ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DEBRA: After 40 years of providing information on toxic-free products, I am moving on to write about the next step beyond nontoxic. To continue my work, I’ve passed the torch to Lisa Powers, who will carry on with great enthusiasm. Learn more about Lisa here
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Health and Nutrition Coach on Diet and Detox

Wendy-Myers-1Today my guest is Wendy Myers, CHHC, NC, certified holistic health and nutrition coach and the founder, head writer and Chief Eating Officer of We’ll be talking about why the popular Paleo diet is not enough to achieve true health (I’ll be giving my comments about the Paleo diet too) and how heavy metals and chemicals are the underlying cause of disease. And we’ll talk a lot about detox. Wendy attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York. She is certified in Hair Mineral Analysis and is currently seeking her masters in clinical nutrition at Bridgeport University in Connecticut. Wendy’s interest in nutrition began with the death of her father from esophageal cancer. She vowed to find out what made him sick, what role his treatment and medications played in his demise, and how she could avoid the same fate. The more Wendy learned, the more she realized that all the answers to health do not lie in our medical system. Food, detoxication and natural healing modalities must be used to compliment the advances in modern medicine. Thus, was born. Wendy’s site aims to inform readers about how to achieve optimum health, energy and vitality. empowers readers to improve their health through the Modern Paleo diet, hair mineral analysis, detoxication and natural treatments for their health conditions. Wendy urges visitors to take responsibility for their health by learning about alternative treatments for their health conditions.


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Preventing and Healing Cancer with Natural Care and Detox

Dr-Douglas-Levine.gifMy guest today is Douglas R. Levine, DC, founding Executive Director of “Life After Cancer Network” a non-profit cancer survivor’s organization dedicated to the natural restoration of health to people who have had cancer, their families and caregivers. I invited him to be a guest after receiving an email promo from him for a new free mobile app to help people get and stay healthy and cancer free for people who are interested in cancer prevention, hair testing, detox, and overall health. He wrote, ” I was shocked to see what my own hair results yielded last year…TOXIC! I reached out to a Life After Cancer Network provider and he showed me how to detox naturally.” So we’ll be talking about how to survive cancer, and prevent having it in the first place. Dr. Levine is a licensed Chiropractic Physician in New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts. He has been in private practice in Bergenfield, New Jersey since 1983. He holds a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Natural Science/Mathematics from Answer to Cancer – A guide to living cancer-freeThomas Edison State College in Trenton, NJ. He also received his Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition from the University Of Bridgeport, Connecticut. He received his Doctor of Chiropractic from New York College, Old Brookville, New York. Dr. Levine has written the best selling book ‘Answer to Cancer – A guide to living cancer-free’, sold worldwide to educate and create public awareness about the importance of natural strategies for lowering a person’s risk of getting cancer as well as preventing it all together.


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How to Help Your Liver Detox Your Body

James GatzaMy guest today is Dr. James Gatza, author of The End Of Health Roulette and Founder of Total Shake. We’ll be talking about the role of the liver in removing toxic chemicals from your body and what you can to to help your liver perform that vital function. Dr. Gatza is a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine with over 25 years of experience. He uses Applied Kinesiology, Nutrition and Body Chemistry with an extensive background in the treatment of chronic symptoms and disease. He is trained in Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis, X-Ray Diagnosis, Spinography, and Physiotherapy; as well as Reflexology and Cranial-Sacral Therapy. He has attended state of the art seminars on the effects and treatment of Food Allergies, Clinical Nutrition, Acupuncture, and Herbology. For over 20 years, Dr. Gatza has treated over 20,000 patients with weight problems, and other common diseases such as diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic neck & back pain, headaches/migraines, high blood pressure, breathing problems, joint pain, sleep problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue & fibromyalgia, high cholesterol, joint swelling, and much more. Early in his career, Dr. Gatza realized that most doctors treated the symptoms of illness, and not the CAUSE. He found that because of this backward, thinking, the usual medical approach either didn’t work at all, or at best, helped a patient temporarily. This left patients stuck in the drug/doctor revolving door. In fact, Dr. Gatza found that in most cases, under that type of “care”, patients experienced the same symptoms or worse, over and over again while their doctors simply continued to drug them. Not satisfied with these drug/doctor “solutions.” Dr. Gatza searched and found workable answers as to WHY a person’s body is not working the way it should and devises individual treatment protocol to improve the function of each individual. |

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ToxIN ToxOUT — How to Get Harmful Chemicals Out of Our Bodies and Our World

