My guest today is Nancy Appleton PhD, author of many books about sugar and other aspects of natural health. started writing and lecturing about health in the late 1970s as a reaction to her own poor health. Her discoveries about sugar and other common diet mistakes led to her first bookLick the Sugar Habit, which is still chugging along as a 25-year bestseller. Six more books have followed. Her latest is Suicide by Sugar. Dr. Appleton has also encapsulated her life’s work into the movie Sweet Suicide. She is semi-retired and living in San Diego.
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141 Reasons Sugar Ruins Your Health
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Nancy Appleton PhD
Date of Broadcast: January 20, 2014
DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. And this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world. And today, we’re going to talk about sugar, sugar, sugar—one of my favorite subjects.
I, in the past, used to love sugar. I grew up on sugar. I used to eat sugar three times a day. I used to eat dessert instead of meals. I’m telling you all my horrible habits. But I stopped doing that—how many years ago now has it been? Maybe 10 years ago.
It took its toll on my body, and I learned to be very happy without sugar.
And so today, my guest is Dr. Nancy Appleton, Ph.D. She has written many books about sugar based on her own health situation as well. She has a very wonderful list on her website, which is She has a list called “141 Reasons Sugar Ruins Your Health.”
So we’re going to talk about the dangers of sugar. I actually consider sugar, refined white sugar, to be a toxic chemical that we should be removing from our lives. I have. And it seemed to me, at the beginning, how am I ever going to live without sugar.
But I can tell you that today, your body actually decides that it doesn’t want it after a while, that it gets used to not having it.
And today, if somebody could offer me the most delicious sugar dessert in the world, and I wouldn’t eat it because my body doesn’t want it, and I don’t want it. I don’t want those devastating effects.
So thank you for being with me, Dr. Appleton.
NANCY APPLETON: Hello, Debra. And I’m Nancy.
DEBRA: Nancy, okay. Nancy, thank you. So you’ve written a lot of books on sugar. Lick the Sugar Habit has been a 25-year bestseller. Tell us how you became interested in this.
NANCY APPLETON: Well, I was sick. Like you said, it took its toll on your health; it certainly has taken its toll on my health. I was a national junior tennis champion. And so if I’d win a tennis tournament, I’d treat myself to two hot fudge sundaes.
DEBRA: I’m only laughing because that’s what I used to do too.
NANCY APPLETON: And then if I’d lose a tournament, I’d treat myself to a whole bag of Oreo cookies. So winner or loser, I was a loser, you see.
And this went on and on and on. I knew it was wrong. I would put the Oreo cookies underneath my car seat on the way home from playing tennis, and take them out one at a time because I know watching 40 Oreo cookies disappear off of the seat was not a good idea. As long as I hid them and just ate one at a time, it was okay.
I mean, the rationalization that people put themselves through in order to appease their addiction is ridiculous!
DEBRA: I understand. And it is an addiction. It really is an addiction.
NANCY APPLETON: It certainly is an addiction. How did I get started? I’m not sure. My sister was not one. I was the one who had all the cavities as a dentist. I had pneumonia for the first time when I was 13 years old. I would hide the stuff as I’ve said.
We had what we’ve called the [inaudible 03:50]. I lived in LA. And it was a bakery truck. And so I would meet the helmsman down the street before it got to our house. And I would pick out all these different things and hide them in my room. And my mom would pay the bill at the end of the month, and she didn’t even look to see who had bought water, whatever.
And so for the first 40 years of my life, I was extremely addicted. I was 25 pounds overweight. I was sick continually.
And why did I change? I read a book called The Pulse Test. Do you know what that book is?
DEBRA: I don’t know that book.
NANCY APPLETON: What it says is take your pulse when you wake up in the morning, and see what it is. Take up some foods you think you might be allergic to, take your pulse again in 10 minutes, and if it goes up or down 10 beat, you know you’re allergic to that food and it’s creating illness in your body.
Now, I didn’t do sugar. I know I was a sugarholic. Why should I check sugar? I was addicted to it. So I said, “I think milk might do this to me.”
So, I tried it. And my gosh, it went up about 15 beats per minute. And did that get my attention?
DEBRA: So you eat the food, and then you take your pulse immediately after you eat the food?
NANCY APPLETON: Ten minutes about.
