting me carry that over because I think it’s an important aspect of how our technology is different. I don’t know if 15 seconds would’ve done it justice, but…
DEBRA: Well, take your time.
KYLE KNAPPENBERGER: So the way the metal oxide work — and as you’ve just said, through our destructive absorption process — is our materials, when they come into contact with these chemical pollutants fragrances, they’re attacking different chemical functional groups on those particular compounds. And in many cases, it’s actually tearing apart those materials, again, by attacking those different functional groups and immobilizing them on the surface, the interior surface area of the metal oxide material.
It is rendering them useless in terms of the chemicals and the fragrances because now they are immobilized on the material. We have effectively taken them out of the air or the carpet or the item that’s being washed in the laundry through the destructive absorption process.
And there are a lot of different odor materials out there, different chemical treatments out there. And a lot of times, they’re working through the concept of encapsulating or covering it up. And in many instances, things like air fresheners or fragrances or even certain types of generators, they’re releasing things out to the environment. While with a product like our OdorKlenz mobile air system, through circulating that air through that air unit, bringing it through our cartridge, we’re breaking it down in our cartridge and not releasing anything back into the room or to your environment.
So what we want to do is mitigate those chemicals and take them out of your personal environment space. And that is what our product and technology can do.
DEBRA: It does, and it does it in a really effective way. I actually asked if there were some people who wanted to come on the show and talk about their experiences using these products and we have one of them on the line, Kathleen from Michigan. Kathleen, are you there?
KATHLEEN: Yes, yes.
DEBRA: What would you like to tell us about your experience with EnviroKlenz?
KATHLEEN: Oh, I’m going to tell you that George and Kyle saved my life. I had a laundry detergent that I used for 20 years and it had changed its formula. And now it has a perfume scent. I tried everything I could. Vinegar, baking soda could not get the smell out of the clothes.
I found OdorKlenz (now EnviroKlenz online), I talked to George and Kyle and they said this would work. So I bought some laundry additives and it worked in the first wash. And even when I went back to smell the shirts thinking that the smell is going to come back like it did in the vinegar, there was no smell.
So I called them back. I said I’m now in a condo where a lady who wore perfume and the carpeting in the bedroom reek, I said, “What do you got for that?” and he just said “We have source treatments.” So I used that on the carpeting and that worked.
So in the same condo, I now had an incinerator smell that seeped in from outdoors. I had to have a bug company come and spray for ants and both smells were overpowering. So I called them back. I said, “What have you got for that?” They said, “We have a purifier.” I said “Well, I’ve had purifiers in the past because my family smoke and after a while, they quit working.” And they very patiently explained to me, “Our purifier will absorb the odor and neutralize it.” And so the magic word was neutralize. He says, the charcoal filters will absorb it and then eventually offgas it. And I said “You’re right.”
I’ve used the purifier for everything from service men with aftershave to everything that comes into the apartment and it works perfectly. I can’t say enough good about them and how kind they were in explaining everything and calling me numerous times whenever I had any questions. So, I tell everybody about this.
DEBRA: Thank you so much for being on the show and telling everybody about it today. I know I’ve been using these products too. And I know that they’re the products that have been missing for years.
I had a situation where a friend of mine came to visit and all his clothes were washed in Tide with Downy. It got the smell out of the clothes. I mean, they were just horrible, horrible, horrible.
KATHLEEN: It’s a miracle.
DEBRA: Yeah it is, it actually is. I mean, this is just something that I know I’ve been waiting for for years. And so I’m really happy that they’re here. And thank you so much Kathleen, for talking with us today.
So were coming up in a break in a few minutes, but I’m going to tell you now, you can go to and see these products. And they are giving us special discounts today. If you go between today and the following week, you can get 20% discounts on buying these products when you use the coupon code “toxic free 20” I’ll say that again at the station breaks, it’s “toxic free 20” If you have any problem with these fragrances and odors, these are the products to try. I‘ve never seen anything like these in 30 years. They’re very specifically designed to work on things like perfume, tobacco smoke, pesticides. Kyle, we’re getting close to the break, so tell us what chemicals this have been specifically designed for?
