My guest today is Dr Darrel Hestdalen. He’s been a Doctor of Chiropractic for more than 35 years, with extensive use of Clinical Nutrition, Acupuncture and Applied Kinesiology as functional neurology. We’ll be talking about what he’s learned about nutrition and detox over the years, and why it’s important to good health. Dr Hestdalen is now retired, but still promotes good health through his website and his work as Team Chiropractor for the FM Redhawks professional baseball team.
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A Doctor Speaks on Nutrition and Detox for Good Health
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Dr.Darrel Hestdalen
Date of Broadcast: April 29, 2014
DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic-free.
We do that because there are a lot of toxic things out in the world, but that doesn’t mean that we have to get sick or not be able to think clearly or not be able to do our jobs or suffer in any way from having toxic chemical exposure. We can still be healthy. We can choose less toxic products. We can remove toxic chemicals from our bodies. We can get good nutrition.
There are all kinds of things that we can do to support our bodies, to be healthy and thrive even though we live in a toxic world. And on this show, I interview a lot of people who are doing things to make this a less toxic world and make your life less toxic.
Today before we get to the subject at hand, I just want to tell you a little thing that’s going on in my personal life here. And that is today, in Florida—yesterday actually was what I would call the first day of summer because we have a summer pattern of weather here, which is over 80 degrees all day long and not quite 80 degrees all night long.
And there’s a lot of humidity. It’s not quite humid yet, but the heat is such that you just sweat all day long and all night long. It’s just you’re constantly sweating.
And when I moved here, I thought, “There’s no way I can live here without air conditioning.” And yesterday, when I went to turn on my air conditioner, which I do as soon as it gets hot like this, I found out that my air conditioner was so broken that I had to get a new air conditioner. So I have no air conditioning right now. I’m drinking tons of water to stay hydrated.
But how this relates to toxic exposures is that when we run electrical appliances like air conditioners even though we can’t see this happening, somewhere down the line, something is being burned to create the energy, whether it’s nuclear power or coal or whatever is the source of your energy. And it would be a good idea to find out what is the source of your energy. Every time you run some electric appliance, it’s creating pollution in the environment. It’s creating air pollution and that might be nearby where you live, it might be far away.
But what I found out—I started thinking about this because after I guessed how much money I’m going to have to go into debt to buy this air conditioner, the key thing was that not only would I have air conditioning, but the amount of energy that I would be using with using this new system is so much less than what I was using before.
It would be a big savings on my energy bill, but it would also pay for itself. There would be savings once it’s paid for. But also it’s reducing the amount of pollution that I’m putting to the environment just immensely. And so that’s cleaner air for everybody.
So if you’re thinking about things like refrigerators and air conditioners that are using lots of energy, consider, if you purchase a more energy-efficient model instead of continuing to run your old one, that you will reduce air pollution and I invite you to do that because all of us would like to breathe and I am feeling good today that I’m putting less pollution in the environment.
So today, we’re going to be talking about nutrition and detox. And my guest today is Dr. Darrel Hestdalen and I’ll just give you this disclaimer because the FTC likes us to do this. I’ll give you the disclaimer right upfront and say that both Dr. Hestdalen and I are distributors for Touchstone Essentials products, which we’re going to be talking about and how they relate to detox and how they relate to nutrition.
And so I just want you to know that you can go to his website, you can go to my website. You can order from either of us. So if you decide that you want to, both of us are making these products available because we both think that they’re vital to having good health, that we need to get really, really clean nutrition and we’re going to be talking about that. And we need to remove toxic chemicals from our bodies.
So I’m going to let Dr. Hestdalen. I talk about this a lot. But I’m going to let Dr. Hestdalen talk to you today about why these products are important to him as a doctor. And you hear me advertising them on every single show, so now you get to have more information about them.
So hi, Dr. Hestdalen.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Good morning. It’s still morning here. I’m in North Dakota and we don’t have the heat issues as you do.