DEBRA: Ten minutes. I’m going to try that.
NANCY APPLETON: Do! Do three or four foods. Of course, you could try sugar, try dairy, try wheat, try soy. Those foods that I’ve just mentioned are the foods that many, many people are allergic to. So it really gets your attention when all of a sudden, you haven’t run, you haven’t talked to anybody, you haven’t done a darn thing except sit at the table waiting for the 10 minutes, and you watch your pulse go up.
Mine never went down. Mine went up. But the book said up or down.
DEBRA: Wow! So, you figured out that sugar was something that you were allergic to and addicted to, so what was the thing you did next? You started writing your books in the late 1970s. There weren’t a lot of books then about sugar.
NANCY APPLETON: I’ve written, I guess, three books on sugar. And then I’ve done a video called—what’s it called?
DEBRA: Suicide by Sugar? Sweet Suicide.
NANCY APPLETON: Sweet Suicide, thank you very much. It’s an hour video. It gets your attention if you’re not a reader. They all go into different things. I’ve learned over the 40 years that I’ve been writing, but I won’t change one word in Lick the Sugar Habit, which was my first book. Everything I said then is still the same. We just finally know a lot more.
I can’t tell you how many times doctors walked out of my lectures, nurses would walk out, I get put down on radio programs, unbelievable what I went through. And I wouldn’t give up.
DEBRA: Well, I’m glad that you didn’t. I’ve been around long enough. I’ve been doing what I do for more than 30 years. And so I’ve seen that over time, things that we used to think were perfectly fine, a lot of them we’re finding now that they aren’t.
People used to think that cigarettes were fine, that you could smoke, and then we found out that they cause cancer. And one by one, there’s so much more information about what’s harmful now from our industrial world than we knew 30, 40 or 50 years ago.
NANCY APPLETON: That’s true.
DEBRA: We’re finding there’s been a lot of evidence for a long period of time that sugar is very harmful to the body. And we keep finding that more and more. It’s becoming more and more accepted.
NANCY APPLETON: Finally, a lot of research is being done. Let me just tell you the latest research that I have read. It was a study—this is not a small study—of 56,000 people in one of the Scandinavian countries (It’s one of them), and the US was another.
It was written up in two journals—the British Journal of Medicine and a nutrition journal, a very good nutrition journal in the US.
And what it said was, for over 11 years, they watched these 56,000 people. And when they died of heart disease, they tested their cholesterol and started testing different blood things. And what they found out is that 75% of the people who died of heart disease had normal cholesterol—75%.
What’s going on here? What did they die of then?
So, they continued looking, and they found that it is an elevated blood glucose and an elevated insulin. Insulin is what the body needs to help bring the blood glucose back down to normal. And when both of those are elevated, you’re in trouble. And that’s what they found.
So, eat all the fat you want. Eat all the fat you want.
DEBRA: Eat all the fats you want. Don’t eat sugar.
We need to take a break, but we’ll be right back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is Nancy Appleton, Ph.D. She’s the author of the 25-year bestseller, Lick the Sugar Habit, and other books about sugar. And when we come back, we’re going to talk about the 141 Reasons Sugar Ruins Your Health.
We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Nancy Appleton, Ph.D. She’s the author of Lick the Sugar Habits, Suicide by Sugar, Killer Colas, Lick the Sugar Habits, Sugar Counter, and actually, other books about natural healing that have nothing to do with sugar.
But you can go to Toxic Free Talk Radio. Take a look at the description of the show and her bio, and there’s a link to all of her books on, so you can see all of them. You will see all of her book covers. You can click on those individually in order to purchase those if you’d like.
Her website is listed there— And there’s a lot more information on her website and her books than we’re going to be able to cover today. But hopefully, we’ll get across the idea to you that sugar is not the best thing for your body, and give you some tips on how you can remove sugar from your life.
So Nancy, let’s go to your list of 141—no, it’s 143.
NANCY APPLETON: Well, if you look at my website, this book was written five years ago. I think there are 149 now. Every time we find a new one, we keep adding more to it.
DEBRA: So the first one is sugar can suppress your immune system. Do you want to tell us more about that?
NANCY APPLETON: I’m sorry. Say that again, please?
DEBRA: The first one on your list is sugar can suppress your immune system.