KYLE KNAPPENBERGER: When we were – to take Kathleen’s example, she has used a lot of our different products. When we were looking at this, we really wanted to target those things that the people would generally describe as fragrances, perfumes. Pesticide is another one. But then also various VOCs and other components that are in things like cigarette and smoke. Those are the ones that, through our research and working with folks in this industry, knowledge from influencers and knowledgeable folks, those are the things that really trigger some of the issues for folks that are dealing with multiple chemical sensitivity. There are a lot of different compounds, lot of different classes, but those are the areas that we specifically wanted to target.
DEBRA: Yeah, and those are the ones that I hear about day after day too.
And we need to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Kyle Knappenberger. He is with Timilon Technology Acquisitions who has just launched today EnviroKlenz products at And if you go there and make a purchase today or tomorrow or any time between now and midnight next Monday, you can get a 20% discount on your next purchase by entering “toxic free 20” at checkout. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Kyle Knappenberger and we’re talking about EnviroKlenz products. It’s a new product line they’re just launching today that removes toxic chemicals and odors from around the house — it’s not adding anything, just removing the toxic chemicals and heaters.
Kyle, here we are at the last segment. The hour goes by so fast. But I want to make sure that we talk about the mobile unit and the difference between using your technology and using carbon. Carbon has been the technology used in air filters for as long as I’ve known about air filters, for more than 30 years. But tell us why people should not be using carbon, the toxic aspect of it, and how your mobile unit is different.
KYLE KNAPPENBERGER: Sure! I’d like to perhaps start with the mobile unit first here. Through the use of our metal oxide, through that destructive absorption process, we’re bringing in these chemicals and pollutants that are in the airspace. And we are immobilizing, breaking them down and retaining them on our cartridge, which will ultimately is what I think we all want to achieve in our personal environment space, get rid of all those chemical air pollutants.
And carbon is a number one thing that we often are going to be compared to because it is an absorbent material that has been around for quite a while. A lot of carbon based filters or even units that utilize often maybe a couple pounds of carbon granules in them are what people are used to.
And again, as I mentioned earlier, talking about metal oxides, you don’t want to always just lump them all together into one thing. I don’t want to do that with carbon either. But the way the activated carbon and the coconut shell carbon and the way these things work is they – again, this is a simplification. But a lot of times, they are working kind of like a sponge. And a sponge can be wrung out. It’s not a destructive process like our materials.
And the way that the carbon sometimes will try to overcome that is by adding chemical additives to their process to try to target different compounds or different classes, which may make them more effective against certain things or make affective against certain things. But then, they don’t have necessarily the broad efficacy that our metal oxide technology does.
But again, in order to do this, to have that chemical reaction mechanism, they may be adding something like potassium permanganate or various other compounds, which themselves may not be the safest things to be putting out in your environment or having them in your personal environment space.
So it’s kind of the thinking that, of course, that we all want to go with, “Let’s get rid of those things, lets break them down and let’s get them out of the home” or our workspace or wherever we’re living. And that’s what our technology is able to do.
It’s not going to wring them out. It’s not going to fill up and then want to offgas something to be able to take in the next thing. And that’s really kind of the key difference between us and the carbon technology.
We‘ve had a lot of experience with this even prior to EnviroKlenz and predecessor products and different lines because we really got this technology rolling into the home space through disaster restoration situations. Then that was a market that was utilizing a lot of carbon technology and that’s where we really started to bring out this air filtration technology. It was by looking at what folks are using in some of the most polluted environment .
What are the carbons they’re using there? How are they affective? Are they addressing all the different aspects of negative air quality on those jobsites which allowed us to, several years ago, help those situations, those disaster situation? Now, we’re bringing them into a different type of disaster situation, one that affects people that are affected by a whole host of different chemicals and have different chemical sensitivity.
