ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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The Unique Properties of Violet Biophotonic Glass

Maria-jindraMy guest today is Maria Jindra, co-founder of Vita Salva Glass Works. She and her husband began the company in 2010. when they discovered the unique violet biophotonic glass manufactured in Europe. There are many beneficial qualities of the biophotonic glass, including long term preservation of organic products. The science of biophotonic glass includes actual enhancement of the biolife force of the organic product that is stored in the glass. The violet glass is elegant, sturdy, and reusable. The couple started their company after retiring from 35 years of cattle ranching and farming on the high plains of Colorado. Maria is an activist against Geoengineering and GMOs.


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The Best Water Filter Now Disinfects & Breaks Down Even Hard-to-Remove Pollutants

Today my guest is Igor Milevskiy, founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters, a small, family-owned company that makes exceptional water filters which remove fluoride, radiation, and pharmaceuticals as well as chlorine, chloramine, lead, and other common pollutants…at an affordable price. Well, I have to say that Igor has really outdone himself now. He’s taken the model I’ve been using for almost two years now and make some additions that really amp up the removal of chemicals and disinfects the water completely. I just replaced my filter with the upgrade and love it. We’ll be talking about the new upgrades and why his filters are just head and shoulders above others. Also find out how you can pay for your filter by selling these exceptional filters to others (and there’s no fee to join).


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Going Beyond Filtered Water

MJ PangmanMy guest today is MJ Pangman, co-author of Dancing with Water: The New Science of Water—a book that has revolutionized our relationship with water while unveiling its most mysterious properties. Ever since the year 2000, when she observed its powerful effects on her own body, Dancing with WaterMJ has focused her research on a special phase of water known as liquid crystalline water. This phase of water interacts more rapidly and efficiently with biological organisms. It can provide superior hydration, enhanced nutrient absorption, more effective detoxification, increased metabolic efficiency and improved cellular communication. With a Master’s degree in plant science and a love of the natural sciences, MJ will take to take you to a new level of your understanding about water and tell us how to turn water into a vital, life-supporting nutrient.

NOTE: The techniques that MJ will be talking about require that you start with the purest water you can obtain. I recommend the filters from Pure Effect Water Filters.


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The Best Water Filter Just Got Even Better

Today my guest is Igor Milevskiy, founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters, a small, family-owned company that makes exceptional water filters which remove fluoride, radiation, and pharmaceuticals as well as chlorine, chloramine, lead, and other common pollutants…at an affordable price. I’ve been using a filter from Pure Effect for over a year now and love it. Igor just developed a new carbon cartridge that is the best I’ve ever seen. We’ll be talking about his new carbon filter and water filter cartridges in general—how different filter media remove different pollutant. Even if you have a water filter, it may not be removing water pollutants as effectively as you think. Also find out how you can pay for your filter by selling these exceptional filters to others (and there’s no fee to join).


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Are You Drinking Enough Water for the Sweaty Days of Summer?

Igor MilevskiyDrinking enough water for your body to be properly hydrated is essential to health. In fact, many body conditions we think of as “disease” are actually simply dehydration. But every glass or bottle of water you drink may be adding more toxic chemicals to your body. My guest Igor Milevskiy runs Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters, a small, family-owned company that makes exceptional water filters which remove fluoride, radiation, and pharmaceuticals as well as chlorine, chloramine, lead, and other common pollutants…at an affordable price. We’ll talk about how much water you actually need to drink during the summer to keep your body hydrated and healthy, and how to choose a filter that will give you pure, clean water right in your home.

Toxic Free Nutrition: Drink Plenty of Water on Hot Summer Days


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Great Glass Water Bottles

My guest is Laurel Herter, architectural glass artist, principal of Laurel Herter Design and founder of BottlesUp Glass. When Laurel became concerned about the leaching of chemicals from plastic water bottles after being diagnosed with breast cancer, she brought her own experience as a glass artist to design a solution. We’ll be talking about the chemical contamination of water from bottles, why glass is the best choice, and why it was important to Laurel that her bottles not only be toxic-free and functional, but beautiful.


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Why You Need a Water Filter and the Water Filter I Use in My Home

Because our bodies need pure water to eliminate toxic chemicals, we each need to have an effective water filter for good health. Igor Milevskiy runs Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters, a small, family-owned company that makes exceptional water filters which remove fluoride, radiation, and pharmaceuticals as well as chlorine, chloramine, lead, and other common pollutants…at an affordable price. We’ll be talking about pollutants in your tap water, how they can affect your health, and how to choose a water filter that will remove them. Even if you have a water filter, it may not be removing water pollutants as effectively as you think. Also find out how you can pay for your filter by selling these exceptional filters to others (and there’s no fee to join).


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Toxic Products Don’t Always Have Warning Labels. Find Out About 3 Hidden Toxic Products That You Can Remove From Your Home Right Now.