NANCY APPLETON: Yes. That’s probably the most important one of all of them because once your immune system becomes suppressed, that means that you’ve opened the door to all infectious and degenerative diseases because those white blood cells, which are your immune system, can’t function correctly. They can’t do what they’re supposed to. They can’t remove toxic substances from your body.
So that should be number 1 through 10. Sugar suppresses the immune system.
DEBRA: Yes, I agree, and especially in the winter time, during cold and flu season, if you don’t want to be catching those bugs and being sick. A good thing to do is to just stop eating sugar because the more sugar you eat, the more difficult it’s going to be for your body to fight just an ordinary cold and flu, the more difficult it is, as you said, for the immune system to process toxic chemicals, and things like that.
Even if there weren’t another 148 reasons, that to me is reason enough.
So number two is sugar—
NANCY APPLETON: By the way, we should also say that all these have articles from medical journals, articles that are double blind placebo studies. So these are not just things that I learned in my practice as I went along in my life. All of them have an index, a bibliography of exactly where this information comes from.
DEBRA: I said at the beginning that I consider refined white sugar to be a toxic chemical. If you read a toxicology book, first of all, you were talking about allergies earlier. Allergy is considered in toxicology books to be a toxic reaction. It’s a toxic effect.
So you could read this whole entire list, and I hope everybody who’s listening will go to Nancy’s website and read this list because we’re not going to get through all 141. But the list reads like—and this is only one substance, the list reads like a poison control center book. All of these things, any toxic chemical, that is a manmade industrial chemical is going to have these kinds of symptoms and effects, and yet, this white sugar that we’re using just on a day-to-day basis, it’s just sitting on every table and restaurant. It’s just so common. It is as toxic as anything else that—
NANCY APPLETON: Debra, I have to say that it’s more than white sugar that is doing this.
DEBRA: Okay, go on.
NANCY APPLETON: Sugar has many forms. Agave syrup or nectar, malt, beet sugar, brown sugar, cane sugar, cane syrup, confectioner’s sugar, crystalline fructose sugar, crystalline fructose state sugar. I can go on and on. I’ve just done about a fourth of them that I knew five years ago—and there are more today.
And it is any sugar that is processed. Go out and chew the cane. Go to Hawaii and go get a piece of cane and chew on that.
Actually, it takes something like nine inches of cane to get one teaspoon of sugar.
DEBRA: Yes, it is something like that.
NANCY APPLETON: That would take you a long time to chew nine inches of cane to get that sugar.
DEBRA: So what you’re talking about is all processed sugars.
DEBRA: What about—
NANCY APPLETON: Honey is not processed, but it still has glucose and fructose in it. And those are the substances that are killing us. I don’t care what you want to call it, or really, whether it’s processed or not, because again, I used that cane just because you’d have to chew and chew to get—you could take a whole teaspoon of honey, and get five times as much as you could chewing for a half-hour on a piece of cane. I do believe that any substance that has fructose and glucose in it—
Sometimes, agave syrup or nectar is about 90% fructose and 10% glucose. And agave nectar is probably the worst thing you can eat because it’s not the glucose, it’s the fructose in the sugar molecule that is killing us off today.
Everybody is saying, “Oh, this new thing, agave nectar,” forget it. Fructose and agave nectar are both real killers. Go back to your table, sir. It’s 50% glucose and 50% fructose.
DEBRA: So what about fruit actually? You just drink on fruit.
NANCY APPLETON: Good question. Fruit, of course, is a wonderful substance. It has fiber, and it has lots of vitamins and minerals. It goes through the body slowly. And for a healthy person, fruit is a good substance because of all of its good things and because it goes slowly.
But fruit juice, let me tell you, has the same—an eight-ounce glass of grape juice, orange juice, or I think it’s the—what’s the third one? Grapefruit juice maybe it is—have the exact same amount of sugar as a Coca Cola of 10-ounces too.
DEBRA: I need to stop right there because we need to go to break. But we’ll talk about that more when we come back. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Nancy Appleton. We’re talking about sugar.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Nancy Appleton—author of four books, maybe more, about sugar, and its health effects. And we’re talking today about how sugar can affect your body, and how we’re going to get off of sugar and become more aware of the sugar that you’re eating.