DEBRA: Well, it’s afternoon here.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: We’re about 50 degrees. Yes.
DEBRA: You have a cool morning and I have a hot afternoon.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Yes. It’s 50 degrees and breezy today.
DEBRA: Oh, send some of those over the radio waves [inaudible 00:04:58].
DEBRA: If anybody hears any banging going on in the background here, it’s just my air conditioning being installed.
So Dr. Hestdalen, you’ve been a doctor, a chiropractor for more than 35 years. How did you get into being interested in something like chiropractic rather than being a medical doctor and MD?
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Before I entered college, I actually initially signed up to be an engineer. And prior to my first day in class, I switched my major to pre-medicine and was going along that process. But just the more I thought about having to get up in the middle of the night and make life and death decisions about drugs and those types of things that medical doctors did, I just lost some of my zest to do that.
And so then I went on to biology and I taught biology and coached for six years. And during that time, I have a friend of mine going to Chiropractic College and we got together and we’re chatting and I haven’t seen him for a few years. We were talking about. And then it really started to intrigue me. I didn’t have a lot of experience with that, but I followed up.
My wife happened to serendipitously meet the doctor of chiropractic’s wife at a State [inaudible 00:06:17] conference. I followed up and the next thing I knew I was [inaudible 00:06:23] decision and enrolled and got accepted in a chiropractic college.
So we sold our home and moved to Minneapolis and started my four years of training. And then for the rest of the time, after I graduated, I moved out to Western North Dakota and practiced there for 18 years.
And just a combination of things was going on with increased insurance and all the things, the regulation. So we sold my practice to a [inaudible 00:06:54] come in and work with me. And then we moved to Fargo, North Dakota. And after a couple of years there, I had opened up a practice again and just my wife and I ran that.
We did that for five years and now the only official goodies I work is on the sports medicine team for the Fargo-Moorhead Red Hawks professional baseball team and that season got started Sunday. So we’ll be back in working with the team and doing that.
That’s how I got involved from the coaching and working with the natural approach to health through chiropractic. The nutritional component appealed to me.
I remember my wife was doing some sub-teaching while I was training in my clinic work at the Chirorpactic College. And our little daughter was about three. So I put her in the grocery cart and we were going up and down in the grocery aisles reading labels and doing [inaudible 00:07:49]. My wife was teaching and [inaudible 00:07:51] worked out well. But we spent a lot of hours checking out labels and educating ourselves and reading books and getting more in tuned to what we could be doing for ourselves.
DEBRA: Yes. I’ve met you in person and I’m looking at your picture right now and you seem like a very healthy person, healthy and happy. That’s really good.
So then, now tell us. How did you find out about Touchstone and why did you decide that that was something that would be useful for you?
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Several years, about 20 years ago now, I had met Eddie Stone who’s the owner of Touchstone in another business that we were involved with, but we had no real direct connection. I just met him at a national meeting.
So I developed a relationship with Eddie over the years and a friend of mine that had been involved with this had joined Touchstone prior to their launch actually and got a hold of me and we talked. I started looking at this. It really fit into some of the things that bothered me over the years.
I remember 30 years ago hearing the story of prisoners of war in the Korean War. And the medical officer that was with them had diagnosed that the prisoners had beriberi, which is B1 deficiency.
So he got B1 from Red Cross and it was synthetic B1, thiamine hydrochloride and gave it to the prisoners and nothing happened, no response. The Korean guard told him to use rice polish. That’s what’s left over after they polished the rice to make it white.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: So he was feeding them a teaspoon of this powder every day and within a week all the symptoms disappeared.
DEBRA: That’s very interesting. I understand why that occurred. But when we come back from the break, I’m going to have you talk about why that is that the synthetic version didn’t work, but the rice polish did work.
You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is Dr. Darrel Hestdalen. And we’re talking about nutrition and detox for good health.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Dr—why do I keep wanting to say Harrell? Darrel. It’s because you have an H in your last name. It’s okay. I trip over everybody’s name. Dr. Darrel Hestdalen. I actually practiced before.