So it’s been very rewarding to evolve that over time. And then you get to hear stories like Kathleen or others like her that are dealing with these things. We had an individual who contacted us here recently that got to utilize the air cartridge that we have that can actually go into a home air filtration system. She said “You know, I’ve kind of been so fatigued lately just due to all those chemical sensitivity.” She said, “I installed your HVAC Cartridge and I could feel,” she described it as “I could feel my head was clearing. It was no longer foggy after a period of time.” It’s just very rewarding to hear those stories and that’s why we want to do this with EnviroKlenz.
DEBRA: Well, it’s interesting to me, listening to the story about how you started in disaster cleanup, which is probably the most difficult place to be removing odors and then moving into, as you said, the disaster of indoor air quality. It is a disaster and people shouldn’t be breathing this. Nobody should be breathing these things, but you’re working with the most sensitive people. So if these worked for people with MCS, they’re going to work for everybody else as well.
And I just want to make sure that people who are listening understand that indoor air quality affects everyone. And these products are super for people with MCS, but also so useful for people with asthma or allergies or anyone who is affected. Children with autism are affected by toxic chemicals in their enviroqnment, all kinds of illnesses have now been associated with indoor air pollution problems.
And so, if you have any kind of illness and you want to be cleaning up your air quality, these products can certainly help you. And for many, many years, I was just always saying to people, “Clean up at the source, clean up at the source, clean up at the source,” but I do recognize that it’s sometimes difficult to – it’s always difficult, I should say – to identify everything that is toxic in your home and clean it up all at once.
And while you’re going through that period of time, products like these can really help. You could put in a mobile unit in your home and immediately have a lot of relief from your toxic exposure while you’re identifying what are the things, the sources that you need to be changing.
So I think that there really is a place for these products to clean up these chemicals. And if you’ve got odors, then you need to have some kind of odor remover that doesn’t put toxic chemicals back into the air. Air fresheners will either use toxic perfumes or they’ll actually use nerve deadening agents. The smell is so bad, but you can’t smell it because it’s so deadening your nerves. You don’t want to have that kind of stuff in your house. Things like these products are really working to destroy those toxic of chemicals and those odors, so that you can have a healthier, cleaner indoor health environment.
So Kyle, we’ve only got about three minutes left. Is there anything you’d like to say that you haven’t said yet?
KYLE KNAPPENBERGER: Well, I do want to thank you for letting me be on here to talk about these different products and the technology because I think you summed it up pretty nicely there. It’s about addressing the sources. It’s about attacking them. It’s about minimizing the different chemicals, pollutants, fragrances that are in the environment and utilizing these different things together, such as our EnviroKlenz Everyday Odor Eliminator or Odor Neutralizing Granules, using those on your different surfaces, washing your towels and your beddings and your clothing in our EnviroKlenz laundry enhancer.
By doing those things, you’re minimizing what you put into your home. Having something like the OdorKlenz mobile air system or HVAC cartridge filter, those products are going to work even better because you’ve got less than the air. You’re then removing them in all different ways that you’re living with these types of things.
So this really is a system where we’ve taken what we’ve learned many years of just dealing with general consumer odor issues and putting them into a process and a program to help folks that are dealing with environmental issues — multiple chemical sensitivity or just general pollution issues, maybe from the environment they live in.
Not everybody could afford to build a chemical free home or not chemical free, but a home that has surfaces and contents specked out to be perfect for them. Oftentimes, you live there because it’s close to work, it’s where you’re form or you’re moving into an apartment or a home and you have to make certain concessions. But you just don’t want to make concessions when it comes to chemical exposure and we’re here to help with that.
DEBRA: Well, I think that you’re just going to change the whole situation about indoor air pollution now because you’ve given us these tools to really take care of a lot of it. And as I said at the beginning of the show, the EPA said that indoor air pollution is the number one environmental health problem, number one. And so anybody interested in improving their health should be looking at what’s going on in their indoor environment. And as I said, you can just put in a mobile unit and immediately, you’re going to have better indoor quality and it’s going to be removing those chemicals so they never come back into your home.
Well, end of show. Thank you so much, Kyle.
DEBRA: You’re welcome. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. Be well.