Nancy, I just want to say that when I was a child, my grandmother would always make some sugar dessert for me. She would either make—she lived about four hours away, and she would always make a cake, or she would make cookies. I still have her cookie jar that I would always run to. The second that I would walk into the house, I’d run to the cookie jar and see which kinds of my favorite cookies that she had baked for me.
I remember her saying—at the end of a meal, I would say, “Grandma, what can I have for dessert?” And she would always say, always, always, she would say, “Have a piece of fruit, honey.”
And I’d say, “No, grandma. I don’t want a piece of fruit. I want cookies. I want cake.”
NANCY APPLETON: Where did you grow up?
DEBRA: In California.
NANCY APPLETON: That’s interesting because grandmas—of course you’re a younger generation than I am. But at that time, unless you had quite a bit of money, you didn’t eat that much sugar.
DEBRA: Well, I was born in the 1950s. And so I was growing up in 50s, 60s, going to my grandmother’s, running in and wanting my sugar. And by then, sugar was very inexpensive when I was a child. Sugar was just all over the place—all over the place. It’s just very, very common.
So before we go on to talk about the solutions to this problem, I just want to read a few more items on the list of 141. It can cause juvenile delinquency in children. It can elevate, we all know that it can elevate glucose and insulin levels. It can cause hyperactivity. It can reduce the body’s ability to defend against bacterial infection.
It leads to chromium deficiency, to copper deficiency. It interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium. It can cause hypoglycemia. It causes premature aging. It can lead to alcoholism, tooth decay, obesity, ulcers, gallstones, heart disease, appendicitis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins.
It’s practically anything that you would go to a drugstore and buy over-the-counter drug for. You could just stop eating sugar, and the symptoms might go away.
It can increase cholesterol, food allergies, diabetes, change the structure of the DNA.
It’s just a good all-purpose toxic thing.
NANCY APPLETON: That is so right.
DEBRA: You want to cause problems in your body, eat sugar. I shouldn’t laugh because you and I have both been through this ourselves, and there are so many people that are listening that I know are still sugar. But this is just one thing.
I want to say, it’s one simple thing that you can [inaudible 00:22:19]. It’s not so easy to stop eating sugar. How did you stop eating sugar?
NANCY APPLETON: It’s easy. I did it many times.
DEBRA: I’d like to say what I did to stop eating sugar. So when I’m saying I stopped eating sugar, I was eating a lot of refined white sugar and high fructose corn syrup, although at the time, it wasn’t so prevalent as it is now, the high fructose corn sugar.
I was eating a lot of basic white sugar.
And what I did was that I started looking at other alternative sweeteners, the stuff that’s being sold in the natural food store.
Until I decided, I figured out well for myself, and I understand that you don’t agree with this, but I’m going to tell you what worked for me.;
So I started eating the natural sweeteners instead of the refined sweeteners. Even though there’s still glucose and fructose, the refinedness makes your body absorb it faster than if it’s in its whole form. And I ended up developing about 300 recipes for how to make anything you could possibly eat with sugar with a natural sweetener.
And what I found to my surprise was that the more I ate the natural sweeteners, the less I wanted to eat them. Where the white sugar was very addictive, the effect of eating the natural sweeteners was that I just lost interest in them entirely. I didn’t want to eat them anymore.
And that’s still true for me today, that I’d much rather eat whole food than eat something sweet. And that really surprised me.
That was my remedy.
I know there are lots of other ways to do it, including just cold turkey. But it is an addiction. It’s really hard to stop and not go back to it.
NANCY APPLETON: Many people say on radio programs or those talk shows, they call in, and they’re like, “Help me! I’ve gotten off of tobacco. Alcohol is no problem. But sugar is the problem. I cannot get off of it.” Yes, it’s just as addictive as any of the other substances.
DEBRA: So what do you recommend for helping people get off sugar?
NANCY APPLETON: Well, I don’t recommend that they do it cold turkey because they could go through withdrawal symptoms. And by that, I mean, they could have a temperature, they could shake, they could perspire, they could just feel terrible, they could have a headache—all of those things. And then they’re going to go, “Well, just give me a couple of teaspoons of sugar, and all of this will go away.”
DEBRA: Yeah. And it does.