Anyway, Dr. Darrel Hestdalen is with me. He’s been a doctor of chiropractic for more than 35 years. And we’re talking together about Touchstone Essentials Supplements and Zeolite Detox product because we both use them and we both recommend them and I wanted to give you his viewpoint as a doctor.
So go ahead with your story about why the rice polish worked and that the B1 didn’t.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: In the rice polish would be the complete complex of the B vitamin. So when they took that, they have access to all aspects, which are necessary for [inaudible 00:11:01] and utilization by the body.
The synthetic B1 is only part of a whole complex of things. And it lacks the protein [inaudible 00:11:11] normally in the food that is necessary to communicate with the cells to get across cell membrane and to be directed to the proper spot in the cell.
So the synthetic, basically in some of the readings I’ve been doing, may be more of a toxin than a help. And in fact, even the American Diabetic Association had quoted in this book that we got to be really careful in using synthetic vitamins for deficiencies because it may create a worse disease than what they’re trying to treat.
DEBRA: The American Diabetic Association? Wow.
DEBRA: Wow, that’s a big statement for them.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: And another doctor too suggested that the aspect of it is it may be more of a toxic stress on the body than the deficiency because the synthetic can’t be utilized. It’s like giving a car without wheels. What do you do with it?
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: It just can’t be utilized properly.
DEBRA: One of the things that I’d like to point out is that there’s a difference. We’re living in a world now that has really two ways, two assumptions. And one is the industrial way of looking at things and the other is the nature way of looking at things.
And I really see the nature viewpoint starting to emerge more and more. But the industrial viewpoint says that nature is full of these resources and you should take them and then split them apart into individual isolated elements. So if they want to make a vitamin, what they do is they make an industrial chemical out of it. They take everything away.
I’ll just give an example. This is not a vitamin, but salt for example. So salt and nature has all these nutrients in it, 89 minerals and metals and all these different things.
But industry said, “What we want is sodium chloride.” So they strip everything out and they just give you sodium chloride and they use it in all kinds of industrial processes. But then they take this very same industrial sodium chloride and they put it in food and we put it in our bodies. And our bodies go, “Ah!” and they get high blood pressure and all these kinds of things because it’s stripped away. It doesn’t have all its other co-factors.
And it’s the same thing with vitamins that a synthetic vitamin has that viewpoint that you just have to have this pure industrial substance. And so it’s pure vitamin C, it’s pure B1 and it doesn’t have anything else. The nature viewpoint says that everything should be as it is in nature because our bodies are designed to utilize whole foods, not to utilize isolated nutrients.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Also along with that is that there’s no way that I can tell what I need now or two hours from now, tomorrow. You’re all going to have different things necessary for our proper cellular function.
DEBRA: Right.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: So we need to give the cells all the natural nutrients so the cell can take and pick and choose what it needs. And you can’t do that with a synthetic. You can’t load that up.
First of all, the cell doesn’t have access to it in an adequate manner. And the body may be able to utilize some of the synthetic, but it’s very limited. And then the toxic byproduct of that is just another stress on the body and [inaudible 00:14:42] these people that are just [inaudible 00:14:44] may actually be worse than the deficiency we’re trying to treat.
So giving the body the whole food. We just really give ourselves the [inaudible 00:14:53] so they can choose what it needs. The doctor within us is much smarter than any pharmaceutical manufactured vitamins or whatever it’d be.
DEBRA: I agree. I agree. Somebody asked me the other day and it’s on my website today, the answer. But I’m going to bring it up with you. Somebody asked me why some vitamins don’t have the supplement facts labeled that gives you so many micrograms of each nutrient.
Actually her question was with whole food vitamins, how can you tell how much of the nutrients are in the vitamins since one strawberry has a different amount than another strawberry?
