Toxic Free Superstar: Pia Zadora
Today my guest is the iconic Pia Zadora—Golden Globe winner, Grammy nominee, ShowWest winner, accomplished singer, film star, and a mom who has been living toxic free for years. I first met Pia in…I think it was 2000…when she called and asked me to fly down to her Beverly Hills home and inspect it for toxic exposures. We’ll be talking about how Pia got interested in toxics, why eliminating toxics from her home is important to her, and how she lives toxic free at home. piazadora.com
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Living Toxic Free With Nine Children
You might have read a post on my Toxic Free Q&A about immersion blenders, which had a comment with a link to a post on another blog about toxic chemicals being released by immersion blenders. Well, I went to check out that post and found a whole website created by a woman who is very much in agreement with me. My guest today is Andrea Fabry. She blogs at It Takes Time and is the owner of Just So Natural Products. We’ll be talking about how and why she lives and works toxic free. Andrea is a former journalist and the mother of nine children ranging in age from 29 to 13. Following a health crisis in 2008, Andrea and her family discovered the wonders of natural living. Andrea is also the founder and president of momsAWARE, an educational organization designed to empower others to live healthy in a toxic world. www.it-takes-time.com | www.justso.co
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