NANCY APPLETON: And it will go away too. But it comes back of course. So I don’t believe that people should do that. They should slowly get rid of their sugar. If they drink coffee with two teaspoons of sugar, make it one teaspoon, and then a half a teaspoon. And hopefully, they’ll get into teas and herbal teas, but we’re just talking about sugar right now. And so, going slowly.
What I did with my kids is I actually swiped home. I was in England. Laurie was about 10, and Greg was about 6. I said, “Okay, kids. When you’re over here, there’s no luncheons. You’re not at school. You’re with me 24 hours a day. And we’re going to get off sugar.”
So the first week, I said, “Okay, you can go anywhere you want and have anything you want.”
One kid would go to the milkshake store and get a milkshake. Another one would go to the cookie store and have a cookie.
The next week, it was half of that. The next week, it was a fourth of that. We were there one month. And after that, that was the end of the sugar in my household.
DEBRA: I think that method works. I think it does. And I think that everybody, it’s a new year, I think everyone should try cutting down on your sugar. It really did surprise me to find that I didn’t want to eat sugar anymore after. I used to eat bags of cookies.
We need to take another break, but we’ll be right back and talk more about sugar with my guest, Nancy Appleton.
NANCY APPLETON: Okay, let’s talk about Valentine’s Day.
DEBRA: Wait. After the break. After the break. Okay, Valentine’s Day, great idea.
DEBRA: You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd, and my guest today is Nancy Appleton. We’re talking about sugar, and Nancy wants to talk about Valentine’s Day.
NANCY APPLETON: Well, it’s coming up. And chocolate companies and sugar companies make a lot of money over that period of time. And I just thought it might be a good idea to give some suggestions that can still mean love and sweetness and all the good things that we relate to sugar unfortunately.
DEBRA: Well, tell us some of your suggestions.
NANCY APPLETON: What I want you to do is get a piece of newspaper, and make a pattern of a heart. You can make it any size you want. Make it just six inches, approximately six inches. And fold it in half, and cut it, so that both sides are even. And if you don’t like that one, tear it up and make another one. And you’ll finally come to the one that looks correct for you.
And then you can go to the grocery store, and they have these—what do they call them? They’re white lacey—
DEBRA: Doilies.
NANCY APPLETON: Doilies, that’s the word I want. Thank you. Paper doilies that you can put underneath that, or you can fold it (an accordion folding), and make a hole outside of it, so that it has a pretty doily on the outside.
And then, in the center of this thing, you want to cut a hole. And it depends on how big your heart is to start with, or how big your heart with a doily on it is as to how big the hole will be. But then you can buy two or three roses, or whatever, and put them in the center. And then get a little vase and you can have just a wonderful Valentine’s gift that will probably last longer than any candy will.
DEBRA: That sounds adorable. I have a heart-shaped cookie cutter. But instead of using it to cut out cookies, I use it to cut out vegetables. And then you can have a salad that’s all full of little hearts with tomatoes, and bell peppers, and beets.
NANCY APPLETON: Good for you. That’s a great idea.
DEBRA: I think hugs and kisses are much better than chocolate anyway.
NANCY APPLETON: I think they’re a great idea. But we’ve got to get away from this idea that on holidays, Halloween, the list goes on, birthdays, [inaudible 30:03] and christenings, that sugar is the answer—it’s not. And there are many different things that you can do at different holidays to give the same idea that you love this person.
DEBRA: Yes, I totally agree with you. So before the break, you were talking about how a glass of fruit juice has as much sugar in it as a Coca Cola.
NANCY APPLETON: Yes, you can just pick up a Coca Cola and take out a glass or a can of orange juice or a plastic container, or whatever, and just start reading. And you’ll see that they have the exact same amount of sugar.
Now, you’d say, “Well, Nancy, one of them is made from either cane or beet or high fructose corn syrup, and the other is made from a natural substance.” It doesn’t matter. It still hits the bloodstream very fast because there’s no fiber in it.
That’s the difference between fruit juice and fruit. Fruit has the fiber in it. It goes slowly through the body. And fruit juice goes zap just like sugar goes zap through the body.
So, eat your fruit whole from now on.