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Yeah. When you use a whole food, it would be difficult to label just because there are some variations and growing factors, the soil, the light, the water and all those types of things that affect how the plant matures and develops.
But they’re going to be in a very compact range and to be able to measure that, it could be proven that the number you would put on there isn’t exactly true. It could be very [inaudible 00:16:11]. It’s just not labeled.
We know that when you take the whole food, for how many thousands of years has man existed and tried just eating food.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Our foods today, I’ve seen reports that from 50% to 30% of the nutrients today that we used to have 50 to 80 years ago.
When you were talking about the industrial aspect, I remember when I was growing up that DuPont Chemistry had that Better Living through Chemistry.
DEBRA: Yeah, I have that too.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Wow. I really question that. I just saw an ad this morning, an old ad that said, “More doctors smoke camels than any other cigarettes.”
DEBRA: Oh my god.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: And another one about how early can you start [inaudible 00:16:59] Coke. And they have an infant, maybe a one year old. They were promoting starting to feed them Coca Cola.
Those are the types of things in history that were just totally proven not good for our bodies. And we have to go back to what’s in nature, what we can do by getting the strongest nutritional food factors that we can.
And we’ve increased our eating to organic much more than we’re used to and still not everything is available that way. That’s why we supplement with supplements of whole foods and they are not from whole foods because that can get your isolates where it now has lost the protein complex that is naturally found in the food. So the isolated amount of food, you don’t have the whole complex that you need.
DEBRA: We need to go to break, but we’ll be right back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and I’m talking with Dr. Darrel Hestdalen about nutrition and detox. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Dr. Harold—every time I say your name, I want to say Harold Hestdalen. Dr. Darrel Hestdalen. And he has been a doctor of chiropractic for more than 35 years and now he is helping people be healthier with Touchstone Essentials supplements and detox products.
So tell us why not all whole food vitamins are created equal. Can you tell us about that?
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Certainly. There’s a group of supplements, they take on to the whole food component, but what they actually do is extract the vitamins from the whole foods. They may be low dose vitamins, but in the extraction process, they destroy the protein [inaudible 00:19:00]. It’s not concentrated [inaudible 00:19:03] extracted. And so they [inaudible 00:19:07] just picking out, but in doing that, a couple of things. They usually have used high heat. Using above 106 degrees starts to denature the protein and that’s the enzyme.
And some of the products too. A lot of fruits and vegetables in the products [inaudible 00:19:30], they actually pasteurize the liquid before they dry and form it into capsule. Pasteurization occurs at 185 degrees. The minimum standard is being 185 degrees for 15 seconds.
So they are heating from 106 to 185 and then holding it there for 15 seconds and then back down again until the bacteria make it safe to eat and that’s understandable for using [that package?] in that form. But why they would do that to a product that they dry and put it into the capsule anyway is just a process that happens.
You have to understand the process of the product. That’s where Touchstone [inaudible 00:20:09], in a way, they’re very adamant about keeping things at low temperatures so that we don’t denature any of the natural complexes that are in the food, in the nutrients so we’re getting the whole package.
DEBRA: One thing that I think is really important and I totally agree with you on that—one thing that I think is important for consumers to understand when they are making a choice about buying a vitamin product, a supplement is that a whole food, something that is properly done as a whole food, all that’s being removed is the moisture. And it’s just extremely dehydrated, extremely concentrated actual food.
I asked Eddie about why it didn’t have the numbers about how much of each nutrient. And he said because the law doesn’t recognize whole food supplements as vitamins that need to be labeled like supplements. They recognize whole food supplements as food. And so what you need to put on the label is the food that’s in it.
And I thought that that was interesting because it actually is food. You shouldn’t even think of them as vitamins in my opinion. You should just think of them as being, “Here’s a little capsule with food in it.”
And I’m smiling as I’m saying that because when I was a kid and we first had the space program, do you remember they talked about the astronauts just taking food capsules?
DEBRA: And I thought, “Gee, I’d like to eat whole food. I don’t want to take capsules.” But this is exactly—it’s food in a capsule.