Rick SmithToday my guest is Rick Smith, one of the two authors of Slow Death by Rubber Duck and their newest book ToxIN ToxOUT. Since the runaway success of their first book, they’ve been asking “How do I get this toxic stuff out of my body?” and this book is their answer. We’ll be talking about their practical and sometimes surprising advice. Rick Smith is a prominent Canadian author and environmentalist. He is the Executive Director of the Broadbent Institute (, a progressive policy thinktank. From 2003 to 2012 Rick was Executive Director of the national charity Environmental Defence Canada. He co-authored the 2009 book Slow Death by Rubber Duck: How the Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Life Affects Our Health which became a bestseller in Canada and Australia and has now been translated into six languages. With a Ph.D. in biology and a stint as Chief of Staff of the federal New Democratic Party, Rick’s career has been equal parts science and politics. He is regarded as one of the country’s leading environmental campaigners and has spearheaded important new “green economy” policies at both the provincial and federal levels. He lives in Toronto with his wife and two small boys.

Slow Death by Rubber Duck          ToxIN ToxOUT


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A Doctor Speaks on Nutrition and Detox for Good Health

Darrel HestdalenMy guest today is Dr Darrel Hestdalen. He’s been a Doctor of Chiropractic for more than 35 years, with extensive use of Clinical Nutrition, Acupuncture and Applied Kinesiology as functional neurology. We’ll be talking about what he’s learned about nutrition and detox over the years, and why it’s important to good health. Dr Hestdalen is now retired, but still promotes good health through his website and his work as Team Chiropractor for the FM Redhawks professional baseball team.




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How To Detox Your Hair, Yes, Your Hair

My guest is Ellen Eves, Social Media Director from Morocco Method, makers of all-natural. raw, vegan hair care products, “designed to both detoxify and nourish” your hair. We’ll be talking about how standard hair care products—even “natural” brands—strip and damage your hair, requiring additional hair care products for care, and how you can remove these toxic chemicals from your hair to restore it’s natural body and luster. Founder Anthony Morrocco’s quest to find a naturally-based treatment for hair and scalp problems began with his apprenticeship at world famous Kenneth’s, a posh New York salon, where his clients included Jackie Kennedy Onassis, Mrs. Vincent Astor, Mia Farrow, Lauren Bacall, Joan Rivers, Faye Dunaway, Liza Minnelli, and numerous other celebrities. Now, after more than four decades of travel, research and experimentation, including his study of Chinese herbalism and acupressure under Bruce Lee’s master, Mr. Fung Yi of Peking and Dr. Cecilia Lu of Shanghai, Anthony has perfected a holistic program for women and men determined to make positive changes for healthier, more vibrant hair. All Morrocco Method products contain only the finest natural derived minerals and botanicals harvested from around the world. and selected for maximum potency. They have followed the principles of Old World farmers who understood that planting, harvesting and storing foods according to the lunar cycle maximizes the energetic potency of the plants.


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How to Choose and Use Liquid Zeolite to Remove Toxic Chemicals From Your Body

My guest is Eddie Stone, Founder and CEO of Touchstone Essentials. I’ve been using and recommending Touchstone Essentials’ zeolite detox products and wholefood supplements since the company began in February 2012. Eddie created Touchstone Essentials with the vision that only real farm-fresh food offers real improvement in body, mind and personal well-being. On this show we’ll focus on their PureBody liquid zeolite product and talk in detail about why everybody needs to take zeolite, their two zeolite products, how their zeolite is different from others, and how you can get your zeolite and supplements FREE (I do!). We’ll also talk about how their wholefood supplements complement liquid zeolite to help your cells detox every day.


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Why Women (and Men!) of Childbearing Age Need to Detox Their Bodies Before Having Babies

My guest Vicki Latham is a board certified physician assistant, who has been working, primarily in Woman’s Health for over 30 years, delivering babies during 10 of those years. She is semi-retired and currently works in a internal medicine/family health practice, at Associates of Medicine in Stillwater, OK. Vicki has great concern about protecting the health of the pre-born, who are especially vulnerable to the effects of toxins because of their rapid development and immature functioning of their detoxification pathways while in utero. It is her passion to encourage all women of childbearing age to detoxify their body before and during pregnancy and lactation. When not spending time with the families of her 4 children, and 8 grandchildren, Vicki travels extensively throughout the U.S. and Canada, educating people on the benefits of detoxification, and healthy living choices. Vicki can be reached at 405-614-0079 or


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The Best, Easiest, Most Affordable Body Detox

My guest is Eddie Stone, Founder and CEO of Touchstone Essentials. I’ve been using and recommending Touchstone Essentials’ zeolite detox products and wholefood supplements since the company began in February 2012. Eddie created Touchstone Essentials with the vision that only real farm-fresh food offers real improvement in body, mind and personal well-being. We’ll talk about why zeolite is the best choice for removing toxic chemicals of all kinds from your body, how to choose effective zeolite products, industrial supplements vs wholefood supplements, and how you can get your zeolite and supplements FREE (I do!)


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