DEBRA: I think that we probably have—I’m wondering if we have a natural desire to want to eat fruit. It exists in nature. It’s an edible thing. But I think that our taste buds and our perceptions have been altered by these industrially sweet things where the sweet is so concentrated that when we then eat a fruit, where it’s a lower amount of sugar and it’s combined with fiber and all the nutrients that come in a piece of fruit, but it doesn’t taste very sweet to us, but I find now that I’m not eating industrial sweeteners that foods taste very sweet. Even a carrot tastes sweet to me, or an onion tastes sweet to me.
And it’s really nice to be able to have my taste buds not be altered by sugar anymore, and to be able to actually taste the sweetness that is inherent in natural foods. It’s completely changed not only my health, but my experience with food, and my pleasure of food [inaudible 00:32:52] be eating sugar.
NANCY APPLETON: Potatoes taste sweet.
DEBRA: They do, they do. It’s pretty amazing.
NANCY APPLETON: I will have to say that there are still some people—if God said to me, “Nancy, you’ve got 24 hours to live, what would you do?” Well, it wouldn’t be my kids or my grandkids. It would be See’s Candy Store or Haagen-Dazs.
DEBRA: Did you see that movie, “Chocolat?”
NANCY APPLETON: I’m a chocoholic, not a sugarholic.
DEBRA: Okay, well, there was a movie, Chocolat. It was very interesting because—
NANCY APPLETON: I did see it.
DEBRA: It was all about how much these characters love their chocolate, and how important it was. Then there was one woman there, one of the characters that I remember, where even though she was diabetic, she was still going to the chocolate store even though it had sugar in it and things like that. So I love chocolate as well.
NANCY APPLETON: Wait until the day before you die.
DEBRA: Wait until [inaudible 34:02].
NANCY APPLETON: And then eat all you want.
DEBRA: Well, let’s see. So we only have a few minutes left.
NANCY APPLETON: Also, let me tell people that if they are concerned that they are sugarholics, they can go to my website,, and take a test to find out if you are a sugarholic. I forgot how many, but if you say yes to so many, chances are you’re a sugarholic.
That can give you some idea, as well as, of course, I have 140-some odd reasons why sugar is ruining your health, page after page, and article after article. Be at home!
DEBRA: Let me give a few questions off of your quiz. I’m looking at it on your website. It’s basically a true/false.
So the first one is, “I don’t eat refined sugar every day.”
“I can go more than a day without eating some kind of sugar-containing foods”
It just goes on and on like this.
“I can stop after eating one bite of pastry, or one piece of candy.”
I was just reading.
“I can have sweets around the house without eating them.”
Part of it is just saying, “I’m not going to have sugar in the house. I’m not going to have dessert in the house.”
I went through a phase where I said, “Okay, I can have cookies, but only if I bake them myself.”
This is part of the transition away from this stuff. And so I wouldn’t keep any ingredients in the house, and I couldn’t go buy a bag of cookies. But if I wanted to get in my car, go to the store, spend the money, buy the ingredients for the cookies, bring them home, and bake the cookies, then I would allow myself to have them. And that really reduced my cookie consumption.
NANCY APPLETON: That’s a great idea. Also, let me tell you about my grandkids. I have twins. They’re 16 now. One of them has one cavity. The other has been on antibiotics once. That’s it! They’ve had very little sugar, very little dairy, very little wheat, and they are the healthiest kids in the whole world.
I almost say, “Forget your kids, mom.” Think of all the worry you have to decide, “Should I go to the grocery, the drugstore, at 2 a.m. to get my kids something? Do I need to telephone? Do I need to not go to work the next day because my kid is sick?” I mean, all of the things that go on with this, child sickness due to sugar, I just can’t tell you. My daughter has raised two healthy, healthy kids, and has rarely had to miss a day herself.
Yes, they get snotty noses. They whine. But their immune system hooks in, so they don’t have to have the antibiotics. And the immune system takes the flu away.
DEBRA: Yes. It does. It all works when you don’t bombard your body with toxic things.
Well, Nancy, thank you so much for being on the show with me. Again, her website is, and you can go there and read her research. You can read the 141 Reasons Sugar Ruins Your Health. Go to, and you can look at the description of this show, and get all the links and see all her books.
Also, when you go to, you can just go to the top of the page. There’s a navigation bar, and click on “food,” and you’ll get to my food blog. And one of the things that I’m doing there—first of all, you’ll see some recipes from Christmas.
Well, just go click and you’ll see.
I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. This is