And I think the Touchstone Essentials, the Essentials supplement has 33 servings of broccoli in three capsules. I’m not going to ever eat 33 servings of broccoli in one day. And so I know that I can just take this capsule and I get as much nutrition as 33 servings of organic broccoli grown in wonderful soil, harvested at the right time and processed at a low temperature.
And it’s very difficult. I’ve been looking for the past two years. It’s very difficult to find other supplements that compare to that.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Yes. And the synthetic, they [inaudible 00:22:42] huge building that they have several assembly lines and each assembly line has a different [inaudible 00:22:48] to that company. And they’re placing the raw ingredients out of the same [inaudible 00:22:52] and same barrels and just formulating it slightly different. So everything’s coming up to the other end of the line and just being a different combination of synthetic vitamins and they’re still synthetic.
Here, like you said, it’s processed and it’s grown under the ideal organic sustainable agricultural practices. It’s harvested and processed [inaudible 00:23:14] and at low temperatures so you don’t lose any of the nutrients or you minimize any loss of nutrient value. And it’s extremely small.
And about the labeling aspect too, I remember with another company that products that use—they were wanting to go to Canada and Japan. Both countries have a different level. Like for folic acid, [inaudible 00:23:38] 800 milligrams. They want to accept the micrograms, the other 400. And in the process, you even have to have the lowest one because you couldn’t sell the highest ones in other countries.
Here, because of the whole food, other companies have had various strict requirements it’s difficult to get a new product in. Some of those are getting in, in four days. Touchstone is already available in at least 40 countries because it’s so easy [inaudible 00:24:06] because they’re whole foods.
DEBRA: That’s all they are. They’re whole foods. I wrote a blog post once called The Food, the Whole Food and Nothing But the Food and that’s what they are. If you’re looking for a nutrient supplement, what you should be looking for is something that is whole food. Whole food.
And you can tell that it’s whole food because you won’t see any numbers on it. You won’t see so many micrograms of a particular nutrient. You’ll just see that it contains broccoli and mushrooms and whatever is in it. And that’s how you tell it’s a whole food.
So what kind of benefits do you see when you start giving people these nutrients?
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: I’ve taken vitamins, the synthetic, which what we believed—years ago, that’s what we believed was the best [inaudible 00:24:57]. We were doing what we thought was best.
I had some colds and flus and I was basically healthy, healthier than most. And working at a busy practice, I was face to face with people every day that were sick. And my health was pretty good, but I still would get [inaudible 00:25:13] colds.
And when I started this, it was 180 degree because all of a sudden, I’m not going to take anything. I have not had vitamins for over two years. I have not had a sniffle in two years.
And our grandchildren get the Pure Body, the Zeolite Clay and drops. They’ve had those before they were born because their mothers were taking it. And they continued to do that and had very little illness. A couple of colds in a six year old and the brother is just a little over two years old and he hadn’t had anything other than [inaudible 00:25:51] he gets runny nose and that sort of thing.
DEBRA: Yeah.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: They’ve been very healthy and they continue to get the Zeolite and I mix the whole food. I make a roasted red pepper hummus and I [inaudible 00:26:04] capsules of the essentials and the super greens in the mix that you can’t even that’s in there, but then they get [inaudible 00:26:10] spoonfuls, but I know they’re getting a reasonable amount of that.
DEBRA: Yeah.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: So it makes it a super food for them to eat. The benefit is that for the last two years, without any vitamins at all…
DEBRA: Wait. I want to interrupt you because the commercial is going to come on any second. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. We’re talking with Dr. Darrel Hestdalen and we’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is Dr. Darrel Hestdalen. See, I’m getting it by the end of the show. Dr. Darrel Hestdalen. He’s been a doctor of chiropractic for more than 35 years.
And we’re talking about Touchstone Essentials whole food supplements and also their Pure Body Zeolite drops and spray.
Let’s talk about Pure Body now. You tell us about Pure Body.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Pure Body is a zeolite mineral. Zeolite is unique. There are several different categories of zeolite and this one is a sheet-like zeolite and it has tunnels and channels in the molecule.
It’s negatively charged, so it has a strong affinity for the heavy metals, lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic and so on. And because of their heavy weight, they have a very small dense nucleus, that actually will fit into channels and tunnels of the zeolite molecule.
So then it just goes into the body. Pure Body has two forms. One is liquid drops. Average is 0.3 microns inside, which is the size that’s necessary to be absorbed across the intestinal membrane. And then the rest of it that doesn’t get absorbed [inaudible 00:28:03] in the intestinal tract.
The spray is in nanometer sizes, 100% absorption. It actually is dipped inside the water molecule. And it’s been taken wherever water goes in your body. So your body spray will go with that. And therefore it can get into the cell membranes and across the blood-brain barrier. And so it can be detoxifying throughout your body.
It only lasts in the body about three to five hours and then it’s excreted when it picks up the loads of heavy metals. And it will a sandwich attachment to many of the chemicals and also organic compounds that are positively charged. The two zeolite molecules can stick together and stand rigid. And then once the zeolite loses its negative charge because it’s [inaudible 00:28:53], then the kidneys flush it and there’s no stress.
We’ve seen people [inaudible 00:28:59] transplant who have actually improved their chemistry scores because they were using the zeolite. So it’s not a stressful thing to the kidney.
And in my practice, we did a few patients where we actually did the testing. They have been on the zeolite. And using a process, we could measure the excretion of the heavy metals and the increase was up to 300% over here.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: We tested nine different minerals. And all of them except one person only had seven of the nine increases. All the rest of them had all nine heavy metals. We increased in the excretion in the procedures that we worked.
And so it works. And a number of other doctors around the country are doing the same thing around the country. So we have a large number of patients that were showing the same type of results.
DEBRA: I know that when I started taking it, I saw a result within 10 days or so. I think it was. It’s been a while now since I first started taking it. But I hear this from people all the time because a lot of my readers are taking it. They write to me and they say, “Wow, I started taking this and all of a sudden, I felt euphoric.”
That’s the word that everybody uses. They say, “I felt euphoric.” And I know what that’s like. I now call it “zeolite euphoria” because I’ve heard it so much and I have experienced it myself and people around me who are taking it have this experience.
And I think it’s just because your body gets to this point where the zeolite has removed enough heavy metals that your body is not being suppressed by them so much and that you just suddenly feel really good. To me, that’s the indicator that it’s actually doing something.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Yeah, there’s a good science behind that too because the heavy metals will block the enzymes that are part of the reactions to create the energy ourselves that we need to provide. It’s actually our life energy.
The molecule called ATP, adenosine triphosphate is three phosphate molecules linked in. The bottom [inaudible 00:31:14] and the second and third is a very high energy bond. And the enzymes required to break that bond require an activation mineral called magnesium.
Now what happens is that the heavy metals, lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic will sit and block that binding site, the activation or the [inaudible 00:31:32] center, if you will, of the enzyme.
Now what happens is that the magnesium can’t get in. The heavy metals do not trigger the reaction. So we’re diminishing our abilities to release this energy.
DEBRA: I didn’t know this. Wow.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: The zeolite actually traps and removes the heavy metal. Now the magnesium has access to that activation center. It’s like sticking a key in the slop and now it works. So it causes the reaction.
It’s very common to hear people, “Oh, I have just more energy. I talk to people just almost overnight with the clearness of thought.”
DEBRA: It really clears up the thinking.
DEBRA: I’ve really noticed that. I’ve noticed that in a lot of people.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: ADD. I have one grandson that—they couldn’t really go to the shopping mall because there’s too much visual stimulation. He was just all over the place. Within three days of taking zeolite, he could walk through and he just held on to his grandmother’s hands the whole time and just walked down. He just behaved very normally. So it really makes that huge difference.
The three systems impacted by heavy metals are the nervous system, the immune system and the hormone balance. If you think about health problems, if you can have a positive influence on those three, you’re going to do a lot to help people function at a more normal level.
DEBRA: That’s right. You mentioned, you talked about the two different, but I just want to reiterate this. The Pure Body comes in two different strengths. This is the regular Pure Body. This is the one that primarily works in the intestines. And then there’s Pure Body Extra Strength, which is a very small particle that can go all throughout your body, including through the blood-brain barrier.
I take both of them. People can take one or the other or both. It’s okay because they complement each other.
And I just think that it’s so important because unless you’ve done something specific to remove toxic chemicals from your body and heavy metals, unless you’ve done something specific, your body is overloaded with them. And so anything else that you want to do to improve your health, you still got this toxic situation going on in your body.
I have been researching this for 30 years and I can just tell you that this product is the simplest, safest, most effective, most affordable thing that I have ever found.
You just put the drops in water or you just spray the spray in your mouth and you don’t have to make any shakes. You don’t have to be allergic to anything. It’s just a natural mineral and yet, it does this amazing thing.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: In practice, we know that toxicity was an issue and these herbal detoxes and force-dumping and people will get sick and couldn’t handle it. It was just really tough for a patient’s compliance.
And to get the results they wanted, it was just reading out and to hold their hand and talk them through it. Here, we can do it. We don’t have the side effects. People can get the results. A neurologist friend of mine in Minneapolis said this is the biggest breakthrough in 50 years in healthcare. It’s just a great, great change.
Personally, about 20 years ago and actually about 25 years ago, it was North Dakota’s centennial year in 1989. So we rode bikes across the state. We put a bicycle on the Montana border and rode across and put it [inaudible 00:35:12] and the Minnesota border.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Sometime after that, I noticed we had a new regular heart beat and I know if that’s triggered. I used to have a mouth full of mercury fillings. I had them all removed, but I still had this irregular heartbeat.
And a doctor looked at it and checked it over. He said, “I witnessed it and I affirm it. Just keep doing what you’re doing.” But it was just about every three to five beats, it would just flutter. And it’s called PVC, premature ventricular contraction. And what happens is the fibers in the heart start losing their protective sheet and [inaudible 00:35:47] response to mercury is one of the causes. For me, that’s what was happening.
And so I had this and it just was not really getting better. When I started the Touchstone Pure Body product and about six months ago, I noticed my heart is not skipping anymore.
What happened is I was giving my body total nutrition, plus I had taken enough mercury out of my system now that I was no longer destroying the sheets and the [inaudible 00:36:15] fibers in my heart. And they were healing and I have no skipping at all right now. None. That’s just a wonderful feeling.
DEBRA: Yes, I totally understand what you’re saying. One of the things that that so attracted me to Touchstone Essentials was because I had written my book Toxic Free and this was the book that was the culmination of 30 years of research.
And I figured out in that book that what we need in order to recover from toxic exposures is we need to remove the toxic exposures. We need to remove the toxic chemicals out of our bodies and we need to get enough nutrition for our bodies to heal. And so I had this detox nutrition connection in that book.
And then I found Touchstone and it was exactly the same thing. Here are the products in order to be healthy. You need to detox and you need to have good nutrition. And the products are really the best quality of these types of products that I’ve found.
And I just think that everybody is exposed to toxic chemicals and has been all their entire lives. If you’re alive today, you’ve been exposed since even before you were born.
And it’s just something that I think everybody should take. Across the board, I just think everybody should take it just as a first step towards health. That’s my opinion.
DR. DARREL HESTDALEN: Yes, today with our food supply, because of the commercial fertilization and all of this…
DEBRA: I’m sorry. I have to interrupt you. I’m just not paying attention to time, but it’s the end of the show. Thank you so much, Dr. Hestdalen.
DEBRA: This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. Be well.